首页 五矿发展股份有限公司2009年第一季度报告



五矿发展股份有限公司2009年第一季度报告五矿发展股份有限公司2009年第一季度报告 五矿发展股份有限公司 2009年第一季度报告 and actual case whether match; by is located land right nature; property status, whether has damage or quality problem; property using situation, rental or use; reference around similar property price, judge asse...

五矿发展股份有限公司2009年第一季度 报告 软件系统测试报告下载sgs报告如何下载关于路面塌陷情况报告535n,sgs报告怎么下载竣工报告下载 五矿发展股份有限公司 2009年第一季度报告 and actual case whether match; by is located land right nature; property status, whether has damage or quality problem; property using situation, rental or use; reference around similar property price, judge assessment value of rationality; whether exists property disputes, and seized, and freeze, and mortgage, and demolition, and transformation, limit situation. 2. to land right mortgage of, survey people should verified following information: land right card by contains Ming information (right people, and location, and nature, and term, and area,) and actual case whether match; land nature; land flat situation; ground buildings situation; reference around similar land price, judge assessment value of rationality; mortgage real whether has other mortgage right or notice registration established prior; whether exists property disputes, and seized, and freeze, and mortgage, limit situation. 3. other chattels, ownership, the value of the mortgage should be implemented, and whether factors such as easy handling. (C) pledge of collateral investigation procedures, investigators should enforce collateral value, convenience custody and disposition, pledge rights effective identification, registration, etc. (D) guarantee investigation to ensure that the procedures, the investigation shall, in accordance with the borrower's standards to investigate the guarantor evaluation assurance. 15th information audit survey people deal with borrowers and qualification provided by the guarantor, financial status, proof of identity, the authenticity of the data carefully reviewed, verified, rationality and effectiveness. Include: (a) the borrower data auditing 1. corporate clients should focus on assessing various types of licenses, certificates, financial reporting, powers of Attorney and other text and a real plea related information. 2. small business class customers also should focus on the review of the borrower to provide evidence of business, financial position and actual control of credit, property, and more 600058 五矿发展股份有限公司2009年第一季度报告 目录 ?1 重要提示.......................................................................... 2 ?2 公司基本情况...................................................................... 2 ?3 重要事项.......................................................................... 3 ?4 附录.............................................................................. 5 15th ures, the investigation shall, in accordance with the borrower's standards to investigate the guarantor evaluation assurance.disposition, pledge rights effective identification, registration, etc. (D) guarantee investigation to ensure that the proced dy andhandling. (C) pledge of collateral investigation procedures, investigators should enforce collateral value, convenience custot situation. 3. other chattels, ownership, the value of the mortgage should be implemented, and whether factors such as easy , limirtgage right or notice registration established prior; whether exists property disputes, and seized, and freeze, and mortgagengs situation; reference around similar land price, judge assessment value of rationality; mortgage real whether has other mobuildiople, and location, and nature, and term, and area,) and actual case whether match; land nature; land flat situation; ground ight mortgage of, survey people should verified following information: land right card by contains Ming information (right peland rr exists property disputes, and seized, and freeze, and mortgage, and demolition, and transformation, limit situation. 2. to operty using situation, rental or use; reference around similar property price, judge assessment value of rationality; whetheand actual case whether match; by is located land right nature; property status, whether has damage or quality problem; prf the borrower to provide evidence of business, financial position and actual control of credit, property, and moreview oof Attorney and other text and a real plea related information. 2. small business class customers also should focus on the reauditing 1. corporate clients should focus on assessing various types of licenses, certificates, financial reporting, powers data dentity, the authenticity of the data carefully reviewed, verified, rationality and effectiveness. Include: (a) the borrower information audit survey people deal with borrowers and qualification provided by the guarantor, financial status, proof of i1 ?1 重要提示 1.1 本公司董事会、监事会及其董事、监事、高级管理人员保证本报告所载资料不存在任何虚假记载、 误导性陈述或者重大遗漏,并对其 内容 财务内部控制制度的内容财务内部控制制度的内容人员招聘与配置的内容项目成本控制的内容消防安全演练内容 的真实性、准确性和完整性承担个别及连带责任。 1.2 公司全体董事出席董事会会议。 1.3 公司第一季度财务报告未经审计。 1.4 公司负责人周中枢先生、主管会计工作负责人冯贵权先生及会计机构负责人(会计主管人员)任 建华先生声明:保证本季度报告中财务报告的真实、完整。 ?2 公司基本情况 2.1 主要会计数据及财务指标 币种:人民币 本报告期末比 本报告期末 上年度期末 上年度期末增减(%) 总资产(元) 43,089,131,311.39 37,697,756,311.15 14.30 所有者权益(或股东权益)(元) 8,292,437,201.87 8,239,732,918.10 0.64 归属于上市公司股东的每股净资产(元) 7.7361 7.6870 0.64 年初至报告期期末 比上年同期增减(%) 经营活动产生的现金流量净额(元) -679,180,072.95 88.19 每股经营活动产生的现金流量净额(元) -0.63 88.27 本报告期比 报告期 年初至报告期期末 上年同期增减(%) 归属于上市公司股东的净利润(元) 35,539,607.17 35,539,607.17 -92.83 基本每股收益(元) 0.0332 0.0332 -93.31 扣除非经常性损益后的 0.0203 0.0203 -94.94 基本每股收益(元) 稀释每股收益(元) 0.0332 0.0332 -93.31 全面摊薄净资产收益率(%) 0.40 0.40 减少5.33个百分点 扣除非经常性损益后 0.24 0.24 减少4.40个百分点 全面摊薄净资产收益率(%) 扣除非经常性损益项目和金额: 年初至报告期 非经常性损益项目 期末金额(元) 非流动资产处置损益 -3,654.44 除同公司正常经营业务相关的有效套期保值业务外,持有交易性金融资产、交 易性金融负债产生的公允价值变动损益,以及处置交易性金融资产、交易性金3,331,301.10 融负债和可供出售金融资产取得的投资收益 除上述各项之外的其他营业外收入和支出 15,153,164.82 少数股东权益影响额 -76,621.82 所得税影响额 -4,620,202.87 合计 13,783,986.79 procedures, the investigation shall, in accordance with the borrower's standards to investigate the guarantor evaluation assu dy and disposition, pledge rights effective identification, registration, etc. (D) guarantee investigation to ensure that thecustoeasy handling. (C) pledge of collateral investigation procedures, investigators should enforce collateral value, convenience , limit situation. 3. other chattels, ownership, the value of the mortgage should be implemented, and whether factors such asrtgageher mortgage right or notice registration established prior; whether exists property disputes, and seized, and freeze, and mobuildings situation; reference around similar land price, judge assessment value of rationality; mortgage real whether has otround ght people, and location, and nature, and term, and area,) and actual case whether match; land nature; land flat situation; gland right mortgage of, survey people should verified following information: land right card by contains Ming information (ri2. to whether exists property disputes, and seized, and freeze, and mortgage, and demolition, and transformation, limit situation. em; property using situation, rental or use; reference around similar property price, judge assessment value of rationality; and actual case whether match; by is located land right nature; property status, whether has damage or quality problview of the borrower to provide evidence of business, financial position and actual control of credit, property, and morehe rewers of Attorney and other text and a real plea related information. 2. small business class customers also should focus on tdata auditing 1. corporate clients should focus on assessing various types of licenses, certificates, financial reporting, po rrowerof of identity, the authenticity of the data carefully reviewed, verified, rationality and effectiveness. Include: (a) the bo. 15th information audit survey people deal with borrowers and qualification provided by the guarantor, financial status, prorance2 600058 五矿发展股份有限公司2009年第一季度报告 2.2 报告期末股东总人数及前十名无限售条件股东持股情况表 单位:股 报告期末股东总数(户) 126,256 前十名无限售条件流通股股东持股情况 期末持有无限售条件 股东名称(全称) 股份种类 流通股的数量 中国五矿集团公司 157,831,937 人民币普通股 中国农业银行,中邮核心成长股票型证券投资基金 7,686,141 人民币普通股 中国银行,大成蓝筹稳健证券投资基金 4,214,939 人民币普通股 中国建设银行,宝康消费品证券投资基金 3,299,913 人民币普通股 中国建设银行,华宝兴业行业精选股票型证券投资基金 3,017,200 人民币普通股 中国农业银行,大成积极成长股票型证券投资基金 3,000,000 人民币普通股 中国农业银行,中邮核心优选股票型证券投资基金 2,783,500 人民币普通股 中国银行,嘉实沪深300指数证券投资基金 2,759,489 人民币普通股 中国工商银行,国联安德盛小盘精选证券投资基金 2,241,479 人民币普通股 中国建设银行,华宝兴业多策略增长证券投资基金 1,890,822 人民币普通股 ?3 重要事项 3.1 公司主要会计报表项目、财务指标大幅度变动的情况及原因 ?适用 ?不适用 单位:万元 项目 本报告期末 本报告期初 变化比例% 变化原因 货币资金 298,997 211,245 41.54 预收账款增加所致 应收票据 48,942 72,497 -32.49 销售减少 可供出售金融资产 7,071 4,951 42.82 公允价值增加 应付帐款 301,746 228,559 32.02 存货增加,应付货款和运费增加 存货采购增加,增值税进项税额增应交税费 14,588 75,040 -80.56 加;其次上年计提所得税在本期缴 纳。 递延所得税负债 1,258 686 83.38 可供出售金融资产公允价值增加 项目 本报告期 上年同期 变化比例% 变化原因 主要经营的商品市场价格持续低营业收入 1,197,445 2,210,937 -45.84 位运行,销售数量减少 营业成本 1,154,176 2,080,475 -44.52 同上 部分商品国内外市场价格倒挂,出营业税金及附加 2,797 8,782 -68.15 口减少,支付的出口关税减少 销售费用 10,051 20,667 -51.37 业务规模缩减 职工工资、福利及保险费减少,国管理费用 18,015 33,609 -46.40 内差旅费、涉外费及业务招待费减 少 本期比上年同期的汇兑收益大幅财务费用 10,601 -1,339 891.71 减少 投资收益 1,053 4,572 -76.97 减持股票收益减少 营业外收入 1,858 261 611.88 索赔款及扣保证金收入增加 所得税 1,031 20,810 -95.05 利润减少 经营活动产生的现金流量净额 -67,918 -575,312 -88.19 存货采购节奏放缓 公司上年同期完成了五矿营口中投资活动产生的现金流量净额 -68,463 -315,835 -78.32 板有限责任公司股权收购工作,公 司本期无收购股权而支付现金 ures, the investigation shall, in accordance with the borrower's standards to investigate the guarantor evaluation assurance.disposition, pledge rights effective identification, registration, etc. (D) guarantee investigation to ensure that the proced dy andhandling. (C) pledge of collateral investigation procedures, investigators should enforce collateral value, convenience custot situation. 3. other chattels, ownership, the value of the mortgage should be implemented, and whether factors such as easy , limirtgage right or notice registration established prior; whether exists property disputes, and seized, and freeze, and mortgagengs situation; reference around similar land price, judge assessment value of rationality; mortgage real whether has other mobuildiople, and location, and nature, and term, and area,) and actual case whether match; land nature; land flat situation; ground ight mortgage of, survey people should verified following information: land right card by contains Ming information (right peland rr exists property disputes, and seized, and freeze, and mortgage, and demolition, and transformation, limit situation. 2. to operty using situation, rental or use; reference around similar property price, judge assessment value of rationality; whetheand actual case whether match; by is located land right nature; property status, whether has damage or quality problem; prf the borrower to provide evidence of business, financial position and actual control of credit, property, and moreview oof Attorney and other text and a real plea related information. 2. small business class customers also should focus on the reauditing 1. corporate clients should focus on assessing various types of licenses, certificates, financial reporting, powers data dentity, the authenticity of the data carefully reviewed, verified, rationality and effectiveness. Include: (a) the borrower information audit survey people deal with borrowers and qualification provided by the guarantor, financial status, proof of i 15th3 公司上年同期完成了配股工作,其 筹资活动产生的现金流量净额 224,240 873,826 -74.34 次公司本期借款所收到的现金比 上年同期减少 3.2 重大事项进展情况及其影响和解决 方案 气瓶 现场处置方案 .pdf气瓶 现场处置方案 .doc见习基地管理方案.doc关于群访事件的化解方案建筑工地扬尘治理专项方案下载 分析 定性数据统计分析pdf销售业绩分析模板建筑结构震害分析销售进度分析表京东商城竞争战略分析 说明 ?适用 ?不适用 3.3 公司、股东及实际控制人承诺事项履行情况 ?适用 ?不适用 股改时所作承诺 中国五矿集团公司持有的五矿发展原非流通股份自获得上市流通权之日(2006年4月5日)起36个月内,不通过上海证券交易所挂牌交易出售持有的五矿发展原非流通股股份。上述期满后的24个月内,只有当证券市场挂牌的股票价格不低于7元时才通过上海证券交易所挂牌交易出售持有的五矿发展原非流通股股份。在上述期间,当五矿发展派发红股、转增股本、增资扩股、配股、派息等情况使股份数量或股东权益发生变化时,价格相应调整。 配股时所作承诺 中国五矿集团公司承诺其配售获得的156,831,896股无限售条件股自配股上市之日起六个月内不转让。该承诺于2008年9月13日到期后,中国五矿集团公司继续承诺其持有的上述156,831,896股无限售条件流通股自2008年9月13日起六个月内不转让。 增持时所作承诺 2008 年10月13日,公司控股股东中国五矿集团公司通过上海证券交易所交易系统买入方式增持公司股份1,000,041股,平均增持价格为13.45元/股。五矿集团承诺,在增持期间及法定期限内不减持其持有的公司股份。 公司控股股东中国五矿集团公司均严格履行上述承诺。 3.4 预测年初至下一报告期期末的累计净利润可能为亏损或者与上年同期相比发生大幅度变动的警示及原因说明 ?适用 ?不适用 公司预测2009年初至2009年中期累计净利润与上年同期相比将减少50%以上,主要原因为:2008年上半年公司主营业务所处的钢铁行业处于上涨周期历史最高位,公司业绩也达到历史最高水平。2008年下半年以来,金融危机给整个钢铁行业带来沉重打击,经营业绩普遍大幅下滑,甚至在第四季度出现全行业亏损,这种状况一直延续到本报告期内。钢铁行业从高点到低谷的突变,是公司预计上半年业绩将同比大幅下滑的主要原因。 五矿发展股份有限公司 法定代表人:周中枢 2009年4月23日 rrowerof of identity, the authenticity of the data carefully reviewed, verified, rationality and effectiveness. Include: (a) the bo. 15th information audit survey people deal with borrowers and qualification provided by the guarantor, financial status, proranceprocedures, the investigation shall, in accordance with the borrower's standards to investigate the guarantor evaluation assu dy and disposition, pledge rights effective identification, registration, etc. (D) guarantee investigation to ensure that thecustoeasy handling. (C) pledge of collateral investigation procedures, investigators should enforce collateral value, convenience , limit situation. 3. other chattels, ownership, the value of the mortgage should be implemented, and whether factors such asrtgageher mortgage right or notice registration established prior; whether exists property disputes, and seized, and freeze, and mobuildings situation; reference around similar land price, judge assessment value of rationality; mortgage real whether has otround ght people, and location, and nature, and term, and area,) and actual case whether match; land nature; land flat situation; gland right mortgage of, survey people should verified following information: land right card by contains Ming information (ri2. to whether exists property disputes, and seized, and freeze, and mortgage, and demolition, and transformation, limit situation. em; property using situation, rental or use; reference around similar property price, judge assessment value of rationality; and actual case whether match; by is located land right nature; property status, whether has damage or quality problview of the borrower to provide evidence of business, financial position and actual control of credit, property, and morehe rewers of Attorney and other text and a real plea related information. 2. small business class customers also should focus on tdata auditing 1. corporate clients should focus on assessing various types of licenses, certificates, financial reporting, po 4 600058 五矿发展股份有限公司2009年第一季度报告 ?4 附录 4.1 合并资产负债表 2009年3月31日 编制单位: 五矿发展股份有限公司 单位:元 币种:人民币 审计类型:未经审计 项目 期末余额 年初余额 流动资产: 货币资金 2,989,965,703.17 2,112,447,460.89 结算备付金 拆出资金 交易性金融资产 应收票据 489,420,918.75 724,969,099.40 应收账款 1,922,407,494.44 1,996,821,530.76 预付款项 10,546,758,599.43 9,240,758,484.61 应收保费 应收分保账款 应收分保合同准备金 应收利息 应收股利 214,835.09 214,835.10 其他应收款 371,158,544.09 319,492,305.49 买入返售金融资产 存货 15,027,218,557.26 12,370,749,124.71 一年内到期的非流动资产 其他流动资产 流动资产合计 31,347,144,652.23 26,765,452,840.96 非流动资产: 发放贷款及垫款 可供出售金融资产 70,705,793.04 49,507,390.53 持有至到期投资 长期应收款 长期股权投资 503,056,368.73 496,929,001.75 投资性房地产 13,433,513.34 13,640,560.42 固定资产 4,388,157,702.83 4,482,153,190.66 在建工程 5,128,172,279.58 4,246,072,276.65 工程物资 251,740.34 252,567.69 固定资产清理 生产性生物资产 油气资产 无形资产 891,231,208.64 895,606,696.11 开发支出 商誉 长期待摊费用 8,979,510.73 7,961,164.09 递延所得税资产 737,998,541.93 740,180,622.29 其他非流动资产 非流动资产合计 11,741,986,659.16 10,932,303,470.19 资产总计 43,089,131,311.39 37,697,756,311.15 data dentity, the authenticity of the data carefully reviewed, verified, rationality and effectiveness. Include: (a) the borrower information audit survey people deal with borrowers and qualification provided by the guarantor, financial status, proof of i 15th ures, the investigation shall, in accordance with the borrower's standards to investigate the guarantor evaluation assurance.disposition, pledge rights effective identification, registration, etc. (D) guarantee investigation to ensure that the proced dy andhandling. (C) pledge of collateral investigation procedures, investigators should enforce collateral value, convenience custot situation. 3. other chattels, ownership, the value of the mortgage should be implemented, and whether factors such as easy , limirtgage right or notice registration established prior; whether exists property disputes, and seized, and freeze, and mortgagengs situation; reference around similar land price, judge assessment value of rationality; mortgage real whether has other mobuildiople, and location, and nature, and term, and area,) and actual case whether match; land nature; land flat situation; ground ight mortgage of, survey people should verified following information: land right card by contains Ming information (right peland rr exists property disputes, and seized, and freeze, and mortgage, and demolition, and transformation, limit situation. 2. to operty using situation, rental or use; reference around similar property price, judge assessment value of rationality; whetheand actual case whether match; by is located land right nature; property status, whether has damage or quality problem; prf the borrower to provide evidence of business, financial position and actual control of credit, property, and moreview oof Attorney and other text and a real plea related information. 2. small business class customers also should focus on the reauditing 1. corporate clients should focus on assessing various types of licenses, certificates, financial reporting, powers 5 流动负债: 短期借款 8,844,784,921.42 6,844,397,744.18 向中央银行借款 吸收存款及同业存放 拆入资金 交易性金融负债 应付票据 10,108,251,369.76 8,349,301,758.77 应付账款 3,017,464,677.22 2,285,588,716.26 预收款项 7,368,319,164.34 6,276,614,182.58 卖出回购金融资产款 应付手续费及佣金 应付职工薪酬 265,777,211.63 285,506,005.73 应交税费 145,877,689.83 750,402,910.40 应付利息 17,402,182.11 23,923,079.68 应付股利 856,146.47 608,615.07 其他应付款 250,223,139.99 186,614,436.35 应付分保账款 保险合同准备金 代理买卖证券款 代理承销证券款 一年内到期的非流动负债 86,389,958.88 其他流动负债 流动负债合计 30,018,956,502.77 25,089,347,407.90 非流动负债: 长期借款 3,931,768,348.00 3,554,350,780.00 应付债券 长期应付款 136,191,942.63 113,459,395.52 专项应付款 预计负债 5,200,000.00 5,200,000.00 递延所得税负债 12,583,935.11 6,862,376.24 其他非流动负债 59,173,191.16 53,878,139.38 非流动负债合计 4,144,917,416.90 3,733,750,691.14 负债合计 34,163,873,919.67 28,823,098,099.04 股东权益: 股本 1,071,910,711.00 1,071,910,711.00 资本公积 3,820,344,295.75 3,803,179,619.15 减:库存股 盈余公积 612,675,908.39 612,675,908.39 一般风险准备 未分配利润 2,787,506,306.73 2,751,966,679.56 外币报表折算差额 归属于母公司所有者权益合计 8,292,437,221.87 8,239,732,918.10 少数股东权益 632,820,169.85 634,925,294.01 股东权益合计 8,925,257,391.72 8,874,658,212.11 负债和股东权益合计 43,089,131,311.39 37,697,756,311.15 公司法定代表人: 周中枢 主管会计工作负责人:冯贵权 会计机构负责人:任建华 view of the borrower to provide evidence of business, financial position and actual control of credit, property, and morehe rewers of Attorney and other text and a real plea related information. 2. small business class customers also should focus on tdata auditing 1. corporate clients should focus on assessing various types of licenses, certificates, financial reporting, po rrowerof of identity, the authenticity of the data carefully reviewed, verified, rationality and effectiveness. Include: (a) the bo. 15th information audit survey people deal with borrowers and qualification provided by the guarantor, financial status, proranceprocedures, the investigation shall, in accordance with the borrower's standards to investigate the guarantor evaluation assu dy and disposition, pledge rights effective identification, registration, etc. (D) guarantee investigation to ensure that thecustoeasy handling. (C) pledge of collateral investigation procedures, investigators should enforce collateral value, convenience , limit situation. 3. other chattels, ownership, the value of the mortgage should be implemented, and whether factors such asrtgageher mortgage right or notice registration established prior; whether exists property disputes, and seized, and freeze, and mobuildings situation; reference around similar land price, judge assessment value of rationality; mortgage real whether has otround ght people, and location, and nature, and term, and area,) and actual case whether match; land nature; land flat situation; gland right mortgage of, survey people should verified following information: land right card by contains Ming information (ri2. to whether exists property disputes, and seized, and freeze, and mortgage, and demolition, and transformation, limit situation. em; property using situation, rental or use; reference around similar property price, judge assessment value of rationality; and actual case whether match; by is located land right nature; property status, whether has damage or quality probl6 600058 五矿发展股份有限公司2009年第一季度报告 母公司资产负债表 2009年3月31日 编制单位: 五矿发展股份有限公司 单位:元 币种:人民币 审计类型:未经审计 项目 期末余额 年初余额 流动资产: 货币资金 262,693,520.19 596,269,709.40 交易性金融资产 应收票据 应收账款 预付款项 应收利息 应收股利 其他应收款 4,322,784,639.13 2,489,289,754.33 存货 一年内到期的非流动资产 其他流动资产 1,030,000,000.00 1,030,000,000.00 流动资产合计 5,615,478,159.32 4,115,559,463.73 非流动资产: 可供出售金融资产 70,705,793.04 49,507,390.53 持有至到期投资 长期应收款 长期股权投资 4,198,413,721.27 4,193,023,721.27 投资性房地产 5,974,692.82 6,099,230.72 固定资产 3,714,144.04 3,456,409.92 在建工程 工程物资 固定资产清理 生产性生物资产 油气资产 无形资产 开发支出 商誉 长期待摊费用 递延所得税资产 30,345,252.16 30,327,900.14 其他非流动资产 非流动资产合计 4,309,153,603.33 4,282,414,652.58 资产总计 9,924,631,762.65 8,397,974,116.31 15th ures, the investigation shall, in accordance with the borrower's standards to investigate the guarantor evaluation assurance.disposition, pledge rights effective identification, registration, etc. (D) guarantee investigation to ensure that the proced dy andhandling. (C) pledge of collateral investigation procedures, investigators should enforce collateral value, convenience custot situation. 3. other chattels, ownership, the value of the mortgage should be implemented, and whether factors such as easy , limirtgage right or notice registration established prior; whether exists property disputes, and seized, and freeze, and mortgagengs situation; reference around similar land price, judge assessment value of rationality; mortgage real whether has other mobuildiople, and location, and nature, and term, and area,) and actual case whether match; land nature; land flat situation; ground ight mortgage of, survey people should verified following information: land right card by contains Ming information (right peland rr exists property disputes, and seized, and freeze, and mortgage, and demolition, and transformation, limit situation. 2. to operty using situation, rental or use; reference around similar property price, judge assessment value of rationality; whetheand actual case whether match; by is located land right nature; property status, whether has damage or quality problem; prf the borrower to provide evidence of business, financial position and actual control of credit, property, and moreview oof Attorney and other text and a real plea related information. 2. small business class customers also should focus on the reauditing 1. corporate clients should focus on assessing various types of licenses, certificates, financial reporting, powers data dentity, the authenticity of the data carefully reviewed, verified, rationality and effectiveness. Include: (a) the borrower information audit survey people deal with borrowers and qualification provided by the guarantor, financial status, proof of i7 流动负债: 短期借款 2,700,000,000.00 1,150,000,000.00 交易性金融负债 应付票据 应付账款 预收款项 应付职工薪酬 19,076,081.23 21,337,104.29 应交税费 12,668,345.58 10,470,747.69 应付利息 应付股利 其他应付款 79,383,200.79 136,643,343.54 一年内到期的非流动负债 其他流动负债 流动负债合计 2,811,127,627.60 1,318,451,195.52 非流动负债: 长期借款 应付债券 长期应付款 专项应付款 预计负债 递延所得税负债 12,583,935.11 6,862,376.24 其他非流动负债 非流动负债合计 12,583,935.11 6,862,376.24 负债合计 2,823,711,562.71 1,325,313,571.76 股东权益: 股本 1,071,910,711.00 1,071,910,711.00 资本公积 4,535,823,629.79 4,518,658,953.19 减:库存股 盈余公积 455,744,246.78 455,744,246.78 未分配利润 1,037,441,612.37 1,026,346,633.58 外币报表折算差额 股东权益合计 7,100,920,199.94 7,072,660,544.55 负债和股东权益合计 9,924,631,762.65 8,397,974,116.31 公司法定代表人: 周中枢 主管会计工作负责人:冯贵权 会计机构负责人:任建华 rrowerof of identity, the authenticity of the data carefully reviewed, verified, rationality and effectiveness. Include: (a) the bo. 15th information audit survey people deal with borrowers and qualification provided by the guarantor, financial status, proranceprocedures, the investigation shall, in accordance with the borrower's standards to investigate the guarantor evaluation assu dy and disposition, pledge rights effective identification, registration, etc. (D) guarantee investigation to ensure that thecustoeasy handling. (C) pledge of collateral investigation procedures, investigators should enforce collateral value, convenience , limit situation. 3. other chattels, ownership, the value of the mortgage should be implemented, and whether factors such asrtgageher mortgage right or notice registration established prior; whether exists property disputes, and seized, and freeze, and mobuildings situation; reference around similar land price, judge assessment value of rationality; mortgage real whether has otround ght people, and location, and nature, and term, and area,) and actual case whether match; land nature; land flat situation; gland right mortgage of, survey people should verified following information: land right card by contains Ming information (ri2. to whether exists property disputes, and seized, and freeze, and mortgage, and demolition, and transformation, limit situation. em; property using situation, rental or use; reference around similar property price, judge assessment value of rationality; and actual case whether match; by is located land right nature; property status, whether has damage or quality problview of the borrower to provide evidence of business, financial position and actual control of credit, property, and morehe rewers of Attorney and other text and a real plea related information. 2. small business class customers also should focus on tdata auditing 1. corporate clients should focus on assessing various types of licenses, certificates, financial reporting, po 8 600058 五矿发展股份有限公司2009年第一季度报告 4.2 合并利润表 2009年1—3月 编制单位: 五矿发展股份有限公司 单位:元 币种:人民币 审计类型:未经审计 项目 本期金额 上期金额 一、营业总收入 11,974,451,822.17 22,109,369,693.49 其中:营业收入 11,974,451,822.17 22,109,369,693.49 利息收入 已赚保费 手续费及佣金收入 二、营业总成本 11,956,390,246.46 21,421,793,001.01 其中:营业成本 11,541,758,230.23 20,804,750,570.82 利息支出 手续费及佣金支出 退保金 赔付支出净额 提取保险合同准备金净额 保单红利支出 分保费用 营业税金及附加 27,966,628.97 87,823,331.38 销售费用 100,505,735.21 206,665,929.12 管理费用 180,150,437.53 336,092,082.22 财务费用 106,009,214.52 -13,388,529.96 资产减值损失 -150,382.57 加:公允价值变动收益(损失以“,”号填列) 投资收益(损失以“,”号填列) 10,534,911.28 45,723,060.16 其中:对联营企业和合营企业的投资收益 7,203,610.18 2,312,000.00 汇兑收益(损失以“,”号填列) 三、营业利润(亏损以“,”号填列) 28,596,486.99 733,299,752.64 加:营业外收入 18,580,959.50 2,607,162.69 减:营业外支出 3,431,449.12 802,452.17 其中:非流动资产处置净损失 3,654.44 四、利润总额(亏损总额以“,”号填列) 43,745,997.37 735,104,463.16 减:所得税费用 10,311,494.36 208,104,096.01 五、净利润(净亏损以“,”号填列) 33,434,503.01 527,000,367.15 归属于母公司所有者的净利润 35,539,627.17 495,734,760.99 少数股东损益 -2,105,124.16 31,265,606.16 六、每股收益: (一)基本每股收益 0.0332 0.4960 (二)稀释每股收益 0.0332 0.4960 公司法定代表人: 周中枢 主管会计工作负责人:冯贵权 会计机构负责人:任建华 f the borrower to provide evidence of business, financial position and actual control of credit, property, and moreview oof Attorney and other text and a real plea related information. 2. small business class customers also should focus on the reauditing 1. corporate clients should focus on assessing various types of licenses, certificates, financial reporting, powers data dentity, the authenticity of the data carefully reviewed, verified, rationality and effectiveness. Include: (a) the borrower information audit survey people deal with borrowers and qualification provided by the guarantor, financial status, proof of i 15th ures, the investigation shall, in accordance with the borrower's standards to investigate the guarantor evaluation assurance.disposition, pledge rights effective identification, registration, etc. (D) guarantee investigation to ensure that the proced dy andhandling. (C) pledge of collateral investigation procedures, investigators should enforce collateral value, convenience custot situation. 3. other chattels, ownership, the value of the mortgage should be implemented, and whether factors such as easy , limirtgage right or notice registration established prior; whether exists property disputes, and seized, and freeze, and mortgagengs situation; reference around similar land price, judge assessment value of rationality; mortgage real whether has other mobuildiople, and location, and nature, and term, and area,) and actual case whether match; land nature; land flat situation; ground ight mortgage of, survey people should verified following information: land right card by contains Ming information (right peland rr exists property disputes, and seized, and freeze, and mortgage, and demolition, and transformation, limit situation. 2. to operty using situation, rental or use; reference around similar property price, judge assessment value of rationality; whetheand actual case whether match; by is located land right nature; property status, whether has damage or quality problem; pr9 母公司利润表 2009年1—3月 编制单位: 五矿发展股份有限公司 单位:元 币种:人民币 审计类型:未经审计 项目 本期金额 上期金额 一、营业收入 240,402.00 149,989.00 减:营业成本 124,537.90 132,787.29 营业税金及附加 13,222.13 销售费用 管理费用 8,323,570.99 18,794,106.26 财务费用 -12,776,426.35 654,127.32 资产减值损失 加:公允价值变动收益(损失以“,”号填列) 投资收益(损失以“,”号填列) 8,721,301.10 45,606,655.00 其中:对联营企业和合营企业的投资收益 5,390,000.00 2,312,000.00 二、营业利润(亏损以“,”号填列) 13,276,798.43 26,175,623.13 加:营业外收入 20.00 减:营业外支出 其中:非流动资产处置净损失 三、利润总额(亏损总额以“,”号填列) 13,276,818.43 26,175,623.13 减:所得税费用 2,181,839.64 5,968,624.32 四、净利润(净亏损以“,”号填列) 11,094,978.79 20,206,998.81 公司法定代表人: 周中枢 主管会计工作负责人:冯贵权 会计机构负责人:任建华 procedures, the investigation shall, in accordance with the borrower's standards to investigate the guarantor evaluation assu dy and disposition, pledge rights effective identification, registration, etc. (D) guarantee investigation to ensure that thecustoeasy handling. (C) pledge of collateral investigation procedures, investigators should enforce collateral value, convenience , limit situation. 3. other chattels, ownership, the value of the mortgage should be implemented, and whether factors such asrtgageher mortgage right or notice registration established prior; whether exists property disputes, and seized, and freeze, and mobuildings situation; reference around similar land price, judge assessment value of rationality; mortgage real whether has otround ght people, and location, and nature, and term, and area,) and actual case whether match; land nature; land flat situation; gland right mortgage of, survey people should verified following information: land right card by contains Ming information (ri2. to whether exists property disputes, and seized, and freeze, and mortgage, and demolition, and transformation, limit situation. em; property using situation, rental or use; reference around similar property price, judge assessment value of rationality; and actual case whether match; by is located land right nature; property status, whether has damage or quality problview of the borrower to provide evidence of business, financial position and actual control of credit, property, and morehe rewers of Attorney and other text and a real plea related information. 2. small business class customers also should focus on tdata auditing 1. corporate clients should focus on assessing various types of licenses, certificates, financial reporting, po rrowerof of identity, the authenticity of the data carefully reviewed, verified, rationality and effectiveness. Include: (a) the bo. 15th information audit survey people deal with borrowers and qualification provided by the guarantor, financial status, prorance10 600058 五矿发展股份有限公司2009年第一季度报告 4.3 合并现金流量表 2009年1—3月 编制单位: 五矿发展股份有限公司 单位:元 币种:人民币 审计类型:未经审计 项目 本期金额 上期金额 一、经营活动产生的现金流量: 销售商品、提供劳务收到的现金 13,223,851,836.28 24,616,452,440.34 客户存款和同业存放款项净增加额 向中央银行借款净增加额 向其他金融机构拆入资金净增加额 收到原保险合同保费取得的现金 收到再保险业务现金净额 保户储金及投资款净增加额 处置交易性金融资产净增加额 收取利息、手续费及佣金的现金 拆入资金净增加额 回购业务资金净增加额 收到的税费返还 31,697,672.53 2,509,925.70 收到其他与经营活动有关的现金 269,977,003.09 74,384,854.55 经营活动现金流入小计 13,525,526,511.90 24,693,347,220.59 购买商品、接受劳务支付的现金 13,411,462,926.20 29,038,215,890.88 客户贷款及垫款净增加额 存放中央银行和同业款项净增加额 支付原保险合同赔付款项的现金 支付利息、手续费及佣金的现金 支付保单红利的现金 支付给职工以及为职工支付的现金 137,218,896.99 267,525,547.95 支付的各项税费 291,376,047.21 458,650,991.05 支付其他与经营活动有关的现金 364,648,714.45 682,073,988.29 经营活动现金流出小计 14,204,706,584.85 30,446,466,418.17 经营活动产生的现金流量净额 -679,180,072.95 -5,753,119,197.58 二、投资活动产生的现金流量: 收回投资收到的现金 2,766,232.96 8,207,990.11 取得投资收益收到的现金 3,331,301.10 43,294,655.00 处置固定资产、无形资产和其他长期资产收53,279.89 137,800.00 回的现金净额 处置子公司及其他营业单位收到的现金净额 收到其他与投资活动有关的现金 285,067.40 投资活动现金流入小计 6,150,813.95 51,925,512.51 购建固定资产、无形资产和其他长期资产支690,776,932.11 387,896,783.23 付的现金 投资支付的现金 2,822,378,453.42 质押贷款净增加额 取得子公司及其他营业单位支付的现金净额 支付其他与投资活动有关的现金 投资活动现金流出小计 690,776,932.11 3,210,275,236.65 投资活动产生的现金流量净额 -684,626,118.16 -3,158,349,724.14 三、筹资活动产生的现金流量: data dentity, the authenticity of the data carefully reviewed, verified, rationality and effectiveness. Include: (a) the borrower information audit survey people deal with borrowers and qualification provided by the guarantor, financial status, proof of i 15th ures, the investigation shall, in accordance with the borrower's standards to investigate the guarantor evaluation assurance.disposition, pledge rights effective identification, registration, etc. (D) guarantee investigation to ensure that the proced dy andhandling. (C) pledge of collateral investigation procedures, investigators should enforce collateral value, convenience custot situation. 3. other chattels, ownership, the value of the mortgage should be implemented, and whether factors such as easy , limirtgage right or notice registration established prior; whether exists property disputes, and seized, and freeze, and mortgagengs situation; reference around similar land price, judge assessment value of rationality; mortgage real whether has other mobuildiople, and location, and nature, and term, and area,) and actual case whether match; land nature; land flat situation; ground ight mortgage of, survey people should verified following information: land right card by contains Ming information (right peland rr exists property disputes, and seized, and freeze, and mortgage, and demolition, and transformation, limit situation. 2. to operty using situation, rental or use; reference around similar property price, judge assessment value of rationality; whetheand actual case whether match; by is located land right nature; property status, whether has damage or quality problem; prf the borrower to provide evidence of business, financial position and actual control of credit, property, and moreview oof Attorney and other text and a real plea related information. 2. small business class customers also should focus on the reauditing 1. corporate clients should focus on assessing various types of licenses, certificates, financial reporting, powers 11 吸收投资收到的现金 4,398,410,040.92 其中:子公司吸收少数股东投资收到的现金 取得借款收到的现金 6,791,333,688.86 8,661,374,503.55 发行债券收到的现金 收到其他与筹资活动有关的现金 200,000,876.89 筹资活动现金流入小计 6,791,333,688.86 13,259,785,421.36 偿还债务支付的现金 4,417,692,901.19 4,439,917,534.81 分配股利、利润或偿付利息支付的现金 95,633,934.16 79,474,167.24 其中:子公司支付给少数股东的股利、利润 支付其他与筹资活动有关的现金 35,608,333.00 2,136,437.73 筹资活动现金流出小计 4,548,935,168.35 4,521,528,139.78 筹资活动产生的现金流量净额 2,242,398,520.51 8,738,257,281.58 四、汇率变动对现金及现金等价物的影响 -1,074,087.12 -385,621.93 五、现金及现金等价物净增加额 877,518,242.28 -173,597,262.07 加:期初现金及现金等价物余额 2,112,447,460.89 3,604,419,381.86 六、期末现金及现金等价物余额 2,989,965,703.17 3,430,822,119.79 公司法定代表人: 周中枢 主管会计工作负责人:冯贵权 会计机构负责人:任建华 view of the borrower to provide evidence of business, financial position and actual control of credit, property, and morehe rewers of Attorney and other text and a real plea related information. 2. small business class customers also should focus on tdata auditing 1. corporate clients should focus on assessing various types of licenses, certificates, financial reporting, po rrowerof of identity, the authenticity of the data carefully reviewed, verified, rationality and effectiveness. Include: (a) the bo. 15th information audit survey people deal with borrowers and qualification provided by the guarantor, financial status, proranceprocedures, the investigation shall, in accordance with the borrower's standards to investigate the guarantor evaluation assu dy and disposition, pledge rights effective identification, registration, etc. (D) guarantee investigation to ensure that thecustoeasy handling. (C) pledge of collateral investigation procedures, investigators should enforce collateral value, convenience , limit situation. 3. other chattels, ownership, the value of the mortgage should be implemented, and whether factors such asrtgageher mortgage right or notice registration established prior; whether exists property disputes, and seized, and freeze, and mobuildings situation; reference around similar land price, judge assessment value of rationality; mortgage real whether has otround ght people, and location, and nature, and term, and area,) and actual case whether match; land nature; land flat situation; gland right mortgage of, survey people should verified following information: land right card by contains Ming information (ri2. to whether exists property disputes, and seized, and freeze, and mortgage, and demolition, and transformation, limit situation. em; property using situation, rental or use; reference around similar property price, judge assessment value of rationality; and actual case whether match; by is located land right nature; property status, whether has damage or quality probl12 600058 五矿发展股份有限公司2009年第一季度报告 母公司现金流量表 2009年1—3月 编制单位: 五矿发展股份有限公司 单位:元 币种:人民币 审计类型:未经审计 项目 本期金额 上期金额 一、经营活动产生的现金流量: 销售商品、提供劳务收到的现金 收到的税费返还 收到其他与经营活动有关的现金 172,187,842.83 110,725,594.44 经营活动现金流入小计 172,187,842.83 110,725,594.44 购买商品、接受劳务支付的现金 支付给职工以及为职工支付的现金 1,751,586.51 10,131,609.52 支付的各项税费 139,488.75 165,171.85 支付其他与经营活动有关的现金 2,040,520,529.59 3,426,292,937.42 经营活动现金流出小计 2,042,411,604.85 3,436,589,718.79 经营活动产生的现金流量净额 -1,870,223,762.02 -3,325,864,124.35 二、投资活动产生的现金流量: 收回投资收到的现金 1,687,832.96 8,207,990.11 取得投资收益收到的现金 3,331,301.10 43,294,655.00 处置固定资产、无形资产和其他长期资产收 回的现金净额 处置子公司及其他营业单位收到的现金净额 收到其他与投资活动有关的现金 投资活动现金流入小计 5,019,134.06 51,502,645.11 购建固定资产、无形资产和其他长期资产支439,680.00 622,086.00 付的现金 投资支付的现金 3,041,482,453.42 取得子公司及其他营业单位支付的现金净额 支付其他与投资活动有关的现金 投资活动现金流出小计 439,680.00 3,042,104,539.42 投资活动产生的现金流量净额 4,579,454.06 -2,990,601,894.31 三、筹资活动产生的现金流量: 吸收投资收到的现金 4,341,134,040.92 取得借款收到的现金 3,400,000,000.00 2,150,000,000.00 收到其他与筹资活动有关的现金 筹资活动现金流入小计 3,400,000,000.00 6,491,134,040.92 偿还债务支付的现金 1,850,000,000.00 1,650,529,250.00 分配股利、利润或偿付利息支付的现金 17,931,881.25 10,840,500.00 支付其他与筹资活动有关的现金 1,996,437.73 筹资活动现金流出小计 1,867,931,881.25 1,663,366,187.73 筹资活动产生的现金流量净额 1,532,068,118.75 4,827,767,853.19 四、汇率变动对现金及现金等价物的影响 五、现金及现金等价物净增加额 -333,576,189.21 -1,488,698,165.47 加:期初现金及现金等价物余额 596,269,709.40 1,690,576,839.37 六、期末现金及现金等价物余额 262,693,520.19 201,878,673.90 公司法定代表人: 周中枢 主管会计工作负责人:冯贵权 会计机构负责人:任建华 data dentity, the authenticity of the data carefully reviewed, verified, rationality and effectiveness. Include: (a) the borrower information audit survey people deal with borrowers and qualification provided by the guarantor, financial status, proof of i 15th ures, the investigation shall, in accordance with the borrower's standards to investigate the guarantor evaluation assurance.disposition, pledge rights effective identification, registration, etc. (D) guarantee investigation to ensure that the proced dy andhandling. (C) pledge of collateral investigation procedures, investigators should enforce collateral value, convenience custot situation. 3. other chattels, ownership, the value of the mortgage should be implemented, and whether factors such as easy , limirtgage right or notice registration established prior; whether exists property disputes, and seized, and freeze, and mortgagengs situation; reference around similar land price, judge assessment value of rationality; mortgage real whether has other mobuildiople, and location, and nature, and term, and area,) and actual case whether match; land nature; land flat situation; ground ight mortgage of, survey people should verified following information: land right card by contains Ming information (right peland rr exists property disputes, and seized, and freeze, and mortgage, and demolition, and transformation, limit situation. 2. to operty using situation, rental or use; reference around similar property price, judge assessment value of rationality; whetheand actual case whether match; by is located land right nature; property status, whether has damage or quality problem; prf the borrower to provide evidence of business, financial position and actual control of credit, property, and moreview oof Attorney and other text and a real plea related information. 2. small business class customers also should focus on the reauditing 1. corporate clients should focus on assessing various types of licenses, certificates, financial reporting, powers 13
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