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土木工程 实习日记 专升本


土木工程 实习日记 专升本土木工程 实习日记 专升本 实习日记 第一天:熟悉工地 2014.08.21 今天去实习工地参观,了解现场的一些基本情况,并熟悉坐车路线,工程现场到处都是还未竣工的高楼大夏,看着这些伟岸的建筑,心里澎湃激动,当时有一中很冲动的想法,想要在瞬间知道这里所以的布局、构造、建筑工艺.....和自己所学的理论,和自己的想象是否一致,有何区别,如果不同,这又是为何,似乎这里将举行一场理论与之实践辩论会。带着已知和未知,走进了这个神奇的地方。结果今天的实践内容是建筑工地安全教育,有点小失望~ 一.施工现场文明生产施工方...

土木工程 实习日记 专升本
土木工程 实习日记 建筑实训日记土木工程实习日记工厂社会实践日记工地实习日记建筑工程实训日记 专升本 实习日记 第一天:熟悉工地 2014.08.21 今天去实习工地参观,了解现场的一些基本情况,并熟悉坐车路线,工程现场到处都是还未竣工的高楼大夏,看着这些伟岸的建筑,心里澎湃激动,当时有一中很冲动的想法,想要在瞬间知道这里所以的布局、构造、建筑工艺.....和自己所学的理论,和自己的想象是否一致,有何区别,如果不同,这又是为何,似乎这里将举行一场理论与之实践辩论会。带着已知和未知,走进了这个神奇的地方。结果今天的实践内容是建筑工地安全教育,有点小失望~ 一.施工现场文明生产施工方案 1、进入施工现场的所有人员,必须佩戴合格安全帽,佩带工作证,衣冠整洁,不打赤脚,不准穿拖鞋,不光背赤膊,注意个人形象。不得违反安全禁令。 2、禁止在" 严禁烟火" 区内吸烟。爱护消防器材,不得随意挪用。 3、机械设备必须专人操作,不得随意抽人临时操作。 4、坚持现场文明施工,做到工完料清,不造成人为的浪费。 5、讲文明,尊敬上级,团结同志;不说脏话、粗话,不打架、不酗酒闹事。 、遵守项目经理部多项规章 制度 关于办公室下班关闭电源制度矿山事故隐患举报和奖励制度制度下载人事管理制度doc盘点制度下载 ,按照作息规定时间上下班,按时休息。 6 7、讲究卫生勤打扫厨房、宿舍、环境、个人卫生;维护公共卫生,不乱扔杂物,不随地吐痰,不随地大小便,不乱泼脏水和乱倒剩菜剩饭。 、爱护公共财物,不损坏生产、生活设施;不随意乱涂乱画。节约用水和用电。 8 9、多做好事善事,敢于向不良倾向作斗争,检举揭发坏人坏事。 二、是现场急救知识 现场急救就是指施工现场一旦发生事故时,伤员送往医院救治前,在现场实施必要和及时的抢救措施,总的原则是,不论工地发生了什么样的伤亡事故,都应该立即做好三件事 ,1有组织地抢救受伤人员,以救人为主 ,2保护事故现场不被破坏3.及时向上级有关部门 报告 软件系统测试报告下载sgs报告如何下载关于路面塌陷情况报告535n,sgs报告怎么下载竣工报告下载 ,打急救电话120 虽然是安全培训,还是有许多收获,也许会受益终生~ shall not exceed the level of stator core, or arc skateboards, protection of stator plate rollover may occur), reasonable to generally should be centralized. Avoid layout vulnerable to mechanical damage, damp, vulnerable to corrosion and vibration, ensure as far as possible with the platform stairs, lifting devices, cover plates, electrical enclosures and other intervals at arm's length. Piping support and hanger set weight of the weight and its insulation shall meet reasonable piping displacement, increase system stability, prevention of pipeline vibration displacement in operation. Process piping support and hanger spacing are shown in table 1. Process piping in the drain pipe must have a certain slope (about 0.002-0.004) to drain. Enter the pipe should be smooth flow to the lateral, intake manifold into the expansion tank should be considered order, low pressure or high pressure drop near the expansion tank inlet. Pipe deflection and expansion must be considered the absorption problem, consider the natural direction of the pipeline using the small pipe to achieve thermal expansion compensation and, if necessary, consider 第二天:基础施工 2014.08.22 今天实训的主要课程是基础施工:带我们实习的师傅说:施工前要做的事情很多,比如勘察泸 州的气候,地基土质,地下水位的高低,根根据各种条件判断来判断基础如何施工。以及各种地基 的处理 方法 快递客服问题件处理详细方法山木方法pdf计算方法pdf华与华方法下载八字理论方法下载 。还有就是介绍了,常用的地基基础处理方法有强夯法、换填基层法、高压喷射浆法、 沙石桩法、水泥土搅拌法、预压法、振冲法、夯实水泥土桩法、石灰桩法等。 今天很累,因为跟着实习师傅走南闯北的看地形~ shall not exceed the level of stator core, or arc skateboards, protection of stator plate rollover may occur), reasonable to generally should be centralized. Avoid layout vulnerable to mechanical damage, damp, vulnerable to corrosion and vibration, ensure as far as possible with the platform stairs, lifting devices, cover plates, electrical enclosures and other intervals at arm's length. Piping support and hanger set weight of the weight and its insulation shall meet reasonable piping displacement, increase system stability, prevention of pipeline vibration displacement in operation. Process piping support and hanger spacing are shown in table 1. Process piping in the drain pipe must have a certain slope (about 0.002-0.004) to drain. Enter the pipe should be smooth flow to the lateral, intake manifold into the expansion tank should be considered order, low pressure or high pressure drop near the expansion tank inlet. Pipe deflection and expansion must be considered the absorption problem, consider the natural direction of the pipeline using the small pipe to achieve thermal expansion compensation and, if necessary, consider 第三天:基础施工 2014.08.23 今天实训的主要课程和昨天一样,但多数时间都是自由安排,自己去看没懂的部分,或者和工 作人员交谈经验和理论,在者就是让自己头脑脑风暴的提问 快递公司问题件快递公司问题件货款处理关于圆的周长面积重点题型关于解方程组的题及答案关于南海问题 ,让后去看去问去实践,去寻找答案~ shall not exceed the level of stator core, or arc skateboards, protection of stator plate rollover may occur), reasonable to generally should be centralized. Avoid layout vulnerable to mechanical damage, damp, vulnerable to corrosion and vibration, ensure as far as possible with the platform stairs, lifting devices, cover plates, electrical enclosures and other intervals at arm's length. Piping support and hanger set weight of the weight and its insulation shall meet reasonable piping displacement, increase system stability, prevention of pipeline vibration displacement in operation. Process piping support and hanger spacing are shown in table 1. Process piping in the drain pipe must have a certain slope (about 0.002-0.004) to drain. Enter the pipe should be smooth flow to the lateral, intake manifold into the expansion tank should be considered order, low pressure or high pressure drop near the expansion tank inlet. Pipe deflection and expansion must be considered the absorption problem, consider the natural direction of the pipeline using the small pipe to achieve thermal expansion compensation and, if necessary, consider 第四天:梁柱施工 2014.08.24 今天实训的主要课程是梁柱施工:实习师傅告诉我们,首先应检测钢筋、钢筋应按现行国家标 准《钢筋混凝土用热轧带肋钢筋》GBl499等的规定抽取试件作力学性能检验,其质量必须符合标 准的规定。水泥、砂石...等材料都应符合相关要求~中间介绍和学习了梁柱的施工工艺过程~ 今天对材料的验收有一定的经验~ shall not exceed the level of stator core, or arc skateboards, protection of stator plate rollover may occur), reasonable to generally should be centralized. Avoid layout vulnerable to mechanical damage, damp, vulnerable to corrosion and vibration, ensure as far as possible with the platform stairs, lifting devices, cover plates, electrical enclosures and other intervals at arm's length. Piping support and hanger set weight of the weight and its insulation shall meet reasonable piping displacement, increase system stability, prevention of pipeline vibration displacement in operation. Process piping support and hanger spacing are shown in table 1. Process piping in the drain pipe must have a certain slope (about 0.002-0.004) to drain. Enter the pipe should be smooth flow to the lateral, intake manifold into the expansion tank should be considered order, low pressure or high pressure drop near the expansion tank inlet. Pipe deflection and expansion must be considered the absorption problem, consider the natural direction of the pipeline using the small pipe to achieve thermal expansion compensation and, if necessary, consider 第五、六、七天:梁柱施工 2014.08.25,27 今天实训的主要课程还是梁柱施工,对梁钢筋有了更深刻的认识, 特别是梁筋的搭接:师傅告诉我们,梁的受力钢筋直径等于或大于22?时,宜采用焊接接头,小于22?时,可采用绑扎接头,搭接长度要符合规范的规定。搭接长度末端与钢筋弯折处的距离,不得小于钢筋直径的10倍。接头不宜位于构件最大弯矩处,受拉区域内?级钢筋绑扎接头的末端应做弯钩(?级钢筋可不做弯钩),搭接处应在中心和两端扎牢。 以后几天实践了梁柱的混土施工。 shall not exceed the level of stator core, or arc skateboards, protection of stator plate rollover may occur), reasonable to generally should be centralized. Avoid layout vulnerable to mechanical damage, damp, vulnerable to corrosion and vibration, ensure as far as possible with the platform stairs, lifting devices, cover plates, electrical enclosures and other intervals at arm's length. Piping support and hanger set weight of the weight and its insulation shall meet reasonable piping displacement, increase system stability, prevention of pipeline vibration displacement in operation. Process piping support and hanger spacing are shown in table 1. Process piping in the drain pipe must have a certain slope (about 0.002-0.004) to drain. Enter the pipe should be smooth flow to the lateral, intake manifold into the expansion tank should be considered order, low pressure or high pressure drop near the expansion tank inlet. Pipe deflection and expansion must be considered the absorption problem, consider the natural direction of the pipeline using the small pipe to achieve thermal expansion compensation and, if necessary, consider 第八、九、十天:现浇楼板的钢筋绑扎和混凝土的浇筑 2014.08.28,30 今天我与现场的工人一起进行了钢筋的绑扎和混凝土的浇筑,施工过程中我了解到混凝土浇 筑过程中应该注意:防止离析和正确留施工缝。 shall not exceed the level of stator core, or arc skateboards, protection of stator plate rollover may occur), reasonable to generally should be centralized. Avoid layout vulnerable to mechanical damage, damp, vulnerable to corrosion and vibration, ensure as far as possible with the platform stairs, lifting devices, cover plates, electrical enclosures and other intervals at arm's length. Piping support and hanger set weight of the weight and its insulation shall meet reasonable piping displacement, increase system stability, prevention of pipeline vibration displacement in operation. Process piping support and hanger spacing are shown in table 1. Process piping in the drain pipe must have a certain slope (about 0.002-0.004) to drain. Enter the pipe should be smooth flow to the lateral, intake manifold into the expansion tank should be considered order, low pressure or high pressure drop near the expansion tank inlet. Pipe deflection and expansion must be considered the absorption problem, consider the natural direction of the pipeline using the small pipe to achieve thermal expansion compensation and, if necessary, consider 第十一天:实习最后一天 2014.08.31 今天是实习的最后一天,经过这11天紧张的实习,对钢筋混凝土房屋的施工流程,施工工艺, 施工方法有了一定的概念,通过实践在现场师傅、老师、同学的帮助下,弄明白了以前课本中的许 多盲点,最重要的是对房屋施工有了一种概念,知道是怎么一回事~ 今天是自由发挥、相互讨论、相互学习.....最后依依不舍得和师傅们告别,谢谢您们~ shall not exceed the level of stator core, or arc skateboards, protection of stator plate rollover may occur), reasonable to generally should be centralized. Avoid layout vulnerable to mechanical damage, damp, vulnerable to corrosion and vibration, ensure as far as possible with the platform stairs, lifting devices, cover plates, electrical enclosures and other intervals at arm's length. Piping support and hanger set weight of the weight and its insulation shall meet reasonable piping displacement, increase system stability, prevention of pipeline vibration displacement in operation. Process piping support and hanger spacing are shown in table 1. Process piping in the drain pipe must have a certain slope (about 0.002-0.004) to drain. Enter the pipe should be smooth flow to the lateral, intake manifold into the expansion tank should be considered order, low pressure or high pressure drop near the expansion tank inlet. Pipe deflection and expansion must be considered the absorption problem, consider the natural direction of the pipeline using the small pipe to achieve thermal expansion compensation and, if necessary, consider
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