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中学生如何巧记英语单词中学生如何巧记英语单词 中学生如何巧记英语单词, 发表日期:2006年9月25日 作者:zola stone 【编辑录入:admin】 词 汇 教 学 前 言 英语教学的首要任务,如语音教学,语法教学,句型教学,课文教学等,都与词汇教学密切相关,词汇教学贯穿语音语言教学的一切方面和全过程,而无数个具有音,形,义的英语单词构成了词汇,不掌握一定数量的英语单词,也就无法进行词汇教学,同样也会直接影响正常的英语教学顺序。 本套教材就是适应英语教学,教改的需要,从实际出发,以学生课本为主,系统完整地归纳了初学英...

中学生如何巧记英语单词 中学生如何巧记英语单词, 发表日期:2006年9月25日 作者:zola stone 【编辑录入:admin】 词 汇 教 学 前 言 英语教学的首要任务,如语音教学,语法教学,句型教学,课文教学等,都与词汇教学密切相关,词汇教学贯穿语音语言教学的一切方面和全过程,而无数个具有音,形,义的英语单词构成了词汇,不掌握一定数量的英语单词,也就无法进行词汇教学,同样也会直接影响正常的英语教学顺序。 本套教材就是适应英语教学,教改的需要,从实际出发,以学生课本为主,系统完整地归纳了初学英语者所常见的英语单词,在编写过程中,以英语十大词性为线,结合初学者的特点,采取了分类,联想,归纳等方法,利用学生在音标,字母教学之后能多,快,准,及时地掌握一定数量的单词。 一(名词( n. ) 1(时间名词(Nouns for time) morning noon afternoon evening ( night) day date second minute hour week month season year century ------月份 January February March April May June July August September October November December ------星期Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday ------季节Spring Summer Autumn Winter ------表示将来的单词(The n. expresses future)tomorrow one day the day after tomorrow this(next)+ year等时间名词 ------表示过去的单词(The n. expresses past)yesterday the day before yesterday once ago just now a moment ago at last at first at once before(last)+year等时间名词 one morning(afternoon) a year等时间单位n..+ago ------实物链线性单词(The n. which can form the line) century—year—term — season month—week—day—night—evening—afternoon—noon—morning—hour—minute—quarter—second —moment--while ------其他类时间单词(The n. can’t be formed easily) date today ago boyhood holiday harvest-time all day and night 2(家庭成员名词(Nouns for family members) father (dad daddy) mother(mom mummy)son daughter brother sister aunt uncle grandparents grandfather(grandpa) grandmother(grandma) grandson granddaughter father-in-law mother-in-law stepmother kid adult cousin nephew man woman boy girl friend people person 3(学习用品名词(Nouns for study use) book textbook notebook bookcase pen pencil ball-pen fountain-pen ink ruler chalk eraser blackboard-brush rubber desk (table) backpack school-bag letter word word文档格式规范word作业纸小票打印word模板word简历模板免费word简历 sentence article picture card dictionary paper homework list name address tape tape-recorder lecture-platform number partner soccer(football) conversation dialogue survey documentary speech blank description contest example question answer wish exercise-book newspaper magazine diary chalk recorder TV (television) color TV abacus composition 4(生活用品名词(Nouns for life use) desk (table) chair (armchair) watch clock fan bat racket bed case chess computer drawer dresser e-mail (letter) dollar floor furniture movie (thriller film) music dance rock show party phone (telephone call) photo ring sale shower sofa video TV collection room key washing machine refrigerator gas cupboard hobby favorite trip radio light lamp mirror mat balance quilt comb fork chopsticks spoon thermos present umbrella cover stool rope net plough gun goods money treasure 5(食品(Nouns for Food) rice noodles bread cake egg dessert chicken hamburger pork mutton fish ice-cream salad hot-dog bun oil salt sweet vinegar -----蔬菜 (Vegetable) carrot tomato potato broccoli radish onion pumpkin bean plant-egg pepper lettuce mushroom cucumber cabbage celery leck egg-plant broccoli -----水果 (fruit)apple orange pear peach banana watermelon hamimelon strawberry (blueberry) pineapple lemon nut cherry coconut date fig litchi mango grape olive apricot -----饮料 (drink) cold-drink wine water tea beer soap cold-drink juice coffee mush 6(服装(Nouns for clothes) clothes hat (cap) shirt skirt shorts shoes socks gloves slippers stockings trousers sweater pants jeans T-shirt suit tie vest jacket coat uniform scarf nightdress pocket blouse boot 7(颜色 (Nouns for colors) black white blue grey green yellow red pink orange brown purple gold silver cream coffee 8(职业(Nouns for station) work job teacher actor actress student singer clerk scientist artist musician doctor nurse runner waiter cook farmer soldier policeman reporter buyer manager engineer assistant president worker keyboard operator professor boss workmate dustman peasant barber(hairdresser) fisherman writer artist lawyer king queen chairman premier musician judge merchant spy captain thief bus-driver league-member party-member school-girl waiter milk-man pioneer 9(学科(Nouns for subjects) subject Chinese English math (arithmetic geometry) history politics geography science art biology opera comedy tragedy P.E. fine arts chemistry physics music cleaning class-cleaning preparation weekly-meeting 10(球类运动(Nouns for ball-sports) ball soccer sport baseball football badminton volleyball ping-pong (table tennis) tennis softball handball 11(乐器(Nouns for instruments) trumpet violin piano guitar drum flute pipe horn organ 12(工作单位(nouns for units of work) school club city country grade team row class family hotel hospital post-office store shop bank company 13(节日(Nouns for festivals) Festival birthday The Spring-festival The Earth Day Christmas Halloween Mid-Autumn Teachers’ Day May Day 14(身体部位(Nouns for body) hair eye nose mouth teeth ear face head hand toe thumb finger arm leg keen foot tongue lip shoulder back skin stomach heart wing chest 15(三餐 (Nouns for meals) breakfast lunch supper dinner meal snack 16(文体活动(Nouns for the recreational activity) get-together conversation dialogue contest performances folk song pop song disco chorus solo recitation cross-talk short play opera relay high jump discus short-put gymnastics daily broadcast exercises rings swimming diving skating skiing skipping dash 400-meter-race 17(教学术语(Nouns for the teaching- technical term) test quiz exam final-term (mid-term) oral-term (written-term) professor word sentence article topic title plural (singular) 18交通工具 (Nouns for the traffic tools) bus train plane bike(bicycle) motorbike boat ship car truck tractor engine helicopter jet spaceship UFO jeep telegraph 19(自然现象(Nouns for the weather)) wind (windy) cloud (cloudy) snow (snowy) rain (rainy) sun (sunny) fog (foggy) rainbow fine smoke thunder light moon star sky air earth hill river lake mountain valley fire sea sand desert 20(植物(Nouns for the plants) plant flower weed tree forest corn wheat cotton rice sunflower pea lily rose violet grass crop leaf wood grain castor 21(动物(Nouns for the animals) snake spider butterfly mosquito dinosaur crocodile bear dolphin whale parrot peacock owl tortoise (turtle) pigeon swallow pig dog horse cow (ox) sheep (goat) hen (rooster chick chicken cock) duck goose swan cat tiger frog hare rabbit (hare) donkey monkey deer panda fox mouse (rat) elephant lion camel cattle giraffe puma wolf koala seagull ant bat locust crocodile hawk 22(.国家名称 (Names for the country) China America Canada Japan Korea India Singapore France Germany Italy Britain (England) Brazil Russia 23(语言(Nouns for language) Chinese English Russian French Japanese German Indian Spain Arab 24(容器(Nouns for container) bag box pocket cup mug glasses bowl plate bottle basin pot basket jar dustbin memory pocket cup mug glasses bowl plate bottle basin pot basket jar dustbin memory 25.声音 (nouns for voice) voice noise call laugh cry 26.表示玩具的名词(The n. expresses toy) kite gun ball ship train toy mini-bus 27.表示长度,尺寸,时间,货币等“单位”名词(数量单位) meter kilometer kilogram size time second minute hour year century ton rank block o’clock pile piece pair half few little plenty lot many any some kind team group pound penny part 28.表示方位的名词(The nouns for position) front back left top bottom middle east south west north north-east 29.抽象名词—属于不可数名词(The n. expresses abstract) homework politics work laugh apology job way science rest regret repeat rise news rule breath defence pardon pay care fun problem attention hope interest joy promise mistake safety spirit route pronunciation chance war question noise thing business death condition visit 30.表示“人”的名词(The n. expresses person) (1)家庭成员(family member) father mother Mum Papa grandfather grandmother grandma grandpa granny baby brother sister cousin son daughter husband uncle nephew aunt niece (2)职业或职务类 (nouns for professions) 具体见8 (3)性别(The n. expresses sex) man woman boy girl people friend enemy female male (4)外国人的名字(The n. expresses the name of foreigners) Jack Joan John Kate Mike Betty Alice Green Tom Rose Marry Peter Lenin Black Bob Hill Howe Carl Washington (5)其他 comrade owner learner monitor classmate desk-mate part example scientist fool winner 31.事物链线性单词(The n, which can form the line) (1) telephone—call—message—Mrs. Black—nobody (2) table-tennis—bat—match—ticket—team—between (3) library—assistant—lend—bring 32.其他类单词(The n. which can’t be formed easily) nothing birthday NO.=number wish talk need fight reply class repair 33(类属于某一范围或公共场所的名词(The n. expresses pubic places) family home dump house room society school grade class group classroom building lab prison play-ground sport country factory work-room(work-shop) hospital shop(store) cinema library restaurant bar hotel dinning-room park garden stop station street way road zoo railway track palace stadium museum capital meeting-room rum floor office world space heaven bridge pyramid works temple tomb monument 二(冠词 ( art. ) a an the 三(代词 ( pron. ) A 人称代词 ( Personal pronoun ) case 格 the nominative case 主格 the objective case 宾格 number 数 singular number 单数 plural number 复数 person 人称 the first person 第一人称 the second person 第二人称 the third person 第三人称 a 第一人称 主格 I(单数)we(复数) 宾格 me (单数) us(复数) 定格 my(单数)our(复数) 主宾格 mine(单数)ours(复数) b第二人称 主格 you(单数)you(复数) 宾格 you(单数)you(复数) 定格 your(单数) your(复数) 主宾格 yours(单数)yours(复数) c第三人称 主格 he she it(单数) they(复数) 宾格 him her it(单数)them(复数) 定格 his her its(单数)their(复数) 主宾格 his hers its(单数)theirs(复数) B 指示代词 (demonstration pronoun ) this that these those C 反身代词 ( reflexive pronoun) myself yourself himself herself itself ourselves yourselves themselves D 相互代词 ( mutual pronoun ) each other one…another one…the other E 疑问代词 (interrogative pronoun ) what who whom whose which F 不定代词 ( infinitive pronoun ) a只可修饰不可数名词的不定代词 (only modify uncountable noun) much more most little less least a little b只可修饰可数名词单数的不定代词 (only modify the single countable noun) one each every other c修饰可数名词复数的不定代词 (modify the plural countable n.) both many few a few d修饰可数名词复数或不可数名词 (modify the plural countable n. or uncountable n. ) all some any e可作主语,宾语的复合代词 (compound pronoun ) everything everybody everyone something somebody someone anything anybody anyone nothing nobody none 四(形容词 ( adj. ) A表示颜色的形容词 ( The adj. expresses color ) black white black and white red yellow blue green grey brown purple orange pink B表示心理状态的单词 ( The adj. expresses the state of mind ) S sorry afraid worried angry glad pleased good bad ill hungry thirsty excited exciting surprised joy disappointed C表示天气状况的形容词 ( The adj. expresses the state of weather ) windy cloudy sunny rainy snowy cool fine warm hot cold D表示方位的形容词 ( The adj. expresses position ) front back right left east west north south middle E表示某一个国家的形容词 ( The adj. expresses country ) Chinese English French American Japanese F表示时间的形容词 ( t he adj. expresses time ) last late first G表示年龄新旧的形容词 (The adj. expresses age, new and old ) old new young H表示量度(大,矮,长,短,胖瘦等)的形容词 ( the adj. expresses tolerance) big large small little short long tall I一般描绘性的形容词 ( The adj. expresses commonly description ) handsome pretty beautiful great interesting J表示物质性质的形容词 ( The adj. expresses the nature of matter ) a同义词 ( the adj. expresses the same meaning ) all—whole some—any many—much each—every b反义词 ( antonym ) big—little large—small new—old young—old bad—good (nice fine ) long—short tall—short right—wrong right—left thin—thick thin—fat slow—fast light—heavy bright—dark bright—fool clever—fool late—early difficult—easy hard—easy hard—soft cheap—expensive free—busy living—dead near—far different—same beautiful—ugly careful—careless last—first K表示级别的形容词 ( The adj. expresses degree ) good—better—best many—more—most L其他类形容词(The other adj. ) other what which strict dear next no ready sure 注:多个adj.同时修饰同一个名词时,其位置按下列顺序: 冠词或物主代词或指示代词——一般描绘性的adj——度量性adj.——形状adj.——年龄新旧adj.——颜色adj.——国籍地区adj.——物质材料adj.——用途类别adj.——n. 但若属同一类别则多音节的adj.一般在后 eg. There was a great French Scientist. 五(数词 ( num. ) A 基数词 ( The num. expresses cardinal number ) one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen seventeen eighteen nineteen twenty (twenty+数词“一,二…………九”即二十一,二十二………….二十九) 以下几十几的表达法同“二十一…………….二十九”一样 thirty forty fifty sixty seventy eighty ninety hundred thousand million billion zero eg. 2,222,222,222 two billion, two hundred and twenty-two million, two hundred and twenty-two thousand, two hundred and twenty-two B序数词 first second third fourth fifth sixth seventh eighth ninth tenth eleventh twelfth “thirteen—nineteen+th” “第十三…………第十九“ “twenty—ninety” “几十”中均把”ty”变成”tieth”即“第二十,第三十……第九十” Twenty-first twenty-second twenty-third…………….twenty-nineth “第二十一…..九”以下“第几十几”均类似 hundredth 第一百(个),一百分之一(的) 另(1)分数表达法 (fraction) 分子用基数词,分母用序数词,分子是2或大于2亦用复数。 eg. 1/2 one half 4/5 four fifths 数学中分数的简便读法: 3/5 three over five (2)小数表达法(decima) 小数用基数词表示,读小数时小数点后的数字均按部位分开读,遇到“0”时读作zero或o,但整 数为“0”时可不读出。 eg. 0.4 point four 或zero point four 3.1416 three point one four one six (3) 百分数表达法 (percentage) 百分数由基数词加percent表示,且percent不用复数形式 eg. 5% five percent 0.17% zero point seventeen percent (4)电话,邮政编码均读基数词,“零”读“zero”或“o” eg. 电码7803 seven eight o three 邮政编码470235 four seven zero two three five 六(动词 ( v. ) A情态动词 ( Modal Verb ) can may able must need have to could might can’t mustn’t needn’t B 助动词 (Auxiliary Verb ) have has had do does will would haven’t hasn’t hadn’t don’t doesn’t didn’t wouldn’t won’t C系动词 ( Link Verb ) be am is are was were get turn become look sound fell smell D行为动词 ( Acted Verb ) a 表示移动的单词 (the expresses moving ) go come run jump walk leave move run rush b 表示感觉的单词 (the expresses feeling ) see look watch show notice find read listen smell taste hear c 表示天气的单词 (the expresses weather ) rain snow shine wind thunder cloud d使役动词 ( made verb ) make let have surprise worry disappoint e持续性动词 (延续性动词 continued verb ) stay use wait write f非延续性动词 (瞬间性动词 continued verb ) stop finish begin start die g近义词 ( synonym ) know—understand—clear—see say—speak—talk—tell—ask begin—start stay—stop keep—renew visit—go to see sb. call in+地名—call at+人 cry—call—shout like—love want—need answer—work out get to—arrive—reach think—trust—believe h反义词 ( antonym ) open—shut (closed) stand—sit finish—begin (start) bring—take go—come laugh—cry buy—sell borrow—lend forget—remember sleep—wake up read—write (draw) teach—learn (study) eat—drink keep—throw stop—continue (go on ) sing—dance hide—show give—get thank—excuse rise—set down i其他 ( others ) skate swim wash wish hope fish fly fit grow guess please carry climb add hold obey try use repair fix mend put plant pass hurry help work afford ask bring brush buy cal excuse find found join know learn 七(副词 ( adv. ) A 频度副词 ( frequent adverb ) always usually often sometimes seldom never B时间副词 ( The adv. expresses time ) now then today soon ago before just once when tomorrow yesterday tonight C地点副词 ( The adv. expresses place ) up down near right left over here there where nearby home D程度副词 ( The adv. expresses degree ) much quite so still yet too very well better best only more most again E修饰性副词 ( modified adv. ) out down up about around F疑问副词 ( The adv. expresses question ) why where how G表示动作状态的副词 ( The adv. expresses the state of act ) early late fast slowly carefully quickly hard high away together over right certainly yes no not indeed H其他类 ( Other adv. ) all both o’clock 八(介词 ( prep. ) A 地点介词 ( The prep. expresses place position ) at in on under before behind beside near B 时间介词 ( The prep. Expresses time ) in at on (时间)在…..(某年,某月,某日,某点) for since from….to… C 方向性介词 (The prep. Expresses direction ) to for D 其他类介词 (The other prep. ) with by through of 九(连词 ( conj. ) A并列连词 (The compound conj. ) and then or B 转折连词 (The conj. Expresses transition ) or but yet 十(感叹词 ( interj. ) hello hi oh OK please ha aha hey good well all right Mmm 对应词小结 fat (thick)—thin new (young)—old man—woman boy—girl white—black busy—relax hard-working—lazy cold—hot cool—warm wet—dry clean—dirty big—small wide—narrow quick (fast)—slow far—near curly—straight first—last easy—difficult (hard) soft (easy)—hard friend—enemy come—go front—back on—under beautiful—ugly top—bottom safe—dangerous left (wrong)—right true—false off—on bitter—sweet borrow—lend day—night in—on
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