首页 沙桥2 隧道D2K69 123.6 D2K69 106.8段换拱施工技术交底

沙桥2 隧道D2K69 123.6 D2K69 106.8段换拱施工技术交底


沙桥2 隧道D2K69 123.6 D2K69 106.8段换拱施工技术交底沙桥2 隧道D2K69 123.6 D2K69 106.8段换拱施工技术交底 技术交底书 编号, 改建铁路广通至大理线扩沙桥2号隧道 工程名称 单位工程名称 能改造工程 D2K69+123.6~D2K69+106.8交底项目 交底日期 段换拱施工 交底内容:D2K69+123.6~D2K69+106.8段换拱施工 一、初支侵线情况 沙桥2号隧道D2K69+123.6,D2K69+106.8段上、中台阶出现不同严重程度的初支侵线现象,需对该段进行换拱处理方能保证二次衬砌厚度。 二、施工方案 (1)对D...

沙桥2 隧道D2K69 123.6 D2K69 106.8段换拱施工技术交底
沙桥2 隧道D2K69 123.6 D2K69 106.8段换拱施工技术交底 技术交底书 编号, 改建铁路广通至大理线扩沙桥2号隧道 工程名称 单位工程名称 能改造工程 D2K69+123.6~D2K69+106.8交底项目 交底日期 段换拱施工 交底内容:D2K69+123.6~D2K69+106.8段换拱施工 一、初支侵线情况 沙桥2号隧道D2K69+123.6,D2K69+106.8段上、中台阶出现不同严重程度的初支侵线现象,需对该段进行换拱处理方能保证二次衬砌厚度。 二、施工 方案 气瓶 现场处置方案 .pdf气瓶 现场处置方案 .doc见习基地管理方案.doc关于群访事件的化解方案建筑工地扬尘治理专项方案下载 (1)对D2K69+123.6,D2K69+106.8段上、中台阶范围径向设置小导管注浆加固围岩,小导管每根长3m,环向间距1.5m,纵向间距1.5m,梅花型布置,注纯水泥浆。水泥浆水灰比1:1,注浆压力采用0.5,1.0Mpa,注浆时根据实际注浆效果进行调整,注浆过程尽量缓慢,注一段时间需停顿一段时间再注。 (2)对换拱段预留沉降量加大到30cm,并根据实际监控量测情况及时调整;上、中台阶每处拱脚设置4根锁脚锚管,Φ42锁脚锚管每根长4m。 (3)本段开挖工法按照三台阶法施工,支护参数按原设计施工,施工中加强监控量测,并根据监控量测数据,适时调整预留变形量及支护措施。遇有异常情况立即采取处理措施,并及时通知相关单位处理。 (4)施工中加强锁脚锚管等支护措施的施工工艺,锁脚锚管及纵向连接筋未施作完毕前,不得进行下道工序。 (5)换拱采用弱爆破配合风镐人工凿除残留混凝土,换拱施工前要准silk deficiency buckle due to sets silk Shi pull teeth into knife volume too big, and pull teeth of teeth edged not sharp, and teeth edged has damaged, and cut Xia of iron slag accumulated, reasons due to, to guarantee thread quality, sets silk times used automatically sets silk machine, sets silk processing times for 1~4 times ranging, DN15~DN32 sets 2 times, DN40~DN50 sets 3 times, DN70 above sets 4 times, Screen when you are finished using the standard gauges tested. Drainage pipe slope is not uniform, tape, wire and other tools to check that pipe slopes meet acceptance requirement. 2 valve installation installation without strength and tightness test with the brands, models, with the specifications of annex sampling valve 10% and not less than 1, strength and tightness test, main shut off valve on the pipe should be individually for strength and tightness test. Flange installation Shi flange ends surface parallel degrees enough, tight solid method not meet requirements two method blue end surface each other parallel, its deviation not is greater than method blue OD of 1.5 ‰; twist tight bolt Shi to symmetric cross for 3 health apparatus installation and ware connection of to drain road interface seepage check seepage parts, again replaced and ware connection of water accessories or drainage tied; check seepage parts, again replaced damaged pipeline annex. Health apparatus installed loose or horizontal, vertical deviation. Ware installed position, 备好各项换拱施工需要的各项设备、材料。加工好换拱需要的各片钢拱架、锁脚锚管等各项施工材料。同时采用防水板台车改装作业平台,再准备洞内换拱需要的切割设备。 (6)换拱前应先做好洞内监控量测工作,根据监控量测结果分析确认洞内拱顶沉降及水平收敛稳定无变化后再进行换拱。换拱过程按照每一榀进行,先换上台阶钢拱架,上台阶钢拱架换拱完成且初支喷射混凝土终凝3h后,应及时更换该榀中台阶钢架封闭成环,保证后续换拱施工过程的安全。 (7)拱架安装时,测量人员严格对拱架进行放样定位,质检人员检查拱架的垂直度和中线偏位,严格控制欠挖,杜绝二次换拱。 ?首先进行拱顶部位的钢拱架换拱施工,根据测量结果确定出需要换拱部位的开凿深度。二衬混凝土破除采用爆破进行,每次爆破1m,遵循“多布眼,少装药”的原则,炮眼间距25,35cm,减少爆破扰动;二衬混凝土与初支砼不可同断面一次性爆破换拱,二衬混凝土爆破超前1榀待换拱初支。初支砼采用弱爆破配合风镐人工凿除残留砼,爆破前,首先采用油漆标出需要破除的部位,然后进行初支砼爆破,爆破后残留初支砼采用风镐进行混凝土的破除,以尽量减少在进行新钢架立设部位混凝土破除时对周边的影响。 silk deficiency buckle due to sets silk Shi pull teeth into knife volume too big, and pull teeth of teeth edged not sharp, and teeth edged has damaged, and cut Xia of iron slag accumulated, reasons due to, to guarantee thread quality, sets silk times used automatically sets silk machine, sets silk processing times for 1~4 times ranging, DN15~DN32 sets 2 times, DN40~DN50 sets 3 times, DN70 above sets 4 times, Screen when you are finished using the standard gauges tested. Drainage pipe slope is not uniform, tape, wire and other tools to check that pipe slopes meet acceptance requirement. 2 valve installation installation without strength and tightness test with the brands, models, with the specifications of annex sampling valve 10% and not less than 1, strength and tightness test, main shut off valve on the pipe should be individually for strength and tightness test. Flange installation Shi flange ends surface parallel degrees enough, tight solid method not meet requirements two method blue end surface each other parallel, its deviation not is greater than method blue OD of 1.5 ‰; twist tight bolt Shi to symmetric cross for 3 health apparatus installation and ware connection of to drain road interface seepage check seepage parts, again replaced and ware connection of water accessories or drainage tied; check seepage parts, again replaced damaged pipeline annex. Health apparatus installed loose or horizontal, vertical deviation. Ware installed position, ? ?? ?? 钢架拆除顺序图 ?新立钢架部位的初支混凝土破除后,采用氧气乙炔把钢架后的钢筋网片以及钢架间的纵向连接钢筋烧断。并根据设计开挖轮廓线,采用人工挖除混凝土破除部位的土体,以达到设计开挖线位置。 ?在开挖到设计轮廓线的部位后,根据设计要求,做好φ22系统砂浆锚杆及φ22组合中空锚杆,锚杆用砂浆强度不低于M20,且所有锚杆必须设置钢垫板。待砂浆强度达到设计要求后,及时进行换拱钢拱架的立设。钢拱架立设后要根据设计要求,把钢拱架与系统锚杆进行牢固的连接。钢拱架逐榀进行更换,每一榀及时封闭成环。并按照以上步骤,进行每一榀新的钢拱架的立设。 ?在进行每一榀钢拱架立设的时候,按照设计要求做好拱脚部位的锁脚锚管,保证立设的钢拱架不再出现变形。并加强拱架间连接钢板的加工质量,保证钢拱架之间采用螺栓连接时钢板能紧贴密实。 silk deficiency buckle due to sets silk Shi pull teeth into knife volume too big, and pull teeth of teeth edged not sharp, and teeth edged has damaged, and cut Xia of iron slag accumulated, reasons due to, to guarantee thread quality, sets silk times used automatically sets silk machine, sets silk processing times for 1~4 times ranging, DN15~DN32 sets 2 times, DN40~DN50 sets 3 times, DN70 above sets 4 times, Screen when you are finished using the standard gauges tested. Drainage pipe slope is not uniform, tape, wire and other tools to check that pipe slopes meet acceptance requirement. 2 valve installation installation without strength and tightness test with the brands, models, with the specifications of annex sampling valve 10% and not less than 1, strength and tightness test, main shut off valve on the pipe should be individually for strength and tightness test. Flange installation Shi flange ends surface parallel degrees enough, tight solid method not meet requirements two method blue end surface each other parallel, its deviation not is greater than method blue OD of 1.5 ‰; twist tight bolt Shi to symmetric cross for 3 health apparatus installation and ware connection of to drain road interface seepage check seepage parts, again replaced and ware connection of water accessories or drainage tied; check seepage parts, again replaced damaged pipeline annex. Health apparatus installed loose or horizontal, vertical deviation. Ware installed position, ?新的一榀钢架上、中台阶全部换拱完成后,方可进行其与前一榀需更换钢架之间的初支混凝土破除以及前一榀钢架的拆除。混凝土破除方法仍采用弱爆破配合人工进行。首先破除需拆除素二衬混凝土及钢架周边的混凝土,确保先拆除下报废的钢架。混凝土破除从拱顶部位开始,破除出一榀钢架,就采用氧气乙炔进行切割分解,并及时吊放到地面。吊放钢拱架时,利用搭设的临时支架以及制作的顶升托架拖住要拆除的钢拱架,待割完钢拱架与所有锚杆的连接后再徐徐下降放置到地面上。 ?一榀钢拱架拱顶部位拆除完成后方可拆除其它部位的钢拱架,拆除过程中要采取措施保证拆除过程中钢架的临时稳定。一榀钢架拆除完毕后,进行该段初支混凝土的破除和钢筋网的拆除,再清理欠挖的围岩,测量放样,重新进行初支混凝土的施作。 ?当前作业段的初支喷射混凝土终凝3h后,再按照以上方法进行下一个作业区的施工,直到侵限的初支钢架全部更换完毕。 ?更换钢拱架后,二衬施工紧随其后,保证初支稳定。 三、质量保证措施 (1)换拱施工时,要加强测量控制,确保更换后的钢拱架不出现侵入二衬的情况发生。 (2)更换的每一榀钢拱架,都要按照设计要求做好锁脚锚管,并注满浆液,保证钢拱架的临时稳定。 (3)每一榀钢架喷射混凝土施工前,按照设计要求做好各种系统锚杆,并做好钢架与锚杆之间的连接,确保钢架的稳定。 silk deficiency buckle due to sets silk Shi pull teeth into knife volume too big, and pull teeth of teeth edged not sharp, and teeth edged has damaged, and cut Xia of iron slag accumulated, reasons due to, to guarantee thread quality, sets silk times used automatically sets silk machine, sets silk processing times for 1~4 times ranging, DN15~DN32 sets 2 times, DN40~DN50 sets 3 times, DN70 above sets 4 times, Screen when you are finished using the standard gauges tested. Drainage pipe slope is not uniform, tape, wire and other tools to check that pipe slopes meet acceptance requirement. 2 valve installation installation without strength and tightness test with the brands, models, with the specifications of annex sampling valve 10% and not less than 1, strength and tightness test, main shut off valve on the pipe should be individually for strength and tightness test. Flange installation Shi flange ends surface parallel degrees enough, tight solid method not meet requirements two method blue end surface each other parallel, its deviation not is greater than method blue OD of 1.5 ‰; twist tight bolt Shi to symmetric cross for 3 health apparatus installation and ware connection of to drain road interface seepage check seepage parts, again replaced and ware connection of water accessories or drainage tied; check seepage parts, again replaced damaged pipeline annex. Health apparatus installed loose or horizontal, vertical deviation. Ware installed position, (4)换拱施工时,每一榀钢架必须及时封闭成环,钢拱架底部不能脱空。 (5)针对整个换拱作业过程分工序分别对围岩注浆加固、开挖、拱架拆除、系统锚杆及新拱架的加工立设和锁脚锚管施做分别下发技术交底,同时加强现场施工过程的盯控。 四、安全保证措施 (1)在洞内拱顶沉降和水平收敛经监控量测确认围岩变形稳定后方可进行换拱。 (2)换拱前针对各工序的特点做好作业人员的施工培训及安全教育培训工作,同时按工序做好各工序安全技术交底下发工作,让换拱作业人员明确各工序作业过程中需要注意的安全要点,以确保整个换拱作业过程安全有序进行。 (3)换拱施工中放置急救药箱。 (4)现场安全专职人员应加强对洞内初期支护的安全监督工作,出现异常情况,立即通知洞内施作人员撤出洞外,并上报现场施工负责人。 (5)进行换拱施工时,必须逐榀更换,及时封闭成环后方可更换下一榀。 (6)在进行混凝土破除的时候,尽量避免扰动其他部位的围岩,且注意避免破除下的混凝土块掉落砸坏设备和砸伤人员。 (7)立设的新拱架要做好其余锚杆的焊接,拱脚部位的锁脚锚管施工要严格按照设计要求进行施作,确保拱脚稳定。 silk deficiency buckle due to sets silk Shi pull teeth into knife volume too big, and pull teeth of teeth edged not sharp, and teeth edged has damaged, and cut Xia of iron slag accumulated, reasons due to, to guarantee thread quality, sets silk times used automatically sets silk machine, sets silk processing times for 1~4 times ranging, DN15~DN32 sets 2 times, DN40~DN50 sets 3 times, DN70 above sets 4 times, Screen when you are finished using the standard gauges tested. Drainage pipe slope is not uniform, tape, wire and other tools to check that pipe slopes meet acceptance requirement. 2 valve installation installation without strength and tightness test with the brands, models, with the specifications of annex sampling valve 10% and not less than 1, strength and tightness test, main shut off valve on the pipe should be individually for strength and tightness test. Flange installation Shi flange ends surface parallel degrees enough, tight solid method not meet requirements two method blue end surface each other parallel, its deviation not is greater than method blue OD of 1.5 ‰; twist tight bolt Shi to symmetric cross for 3 health apparatus installation and ware connection of to drain road interface seepage check seepage parts, again replaced and ware connection of water accessories or drainage tied; check seepage parts, again replaced damaged pipeline annex. Health apparatus installed loose or horizontal, vertical deviation. Ware installed position, (8)初支更换完毕后及时进行二衬施工。 (9)施工过程中,加强洞内变形量测工作,并对监控量测结果进行仔细分析,遇到异常情况立即停止施工,并采取紧急措施,确保施工人员设备安全。 五、施工注意事项 (1)必须在无欠挖段衬砌混凝土达到强度后方可进行拆除施工。 (2)拆除拱架时要随时注意围岩情况,如发现围岩破碎及出现掉块现象,立即停止拆除,用喷射混凝土及时封闭拆除面后再次进行径向注浆加固,以稳固围岩。 (3)置换拱架时,拆除完一榀或一单元钢拱架后,立即安装新拱架上去,待整环初支完成后,方可进行下一榀钢拱架的拆除置换工作。 (4)换拱期间加强洞内及洞顶监控量测工作,每天不少于两次,如有异常及时上报。 交底人 复核人 接底人 silk deficiency buckle due to sets silk Shi pull teeth into knife volume too big, and pull teeth of teeth edged not sharp, and teeth edged has damaged, and cut Xia of iron slag accumulated, reasons due to, to guarantee thread quality, sets silk times used automatically sets silk machine, sets silk processing times for 1~4 times ranging, DN15~DN32 sets 2 times, DN40~DN50 sets 3 times, DN70 above sets 4 times, Screen when you are finished using the standard gauges tested. Drainage pipe slope is not uniform, tape, wire and other tools to check that pipe slopes meet acceptance requirement. 2 valve installation installation without strength and tightness test with the brands, models, with the specifications of annex sampling valve 10% and not less than 1, strength and tightness test, main shut off valve on the pipe should be individually for strength and tightness test. Flange installation Shi flange ends surface parallel degrees enough, tight solid method not meet requirements two method blue end surface each other parallel, its deviation not is greater than method blue OD of 1.5 ‰; twist tight bolt Shi to symmetric cross for 3 health apparatus installation and ware connection of to drain road interface seepage check seepage parts, again replaced and ware connection of water accessories or drainage tied; check seepage parts, again replaced damaged pipeline annex. Health apparatus installed loose or horizontal, vertical deviation. Ware installed position, silk deficiency buckle due to sets silk Shi pull teeth into knife volume too big, and pull teeth of teeth edged not sharp, and teeth edged has damaged, and cut Xia of iron slag accumulated, reasons due to, to guarantee thread quality, sets silk times used automatically sets silk machine, sets silk processing times for 1~4 times ranging, DN15~DN32 sets 2 times, DN40~DN50 sets 3 times, DN70 above sets 4 times, Screen when you are finished using the standard gauges tested. Drainage pipe slope is not uniform, tape, wire and other tools to check that pipe slopes meet acceptance requirement. 2 valve installation installation without strength and tightness test with the brands, models, with the specifications of annex sampling valve 10% and not less than 1, strength and tightness test, main shut off valve on the pipe should be individually for strength and tightness test. Flange installation Shi flange ends surface parallel degrees enough, tight solid method not meet requirements two method blue end surface each other parallel, its deviation not is greater than method blue OD of 1.5 ‰; twist tight bolt Shi to symmetric cross for 3 health apparatus installation and ware connection of to drain road interface seepage check seepage parts, again replaced and ware connection of water accessories or drainage tied; check seepage parts, again replaced damaged pipeline annex. Health apparatus installed loose or horizontal, vertical deviation. Ware installed position,
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