首页 浙江省三星级星级供电(营业)所管理考核办法



浙江省三星级星级供电(营业)所管理考核办法浙江省三星级星级供电(营业)所管理考核办法 附件: 星级供电(营业)所考核办法(试行) 为了巩固供电,营业,所规范化管理成果~深入实施“新农村、新电力、新服务”农电发展战略~促进供电,营业,所安全生产、优质服务迈上新台阶~保障各项工作优质、高效推进~根据国家电网公司供电所规范化管理的总体要求~结合我省供电,营业,所管理工作情况和发展要求~特制定本考核办法。 一、 星级设置 星级供电,营业,所共设置二星、三星、四星、五星四个等级~根据各供电,营业,所实际综合管理水平考核评定~梯级晋升。 二、 必备条件 ...

浙江省三星级星级供电(营业)所管理考核办法 附件: 星级供电(营业)所考核办法(试行) 为了巩固供电,营业,所规范化管理成果~深入实施“新农村、新电力、新服务”农电发展战略~促进供电,营业,所安全生产、优质服务迈上新台阶~保障各项工作优质、高效推进~根据国家电网公司供电所规范化管理的总体 要求 对教师党员的评价套管和固井爆破片与爆破装置仓库管理基本要求三甲医院都需要复审吗 ~结合我省供电,营业,所管理工作情况和发展要求~特制定本考核办法。 一、 星级设置 星级供电,营业,所共设置二星、三星、四星、五星四个等级~根据各供电,营业,所实际综合管理水平考核评定~梯级晋升。 二、 必备条件 1、 达到国家电网公司供电,营业,所,窗口,规范化管理考核标准要求。 2、 供电,营业,所在考核年度及前二年未发生生产人身事故~未发生责任性设备事故~未发生负同等及以上责任的触电死亡事故~未发生工作人员违法违纪事件。 3、 服务承诺兑现率100%~客户评价满意率达98%以上~没有发生责任性客户越级投诉、被媒体曝光造成不良影响的事件。 4、 供电,营业,所有齐全的办公场所和设施~办公条件能够满足生产、经营、管理和服务的需要~具备业务受理、业务公告、客户洽谈、客户休息四大基本功能。 on winter construction technique and safety training of personnel, the use of admixtures for construction workers, concrete temperature record, sample lien and conservation regulations, strengthen the management of heating equipment. 3) tracking weather forecasts, arrange production according to weather conditions, adjusting job schedules. 8.6. ... 8.7.5 construction electrical products used, must conform to the national standards, lines must comply with the installation and use of electrical equipment JGJ46-2005 electric code requirements. 8.7.6 with obvious hot rail for woodworking operation shed, installation of fire fighting equipment, and stick with the dry with clear, who did who clear, dry day. 8.7.7 warehouse be set independently, Warehouse Clerks Office and warehouse space. Prohibition of common items within the same library mixed with inflammable or explosive goods. 8.7.8 outside the library with adequate fire-fighting equipment, fire-fighting water freezing measures should be taken. 8.7.9 strictly implementing the provisions of the fire safety management of the Group and carry out regular fire safety education, improve staff awareness of fire safety. 8.8 ambulance control measures to prevent the expansion of construction project security accident after accident, reducing casualties and property losses, according to the work safety of construction projects Management Ordinance and company occupational health and safety management system 5、 供电,营业,所供电范围内居民用户端电压合格率平均不低于96%。 6、 能应用信息化管理手段实施标准化 流程 快递问题件怎么处理流程河南自建厂房流程下载关于规范招聘需求审批流程制作流程表下载邮件下载流程设计 管理~全所计算机人均配置0.5台以上。 三、考核内容及评分标准 考核内容包括基本考核项目和附加项目两大类。基本考核项目分机构和人员管理、安全生产及设备管理、营销管理、专业技术管理、优质服务、基础资料管理六大部分~卓越特色管理为附加项目~考核总分为1000分。具体评分标准如下: 合格分 考核 考核项目 标准 二星级 三星级 四星级 五星级 一、机构和人员管理 100 80 85 90 95 二、安全生产及设备管理 220 176 187 198 209 三、营销管理 180 144 153 162 171 四、专业技术管理 200 160 170 180 190 五、优质服务 150 120 128 135 143 六、基础资料管理 100 80 85 90 95 七、卓越特色管理 50 10 20 30 40 总分 1000 770 828 885 943 具体考核内容和评分细则见附件一。 on winter construction technique and safety training of personnel, the use of admixtures for construction workers, concrete temperature record, sample lien and conservation regulations, strengthen the management of heating equipment. 3) tracking weather forecasts, arrange production according to weather conditions, adjusting job schedules. 8.6. ... 8.7.5 construction electrical products used, must conform to the national standards, lines must comply with the installation and use of electrical equipment JGJ46-2005 electric code requirements. 8.7.6 with obvious hot rail for woodworking operation shed, installation of fire fighting equipment, and stick with the dry with clear, who did who clear, dry day. 8.7.7 warehouse be set independently, Warehouse Clerks Office and warehouse space. Prohibition of common items within the same library mixed with inflammable or explosive goods. 8.7.8 outside the library with adequate fire-fighting equipment, fire-fighting water freezing measures should be taken. 8.7.9 strictly implementing the provisions of the fire safety management of the Group and carry out regular fire safety education, improve staff awareness of fire safety. 8.8 ambulance control measures to prevent the expansion of construction project security accident after accident, reducing casualties and property losses, according to the work safety of construction projects Management Ordinance and company occupational health and safety management system 三、 分级评定标准 ,一, 二星级供电,营业,所评定标准 1、 具备所有星级评定必备条件。 2、 同业对标各项指标年终综合排名位于全省中等水平。 3、 电费回收率100%。 4、 二星级供电,营业,所低压线损率小于7.5%~10千伏综合线损率小于5.5%~中级工及以上员工占一线员工比例达到30%以上~新农村电气化村覆盖面达到30%以上。 5、 二星级供电,营业,所各基本考核项目得分率均大于80%~总分高于770分。 ,二, 三星级供电,营业,所评定标准 1、 具备二星级供电,营业,所评定所有条件。 2、 三星级供电,营业,所会议, 培训 焊锡培训资料ppt免费下载焊接培训教程 ppt 下载特设培训下载班长管理培训下载培训时间表下载 ,室应配备电教化设备~可实现多媒体教学。 3、 三星级供电,营业,所低压线损率小于7%~10千伏综合线损率小于5%~中级工及以上员工占一线员工比例达到40%以上~新农村电气化村覆盖面达到40%以上。 4、 三星级供电,营业,所同业对标各项指标年终综合排名应在全省150名范围内。 5、 三星级供电,营业,所各基本考核项目得分率均大于85%~on winter construction technique and safety training of personnel, the use of admixtures for construction workers, concrete temperature record, sample lien and conservation regulations, strengthen the management of heating equipment. 3) tracking weather forecasts, arrange production according to weather conditions, adjusting job schedules. 8.6. ... 8.7.5 construction electrical products used, must conform to the national standards, lines must comply with the installation and use of electrical equipment JGJ46-2005 electric code requirements. 8.7.6 with obvious hot rail for woodworking operation shed, installation of fire fighting equipment, and stick with the dry with clear, who did who clear, dry day. 8.7.7 warehouse be set independently, Warehouse Clerks Office and warehouse space. Prohibition of common items within the same library mixed with inflammable or explosive goods. 8.7.8 outside the library with adequate fire-fighting equipment, fire-fighting water freezing measures should be taken. 8.7.9 strictly implementing the provisions of the fire safety management of the Group and carry out regular fire safety education, improve staff awareness of fire safety. 8.8 ambulance control measures to prevent the expansion of construction project security accident after accident, reducing casualties and property losses, according to the work safety of construction projects Management Ordinance and company occupational health and safety management system 总分高于828分。 ,三, 四星级供电,营业,所评定标准 1、 具备三星级供电,营业,所评定所有条件。 2、 四星级供电,营业,所营业大厅,室,内应增设业务咨询、引导服务区~配置大屏幕显示公告系统。 3、 四星级供电,营业,所低压线损率小于6.5%~10千伏综合线损率小于4.5%~中级工及以上员工占一线员工比例达到50%以上~新农村电气化村覆盖面达到50%以上。 4、 四星级供电,营业,所同业对标各项指标年终综合排名应在全省100名范围内。 5、 四星级供电,营业,所各项基本考核项目得分率均大于90%~总分高于885分。 ,四, 五星级供电,营业,所评定标准 1、 具备四星级供电,营业,所评定所有条件。 2、 五星级供电,营业,所营业大厅增设自助服务功能区~配备多媒体触摸查询系统。 3、 五星级供电,营业,所低压线损率小于6.0%~10千伏综合线损率小于4.0%~中级工及以上员工占一线员工比例达到55%以上~新农村电气化村覆盖面达到60%以上。 4、 五星级供电,营业,所同业对标各项指标年终综合排名应在全省50名范围内。 on winter construction technique and safety training of personnel, the use of admixtures for construction workers, concrete temperature record, sample lien and conservation regulations, strengthen the management of heating equipment. 3) tracking weather forecasts, arrange production according to weather conditions, adjusting job schedules. 8.6. ... 8.7.5 construction electrical products used, must conform to the national standards, lines must comply with the installation and use of electrical equipment JGJ46-2005 electric code requirements. 8.7.6 with obvious hot rail for woodworking operation shed, installation of fire fighting equipment, and stick with the dry with clear, who did who clear, dry day. 8.7.7 warehouse be set independently, Warehouse Clerks Office and warehouse space. Prohibition of common items within the same library mixed with inflammable or explosive goods. 8.7.8 outside the library with adequate fire-fighting equipment, fire-fighting water freezing measures should be taken. 8.7.9 strictly implementing the provisions of the fire safety management of the Group and carry out regular fire safety education, improve staff awareness of fire safety. 8.8 ambulance control measures to prevent the expansion of construction project security accident after accident, reducing casualties and property losses, according to the work safety of construction projects Management Ordinance and company occupational health and safety management system 5、 五星级供电,营业,所各项基本考核项目得分率均大于95%~总分高于943分。 四、 申报工作要求 1、 申报条件 凡自查、自评满足星级评定条件的单位均可申报创建星级供电,营业,所。 2、 申报时间 申报三星级及以上等级的星级供电,营业,所~在市局,公司,组织调研、审核的基础上~每年?月底前向省公司申报。 3、 申报资料 ,1,县级供电企业关于开展星级供电,营业,所创建工作情况汇报~包括必备条件和各项考核指标的完成情况及自查评分情况。 ,2, 填报《星级管理供电所申报 关于同志近三年现实表现材料材料类招标技术评分表图表与交易pdf视力表打印pdf用图表说话 pdf 》,见附件二,。 ,3, 其他必备的证明材料和基础材料。 五、 考核与命名 1、 “星级供电,营业,所”创建过程中~由市,县,供电企业进行定期检查考核~年终考核~经市局,公司,初审合格后~上报省电力公司。 2、 二星级供电,营业,所由地,市,供电企业负责组织验收~报省公司确认。三星、四星、五星级供电,营业,所由省电力公司组on winter construction technique and safety training of personnel, the use of admixtures for construction workers, concrete temperature record, sample lien and conservation regulations, strengthen the management of heating equipment. 3) tracking weather forecasts, arrange production according to weather conditions, adjusting job schedules. 8.6. ... 8.7.5 construction electrical products used, must conform to the national standards, lines must comply with the installation and use of electrical equipment JGJ46-2005 electric code requirements. 8.7.6 with obvious hot rail for woodworking operation shed, installation of fire fighting equipment, and stick with the dry with clear, who did who clear, dry day. 8.7.7 warehouse be set independently, Warehouse Clerks Office and warehouse space. Prohibition of common items within the same library mixed with inflammable or explosive goods. 8.7.8 outside the library with adequate fire-fighting equipment, fire-fighting water freezing measures should be taken. 8.7.9 strictly implementing the provisions of the fire safety management of the Group and carry out regular fire safety education, improve staff awareness of fire safety. 8.8 ambulance control measures to prevent the expansion of construction project security accident after accident, reducing casualties and property losses, according to the work safety of construction projects Management Ordinance and company occupational health and safety management system 织验收。 3、 达到星级管理标准的供电,营业,所~由省电力公司授予相应级别星级供电,营业,所称号~并表彰、授牌。 4、 星级供电,营业,所实行动态评级 制度 关于办公室下班关闭电源制度矿山事故隐患举报和奖励制度制度下载人事管理制度doc盘点制度下载 ~考核周期为一年。已获得星级称号的供电,营业,所在次年复查过程中不符合原评定标准的~将对其实行降级或撤销处理。 六、 奖励 各县级供电企业应对获得星级称号的供电,营业,所按级进行一次性奖励。建议按星级高低~给予供电,营业,所人均0.5-1个月企业平均工资的一次性经济奖励。 on winter construction technique and safety training of personnel, the use of admixtures for construction workers, concrete temperature record, sample lien and conservation regulations, strengthen the management of heating equipment. 3) tracking weather forecasts, arrange production according to weather conditions, adjusting job schedules. 8.6. ... 8.7.5 construction electrical products used, must conform to the national standards, lines must comply with the installation and use of electrical equipment JGJ46-2005 electric code requirements. 8.7.6 with obvious hot rail for woodworking operation shed, installation of fire fighting equipment, and stick with the dry with clear, who did who clear, dry day. 8.7.7 warehouse be set independently, Warehouse Clerks Office and warehouse space. Prohibition of common items within the same library mixed with inflammable or explosive goods. 8.7.8 outside the library with adequate fire-fighting equipment, fire-fighting water freezing measures should be taken. 8.7.9 strictly implementing the provisions of the fire safety management of the Group and carry out regular fire safety education, improve staff awareness of fire safety. 8.8 ambulance control measures to prevent the expansion of construction project security accident after accident, reducing casualties and property losses, according to the work safety of construction projects Management Ordinance and company occupational health and safety management system
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