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妇科肿瘤疾病测试题(Gynecological cancer disease test)


妇科肿瘤疾病测试题(Gynecological cancer disease test)妇科肿瘤疾病测试题(Gynecological cancer disease test) 妇科肿瘤疾病测试题(Gynecological cancer disease test) Gynecological cancer disease test I. selection questions [A1 1., red degeneration of uterine fibroids often occurs in A. myoma torsion, B. sexual function is active w...

妇科肿瘤疾病测试题(Gynecological cancer disease test)
妇科肿瘤疾病测试 快递公司问题件快递公司问题件货款处理关于圆的周长面积重点题型关于解方程组的题及答案关于南海问题 (Gynecological cancer disease test) 妇科肿瘤疾病测试题(Gynecological cancer disease test) Gynecological cancer disease test I. selection questions [A1 1., red degeneration of uterine fibroids often occurs in A. myoma torsion, B. sexual function is active when C. pregnancy, D. delivery period, E. menstrual period of a long time The most common benign tumor of the female genital tract 2. is A. B. C. of uterine fibroids vaginal adenosis tubal endometriosis D. ovarian dermoid cyst E. ovarian serous cystadenoma 3. the type of uterine fibroids is correct, A. multiple fibroids are common, B. occurs in the cervical region rare, C. sarcoma is not uncommon, E. postmenopausal fibroids continue to grow, many see F. serosa fibroids are not uncommon 4. uterine fibroids and the blood volume increased close to the clinical manifestations of A. leiomyoma size B. myoma number C. leiomyoma site D. leiomyoma and myometrial E. occurred at the age of 5. with leiomyoma of the uterus was not related to the A. B. C. early recurrent spontaneous abortion infertility difficult defecation D. frequent micturition E. anemia 5.. Fibroids are prone to degeneration during pregnancy. They are A. hyaline degeneration, B. steatosis, C. cystic degeneration, E. red change, and F. sarcoma 6., the larger intramural fibroids of the uterus associated with pregnancy, fever and abdominal pain, examination of fibroids rapidly increased, it should be thought that fibroids occur A., glass changes, B. cystic change, C. red change D., sarcoma E. calcification 7. married nulliparous young women with a single large intramural myoma, a significant increase in the volume, the most appropriate treatment should be followed up A. B. androgen treated with small dose C. transabdominal myomectomy D. subtotal hysterectomy E. hysterectomy 8. the most common symptoms of submucous myoma of uterus are A., lower abdominal mass, B. dysmenorrhea, C. menorrhagia, prolonged menstruation, D., excessive leucorrhea, and E. infertility 9. the clinical manifestation of lower uterine fibroids is A. vaginal irregular bleeding, B. leucorrhea increase, C. lower abdomen drop pain, D. lower abdominal mass, E. anemia 10. uterine fibroids and medium-term pregnancy differential method is A., no history of menopause, B. abdominal enlargement degree, C. pregnancy test, D. ultrasound examination, E. diagnostic curettage 11. which of the following is not a common clinical manifestation of uterine fibroids, A. menstrual volume increases, B. infertility, C. uterine enlargement, D. uterine rigidity, E., uterine adhesions are inactive 12. which of the following is wrong about the pain caused by fibroids? A. is the main cause of dysmenorrhea, B. generally does not occur pain, C. fibroids under the fibroids may occur when the pain occurs, D. fibroids occur red degeneration can occur when pain, E. submucosal fibroids can stimulate contractions pain About 13. of uterine fibroids symptoms, which of the following is wrong A. regardless of the size of myoma of uterus can cause menorrhagia B. submucous myoma symptoms as early as C. without pain D. subserous myoma symptoms of late E. can cause infertility 14., in addition to which of the following, are the treatment of uterine fibroids should consider the age of A. patients, B. requirements for fertility, C. clinical symptoms of the severity of D., uterine fibroids size, E. prevent malignant change 15. myoma degeneration, which of the following common A. hyaline degeneration, B. cystic change C. red change D., sarcoma E. calcification? 16. androgen treatment of uterine fibroids, the total amount of the month generally does not exceed A.100, Mg, B.150mg, C.200mg, D.250mg, E.300mg 17.43 year old female who underwent total hysterectomy for uterine fibroids. Which ligament does not need to be cut A. round ligament, B. main ligament, C. broad ligament, D. sacral ligament, E. pelvic funnel ligament A 18.48 year old female diagnosed with submucosal myoma of the uterus and moderate anemia should be followed up by B. for A. hysterectomy C. subtotal hysterectomy, D., progesterone, E., estrogen About 19. of the following A. right uterine myoma subserous myoma with submucous myoma with low incidence of B. in leiomyoma estrogen less therapeutic effect in C. patients with uterine fibroids poor drug operation was needed, D. sarcomas are rare variant of E. cervical myoma site does not occur in general 20.. When pregnant women develop red degeneration of uterine fibroids, what are the following measures A.? Immediately surgical removal of denatured fibroids, B. immediately hysterectomy, C. immediately apply large doses of antibiotics, D. generally conservative treatment, without surgery, E. immediately termination of pregnancy 21. which of the following is not associated with uterine fibroids, A. lutein cyst, B., pregnancy accelerated growth, C. uterine sarcoma, D., postmenopausal volume decreased, E. red degeneration About 22. of myoma of uterus bleeding, which should be the exception of uterine cavity A. increases, B. increases the intimal area poor uterine contraction, C. is usually associated with endometrial hyperplasia D. leiomyoma necrosis, ulceration and infection E. myomagenesis hyalinization About 23. of uterine leiomyoma, which of the following is not the correct A. in B. uterine leiomyoma women 30--50 years of age may have close relation with estrogen, estrogen levels promote myoma growth of C. uterine fibroids hyalinization for cancer early manifestations of D. red degeneration of uterine leiomyoma occurred in pregnancy or puerperium E. subserous myoma patients no menstrual changes 24. the main symptoms of intramural myoma of uterus are A., irregular menstruation, B., postmenopausal bleeding, C., menorrhagia, D., contact bleeding E. vaginal purulent drainage 25. patients with uterine fibroids should be followed up at least once for 1 months, B. for 2 months, C. for 3-6 months, D. for 2 years, and E. for 5 years for years 26. according to the classification relationship of uterine myoma and uterine muscle, uterine fibroids can be divided into A. uterine myoma and uterine myoma and B. pedicle nonpedunculated submucosal myoma, C. myoma subserous myoma, uterine fibroids D. intramural myoma and broad ligament myoma leiomyoma fibroma and E. 27. the most common symptoms of submucous myoma are A., excessive menstruation, B. bloody leucorrhea, C. dysmenorrhea, D. secondary anemia, E., lower abdominal mass, [A2 problem 28., a patient 48 years old, normal menstrual cycle, menstrual volume more than 5 years. Physical examination: blood pressure 120/75mmHg, heart rate 98 beats / min, anemia, uterine pregnancy such as 2 and a half the size of the uterus, uneven surface, the left uterine palpable and a diameter of about 5cm size mass, qualitative hard, inseparable from the body of the uterus, no tenderness. The patient should first consider A., multiple uterine fibroids, B., ovarian parenchymal tumors, C., uterine fibroids, D. pelvic inflammatory masses, and E. endometriosis cysts 29., a patient 48 years old, physical examination found uterine fibroids for 6 months. The menstrual cycle is normal and the volume is less. Gynecological examination: the anterior uterus, such as 2 and a half months pregnant, size, surface uneven, nodular, stiff. The result of ultrasonography is multiple myoma. The size of myoma has no obvious difference with that before half a year. Which treatment should be used in this case? A. followed up for B., myomectomy, C. total hysterectomy plus bilateral excision, D. subtotal hysterectomy, E., androgen therapy 30.49 year old female, menstruation is normal all without exception. During the census, the anterior uterine wall myoma was found to be about 3cm in diameter. Which of the following statements? The wrong A. simple uterine fibroids, and without anemia, compression symptoms may not need surgery B. if fibroids grow quickly may C. if surgical treatment in patients with postmenopausal leiomyoma continued to grow, appropriate surgical treatment of D. fibroids have grown up, and the patient's age is big, malignant opportunities, and early surgical treatment should be E. if myoma produces bladder compression symptoms, the need for surgical treatment of type [B: problem 31-34 A.40 years found by ultrasound in patients with myoma of uterus, such as pregnant more than 2 months the size B. of submucosal myoma of uterus prolapse vaginal uterine fibroids C. as 2 months pregnant size 67 g/L D. hemoglobin in patients 48 years of age, found myoma of 3 years, such as at 50 days the size of E. patients 28 years of age, pregnant 1 produce 0, found that the intramural myoma size of 5cm3 31. transvaginal myomectomy, postoperative perineum care 32. after transfusion, consider the operation after transfusion 33. follow up and review regularly 34. eliminate uterine fibroids, retain the uterus, postoperative observation of vaginal bleeding problems, 35-37 A. submucosal fibroids, B. submucosal fibroids, C. intramural fibroids, D. broad ligament fibroids, E. Myoma of uterus 35. most likely to have pedicle torsion of fibroids 36. pregnancy caused by malposition of the myoma is The 37. most prone to large amount of vaginal bleeding and fibroid necrosis 38-40 A. uterine leiomyoma B. uterine fibroids hyalinization C. uterine leiomyoma sarcomatous change D. uterine myoma red E. submucosal myoma of uterus infection 38.27 years old, there is a history of uterine fibroids, postpartum abdominal pain in February, fibroids were increased before, for 39.42 years old, uterine fibroids for 10 years, nearly 2 months have irregular vaginal bleeding, check the uterus before the increase, for 40. had a history of uterine leiomyoma, vaginal purulent material for nearly 3 months, see the cervix polyp removal of 5cm material. Two. Fill in the blanks 1, uterine fibroids are the most common benign tumor of the _____, occurred in the _____ years. According to statistics, women above the age of 35 about the _____ occurrence of uterine fibroids, but most patients with myoma of small, asymptomatic, but failed to find. 2, the _____ myomagenesis to the _____ peritoneal spread, known as the "broad ligament flesh", which belongs to the subserosal type. 3, "subserous myoma" if continue to the _____ direction, finally can only by a pedicle connects with the uterus, a serous pedunculated myoma. The blood vessels of the tumor pedicle are the only blood circulation of fibroids. If the _____, can break away from the tumor necrosis, shedding fibroids in the peritoneal cavity, close to the adjacent organs, organizations such as the _____ 4 _____, get blood nutrition and become "the _____" or "the _____". 4, according to the location of fibroids are: _____ (92%) and the _____ (8%), 5 in myoma of cervix area growth, because the growth of low position, can be incarcerated in the pelvic cavity, produce the _____ symptoms, surgical resection is difficult, easy to damage the _____, the _____. Three, yes and no judgment 1. Uterine fibroids are most common in women aged 20-30. 2, the occurrence of uterine fibroids may be related to female hormones. 3. Uterine fibroids consist of fibrous connective tissue. 4, red degeneration is more common in menopausal women. 5. The myoma is a solid globular nodule with a smooth surface and no obvious boundary with the surrounding muscle tissue. 6. Uterine fibroids are the most common tumors in the body. 7, the exact etiology of uterine fibroids is unknown, may be associated with high levels of estrogen in the body, long-term estrogen stimulation related. 8, uterine fibroids, according to the number of connective tissue fibers, also known as fibroids (fibromyoma), fibroids or fibroma. 9, ovarian granulosa cell tumor, theca cell tumor (can secrete estrogen) patients often associated with uterine fibroids. 10 、 exogenous estrogen can accelerate the growth of myoma. 11, under 35 years of age, have not been born, should be done as far as possible muscle nuclear resection, fertility reserved. 12, uterine fibroids are benign tumors, surrounded by a complete capsule of the envelope. 13, cystic change is the most common change of uterine fibroids. Four, nouns explain 1, myoma of uterus 2, broad ligament myoma 3, free myoma Five, English to Chinese 1.cystic degeneration 2.red degeneration 3.sarcomatous, change, 4.degeneration, with, calcification, 5.submucous, myoma, 6.subserous,, myoma, 7.intramural, myoma Six, Jane answer 1, uterine fibroids appear those cases, should be aware of malignant change may be? 2. What complications of uterine fibroids are easily manifested as acute abdominal pain? 3, which patients with fibroids are suitable for drug treatment? 4, fibroids caused by bleeding a lot of reasons? 5, uterine fibroids and uterine fibroids identification. Seven. Discussion questions 1, detailed classification of uterine fibroids. 2, uterine fibroids are easily confused with what conditions or diseases, Should pay attention to identification? 3. What are the clinical manifestations of uterine fibroids? 4. Ultrasonographic findings of uterine fibroids. 5, pregnancy combined with fibroids, how to deal with? The fourth section, the reference answer First, the multiple-choice question [A1 2A 3B 4C 6C 7C 9D 10C 11B 12A 13A 14E 15A 16E 17E 8C 18B 19D 20D 21A 22E 26C 23C 24C 25C 27A [A2 1C 5D] 28A 29D [B 31B 32C 33D 30D 34E 35B 36E 39C 37A 38D 40E Two. Fill in the blanks 1. Female reproductive system, II. 30~50, 20% 2. The two sides of the uterine wall and the broad ligament 3, the abdominal cavity, the pedicle torsion, the greater omentum, mesentery, and the parasitic myoma, leiomyoma of the free 4, uterine fibroids, uterine fibroids 5, compression, ureter, bladder. Three, yes no questions 1 x 2 V 3 x 4 x 5 x 6 x 9 8 7 tick tick tick tick tick 10 11 x 13 x 12 Four. Noun explanation 1, uterine fibroids are the most common benign tumors of female genital organs, and are also the most common tumors in the body. Hyperplasia of uterine smooth muscle tissue with a small amount of fibrous connective tissue. More common in 30~50 year old women, 40~50 years old, the most common, less than 20 years of age rare. 2. Pedicled myoma of the lower abdomen. The nutrition is supplied by the blood vessels of the pedicle. Due to insufficient blood supply, easy degeneration and necrosis. Ruodi of torsional fracture, falling to the abdominal or pelvic leiomyoma, the formation of free myoma 3, if the myoma is located in the side wall of the uterus to the side of the palace growth, protruding between the broad ligament, between the two leaves is called broad ligament myoma. Five, English to Chinese 1. cystic degeneration 2. red degeneration 3. sarcoma 4. calcification 5. submucosal myoma 6. submucous myoma 7. intramural leiomyoma Six, Jane answer 1, older women; postmenopausal women with fibroids suddenly increased; fibroids in the short term rapid increase; accompanied by irregular vaginal bleeding 2. infection and purulent: 1) the infection of myoma of uterus is caused by torsion of tumor stalk or acute endometritis, and it is very rare. Infection can sometimes be purulent and abscess formation occurs in a small number of cases. 2) twisting: myoma of the lower part of the serosa can reverse in the pedicle and cause acute abdominal pain. The symptoms and signs of ovarian cystoma torsion near just hard lump. 3) the red degeneration or infection of myoma of uterus during pregnancy can cause severe abdominal pain. 2, the menstrual volume and uterine enlargement, about 8 weeks of pregnancy size patients, in the diagnosis of curettage, exclude endometrial cancer, androgen therapy can be used. 3, fibroids caused by a large amount of bleeding reasons: Uterine fibroids patients often because of estrogen is too high, and endometrial hyperplasia and polyps, resulting in more menstruation; The uterine volume caused by myoma increases, the intimal area increases, the amount of bleeding is excessive and bleeding is too long. In submucous myoma, the area of mucosal bleeding can reach over 225cm2 (normal about 15cm2); Submucous myoma and surface of mucosa Often fester and necrotic, cause chronic endometritis to cause dripping wet, constant haemorrhage; Intramural myoma affects the contraction of uterus and the function of the blood vessel of the forceps, or the submucosal membrane of submucous myoma, which can not shrink by itself, and leads to more bleeding and longer duration; Larger fibroids can combine pelvic congestion, so that the blood flow and quantity; The climacteric menstruation. 4, adenomyosis clinical manifestation for menorrhagia and uterine enlargement, and uterine leiomyoma is significantly different for dysmenorrhea as the main symptom, often encounter dysmenorrhea was not obvious and diagnosis for uterine leiomyoma. At the time of examination, the uterus became more homogeneous and characterized by increased menstruation and reduced menstruation. Uterine fibroids show localized, rigid nodular eminence of the uterus. Seven. Discussion questions 1. of the fibroids originated in the myometrium, When it continues to increase, it can develop in different directions. According to the different parts of the uterus where the fibroids are located, the following categories are divided into the following categories: 1) intramural fibroids: fibroids are located in the muscle wall, surrounded by muscle layer surrounded, at the onset of more than this type of fibroids, so the most common, about 60 to 70%. 2) chorion myoma: the development of intramural fibroids to the serosa, and protruding from the surface of the uterus, and direct contact with the serosa, about 20%. Such as the expansion of the broad ligament between the two leaves, that is, broad ligament fibroids. 3) submucosal fibroids: intramural fibroids to the uterus cavity growth, prominent in the uterus cavity, and direct contact with the mucosa, about 10%. This tumor can make the uterine cavity gradually increased deformation, and often pedicle and the uterus connected, such as pedicle length can block the cervix or out of the vagina. 4) uterine cervix myoma: less common, fibroids in the cervical region growth, because the growth site is low, can be embedded in the pelvic cavity, produce compression symptoms, surgical resection difficult, easy to damage ureter, bladder. Uterine fibroids are often multiple, and more than the different types of fibroids can occur simultaneously in the same uterus, known as multiple fibroids. 2., differential diagnosis of uterine fibroids easily confused with the following conditions or diseases, should pay attention to identification. (a) the pregnant uterus myoma of uterus with cystic degeneration, easily misdiagnosed as uterine pregnancy; pregnancy and uterine, especially pregnant women aged 40 or above, and have expired abortion bleeding, may be misdiagnosed as uterine leiomyoma. In clinical practice, women who have childbearing age and have a history of menopause should first think of the possibility of pregnancy. It is not difficult to diagnose by B ultrasonography or hCG, and should be identified by curettage if necessary. Should pay special attention to fibroids combined pregnancy, at this time, the uterus than menopause month is large, irregular shape, hard texture, B type ultrasound can assist in the diagnosis. (two) ovarian tumor solid ovarian neoplasms may be misdiagnosed as subserous myoma; on the other hand, subserous myoma cysts are often misdiagnosed as ovarian cyst, ovarian tumor and uterine adhesion when the differential is more difficult for B type ultrasound, sometimes in laparotomy can be confirmed after the. (three) clinical adenomyoma was menorrhagia and uterine enlargement, and uterine leiomyoma is significantly different with dysmenorrhea as the main symptom, often encounter dysmenorrhea was not obvious and diagnosis for uterine leiomyoma. At the time of examination, the uterus became more homogeneous and characterized by increased menstruation and reduced menstruation. (four) uterine hypertrophy; The main clinical manifestations of these patients are also increased menstruation and enlarged uterus, so they are confused with uterine fibroids. However, this disease is homogeneous in the uterus and rarely exceeds 2 months of gestation, and type B sonography may assist in the diagnosis. 3. the typical symptom of uterine fibroids is menorrhagia and secondary anemia, and some patients may have no symptoms. Myoma (1) the increase of menstruation occurs mainly in submucous and intramural fibroids. It is characterized by excessive menstruation, prolonged menstruation or irregular vaginal bleeding. The main cause of increased bleeding is: Endometrial area increases, due to estrogen action to endometrial hyperplasia, fibroids impede uterine contraction, and affect the blood circulation and congestion of the intima. Because of chronic bleeding, the patient often has varying degrees of anemia. (two) lower abdominal mass, when the serous membrane or wall fibroids increase, beyond the pelvic cavity, patients can more than their own bags and go to the hospital, may be accompanied by a sense of fall. (three) oppression symptoms are located in the lower part of the uterus and cervical fibroids, such as incarcerated in the pelvic cavity, can compress pelvic tissue and nerves, causing lower abdominal pain and lumbar back pain. The myoma grows forward or backward, which can compress the bladder, urethra or rectum, and cause frequent urination, dysuria, retention of urine or constipation. When the myoma grows to both sides, it forms a broad ligament myoma. When it presses the ureter, it can cause ureteral or hydronephrosis, such as compression of pelvic vessels and lymphatic vessels, which can cause edema of the lower extremities. (four) pain is rare, except for pain due to compression of pelvic nerve, The submucosal myoma of the pedicle causes pain during contractions in the uterus. When fibroids block the cervical canal and interfere with blood flow, it can cause dysmenorrhea. It may cause severe abdominal pain when pedicle torsion occurs in the pedicle or occurs in the red degeneration or infection of hysteromyoma during pregnancy. (five) effects on pregnancy and childbirth serosa myoma generally does not affect the pregnancy, when located in the uterine horn of intramural fibroids oppression of interstitial tubal and submucous myoma by uterine infection, leiomyoma complicated with endometrial hyperplasia, can cause infertility. If you can conceive, sometimes because of inadequate blood supply or narrowing of the uterine cavity and hinder fetal development, causing miscarriage and premature delivery. When full-term pregnancy, is due to uterine cavity deformation to malposition, and can prevent uterine fibroids, cause dystocia and postpartum hemorrhage 4 、 ultrasonography: (1) the size of the uterus increases and the contour is irregular. (2) the tumor is spherical in shape and can be fused with lobed or irregular shape when it is multiple. (3) the surface of the tumor is smooth or not smooth and the capsule is clear or absent. (4) the myoma itself can be substantially homogeneous, hypoechoic or hyperechoic, with small, scattered or scattered spots in the interior. 5, no degeneration of uterine fibroids, and does not hinder the delivery, the postpartum according to deal with the situation, and tend to decrease with involution of uterus. Such as subserous myoma torsion, compression of adjacent organ myoma had severe symptoms, acute myoma degeneration, conservative treatment is invalid, myoma of incarcerated pregnancy continues, could be considered timely implementation of lesions leiomyoma enucleation, surgical bleeding is not much, the postoperative pregnancy can continue to foot, such as surgery that is not easy to keep the uterus when it should be removed along with the uterus, uterine rupture, bleeding to avoid improper adverse consequences, endangering the lives of women. The symptoms are closely related to the location and size of the femoral head. Submucous myoma of uterus is also conceived and delivered. At birth, submucosal fibroids can be inserted into the vagina with the fetus and should be differentiated from the uterus inversion. Fetal unimpeded, the fetus after transvaginal hysterectomy for prolapse, pedunculated fibroids, only take care not to cut the uterus, because this will have different degrees of uterus, of course should be differentiated from the uterus and uterine prolapse. Fibroids impede delivery, should be cesarean section, and according to the situation, remove or retain the uterus. Uterine fibroids are often larger than the age of 40, may consider the removal of the uterus; under 45 years of age, may consider retaining the ovary. Chengdu ; A area
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