首页 风神大道标石吊装安全专项方案



风神大道标石吊装安全专项方案风神大道标石吊装安全专项方案 地铁九号线沿线城市道路优化工程施工总承包(标段1) 风神大道标石吊装安全专项方案 目 录 第一章 工程概况 ....................................... 2 第二章 吊装前的准备工作.............................................................................3 第三章 吊装安全措施 ................................... 4 第四章...

风神大道标石吊装安全专项 方案 气瓶 现场处置方案 .pdf气瓶 现场处置方案 .doc见习基地管理方案.doc关于群访事件的化解方案建筑工地扬尘治理专项方案下载 地铁九号线沿线城市道路优化 工程施工 建筑工程施工承包1园林工程施工准备消防工程安全技术交底水电安装文明施工建筑工程施工成本控制 总承包(标段1) 风神大道标石吊装安全专项方案 目 录 第一章 工程概况 ....................................... 2 第二章 吊装前的准备工作.............................................................................3 第三章 吊装安全措施 ................................... 4 第四章 吊装作业规定 ............................................................................... 5 第五章 起重吊装安全技术措施................................................................... 7 第六章 起重伤害事故处理措施 ................................................................ 9 digging; has dual functions of retaining, watertight; typically more economical construction without vibration, noise, less pol广州市市政工程机械施工有限公司 lution, squeezing slightly, so construction in the downtown area even more advantages. Disadvantages of cement-soil retaining w, all: the first is the relatively large displacement, especially in the pit length is large, this may be done between the piers, arches and other measures to limit the displacement is too large, followed by thick, only used in position and the surrounding environment allowing the red line, and in the construction of cement-soil mixing piles to avoid affecting the surrounding environment. 2.1.2 soil-nail wall is a type of slope stability of soil nailing wall support, its role and passive retaining walls are different, it is voluntarily fixing effect, increase the stability of slopes, excavation of Foundation pit slope stability. Soil-nail wall is better soil areas, applied along the northern part of North China and East China, also in southern China, and some has been used to hang 10m deep Foundation pit, stability, construction is simple and short, good, good economy, better soil areas should actively promote. Used soil nail wall of General requirements, ? soil nail wall can applies Yu plastic, not plastic or hard of viscous soil; II in has groundwater of soil in the, soil nail support nursing should in full drop drainage of premise Xia used; ? soil nail wall easy caused soil body displacement, used soil nail wall support nursing should carefully consider, wall body deformation on around environment of effect. 2.1.3 row of piles during excavation, not sloping or due to the limited space and cannot stir pile, depth at around 6 to 10m when you can row pile retaining. 地铁九号线沿线城市道路优化工程施工总承包(标段1) 风神大道标石吊装安全专项方案 第一章 工程概况 (1)工程概况 地铁九号线沿线城市道路交通优化工程施工总承包(标段1)位于广州市花都区风神大道与荔红中路交叉口,其主要结构为荔红中路车行隧道,沿荔红中路呈南北走向,下穿风神大道,隧道主体为双向四车道,为城市主干路,设计车行速度为40km/h,规划红线宽40m。两侧设有人行过街地下通道,隧道上方两侧设置2条地面辅道和人行道,辅道每侧宽7.5米,为单向双车道,设计车行速度为30km/h。 荔红中路隧道全长479m,暗埋段长约116m,宽33.6米,敞口段长约363m,宽27.1m~28.1m不等。隧道起止里程为:敞口段起点:K0+000;暗埋段起点:K0+154;暗埋段止点:K0+270;敞口段止点:K0+479.083。其平面布置为:209.083m(北敞口段)+116m(暗埋段)+154m(南敞口段)。 隧道主体结构采用C35防水砼(中隔墙无需抗渗),抗渗标号为P8。暗埋段采用单箱双室结构,隧道顶、底板厚为90cm,侧墙为70cm,中隔墙厚50cm(与人行通道间隔墙)。敞开段采用U形槽断面,隧道底板、侧墙等厚度设计,毗邻暗埋段板厚90cm,敞开段结构板厚为90cm,70cm,40cm。敞开段节段长20~25m,各节段间设置3cm宽变形缝。敞开段靠暗埋段部分断面设置抗拔桩(抗拔桩直径"Ø" 1200)抗浮。 隧道在里程K0+206.840处设置雨水泵房一座,泵房外轮廓尺寸为24.1m*7.9m。结构分上、下层构成,其中上层为泵房的值班室和设备室,下层为蓄水池,泵房进水管中心里程为K0+206.840,进水管与泵房蓄水池 ,at around 6 to 10m when you can row pile retaining.ronment of effect. 2.1.3 row of piles during excavation, not sloping or due to the limited space and cannot stir pile, depth envi caused soil body displacement, used soil nail wall support nursing should carefully consider, wall body deformation on around soil nail wall easy?large displacement, especially in the pit length is large, this may be done between the piers, arches and other measures to lgroundwater of soil in the, soil nail support nursing should in full drop drainage of premise Xia used; n has soil nail wall can applies Yu plastic, not plastic or hard of viscous soil; II i?ed soil nail wall of General requirements, oundation pit, stability, construction is simple and short, good, good economy, better soil areas should actively promote. Usme has been used to hang 10m deep Fnail wall is better soil areas, applied along the northern part of North China and East China, also in southern China, and so- ng effect, increase the stability of slopes, excavation of Foundation pit slope stability. Soils voluntarily fixinail wall is a type of slope stability of soil nailing wall support, its role and passive retaining walls are different, it i-soil mixing piles to avoid affecting the surrounding environment. 2.1.2 soil-, and in the construction of cementline imit the displacement is too large, followed by thick, only used in position and the surrounding environment allowing the redsoil retaining wall: the first is the relatively-o construction in the downtown area even more advantages. Disadvantages of cementretaining, watertight; typically more economical construction without vibration, noise, less pollution, squeezing slightly, s digging; has dual functions of 广州市市政工程机械施工有限公司 间通过设置的500mm钢管进行接驳。 (2)风神大道标石位置及尺寸情况 风神大道标石位于风神大道与荔红中路交叉口,标石长约3.6m,宽2.7m,高3.4m。材质为花岗岩,密度为2650kg/m?,重量约为88t。 第二章 吊装前的准备工作 (1)吊装现场临时围蔽 在风神大道西北侧,吊车与标石的吊装安全范围内用铁马进行围蔽。 (2)吊装时交通疏解安排 在吊装范围内的交通要点,派出交通协管员,协助辖区交警维持交通 nail wall is better soil areas, applied along the northern part of North China and East China, also in southern China, and-y. Soilare different, it is voluntarily fixing effect, increase the stability of slopes, excavation of Foundation pit slope stabilit nail wall is a type of slope stability of soil nailing wall support, its role and passive retaining walls-soil mixing piles to avoid affecting the surrounding environment. 2.1.2 soil-ding environment allowing the red line, and in the construction of cementurroune piers, arches and other measures to limit the displacement is too large, followed by thick, only used in position and the sning wall: the first is the relatively large displacement, especially in the pit length is large, this may be done between thsoil retai-ollution, squeezing slightly, so construction in the downtown area even more advantages. Disadvantages of cementdigging; has dual functions of retaining, watertight; typically more economical construction without vibration, noise, less p,ted space and cannot stir pile, depth at around 6 to 10m when you can row pile retaining., wall body deformation on around environment of effect. 2.1.3 row of piles during excavation, not sloping or due to the liminsider soil nail wall easy caused soil body displacement, used soil nail wall support nursing should carefully co?remise Xia used; ic or hard of viscous soil; II in has groundwater of soil in the, soil nail support nursing should in full drop drainage of pplast soil nail wall can applies Yu plastic, not ?oil areas should actively promote. Used soil nail wall of General requirements, some has been used to hang 10m deep Foundation pit, stability, construction is simple and short, good, good economy, better s 地铁九号线沿线城市道路优化工程施工总承包(标段1) 风神大道标石吊装安全专项方案 秩序及交通安全。 在吊装范围内按照当地交通规则来实行交通指挥,在施工围蔽、护栏上及施工区前来车方向前设置线性诱导标志、车辆导向标志、施工标志、警示标志及警示灯,以策安全。 专职安全员在吊装现场要负责安全工作,专职维持交通人员要穿戴反光衣。 吊装时间尽量安排在行车较少的时段进行,避免交通高峰期占用车道。 第三章 吊装安全措施 (1)在吊装施工前,制定专项安全技术方案和应急预案,必须对所有施工作业人员进行安全技术和文明施工交底。施工现场负责人须对现场作业人员进行班前教育,并由施工现场安全员记录教育内容、人员。 (2)施工时,必须明确负责人在现场指挥,督促作业人员严格按方案规定施工。施工现场的所有作业人员必须戴好安全帽,禁止穿汗背心、短裤、拖鞋,严禁酒后上岗作业。高处作业不得任意向下抛掷拆除的物料,禁止用人力推倒方法进行拆除施工。使用吊放工具或起重设备,要有专人指挥,机操、指挥和司哨人员必须严格遵守操作规程,不允许超载、斜吊,严禁违章指挥和违章作业。 (3)做好施工车辆的管理工作,教育司机严格听从交警的指挥。 (4)工人进行身体检查,有不适高空作业之疾病者不得上高空作业。高空作业,均应该戴安全帽、安全带、穿软底鞋等到有关劳动安全保护品。 (5)吊装安全措施 ?整个吊装过程中,切实遵守现场秩序,服从命令,听从指挥,不得擅自离开岗位,起吊施工现场,必须设立专门人员警戒,严禁非本工程施工人员入场,专职安全员必须到场,直至工作结束。 ,at around 6 to 10m when you can row pile retaining.ronment of effect. 2.1.3 row of piles during excavation, not sloping or due to the limited space and cannot stir pile, depth envi caused soil body displacement, used soil nail wall support nursing should carefully consider, wall body deformation on around- soil nail wall easy?groundwater of soil in the, soil nail support nursing should in full drop drainage of premise Xia used; n has soil nail wall can applies Yu plastic, not plastic or hard of viscous soil; II i?ed soil nail wall of General requirements, oundation pit, stability, construction is simple and short, good, good economy, better soil areas should actively promote. Ussoil mixing piles to avoid affecting the surrounding environment. 2.1.2 soilme has been used to hang 10m deep Fnail wall is better soil areas, applied along the northern part of North China and East China, also in southern China, and so-ng effect, increase the stability of slopes, excavation of Foundation pit slope stability. Soils voluntarily fixinail wall is a type of slope stability of soil nailing wall support, its role and passive retaining walls are different, it i-, and in the construction of cementline imit the displacement is too large, followed by thick, only used in position and the surrounding environment allowing the redlarge displacement, especially in the pit length is large, this may be done between the piers, arches and other measures to l soil retaining wall: the first is the relatively-o construction in the downtown area even more advantages. Disadvantages of cementretaining, watertight; typically more economical construction without vibration, noise, less pollution, squeezing slightly, s digging; has dual functions of 广州市市政工程机械施工有限公司 ?吊装时,应有统一的指挥信号,做到工作协调,准确迅速,并设立总指挥。 ?吊装前,密切关注天气情况,雨天、雾天,5级风以上情况不得进行吊装。夜间吊装,要有充分的照明措施,且须安全部门备案同意。 ?钢丝绳吊装前应进行检查。与构件锐角接触处,均应加垫保护以防损伤钢丝绳。 ?当构件吊离原位200mm左右时,应悬停检查各部位受力情况,如无异常,系好溜绳,方可继续起吊。 ?未经现场指挥人员和安全员允许,不得在起吊物下停留或通过。 ?吊装时,如因故中断,必须采取临时加固措施,不使构件悬吊过夜。 ?吊装中起重指挥人员统一使用低音哨和旗语指挥。 ?吊装前工地应做到物料摆放整齐,安全通道畅通,地面清洁,做到工完料清,文明施工。操作人员操作应系好安全带,配套安全帽,按规定使用劳动保护用品。 (6)现场危险场所按规定设置安全标志牌,危险地区悬挂“危险”或者“禁止通行”。现场门口悬挂“进入现场必须戴安全帽”。 (7)施工工地实行三相五线制供电,严格执行《施工临时用电管理办法》,工地所有用电设施均接地保护和有漏电开关,不准乱勾乱搭。 (8)现场施工设备定期安全检查和检测。 第四章 吊装作业规定 一、一般规定: 1.操作人员必须经过专门安全技术培训,经考试合格,持证上岗; 2、操作人员身体条件应达到有关规定的要求; 3、严格遵守本规程和其它相关的安全规章 制度 关于办公室下班关闭电源制度矿山事故隐患举报和奖励制度制度下载人事管理制度doc盘点制度下载 ,严禁酒后作业; ?oil areas should actively promote. Used soil nail wall of General requirements, some has been used to hang 10m deep Foundation pit, stability, construction is simple and short, good, good economy, better s nail wall is better soil areas, applied along the northern part of North China and East China, also in southern China, and-y. Soilare different, it is voluntarily fixing effect, increase the stability of slopes, excavation of Foundation pit slope stabilit nail wall is a type of slope stability of soil nailing wall support, its role and passive retaining walls-soil mixing piles to avoid affecting the surrounding environment. 2.1.2 soil-ding environment allowing the red line, and in the construction of cementurroune piers, arches and other measures to limit the displacement is too large, followed by thick, only used in position and the sning wall: the first is the relatively large displacement, especially in the pit length is large, this may be done between thsoil retai-ollution, squeezing slightly, so construction in the downtown area even more advantages. Disadvantages of cementdigging; has dual functions of retaining, watertight; typically more economical construction without vibration, noise, less p,ted space and cannot stir pile, depth at around 6 to 10m when you can row pile retaining., wall body deformation on around environment of effect. 2.1.3 row of piles during excavation, not sloping or due to the liminsider soil nail wall easy caused soil body displacement, used soil nail wall support nursing should carefully co?remise Xia used; ic or hard of viscous soil; II in has groundwater of soil in the, soil nail support nursing should in full drop drainage of pplast soil nail wall can applies Yu plastic, not 地铁九号线沿线城市道路优化工程施工总承包(标段1) 风神大道标石吊装安全专项方案 4、严格执行“十不吊”的安全规定,并拒绝违章指挥; 5、必须熟悉所操作起重机的性能、构造、保养、维护知识; 6、所操作的起重机必须符合各项安全技术 标准 excel标准偏差excel标准偏差函数exl标准差函数国标检验抽样标准表免费下载红头文件格式标准下载 ,并按规定进行维修和检验; 二、安全作业规定: 1、起重机停放的地面应平整坚实,应按安全技术措施要求与沟渠、基坑保持安全距离; 2.作业前应伸出全部支腿,撑脚下必须垫方木。调整机体水平度,无荷载时水准泡居中。支腿的定位销必须插上。底盘为弹性悬挂的起重机,放支腿前应先收紧稳定器; 3、调整支腿作业必须在无荷载时进行,将已经伸出的臂杆缩回并转至正前方或正后方,作业中严禁板动支腿操纵阀; 4、作业中变幅应平稳,严禁猛起猛落臂杆,在高压线附近垂直或水平作业时,必须遵守有关最小安全距离的规定; 5、伸缩臂式起重机在伸缩臂杆时,应按规定程序进行。在伸臂的同时; 6、作业时,臂杆仰角必须符合说明书的规定。伸缩式臂杆伸出后,出现前臂杆的长度大于后节伸出长度时,必须经过调整,消除不正常情况后方可作业; 7、作业中出现支腿沉陷、起重机倾斜等情况,必须立即放下吊物,经调整、消除不安全因素后方可继续作业; 8、进行装卸作业时,运输车驾驶室内不许有人,吊物不从驾驶室上方通过; 9、两台起重机抬吊作业时,性能应相近,单独荷载不得超过额定起重量的80%; 10、轮胎起重机需要短距离带载行走时,途经的道路必须平坦坚实,荷载 ,at around 6 to 10m when you can row pile retaining.ronment of effect. 2.1.3 row of piles during excavation, not sloping or due to the limited space and cannot stir pile, depth envinail wall is a type of slope stability of soil nailing wall support, its role and passive retaining walls are different, it i caused soil body displacement, used soil nail wall support nursing should carefully consider, wall body deformation on around soil nail wall easy?groundwater of soil in the, soil nail support nursing should in full drop drainage of premise Xia used; n has soil nail wall can applies Yu plastic, not plastic or hard of viscous soil; II i?-ed soil nail wall of General requirements, oundation pit, stability, construction is simple and short, good, good economy, better soil areas should actively promote. Usme has been used to hang 10m deep Fnail wall is better soil areas, applied along the northern part of North China and East China, also in southern China, and so-ng effect, increase the stability of slopes, excavation of Foundation pit slope stability. Soils voluntarily fixisoil mixing piles to avoid affecting the surrounding environment. 2.1.2 soil-, and in the construction of cementline imit the displacement is too large, followed by thick, only used in position and the surrounding environment allowing the redlarge displacement, especially in the pit length is large, this may be done between the piers, arches and other measures to l soil retaining wall: the first is the relatively-o construction in the downtown area even more advantages. Disadvantages of cementretaining, watertight; typically more economical construction without vibration, noise, less pollution, squeezing slightly, s digging; has dual functions of 广州市市政工程机械施工有限公司 必须符合使用 说明书规定,吊物离地高度不得超过50厘米,并必须缓慢行使。严禁带载长距离行驶。 11、行驶前,必须收回臂杆,吊钩及支腿。行驶时保持中速,避免紧急制动。通过铁路道口和不平道路时,必须减速慢行,下坡时严禁空挡滑行,倒车时必须有人监护; 12、行驶时,在底盘走台上严禁有人或堆放物件; 13、起重机通过临时性桥梁(管沟)等构筑物前,必须遵守安全技术措施交底,确认安全后方可通过。通过地面电缆时应敷设木板保护,通过时不得在上面转弯; 14、作业后,伸缩式起重机的臂杆应全部缩回、放妥,并挂好吊钩。各机构的制动器必须制动牢固,操作室和机棚应关门上锁。 三、起重作业“十不吊”安全规定: 指挥信号不明不吊;超负荷或物体重量不明不吊;斜拉重物不吊;光线不足、看不清重物不吊;重物上站人不吊;重物埋在地下不吊;重物紧固不牢,绳打结、绳不齐不吊;棱刃物体没有衬垫措施不吊;重物越人头不吊;安全装置失灵不吊。 第五章 起重吊装安全技术措施 (1)现场施工技术负责人先对各部位机械构件作全面检查;电工对电路、操作、控制,制动系统作全面检查;吊装指挥对已准备的机具设备、绳索、卸扣、绳卡等作全面检查。 (2)统一指挥,统一联络信号,合理分工,责任到人。 (3)及时收听气象预报,如突遇四级以上风及大雨时停止作业,并作好应急防范措施。 (4)进入现场戴好安全帽,在2m以上高空正确使用经试检合格的安全 plast soil nail wall can applies Yu plastic, not ?oil areas should actively promote. Used soil nail wall of General requirements, some has been used to hang 10m deep Foundation pit, stability, construction is simple and short, good, good economy, better s nail wall is better soil areas, applied along the northern part of North China and East China, also in southern China, and-y. Soilare different, it is voluntarily fixing effect, increase the stability of slopes, excavation of Foundation pit slope stabilit nail wall is a type of slope stability of soil nailing wall support, its role and passive retaining walls-soil mixing piles to avoid affecting the surrounding environment. 2.1.2 soil-ding environment allowing the red line, and in the construction of cementurroune piers, arches and other measures to limit the displacement is too large, followed by thick, only used in position and the sning wall: the first is the relatively large displacement, especially in the pit length is large, this may be done between thsoil retai-ollution, squeezing slightly, so construction in the downtown area even more advantages. Disadvantages of cementdigging; has dual functions of retaining, watertight; typically more economical construction without vibration, noise, less p,ted space and cannot stir pile, depth at around 6 to 10m when you can row pile retaining., wall body deformation on around environment of effect. 2.1.3 row of piles during excavation, not sloping or due to the liminsider soil nail wall easy caused soil body displacement, used soil nail wall support nursing should carefully co?remise Xia used; ic or hard of viscous soil; II in has groundwater of soil in the, soil nail support nursing should in full drop drainage of p 地铁九号线沿线城市道路优化工程施工总承包(标段1) 风神大道标石吊装安全专项方案 带;一律穿胶底防滑鞋和工作服上岗。 (5)高空起重吊装作业工具必须放入工具包内,不得随意乱放或任意抛掷。 (6)起重吊装臂下禁止站人。 (7)所有工作人员都不得擅自按动按钮或拨动开关等。 (8)起重吊装中紧固螺栓按规定的扭矩值扣紧、穿销子,严禁加猛打猛敲;物体间孔对应,使用杠棒找正,不能用力过猛,以防滑脱,物体就位缓慢靠近,严禁撞击损坏零件。 (9)在作业区域和四周布置二道警戒线,安全防护左右各20m,挂起警示牌,严禁任何人进行作业区域或在四周围观,现场安全员全权负责安拆区域的安全监护工作。 (10)、起重吊装应清除覆盖在构件上的浮物,检查起吊构件是否平衡,吊具吊索安全系数应大于6倍以上,升高就位时,缓慢前进,禁止撞击。 (11)起重吊装时回转平衡臂,必须将构件就位后才能休息,不得使吊臂单向受力时间过长。 (12)对液压系统进行检查,发现构件脱焊,裂缝等损伤或液压系统泄漏,必须停机整修后方可作业。 (13)起重吊装中顶升应严守操作规程,顶升前,将臂杆转到规定位置。顶升时,必须在已加上的标准节的连接顶接紧力达到要求后,再进行加节,顶升吊禁止回转到变幅,齿轮泵内最大压力持续工作时间,不得超过3分钟。 (14)对高强螺栓进行连接时要注意安全,如因拧紧力矩较大需工人配合时,配合者应手掌平托工具以免受伤害。 ( 15)作业人员必须听从指挥。如有需更好的方法和建议,必须得到现场施工及技术负责人同意后方可实,不得擅自作主和更改作方案。 -,at around 6 to 10m when you can row pile retaining.ronment of effect. 2.1.3 row of piles during excavation, not sloping or due to the limited space and cannot stir pile, depth envi caused soil body displacement, used soil nail wall support nursing should carefully consider, wall body deformation on around soil nail wall easy?ng effect, increase the stability of slopes, excavation of Foundation pit slope stability. Soilgroundwater of soil in the, soil nail support nursing should in full drop drainage of premise Xia used; n has soil nail wall can applies Yu plastic, not plastic or hard of viscous soil; II i?ed soil nail wall of General requirements, oundation pit, stability, construction is simple and short, good, good economy, better soil areas should actively promote. Usme has been used to hang 10m deep Fnail wall is better soil areas, applied along the northern part of North China and East China, also in southern China, and sos voluntarily fixinail wall is a type of slope stability of soil nailing wall support, its role and passive retaining walls are different, it i-soil mixing piles to avoid affecting the surrounding environment. 2.1.2 soil-, and in the construction of cementline imit the displacement is too large, followed by thick, only used in position and the surrounding environment allowing the redlarge displacement, especially in the pit length is large, this may be done between the piers, arches and other measures to l soil retaining wall: the first is the relatively-o construction in the downtown area even more advantages. Disadvantages of cementretaining, watertight; typically more economical construction without vibration, noise, less pollution, squeezing slightly, s digging; has dual functions of 广州市市政工程机械施工有限公司 (16)高空起重吊装作业装配,必须配备可靠信号指挥,待司索人员扣好主副拉绳后方可起吊。 (17)吊装机械、设备及人员 计划 项目进度计划表范例计划下载计划下载计划下载课程教学计划下载 一览表 吊装机械及设备、人员安排表 序机械或 型 号 国别 额定功率生产 配备人数 数量 号 设备名称 规 格 产地 (kW) 能力 1 1 217.5 13.5t 1人 运输车 三菱FV415J 日本 汽 车8汽车起重2 加腾NK800 1 日本 457 0起120t 5人 机 t 重 机 第六章 起重伤害事故处理措施 起重设备应有稳定的基础,钩、链、绳等符合规定,有限位、防超负荷、超速和失灵保护装置,安设防闸瓦过度磨损的警铃自动断电保护装置,钢丝绳的安全使用要符合有关规定,勤加检查。起重设备的焊缝、连接螺栓、滑轮、制动防滑装置,均需经常检查,发现后及时处理。起重吊装作业要统一指挥,统一信号,起重设备与架空线路保持规定的安全中离,所有人员必须集中精力,注意吊运方向。 落实应急救援组织,应急领导小组总指挥由项目经理担任,事故发生时,各有关人员接到报警通知(信号)后,应迅速赶往事故现场,协助现场施工人员和车辆司机排除造成交通堵塞的障碍物,并服从有关指挥,尽快恢复道路交通。 在事故发生路段两端各500米处设置交通警戒牌,限制车流进入事故发生路段,以免造成更大的堵塞。 nail wall is better soil areas, applied along the northern part of North China and East China, also in southern China, and-y. Soilare different, it is voluntarily fixing effect, increase the stability of slopes, excavation of Foundation pit slope stabilit nail wall is a type of slope stability of soil nailing wall support, its role and passive retaining walls-soil mixing piles to avoid affecting the surrounding environment. 2.1.2 soil-ding environment allowing the red line, and in the construction of cementurroune piers, arches and other measures to limit the displacement is too large, followed by thick, only used in position and the sning wall: the first is the relatively large displacement, especially in the pit length is large, this may be done between thsoil retai-ollution, squeezing slightly, so construction in the downtown area even more advantages. Disadvantages of cementdigging; has dual functions of retaining, watertight; typically more economical construction without vibration, noise, less p,ted space and cannot stir pile, depth at around 6 to 10m when you can row pile retaining., wall body deformation on around environment of effect. 2.1.3 row of piles during excavation, not sloping or due to the liminsider soil nail wall easy caused soil body displacement, used soil nail wall support nursing should carefully co?remise Xia used; ic or hard of viscous soil; II in has groundwater of soil in the, soil nail support nursing should in full drop drainage of pplast soil nail wall can applies Yu plastic, not ?oil areas should actively promote. Used soil nail wall of General requirements, some has been used to hang 10m deep Foundation pit, stability, construction is simple and short, good, good economy, better s
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