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美国个人主义美国个人主义 【摘 要】 个人主义强调个性,独一无二.随着美国社会的发展,个人主义被视为美国社会的精华,在很长的历史长河中被广为传颂。 个人主义不仅是文化的主流,同时也是文化的象征。它的主体强调自主动机,自主决策,实现成功。它影响着美国的政治、经济、文化,甚至是生活习惯,都带来了不同程度的变化和进步,尽管有着其负面影响。在全球化的今天,它开始渗透和影响着其他国家,包括中国。面对它,我们应当去其糟粕,取其精华,正确对待美国个人主义的利与弊,为我所用。 对此,本文将着重分四个部分对美国个人主义进行分析。第一部分...

美国个人主义 【摘 要】 个人主义强调个性,独一无二.随着美国社会的发展,个人主义被视为美国社会的精华,在很长的历史长河中被广为传颂。 个人主义不仅是文化的主流,同时也是文化的象征。它的主体强调自主动机,自主决策,实现成功。它影响着美国的政治、经济、文化,甚至是生活习惯,都带来了不同程度的变化和进步,尽管有着其负面影响。在全球化的今天,它开始渗透和影响着其他国家,包括中国。面对它,我们应当去其糟粕,取其精华,正确对待美国个人主义的利与弊,为我所用。 对此,本文将着重分四个部分对美国个人主义进行 分析 定性数据统计分析pdf销售业绩分析模板建筑结构震害分析销售进度分析表京东商城竞争战略分析 。第一部分,从美国个人主义发展的四个阶段着手,讲述从独立战争至今,个人主义在美国的历史变迁。第二部分,从婚姻家庭,教育,语言等几个方面来具体讲述个人主义在美国文化中的体现。第三部分,写美国人的价值观,如个人奋斗,个人荣誉感,个人自由等,无一不体现出个人主义在美国人的观念中的举足重轻的地位。最后,对美国个人主义进行理性思考,正确对待,不能盲目崇尚,也不能完全摒弃。 【关键词】美国 个人主义 价值观 文化 American Individualism Abstract Individualism stresses personality and uniqueness, with the development of American society, individualism, regard as elite in American culture, is being acclaimed by Americans for a long time. It is the symbol of the nation as well as the principal part of the culture. The main theme is, self motivation, self choice, to the success. It plays an important role in American society, including economics, politics, culture, even people themselves and their lives. It gives different changes and progress, though sometimes brings out bad effects. In globalization era, it begins to penetrate other countries, such as China. Thus we faced a great task to accept the good aspects and reject the bad aspects. We should cope with these issues correctly in a wise way. For individualism, the paper will analyze it from four main parts. Chapter one will discuss the four phases of development of American individualism from the War of independence to this day. Chapter two focus on the reflection of individualism in American culture, and elaborate on it from marriage family, education and language. Chapter three, writing the values of Americans, such as personal struggle and personal sense of honor, personal freedom, individualism plays an important role in the values of American. Finally, thinking about individualism rational. We should understand individualism correctly in American society. We can not blindly advocate, can not be completely discarded. Key Words: America individualism value culture Introduction The United States is a young country, which is only about 200 years since the founding of the nation. And every country is imbued with its unique social culture. For the United States, individualism, which is deeply rooted in American history, is the core of its culture. For the word “Individualism”, Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English defines it as below: the belief that the rights and freedom of individual people are the most important rights in a society. Individualism was first created by the French historian and politician Alexis de 0s, he studied in the United States Tocqueville, during the period of 1805-1859. In 183 for more than nine months, and later he wrote an article named About American Democracy (1835). In this book, Tocqueville put forward the concept of individualism for the first time and made a detailed explanation on it, which is a political and social philosophy emphasis on individual freedom from external constraints, it is a typical Western capitalist political and social philosophy which considers the value of the individual to be most important, emphasis on self-control, opposes authority, religious, national, social and other external factors that interfere and obstruct the development of individuals by any means. Tocqueville referred to the book: Americans do not consider individualism as a flaw but as a near-perfect character, it represents representation, creative, entrepreneurial spirit and the pride of never yielding to the authority. Therefore, individualism usually leads to a sense of pride. Americans believe that it is a unique civilization, and the most attractive place of the United States. Concise Encyclopedia of Great Britain wrote: individualism system of values can be expressed as the following three ideas: all values are experienced by people; individual is an end in itself, with the highest value, society is only a method to the end; all individuals in some sense are morally equal. The following words express the meaning of this equality best: No one should be treated as a tool for another people to achieve happiness, individualism theory of human nature considers that, for a normal adult, the most consistent thing with his interests is to give him the maximum freedom and the responsibility to choose the goals and means of achieving his objective, and put it into action. Individualism usually regards the country as an inevitable problem with the appreciation of “inaction and rule” slogan. Individualism is also a property system, that is, each person (or family) will have the maximum opportunity to obtain property, to manage and transfer property in accordance with their own wishes. 1 Development of Individualism 1.1 First Phase of Individualism From the War of Independence in 1814 to the end of the Second War of Independence, which is the first phase of the development of individualism, pursuit of freedom and equality are the main contents of the values of individualism during this period .The United States prior to independence is a British colony, the economy of the colony is constrained and the politics is suppressed, and the people have no human rights to speak of freedom and democracy, they are Anglican Protestants who are against oppression, and they are farmers and handicraft persons who suffered from the plight of feudal oppression. They trudged across the Atlantic Ocean to North America, with a dream to change their destiny, to achieve freedom and equality ideals, and to live a good life. Since the day they set foot on the North American continent, they have held the feeling of a break with the past, the shackles of oppression and resistance to personal freedom and equality of character. A desire to check out these constraints becomes Americans basic values. Declaration of Independence (1776) declaimed that all men are created equal, a number of their God-given inalienable rights, including the right to freedom of the right to life and the pursuit of happiness rights, as against oppression for freedom's banner, it makes ordinary people gradually come to realize the role of the individual and values, inspiring them to achieve and maintain personal freedom and dignity in their struggle for the revolutionary fervor. But what needs to be pointed out is that this period of freedom and equality to the main content of values is an important characteristic, that is, with the fate of the country and the nation is not only closely linked to the pursuit of personal freedom and equality. Because a country’s independence and liberation of our nation should be taken into account first, and then comes individual freedom and equality. Where there is a state, there is a home coming after, and then the all belongings of individuals. Without the future of the country and the nation’s destiny, personal freedom is hard to achieve. 1.2 Second Phase of Individualism From the second War of Independence to about the 1890s, this period is the second phase of the development of individualism. Territory of the United States during this period extended from the Atlantic coast to the Pacific coast, which is the period that American-style individualism temperament has been further enhanced and enriched. American Westward Movement, which is blazing new Americans to the natural struggle to overcome all difficulties, is the process of building a new life. In this process, the individual's strength, the role of the individual, the value of the individual is all the more important and prominent, which has had a major impact on individualism values of United States. The first impact is to believe its own, rely on its own, and independent of self-confidence and self-improvement philosophy of life have been greatly enhanced. Many people struggle with the day, and strive to live down, they see their own strength, and what their future is full of confidence. The second impact is enhanced angrily to any external interference anarchist thinking and speculation. At this time the people was very angry for the government's interference in the private sector, and the anger of contrary to government interference in private enterprise is not so hard. During this period, despite the movement into the mainstream of the West is good, which had developed a frontier land for the building of the railway and industry, promote urban development, there were a lot of speculation, banditry and other lawlessness bad thing. There emerged a circumstance that people tricked and cheated each other. 1.3 Third Phase of Individualism From the late 19th century and early 20th century to the New Deal era of individualism is the third phase of its development. This is a period from agricultural countries to industrial countries when the industrialization further developed, and freedom of the capitalist economy from capitalism to monopoly capitalism transition and the initial period of implementation of state monopoly capitalism. Since the development of industrialization and the emergence of monopoly capitalism, this period of every socio-economic structure has undergone tremendous change, the enterprises in the United States during the merger of the two major upsurges. The development of industrialization made the United States achieve rapid industrialization. Transport and communications advances the cause of the reunification of the country which produced even a large market and interdependence of the collective. Community such joint cooperation in the new situation and to enable the traditional American values of individualism, there had been some changes. Individualism advocated by the individual and collective talents and efforts integrated. So a conclusion can be made like this, the traditional evolution for the collective individualism is a development of the times. At the same time, we must pay attention to this period of cooperation and coordination, which is not to replace individualism. In cooperation, the value of individualism, each fighting their own people and the real objective has not changed, just from the previous go it alone into cooperation, but the purpose of cooperation is to achieve the purpose or personal interests. If not their goals, to leave the collective to another to achieve their own objectives of the collective, that is, to all individuals as the center, everything from the personal interests of the individual-based ideology remains unchanged. 1.4 Forth Phase of Individualism From Roosevelt’s New Deal to now is the fourth stage of the development of individualism. This is the history of the United States, another important turning point, after the 1930s economic crisis of unprecedented magnitude, Roosevelt’s New Deal to abandon the traditional laissez-faire policy towards the road of Keynesian deficit financing and the welfare state. Through the national positive and large-scale intervention, the United States economy back to life, social wealth grows rapidly, and the comprehensive national strength has increased greatly. At the same time, domestic class oppression, exploitation has not stopped, racial discrimination, gender discrimination remains a serious presence. Abroad, the United States pursued the Cold War policy of positive outward expansion and aggression. All this has to have an impact on the values of Americans. During this period the values of Americans compared to previous phases have different emphases, mainly as follows: its starting point is not only to present the achievements but also to achieve the development of individuals. Their attitude is not remaining the hard puritanical thrifty, but focus on the enjoyment of material; no longer attach importance to exercise restraint and discipline, but tend to be self-satisfaction, self-improvement and self-expression. On the matter of the future, they tend to be from optimism to pessimism. They are dare to criticize and protest the tradition, and the traditional order, and traditional authority, the traditional moral, and even unconventional, unique—the core of all the above is self-expression, self-improvement. 2 Reflection of Individualism in American Culture 2.1 Marriage and Family In the concept of marriage and family, Americans have emphasized personality, treating anything that is going on autonomy and the right to self-selection. American families in general are the core family. Family members are formed by parents and children. When children reach the age of 18, they leave their parents to set up their own family. Children once married, they must be used to buy a house or rent housing, regardless of how spacious parents’ home is. After marriage economic independence is also needed, and parents are no longer obliged to funding children. Therefore university students in the United States take a part-time job to earn tuition while studying in the school—phenomenon of this kind is widespread. In the perspective of marriage, the American people fully reflect the characteristics of individualism. They believe that marriage is purely private matter, no one can interfere. Once fell in love, they will do everything possible to overcome all kinds of difficulties and hardships in the pursuit of their loved ones. The characteristics of individualists, which means courageous to love and hate, are reflected in literature and film in different levels of expression. As we all know, American novelist Margaret Mitchell's novel Gone with the Wind (1939) has been popular since the publication, when the first time this works made into a Hollywood film, "Gone with the Wind" is sweeping the world. Not so much the audience liked this novel and movie than they were abstracted by the characters, a representative of American culture. The image of Scarlett is located in the her firmly grasping the fate of the god, and the protection of personal privacy for personal self-reliance, and to the realization of the individual; based on individual thinking, the pursuit of personal freedom, personal choice; to achieve equality of the individual, personal competition to ensure that individual's life. With this heroine Scarlett, the author nuanced description of the values of individualism and optimism ahead, to conduct an independent and pragmatic mode, a total of psychological stress cultural personality characteristics, which not only belong to personal, but also to the nation of United States. In the film Titanic (1997) Lucy fell in love with a bolster artist, totally disregarding the opposition of her parents, and the coercion and inducements of her fiancé etc., which are the embodiment of individualism. At the same time, individualists also think that a person as an individual have the right to select to live together with his favorite people. If one of the couple fell in love with a third party, by any party will not be condemned, in the view of individualists, to force two people who don’t love each other to go together is cruel and inhuman. Therefore, the United States has a high rate of divorce, and children can face the divorce of their parents the most candidly. And neither the children have so much shadow of losing their father or mother, nor do they have a feeling of humiliation on the divorce of their parents. They can frankly tell others about it: he is my mother's boyfriend. 2.2 Education In the education of United States, the Americans have trained young children's personality, encourage and motivate children self-reliance ever since their childhood, for example, in the early morning, the mother will put the baby infant daughter into the high-legs chair, and then to prepare breakfast for the children. Mothers select different baby cereals and pasta. Every kind of packaging and colors are distinct. Mothers handed each of the cereals, giving in the face of the little girl and let them to choose their favorite color. Less than one-year-old child, at least in food, has begun to learn to express her personal hobbies and make her own choices. To encourage children to form their own views and make decisions, is the training methods Americans use to educate its children and cultivate the unique personality of children. The United States attaches great importance to the education of the student’s personality development, pays attention to the cultivation of creativity, imagination, and encourages students to have their own personality. The United States does not advocate force-feeding the classroom teaching, students are encouraged to challenge what classroom teachers say. They are good at thinking. When teachers propose questions, the students vied with one another to answer, and the atmosphere of the class was very lively. Professor Michelle Oxenberg (1994), who is in Stanford University which is known as the cradle of Silicon Valley, said that at Stanford University, they have the sense of encouraging students to develop their own innovative spirit, and not to be influenced by the tide. Teachers often tell students to think independently, and not to be bound by the traditional sense, dare to challenge the teachers, rather than accept the stresses things. At Stanford University, and the spirit of those who actively challenge questions of the students appreciated by the teachers, teachers felt very interesting to teach here. 2.3 Language Reflected in American English, language is the carrier of culture. Words are the most flexible language unit, but also word units with heavy load of the culture. American individualism is an important part of the concepts of American values who they believe that god helps those who help themselves. In American culture, the concepts related to self can be said to be deep-rooted and ubiquitous. Therefore, there are many phrases in American English to express the consciousness of self such as: self-absorption, the self-admiration, the egocentric, the ego trip. There are a large number of words of expression with concepts of self-worth, self-interest, personal freedom, self-control and self-restraint-related in the language of the United States, which is the core of the system in the value of individualism. In addition, individualism also stressed that the protection of personal privacy and respect and not allow the conduct of spying and interference. For those who love affair inquire about the disgusting behavior of others’ privacy, some of the words in English to describe: poke / put one's nose into other people's business, nosy, inquisitive, meddle in other people's affairs. For such acts in the United States and language protests and the expression of warning: keep your big nose out of our business, mind your own business, put out your hand between the bark and the tree. Americans have a stronger sense of personal struggle and the sense of competition. They generally accept the belief of life is: everyman for himself, and god for us all; everyman is the architect of his own fortune. As long as there are choices for most people are unwilling to engage in: job with no upward mobility, many people dream of upward mobility is (personal to the economic and social status of the flow of high class “inclined upward mobility”), is the gain advancement in career (rising to power through). However, they stressed that the free competition is fair competition, is liberty under law (under the laws of the free) rather than law less liberty. Sex is the content that Americans love talking about, so that the adjective derived the meaning of “interesting" and "attractive”. In the culture of “sex” Fun scene, many people are not offensive to pornographic culture. Some people think that pornography is the placebo (psychological placebo), the innocent escapism (harmless fun), healthy device for letting off steam (health vent). A safety valve for dangerous impulses (Dangerous impulsive desire safety valve), is a useful antidote to puritan attitude (puritanical concept of effective antidotes). 3 American Individualism Embodied in the Values The sense of worth is the fundamental criteria for things. Its nature is a way of thinking. It reflects national traditional culture and the quality of the national psychology. Individualism in the values of Americans has been fully embodied. 3.1 Personal Struggle Individual struggle is to achieve success through their hard work, not by any other outside help. Americans advocate personal struggle. In the United States, many people worship Benjamin Franklin. Because, in the eyes of Americans, he is a person who started from scratch, and achieved his dream through personal struggle. President Lincoln enjoys very high reputation too, and this not only because he had made great contributions, what the Americans admire more is that he started from a hut and entered the White House through personal tirelessly struggle ultimately, the history of the United States for their outstanding contribution to the president. This is something that Americans worship. That is why very few Americans feel proud for their illustrious family background, while few people feel shame for their poor origins, because they know that so long as our own efforts, denim can also become a president. In the United States, when those poor who live in the slums see the luxury communities, they do not sigh sadly or complain for their bad destiny, as a contrary, they think that they didn’t make good efforts. They will continuously encourage themselves, and achieve success finally. The spirit of innovation of Americans which admires personal struggle is highly connected to their history. The first European immigrants to the United States mainly aimed to escape religious and political persecution. After untold hardships, the first batches of immigrants to the United States settled down. Since they were not familiar with the environment, they encountered a lot of difficulties. They often faced at God and nature lonely. They were forced to rely on their own. Difficult living condition developed not only their habit of self-reliance, hard work, positive work ethic, but also the sense of worth that the rights of individuals can never be impinged. This is a true portrayal of frontier life for the pioneers, and it was precisely this hard environment cultivated their unfairness towards difficulty, the spirit of self-improvement, coupled with bold innovation. Finally, the pioneers opened a free paradise in America. Here, people can develop themselves and control their own destiny according to their capabilities and aspirations, without the interference of government, church and political parties. In consistent with this kind of self-development and self-control thinking, Americans lean to rely on themselves and have the spirit of self-independent. In the view of Americans, dependence on others means that you are affiliated with someone; meanwhile, this affiliation means the loss of freedom. As a result, to attain and enjoy personal freedom, people must learn self-independent. Otherwise, it will be impossible for personal freedom. On the concept of the economic performance, this self-independence and self-reliance asks people not to rely on parents or others’ funding, not to lose the status of independent economy. Performed in the psychological field, it asks people to develop independent thinking, the habit of self-ownership, and not to be manipulated and restrained by their parents, parties or media. Only thus can we truly enjoy individual freedom. This concept is so deep-rooted in the American culture that most children elder than 18 started to become self-reliant, both from the economic and psychological aspect. They choose their own behavior and take response for their own actions, the views of others act only as a source of information, a reference for self-selection, the right of individual choice is universally recognized and respected. In daily life, from respected professors, company bosses to ordinary people, they all like to do most of the trivial matters, such as tiding rooms, lawn pruning. It is mainly because that in the traditional American culture, Individualism drives the Americans to be independent and free. The spirit of self-reliance is so strong that many people simply call the United States an Independence Community (do it yourself society). 3.2 Personal Sense of Honor Americans worship personal struggle, especially for personal achievement. They never cover up their self-confidence and sense of honor, as well as the ecstasy for a success, so when others commend that your English is very good, just a thank you is enough, if we say that: no, no, I say poor English, this Chinese-style modesty, you not only denied yourself, but also denied the appreciation of others. It is said that in the end of the Qing Dynasty, a Chinese diplomat went to a famous hotel in Paris to hold a dinner for the French celebrities. During the banquet, of his habit, he said that the food tonight is not delicious, please make yourself at home. The French felt very unhappy hearing this, and they thought that our social status is so high, are you despising us by having us a low-level dinner? Meanwhile, the boss of the hotel feel unhappy too, he protested: Tonight, we cooked the best food all over France, how can you say that the food is not delicious? A storm of Foreign Affairs just resulted from such a Chinese courtesy. These misunderstandings, in fact, were due to the differences in the sense of value. This sense of honor for Americans is highly connected with their adoration on personal struggle. In the view of Americans, access to personal honor is built on the basis of personal struggle, one can never attain success, rather than sense of honor without personal tireless hard work. Therefore, after they got personal honor, they will show it off undisguised, but not to be modest. They believe that it is reasonable to celebrate for an honor that is resulted from their true struggle. In this way, the boast without modesty for Americans is understandable. Such strong personal sense of honor for Americans helps a lot in cultivating people's self-confidence and encourages people to keep making progress and success. But if one is so blind that ideal and reality are far apart, he/she will eventually accomplish nothing. 3.3 Personal Freedom In American’s social values, liberty and equality have the tightest link with individualism. Equal opportunity and personal freedom are the basic foundation for every member of the society to achieve their self-fulfillment. Individualism will be an unrealistic thought without these two principles. There was no feudal tradition without these two principles. There was no feudal tradition on this new continent. Those early immigrants who came to this continent in order to escape from all kinds of suppression on the European continent planted the seeds of equality and free thoughts. After that immigrants in every section of American history took these two principles as their common goal. It is no exaggeration to say that the 300 years of American history was the process of redefining the equality and freedom. The historic decisions made by those first setters have had a profound effect on the shaping of the churches and eliciting a formal aristocracy, they created a climate of freedom where the emphasis was on the individual. The United States came to be associated in their minds with the concept of individual freedom. This is probably the most basic of all the American values. The equality and freedom in Americans eyes are largely different from that in the European’s. The equality in American social values does not mean the equal position of wealth and treatment, but equal rights and equality of different ability and background. However the equality of rights and opportunity couldn’t bring equalitarianism on power and wealth, American obviously will take more attention to the former. American scholars have pointed out that Equalitarianism was a narrow theory of distribution existed in the traditional peasantry society in which people believed in the opinion that social wealth was limited. On the contrary Equal opportunity is the basic condition by which every member of the society can realize his or her own goals. These two have fundamental differences. The concept of advocating freedom is also affecting American’s attitude to life which will be clearly seen from their closing style. American’s closing conception is free with their individual character. Clothing was not the measure of one’s social position but the means one complexly display their personality. Everyone could choose their own color and style of clothes, dressing up at their will. In the past, men wore European subunits in the office was a conventional regulation. But at the middle of 1990s, there was a trend of “dress down” swept through offices. Clerks especially those workers in the field of height-technology changed their reserved European swats into plain clothier, steeped into busy task with a relatively light mood. Although, equality and freedom provided the fertile soil for the development of Individualism, the final achievement of it will be impossible without free competition. 4 Correct Understanding of Individualism in American Society In more than 200 years of history, the United States of America grew from a primitive society towards a civilized society, Americans established the world's first pure Capitalism Republic without feudal remnant, promulgated the world's most advanced constitution, and became the sole superpower country in the world. American culture has also been tested, experienced changes. As to the core of individualism in the American culture, whether from its stage of development or from its specific performance, we shall use dialectical approach to comment and understand. Objectively, Individualism had played a positive role in encouraging the pioneers, economic development, and resistance against foreign oppression and diluting feudal remnants in the vast land of the United States. In the War of Independence, the concept of "freedom" and "equality" in Individualism became a slogan and inspired American people, educated and mobilized them with great spiritual strength. In the early developing stage of the United States, the Americans subdued nature, opened up new lands in the reference of Individualism, sought survival, and created enormous wealth for the nation. The scars in American agriculture and urban development are all branded with Individualism. Individualism also enabled people to the pursuit of diversity. Americans are more likely to have innovative ideas, which prompted the Americans to the concept of innovation and invention so that the social progress is also promoted. However, as the core of American culture, Individualism also has caused a number of difficult issues. Because the United States is adores personal freedom so highly, it has the highest rate of crime, drug abusing and divorce. On average, every 16 seconds a violent crime will happen in the whole nation, drug consumption in the United States accounted for 60 percent of the world; nearly half of the marriages end in divorce, one in every five children has single-parent families. Freedom of the Press empowered the entertainment industry to publish movies and books that are full of violence and pornography. Freedom of the media makes some news publications to dignify, spread lies and slander. Individualism makes the United States not fundamentally push out the Elimination of Racial Discrimination, black or other colored people are discriminated in all sectors of society, they have always been treated as lower-stage citizens. On the serious consequences of the development of individualism, American scholar Daniel Bell emphasized that such values "unfettered self”, “gastronomy” their vicious development has become a threat to the proper functioning of Capitalism and made it lose the traditional legitimacy. Meanwhile, it has also caused all the historic cultural crisis in western Capitalism society, such cultural conflicts which relates to the survival of the society as the largest diverge will perpetuate. Conclusion The culture tradition of the nation which has character, ideal and emotion, as long as living things must affect the meaning of the members’ common destiny of the nation. It would from a direction of peculiar value. In modern society, where individual will develop and how individual will develop always have a close relation to a expectation society development of individual. In the western culture it emphasizes the individual concept of value which is placed in leading position. But only in the American, the developments of individualism just reach the summit situation. We can see the American society takes much count of the personality education. The individualism composes a basis for the society and culture of American. In short, individualism has played an irreplaceable role in the history of the United States, the Americans believe in the dignity of the individual, respect independent thinking and independent judgment as well as relying on the power of individuals to achieve personal interests. They also advocate equality, freedom and democracy and respect for the legitimate rights of the individual, we should learn from these for reference. At the same time we can not blindly worship the extreme Individualism of the United States, because Individualism also brought the American society and individuals a range of difficult issues. In short, as the globalization of the world is intensifying today, we should have a correct understanding and treatment of extraterritorial culture. Bibliography [1] Bell, Daniel. The Cultural Contradictions of Capitalism [M]. Beijing: SDX Joint Publishing Company, 1992. [2] De Tocqueville, Alexis. Democracy in America [M]. New York: Harper perennial, 1988. [3] Hoover, Herbert. American Individualism & the Challenge to Liberty [M]. Iowa, Herbert Hoover President Library Association, 1986. [4] Liang Hanping. The Core of American Culture--Individualism and the Development of Social Economy [J]. Guangxi: Reformation and Strategy, 2006. [5] Patterson, Thomas E. .The American Democracy [M]. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1994. [6] Summers, Della. Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English [M]. Beijing: Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press, 2006. [7] 布尔斯汀. 美国人——民主历程[M]. 北京:三联书店,1993. [8] 布庆荣. 评美国价值观[J]. 内蒙古民族大学学报(社科版), 2004(3). [9] 胡文仲. 英美文化辞典[Z]. 北京: 外语教学与研究出版社, 1995. 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