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【文档精品】花黯【文档精品】花黯 花黯 Act 1. 独自站在黑暗中,茫茫的令人沉默的黑暗。身边有各色的鱼缓慢游过,都躲藏在透明的肥皂泡里。手指接触,泡沫明灭,鱼立即变成了骸骨掉在地上,啪的纷纷的声音。四处腥腻。 娜姿从梦境中惊醒,手心布满汗水。 凌晨4点的窗外,空气混浊冰冷,她从抽屉中翻出白色的药片,服下。神经紧张得像绷直的细线,深深勒入大脑。肌肉艰难地痉挛,她裹紧被褥,浑身颤抖。 这是超能力者经常的反应,神经被过度使用后产生崩溃般的混乱。超能系训练师与其它训练师不同,需要的不仅仅是意志,还需要无比的控制力。人脑可供正...

【文档精品】花黯 花黯 Act 1. 独自站在黑暗中,茫茫的令人沉默的黑暗。身边有各色的鱼缓慢游过,都躲藏在透明的肥皂泡里。手指接触,泡沫明灭,鱼立即变成了骸骨掉在地上,啪的纷纷的声音。四处腥腻。 娜姿从梦境中惊醒,手心布满汗水。 凌晨4点的窗外,空气混浊冰冷,她从抽屉中翻出白色的药片,服下。神经紧张得像绷直的细线,深深勒入大脑。肌肉艰难地痉挛,她裹紧被褥,浑身颤抖。 这是超能力者经常的反应,神经被过度使用后产生崩溃般的混乱。超能系训练师与其它训练师不同,需要的不仅仅是意志,还需要无比的控制力。人脑可供正常使用的精神力是有限的,超能力者强大的力量背后藏匿着无与伦比的痛苦。 娜姿忍受着剧烈的头痛,坐起来直到天亮。 早餐后在去基地的通道里遇见了马志士。这个金头发的高大男人,每早向路遇的每一个人问安,无论是干部还是兵卒。白种人,皮肤却是黄金般的小麦色。看过去健康并且粗犷。他从娜姿背后递来一杯冰果汁,“早安礼。” 她面色苍白。嘴角轻轻地一动,没有理会,独自前行。 首领分派任务的例会上,娜姿感到晕眩。周围的人影缓缓扭曲成斑斓的图案漂浮在眼前,听觉开始模糊,浓重的疲惫像梦境中的黑暗般,狠狠地淹没了她。她用手臂支撑住头颅,皮肤上泌出细细的汗水。最近神经反应愈发频繁和强烈,都缘自组织的日益扩大,身为重要的干部,各色的特训和对决自然日趋增加。力量的渐渐增强,换来的是神经的渐渐沉疴。 她感觉虚弱和乏力。 你还好吗,要不要休息。 娜姿抬起模糊的双眼,看到身边马志士关切的表情。她无力地摆手。 散会后她几乎没有力气走回自己房间,屋外阳光分外刺眼。娜姿掏出白色的药片,没有水,只好咀嚼后服下。药品很苦涩,融化在嘴巴里感觉难过。她满眼都是泪水。 一片金黄的树叶自天空中飘零,盖住了她的眼睛。 Act 2. 夜里,娜姿梦到自己的童年,因为不思议能力被家人遗弃,她清晰地记得母亲的恐惧与父亲的不安。孤幼院里被粗俗愚昧的儿童欺负,直到7岁的她将折弯的汤匙插入另外一个孩子的嘴巴,管教女人凶狠的耳光,她的童年结束。 遇见坂木,得到正统的训练。他非常明白这个孤独的女孩潜藏的力量。她拥有了精灵,得到各种知识。明白了只有战斗才可以维持这样的生活。慢慢的强大起来,个性孤傲冷漠,没有任何爱好。 这样寂寞的生活。直到重复的头痛将她惊醒,吞下药片,勉强尝试继续入睡。昏沉中持续地做着恶梦。梦到一只冰冷的手向自己伸出,想要握,却什么也抓不住。次日醒来,发现枕头上浸满眼泪。 Act 3. 训练场上再次遇见了马志士。“最近瘦了啊,有认真吃饭么,”他说。“太累的话就放轻松,别勉强自己。” 我没事的。娜姿表情平静。第一次的,有人如此关心自己。虽然明白是同事间的寒喧,但她却,感觉温暖。 “我知道附近有家很不错的店哦,午饭要不要一起去尝尝那儿的鸡素烧,是招牌菜。”他继续问。声音明亮厚实。 她看着他,看到他的眼睛是深邃的蓝色。 “好。” 火锅鸡肉果然十分鲜美。油绿的蔬菜雪白的豆腐漂浮在汤中,热气蒸腾。她吃得很好。蒸汽对面的他一直在微笑。不断给她夹菜,“女孩子要多吃青菜才好。”“鸡肉鸡肉。”“多吃点战斗后才不会体力不支。”“好吃吧,我说嘛。”........ 这天晚上,娜姿睡得出奇的平静。 Act 4 次日精神好了许多,被告之到发电厂执行任务。完成后回去路上看到一只圆滚滚的电气系精灵,野生,明黄和黑的颜色很漂亮。她捕获了它。 “给你的。谢谢你上次请客。” 他惊讶地看着手中仍残存她体温的精灵球,小电击兽不安分地在球中扭动。 “OH是电系的~我很喜欢,我会好好训练它的~Thank you。”她看着马志士爽朗的笑容,转身后露出久而未见的微笑。 Act 5 首领似乎在组织更大的计划,任务愈来愈多。训练强度加大。 神经反应再次肆虐,并且开始严重。白色药片渐渐的也解救不了她的痛苦,每次都要吞服更多的剂量---副作用也是明显的。呕吐,毫无食欲,头发慢慢脱落。娜姿迅速消瘦。夜晚无法入睡,闭上眼就是无止的恶梦。直到惊醒。反应最严重的时候开始有幻觉和幻听,终于她去看了医生。 大夫惊讶的手几乎握不住诊断报告,这时候她与精神崩溃只有一线之遥。开了大堆抗抑郁及治疗神经的药物,告诉她一定一定要安静休息,严禁使用超能力和战斗。否则有危险。 精神方面的事外人是任谁都无法干预的,并且治疗极难。娜姿的神经在长期的过度使用下已经脆弱不堪,而她只是个孩子,而已。 Act 6 她不知所措。 失去了战斗力的自己又有什么价值可言。首领是重视效率的野心家,会轻易放逐毫无利用价值的附着者。娜姿非常明白坂木如何会收留那年流离失所的自己。他们同样是冷漠且明白事理的沉默者。她不知道除了火箭队自己的归属又在什么地方。十七岁的独身女孩,在这边远的小镇里没有任何亲人。她平静地注视医院院子里高大的梧桐树,感觉秋叶正慢慢堆积起茫茫的绝望。 从此她只能很勉强地进行程度低下的训练,很久没办法执行任务。出乎意料的事情是坂木没有抛弃这业已无用的下属,并拿出许多钱供她治疗,吩咐她安静休息。 Act 7 疗养期过得很漫长。 慢慢的恢复了许多。持续性的头痛得到缓解,只是间歇发作几次,已经习惯。 冬天来临的很快,圣诞节前夕娜姿终于收拾行李出院。 独自走回基地的路上,看到金头发的高大男人挽着陌生女孩站在超市明亮的灯光里,正愉快地挑选礼物。身后跟随黄黑条纹的驯服电击兽,已经长大进化。女孩不 停发出清脆的欢笑,男人脸上洋溢熟悉的宽厚笑容。满街的圣诞祈祷歌声,旋律动听悠扬。 娜姿没有停下脚步,拢下头发,沉默地消失在灯光外的阴影中。 她他本不是一类人。 Act 8 清楚自己已经给组织带来许多麻烦,她终于决定离开。坂木坐在桌前望向提出脱离组织请求的娜姿,沉默不语。 她是阴影中成长的女孩,身心伤痕累累。他记着十年前遇见她的样子,落拓,冷漠和相同的沉默。蕴涵锐利的精神力,挫伤自己和别人。 现在这个女孩长大成人,目光中有了倦怠。带着同样的安静表情,站在他面前,请求离开。“留下来。”他淡漠地说。 你可以不用再战斗下去,我给你钱和居所。 留下来。 他要她明白自己是需要她的。 一样灵魂中存在深重阴影的人,只有她是他唯一的共犯。 娜姿惊讶,眼睛里忽然闪过另一个人金色的笑容。随即她的表情恢复平静。 她看着眼前十年前拯救过自己的男人,决定如往常般顺从。 殊途同归。 不知何时下起的茫茫大雪埋葬了整个世界,包括她对那个人的记忆。鸡素烧和电击兽是遥远的交集,这成为娜姿生命中仅存的快乐。黑暗中顽强挣扎生存的植物,遭遇过仅有的阳光,很快的忘却,随即开出冰冷的花朵。她确信自己已经成长。 THE END Spend an Act 1. Standing alone in the dark, the boundless a silence of the dark. Side of the kinds of fish swim slowly, hiding in transparent soap bubbles. Foam fingers, Dublin, fish bones become immediately fell to the ground, pa in voice. Bored with her around. Her appearance from the dream wake up with a start, the palm is full of sweat. At 4 am, the air out of the window, her cold from the drawer cloudy turned up in white tablets, take next. Nervous as stretchs tight straight lines, deeply into the brain of. Muscle spasms, tough she tightly wrap bedding, who trembled. This is the ability of the response, often nerve is excessive use of produce of chaos after collapse. Super powers is trainers and other trainers different needs not just will, also need to extremely control. The human brain to normal mentality is limited, the ability of powerful force behind the incomparable pain hiding. Her appearance suffer severe headache, and sit up till the morning light. After breakfast in to the base of the channel to meet the MaZhiShi. The tall man, golden hair every morning to get between each person or a greeting, whether cadres. White, the skin is golden wheat color. Look at the past health and straightforward. He's from behind a glass of ice pose to pass fruit juice, "good morning ritual." She was pale. Gently move, ignored the corners of the mouth, alone. Chief responsibilities of regular meeting, her appearance was dizzy. The shadow of twisted around slowly into the spectrum of the design in sight, hearing began floating fuzzy, the exhaustion of the dense like dreams the darkness of the sort, ruthlessly over her. She used the arm brace head, a thin skin secrete sweat. Recently sent more frequent and intense nervous reaction, are derived from the organization is expanding and as a important cadres, the variety of natural medicine and confrontation is increasing day by day. Gradually enhance the strength, the cost of the nerve ChenKe gradually. She feels the weakness and fatigue. Are you all right, want to have a rest. Her appearance up the fuzzy eyes, see MaZhiShi concerns expression. Around She was unable to motioning with his hand. After the meeting she almost no energy walked back to his room, outside the sun especially dazzling. Her appearance white tablets out, no water, and had to take after chewing. Drug very bitter, melt in the mouth feel sad. She eyeful is tears. A golden yellow leaves from the sky, and covered her eyes. Act 2. The night's appearance, dreaming of his childhood, because not incredible by his family abandoned, her ability to remember clearly the fear and father mother unease. GuYou cinema is vulgar foolish children bullying, until the age of seven, she will bend spoons insert another child's mouth, discipline of fierce woman box on the ear, her childhood ends. Meet ryo wood, get orthodox training. He is very clear about the lonely girl hidden powers. She has the elves, get all kinds of knowledge. See only combat can maintain such a life. Slowly, individual character strong public apathy, without any hobbies. So lonely life. Repeat until the headache will wake up with a start, she swallowed tablets, force trying to continue to fall asleep. Continue to do the giddy nightmare. Dreamt of a cold hand reached out to his, want to hold, but what also can't hold. The next morning, found that pillow saturated with tears. Act three. The training ground MaZhiShi met again. "The recent thin ah, a serious to eat?" He said. "Too tired word is easy, don't force yourself." I'm okay. Her appearance expression calm. First, someone so care about themselves. Although understand is between colleagues; and the cold, but she is, feel warm. "I know nearby have a home very good store oh, lunch: would you like to go to try the chicken biscuit fire there? Is the special food." He continued to ask. Bright voice thick. She looked at him and saw his eyes is a deep blue. "Good." Hot pot chicken and very tasty. The soil of white bean curd floating in vegetable soup, steaming. She ate very well. Steam opposite him have been smiling. Constantly to her clip vegetables, "girl's son want to eat more vegetables is good." "Chicken chicken." "Eat more after the battle will not physical weaknesses." "Good! I told you." ...... On this night, her appearance sleep remarkably quiet. Act 4 The next day the spirit, the defendant to power plant of many missions. After the completion of the way back to see a chubby electrical department elves, wild, bright yellow and black color is very beautiful. She captured it. "For you. Thank you for your last treat." He was amazed as hand still remaining she body temperature, little elf ball electric shock in the ball bouncing beast in twist. "OH is electricity department is!!!!! I like it very much, I'll take it! / training." She looked at MaZhiShi cheerful smile, and turned out and did not see the long after the smile. Act 5 Leaders in the organization more seems to plan, the task more and more. The training intensity increase. Nervous reaction, and to begin serious raging again. White tablets gradually also save her pain, every time you want to swallow more doses-side effects are also apparent. Vomiting, no appetite, hair off. Slowly Her appearance quickly wastes away. Can't sleep at night, close your eye is endless nightmare. Until woke up with a start. Reaction in the most severe cases began to have the illusion and hearing voices, and finally she went to see the doctor. The doctor surprised hand almost hold a diagnosis report, this time she and break down only one line away. Open lot of antidepressant and treatment of drug, tell her nerve must must be quiet rest, power and combat is strictly prohibited. Or is in danger. In the spirit of things is an outsider who cannot intervention, and very difficult to treat. Her appearance of nerve in long-term excessive use has been weak, and she's a child, just. Act 6 She was at a loss. Lose the fighting what is the value of himself and go hand in hand. Princes of the value efficiency is ready, will easily without using value of attached banished person. Her appearance is very aware how sakaguchi wood will accommodate that year displaced. They also is cold and knowbetter of a still tongue makes. She doesn't know the rockets their ownership and except in any place. 17 years old of single girl, in the remote town without any relatives. She quietly at the hospital courtyard of tall trees, feel the autumn leaves is slowly piling up the boundless despair. From then on she can only very grudging low degree of training, long time no way to execute a task. Unexpected things is not abandoned the right-hander wood has useless subordinates, and took out a lot of money for her treatment, commanded her quiet rest. Act and Residents had a long period. Slowly restore many. The persistent got relief, only intermittent fit a few times, have been used to. The winter coming soon, Christmas Eve na appearance finally pack up from the hospital. On the way back to base to walk alone, see the tall golden hair man walking arm in arm with strange girl standing in the supermarket in the bright light, are happy to choosing a gift. Follow the yellow black stripes behind electric shock, had grown up tame animal evolution. The girl kept clicked laugh, and man his with familiar generous smile. The Christmas song, pray lies beautiful melody falling. Her appearance without stopping, under their hair, silent and disappeared in the light of the shadow. She is not the kind of person he. Act 8 Clearly he had to bring a lot of trouble, her organization finally decided to leave. Ryo wood sat down at the table looked out from the organization's request to put forward, not only the silence. She is the shadow if a girl, physical and mental scars. He remember ten years ago met her appearance, reflected the silence of the same, cold and distant. Contain sharp spiritual forces, frustrate yourself and others. Now the girls grow up and have the eyes burnout. With the same quiet expressions, and stood before him, ask to leave. "To stay." His indifference to say. Can you don't have to fight on, I give you the money and dwellings. To stay. He told her to understand oneself is need her. As existing in the shadow of the deep soul man, only she is his only an accomplice. Her appearance surprised, his eyes flashed through another golden smile. Then her expression subsided. Before looking at her ten years ago saved oneself of man, the decision as usual obedience. All rivers run into the sea. I do not know when the vast snow buried the whole world, including her to that person's memory. Chicken biscuit fire and electric shocks beast is distant, this be the intersection of her appearance in the happiness of life remaining. The dark indomitable struggle of survival plants, encountered only sunshine, soon forgotten, and then open the cold flowers. She's sure she has grown. THE END
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