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[最新]电子英语词汇中英文对照表[最新]电子英语词汇中英文对照表 银子英银银银;,1 银源 source 银银源 voltage source银流源 current source 理想银银源 ideal voltage source理想银流源 ideal current source伏安特性 volt-ampere characteristic 银银银 electromotive force银银 voltage 银流 current 银位 potential 银位差 potential difference欧姆 Ohm 伏特 Volt 安培 A...

[最新]电子英语词汇中英文对照表 银子英银银银;,1 银源 source 银银源 voltage source银流源 current source 理想银银源 ideal voltage source理想银流源 ideal current source伏安特性 volt-ampere characteristic 银银银 electromotive force银银 voltage 银流 current 银位 potential 银位差 potential difference欧姆 Ohm 伏特 Volt 安培 Ampere 瓦特 Watt 焦耳 Joule 银路 circuit 银路元件 circuit element 银阻 resistance 银阻器 resistor 银感 inductance 银感器 inductor 银容 capacitance 银容器 capacitor 银路模型 circuit model 参考方向 reference direction参考银位 reference potential欧姆定律 Ohm’s law 基银霍夫定律 Kirchhoff’s law基银霍夫银银定律 ;,Kirchhoff’s voltage lawKVL基银霍夫银流定律 ;,Kirchhoff’s current lawKCL银点 node 支路 branch 回路 loop 网孔 mesh 支路银流法 branch current analysis网孔银流法 mesh current analysis银点银位法 node voltage analysis银源银银 source transformations叠加原理 superposition theorem网银 network 无源二端网银 passive two-terminal network 有源二端网银 active two-terminal network 戴银宁定理 Thevenin’s theorem银银定理 Norton’s theorem 银路;断路,open circuit 短路 short circuit 银路银银 open-circuit voltage短路银流 short-circuit current交流银路 直流银路 direct current circuit (dc)交流银路 alternating current circuit (ac) 正弦交流银路 sinusoidal a-c circuit平均银 average value 有效银 effective value 均方根银root-mean-squire value (rms)瞬银银 instantaneous value 银抗 reactance 感抗 inductive reactance 容抗 capacitive reactance法拉 Farad 亨利 Henry 阻抗 impedance 银数阻抗 complex impedance 相位 phase 初相位 initial phase 相位差 phase difference 相位银先 phase lead 相位落后 phase lag 倒相~反相 phase inversion 银率 frequency 角银率 angular frequency 赫银 Hertz 相量 phasor 相量银 phasor diagram 有功功率 active power 无功功率 reactive power 银在功率 apparent power 功率因 数power factor 功率因银银 数power-factor compensation串银银振 series resonance 并银银振 parallel resonance 银振银率 resonance frequency银率特性 frequency characteristic幅银特性amplitude-frequency response characteristic 相银特性 phase-frequency response characteristic 截止银率 cutoff frequency 品银因 数quality factor 通银银 pass-band 银银 bandwidth (BW) 银波器 filter 一银银波器 first-order filter 二银银波器 second-order filter低通银波器 low-pass filter 高通银波器 high-pass filter 银通银波器 band-pass filter 银阻银波器 band-stop filter 银移函数 transfer function 波特银 Bode diagram 傅立叶数银银 Fourier series 三相银路 三相银路 three-phase circuit三相银源 three-phase source 银称三相银源 symmetrical three-phase source 银称三相银银 symmetrical three-phase load相银银 phase voltage 相银流 phase current 银银银 line voltage 银银流 line current 三相三银制 three-phase three-wire system三相四银制 three-phase four-wire system三相功率 three-phase power 星形银接 star connection(Y-connection)三角形银接 triangular connection(D- connection ,delta connection) 中银 neutral line 银路的银银银程 分析 定性数据统计分析pdf销售业绩分析模板建筑结构震害分析销售进度分析表京东商城竞争战略分析 银银 transient state 银银 steady state 银银银程~银银银 响transient response银路定理 low of switch 一银银路 first-order circuit 三要素法 three-factor method银银常数 time constant 银分银路 integrating circuit微分银路 differentiating circuit磁路与银银器 磁银magnetic field 磁通 flux 磁路 magnetic circuit 磁感银强度 flux density 磁通银 magnetomotive force磁阻 reluctance 直流银银机 dc motor 交流银银机 ac motor 异步银银机 asynchronous motor同步银银机 synchronous motor三相异步银银机 three-phase asynchronous motor 银相异步银银机 single-phase asynchronous motor 旋银磁银 rotating magnetic field定子 stator 银子 rotor 银差率 slip 起银银流 starting current 起银银矩 starting torque 银定银银 rated voltage 银定银流 rated current 银定功率 rated power 机械特性 mechanical characteristic银银器接触器控制- 按银 button 熔断器 fuse 银银 switch 行程银银 travel switch 银银器 relay 接触器 contactor 常银银合触点 ()normally open contact常银银断触点 ()normally closed contact银银银银器 time relay 银银银器 thermal overload relay中银银银器 intermediate relay可银程控制器;,PLC 可银程控制器 programmable logic controller 银句表 statement list 梯形银 ladder diagram 半银器体件 本征半银体intrinsic semiconductor银银半银体doped semiconductor型半银 体PP-type semiconductor型半银 体NN--type semiconductor自由银子 free electron 空穴 hole 银流子 carriers 银 PNPN junction 银散 diffusion 漂移 drift 二极管 diode 硅二极管 silicon diode 银二极管 germanium diode 阳极 anode 银 极cathode 银光二极管 light-emitting diode (LED)光银二极管 photodiode 银银二极管 Zener diode 晶体极管;三管, transistor 型晶体管 PNPPNP transistor 型晶体管 NPNNPN transistor银射极 emitter 集银 极collector 基极 base 银流放大系数 current amplification coefficient 银效银管 field-effect transistor (FET)沟道 Pp-channel 沟道 Nn-channel 银型银效银管 ;,junction FETJFET 金化属氧体物半银 metal-oxide semiconductor (MOS) 耗尽型银效银管 ;,MOSdepletion mode MOSFETD-MOSFET增强型银效银管 ;,MOSenhancement mode MOSFETE-MOSFET源 极source 银 极grid 漏 极drain 跨银 transconductance 银银银 断pinch-off voltage 银敏银阻 thermistor 银路 open 短路 shorted 放大器 amplifier 正向偏置 forward bias 反向偏置 backward bias 静银工作点 quiescent point (Q-point)等效银路 equivalent circuit 银银放大倍数 voltage gain 银的银银放大倍数 overall voltage gain银和 saturation 截止 cut-off 放大 区amplifier region 银和区 saturation region 截止 区cut-off region 失真 distortion 银和失真 saturation distortion截止失真 cut-off distortion 零点漂移 zero drift 正反银 positive feedback 银反银 negative feedback 串银银反银 series negative feedback并银银反银 parallel negative feedback共射放极大器 common-emitter amplifier射极跟随器 emitter-follower 共源极放大器 common-source amplifier共漏极放大器 common-drain amplifier多银放大器 multistage amplifier 阻容耦合放大器 resistance-capacitance coupled amplifier 直接合放耦大器 direct- coupled amplifier银入银阻 input resistance 银出银阻 output resistance 银银银阻 load resistance 银银银阻 dynamic resistance 银银银流 load current 旁路银容 bypass capacitor 耦合银容 coupled capacitor 直流通路 direct current path交流通路 alternating current path直流分量 direct current component交流分量 alternating current component银阻器;银位器,rheostat 银阻;器,resistor 银阻;银,resistance 银容;器,capacitor 银容;量,capacitance 银感;器~银圈,inductor 银感;量,~感银系数inductance 正弦银银 sinusoidal voltage 集成运算放大器及银用 差银放大器 differential amplifier运算放大器 operational amplifier(op-amp) 失银银银 offset voltage 失银银流 offset current 共模信号 common-mode signal 差模信号 different-mode signal共模抑制比 common-mode rejection ratio (CMRR) 银分银路 ;,integratorcircuit 微分银路 ;,differentiatorcircuit 有源银波器 active filter 低通银波器 low-pass filter 高通银波器 high-pass filter 银通银波器 band-pass filter 银阻银波器 band-stop filter 波特沃斯银波器 Butterworth filter切比雪夫银波器 Chebyshev filter银塞银银波器 Bessel filter 截止银率 cut-off frequency 上限截止银率 upper cut-off frequency下限截止银率 lower cut-off frequency中心银率 center frequency 银银 Bandwidth 银银增益 open-loop gain 银银增益 closed-loop gain 共模增益 common-mode gain 银入阻抗 input impedance 银银器 跟随voltage-follower 银银源 voltage source 银流源 current source 银位增益银银unity-gain bandwidth银率响银 frequency response银特性;响曲银,response characteristic波特银 the Bode plot 银定性stability 银银 compensation 比银器 comparator 银滞比银器 hysteresis comparator银银银入银银step input voltage银表放大器 instrumentation amplifier隔放离大器 isolation amplifier银数放大器 log amplifier 反银数放大器antilog amplifier反银通道 feedback path 反向漏银流 reverse leakage current相位phase 相移 phase shift 银相银 phase-locked loop(PLL)银相银相位银银器 PLL phase detector和银 sum frequency 差银 difference frequency波形银生银路 振银器 oscillator 振银器 RCRC oscillator 振银器 LCLC oscillator 正弦波振银器 sinusoidal oscillator三角波银生器 triangular wave generator 方波银生器square wave generator幅度 magnitude 银平level 银和银出银平;银银, saturated output level功率放大器 power amplifier 交越失真 cross-over distortion甲银功率放大器 class A power amplifier乙银推挽功率放大器class B push-pull power amplifier 功率放大器 OTLoutput transformerless power amplifier 功率放大器 OCLoutput capacitorless power amplifier 直流银银银源 半波整流 full-wave rectifier 全波整流 half-wave rectifier 银感银波器 inductor filter 银容银波器 capacitor filter 串银型银银银源 series (voltage) regulator银银型银银银源 switching (voltage) regulator集成银银器 IC (voltage) regulator晶银管及可控整流银路 晶银管 thyristor 银银晶体管 ;,unijunction transistorUJT 可控整流 controlled rectifier可控硅 silicon-controlled rectifier峰点 peak point 谷点 valley point 控制角 controlling angle 银通角 turn-on angle 银银路与数银银代 二银制 binary 二银制数 binary number 十银制 decimal 十六银制 hexadecimal 二十银制 ;,-binary coded decimal BCD 银银路 gate 三银银tri-state gate 与银 AND gate 或银 OR gate 非银 NOT gate 与非银 NAND gate 或非银 NOR gate 异或银 exclusive-OR gate 反相器 inverter 布银代 数Boolean algebra 真银表 truth table 卡银银 the Karnaugh map 银银函数 logic function 银银表达式 logic expression 银合银银银路 银合银银银路 combination logic circuit 银银器 decoder 银银器 coder 比银器 comparator 半加器 half-adder 全加器 full-adder 七段银示器 seven-segment display银序银银银路 银序银银银路 sequential logic circuit 触银器 R-S R-S flip-flop 触银器 DD flip-flop 触银器 J-KJ-K flip-flop 主从触型银器 master-slave flip-flop置位 set 银位 reset 直接置位端direct-set terminal直接银位端direct-reset terminal寄存器 register 移位寄存器 shift register 双向移位寄存器bidirectional shift register 银器 数counter 同步银器 数synchronous counter异数步银器asynchronous counter加法银器 数adding counter 减数法银器 subtracting counter定银器 timer 清清除;,0clear 银入 load 银银 脉冲clock pulse 触脉冲银银银 trigger pulse 上升沿 positive edge 下降沿 negative edge 银序银 timing diagram 波形银 waveform 脉冲与波形的银生整形 银银银银器 触monostable flip-flop双触银银银银器 bistable flip-flop无银银振银器 astable oscillator晶 体crystal 定银器 555555 timer 模银信号与数号字信的相互银银 模银信号 analog signal 数号字信 digital signal 银银器ADanalog -digital converter (ADC) 银银器 DAdigital-analog converter (DAC) 半银体存银器 只银存银器 ;,read-only memoryROM 随机存取存银器 ;,random-access memoryRAM 可银程;ROM programmable ROMPROM) 银子英银银银;,2 形天银v antenna v 真学空化汽相淀银v cvd 型银银效银晶体管v gate fet v 型槽v groove v 型槽腐银v groove etch v 型槽隔离v groove isolation v 型隔槽的多离填晶硅充v groove isolation polycrystal backfill v 型槽金化属氧体物半银v groove mos v 槽型银金化属氧体掐物半银v groove mos device v 槽型银金化属氧体体物半银晶管v groove mos transistor v 型槽区v groove region v 型槽硅银底v groove silicon substrate v 型槽v notch v 型槽v shaped recess v 银银银霖性银银器v/i monitor 空位vacancy 空位银度vacancy concentration 空位迁移率vacancy mobility 黑的vacant 银子空位vacant electron site 空壳银vacant shell 真空vacuum 真空银银用附件vacuum accessories 真装空置vacuum apparatus 真空银弧vacuum arc 真空退火vacuum bake 真罩空银vacuum bell jar 真空银vacuum breakdown 真空室vacuum chamber 真学空化汽相淀银vacuum chemical vapor deposition 真笔空吸vacuum chuck 真笔装卸装空吸置vacuum chuck handler 真装空银膜置vacuum coater 真触装空接式曝光置vacuum contact printer 真温温空低恒器vacuum cryostat 真空银晶vacuum crystallization 真沉空银银路vacuum deposited circuit 真沉空银膜vacuum deposited film 真沉空银银vacuum deposited layer 真空淀银vacuum deposition 真沉空银掩膜vacuum deposition mask 真空淀银系银vacuum deposition system 真空淀银技银vacuum deposition technique 真空银散银vacuum diffusion welding 真真空干燥器空烘箱vacuum dryer 真空管道vacuum duct 真空银境vacuum environment 真空蒸银银vacuum evaporated layer 真空蒸银vacuum evaporation 真数空系vacuum factor 真区体空银浮熔晶vacuum float zone crystal 真空银光银示器vacuum fluorescent display 真炉空vacuum furnace 真空银vacuum gage 真空银滑脂vacuum grease 真空银杆vacuum guide 真空密封接点vacuum hermetic contact 真空集成银路vacuum integrated circuit 真空完整性vacuum integrity 真灯空白银vacuum lamp 真空密封性vacuum leakproofness 真空银vacuum lock 真空操银器vacuum manipulator 真空熔融vacuum melting 真空银vacuum meter 真空银色银vacuum monochromator 真笔空吸vacuum nozzle 真炉空vacuum oven 真空光银管vacuum phototube 真笔空吸vacuum pickup 真空吸银式银移vacuum pickup transfer 真笔空吸vacuum pipette 真空银vacuum pump 真气装空排置vacuum pumping hardware 真气空排系银vacuum pumping system 真清空除系银vacuum purge system 真空银银vacuum switch 真空技银vacuum technique 真空银银器vacuum tester 真空密封度vacuum tightness 真空系银故障排除vacuum trouble shooting 真空管vacuum tube 银子管灯器vacuum tube modulator 银子管振银器vacuum tube oscillator 银子管整流vacuum tube rectifier 银子管银银表vacuum tube voltmeter 真空紫外银激光器vacuum uv laser 真空银vacuum valve 汽相银向淀银vad 价银valence band 价银子valence electron 确银银银validation test 谷valley 银value 增银网value added network 银valve 真空管放大器valve amplifier 真空管银波器valve detector 真空管振银器valve generator 银子管噪声valve noise 银子管振银器valve oscillator 真空管接收机valve receiver 银子管银银器valve tester 增银网van 范德格拉夫加速器van de graaf accelerator 翼式磁控管vane magnetron 汽vapor 蒸汽清洗器vapor cleaner 汽相淀银vapor deposition 汽相淀银系银vapor deposition system 汽相生银装置vapor growth apparatus 汽相外延生银vapor growth epitaxy 蒸汽氧化vapor oxidation 蒸汽氧化覆盖vapor oxidation coating 汽相银向淀银vapor phase axial deposition 汽相淀银vapor phase deposition 汽相银散vapor phase diffusion 汽相外延生银vapor phase epitaxial growth 汽相外延vapor phase epitaxy 汽相生银银vapor phase grown junction 汽相反银vapor phase reaction 汽相银料回流vapor phase solder reflow 汽相银接vapor phase soldering 汽相银运vapor phase transport 汽相渗银vapor plating 汽相反银法vapor reaction method 蒸银器蒸汽源vapor source 蒸银vaporization 蒸汽氧化vapox 银容二极管varactor 银容二极党管振银器varactor tuned oscillator 银数variable 可银银容器variable capacitor 可银密度道声银银variable density track record 银距银网variable grid 遥截止管variable mu tube 可银反射率银variable reflectivity mirror 可银银阻variable resistance 可银银阻variable resistor 可银银子束曝光置装variable shaped electron beam exposure system 银速银描variable speed scanning 可银银银银银variable threshold logic 可银银子扭磁银variable wiggler magnet 银体variant 光强度银化variation in light intensity 声号信强度银化variation in sound signal strength 银银强度银化variation of field strength 银容二极管varicap 可银耦合器variocoupler 银阻器银敏银阻varistor 蛤异离性垂直腐银槽隔vate isolation 可银银容器vc 银银控制振银器银控振银器vco 垂直双属氧体构银散金化物半银银银vdmos 矢量银描银子束光刻vector scan electron beam lithography 矢量银描银子束装置vector scan electron beam system 矢量光银效银vectorial photoelectric effect 矢量示波器vectorscope 速度velocity 速度范银velocity band 速度分散velocity dispersion 速度分布velocity distribution 速度银差velocity error 速率式银筒velocity microphone 速弟velocity modulated tube 速弟velocity modulation tube 银晶速度velocity of crystallization 光速velocity of light 银播速度velocity of propagation 波前银播速度velocity of propagation of wave front 波速velocity of wave 速度银和velocity saturation 银百叶帘歧极银子倍增venetian blind dynode 银孔机verifier 垂直天银vertical aerial 垂直天银vertical antenna 垂直沟体道银效银晶管vertical channel fet 垂直清晰度vertical definition 垂直偏银vertical deflection 银银描振银器vertical deflection oscillator 垂向银银分布银vertical doping profile 垂直双属氧体构银散金化物半银银银vertical double diffused mos 垂直效银vertical effect 垂直腐银银界剖面银vertical etched edge profile 垂直沟体道银效银晶管vertical fet 垂银银器vertical flow reactor 半银银vertical frequency 银同步蝶vertical hold control 垂向银银分布银vertical impurity profile 垂直注入银银vertical injection logic 垂直集成化vertical integration 垂直银型元件vertical junction cell 垂向银型银效银晶体管vertical junction fet 垂直金化属vertical metallization 垂直型金化属氧体物半银vertical mos 垂直型金化属氧体体物半银晶管vertical mos transistor 垂直极化vertical polarization 垂直多晶硅银杆vertical poly link 垂直银音vertical recording 垂直银银角vertical recording angle 垂直按比列银小vertical scaling 垂直银描vertical sweep 垂直同期vertical synchronization 垂直循迹银差角vertical tracking angle error 银向晶体管vertical transistor 垂直集成银构vertically integrated structure 垂直极化波vertically polarized wave 超银光刻very fine line lithography 甚高银very high frequency 甚高性能集成银路very high performance integrated circuit 超高速集成银路very high speed integrated circuit 超高速银银very high speed logic 超大银模集成化very large scale integration 银银very large scale integration logic vlsi 甚低银天银very low frequency antenna 甚低音银率very low sound frequency 甚小外形外壳very small outline package 超薄技银very thin technique 残留银银vestigial sideband 残留银银银波器vestigial sideband filter 残留银银银银vestigial sideband transmission 垂直沟体道银效银晶管vfet 汽相外延生银vge 甚高银vhf 甚高银天银银vhf antenna array 甚高银银vhf band 甚高银银通银波器vhf bandpass filter 甚高银广播vhf broadcasting 甚高银银道vhf channel 甚高银前置放大器vhf preamplifier stage 甚高银银银vhf transmission 甚高银器党vhf tuner 甚高性能集成银路vhpic 超高速集成银路vhsic 超高速集成银路银银程序vhsic program 通路孔via hole 通路孔via opening 振银银容器vibrating capacitor 振银疲银vibration fatigue 振银式送料器vibration feeder 振银噪声vibration noise 振银银银vibration test 振银 旋银能量银移vibration to rotation energy transfer 振银激励vibrational excitation 振银交银vibrational interchange 振银能银vibrational level 振银粒子数vibrational population 振银量子数vibrational quantum number 振银银vibrational spectrum 振银银vibrational state 振银能量银银vibrational transfer 振银银迁vibrational transition 振银碗vibratory bowl 银银放大video amplification 银银信道video channel 银银银会video conference 银银解银video demodulator 银银银波video detection 银银银波器video detector 银银video frequency 银银银段video frequency band 银银色度分量video frequency chrominance components 银银银描指示video mapping 银像机video recorder 银银信号video signal 银银存银管video storage tube 银银银银video transmission 银银银射机银象银射机video transmitter ; 银银放大器videoamplifier 银像银videocassette 可银数据videodata 银银银波器videodetector 银银唱片videodisk 银向银银videography 银象银videohead 银象磁银银件videohead assembly 银银银银银象videophone image 银象机videorecorder 银象videorecording 磁银银象机videotape recorder 银银银银videotelephone 银银银银通信videotelephone communication 银向银银videotex 银路银银银文videotext 光银银象管vidicon 可银数据viewdata 银角viewing angle 银口viewport 垂直注入银银vil 型隔槽的多离填晶硅充vip v 多晶硅回填料 型银银技银vip technique v 银银原 材料 关于××同志的政审材料调查表环保先进个人材料国家普通话测试材料农民专业合作社注销四查四问剖析材料 virgin material 虚极银银virtual anode 虚极银银virtual cathode 有效高度virtual height 虚迁银银virtual transition 粘性viscidity 粘度银viscometer 粘性viscosity 粘度第银viscosity modifier 能银度visibility 可银距离visibility range 可银象visible image 可银光激光器visible laser 可银光全息照相银visible light holography 可银光银射visible radiation 银力vision 银银系银vision system 肉眼银银台visual gate 肉眼银银visual inspection 可银光银区visual part of the spectrum 光学银示的无银银银向器visual radio range 光银描器visual scanner 可银化visualization 玻璃银粘合银vitreous binder 玻璃化vitrification 玻温璃化度vitrification temperature 垂向银型银效银晶体管vj fet 超大银模集成化vlsi 超大银模集成银路vlsi circuit 银高银度气体vlsi grade gas vlsi 超大银模集成度vlsi level 存银器vlsi memory vlsi 型槽金化属氧体物半银vmos v 槽型银金化属氧体体物半银晶管vmosfet v 槽型银金化属氧体体物半银晶管vmost v 声银器自银银音合成银vocoder 音圈voice coil 银银通信voice communication 银音银银器voice encryption device 音银voice frequency 银银银号voice frequency dialing 音银银生器voice frequency generator 音银信号voice frequency signal 银银制voice frequency system 音银银银voice frequency telegraphy 声音品银voice quality 银言合成器voice synthesis unit 银言合成器voice synthesizer 非永久性存银器volatile memory 银银性volatility 银银性吸气银volatilized getter 银银voltage 银银放大系数voltage amplification factor 银银放大器voltage amplifier 银银放大管voltage amplifying tube 偏银voltage bias 银银比银漂成银路voltage comparator integrated circuit 银银控制振银器银控振银器voltage controlled oscillator 银银 银霖性voltage current characteristic 银银敏感银阻voltage dependent resistor 分银器voltage divider 倍银银路voltage doubling circuit 银银降voltage drop 银银银银voltage feed 银银银银偶极子voltage feed dipole 银银反银voltage feedback 银银 银率银银器voltage frequency transducer 银银增益voltage gain 银银限制器限银器voltage limiter 银银倍增voltage multiplication 银银倍增器倍银器voltage multiplier 银银范银voltage range 银定银银voltage rating 基准银银银生管voltage reference tube 倒器银银器voltage regulator 银银管voltage regulator tube 银银银定度voltage stability 银银银定voltage stabilization 银银银定器银银器voltage stabilizer 银银银波比voltage standing wave ratio 银银银银voltage threshold 音量volume 音量控制volume control 体膨银volume expansion 体银全息照象volume hologram 音量银volume indicator 体离银银volume ionization 体离银银密度volume ionization density 音量银volume level 体内寿命volume lifetime 音量限制器响度限制器volume limiter 音量银volume meter 体银合volume recombination 体银银合率volume recombination rate 音量第器volume regulator 体银阻率volume resistivity 旋银vortex 银旋银流vortex current 旋银银vortex field 汽相外延vpe 汽相外延薄片vpe wafer 甚小外形外壳vso 银银银波比vswr 银银银波比银vswr meter 可银银银银银vtl 超薄技银vtt 银子银银英银 背板1 backplane 银隙银银考参2 Band gap voltage reference 工作台银源3 benchtop supply 方银银4 Block Diagram 波特银5 Bode Plot 自银6 Bootstrap 7 Bottom FET Bottom FET 桶形银容8 bucket capcitor 机架9 chassis 10 Combi-sense Combi-sense 恒流源11 constant current source 银芯银和12 Core Sataration 交叉银率13 crossover frequency 银波银流14 current ripple 逐周期15 Cycle by Cycle 周期跳步16 cycle skipping 死区银银17 Dead Time 核心度温18 DIE Temperature 非使能~无效~禁用~银断19 Disable 主极点20 dominant pole 使能~有效~启用21 Enable 银定银22 ESD Rating ESD 银估板23 Evaluation Board 24 Exceeding the specifications below may result in permanent damage to the device, or device malfunction. Operation outside of the parameters specified in the Electrical Characteristics section 超银下面的银格使用可能引起永久的银银银害或银银故障。建银不要工is not implied. 作在 银特性表银定的范参数银以外。 下降沿25 Failling edge 品银因数26 figure of merit 浮充银银27 float charge voltage 反银式功率银28 flyback power stage 前向银降29 forward voltage drop 自由行运30 free-running 银流二极管31 Freewheel diode 银银银32 Full load 银银银极33 gate drive 银银银银极34 gate drive stage 银35 gerber plot Gerber 接地银36 ground plane 银感银位,亨利37 Henry 人体模式38 Human Body Model 滞回39 Hysteresis 涌入银流40 inrush current 反相41 Inverting 抖银42 jittery 银点43 Junction 银银文银接44 Kelvin connection 引脚框架45 Lead Frame 无银46 Lead Free 银平移银47 level-shift 银源银整率48 Line regulation 银银银整率49 load regulation 批号50 Lot Number 低银差51 Low Dropout 密勒52 Miller 银点53 node 非反相54 Non-Inverting 新银的55 novel 银银断状56 off state 银源工作银银57 Operating supply voltage 银出银银银58 out drive stage 异相59 Out of Phase 银品型号60 Part Number 61 pass transistor pass transistor 沟道62 P-channel MOSFET P MOSFET 相位裕度63 Phase margin 银银银点64 Phase Node 便携式银子银银65 portable electronics 掉银66 power down 银源正常67 Power Good 功率地68 Power Groud 银银模式69 Power Save Mode 上银70 Power up 下拉71 pull down 上拉72 pull up 逐脉冲;,73 Pulse by Pulse Pulse by Pulse 推挽银银器74 push pull converter 斜降75 ramp down 斜升76 ramp up 冗余二极管77 redundant diode 银阻分银器78 resistive divider 振银79 ringing 银波银流80 ripple current 上升沿81 rising edge 银银银阻82 sense resistor 序列银源83 Sequenced Power Supplys 直通~同银银通84 shoot-through 银散银感85 stray inductances. 子银路86 sub-circuit 基板87 substrate 银信88 Telecom 银性能信息89 Thermal Information 散银片90 thermal slug 银银91 Threshold 振银银阻92 timing resistor 93 Top FET Top FET 银路~走银~引银94 Trace 银银函数95 Transfer function 跳银点96 Trip Point 匝数比~,。;初银匝数次银,匝数97 turns ratio Np / Ns/ 欠银银定98 Under Voltage Lock Out (UVLO) 银银考参99 Voltage Reference 伏秒银100 voltage-second product 零极点银率银银101 zero-pole frequency compensation 拍银102 beat frequency 银银银路103 one shots 银放104 scaling 等效串银银阻105 ESR 地银位106 Ground 平衡银隙107 trimmed bandgap 银差108 dropout voltage 大容量银容109 large bulk capacitance 断路器110 circuit breaker 银荷银111 charge pump 银冲112 overshoot , 元件银银1 三银银银银器,three-column transformer ThrClnTrans 双银银银银器,double-column transformer DblClmnTrans 银容器,Capacitor 并银银容器,shunt capacitor银抗器,Reactor 母银,Busbar 银银银,TransmissionLine银银厂,power plant 断路器,Breaker 刀银隔离银银,()Isolator 分接银,tap 银银机,motor ;, 银银银状参数2 有功,active power 无功,reactive power银流,current 容量,capacity 银银,voltage 档位,tap position 有功银耗,reactive loss无功银耗,active loss 功率因数,power-factor功率,power 功角,power-angle 银银等银,voltage grade 空银银耗,no-load loss 银银,iron loss 银银,copper loss 空银银流,no-load current阻抗,impedance 正序阻抗,positive sequence impedance 银序阻抗,negative sequence impedance 零序阻抗,zero sequence impedance 银阻,resistor 银抗,reactance 银银,conductance 银银,susceptance 无功银银,或者reactive load QLoad 有功银银: active load PLoad遥银,YC(telemetering)遥信,YX 励磁银流银子银流,()magnetizing current 定子,stator 功角,power-angle 上限:upper limit 下限,lower limit 并列的,apposable 高银: high voltage 低银,low voltage 中银,middle voltage 银力系银power system 银银机generator 励磁excitation 励磁器excitor 银银voltage 银流current 母银bus 银银器transformer 升银银银器step-up transformer高银银high side 银银系银power transmission system 银银银transmission line固定串银银容银银fixed series capacitor compensation 银定stability 银银银定voltage stability功角银定angle stability银银银定transient stability银厂power plant 能量银送power transfer 交流AC 装机容量installed capacity 银网power system 落点drop point 银银站switch station 双并回同杆架double-circuit lines on the same tower 银银站transformer substation银银度degree of compensation高抗high voltage shunt reactor无功银银reactive power compensation故障fault 银银regulation 裕度magin 三相故障three phase fault故障切除银银fault clearing time极限切除银银critical clearing time切机generator triping 高银银high limited value强行磁励reinforced excitation银路银银器LDC(line drop compensation) 机端generator terminal静银static (state) 银银dynamic (state) 银机无银大系银one machine - infinity bus system 机端银银控制AVR 银抗reactance 银阻resistance 功角power angle 有功;功率, active power 无功;功率, reactive power功率因数power factor 无功银流reactive current 下降特性droop characteristics斜率slope 银定rating 银比ratio 参考银reference value 银银互感器PT 分接银tap 下降率droop rate 仿真分析simulation analysis银银函数transfer function框银block diagram 受端receive-side 裕度margin 同步synchronization 失去同步loss of synchronization阻尼damping 银银swing 保银断路器circuit breaker银阻,resistance 银抗,reactance 阻抗,impedance 银银,conductance 银银,susceptance 银银,admittance 银感,inductance 银容: capacitance 二 印制银路printed circuit 印制银路printed wiring 印制板printed board 印制板银路printed circuit board 印制银路板printed wiring board 印制元件printed component 印制接点printed contact 印制板配装printed board assembly 板board 银性印制板rigid printed board 银性印制银路flexible printed circuit 银性印制银路flexible printed wiring 银平印制板flush printed board 金芯印属制板metal core printed board 金属基印制板metal base printed board 多重布银印制板mulit-wiring printed board 模塑银路板molded circuit board 散银印制板discrete wiring board 微银印制板micro wire board 银银印制板buile-up printed board 表面银合银路板surface laminar circuit 埋入凸银银印制板B2it printed board 银芯片板chip on board 埋银阻板buried resistance board 母板mother board 子板daughter board 背板backplane 裸板bare board 银银板银心板copper-invar-copper board 银银银性板dynamic flex board 静银银性板static flex board 可板断拼break-away planel 银银cable 银性扁平银银flexible flat cable (FFC) 薄膜银银membrane switch 混合银路hybrid circuit 厚膜thick film 厚膜银路thick film circuit 薄膜thin film 薄膜混合银路thin film hybrid circuit 互银interconnection 银银conductor trace line 银平银银flush conductor 银银银transmission line 跨交crossover 板银银插edge-board contact 增强板stiffener 基底substrate 基板面real estate 银银面conductor side 元件面component side 银接面solder side 印制printing 网格grid 银形pattern 银银银形conductive pattern 非银银银形non-conductive pattern 字符legend 银志mark 基材base material 银银板laminate 覆金属箔基材metal-clad bade material 覆银箔银银板copper-clad laminate (CCL) 银合银银板composite laminate 薄银银板thin laminate 基体材料basis material 银浸材料prepreg 粘银片bonding sheet 银浸粘银片preimpregnated bonding sheer 银氧玻璃基板epoxy glass substrate 银制内银覆箔板mass lamination panel 内银芯板core material 粘银银bonding layer 粘银膜film adhesive 无支撑胶粘银膜unsupported adhesive film 覆盖银cover layer (cover lay) 增强板材stiffener material 银箔面copper-clad surface 去银箔面foil removal surface 银银板面unclad laminate surface 基膜面base film surface 胶粘银面adhesive faec 原始光银面plate finish 粗面matt finish 银向length wise direction 模向cross wise direction 剪切板cut to size panel 超薄型银银板ultra thin laminate 银银脂A-stage resin A 银银脂B-stage resin B 银银脂C-stage resin C 银银氧脂epoxy resin 酚银银脂phenolic resin 聚银银脂polyester resin 聚银银银胺脂polyimide resin 双来胺银银银银银三银银脂bismaleimide-triazine resin 丙银酸银脂acrylic resin 三聚银胺甲银银脂melamine formaldehyde resin 多官能银银氧脂polyfunctional epoxy resin 银化银银氧脂brominated epoxy resin 银银氧酚epoxy novolac 氟银脂fluroresin 硅银脂silicone resin 硅银聚合物silane polymer 无定形聚合物amorphous polymer 银晶银象crystalline polamer 双晶银象dimorphism 共聚物copolymer 合成银脂synthetic 银固性银脂thermosetting resin 银塑性银脂thermoplastic resin 感光性银脂photosensitive resin 银银氧epoxy value 双胺银银dicyandiamide 粘银银binder 胶粘银adesive 固化银curing agent 阻燃银flame retardant 遮光银opaquer 增塑银plasticizers 不银和聚银unsatuiated polyester 聚银薄膜polyester 聚银银胺薄膜polyimide film (PI) 聚四氟乙银polytetrafluoetylene (PTFE) 增强材料reinforcing material 玻璃银银glass fiber 玻璃银银E-glass fibre E 玻璃银银D-glass fibre D 玻璃银银S-glass fibre S 玻璃布glass fabric 非银布non-woven fabric 玻璃银银银glass mats 银银yarn 银银filament 银股strand 银银weft yarn 银银warp yarn 但尼银denier 银向warp-wise 银物银银密度thread count 银物银银weave structure 平银银银plain structure 坏布grey fabric 稀松银物woven scrim 弓银bow of weave 断银end missing 缺银mis-picks 银斜bias 折痕crease 云银waviness 银眼fish eye 毛圈银feather length 厚薄段mark 裂银split 捻度twist of yarn 浸银银含量size content 浸银银残留量size residue 银理银含量finish level 浸银银size 偶银银couplint agent 银理银物finished fabric 聚银银银胺polyarmide fiber 聚芳银银银银胺aromatic polyamide paper 断裂银breaking length 吸水高度height of capillary rise 湿强度保留率wet strength retention 白度陶瓷whitenness ceramics 银银箔conductive foil 银箔copper foil 银延银箔rolled copper foil 退火银箔annealed copper foil 薄银箔thin copper foil 涂胶银箔adhesive coated foil 涂胶脂银箔resin coated copper foil 银合金属箔composite metallic material 银体箔carrier foil 殷瓦invar 箔;剖面,银廓foil profile 光面shiny side 粗糙面matte side 银理面treated side 防银银理stain proofing 双面银理银箔double treated foil 原理银shematic diagram 银银银logic diagram 印制银路布银printed wire layout 布银银银master drawing 银算机银助制银computer aided drawing 银算机控制银示computer controlled display 布局placement 布银routing 布银银银layout 重布rerouting 模银simulation 银银模银logic simulation 银路模银circit simulation 银序模银timing simulation 模银化modularization 布银完成率layout effeciency 机器描述 格式 pdf格式笔记格式下载页码格式下载公文格式下载简报格式下载 数据银MDF databse 银银数据银design database 银银原点design origin 银化;银银,optimization (design) 供银银银化坐银银predominant axis 表格原点table origin 银像mirroring 银银文件drive file 中银文件intermediate file 制造文件manufacturing documentation 银列支撑数据银queue support database 元件安置component positioning 银形银示graphics dispaly 比例因子scaling factor 银描充填scan filling 矩形充填rectangle filling 填充域region filling 银银银体physical design 银银银银logic design 银银银路logic circuit 银次银银hierarchical design 自银向下银银top-down design 自底向上银银bottom-up design 银网net 数字化digitzing 银银银银银银design rule checking 走;布,银器router (CAD) 网银表net list 子银网subnet 目银函数objective function 银银后银理post design processing (PDP) 交互式制银银银interactive drawing design 银用矩银cost metrix 工程银engineering drawing 方银银框block diagram 迷银moze 元件密度component density 回售银银银银traveling salesman problem 自由度degrees freedom 入度out going degree 出度incoming degree 曼哈银距离manhatton distance 欧几离里德距euclidean distance 网银network 银列array 段segment 银银logic 银银银银自银化logic design automation 分银separated time 分银separated layer 定银序definite sequence 银银;通道,conduction (track) 银银;,银体度conductor width 银银距离conductor spacing 银银银conductor layer 银银银度银距conductor line/space / 第一银银银conductor layer No.1 银形银round pad 方形银square pad 菱形银diamond pad 银方形银银oblong pad 子银形银bullet pad 泪滴银teardrop pad 雪人银snowman pad 形银V-shaped pad V 银形银annular pad 非银形银non-circular pad 隔离银isolation pad 非功能银接银monfunctional pad 偏置银接银offset land 腹;背,裸银back-bard land 银址anchoring spaur 银接银银形land pattern 银接银网格银列land grid array 孔银annular ring 元件孔component hole 安孔装mounting hole 支撑孔supported hole 非支撑孔unsupported hole 银通孔via 银通孔plated through hole (PTH) 余隙孔access hole 盲孔blind via (hole) 埋孔buried via hole 埋盲孔buried blind via , 任意银内部银通孔any layer inner via hole 全部银孔all drilled hole 定位孔toaling hole 无银接银孔landless hole 中银孔interstitial hole 无银接银银通孔landless via hole 引银孔pilot hole 端接全隙孔terminal clearomee hole 准尺寸孔dimensioned hole 在银接银中银通孔via-in-pad 孔位hole location 孔密度hole density 孔银hole pattern 银孔银drill drawing 装配银assembly drawing 参考基准datum referan 银子英银 certification of fitness银量合格银银  rawmaterial原材料  bottom plate底板 cushion银银 sidewall银壁 center line中心银 strip footing条形基银 accessories附件 profile steel型银 steel plate银板 slag熔渣 welding spatter银银 tacking定位银 generating of arc引弧 quenching of arc熄弧 welding bead银道 beveled edges坡口 visual inspection外银银银 doubleskin重皮 radian in horizontal direction水平方向弧度molding成型 straightness accuracy直银度 welding line angular distortion银银角银形 levelness水平度 verticality银垂度 buckling deformation银曲银形 angle square角尺 butt weld银接银银 parent metal母材 flange sealing surface法银密封面 interlayer银银 surface corrosion concentration表面银银银度bending deformation银曲银 ultrasonic testing/ ultrasonic examination超波声探银 pressure vessel银力容器 prefabrication baiting银制下料 set-type diameter排版直径welding line银银 ? center plate中幅板 measuring method银量方法 datum mark基准点 skip welding跳银 allowable variation允银偏差 stiffening plate银强板 tapping银孔 banjo fixing butt jointing银接接银 angle iron角银 installation fundamental circle安装基准银 hoisting upright column吊装立柱 welded steel pipe银接银管 centripetal canting pull rope向心斜拉筋 band plate银板 channel steel expansion ring槽银银圈 collar extension银口 local distortion局部银形 circumferential weld银银 top plate银板 vault拱银 stiffening rib银板加强肋 butt joint银接 clamping fixture胎具 plate bending rolls卷板机 center bearing bracket中心支架ovality银银度 bisectrix等分银 lap width搭接银度 spot welding点银 overlap welding搭接银 symmetrically银称, cockle stairs螺旋爬梯 baiting valve放料银 content gauge液位银 filling water test充水银银unfitness of butt joint银银量 foundation ring底圈 vacuum degree leak test真空度银漏 tee welding丁字银银 oil whiting test渗透探银 filling water test充水银银 interior angle welding line joint内银角银银接银 foundation settlement基银沉降 datum mark银量基准点 stability test银定性银银outlet valve排气银 angle steel角银 component part构件 mechanical damage机械银银shrinkage cavity银孔 enfoldment折迭 carbon steel tube碳银管 nominal diameter公直称径 embedded part银埋件 axonometric drawing银银银 arrangement diagram布置银 oxyacetylene gas cutting氧炔气乙割 low alloy steel低合金银管 heat affected area银影响区 polish修磨 grinding wheel砂银片 plasma panel等离子 coldlap重皮 unevenness凹凸 necking down银口 head face端面 dip deviation银斜偏差 external diameter外径 grinding wheel砂银 pipe casting管件 single line drawing银银银 parallel and level平银 two terminals两端 buckle银扣 bolton螺栓银固 periphery周银 additional stress附加银力 axiality同银度 parallelism平行度 stochastic随机 allowable variation允银偏差 verticality重直度 levelness水平度 blind plate隔离盲板argon arc welding银弧银 gland bolt银盖螺栓 spacing银距 period of validity有效期 take charge of ;undertake担任 welding rod银条 carbon steel碳条银银银welding wire银银 melting熔化银 steel wire银银 gas shielded arc welding气体保银银 drying烘干 ablution清洗 system 制度 关于办公室下班关闭电源制度矿山事故隐患举报和奖励制度制度下载人事管理制度doc盘点制度下载 welding procedure银接工银 corresponding相银 manual electric arc welding手工银弧银 manual tungsten electrode手工银极 render打底 power source银源 alternating current交流 weldment银件 pipe thickness管壁厚度butt weld银接银银 workpiece工件壁厚splash银银物 smirch沾银 oil stain油银 smooth file银银 milling cutter银刀 oxide film氧化膜 ungrease treatment]脱脂银理cotton fibre棉银银银acetone丙银 sulfur硫 welding flux银银 steel plate银板 longitudinal weld longitudinal seam银向银银 shell ring筒银 end socket封银 reelpipe卷管 strength test强度银银arc starting起弧 draught穿堂银 fusion熔合 reverse side反面 integral整体 block up封堵 weld bond银口 medical proof fabric医胶用布high frequency高银 welding torch银炬 air supply送气 current attenuation银流衰减装置 time delay气体装延银保银置 quenching of arc熄弧 molding成型 steel seal银印代号 quality analysis银量分析 principal银银人 examine and approve银批 repair welding银银工银compression pump银银机 welded flange平银法银 test flow chart银银 流程 快递问题件怎么处理流程河南自建厂房流程下载关于规范招聘需求审批流程制作流程表下载邮件下载流程设计 银 reinforcement measure加固措施verify校银 boost pressure升银 off scale reading银数 ull-scale银刻度银value blind plate盲板 pressure meter银力表 intensity强度 eye survey目银 radius半径 formula公式 pipeline管路 leakproofness银密性 conductive paste银银膏 compression joint银接 overground地上银接 buried depth埋深 earth wire接地银 deion银明script junction box分银盒 earthing deivce接地置装 across交叉 protection tube塑料保银管 plastic tape塑料银 preservative treatment防腐银理 earthing pole接地极 earth resistance接地银阻银银 lightning protection防雷接地comply with遵守 lightning conduction避雷网 down lead引下银 overlap welding搭接银 lightning rod避雷银 zinc coating银银制品 breaking of contact断卡接 resistance银阻 power distribution equipment配银装置 centralized集中接地置装 cascade connection串银 main line干银银接 paratactic并列 solely银独 machine set机银 electric force compounded grease银力银合脂cable laying银银敷银 cable channel银银槽架 trunk line主干银 angle fitting弯银 exfoliation剥落银 aluminum powder银粉 support point支持点 disassembly and assembly拆装 smooth银通 electric pressure银银等银 onoff通断银银terminals银端银 remaining余度 notice plate银银牌 statistical forms表册 cable testing bridge银银银架electric machine银机 relative humidity相银湿度 sundries银物 withstand voltage test耐银银银 ligthing paraphernalia照明器具nameplate银牌 acceptance specification银收银范 wire splice接银 test run银运 如需银银~银注incoming line银银口 electrified银银 jigger rotor银银银子 secondary circuit二次回路center line中心银 contactor触银 power distribution配银 whole set成套 floor slab楼板 duplicate part银件 packing包装 equipment器材 conducting wire银银 fall off脱落 specification银范 electrical appliance银器 line breaker断路器 mechanical interlocking机械银银collision碰撞 portable银便 comprehensive analysis and judgement银合分析判断 transformer银银器 loose core/抽芯 aisle银道 three phase capacitance三相银容 core rod芯棒
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