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在阅读与体验中积累写作素材在阅读与体验中积累写作素材 甘棠片校 王爱云 2014年3月27日——28日,由北京师范大学主办的全国优秀特级教师语文教学观模活动在长沙铁道学院举行,我有幸参加了这次活动,所有特级教师在语文教学中,有声无声的渗透着小学语文教学阅读与写作的重要性,同时也表示在低年级学生应多读、多看和多背;而学习提笔真正的写作在到四五年级时就能得心应手,写作水平的提高重在阅读与体验中积累写作素材,引起许多小学语文老师的共鸣与赞同。 其中著名特别教师支玉恒老师认为,小学生“最早应该接受的是知识的积累,比如多读书,多背一些优美的古诗...

在阅读与体验中积累写作素材 甘棠片校 王爱云 2014年3月27日——28日,由北京师范大学主办的全国优秀特级教师语文教学观模活动在长沙铁道学院举行,我有幸参加了这次活动,所有特级教师在语文教学中,有声无声的渗透着小学语文教学阅读与写作的重要性,同时也表示在低年级学生应多读、多看和多背;而学习提笔真正的写作在到四五年级时就能得心应手,写作水平的提高重在阅读与体验中积累写作素材,引起许多小学语文老师的共鸣与赞同。 其中著名特别教师支玉恒老师认为,小学生“最早应该接受的是知识的积累,比如多读书,多背一些优美的古诗词,等年龄到了之后,加上教师的点拨,自然而然就会写作文了。”为此,支老师还对比了几篇当代和民国时期的小学生作文:“比如一篇民国五年级小学生作文,指出‘晋之东也,莫不谓五湖逼之也。然渡江以后,固已据一隅之安矣,而未闻有图恢复之志者,清谈误之也’,这样的见识和文笔,就是今天的博士生也未必写得出来~而一篇最近在语文教学界广受好评的冰心作文奖获奖作文,虽然字里行间都是孩子的真情流露,很能打动人,但就作文水平的高低来看,和前者相比差距简直难以道里计。” 之所以出现这样的差别,就在于知识积累的不同。现在教学过于强调“创新”,而没有要求孩子多读书、多背书,导致积累不足。由此可见,不仅小学生需要厚实积累,我们高中生同样需要高度注重积累。因为: mplementation "five big development concept" of requirements, accurate grasp economic development new normal and transformation development of relationship; deep understand on in-depth advance rule of law construction, and to build transformation development good environment of requirements; deep understand on full mobilization General cadres enthusiasm, and constantly upgrade work essence God of requirements, put Jia Secretary speech spirit implementation to specific action in the to, promoted XX economic social development Michael Shang new steps. Xiang BA third party Congress report on the work of our efforts to promote economic and social development--in the Communist XX XX eight reporting three plenary meetings of the Commission representatives and comrades: today, on behalf of the Chinese Communists XX th report of the Committee to the General Assembly. First, forge ahead in unity, overcome difficulties, XX years of outstanding achievements. XX years in the County, the County Government's strong leadership, the Township Party Committee rally and lead the entire people of all ethnic groups, seriously implement the Central, provincial, State authority and the decisions of the County party Committee, adhere to the "steady, steady, steady quality," General requirements, forge ahead in unity, overcome difficulty, do solid work, to promote theImplementation of the work, the successful completion of the objectives defined at the beginning of the task, the Township to maintain sustainable economic growth, social harmony and stability, ethnic unity and progress, peace consolidation and eco-good order 1.写作文先得有一定的量的积累。 2.积累从“读”“背”中来。为此,要多读书,多背一些优美的文字,尤其是古诗词。 3.见识和文笔同样源于积累。这篇民国五年级小学生的作文之所以卓然不群,有超常的见识和文笔,实际上也是勤积累(有文学,还有历史)、深思考的结果。 一、积累来源 在实际学习过程中,很多同学往往是作文时才想到看了哪些材料,有哪些可用,平时根本没有积累的意识,不知道该积累什么,更没细想如何去积累。所以,大部分同学写作文时想到什么就写什么,要么素材陈旧千人一面,要么内容冗杂不典型,这样的文章必然得分不高。如何改变这一现状,唯有通过阅读积累,提升语文素养。 1.观察生活,做生活的有心人。 叶圣陶先生曾说:“生活犹如泉源,文章犹如溪水,泉源丰盈而不枯竭,溪水自然活泼地流个不歇。”用心感受生活,一切能震撼人心的佳作,都得于作者有一双能洞察世故的锐眼和一颗细腻的心。我们要学会观察生活,从生活中积累,如身边的奇人怪事、大自然奇妙瑰丽的风光、多姿多彩的民俗风情、举世瞩目的时代热点等,当然还包括生活语言。后者往往是我们容易忽略的。这就需要我们充分调动五种感官来观察生活和自然,五种感官就是通常所说的视mplementation "five big development concept" of requirements, accurate grasp economic development new normal and transformation development of relationship; deep understand on in-depth advance rule of law construction, and to build transformation development good environment of requirements; deep understand on full mobilization General cadres enthusiasm, and constantly upgrade work essence God of requirements, put Jia Secretary speech spirit implementation to specific action in the to, promoted XX economic social development Michael Shang new steps. Xiang BA third party Congress report on the work of our efforts to promote economic and social development--in the Communist XX XX eight reporting three plenary meetings of the Commission representatives and comrades: today, on behalf of the Chinese Communists XX th report of the Committee to the General Assembly. First, forge ahead in unity, overcome difficulties, XX years of outstanding achievements. XX years in the County, the County Government's strong leadership, the Township Party Committee rally and lead the entire people of all ethnic groups, seriously implement the Central, provincial, State authority and the decisions of the County party Committee, adhere to the "steady, steady, steady quality," General requirements, forge ahead in unity, overcome difficulty, do solid work, to promote theImplementation of the work, the successful completion of the objectives defined at the beginning of the task, the Township to maintain sustainable economic growth, social harmony and stability, ethnic unity and progress, peace consolidation and eco-good order 觉、听觉、味觉、嗅觉和触觉,这是我们通过各种感觉器官对外界事物的感觉结果。 要注意的是,作文不是生活的简单拍摄,需要经过我们的情感过滤和思想透视;生活中也不是每件事都值得积累,一定要积累那些有意义的、有趣味的、能够触动你的情思、拨动你的心弦的事物。只有你观察事物,心有所感,有说话的欲望,写出来的文章才能打动人。 2.海量阅读,将触角伸到课堂之外。 那是不是有了生活积累就能成华文了呢,非也。作文材料来源于生活,但不是生活的摄像机,它不仅要求具有真情实感,更需有高深的立意、严谨的结构、创意的表达等。也就是说,优秀之作需要对生活进行艺术化创作,这艺术创作的智慧要从阅读积累中汲取,这就是作文又要高于生活的道理。试想如果堆积生活素材,美丑不分,粗制滥造,那作文只是简单的流水账而已,因此,只有艺术化的生活素材才有生命力。 这就需要我们多阅读,多学习,提高文学素养,培养良好语感。阅读文学作品,如文学名著、人物传记、历史故事、诸子散文等,可以系统地学习写作的 方法 快递客服问题件处理详细方法山木方法pdf计算方法pdf华与华方法下载八字理论方法下载 ,丰富自己的素材储存量,掌握布局谋篇的技巧;阅读报刊杂志,可以熟悉社会,认识社会,及时了解天下事,知悉国家大政方针和相关政策措施,同时还可以读到很多好的作品、好的故事,为今后的写作打下良好的基础。因此必须提高自己的阅读量,多读有益的报刊书籍,丰富自己的素材储量。 mplementation "five big development concept" of requirements, accurate grasp economic development new normal and transformation development of relationship; deep understand on in-depth advance rule of law construction, and to build transformation development good environment of requirements; deep understand on full mobilization General cadres enthusiasm, and constantly upgrade work essence God of requirements, put Jia Secretary speech spirit implementation to specific action in the to, promoted XX economic social development Michael Shang new steps. Xiang BA third party Congress report on the work of our efforts to promote economic and social development--in the Communist XX XX eight reporting three plenary meetings of the Commission representatives and comrades: today, on behalf of the Chinese Communists XX th report of the Committee to the General Assembly. First, forge ahead in unity, overcome difficulties, XX years of outstanding achievements. XX years in the County, the County Government's strong leadership, the Township Party Committee rally and lead the entire people of all ethnic groups, seriously implement the Central, provincial, State authority and the decisions of the County party Committee, adhere to the "steady, steady, steady quality," General requirements, forge ahead in unity, overcome difficulty, do solid work, to promote theImplementation of the work, the successful completion of the objectives defined at the beginning of the task, the Township to maintain sustainable economic growth, social harmony and stability, ethnic unity and progress, peace consolidation and eco-good order 3.活动体验,将真情实感跃然纸上 在小学习作中,我们很多孩子的写话空洞,内容单一,这与孩子的生活体验息息相关,我们教师应该视环境、视条件,有意识的创设一定的活动内容,体验项目,让孩子们有料可写,有话可说,同时多观看环保类、讲座类、竞赛类、专题类、主题晚会类的电视节目;还可以上网有目的地查询例文、素材、社会信息和相关材料。这样印象更深刻。 二、积累措施。 1.要大声朗读,真正做到眼到、口到、耳到、心到。 只有读才是准确而深刻的体味、领略语言文字意蕴和情味的好方法。这里的“读”指诵读,即出声朗读,熟读,以至背诵。叶圣陶先生在20世纪40年代初指出:“现在国文教学,在内容和理法上比以前注重多了,可是学生吟诵的工夫太少,多数只是看看而已。” 大声诵读的时候,可以有效地集中注意力,切实做到眼到、口到、耳到、心到,养成良好的阅读习惯。而在这个过程中,我们的大脑会自动把读与思结合起来,才能对内容的理解、主旨的把握、妙处的赏析等自然而然地迅速地做出直觉的感受;而文章的风采格调、层次脉络、表达方式、思想感情等,也都会潜移默化地受到影响。 2.零进碎玉,点滴灵感勤记录。 勤思考、勤记录,把脑海中偶尔闪过的点滴灵感记录下来,或许只是一个简单的故事、一个片断、一个点子、一个句子,都要记录下mplementation "five big development concept" of requirements, accurate grasp economic development new normal and transformation development of relationship; deep understand on in-depth advance rule of law construction, and to build transformation development good environment of requirements; deep understand on full mobilization General cadres enthusiasm, and constantly upgrade work essence God of requirements, put Jia Secretary speech spirit implementation to specific action in the to, promoted XX economic social development Michael Shang new steps. Xiang BA third party Congress report on the work of our efforts to promote economic and social development--in the Communist XX XX eight reporting three plenary meetings of the Commission representatives and comrades: today, on behalf of the Chinese Communists XX th report of the Committee to the General Assembly. First, forge ahead in unity, overcome difficulties, XX years of outstanding achievements. XX years in the County, the County Government's strong leadership, the Township Party Committee rally and lead the entire people of all ethnic groups, seriously implement the Central, provincial, State authority and the decisions of the County party Committee, adhere to the "steady, steady, steady quality," General requirements, forge ahead in unity, overcome difficulty, do solid work, to promote theImplementation of the work, the successful completion of the objectives defined at the beginning of the task, the Township to maintain sustainable economic growth, social harmony and stability, ethnic unity and progress, peace consolidation and eco-good order 来,有时间多翻多看,养成勤思考、常积累、多动笔的好习惯。或许有一天,这些一闪而过的奇思妙想就会让你文思泉涌,下笔如有神。 陶宗仪的方法在今天很有借鉴意义,如果要写好作文,就必须时刻留意生活,凡对自己有用的材料,那怕只是一个词、一个句子、一种感受,都要用专门的本子记下来,有空的时候再经常翻一翻、看一看,头脑中各种素材就都有了,也就不愁考试时“无米下锅”了。 3.先读后写,锤炼思想的钢铁。 “读”不仅是吸收,更是创造,最终通过“写”来发挥作用。把写作过程比作炼铁炼钢,那阅读所得就是矿石,这矿石只有经过粉碎、高温、冶炼,才会产出铁和钢来。写文章也一样,只有智慧地去筛选加工积累的素材,你的文章才会情文并茂,达到新而高的境界。 “不积跬步,无以致千里;不积小流,无以成江海”,所有的成功不是一蹴而就的,都是一个逐渐聚集的过程。事实上,学习就是一个不断积累、形成技能的过程,尤其是写作能力。让我们一起为孩子写作的梦想插上一对腾飞的翅膀吧~ mplementation "five big development concept" of requirements, accurate grasp economic development new normal and transformation development of relationship; deep understand on in-depth advance rule of law construction, and to build transformation development good environment of requirements; deep understand on full mobilization General cadres enthusiasm, and constantly upgrade work essence God of requirements, put Jia Secretary speech spirit implementation to specific action in the to, promoted XX economic social development Michael Shang new steps. Xiang BA third party Congress report on the work of our efforts to promote economic and social development--in the Communist XX XX eight reporting three plenary meetings of the Commission representatives and comrades: today, on behalf of the Chinese Communists XX th report of the Committee to the General Assembly. First, forge ahead in unity, overcome difficulties, XX years of outstanding achievements. XX years in the County, the County Government's strong leadership, the Township Party Committee rally and lead the entire people of all ethnic groups, seriously implement the Central, provincial, State authority and the decisions of the County party Committee, adhere to the "steady, steady, steady quality," General requirements, forge ahead in unity, overcome difficulty, do solid work, to promote theImplementation of the work, the successful completion of the objectives defined at the beginning of the task, the Township to maintain sustainable economic growth, social harmony and stability, ethnic unity and progress, peace consolidation and eco-good order
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