首页 石城五中2011-2012学年高一下学期地理期末考试



石城五中2011-2012学年高一下学期地理期末考试石城五中2011-2012学年高一下学期地理期末考试 石城五中2011—2012学年下学期期末考试 高一地理试卷 第?卷 选择题(共60分) 一、单项选择题(共30题,每题2分,共60分,把所选答案填在答题卡上) 读图1“人口增长示意图”。完成1,2题。 1(当前我国人口增长模式符合( ) A(? B(? C(? D(? 2(?类国家人口问题现状是( ) A(青壮年劳动力过剩 B(人口老龄化日趋严重 C(人口素质偏低 D(城市人口比重较低 图2为“某城市25年间发展变化示意图”,读图 2回...

石城五中2011-2012学年高一下学期地理期末考试 石城五中2011—2012学年下学期期末考试 高一地理试卷 第?卷 选择题(共60分) 一、单项选择题(共30题,每题2分,共60分,把所选答案填在答题卡上) 读图1“人口增长示意图”。完成1,2题。 1(当前我国人口增长模式符合( ) A(? B(? C(? D(? 2(?类国家人口问题现状是( ) A(青壮年劳动力过剩 B(人口老龄化日趋严重 C(人口素质偏低 D(城市人口比重较低 图2为“某城市25年间发展变化示意图”,读图 2回答3,4题。 图2 3.图中可直接观察到的城市发展现象是( ) A.城市人口不断增加 B.城市人口在总人口中的比重不断增加 C.城市用地规模不断扩大 D.城市工业生产和商业服务水平不断提高 4.该地区城市发展带来的影响是( ) A.城郊农业生产结构发生变化 B.城市道路建设受到限制 C.城市人口增长速度缓慢 D.地区经济发展趋势变缓 读图3,回答第5题。 图3 5.图中数码??所示地区与下列“常年平均风向”“工业分布示意图”连线正确( ) A(?—丙—c、?—丁—d B(?—乙—c、?—甲—d C(?—丁—d、?—甲—a D(?—甲—a、?—丁—b fitted with exhaust started to thermal cracking. Carefully heat the liquid to make it start to boil until liquid clarified further heated 1h. Liquid cooling in the distillation flask, funnel moving quantitative Samadhi n distillation distillation flask and rinse several times until the total solution volume is about 200mL in the retort. Note that Distiller should be distilled in advance, wash the ammonia. Adjusting nitrogen lower end of the condenser of the distillation unit, so that it happens to come across bottom of the flask. This bottle pre 25mL sulfuric acid solution. Sodium hydroxide solution through the funnel 90mL Lysis solution after alkali. Note funnel neck cannot be emptied to ensure sealing. Open the condenser tubes of condensed water, began distilling. In this process, ensure the amount of steam produced is constant. About 150mL 20~30min collected the liquid in a volumetric flask, to stop distillation. Lowering of the volumetric flask, condenser tube left the surface, allow excess condensed water to drip into the bottle, and then rinsing with water condenser tube ends, water drip into the bottle, secured the release of ammonia into the volumetric flask quantitatively. Add water to the flask scale, shake well. Preparation of standard curve for a group of at least five per cent of the standard reference solution of known concentration of ammonium group. Each standard solution through a straw draw 50mL respectively into a set of lOOmL in the Erlenmeyer flask. Learn 50mL, lOOmL conical bottle water in the other, for ammonium on the standard curve ... 读我国上海市人口增长和人口自然增长率变化示意图4。回答6,9题。 图4 6.2002年到2003年上海市的人口增长率是( ) A(5.99‰ B(5.96‰ C(—5.8‰ D(—3. 2‰ 7.从1993年开始,上海市人口自然增长率呈负增长而总人口却持续上升,主要原因是( ) A.人口出生率高 B.人口死亡率低 C.大量人口迁入 D.原有人口基数小 8.上海市总人口不断增长,近期可能导致的主要问题是( ) A(人口老龄化突出 B(城市用地压力增大C(社会劳动力不足 D(城市经济缺乏活力 9.整体来看,我国上海的人口增长模式为( ) A(高高低 B(高增长 C(增长下降 D(三低 图7是“我国西北某城郊一小型大棚蔬菜生产模式图”,棚顶用塑料薄膜密封,西北面是墙,侧面是唯一进出大棚的工作门。回答第10题。 墙 门图7 10(我国近年来塑料大棚菜田发展迅速的原因是( ) ?平原地形为主?雨热同期的气候?城市市场需求量大 ?农业技术的推广 图8 A.?? B.?? C.?? D.?? 图8是“各类土地利用付租能力随距离递减示意图”,读图回答11,12题。 11. 此图反映的影响地租高低的因素( ) A(与交通要道交叉的距离 B(与市中心的距离C(土地面积的大小 D(建筑物和设施条件 fitted with exhaust started to thermal cracking. Carefully heat the liquid to make it start to boil until liquid clarified further heated 1h. Liquid cooling in the distillation flask, funnel moving quantitative Samadhi n distillation distillation flask and rinse several times until the total solution volume is about 200mL in the retort. Note that Distiller should be distilled in advance, wash the ammonia. Adjusting nitrogen lower end of the condenser of the distillation unit, so that it happens to come across bottom of the flask. This bottle pre 25mL sulfuric acid solution. Sodium hydroxide solution through the funnel 90mL Lysis solution after alkali. Note funnel neck cannot be emptied to ensure sealing. Open the condenser tubes of condensed water, began distilling. In this process, ensure the amount of steam produced is constant. About 150mL 20~30min collected the liquid in a volumetric flask, to stop distillation. Lowering of the volumetric flask, condenser tube left the surface, allow excess condensed water to drip into the bottle, and then rinsing with water condenser tube ends, water drip into the bottle, secured the release of ammonia into the volumetric flask quantitatively. Add water to the flask scale, shake well. Preparation of standard curve for a group of at least five per cent of the standard reference solution of known concentration of ammonium group. Each standard solution through a straw draw 50mL respectively into a set of lOOmL in the Erlenmeyer flask. Learn 50mL, lOOmL conical bottle water in the other, for ammonium on the standard curve ... 石城五中高一地理期末 考试试卷12. 如果仅考虑图示因素,城市地域结构应是( ) A(扇形结构 B(混合结构 C(多核心结构 D(同心圆结构 13、对交通运输线的选择起决定性作用的因素是 ( ) A(经济发展 B( 历史条件C(民族分布状况 D(自然环境 右图9为“某农业生产活动场景图”,读图完成14,15题。 14(以图示农业生产活动为主的农业地域类型是( )图9 A(混合农业 B(大牧场放牧业 C(商品谷物农业 D(水稻种植业 15.该农业地域类型的特点是( ) A(专业化程度高 B(商品率高 C(单位面积产量高 D(机械化水平高 图10为我国东南沿海某地区城市等级体系图,图11为a城市的略图。读图完成16,17题。 图11 图10 16(有关图10的叙述,正确的是( ) A(图中共有4个城市等级 B(a城市的服务范围大于c城市 C(b城市的服务种类少于c城市 D. a等级城市空间距离小于b等级城市 17(a城市拟 规划 污水管网监理规划下载职业规划大学生职业规划个人职业规划职业规划论文 布局合理的是( ) A(甲----高级住宅区 B(乙-----工业区 C(丙----化工厂D(丁----- 自来水厂 18. 20世纪80年代以来,影响我国人口迁移的主要因素是( ) A(交通 B(生态环境 C(经济 D(社会文化 19(制约环境承载力的首要因素是( ) A(资源状况 B(生活消费水平 C(科技发展水平 D(文化水平 20. 石家庄是河北省的政治中心,体现出城市是区域中的( ) A. 交通运输中心 B. 商业服务中心 C. 经济增长中心 D. 行政管理中心 21(北京前门大街、天通苑小区、亦庄经济开发区分别属于( ) A(工业区、商业区、住宅区 B(商业区、工业区、住宅区 C(住宅区、工业区、商业区 D(商业区、住宅区、工业区 读世界城市人口比重增长图12,其中四种图例分别表示发达国家、发展中国家的城市人口和农村人口(?与?表示发展中国家,?与?表示发达国家),完成22,23题。 22.图中表示城市人口的图例是( ) 图12 A.?? B.?? C.?? D.?? 23.1960年以后,发达国家城市化的速度低于发展中 国家的原因可能有( ) A.发达国家的人口呈现负增长的趋势 B.发展中国家城市化的快速、健康发展 C.发达国家的民众对环境质量的要求不断提高 fitted with exhaust started to thermal cracking. Carefully heat the liquid to make it start to boil until liquid clarified further heated 1h. Liquid cooling in the distillation flask, funnel moving quantitative Samadhi n distillation distillation flask and rinse several times until the total solution volume is about 200mL in the retort. Note that Distiller should be distilled in advance, wash the ammonia. Adjusting nitrogen lower end of the condenser of the distillation unit, so that it happens to come across bottom of the flask. This bottle pre 25mL sulfuric acid solution. Sodium hydroxide solution through the funnel 90mL Lysis solution after alkali. Note funnel neck cannot be emptied to ensure sealing. Open the condenser tubes of condensed water, began distilling. In this process, ensure the amount of steam produced is constant. About 150mL 20~30min collected the liquid in a volumetric flask, to stop distillation. Lowering of the volumetric flask, condenser tube left the surface, allow excess condensed water to drip into the bottle, and then rinsing with water condenser tube ends, water drip into the bottle, secured the release of ammonia into the volumetric flask quantitatively. Add water to the flask scale, shake well. Preparation of standard curve for a group of at least five per cent of the standard reference solution of known concentration of ammonium group. Each standard solution through a straw draw 50mL respectively into a set of lOOmL in the Erlenmeyer flask. Learn 50mL, lOOmL conical bottle water in the other, for ammonium on the standard curve ... 期末试卷共 8 页,第 3 页 D.发展中国家城乡之间经济差距逐渐缩小 下面为四幅农业景观图,读图13回答24,25题。 图13 24(造成四个地区农业生产方式差异的主要自然因素是( ) 图14 A(气候 B(地形 C(土壤 D(交通 25(下列关于四个地区农业生产特点的叙述,正确的是( ) A(甲农业生产过程精耕细作,农产品的商品率较低 B(乙农业与市场联系密切,多分布在城市周边地区 C(丙农业多以家庭为单位进行生产,生产规模较小 D(丁农业生产活动分散,对自然环境不会产生影响 上图14是“美国本土某种工业生产厂的分布图”,读图14完成26,28题。 26.该工业的布局属( ) B.市场指向型 C.动力指向型 D.技术指向型 A.资源指向型 27.该工业最有可能是( ) A.飞机制造工业 B.汽车制造工业C.瓶装饮料工业 D.高档时装工业 28.美国最大的电子工业中心位于( ) A.?地区B.?地区C.?地区D.?地区 2004年12月30日,中国西部大开发的标志性工程——西气东输工程正式投入商业运 营,结合我国“西气东输”主干管线示意图15,回答29,30题。 图15 29(“西气东输”管道线路的走向所考虑的主要经济因素是 ( ) A(地形类型 B(人口分布 C(城市分布 D(交通线路 30(“西气东输”管道的开通,对西部地区的好处有 ( ) A(变西部地区的资源优势为经济优势 B(改善西部地区的大气质量 C(提供大量劳动力和资金,带动西部地区经济发展 D(解决西部能源紧张状况 fitted with exhaust started to thermal cracking. Carefully heat the liquid to make it start to boil until liquid clarified further heated 1h. Liquid cooling in the distillation flask, funnel moving quantitative Samadhi n distillation distillation flask and rinse several times until the total solution volume is about 200mL in the retort. Note that Distiller should be distilled in advance, wash the ammonia. Adjusting nitrogen lower end of the condenser of the distillation unit, so that it happens to come across bottom of the flask. This bottle pre 25mL sulfuric acid solution. Sodium hydroxide solution through the funnel 90mL Lysis solution after alkali. Note funnel neck cannot be emptied to ensure sealing. Open the condenser tubes of condensed water, began distilling. In this process, ensure the amount of steam produced is constant. About 150mL 20~30min collected the liquid in a volumetric flask, to stop distillation. Lowering of the volumetric flask, condenser tube left the surface, allow excess condensed water to drip into the bottle, and then rinsing with water condenser tube ends, water drip into the bottle, secured the release of ammonia into the volumetric flask quantitatively. Add water to the flask scale, shake well. Preparation of standard curve for a group of at least five per cent of the standard reference solution of known concentration of ammonium group. Each standard solution through a straw draw 50mL respectively into a set of lOOmL in the Erlenmeyer flask. Learn 50mL, lOOmL conical bottle water in the other, for ammonium on the standard curve ... 石城五中高一地理期末 考试试卷石城五中2011—2012学年下学期期末考试 高一地理答题卡 第?卷 选择题(共60分) 一、单项选择题(共30题,每题2分,共60分,把所选答案填在答题卡上) 题号 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 答案 题号 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 答案 第?卷 非选择题(共40分) 二、 综合题(共4小题) 31、读图16,回答问题。(10分,每空1分) A 图16 (1)两图中阴影区域表示的农业地域类型分别是______ ______和______ ______。 (2)两图阴影区域农场种植的作物中均有__________。两图阴影区域所表示的农业地域类型都具有_________________、__________________、________________的特点 (3)甲图中A所在区域表示的农业地域类型是 ,该种农业主要分布在_______________________、_________________ 。乙图所示国家东南部的发展农业生产的不利条件是__________ 。 32、阅读下列资料和图表,回答问题 (10分) 资料一 :1964—1965年,国家从战略角度考虑,把沿海和内地密集的工业企业有 计划 项目进度计划表范例计划下载计划下载计划下载课程教学计划下载 、有步骤地向西北、西南和中南地区转移,开始了大规模的“三线”建设。 资料二 :改革开放后,越来越多的农村劳动力离开家乡,涌入经济较为发达的东南沿海谋求职业,引发了规模日益扩大的劳动力跨区流动。形成所谓的“民工潮”,人数达5 000——6000万人。 资料三 :十一届三中全会以后,我国逐步建立了经济特区和经济技术开发区,内地的一些知识分子、技术人员向东迁移,形成了“孔雀东南飞”的局面。 材料 关于××同志的政审材料调查表环保先进个人材料国家普通话测试材料农民专业合作社注销四查四问剖析材料 四 : 中国不同时期的人口迁移路线图17。 fitted with exhaust started to thermal cracking. Carefully heat the liquid to make it start to boil until liquid clarified further heated 1h. Liquid cooling in the distillation flask, funnel moving quantitative Samadhi n distillation distillation flask and rinse several times until the total solution volume is about 200mL in the retort. Note that Distiller should be distilled in advance, wash the ammonia. Adjusting nitrogen lower end of the condenser of the distillation unit, so that it happens to come across bottom of the flask. This bottle pre 25mL sulfuric acid solution. Sodium hydroxide solution through the funnel 90mL Lysis solution after alkali. Note funnel neck cannot be emptied to ensure sealing. Open the condenser tubes of condensed water, began distilling. In this process, ensure the amount of steam produced is constant. About 150mL 20~30min collected the liquid in a volumetric flask, to stop distillation. Lowering of the volumetric flask, condenser tube left the surface, allow excess condensed water to drip into the bottle, and then rinsing with water condenser tube ends, water drip into the bottle, secured the release of ammonia into the volumetric flask quantitatively. Add water to the flask scale, shake well. Preparation of standard curve for a group of at least five per cent of the standard reference solution of known concentration of ammonium group. Each standard solution through a straw draw 50mL respectively into a set of lOOmL in the Erlenmeyer flask. Learn 50mL, lOOmL conical bottle water in the other, for ammonium on the standard curve ... 期末试卷共 8 页,第 5 页 图17 ( 1 ) 图中所示的四条人口迁移路线中与“资料一”的描述相符的是 (填字母),这一时期的人口迁移的特点 。(3分) (2)图中所示的四条人口迁移路线中与“资料二”的描述相符的是 。(填字母)(1分) (3)资料二、三所反映时期人口的迁移方向 ;(2分) )资料三中人口迁移对迁出地、迁入地带来的主要影响。(4分) (4 33、图18是人口增长示意图,图19是城市人口比重增长示意图,读两图回答下列问题:(10分) 图18 图19 (1)能反映二战后非洲国家人口增长状况的是图18中的_________。(1分) (2)不同类型的国家常常处在城市化进程的不同阶段,图18中的B国家对应图19中的fitted with exhaust started to thermal cracking. Carefully heat the liquid to make it start to boil until liquid clarified further heated 1h. Liquid cooling in the distillation flask, funnel moving quantitative Samadhi n distillation distillation flask and rinse several times until the total solution volume is about 200mL in the retort. Note that Distiller should be distilled in advance, wash the ammonia. Adjusting nitrogen lower end of the condenser of the distillation unit, so that it happens to come across bottom of the flask. This bottle pre 25mL sulfuric acid solution. Sodium hydroxide solution through the funnel 90mL Lysis solution after alkali. Note funnel neck cannot be emptied to ensure sealing. Open the condenser tubes of condensed water, began distilling. In this process, ensure the amount of steam produced is constant. About 150mL 20~30min collected the liquid in a volumetric flask, to stop distillation. Lowering of the volumetric flask, condenser tube left the surface, allow excess condensed water to drip into the bottle, and then rinsing with water condenser tube ends, water drip into the bottle, secured the release of ammonia into the volumetric flask quantitatively. Add water to the flask scale, shake well. Preparation of standard curve for a group of at least five per cent of the standard reference solution of known concentration of ammonium group. Each standard solution through a straw draw 50mL respectively into a set of lOOmL in the Erlenmeyer flask. Learn 50mL, lOOmL conical bottle water in the other, for ammonium on the standard curve ... 石城五中高一地理期末 考试试卷___________阶段,D国家对应图19中的____________阶段。(2分) (3)在图19的三个阶段中,城市化发展速度最快的是_______阶段,此阶段城市中常出现环境质量下降、交通拥挤、居住条件差等现象。(1分) (4)图19中?、?阶段城市化共同的特点是 ,(2分)但形成的原因却不相同,?的原因是 _____________________________________ ,(2分) ?的原因是______________________________________________________________。(2分) 34、读图19,完成下列要求:(10分) 图19 (1)将正确选项的代号填入答题卡图中对应的空白框内(每字母限填一次)。(4分) a(臭氧层空洞 b(全球变暖 c(酸雨 d(森林锐减 (2)说明导致全球性环境问题的主要原因。(3分) (3)简述减轻环境问题的主要措施。(3分) fitted with exhaust started to thermal cracking. Carefully heat the liquid to make it start to boil until liquid clarified further heated 1h. Liquid cooling in the distillation flask, funnel moving quantitative Samadhi n distillation distillation flask and rinse several times until the total solution volume is about 200mL in the retort. Note that Distiller should be distilled in advance, wash the ammonia. Adjusting nitrogen lower end of the condenser of the distillation unit, so that it happens to come across bottom of the flask. This bottle pre 25mL sulfuric acid solution. Sodium hydroxide solution through the funnel 90mL Lysis solution after alkali. Note funnel neck cannot be emptied to ensure sealing. Open the condenser tubes of condensed water, began distilling. In this process, ensure the amount of steam produced is constant. About 150mL 20~30min collected the liquid in a volumetric flask, to stop distillation. Lowering of the volumetric flask, condenser tube left the surface, allow excess condensed water to drip into the bottle, and then rinsing with water condenser tube ends, water drip into the bottle, secured the release of ammonia into the volumetric flask quantitatively. Add water to the flask scale, shake well. Preparation of standard curve for a group of at least five per cent of the standard reference solution of known concentration of ammonium group. Each standard solution through a straw draw 50mL respectively into a set of lOOmL in the Erlenmeyer flask. Learn 50mL, lOOmL conical bottle water in the other, for ammonium on the standard curve ... 期末试卷共 8 页,第 7 页 石城五中2011—2012学年下学期期末考试 高一地理参考答案 第?卷 选择题(共60分) 一、单项选择题(共30题,每题2分,共60分,把所选答案填在答题卡上) 题号 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 答案 C B C A C A C B D C B D A D C 题号 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 答案 B A C A D D D C A A B C C C A 第?卷 非选择题(共40分) 二、31、(每空1分,共10分) 32、 33、(1)B (1分) (2)? ? (2分) (3)?(1分) (4)城市化速度缓慢 生产力水平低下,从事农业人口多,城市人口比重小 城市人口比重很大,城市化已基本完成,由于城市环境及地价等原因,出现逆城市化现象(4分) 34( (1)a c b d。(4分)(2)人口的增长;经济活动的增加;以及传统发展方式下资源利用不合理、过度消耗;向环境排放废弃物的数量超过了环境的自净能力(3分)(3)控制人口数量;资源的合理开发和利用;清洁生产;加强环境保护和污染治理;改变传统发展方式,走可持续发展道路;加强国际内调作(3分) fitted with exhaust started to thermal cracking. Carefully heat the liquid to make it start to boil until liquid clarified further heated 1h. Liquid cooling in the distillation flask, funnel moving quantitative Samadhi n distillation distillation flask and rinse several times until the total solution volume is about 200mL in the retort. Note that Distiller should be distilled in advance, wash the ammonia. Adjusting nitrogen lower end of the condenser of the distillation unit, so that it happens to come across bottom of the flask. This bottle pre 25mL sulfuric acid solution. Sodium hydroxide solution through the funnel 90mL Lysis solution after alkali. Note funnel neck cannot be emptied to ensure sealing. Open the condenser tubes of condensed water, began distilling. In this process, ensure the amount of steam produced is constant. About 150mL 20~30min collected the liquid in a volumetric flask, to stop distillation. Lowering of the volumetric flask, condenser tube left the surface, allow excess condensed water to drip into the bottle, and then rinsing with water condenser tube ends, water drip into the bottle, secured the release of ammonia into the volumetric flask quantitatively. Add water to the flask scale, shake well. Preparation of standard curve for a group of at least five per cent of the standard reference solution of known concentration of ammonium group. Each standard solution through a straw draw 50mL respectively into a set of lOOmL in the Erlenmeyer flask. Learn 50mL, lOOmL conical bottle water in the other, for ammonium on the standard curve ...
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