首页 广东高考英语写作高频词汇



广东高考英语写作高频词汇广东高考英语写作高频词汇 现象:phenomenon/phenomena (pl.) 起源,根源:source;origin → original (adj.) 自然资源:natural resource 研究,调查:research; survey 专家:expert 教授:professor 同事:colleague 同学:fellow student 陌生人:stranger 过路人:passer-by 乘客:passenger 顾客:customer 游客, 访客:traveler; tou...

广东 高考 地理事物空间分布特征语文高考下定义高考日语答题卡模板高考688高频词汇高考文言文120个实词 英语写作高频词汇 现象:phenomenon/phenomena (pl.) 起源,根源:source;origin → original (adj.) 自然资源:natural resource 研究,调查:research; survey 专家:expert 教授:professor 同事:colleague 同学:fellow student 陌生人:stranger 过路人:passer-by 乘客:passenger 顾客:customer 游客, 访客:traveler; tourist; visitor 反对者与支持者:supporter & opponent 个人,个人的: individual 观点:idea; opinion; view; thought; viewpoint 态度:attitude 评论:comment; remark 评估:assessment → assess (v.) 估计,估价:evaluation → evaluate (v.) 分析:analysis / analyses (pl.) → analyze (v.) 数据:data 证据:evidence 因素:factor 内容:content 理由:reason 起因:cause (n./vt.) 结果:result (n./vi) →引起,导致,造成:result in / lead to / cause …. → as a result, … / as a result of … 后果:consequence 结论:conclusion → make a conclusion… → conclude (vt.) that… 总结: summary 问题的解决办法:the solution to the problem → solve the problem 问题的答案:the answer to the question → ask/answer the question 建议:tip; advice [U]; suggestion; instruction 方法:way; method; mean s; approach 措施:measure; 背景:background 过程:process; 阶段:period;stage 程序,步骤:procedure 优点,好处:advantage 缺点,坏处:disadvantage 力量,长处:strength → strong(adj.) / strengthen (vt.) 虚弱,弱点:weakness → weak(adj.)/weaken (vt.) 破坏:damage (n./vt.); destruction→destro y (vt.); ruin (n./v.) 对…有害:harm;do harm to; be harmful to 伤害:hurt (n./v.) 受伤:injury → injure (v.) 治疗,对待:treatment → treat (v.) 治愈:cure (n./v.) 介绍:introduction → introduce (v.) 面试,采访:interview (n./vt.) → interview er / interview ee 环境:environment →environmental (adj.) 地点, 位置:place / location 情况:situation 状况:condition 山区:the mountainous area 农村:countryside 偏远的村庄:a remote village 事件:event; incident; affair 事故,意外:accident 人口:population 气候&天气: climate & weather 气温:temperature 飓风:hurricane 暴风雨:storm 台风:Typhoon 地震:earthquake 大气层,气氛:atmosphere 灾难:disaster 疾病:disease / illness / sickness 癌症:cancer 安全:safety → safe (adj.) → safely (adv.) 死亡:death→ die (v.) → dead (adj.) → deadly (adj./adv.) 麻烦:trouble 危险:danger → dangerous (adj.) →endanger (v.) 风险&冒险: risk (v./n.) & adventure 性格;角色:character →特有的,独特的; 特性,特征,特色: characteristic (adj./n.) 特点:feature 质量, 品质:quality 数量:quantity; amount 数目,数字:number 功能: function 项目:item 方面:aspect 细节: detail 目的:aim; purpose; goal; intention 种类:kind; type; species; category 比较:comparison→ compare(v.) 必要性,必需:must /necessity 材料:materials 社会:society → social (adj.) 政府:government →统治,治理govern (v.) 组织:organization → organize (v.) 社区,社团:community 委员会:committee 公众:the public 经济:economy → economic (adj.) 财政,资金:finance →提供资金的援助offer financial aid 慈善:charity 捐赠,捐款:donation 法律:law →律师lawyer →合法的legal →非法的illegal 规则:regulation;rule 和谐:harmony → harmonious (adj.) 幸福,快乐:happiness → happy (adj.); delighted; joyful; glad 悲伤:sorrow; sadness 信念:belief →believe (v.) 解脱:relief → relieve (v.) 摘要,简要的:brief - 1 - 道德,寓意:moral 品德,美德:virtue 行为举止:behavior → behave (v.) 文明:civilization 文学:literature → literary (adj.) 文化: culture → cultural (adj.) 历史:history → historic (adj.) 传统:tradition → traditional (adj.) 习俗&习惯:custom & habit 技能: skill → skillful (adj.) 技术:technology 科学:science → scientist(n.) → scientific(adj.) 发明&发现:invention → invent (v.) discovery → discover (v.) 邀请: invitation → invite (v.) 电:electricity →用电的electric →与电有关的electrical (adj.) →电子的electronic 能量:energy → energetic (adj.) 知识:knowledge [U] 信息:information [U] 短信:message → send messages 合作:cooperation → cooperate (v.) 学习:study (n./v.); learn → learning (n.) 英语口语 昂秀英语口语900句英语口语兴趣小组教案英语口语课教学设计小学英语口语训练如何提高英语口语ppt :oral / spoken English 说英语的国家:English-speaking countries 外国:foreign countries →外国人foreigner (n.) 国内外,海内外:home and abroad 教育:education → educate (vt.) 教学:teaching → teach (vt.) 教学楼:teaching building 学生会:Student’s Union 高三:Senior Three → a Senior Three student 高考:college entrance examination 学士、硕士、博士学位: bachelor / master / doctor ’s degree 学科,课程:subject; course; curriculum 专业:major (n./v.); profession 语文 八上语文短文两篇二年级语文一匹出色的马课件部编版八上语文文学常识部编八上语文文学常识二年级语文一匹出色的马课件 :Chinese 数学 数学高考答题卡模板高考数学答题卡模板三年级数学混合运算测试卷数学作业设计案例新人教版八年级上数学教学计划 :math 英语:English 物理:physics 化学:chemistry 生物:biology 政治:politics 历史:history 地理:geography 体育:PE 艺术:art 信息技术:information technology 人工智能:artificial intelligence 运动:sports 运动员:athlete 冠军(称号):championship →冠军(人) champion 成功:success → succeed (v.) → successful (adj.) 失败:failure → fail (v.) 障碍,阻碍:obstacle 挑战:challenge (n./v.) 困难:difficult y→ difficult (adj.) hardship →hard (adj./adv.) → hard-working (adj.) / hard-work (n.) / work (v.) hard 进步:progress →取得进步:make progress 经历[C],经验[U]:experience 实验:experiment 忧虑,担忧,焦急: concern (n./v.); worry (n./v.) 焦虑:anxiety → anxious (adj.) 失望, 沮丧:depression; disappointment → disappointed/disappointing (adj.) 压力:pressure →按压, 出版社press (v./n.) stress → stressful (adj.) 负担:burden →承担得起afford to do 强调:stress; emphasize (v.) 考虑:consideration →考虑,认为consider (v.) →考虑周到的considerate (adj.) 奋斗, 挣扎:struggle (n. / v.) 努力:effort → make great efforts on … 信心:confidence → confident (adj.) 决心:determination → determined (adj.) 耐心:patience →耐心的,病人patient (adj./n.) 坚持:persistence → persist(v.) →persistent (adj.) perseverance → persevere (v.) → persevering (adj.) → stick to (v.) 热情:passion; enthusiasm → enthusiastic (adj.) 好奇心:curiosity → curious (adj.) 独立:independence → independent 鼓励:encouragement → encourage (v.) →激励;灵感inspiration → inspire (v.) 勇气:courage/bravery → brave (adj.) 成就:achievement → achieve (vt.) 全面发展:all-round development → develop(vt.) 日程 计划 项目进度计划表范例计划下载计划下载计划下载课程教学计划下载 : schedule 活动:activit y 庆祝:celebration → celebrate (v.) 庆典:ceremony 毕业:graduation →毕业生,毕业graduate (v./n.) 记忆,回忆:memory → memorize (v.) 难忘的时刻:unforgettable moment 感激,感恩:thankfulness; appreciation → thank (v.) sb for sth → be grateful/thankful to →感激,欣赏appreciate (vt.) 欣赏,赞赏,钦佩:admiration → admire (vt.) 满足,满意:satisfaction → satisfy (vt.) 方便,便利:convenience → convenient (adj.) 多样性:variety → various (adj.) 存在: existence → exist (v.) 花费,支出: cost / expense 收入:income 工资,薪水:wage; salary 工作报酬:payment 回报报酬:reward 奖, 奖励:award;prize 生产,(农)产品:produce (n./vt.) →(工业)产品product →(影视艺术)产品production 工业:industry 农业:agriculture → agricultural (adj.) 渔业:fishing industry 旅游业:tourism → tourist →旅行tour/journey/trip/traveling 工厂:factor y 公司:company; firm - 2 - 根基:foundation →成立;建立;创建found; set up; build up; establish; create 建设:construction → construct (vt.) 国籍:nationality → national (adj.) 国家:nation; country; state 祖国:homeland; motherland 祖国大陆:mainland 大陆,洲:continent 中国:China → Chinese (adj. / 人/ 语) 美国,美洲:America → American(adj./人) 英国:Britain → British 法国:France → French 德国:Germany → German 加拿大:Canada → Canadian 澳大利亚:Australia → Australian 亚洲:Asia → Asian 欧洲:Europe → European 非洲:Africa → African 南极& 北极:the Antarctic &the Arctic 太平洋& 大西洋: the Pacific & the Atlantic (Ocean) 海岸:coast → coastal (adj.) 健康:health →healthy (adj.) →healthier 平衡饮食:balanced diet 一餐,一顿饭:meal 营养:nutrition 垃圾食品:junk food 餐厅:restaurant 异同点:difference & similarity; → different &similar (adj.) 对…(不)熟悉的: be familiar /unfamiliar with 积极的& 消极的:positive & negative; 乐观的& 悲观的:optimistic & pessimistic 精神上的& 身体上的:mental & physical 出现:appear, occur(red) (v.) 实现,完成:realize;realize;accomplish;reach(v.) 利用:take advantage of = make use of 支持:approve of …= subscribe to… = be in favor / support of …= favor... 反对:oppose… = be against …= object to… = disagree with … 考虑:consider…= take … into co nsideration / account 使…回想起:remind sb. of sth 留下深刻印象: have a deep impression on …对…负责任:be responsible for… = take / shoulder / bear responsibility for … 有社会责任感:be socially responsible = have social responsibility 积极参加:take an active part in = take part in sth. =actively participation in … 对…作贡献: make contributions to 清楚理解:understand clearly = have a clear understand ing of sth. 影响:affect = have an effect / influence / impact on sth. 起作用:make a difference ; play an important role in… 有/无意义:make sense/make no sense 有利于,有益于:sth. benefit sb. = sth. be beneficial to sb. =sth. be of benefit to sb.= sb. benefit from sth . 意思:meaning → mean (v.); → meaningful (adj.); meaningless (adj.) 重要性,意义: significance …是重要的:be very important = be of great importance → It is essential / vital that … 价值:value (n./v.) 有价值的信息:valuable information = information of great value 财宝,珍惜:treasure (n./vt.) 获取利益、利润:make profit 沉溺于,对…上瘾:be addicted to … 采取措施:take measures (to do …) 立即采取行动:take action immediately 对…道歉:make an apology to sb. = apologize to sb. 结束:end = put …to an end 提供:offer sth. to sb. = provide / supply sth. for sb. 每年地:every year = yearly = annually 大多数人:most of the people = the majority of the people 开拓眼界:widen/broaden one’s horizon 促进友谊:promote the friendship 起初,一开始:at the beginning = at first 在…的帮助下:with the help / aid / assistance of … 尽管:despite = in spite of +n./v-ing though/although+从句 lie →说谎(n./v.) -lied-lied-lying →躺-lay-lain-lying →位于lies in … lay →放置, 下蛋-laid-laid-laying - 3 -
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