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九年级思想品德试卷质量分析报告九年级思想品德试卷质量分析报告 2012-2013年实验中学第一学期 期中检测思想品德 灌南县实验中学 二〇一二年十一月二十八日 if necessary, and design of mutually agreed solutions. 6) for simple problems, such as a repair sealant directly for repair. 7) to more complex questions, need to develop detailed maintenanc...

九年级思想品德试卷质量 分析 定性数据统计分析pdf销售业绩分析模板建筑结构震害分析销售进度分析表京东商城竞争战略分析 报告 2012-2013年实验中学第一学期 期中检测思想品德 灌南县实验中学 二〇一二年十一月二十八日 if necessary, and design of mutually agreed solutions. 6) for simple problems, such as a repair sealant directly for repair. 7) to more complex questions, need to develop detailed maintenance services, planning and controlling Center, by planning and controlling Center organized repair preparations. 8) maintenance scheme is given by the design Department of design drawings, supply, purchasing materials, manufacturing production and processing, quality control of various kinds of repair materials and repair parts to be checked. 9) repair material to the site, the project manager will organize installation workers for maintenance services. Manager head of guidance workers, according to the maintenance plan maintenance and maintenance quality control. 10) maintenance after the transfer of customer acceptance and sign the acceptance form, maintenance engineering team leader to return the acceptance form by the after-sales service department archive. 11) maintenance services in addition to the above information, and must also have the quality of acceptance issued by the Ministry, to be deemed eligible, grant end of repair services. 11 emergency response, emergency rescue measures the construction site equipment and facilities management 1) emergency phone (1) emergency telephone installation requirements site phone should be installed unconditionally telephone installation site should be configured for mobile phones. Phones can be installed in the Office, the Office, the guards ' room. In the outdoor ... ? in the appropriate location, enabling field staff know. 3) other emergency equipment and facilities in the field often appear unsafe, or accident, or because of bad lighting and lighting conditions, be equipped with emergency lighting in emergency, such as rechargeable work light, torches, lamps and other equipment. As hazards, emergency treatment is required when used in hazardous areas the isolation of police tape, safety bans, warnings, instructions, tips, sign. Sometimes in order to escape, life-saving needs, you must also configure the harness, safety rope, stretchers 2012-2013年第一学期九年级思想品德 期中试卷质量分析报告 灌南实验中学胡遐萍 一、试卷总体评价 本次思想品德测试试卷是对九年级半个学期以来所学知识(1---7课内容)的考查,本试卷注重体现思想性、基础性、人文性、综合性,试卷难度适中,题型结构合理,图文并茂,内容鲜活,语言简洁。试题力争求活、求新,贴近学生生活,贴近社会实际,有对学生基础知识的记忆、理解、再现,同时也注重学生情感、态度、价值观的考察。既考察教材的基础知识,又考察了学生分析问题和解决问题的能力。突出了能力立意与情感立意的宗旨,符合新课程三维教学目标相统一的要求。具体来说,试卷有三大特点: 1(坚持理论联系实际,注重结合重大时政热点,突出时代性。 试题涉及的时事热点有:莫言诺贝尔文学奖获得者(第1题);奥巴马连任总统(第2题);十八大的工作报告(第3题)神九飞天与天宫对接(第4题); 2.发挥学科的德育功能,凸显对考生情感、态度、价值观的考查。如问题探究第18题是以我校我校设立诚信考场为背景材料,然后围绕“诚信”相关知识出了四个小问题。 3(注重考查考生对教材基础知识的掌握、理解和运用。 试题既不回避教材重点、时政热点,又不照搬教材和时政观点,着重考查考生的分析、综合、归纳能力。如17题,重点考查的是依法治国的含义、基本要求。 但它不是直接地问,而是以辨析的形式出现,好多学生不知道怎么答题。 二(试题得分统计及分析 1.得分抽样统计:以九(7)(54人)和九(3)(55人)两班统计 题 号 总 分 平均分 得分率 1 103 0.99 99% 2 100 0.98 98% 3 60 0.53 54% ity of acceptance issued by the Ministry, to be deemed eligible, grant end of repair services. 11 emergency response, emergensales service department archive. 11) maintenance services in addition to the above information, and must also have the qual-after of customer acceptance and sign the acceptance form, maintenance engineering team leader to return the acceptance form by thensfer uidance workers, according to the maintenance plan maintenance and maintenance quality control. 10) maintenance after the trapair material to the site, the project manager will organize installation workers for maintenance services. Manager head of g9) re manufacturing production and processing, quality control of various kinds of repair materials and repair parts to be checked.pair preparations. 8) maintenance scheme is given by the design Department of design drawings, supply, purchasing materials, zed rens, need to develop detailed maintenance services, planning and controlling Center, by planning and controlling Center organif mutually agreed solutions. 6) for simple problems, such as a repair sealant directly for repair. 7) to more complex questioif necessary, and design othe harness, safety rope, stretcherssaving needs, you must also configure -ce tape, safety bans, warnings, instructions, tips, sign. Sometimes in order to escape, lifelamps and other equipment. As hazards, emergency treatment is required when used in hazardous areas the isolation of polihes, bad lighting and lighting conditions, be equipped with emergency lighting in emergency, such as rechargeable work light, torc ng field staff know. 3) other emergency equipment and facilities in the field often appear unsafe, or accident, or because ofenabli in the appropriate location, ?nes. Phones can be installed in the Office, the Office, the guards ' room. In the outdoor ... n requirements site phone should be installed unconditionally telephone installation site should be configured for mobile phollatiocy rescue measures the construction site equipment and facilities management 1) emergency phone (1) emergency telephone insta2 4 98 0.96 94% 5 105 1 100% 6 105 1 100% 7 80 0.58 56% 8 90 0.60 62% 9 104 0.99 99% 10 105 1 100% 11 102 0.99 99% 12 102 0.99 99% 13 105 0.99 99% 14 101 0.99 94% 15 105 1 100% 16 78 0.62 60% 17 735 7 60% 18 945 9 75% 试卷总分最高分:39分,最低分:11分,平均分:28.8 分析:第一部分为选择题,共16个小题,计16分。主要考查学生对时事知识和教材基础知识的掌握情况。总体要求较为浅显,但学生回答不是太好,大部分考生的得分都在12,16分之间。其中1,4题为时政知识题。第1、4题老师课堂曾经讲过,学生得分较高,第2题老师讲过,学生基本也得分,考生错误较多的是第3小题,十八大报告内容老师课堂没讲,所以得分很低,四个题平均得分为3分,主要原因是学生对时政不重视,第5,16题为教材基础知识题,该部分选择题总体来说相对简单,难度不大,但不是对知识的简单记忆,而要理解才行,所以得分率相对较高,说明考生对教材基础知识掌握较好,失分较多的选择题是第8和16小题,可能是由于审题不清,没有正确理解题目所表达的内容,再加上对课本基础知识掌握不牢,缺乏理解运用能力。从学生错误的情况来看,学生疏于教材的基础知识,不愿意花时间去熟读和理解教材,在平时对时政关注不够,从而造成失分偏多。 y treatment is required when used in hazardous areas the isolation of police tape, safety bans, warnings, instructions, tips,mergency lighting in emergency, such as rechargeable work light, torches, lamps and other equipment. As hazards, emergencwith end facilities in the field often appear unsafe, or accident, or because of bad lighting and lighting conditions, be equipped in the appropriate location, enabling field staff know. 3) other emergency equipment a?he guards ' room. In the outdoor ... ice, tditionally telephone installation site should be configured for mobile phones. Phones can be installed in the Office, the Offcilities management 1) emergency phone (1) emergency telephone installation requirements site phone should be installed unconand famed eligible, grant end of repair services. 11 emergency response, emergency rescue measures the construction site equipment services in addition to the above information, and must also have the quality of acceptance issued by the Ministry, to be deesales service department archive. 11) maintenance -, maintenance engineering team leader to return the acceptance form by the afternance and maintenance quality control. 10) maintenance after the transfer of customer acceptance and sign the acceptance formainteorganize installation workers for maintenance services. Manager head of guidance workers, according to the maintenance plan m of various kinds of repair materials and repair parts to be checked. 9) repair material to the site, the project manager willntrol y the design Department of design drawings, supply, purchasing materials, manufacturing production and processing, quality cong and controlling Center, by planning and controlling Center organized repair preparations. 8) maintenance scheme is given b7) to more complex questions, need to develop detailed maintenance services, planniif necessary, and design of mutually agreed solutions. 6) for simple problems, such as a repair sealant directly for repair. saving needs, you must also configure the harness, safety rope, stretchers-Sometimes in order to escape, life sign. 3 第二部分是主观题,17题得分相对不高,主要是综合运用能力较差和基础知识不牢固。其实本题重点考察的是依法治国的含义、基本要求。但不少考生背不上,得分很低,平均得分在5分左右。18题,重点是对学生情感和态度价值观的考察,考察的内容是诚信的相关知识,不少同学对第三小问诚信的价值说不出,所以这一问失分较多,而其他三个问较为简单,答案具有开放性,学生答题较好,,平均得分在8分左右。 三(考生在答题时存在的问题 1.审题不清或不仔细 不少考生在未审清题意、未弄懂题意的情况下就开始答题,结果造成答非所问。如有的考生回答17题第(2)问时,认为是法治和德治的关系,其实本题只要答出依法治国的含义、基本要求即可得分,不少同学忘了答依法治国的含义。 2.回答问题不全面,运用知识的能力较差。 如17题的第(1)问,题目问:两则材料体现了教材的哪些知识,好多同学不懂怎么答,胡乱写,答不到要点,得分率特别低,平均为50%。 3. 基本功不扎实,无专业语言,语言组织能力不强。 许多考生在答题时大量使用生活用语(大白话),表达不 规范 编程规范下载gsp规范下载钢格栅规范下载警徽规范下载建设厅规范下载 。如18题第(3)问“为构建诚信校园提供理论依据”,不少学生答不出,可见对教材的相关知识的欠缺,在回答“在生活中你是如何践行诚信,”时,不少考生乱写,都是空话,反映了考生语言组织能力太差,思维逻辑能力较差,不知从哪个角度答题。 4. 答题要点不明,创新能力欠缺 在阅卷过程中发现,考生均是从日常训练的解题思路来解答,未发现比较新颖的答题角度和语言组织。还有一些考生纯粹是为了拼凑答案,不管怎么样反正写得满满的,阅卷人员看半天找不出相关要点。 5.书写不规范,字迹非常潦草,缺乏一定的答题技巧。 四、改进课堂教学的建议 1(认真领会新课程改革的精神,切实转变教育教学观念。 要从面向实施新课程改革的高度,从强化素质教育、全面提升教育教学质量的角度,认识中考改革的必要性、紧迫性,把课程改革、考试改革、教学改革三者有机统一起来,充分发挥中考改革对初中全面实施素质教育的积极导向作用。同时,要根据中考改革的要求,切实转变教育教学观念,实行启发式、讨论式、活动式教学, bad lighting and lighting conditions, be equipped with emergency lighting in emergency, such as rechargeable work light, torc ng field staff know. 3) other emergency equipment and facilities in the field often appear unsafe, or accident, or because ofenabli in the appropriate location, ?nes. Phones can be installed in the Office, the Office, the guards ' room. In the outdoor ... n requirements site phone should be installed unconditionally telephone installation site should be configured for mobile phollatiocy rescue measures the construction site equipment and facilities management 1) emergency phone (1) emergency telephone instaity of acceptance issued by the Ministry, to be deemed eligible, grant end of repair services. 11 emergency response, emergensales service department archive. 11) maintenance services in addition to the above information, and must also have the qual-after of customer acceptance and sign the acceptance form, maintenance engineering team leader to return the acceptance form by thensfer uidance workers, according to the maintenance plan maintenance and maintenance quality control. 10) maintenance after the trapair material to the site, the project manager will organize installation workers for maintenance services. Manager head of g9) re manufacturing production and processing, quality control of various kinds of repair materials and repair parts to be checked.pair preparations. 8) maintenance scheme is given by the design Department of design drawings, supply, purchasing materials, zed rens, need to develop detailed maintenance services, planning and controlling Center, by planning and controlling Center organif mutually agreed solutions. 6) for simple problems, such as a repair sealant directly for repair. 7) to more complex questioif necessary, and design othe harness, safety rope, stretcherssaving needs, you must also configure -ce tape, safety bans, warnings, instructions, tips, sign. Sometimes in order to escape, lifelamps and other equipment. As hazards, emergency treatment is required when used in hazardous areas the isolation of polihes, 4 引导学生积极参与教学活动,在生动活泼的情境中去感受知识的发生和发展过程,促使他们形成积极的学习态度和良好的学习策略,培养创新精神,提高实践能力。 2(构建科学合理的知识体系,突出学科主干知识的学习。 平时教师要重视基础知识的梳理、归类和系统化,帮助学生形成知识网络。对学科基础知识的掌握要做到: (1)从知识的整体中去把握每一个基本概念、基本观点、基本原理的规定性; (2)对每个 知识点 高中化学知识点免费下载体育概论知识点下载名人传知识点免费下载线性代数知识点汇总下载高中化学知识点免费下载 进行全方位、多层次理解,不仅是对知识点的简单记忆和理解,而且还要对教材内容重新加工、提炼,对零散的知识进行归纳、概括 (3)要把知识学活、用活。对所学知识加以整理,形成知识体系,做到能随时将知识线索从大脑的记忆库中调出来,又能将知识进行迁移和转化。在这个过程中,教师应将学生对知识的理解和整体把握作为教学活动的主要着力点。并且通过围绕社会热点,开设相关专题,选择合适的切入点,创设情境来沟通学科之间的联系。 3(关注社会热点和焦点,提高学生运用知识分析解决实际问题的能力。 政治中考命题以问题为中心,以人类关心或面临的重大自然和社会问题为背景材料,考查学生对知识的整体把握,以及综合分析、解决问题的能力。教师切不可到复习最后阶段才要求学生背时事政治,而应将时事政治的学习和掌握融入到平时的教学和学习中去。要引导学生把基础知识和当前的热点问题、社会生活结合起来,寻找结合点,多角度、多层次分析,特别是要注意选择恰当的切入点。教师要引导学生在学习中关注生活,关注现实,关注科技,关注环保,从材料中汲取营养,拓宽视野,把现实政治经济生活中获取的新观念、新理论、新科技、新信息和所学知识相结合,运用所学知识分析这些实际问题,提高分析问题和解决问题的能力。 4(科学训练,提高学生的解题能力。 训练是掌握基础知识,提高解题能力的必要手段,也是学生学习能力的表现。“授之以鱼不如授之以渔”,因此,教师要精心 设计 领导形象设计圆作业设计ao工艺污水处理厂设计附属工程施工组织设计清扫机器人结构设计 练习,进行科学训练,教会学生怎样审题,怎样答题,对训练题、考试卷要及时评讲,讲评时不要学生去记住答案,要达到巩固基础识,掌握正确的解题 方法 快递客服问题件处理详细方法山木方法pdf计算方法pdf华与华方法下载八字理论方法下载 和技巧的目的。教师应注意从答题的每一个环节去引导学生学会思考,学会组织答案,学会科学表达。要经常指导学生用思想品德学科专业术语答题,不用口语答题,注意书写的规范性,卷面的整洁性。 he guards ' room. In the outdoor ... ice, tditionally telephone installation site should be configured for mobile phones. Phones can be installed in the Office, the Offcilities management 1) emergency phone (1) emergency telephone installation requirements site phone should be installed unconand famed eligible, grant end of repair services. 11 emergency response, emergency rescue measures the construction site equipment services in addition to the above information, and must also have the quality of acceptance issued by the Ministry, to be deesales service department archive. 11) maintenance -, maintenance engineering team leader to return the acceptance form by the afternance and maintenance quality control. 10) maintenance after the transfer of customer acceptance and sign the acceptance formainteorganize installation workers for maintenance services. Manager head of guidance workers, according to the maintenance plan m of various kinds of repair materials and repair parts to be checked. 9) repair material to the site, the project manager willntrol y the design Department of design drawings, supply, purchasing materials, manufacturing production and processing, quality cong and controlling Center, by planning and controlling Center organized repair preparations. 8) maintenance scheme is given b7) to more complex questions, need to develop detailed maintenance services, planniif necessary, and design of mutually agreed solutions. 6) for simple problems, such as a repair sealant directly for repair. saving needs, you must also configure the harness, safety rope, stretchers-Sometimes in order to escape, life sign. y treatment is required when used in hazardous areas the isolation of police tape, safety bans, warnings, instructions, tips,mergency lighting in emergency, such as rechargeable work light, torches, lamps and other equipment. As hazards, emergencwith end facilities in the field often appear unsafe, or accident, or because of bad lighting and lighting conditions, be equipped in the appropriate location, enabling field staff know. 3) other emergency equipment a?5
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