首页 华为MA5680T开局指导



华为MA5680T开局指导华为MA5680T开局指导 MA5680T的版本:VERSION : MA5600V800R008C01 PATCH : SPC200 SPH307 HP2107 开局前的准备工作: board add 0/1 H802EPBD \\EPBD pon业务板注册到1号槽位,业务板型号H802EPBD可以通过命令display board 0查看,注册后再通过命令display board 0查看,此时业务板的状态由auto_find转变为Normal(业务板需要手工注册,主控板不需要手工注册) interf...

华为MA5680T开局指导 MA5680T的版本:VERSION : MA5600V800R008C01 PATCH : SPC200 SPH307 HP2107 开局前的准备工作: board add 0/1 H802EPBD \\EPBD pon业务板注册到1号槽位,业务板型号H802EPBD可以通过命令display board 0查看,注册后再通过命令display board 0查看,此时业务板的状态由auto_find转变为Normal(业务板需要手工注册,主控板不需要手工注册) interface epon 0/1 打开Pon板的QinQ功能 vlan-range enable link-aggregation 0/7 0-1 egress-ingress 将7号槽位的0和1口进行端口绑捆(镇海用的是业务主控板实现端口绑捆并上行至S9303交换机),配置成功后,在设备的配置表现形势为: link-aggregation 0/7 0 egress-ingress link-aggregation add-member 0/7/0 0/7 1 与配置时不一样。 1. 创建DBA 模板 个人简介word模板免费下载关于员工迟到处罚通告模板康奈尔office模板下载康奈尔 笔记本 模板 下载软件方案模板免费下载 (用于onu上行带宽控制,无论OAM或SNMP注册ONU都需要创建DBA和线路模板)DBA只是限制ONU上行的带宽,默认情况下没有对ONU下行进行带宽限制。 CG_MA5680T (config)#dba-profile add profile-id 10 profile-name "10M" type2 assure 10240 \\创建保证带宽为10M的DBA模版 2. 创建线路模板 CG_MA5680T(config)#ont-lineprofile epon profile-id 1 profile-name “test1” CG_MA5680T(config-epon-lineprofile-1)#llid dba-profile-id 10 \\引用dba模版CG_MA5680T(config-epon-lineprofile-20)#commit \\提交生效如果没有在线路模板下配置DBA模版,那么默认调用DBA模板1,DBA1模板限制上传带宽5Mbps。 3. 创建业务模板 CG_MA5680T(config)#ont-srvprofile epon profile-id 1 profile-name "test1" CG_MA5680T(config-epon-srvprofile-1)#ont-port eth 4 \\定义ONU端口数,也可以认为是定义ONU的类型,格林耐特定义ONU一般是4口类型。 CG_MA5680T(config-epon-srvprofile-1)#commit \\提交生效 4. 创建vlan并在上行口做透传 CG_MA5680T (config)#vlan 21 standard \\ 创建网管vlan 21 CG_MA5680T (config)#vlan 3999 smart \\创建电信上网vlan CG_MA5680T (config)#vlan 3610 smart \\ 创建移动上网外层vlan CG_MA5680T (config)#vlan 300 smart \\创建点播vlan CG_MA5680T (config)#vlan attrib 3610 q-in-q \\设置移动上网外层VLAN QinQ属性 CG_MA5680T (config)#port vlan 21 0/7 0 \\将7号业务板的0号GE口透传VLAN,因业务板的0和1口成功建立端口绑捆,所以只配置0号口,1号口会自动加入。 CG_MA5680T (config)#port vlan 3999 0/7 0 CG_MA5680T (config)#port vlan 3610 0/7 0 CG_MA5680T (config)#port vlan 300 0/7 0 \\上行口透传olt上所有vlan 5. 通过OAM方式注册onu CG_MA5680T (config)# interface epon 0/1 CG_MA5680T(config-if-epon-0/1)# port 0 ont-auto-find enable \\开启0/1/0端口的ONU自动发现功能,可以查看自动发现ONU的MAC地址,同时也可以查看Pon板下自动发的但没有注册的ONU CG_MA5680T(config-if-epon-0/1)# ont add 0 mac-auth 0018-0001-0001 oam ont-lineprofile-id 1 ont-srvprofile-id 1 desc CeShi_ONU \\在0号PON口增加MAC为0018-0001-0001的ONU,注册方式为:OAM,线路模板为1,业务模板为1,描述为“CeShi_ONU”;建议ONU的描述能够加入管理IP地址。 \添加描述信息可选,增加第二台时注意更改ontid号,从0开始依次增加就行,如果不写会自动排序,如果要指定onuid号需要直接输入onuid号,如:ont add 0 1 mac-auth 0018-0001-0001 oam ont-lineprofile-id 1 ont-srvprofile-id 1 desc CeShi_ONU CG_MA5680T(config-if-epon-0/1)# ont port native-vlan 0 0 eth 1 vlan 240 \\把0号PON口下的0号ONU的1口设为access vlan 240 6. 通过SNMP方式注册ONU CG_MA5680T (config)# interface epon 0/1 CG_MA5680T(config-if-epon-0/1)#ont add 0 0 mac-auth 000A-5A14-A907 snmp ont-lineprofile-id 1 desc "JiFangCeshi_ONU1" \\在0号PON口增加MAC为000A-5A14-A907的ONU,注册方式为:snmp,线路模板为1, 描述为“CeShi_ONU” CG_MA5680T(config-if-epon-0/1)#ont ipconfig 0 0 ip-address mask gateway manage-vlan 41 \\下发ONU的管理IP和管理VLAN 7. 创建业务虚端口 CG_MA5680T(config)# service-port vlan 41 epon 0/1/0 ont 0 multi-service user-vlan 41 \\配置ONU管理vlan 41业务虚通道,1号Pon板的0号PON口(0/1代表的1号Pon板), ontid为0 CG_MA5680T(config)# service-port vlan 300 epon 0/1/0 ont 0 multi-service user-vlan 300 \\配置点播vlan 300业务虚通道,1号板的0号PON口,ontid为0 CG_MA5680T(config)#service-port vlan 3999 epon 0/1/0 ont 0 multi-service user-vlan 3999 \\配置电信上网vlan的业务虚通道, 1号板的0号PON口,ontid为0 CG_MA5680T(config)# service-port vlan 3610 epon 0/1/0 ont all multi-service user-vlan 1001 to 3499 \\为1号板的0号PON口下所有onu移动上网vlan创建业务虚通道,打外层标签 3610,内层vlan为1001-3499。 8保存配置 CG_MA5680T(config)#save 9.常用命令 查看mac地址 CG_MA5680T#display mac-address board 0/1 -------------------------------------------------------- TYPE MAC MAC TYPE F/S VLAN ID -------------------------------------------------------- epon 0040-4863-703e dynamic 0/1 240 epon 0040-4863-703f dynamic 0/1 240 epon 0040-4863-703d dynamic 0/1 240 epon 0040-4863-703c dynamic 0/1 240 epon 0040-4863-7038 dynamic 0/1 240 清除mac地址 CG_MA5680T(config)#undo mac-address mac 000a-5a14-ad17 vlan 61 查看自动发现的ONU CG_MA5680T(config)#display ont autofind all 查看ONU注册状态 CG_MA5680T(config)#display ont info 0 1 1 all ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- F/S/P: 0/1/1 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ONT-ID MAC Control Run Config Match Protect flag state state state side ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 000A-5A14-AC8A active online normal match no ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Description : ZhenHaiZhongXue ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2 000A-5A14-AA65 active online normal match no ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Description : GuangDaYinHang \\查看0/1下1号PON下所有ONU注册状态 查看全局配置 CG_MA5680T(config)#display current-configuration CG_MA5680T#display board 0 查看机框所有业务板类型 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- SlotID BoardName Status SubType0 SubType1 Online/Offline ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 1 H802EPBD Normal 2 H802EPBD Normal 3 4 5 6 7 H801SCUN Active_normal 8 H801SCUN Standby_normal 9 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- display alarm history all detail 查看所有历史详细告警 display alarm history all list 查看历史告警 CG_MA5680T#display cpu 0/7 查看主用主控板的CPU利用率 CPU occupancy: 13% CG_MA5680T(config)#display mem 0/7 查看主用主控板的内存利用率 Memory occupancy: 48% CG_MA5680T#display dba-profile ? --------------------------------------------- Command of privilege Mode: --------------------------------------------- all All DBA profile profile-id DBA profile ID profile-name DBA profile name CG_MA5680T#display dba-profile all 查看所有DBA模版 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Profile-ID type Bandwidth Fix Assure Max Bind compensation (kbps) (kbps) (kbps) times ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 1 No 5120 0 0 0 2 1 No 1024 0 0 0 3 4 No 0 0 32768 0 4 1 No 1024000 0 0 0 5 1 No 32768 0 0 0 6 1 No 102400 0 0 0 7 2 No 0 32768 0 0 8 2 No 0 102400 0 0 9 3 No 0 32768 65536 0 10 2 No 0 10240 0 2 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- CG_MA5680T#display ont-srvprofile epon all 查看业务模版 --------------------------------------------------------------------- Profile-ID Profile-name Binding times --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 ChengGuan_VIDEO 20 2 Vlan-Trunk 4 --------------------------------------------------------------------- Total: 2 CG_MA5680T#display ont-srvprofile epon ? --------------------------------------------- Command of privilege Mode: --------------------------------------------- all Display all ONT service profiles profile-id By profile ID profile-name By profile name CG_MA5680T#display ont-srvprofile epon profile-? --------------------------------------------- Command of privilege Mode: --------------------------------------------- profile-id By profile ID profile-name By profile name CG_MA5680T#display ont-srvprofile epon profile-id ? --------------------------------------------- Command of privilege Mode: --------------------------------------------- profile-id<1,8192> ONT service profile ID CG_MA5680T#display ont-srvprofile epon profile-id 1 ? --------------------------------------------- Command of privilege Mode: --------------------------------------------- Please press ENTER to execute command CG_MA5680T#display ont-srvprofile epon profile-id 1 查看业务模版 --------------------------------------------------------------------- Profile-ID : 1 Profile-name: ChengGuan_VIDEO Access-type : EPON --------------------------------------------------------------------- Port-type Port-number --------------------------------------------------------------------- POTS 0 ETH 4 TDM 0 --------------------------------------------------------------------- TDM port type : E1 Multicast fast leave switch : Unconcern Ring check switch : Unconcern --------------------------------------------------------------------- Port Port Up-traffic Down-traffic MAC-learn Class Type ID CAR-ID CAR-ID count profile-ID --------------------------------------------------------------------- ETH 1 Unconcern Unconcern Unlimited - ETH 2 Unconcern Unconcern Unlimited - ETH 3 Unconcern Unconcern Unlimited - ETH 4 Unconcern Unconcern Unlimited - --------------------------------------------------------------------- Port Port-ID Multicast-S-VLAN Multicast-C-VLAN Multicast Multicast Type tag-strip group-num --------------------------------------------------------------------- ETH 1 - - Tag Unlimited ETH 2 - - Tag Unlimited ETH 3 - - Tag Unlimited ETH 4 - - Tag Unlimited --------------------------------------------------------------------- Port-Type Port-ID Service-type Index S-VLAN C-VLAN --------------------------------------------------------------------- ETH 1 - - - - ETH 2 - - - - ETH 3 - - - - ETH 4 - - - - --------------------------------------------------------------------- Binding times : 20 --------------------------------------------------------------------- 查看三层VLAN端口 CG_MA5680T(config)#display interface { |adsl|meth|null|shdsl|vdsl|vlanif }:vlanif { <21-21>| }:21 Command: display interface vlanif 21 vlanif21 current state : UP Line protocol current state : UP Description : HUAWEI, SmartAX Series, vlanif21 Interface The Maximum Transmit Unit is 1500 bytes Internet Address is IP Sending Frames' Format is PKTFMT_ETHNT_2, Hardware address is 5489-98c1-c9de VLAN Encap-mode : single-tag CG_MA5680T(config)#interface scu 0/7 进入主控板端口 CG_MA5680T(config-if-scu-0/7)#display port state all 查看主控板所有端口状态 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Port Port Optic Native MDI Speed Duplex Flow- Active Link Type Status VLAN (Mbps) Ctrl State ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 0 GE normal 1 - auto_1000 auto_full off active online 1 GE normal 1 - auto_1000 auto_full off active online 2 GE absence 1 - auto auto off active offline 3 GE absence 1 - auto auto off active offline ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Note: For any port, setting MDI to auto-negotiation is invalid, For a 1000 M Electrical port in the full-duplex mode, setting MDI to any value is Invalid CG_MA5680T(config-if-scu-0/7)#display port statistics 0 ? 查看主控板端口流量 --------------------------------------------- Command of scu Mode: --------------------------------------------- Please press ENTER to execute command CG_MA5680T(config-if-scu-0/7)#display port statistics 0 Number of transmitted frames =3879293281 Number of received frames =1011898734 Total number of frames =4891192015 Number of transmitted multicast frames =2743 Number of received multicast frames =558650 Total number of multicast frames =561393 Number of transmitted broadcast frames =867446 Number of received broadcast frames =3351974 Total number of broadcast frames =4219420 Number of transmitted pause frames =0 Number of received pause frames =0 Number of transmitted octets =4727070018739 Number of received octets =78631660831 Total number of octets =4805701679 CG_MA5680T(config-if-scu-0/7)#display port traffic 0 查看端口包流量 The received traffic of this port(packets/s) =1060 The received traffic of this port(octets/s) =77701 The transmitted traffic of this port(packets/s) =4901 The transmitted traffic of this port(octets/s) =6177926 CG_MA5680T(config-if-scu-0/7)#display port traffic 0 The received traffic of this port(packets/s) =1051 The received traffic of this port(octets/s) =77071 The transmitted traffic of this port(packets/s) =4633 The transmitted traffic of this port(octets/s) =5800280 CG_MA5680T(config)#display link-aggregation 0/7/0 查看捆绑信息 link aggregation description: link aggregation mode: egress-ingress work mode: manual max link number: - master port: 0/7/0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- F/S Port List ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0/7 0,1 ---------------------------------
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