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口语测试试题结构口语测试试题结构 Task 1. Giving Personal Information 提供有关个人及家庭的情况:姓名、年龄、住址、爱好、工作等 Task2, Describing a familiar setting / objects 描述考生熟悉的工作环境:酒店、餐厅、商场、客房等 Task 3. Describing habitual activities 描述酒店每日经常性的各种工作:入住登记、客房服务、餐厅服务、接受客人投诉等 Task 4. Describing a story from p...

口语测试试题结构 Task 1. Giving Personal Information 提供有关个人及家庭的情况:姓名、年龄、住址、爱好、工作等 Task2, Describing a familiar setting / objects 描述考生熟悉的工作环境:酒店、餐厅、商场、客房等 Task 3. Describing habitual activities 描述酒店每日经常性的各种工作:入住登记、客房服务、餐厅服务、接受客人投诉等 Task 4. Describing a story from pictures 看图描述:描述人、物、环境及事件在酒店里发生的经过 Task 5. Responding to requests for information about places of interest 回答问题:回答询问有关酒店服务等方面的问题 Task6 Giving directions from a map 看地图指路:告诉客人酒店的位置、酒店附近的公共设施等情况 Task 7. Presenting a solution to a specific problem 对于客人提出的酒店服务间题提出解决办法 口语测试试题结构 Task 1. Giving Personal Information 提供有关个人及家庭的情况:姓名、年龄、住址、爱好、工作等 Task2, Describing a familiar setting / objects 描述考生熟悉的工作环境:酒店、餐厅、商场、客房等 Task 3. Describing habitual activities 描述酒店每日经常性的各种工作:入住登记、客房服务、餐厅服务、接受客人投诉等 Task 4. Describing a story from pictures 看图描述:描述人、物、环 境及事件在酒店里发生的经过 Task 5. Responding to requests for information about places of interest 回答问题:回答询问有关酒店服务等方面的问题 Task6 Giving directions from a map 看地图指路:告诉客人酒店的位置、酒店附近的公共设施等情况 Task 7. Presenting a solution to a specific problem 对于客人提出的酒店服务间题提出解决办法 评分 售楼处物业服务评分营养不良炎症评分法中国大学排行榜100强国家临床重点专科供应商现场质量稽核 内容 评分时采用两名评分员,分别对同一考生打分。两个成绩的平均分为考生的成绩。 评分员重点考核如下内容: 1. Content :回答问题的内容是否切题,是否准确和是否全面 2. Pronunciation :考生语音语调的水平、重音、本国语言的干扰程度 3. Vocabulary :考生用词的准确性、词汇量的大小及同义词的使用 4. Grammar :英语语法和句子结构 5. Fluency :考生口语表达的流利程度 评分标准 Content 0 Poor完全离题 1 Weak 涉及部分本题内容,但反复重复同样内容 2 Fair 谈话对题,涉及一部分本题内容 3 Good 谈话完全对题,涉及大部分本题内容 4 Very Good谈话对题,除涉及本题内容外还能补充相关内容 Pronunciation 0 Poor 考生的语言无法听懂 1 weak 大量语音重音错误,语调中带有明显外国语言音调和节奏,使听者费解 2 Fair 一些语音重音错误,语调中带有外国语言音调和节奏,但听者能听懂 3 Good 一些语音,重音错误,偶尔带有外国语言音调和节奏的痕迹,虽造成理解问题,但并不影响听者对整体的理解 4 Very Good有一些由外国语言音调和节奏影响所造成的语音语调的错误,但其表达不受影响,听者完全能听懂 Vocabulary 0 Poor 词汇量极其有限,影响表达 1 Weak词汇量有限,反复使用某些词汇 2 Fair 具有基本词汇量,个别用错,但没有影响总体的表达 3 good 具有较丰富的词汇量,用词合适、准确,个别用词错误,具有进行解释的能力,并也能扩展阐述问题 4 Very good词汇量丰富、多样,极少用错词,而且从不影响表达 Grammar 0 Poor 语法错误太多,听者无法理解 1 Weak 一些语法错误,并影响听者的理解 2 Fair 掌握了基本语法,但很少用复杂语言结构;出现常见语法错误,但不影响听者的理解 3 Good 对基本语法掌握较好,能使用复杂语法结构;个别语法错误,但不影响听者的理解 4 Very Good语法掌握得好,总体语法准确,能使用复杂语法结构;极个别语法错误,不影响听者的理解 Fluency 0 Poor 表达很困难 1 Weak 表达困难 2 Fair 表达有困难,听者理解受影响,经认真听方可理解;表达时停顿较多,经常重复或重新组织句子 3 Good 表达流利,能连续用英语表达;个别停顿及添加不必要的口头语(如“ um ", " eh, ' ) ,有时重复句子或重新组织句子 4 Very Good表达流利,回答自如,有即兴反映能力;极个别犹豫、停顿、口头语和重复 评分方法 评分按百分比计算。每项问题的得分相加,得出百分比分数。 75 ,以上为通过。 Task1 --- Task4 为四级题目,四项内容的平均分超过 75 ,为合格。 Task6 --- Task8 为三级题目,四项内容的平均分超过 75 ,为合格。 Task9 --- Task11 为二级题目,三项内容的平均分超过 75 ,为合格。 测试模拟试题 Page 1 Make sure you are on Page 1. PART 1. Directions: In a moment you will answer some questions about yourself. Answer them as best as you can. Please speak clearly and loudly. Now listen to the questions. Hello. I ' m going to ask you a few questions. I hope you don' t mind . (回答) First of all,what is your name ? (回答) Is that your full name, (回答) And how do you spell your family name? (回答) When were you born? (回答) And where were you born? (回答) Where do you live now? (回答) Please tell me briefly what kind of training you are taking or have taken, and what position you are preparing for. (回答) Now, tell me something about your reasons for studying English . (回答) What types of people do you enjoy working with the most? (回答) And finally where do you like to go and what do you like to do during your vacation? (回答) Thank you very much. Thank you. Now go on to the next page. Your test is now beginning. Page2 Make sure you are on Page 2 . PART 2 . Directions: Look at the picture of an area of a hotel . In a moment you will describe this area. First describe the hotel area in general, and then describe at least one place in the area in detail. You will have 30 seconds to think about your description. Then you will have one minute to speak. Now think about your answer. Now begin your description . (回答) Thank you. Now go on to the next Page. Page3 Make sure you are on Page3 PART 3. Directions: Listen to the following question. You will have 30 seconds to think about your answer and one minute to speak. Give as much detail as possible. Now listen to the question. What do you usually do during a day at work or school? Describe where you usually go and what you do after you arrive. Now think about your answer. Now describe what you usually do during a day at work or school? (回答) Thank you. Now go on to the next Page. Page 4 Make sure you are on Page 4 PART 4. Directions: Look at the pictures below. These pictures show a story. In a moment you will tell the story. First you will have 30 seconds to look at the pictures. Then you will have one minute to tell the story. Begin the story with: " Mr. and Mrs. Thompson arrived at the hotel this morning." Now think about your answer. Mr. and Mrs. Thompson arrived at the hotel this morning. Now begin your story with " Mr. and Mrs. Thompson arrived at the hotel this morning . " (回答) Thank you. Now go on to the next Page. Page 5 Make sure you are on page 5. PART 5 Directions: Listen to the following question. You will have 30 seconds to think about your answer and one minute to speak. Now listen to the question. Do you think that it is important to make a lot of money in order to get satisfaction from your job? Explain your opinion in as much detail as possible. Now think about your answer. Remember to give as much detail as possible to support your opinion. Now answer the question. (回答) Thank you. Now go on to the next Page. Page 6 Make sure you are on page 6 PART 6. Directions: Listen to the following question. You will have 30 seconds to think about your answer and one minute to speak. Give as much detail as possible. Now listen to the question. What is one area of a hotel that you think you will enjoy, or have enjoyed, working in? Explain why you like this place. Give as much detail as possible. Now think about your answer. Now answer the question. (回答) Thank you. Now go on the next Page . Page 7 Make sure you are on Page 7. PART 7 Directions: Your friend introduced you to her friend, Bill, who is visiting your city. Because your friend had a previous engagement, you and Bill are meeting tonight for dinner. Imagine that the two of you are having dinner, and Bill is asking you some questions. Bill: Hello, may I join you? You: Bill: Thank you very much. As I told you, I'm visiting my friend for a week, and know very little about the city. Since he is going to a business appointment tonight, I was wondering if I could ask you a few questions about this area. Would you mind? You: Bill: I'm looking for a place where I could learn more about the area's history like a museum or tourist office Could you suggest some places and tell me a little about it? You: Bill: Great, and could you tell me about the different kinds of transportation that I could take so I can visit these places ? You: Bill: Em, that sounds interesting. How about good places for food shopping? I'd like to eat fresh food and also I want to buy some food juices and bottle of sodas . You: Bill: That's really helpful(Can you also recommend a place where I can go to enjoy the theater or show, You: Bill: Just last one question(Can you tell me about any other special places 1 should visit or things I should do while I’m here? You: Bill: Thanks so much for all your help. I really appreciate it. Thank you, Now go on to the next page. Page 8 Make sure you are on Page 8. PART 8. Directions: Look at the two scenes pictured below. In a moment you will discuss both the advantages and the disadvantages of each type of meal service. First you will have 30 seconds to think about your answer. Then you will have l --- 1 / 2 minutes to speak . Now think about the answer. Now begin your discussion. (回答) Thank you. Now go on to the next Page. Page 9 Make sure you are on page 9 PART 9. Directions: Look at the map below of a section of a city. Imagine that you answering the telephone at the hotel information desk. In a moment, a hotel guest, Mr. Jackson will call you on the phone. The guest needs directions for how to walk from the hotel to the Fragrant Garden and one or two places to stop for sightseeing along the way. First you will have 30 seconds to study the map and the directions. Mr. Jackson does not have a map, so be sure that your directions are very clear. Now study the map . Hi, this is Mr. Jarkson. I'd like to walk to Fragrant Garden and stop at one or two places to sightsee along the way. But 1 can't find the map(Can you tell me how to get to the Fragrant Garden from here? (回答) Thanks. I'll be there in a few minutes. Thank you. Now go on to the next page. Page 10 Make sure you are on Page 11 PART 10. Directions: Look at the picture below and listen to the following situation. Then explain how you would solve the problems associated with the situation. Answer in as much detail as possible. You will have 30 seconds to think about your answer and one minute to speak. Suppose you are touring a foreign country by train. You accidentally got on the wrong train because you do not speak or read the language. To make matters worse, you not only went in the wrong direction, but also got off at the wrong station and have no idea where you are. Trains do not stop regularly at this station. What would you do to continue with your travels so that you are not delayed too long? Now think about the answer. Now answer the question. (回答) Thank you. This is the end of the speaking test. 模拟试题参考答案 Page 1 Make sure you are on page 1. PART 1 Directions: In a moment you will answer some questions about yourself. Answer them as best as you can. Please speak clearly and loudly. Now listen to the questions. Hello. I'm going to ask you a few questions. I hope you don't mind. (回答) No, I don't mind . First of all, what is your name? (回答) My name is Li Min. Is that your full name? (回答) Yes, it is . And how do you spell your family name? (回答) Li , L … I When were you born? (回答) I was born in1974 . And where were you born? (回答) I was born in Nanjing, Jiangsu Province . Where do you live now? (回答)I am now living in Beijing . Please tell me briefly what kind of training you are taking or have taken, and what position you are preparing for. (回答) Presently, I am taking an English training program in hotel English. I've been learning in this program for nearly one month, so that I can do my job better . Now, tell me something about your reasons for studying English . (回答) I am now working in a big hotel. We have many guests who speak English. Almost every day I have to use the English language. If my English is not good, the guests cannot understand me. So if I can speak good English, I think I can do my job even better. What types of people do you enjoy working with the most? (回答) Well, I like to work with people who are cooperative. I especially like to work with those who are very humorous. You don't feel tired when you work with them . And finally where do you like to go and what do you like to do during your vacation? (回答) I' d like to go abroad in the future if I have the chance. During my vacation I'd like to travel in the country, places like Huang Shan, San Xia and Hai Nan Island. Of course I'd also like to help my mother with her housework if I am free . Thank you very much. Thank you. Now go on to the next page. Page 2 Make sure you are on page 2. PART 2 Directions : Look at the picture of an area of a hotel. In a moment you will describe this area. First describe the hotel area in general, and then describe at least one place in the area in detail. You will have 30 seconds to think about your description. Then you will have one minute to speak. Now think about your answer. Now begin your description. (回答) This is a picture of two floors in a hotel. On the lst floor we can see the registration desk. On the right -hand side there is the information area. On the left-hand side there is an escalator, which can take you to the second floor. On the second floor there are a few shops - - a bookstore, a gift shop and a flower shop. In the bookstore we see many books on the shelves. The bookstore also sells newspapers. We can' t see very clearly what the gift shop sells . As for the flower shop, we see many flowers through the window. On the wall there is a sign, which says "To Meeting Rooms. " Thank you. Now go on to the next page. Page 3 Make sure you are on page 3. PART 3. Directions: Listen to the following question. You will have 30 seconds to think about your answer and one minute to speak. Give as much detail as possible. Now listen to the question. What do you usually do during a day at work or school? Describe where you usually go and what you do after you arrive. Now think about your answer. Now describe what you usually do during a day at work or school? (回答)Every day I work at the front desk. When the guests arrive at our hotel, the first place they go to is the front desk. My job is to help the guests to check in. I ask them to register and sign their names. Then I give them the keys to their rooms. We also have many telephone calls. I always try my best to help them. If they have complaints, I always explain to them very patiently. I think I've done a very good job, because the guests are usually very satisfied with my answers. Anyway, I like my job, and I feel very happy at work . Thank you. Now go on to the next page. Page 4 Make sure you are on page4. PART 4. Directions: Look at the pictures below. These pictures show a story. In a moment you will tell the story. First you will have 30 seconds to look at the pictures. Then you will have one minute to tell the story. Begin the story with: " Mr. and Mrs. Thompson arrived at the hotel this morning." Now think about your answer. Now begin your story with " Mr. and Mrs. Thompson arrived at the hotel this morning. " (回答) Mr. and Mrs. Thompson arrived at the hotel this morning. First they gave their luggage to the porter. The porter carried their luggage to their room. Then the porter gave them the key to the room. Mr. and Mrs. Thompson opened the room, and the porter took their luggage into the room. The porter said that it was their room and hoped that they would have a good stay in the hotel. Mr. and Mrs. Thompson were very happy. They gave the porter some money for tips. But the porter refused and said that it was his duty to serve the guests well. Thank you. Now go on to the next page. Page 5 Make sure you are on page 5. PART 5. Directions: Listen to the following question. You will have 30 seconds to think about your answer and one minute to speak. Now listen to the question. Do you think that it is important to make a lot of money in order to get satisfaction from your job? Explain your opinion in as much detail as possible. Now think about your answer. Remember to give as much detail as possible to support your opinion. Now answer the question. (回答) I don't think it is very important to make a lot of money in order to get satisfaction from my work. Of course I have to make money to support myself and my family. But money making is not the only purpose of working. When we work, we have the chance to meet other people. In this way we can feel the good relationship among people. If I work well, other people may show their appreciation for my work. Then I would feel rewarded and satisfied. And I always believe spiritual reward is more important than material one. Thank you. Now go on to the next page. Page 6 Make sure you are on page 6. PART 6. Directions: Listen to the following question. You will have 30 seconds to think about your answer and one minute to speak. Give as much detail as possible. Now listen to the question. What is one area of a hotel that you think you will enjoy, or have enjoyed working in ? Explain why you like this place. Give as much detail as possible. Now think about your answer. Now answer the question. (回答)I like to work in the business center. There can meet many guests who speak very good English. They come to the business center either to have their documents copied or to send a fax or an e-mail. Another reason for me to like working in the business center is that I can work with a computer. I am a computer fan. In the work place l can work before a computer and work for hours and hours, and I never feel tired. At the same time I learned a lot about the most popular software. Unfortunately, at present I am not working in the business center. But I hope some day I can work there. Thank you. Now go on the next page. Page 7 Make sure you are on page 7. PART 7. Directions: Your friend introduced you to her friend, Bill, who is visiting your city. Because your friend had a previous engagement, you and Bill are meeting tonight for dinner. Imaging that the two of you are now having dinner, and Bill is asking you some questions. Bill: Hello, may I join you? You: Yes, sure. Bill: Thank you very much. As I told you, I'm visiting my friend for a week, little about this city. Since he is going to a business appointment tonight, I was wondering if I could ask you a few questions about this area. Would you mind? You: No, I wouldn't mind. Bill: I'm looking for a place where I could learn more about the area's history, like a museum or tourist office. Could you suggest some places and tell me a little about it? You: Yes. Now you are in Beijing. There are many museums in the city, such as the Forbidden City, the Museum of the Chinese History and the Museum of the Chinese Revolution. But there are so many places that you should go. I would advise you to contact the Travel Agency. Bill: Great, and can you tell me about the different kinds of transportation that I can take so I can visit these places? You: In our city the most convenient means of transportation is the taxi. You will have no difficulty finding a taxi in the street. If you like to meet the people ,you can either take the subway or the buses . Bill: Em, that sounds interesting. How about good places for food shopping? I'd like to eat fresh food and also I want to buy some food juices and bottle of sodas? You: For food, I'd like to recommend the Friendship Store. There you can buy the most fresh vegetables, and fruits. In the store they sell all kinds of soft drinks and soda water. You may have Coke, Pepsi, orange juice and so on. Bill: That's really helpful. Can you also recommend a place where I can go to enjoy the theater or show? You: Not far from your hotel there is the Chang An Theater. There you can enjoy the traditional Peking Opera. Further down the road, there is a concert hall. Many world famous orchestra troops put on performance there. But, to listen to classic music, you have to book tickets before hand. Bill: Just last one question. Can you tell me about any other special places I should visit or things I should do while l'm here? You: I would recommend the Great Wall. It is a must in any tourist itinerary. You'll have to spend one day in order to visit the world famous tourist attraction, I can go with you if you don't mind . Bill: Thanks so much for all your help. I really appreciated it. Thank you. Now go on to the next page. Page 8 Make sure you are on page 8. PART 8 Directions: Look at the two scenes pictured below. In a moment you will discuss both the advantages and the disadvantages of each type of meal service. First you will have 30 seconds to think about your answer. Then you will have 1---1 / 2minutes to speak . Now think about the answer. Now begin your discussion. (回答) I think the cafeteria has many advantages. There you take a tray and choose from the different kinds of food. Generally speaking, cafeteria offers a wide range of choices. You can enjoy fresh vegetable salad, and dishes you like most. Besides, there you can either drink soda or take various kinds of soup, But when there are too many people, you'll have to wait in the line. That's the problem. As for the table service, usually the dishes are better cooked, and the service is always good. You can also order your favorite wine or beer. However , the dishes are a bit more expensive than those in a cafeteria. Thank you. Now go on to the next page. Page 9 Make sure you are on page 9. PART 9. Directions: Look at the map below of a section of a city. Imagine that you are answering the telephone at the hotel information desk. In a moment, a hotel guest, Mr. Jackson, will call you on the phone. The guest needs directions for how to walk from the hotel to the Fragrant Garden and one or two places to stop for sightseeing along the way. First you will have 30 seconds to study the map. Then you will receive the phone call. You will have one minute to give directions. Mr. Jackson does not have a map, so be sure that your directions are very clear. Now study the map. Hi, this is Mr. Jackson. I'd like to walk to the Fragrant Garden and stop at one or two places to sightsee along the way. But I can't find the map. Can you tell me how to get to the Fragrant Garden from here? (回答) First you go out of the hotel and turn left. Go along the North Avenue until you reach the Temple Street. Then you turn left again. On this street there is a handicraft store. Then you go straight along the Temple Street, cross the Central Avenue, and you will see the City Museum on your right-hand side. When you come to the end of the street, there is the Government Avenue. You turn east. Oh, that is on your left. Walk not very far, and you'll see the People's Park and the Circle Road. Then in front of you there is the Fragrant Garden. Thanks. I'll be there in a few minutes. Thank you. Now go on to the next page. Page 10 Makesure you are on page11. PART 10. Directions: Look at the picture below and listen to the following situation. Then explain how you would solve the problems associated with the situation. Answer in as much detail as possible. You will have 30 seconds to think about your answer and one minute to speak. Suppose you are touring a foreign country by train. You accidentally got on the wrong train because you do not speak or read the language. To make matters worse, you not only went in the wrong direction, but also got off at the wrong station and have no idea where you are. Trains do not stop regularly at this station. What would you do to continue with your travels so that you are not delayed too long? Now think about the answer. Now answer the question. (回答) If I were in that situation , I would call the tourist center or the police station . Since there is the railway station, there must be a telephone or at least some kind of device to communicate with other places. When people learn that a stranger has been trapped in a remote area, they can send a car or even a helicopter to rescue me. I think the best way for me is to wait for them to arrive. I should not go anywhere, and I will not follow anybody even if they want to help me find my way. I think safety is the most important thing in that particular circumstance. Thank you. This is the end of the speaking test.
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