首页 电熨斗程序(Electric iron program)

电熨斗程序(Electric iron program)


电熨斗程序(Electric iron program)电熨斗程序(Electric iron program) 电熨斗程序(Electric iron program) *************************************** Yihe electric iron *******************************************; MDT Corp (SZ) Ltd; ;; File:, K-105.ASM, Editor:, KEN, KONG; ;; Date: 06 - 06 - 09 Ver: 1.3;...

电熨斗程序(Electric iron program)
电熨斗程序(Electric iron program) 电熨斗程序(Electric iron program) *************************************** Yihe electric iron *******************************************; MDT Corp (SZ) Ltd; ;; File:, K-105.ASM, Editor:, KEN, KONG; ;; Date: 06 - 06 - 09 Ver: 1.3; Integrated 8 minutes, 30 seconds, 10 minutes, 2 minutes, a total of 3 versions in a program; modify flash time for 1S, 1 lights, 1 out; Type:, MDT10P53, INT_RC_OSC:, 4MHz; The correction was reduced by 3 seconds, 8 minutes by 12s, and 10 by 15s; To change the LED display output for the buzzer output To change the output of the buzzer sound, 4 times a second, beep, sound 15s; To change the output buzzer for active output, 1S 8 times beep, 125ms duty cycle *******************************************************************************************; LIST P=12C509; -------------------FSR DEFINE--------------------; *************************************************; INDF, EQU, 00H; TMR0 EQU 01H; STATUS EQU 03H; FSR, EQU, 04H; PB EQU 06H; *************************************************; -----------------PORT DEFINE---------------------; *************************************************; BEEP_OUT EQU 5; buzzer control port RL1_OUT EQU 4; relay control port MODE_IN EQU 3; mode select switch FOR TEST MODE3_IN EQU 2; removable LED_OUT EQU 5 GDS_IN EQU 1; touch bead status detection RESTART_IN EQU 0; manual start key *************************************************; ----------------REGISTER DEFINE------------------; DELAY1 EQU 08H; DELAY2 EQU 09H; DELAYCK1S EQU 0AH; GDS_STATUS EQU 0BH; touch bead input status memory NEWSTATUS EQU 0; current status of contact bead OLDSTATUS EQU 1; a previous state of contact with beads STA_CHANGE EQU 2; status changes bit BEEP_OTP EQU 3; beep enable flag bit RUN_MODE EQU 5; running mode is divided into 10 minutes, 8 minutes, 2 minutes RUN_MODE1 EQU 6; 10 minutes for 10, 8 minutes for 00, 2 minutes for 01, a total of 3 CHECK_EN EQU 7; detection enable bits CHECK_NUM EQU 0DH; GDS_TEMP EQU 0EH; touch bead input level detection register DELAY_SEC EQU 0FH DELAY_NS EQU 10H DELAY_3S EQU 11H BEEP_TIME EQU 12H TIME0 EQU 13H H_LEVEL EQU 14H L_LEVEL EQU 15H *************************************************; W EQU 0 F EQU 1 C EQU 0 Z EQU 2 *************************************************; --------------------PROGRAMME START------------------------; *************************************************; ORG 03FFH GOTO START *************************************************; *************************************************; 程序如下:ORG 0000H 从新启动 ;************************************************* ;初始化开始 开始 movlw B“00000 101”;64分频,64×256,16384us溢出判断为 8.192ms溢出一次。 选项 movlw B '00001111”;设置铅口 三铅 清除溢油的铅 movlw B '00100000”;此处放模式资料,为bit6bit5 ;_8分钟/ 10分钟双功能为00,带哔功能为01,2分钟/ 2分钟为10,2分钟分钟为11 / 8 movwf gds_status;初始化GDS状态寄存器,检测使能为不使能 电话gds_check01s;为保证继电器正常工作,上电延迟1s 模式选择,直接跳转; btfss gds_status,6 去mode8_10 mode2_2_8 btfss gds_status,5 去mode_2min2min 去mode_2min8min mode8_10 btfss gds_status,5 去mode_8min10min 去mode_beep ; *********************************************************** ******************** ;*************************************************; -----------------------------端口初始化 ---------------------------------------------; ;*************************************************; ;_2分/ 2分的程序开始 mode_2min2min: movlw。39;2分钟平放立放均加热 去aso_out 嘟嘟模式开始; mode_beep movlw。20;1分钟一上电均加热 1;movlw。 去aso_out ;*************************************************; ;_2分/ 8分的程序开始 mode_2min8min: btfsc gds_status,0 去mode_2min8min_high;立放,延时8分,忽略检测GDS的变化 mode_2min8min_low: movlw。39;GDS为低,平放加热120s(2分) 去aso_out mode_2min8min_high: movlw。156;GDS为高,立放加热8分钟 6 movlw;试验。 去aso_out mode_8min10min NOP ;*************************************************; ;_8分/ 30秒的程序开始 mode_8min: btfsc gds_status,0 去mode_8min_high;立放,延时8分,忽略检测GDS的变化 mode_8min_low: movlw。30;GDS为低,平放加热90s(1分30s) ;测试 20;movlw。 去aso_out mode_8min_high: ;movlw。160;GDS为高,立放加热8分钟 movlw。156;修正值,9s ;测试 40;movlw。 去aso_out ;*************************************************; ;加热延时检测主程序 aso_out: movwf delay_ns BCF Pb、beep_out;加热动作开始 ;BCF Pb、led_out BSF Pb、rl1_out 电话gds_check1s; BCF gds_status,2 清除溢油时间 delay_3s_lp: movlw。3;延时3S,因1个检测周期是1s movwf delay_3s delay_s_lp: BSF Pb、rl1_out delay_s_lp_1 电话gds_checkin 去delay_s_lp_1 time1s_out 小delay_3s,F; Delay 3S time to no GOTO DELAY_S_LP DECFSZ, DELAY_NS, F; total heating delay time GOTO DELAY_3S_LP GOTO ASO_IN; to, turn ASO_IN, stop heating treatment *********************************************************** *******; Test input subroutine GDS_CHECKIN CLRF L_LEVEL CLRF H_LEVEL GDS_CHECKIN_LP BTFSC, GDS_STATUS, 2; judge whether the status change bit is 1 GOTO STATUS_CHANGE; change to status; change handler CLRWDT BTFSC TMR0,7 GOTO TMR0_OUT GOTO GDS_CHECKIN_LP CHECK_IT BTFSS GDS_STATUS, 7 GOTO GDS_CHECKIN_LP BTFSS, PB, GDS_IN GOTO GDS_LOW_IN GDS_HIGH_IN BTFSC GDS_STATUS, 1 GOTO GDS_CHECKIN_LP; the original is high, the input is high, and the direct exit CLRF L_LEVEL INCF, H_LEVEL, F BTFSS, H_LEVEL, 3; sensitivity changes the number of digits to change sensitivity GOTO GDS_CHECKIN_LP CLRF H_LEVEL BSF GDS_STATUS, 1 BSF GDS_STATUS, 2 GOTO GDS_CHECKIN_LP GDS_LOW_IN BTFSS GDS_STATUS, 1 GOTO GDS_CHECKIN_LP; the original is low and the input is low, too CLRF H_LEVEL INCF, L_LEVEL, F BTFSS, L_LEVEL, 3; sensitivity changes the number of digits to change sensitivity GOTO GDS_CHECKIN_LP CLRF L_LEVEL BCF GDS_STATUS, 1 BSF GDS_STATUS, 2 GOTO GDS_CHECKIN_LP TMR0_OUT BCF TMR0,7 INCF, TIME0, F BTFSS TIME0,7 GOTO CHECK_IT MOVLW B'10000110' ADDWF, TIME0, F GOTO TIME1S_OUT *************************************************; Protect ASO from running ASO_IN: MOVLW.10 MOVLW.40 MOVWF BEEP_TIME ASO_IN_F1 MOVLW 20H; ASO open, LED state turns 1 times per second XORWF, PB, F BCF, PB, RL1_OUT; ASO open CALL GDS_CHECK125MS_BEEP BTFSC, GDS_STATUS, 2; judge whether the status change bit is 1 GOTO STATUS_CHANGE; change to status; change handler CALL GDS_CHECK125MS BTFSC, GDS_STATUS, 2; judge whether the status change bit is 1 GOTO STATUS_CHANGE; change to status; change handler DECFSZ, BEEP_TIME, F; total heating delay time GOTO ASO_IN_F1 ASO_IN_FORE BCF, PB, RL1_OUT BCF, GDS_STATUS, 7; open relay, time delay 1s detection, in case of misoperation CALL GDS_CHECK1S ASOIN_1: BCF, PB, RL1_OUT; ASO open BCF, PB, BEEP_OUT BSF, GDS_STATUS, 7; detection enable ASOIN_1_1 MOVLW 20H; ASO open, LED state turns 1 times per second XORWF, PB, F CALL GDS_CHECK1S; delayed 1 second and detected changes in GDS status BTFSC, GDS_STATUS, 2; judge whether the status change bit is 1 GOTO STATUS_CHANGE; change to status; change handler GOTO ASOIN_1_1; repeat the ASO_IN action for 0 *************************************************; Status change handler STATUS_CHANGE: BTFSS GDS_STATUS, 0 GOTO GDS_TOLOW GOTO GDS_TOHIGH GDS_TOLOW: MOVLW.10; GDS is low, flat heating 30s GOTO ASO_OUT GDS_TOHIGH: MOVLW.156; GDS is high, stand up and heat for 8 minutes GOTO ASO_OUT *************************************************; GDS level change detection subroutine 1S GDS_CHECK1S: MOVLW.8 MOVWF DELAYCK1S GOTO GDS_CHECK_START GDS_CHECK01S: MOVLW.1 MOVWF DELAYCK1S GOTO GDS_CHECK_START GDS level change detection subroutine 05S GDS_CHECK05S: MOVLW.6 MOVLW.1 MOVWF DELAYCK1S GDS_CHECK_START:; GDS level change detection subroutine 250MS MOVLW 08H MOVWF GDS_TEMP BCF GDS_STATUS, 0; GDS; the current status is pre cleared 0 MOVLW 7H; detected 7 times, a total of 125ms MOVWF CHECK_NUM; change sensitivity, and change GDS_TEMP GDS_CHECK_LP: BTFSS, PB, GDS_IN DECF, GDS_TEMP, F BTFSC, PB, GDS_IN INCF, GDS_TEMP, F CALL DELAY18MS DECFSZ, CHECK_NUM, F GOTO GDS_CHECK_LP MOVLW 08H SUBWF GDS_TEMP, 0 BTFSC, STATUS, C BSF GDS_STATUS, 0; get current status of GDS BTFSS, GDS_STATUS, 0; have the judgment changed? GOTO GDS_S_L; set the GDS status change bit BTFSS GDS_STATUS, 1 BSF GDS_STATUS, 2 BTFSC GDS_STATUS, 1 BCF GDS_STATUS, 2 GOTO $+5 GDS_S_L:, BTFSC, GDS_STATUS, 1 BSF GDS_STATUS, 2 BTFSS GDS_STATUS, 1 BCF GDS_STATUS, 2 BTFSS, GDS_STATUS, 2; change of state GOTO $+3; saves the current state to oldstatus MOVLW 2H XORWF, GDS_STATUS, F BTFSS, GDS_STATUS, 7; judge change status, enable bit BCF GDS_STATUS, 2; for 0, no enable, status change, bit clear 0 BTFSC GDS_STATUS, 2 GOTO $+3 DECFSZ, DELAYCK1S, F GOTO GDS_CHECK_START RETLW 0H; returns *************************************************; DELAY18MS:; delayed 18ms subroutine MOVLW 0EH MOVWF DELAY1 DELAY1_LP: MOVLW 0FEH MOVWF DELAY2 NOP DELAY2_LP: NOP CLRWDT DECFSZ, DELAY2, F GOTO DELAY2_LP DECFSZ, DELAY1, F GOTO DELAY1_LP RETLW 0H *************************************************; GDS_CHECK125MS BCF, GDS_STATUS, BEEP_OTP GOTO $+2 GDS_CHECK05S_BEEP GDS_CHECK125MS_BEEP BSF, GDS_STATUS, BEEP_OTP MOVLW.5 MOVWF DELAYCK1S CHECK1S_BEEP_START: MOVLW 08H MOVWF GDS_TEMP BCF GDS_STATUS, 0; GDS; the current status is pre cleared 0 MOVLW 7H; detected 7 times, a total of 125ms MOVWF CHECK_NUM; change sensitivity, and change GDS_TEMP CHECK1S_BEEP_LP: BTFSS, PB, GDS_IN DECF, GDS_TEMP, F BTFSC, PB, GDS_IN INCF, GDS_TEMP, F CALL DELAY18MS_BEEP DECFSZ, CHECK_NUM, F GOTO CHECK1S_BEEP_LP MOVLW 08H SUBWF GDS_TEMP, 0 BTFSC, STATUS, C BSF GDS_STATUS, 0; get current status of GDS BTFSS, GDS_STATUS, 0; have the judgment changed? GOTO CHECK1S_BEEP_L; set the GDS status change bit BTFSS GDS_STATUS, 1 BSF GDS_STATUS, 2 BTFSC GDS_STATUS, 1 BCF GDS_STATUS, 2 GOTO $+5 CHECK1S_BEEP_L: BTFSC GDS_STATUS, 1 BSF GDS_STATUS, 2 BTFSS GDS_STATUS, 1 BCF GDS_STATUS, 2 BTFSS, GDS_STATUS, 2; change of state GOTO $+3; saves the current state to oldstatus MOVLW 2H XORWF, GDS_STATUS, F BTFSS, GDS_STATUS, 7; judge change status, enable bit BCF GDS_STATUS, 2; for 0, no enable, status change, bit clear 0 BTFSC GDS_STATUS, 2 GOTO $+3 DECFSZ, DELAYCK1S, F GOTO CHECK1S_BEEP_START BCF, PB, BEEP_OUT RETLW 0H; returns *************************************************; DELAY18MS_BEEP:; delayed 18ms subroutine MOVLW 0EH MOVLW 05H MOVWF DELAY1 DELAY18MS_BEEP_LP: MOVLW 04DH MOVWF DELAY2 DELAY18MS_BEE2_LP: NOP BTFSS TMR0,1 BCF, PB, BEEP_OUT BTFSC TMR0,1 BTFSS, GDS_STATUS, BEEP_OTP BCF, PB, BEEP_OUT BTFSC, GDS_STATUS, BEEP_OTP BSF, PB, BEEP_OUT CLRWDT DECFSZ, DELAY2, F GOTO DELAY18MS_BEE2_LP DECFSZ, DELAY1, F GOTO DELAY18MS_BEEP_LP RETLW 0H *************************************************; *************************************************; _10 start of the program MODE_10MIN: BSF, GDS_STATUS, 7; detection enable GOTO MIN10_ASO_OUT *************************************************; Heating delay detection main program MIN10_ASO_OUT: MOVLW.195; flat, upright and heated for 10 minutes MOVWF DELAY_NS BSF, PB, LED_OUT; the heating action begins BSF, PB, RL1_OUT MIN10_3S_LP: MOVLW.3; delay 3S, because the 1 detection cycle is 1s MOVWF DELAY_3S MIN10_S_LP: CALL GDS_CHECK1S BTFSC, GDS_STATUS, 2; judge whether the status change bit is 1 GOTO MIN10_ASO_OUT; change to ASO handler DECFSZ, DELAY_3S, F; time delay, 30s, or not GOTO MIN10_S_LP DECFSZ, DELAY_NS, F; total heating delay time GOTO MIN10_3S_LP GOTO MIN10_ASO_IN; to, turn ASO_IN, stop heating treatment *************************************************; Protect ASO from running MIN10_ASO_IN: BCF, PB, LED_OUT; start of heating action BCF, PB, RL1_OUT; ASO open BCF, GDS_STATUS, 7; open relay, time delay 1s detection, in case of misoperation CALL GDS_CHECK1S MIN10_ASOIN_1: BSF, GDS_STATUS, 7; detection enable CLRWDT BTFSC, PB, RESTART_IN GOTO $-2 GOTO MIN10_ASO_OUT; ASO_out action *************************************************; END --------------------PROGRAMME END------------------------; ; **************************************************************************************************;
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