首页 怎样和人聊天找话题



怎样和人聊天找话题怎样和人聊天找话题 讲话的技巧太多太多了,就算我全部写出来,也无非就得到一个效果:卧槽,这个好牛逼。就好像我之前写过一篇怎么和女生聊天以及聊天的技巧是一样的。 然后,就没有然后了,不会聊天的一样还是一样不会聊天。 因为聊天说话是一门艺术,而不是一门理论课,教的方法太多你反而无从下手,所以我只讲对你们最有帮助的。 第一:你为什么要聊天,为什么一定要找话题呢, 有时候沉默反而是一个不错的选择,只是你自己太害怕沉默,太紧张,认为沉默这样不太好。 首先我不觉得“冷场”是一件坏事,想想你和你最熟悉的同事一起出去...

怎样和人聊天找话题 讲话的技巧太多太多了,就算我全部写出来,也无非就得到一个效果:卧槽,这个好牛逼。就好像我之前写过一篇怎么和女生聊天以及聊天的技巧是一样的。 然后,就没有然后了,不会聊天的一样还是一样不会聊天。 因为聊天说话是一门艺术,而不是一门理论课,教的方法太多你反而无从下手,所以我只讲对你们最有帮助的。 第一:你为什么要聊天,为什么一定要找话题呢, 有时候沉默反而是一个不错的选择,只是你自己太害怕沉默,太紧张,认为沉默这样不太好。 首先我不觉得“冷场”是一件坏事,想想你和你最熟悉的同事一起出去吃个午饭。你们两人在饭桌上各看各的手机,整场下来没怎么说话,饭后两人一起回公司,你会觉得尴尬或者是不习惯吗, 必须要说点什么,那只是你“自认为”需要这样罢了。 那么也许你会问了,如果仅仅是这样的话,那我和一个不会说话的木头人有什么区别啊,区别其实只有两点。 1、 该说话的时候,说到点上。 比如点菜,这时你就得做好,如果你是体贴型的,就可以问问对方有没有什么忌口、对方说不吃辣,你就点清淡的。如果你是幽默恶搞型的,也可以特温柔问问对方有没有什么忌口,对方说不吃辣,你就特严肃特正经的说:行,那就来个辣子鸡。 2、 对方开启话题的时候,接到点上。 trees 610 tree, and flower more than 6,000 more strains, built high standards even building greenhouse 152 square meters, hardening courtyard 1800 square meters, opened has hospital within circular Lane, makes organ environment further get has green, and landscaping and bright of. Office building tension, disperse, managing difficult issues our departments Office space had been realigned, the maximum to meet the needs of departmental Office. Six, foreign bodies, under the management of the business unit achieved a new breakthrough this year, overseas offices and business units based on their practice to the full, proactive and bold innovations, dare to break through and work have made gratifying achievements. One is to play to their own advantages, in terms of coordinating service onto a new stage. Units always put quality in an important position, pay attention to the function of the service, set up the good image, expanding influence. Liaison Office in Beijing and offices in blue, is located in the capital and the capital city of advantages, actively building the city opening, economic relations, investment platform, take the initiative to strengthen ties with Beijing, Orchid staff of, in particular, report on cohesion projects city and County personnel, the best of its ability to provide a variety of convenient, and strive to create sound environment for working and living. Also make full use of the established relationships, positive attention for them, 这就是核心技术之一了,非常吸引女人,介于大多数人都属于不会和女人聊天不会说话,那么我就拿【内向男人的聊天方法】做一个相对完整的阐述,如果你跟我说你是外向男人怎么办,外向男人连聊天都不会谈什么外向男人。 和女人在一起的时候,从不主动开启话题,就安静的呆在她旁边,并且在空间上保持一个让两人都感觉舒适的距离,毫不紧张,悠然自得。但是,一旦她主动开启一个话题,你的回答总是能深深打动她。 能做到这一点是需要一定基础的,你不仅要肚子里有货,更要淡定,要能控制自己的表达欲,不急于把肚子里的东西说出来。你还要明白的是,女人偏爱的沟通方式不是逻辑式的,而是分享感觉。所以你要注重她所表达的情绪和感觉,而不需要在逻辑上完全对应她所开启的话题。 这里我举个例子。 第一个例子就是我现在的助理,也是我大学时候一起泡妞的一个胖子,硕鼠。他就是一个及其“内向安静男人的模范党”,根据以前他接触的女人来 评价 LEC评价法下载LEC评价法下载评价量规免费下载学院评价表文档下载学院评价表文档下载 他就是一个说话让人及其舒服的人,在泡妞这个行道里我称为“烂好人”,哈哈~ 他和女人出去的时候,也不怎么聊天,他兴致来了就说两个他认为自己好玩的事情。我有幸观摩过他的这个流程,总之,跟自己兄弟怎么来,他就跟兄弟怎么来。 他手机里永远只有一个游戏:切水果。我强烈怀疑他是故意的,从我大学开始他手机里的游戏就没换过,我问他你干嘛不换游戏,他说:这叫湖北人的情调~哈哈。 当她和姑娘在一起吃饭的时候,他总是会很装逼的拿出他的切水果,一个人玩的不亦乐乎,然后对面这个女人看了眼自己的手机说:觉得好无聊,也没什么好玩的地方。 而他也没有太刻意的抬头,及其温柔的接了一句我认为及其牛逼的话“人的一生也就一万多天吧„„” 然后这时候才及其正经的抬起头看向对面这个女人,当然,这个女人也莫名其妙的看着他。他舔了舔嘴唇继续说:区别就在于你是活了一万多天,还是只活了这一天,然后重复一万多次,也许你觉得生活无聊,那是因为你每天都在过着昨天重复的生活。 说完了,对着姑娘笑笑,然后又低头玩手机去了。 接下来,你会发现这个女人开始不断得向他提供各种话题了。 以上这个例子仅仅是在细节上说明了处理方式。一旦开启话题,我的机会就来了。而她是肯定会开启话题的。因为姑娘也会觉得不说话不太好,哪怕对我没什么兴趣,她也总会扯些有的没的。然后硕鼠就会抓住她的心。 但是请注意。我上面说的这种处理方式。并不是一种“让女人瞬间喜欢上你的招式”。trees 610 tree, and flower more than 6,000 more strains, built high standards even building greenhouse 152 square meters, hardening courtyard 1800 square meters, opened has hospital within circular Lane, makes organ environment further get has green, and landscaping and bright of. Office building tension, disperse, managing difficult issues our departments Office space had been realigned, the maximum to meet the needs of departmental Office. Six, foreign bodies, under the management of the business unit achieved a new breakthrough this year, overseas offices and business units based on their practice to the full, proactive and bold innovations, dare to break through and work have made gratifying achievements. One is to play to their own advantages, in terms of coordinating service onto a new stage. Units always put quality in an important position, pay attention to the function of the service, set up the good image, expanding influence. Liaison Office in Beijing and offices in blue, is located in the capital and the capital city of advantages, actively building the city opening, economic relations, investment platform, take the initiative to strengthen ties with Beijing, Orchid staff of, in particular, report on cohesion projects city and County personnel, the best of its ability to provide a variety of convenient, and strive to create sound environment for working and living. Also make full use of the established relationships, positive attention for them, 《舞步学院》 -- 教你让她喜欢你的秘密,专研追女生的学问,赶快搜一搜~ 事实它所追求的不是说一两段牛逼的话,牛逼的故事来瞬间吸引女人。而是通过这种相处方式,让女人沉沦,让她们渐渐的迷恋上和你待在一起的感觉:实在是太舒服了~ 如果你仅仅是把我上面所说的,当作一种泡妞技术来理解。你也可以理解为泡妞的装逼指南。 但事实上,你应该用产品经理世界的思维去看待这个问题。去考虑女人想要的感觉是怎样的,而不是光死记自己应该做些什么。 你简单想想就会发现,现在这个社会,女人面对男人的时候有多么无奈。很多男人是挫得不行,肚子里没货,三棍子打不出个屁来。而肚子里有货的男人,表达欲又很强,很有进攻性,说个不停,烦死了。谁要听你那些,人很多时候就是不想讲话的啊摔~人家很多时候就是只需要你安静的待在我身边就好了。 所以有一类男人对于女人来说是多么的难得:他深邃却不急于表现。他能和你并排一起散步却各不说话。他能安静的待在你身边陪伴着你。他淡定从容,从不对你指指点点,干涉这个干涉那个。而当你想讨论点什么的时候,又发现他的观点是如此的打动你,深得你心。当你说出对生活的感慨的时候,他也能和你分享他对生活的感觉。 女人一开始不会对这样的男人怦然心动。但她会慢慢的沉沦,特别喜欢跟这个男人待在一起,觉得在他身边很心安,很舒服。就这样慢慢让她沦陷。再配合其他的一些有效的泡妞方法,是很容易拿下姑娘的。 如果是单论泡妞方法,其实上面的例子,还有别的处理方法。比如,姑娘玩了很长时间的手机之后,随口说武汉很无聊,你可以不用学习硕鼠那么装逼,你一口气说出各种武汉精致好玩的地方,吸引到她,然后约好下次一起去,这也不错啊。如果你是一个很会生活很会玩的人,你带着她,说不定也会让姑娘喜欢上你。但这就是另一种泡妞策略了,我经常就这么干。 所以再重复一遍,我上面强调的,不是泡妞方法,而是那种让姑娘在和你普通相处的过程中,让她慢慢沦陷的那种感觉。 那么在最后问一个重要问题:小新,我肚子里没货怎么办,说不出这么有感触的话来怎么办, 这里我就贱一回,在我的课程上的男性定位这一块会帮助你区分你的劣势和优势,其实你们看到太多人想学习成为幽默高手,这个出发点就是错的,你没有必要去改正的你劣势,你要做的就是去发挥你的优势,因为存在即是道理。 第二点:两个人之间的共同话题是什么, 试想一下,一个男人的成长环境是在内蒙古大草原,从小生活的是广阔的草原,蓝天白马这样的环境。 trees 610 tree, and flower more than 6,000 more strains, built high standards even building greenhouse 152 square meters, hardening courtyard 1800 square meters, opened has hospital within circular Lane, makes organ environment further get has green, and landscaping and bright of. Office building tension, disperse, managing difficult issues our departments Office space had been realigned, the maximum to meet the needs of departmental Office. Six, foreign bodies, under the management of the business unit achieved a new breakthrough this year, overseas offices and business units based on their practice to the full, proactive and bold innovations, dare to break through and work have made gratifying achievements. One is to play to their own advantages, in terms of coordinating service onto a new stage. Units always put quality in an important position, pay attention to the function of the service, set up the good image, expanding influence. Liaison Office in Beijing and offices in blue, is located in the capital and the capital city of advantages, actively building the city opening, economic relations, investment platform, take the initiative to strengthen ties with Beijing, Orchid staff of, in particular, report on cohesion projects city and County personnel, the best of its ability to provide a variety of convenient, and strive to create sound environment for working and living. Also make full use of the established relationships, positive attention for them, 一个女人成长在北京普通人家女孩儿,从小在这样的国际化大都市,每天面对的都是形形色色的人,摩天大楼车水马龙。 在大学的时候,他们两个人碰到了,他们有什么共同话题可以聊,女人没见过草原,男人没见过大楼,第一天女人听着男人讲着草原的故事,觉得很好玩很有趣,那么你让这个女人听他讲上一个月试试,你觉得还有意思不, 但是人就是这样,物以类聚,我们都在寻找和自己聊得来的人,还是希望对方有和自己共同语言。 那么说到共同语言,这个就更简单了,虽然男人和女人的成长环境不同,但是他们都是人,是人都有共性,那就是七情六欲,他们一定都经历过,伤心,痛苦,开心,离别,背叛等等这样的情绪。 所以,不管男人和女人在成长环境和社会环境不一样,多么没有共同话题,但是他们一样能够在心灵上找到这个依靠。 所以,你认为现在聊天水平重要还是能够有个心灵依靠重要,我想这点才是你需要去关注的。 尽量少聊你们的具体事实,而是多聊两人之间的内心感受,而这样的感受又是可以通过个人成长经历这样的故事带出来的。 说话的技巧千千万,但是你只要彻底理解,并且能够为我所用,你就算得上是一个高手了。 在最后,我要提一点。 以上内容能够发挥最大作用的,也仅仅是像硕鼠这样内向男人,也就是在我眼中看来是个“好人”的人才能发挥出这样的超强得作用。 而,其余三种类型的男人,虽然这个作用没那么大,但是也还是有一定效果的,关键就在于„„ 其实,说到这里,关键在于什么已经不重要了,其实这里出现一个被你们一直所忽视的问题,那就是为什么跟我出去的每个兄弟我都可以快速的从各类“精英”身上扒下他们身上的优质点,并且为我所用, 一一如何真正掌握和女人的互动、约会技巧, 当你学会了这些核心技巧,你便可以让你从前搞砸的许多妹子起死回生,因为你比以前更懂得女人心~而这些方法之所以管用,因为这都是我们从无数的情感案例中 总结 初级经济法重点总结下载党员个人总结TXt高中句型全总结.doc高中句型全总结.doc理论力学知识点总结pdf 出来的,而不trees 610 tree, and flower more than 6,000 more strains, built high standards even building greenhouse 152 square meters, hardening courtyard 1800 square meters, opened has hospital within circular Lane, makes organ environment further get has green, and landscaping and bright of. Office building tension, disperse, managing difficult issues our departments Office space had been realigned, the maximum to meet the needs of departmental Office. Six, foreign bodies, under the management of the business unit achieved a new breakthrough this year, overseas offices and business units based on their practice to the full, proactive and bold innovations, dare to break through and work have made gratifying achievements. One is to play to their own advantages, in terms of coordinating service onto a new stage. Units always put quality in an important position, pay attention to the function of the service, set up the good image, expanding influence. Liaison Office in Beijing and offices in blue, is located in the capital and the capital city of advantages, actively building the city opening, economic relations, investment platform, take the initiative to strengthen ties with Beijing, Orchid staff of, in particular, report on cohesion projects city and County personnel, the best of its ability to provide a variety of convenient, and strive to create sound environment for working and living. Also make full use of the established relationships, positive attention for them, 《舞步学院》 -- 教你让她喜欢你的秘密,专研追女生的学问,赶快搜一搜~ 是凭空想出来的。 而这些实用的技能,已经成功帮助10000名《舞步学院》的学员过上了情感自由的生活,更 多的技能将会在我们每周的内部课进行全方位的详细解析。 同时,每天晚上9点在舞步学院直播间也会进行免费公开课,学习专业约会可以参加《舞步 学院魔鬼训练营》课程,帮助你彻底从外到内的改变。 trees 610 tree, and flower more than 6,000 more strains, built high standards even building greenhouse 152 square meters, hardening courtyard 1800 square meters, opened has hospital within circular Lane, makes organ environment further get has green, and landscaping and bright of. Office building tension, disperse, managing difficult issues our departments Office space had been realigned, the maximum to meet the needs of departmental Office. Six, foreign bodies, under the management of the business unit achieved a new breakthrough this year, overseas offices and business units based on their practice to the full, proactive and bold innovations, dare to break through and work have made gratifying achievements. One is to play to their own advantages, in terms of coordinating service onto a new stage. Units always put quality in an important position, pay attention to the function of the service, set up the good image, expanding influence. Liaison Office in Beijing and offices in blue, is located in the capital and the capital city of advantages, actively building the city opening, economic relations, investment platform, take the initiative to strengthen ties with Beijing, Orchid staff of, in particular, report on cohesion projects city and County personnel, the best of its ability to provide a variety of convenient, and strive to create sound environment for working and living. Also make full use of the established relationships, positive attention for them,
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