首页 牛仔裤的夏天 The Sisterhood Of The Traveling Pants 中英文剧本

牛仔裤的夏天 The Sisterhood Of The Traveling Pants 中英文剧本


牛仔裤的夏天 The Sisterhood Of The Traveling Pants 中英文剧本牛仔裤的夏天 The Sisterhood Of The Traveling Pants 中英文剧本 i'd like to think that fate had a hand in what happened that summer. 我觉得去年夏天发生的一切 都是命运的安排 that it was the pants' destiny to find us. 那条注定和我们相遇的裤子 where they came from and why they chose us... 它们来自哪里,又为什么...

牛仔裤的夏天 The Sisterhood Of The Traveling Pants 中英文剧本
牛仔裤的夏天 The Sisterhood Of The Traveling Pants 中英文剧本 i'd like to think that fate had a hand in what happened that summer. 我觉得去年夏天发生的一切 都是命运的安排 that it was the pants' destiny to find us. 那条注定和我们相遇的裤子 where they came from and why they chose us... 它们来自哪里,又为什么会选择我们 ...well, that will always be a mystery. 也许永远都是一个迷 but perhaps that was part of their miracle. 或许这就是奇迹的一部分 that they sensed in that moment how much we needed them. 似乎那时它们已经感觉到 我们多么的需要它们 how much we needed some little bit of faith to hold onto... 我们多么需要继续下去的信念 ...when it seemed like everything we believed in was about to slip away. 在我们熟知的一切都离我们而去的时候 but wait a minute, i'm getting ahead of myself. 等等,我有点说过头了 beautiful dress! love it. 那裙子真漂亮,我喜欢死了 we'd been a foursome for as long as I could remember. 我们四个人是从小一起张大的死党 -where are we going? -we're going over there. - 我们要去哪里? - 去那边吧 in fact, we were a foursome before we were born. 实际上我们在出生前已经是四人小组了 and seven. anyone feel any kicking? 七,感觉到宝宝在踢你了吗? our mothers met at a prenatal aerobics class. 我们的妈妈是在产前训练班认识的 they really didn't have anything in common... 实际上,她们没有任何共同语言 ...except their due dates. 除了她们的产前训练 one, and relax. good work. 1,放松.做的好 the first one out of the gate was bridget. 第一个出生的是Bridget ladies, let's keep it together. 姑娘们,一起上 the rest of us followed within the week. 我们三个在同一周内也降生了 bridget liked to take charge. Bridgte喜欢迎接挑战 way to go, lena. 快下台吧,Lena l'll handle this. 我来搞定 and you know what? 知道吗? sometimes, that worked in our favor. 有时候,这对我们非常有帮助 oh, my god. 噢,天啦 and that's how it always was with us: 我们也不都是这样开心 give and take. 有喜有忧 but mostly give. 我们有许多烦恼 lena, l don't think he's coming back this time. Lena,我觉得他这次不会回来了 it's gonna be okay, carmen. 一切都会好起来的,Carmen l'll come over first thing tomorrow. 我明天一早就去你那 and tibby and bridget too. Tibby和Bridget也会一起去 just stay on the phone with me until you fall asleep. 我会在电话里一直陪着你 直到你睡着 what were they thinking?, take seven. 他们到底是怎么想的? 第7场 we were there for each other... 我们互相了解 ...to understand the things that no one else in the world could. 那些其他人都无法了解的东西 what were they thinking, having another baby at their age? 他们到底是怎么想的, 这把年纪了还想要小孩 and what was l? 那我算什么? just some experiment from their hippie days... 他们嬉皮士生活的实验品 ...and now it's time to start their real family? 他们现在才要开始正在的生活? go ahead. 继续啊 they're out of their minds. 他们都疯了 lt sucks. 糟透了 -totally. -cut! - 说的对 - 停 lena, don't you realize this is tragedy? Lena,你不知道这是悲剧吗? can't you give me a bit more enthusiasm? 你不能带点感情吗? there were some things we would never make sense of. 有些事情我们永远也想不明白 grief is never an easy burden to bear. 悲伤沉重的压在我们的心头 and we were there for those too. 这些我们也必须面对 and as we mourn the loss of this beloved wife, mother and friend... 我们为失去最爱的妻子, 母亲和朋友而哀伤 ...it only makes her choice that much more unfathomable. 这样只会让她走的不安心 what measure of despair compels one to commit such an act? 所以我们要停止悲伤 we can only take comfort in the fact that she is in a better place now... 另我们感到安慰的是,她得到了解脱 ...than she found here among us. 安息吧 my deepest sympathies. bridget. 节哀,Bridget we were there for the things we couldn't face alone. 我们共同面对那些 我们无法独自面对的事情 -hey. -hey, bee, you okay? -嘿 -嘿,宝贝,你还好吧? y eah. l will be as soon as l get out of these stupid heels. 是的,脱掉这白痴的高跟鞋就都好了 here. hold them for me, will you? 给,帮我拿着 think l'll run home. 我想跑回家 or the ones we didn't want to face at all. 或者说,我们根本不想面对那些 together, it was as if we formed one single, complete person. 我们四为一体,一个完美的人 wild, unstoppable bridget. 狂放不羁的 shy and beautiful lena. 害羞而美丽的 tibby, the rebel. 叛逆的 and me, carmen, the writer. 还有我,她们的作者 can't buy anything new at a vintage store. 精品店里买不到新东西 we were 1 6 and had never been apart. and all that was about to change. 过去的16年里,我们出来没分开过 但是一切都要改变了 -how about this one? -lt's great. - 这个怎么样? - 太棒了 lf you wanna go to greece looking like laverne de fazio. 如果你想去希腊, 长的像 -who? -'70s tv icon. - 谁? - 70年代的电视剧偶像 am l the only one who's not culturally deprived? 你们都是文盲吗, tibby forgot to take her happy pill this morning. 看来Tibby今天心情很不好 actually, l'm saving them for when l'm stuck doing time at wallmans... 我在wallmans打工,憋了 一肚子的气 ...while the rest of you jet off on your little adventures. 那时你们还不知道在哪里逍遥呢 boo-hoo, tibby. y ou are such a drama queen. 嘿 tibby 你真是舞会皇后 l am going to south carolina. that is only, like, three states away. 我要去南卡罗来纳州, 离我们这只有三个州 lt's abandonment, nevertheless. l hate you all. 你妈妈不会让你去的 我恨你们所有的人 y ou're the one who wanted to stay here all summer... 这个暑假只有你一个人想一直呆在这 ...and angst it out making your documentary. 然后把时间都花在制作你的 记录 混凝土 养护记录下载土方回填监理旁站记录免费下载集备记录下载集备记录下载集备记录下载 片上 y eah, it's gonna be a huge hit. 对啊,它一定会成为热门电影 thrilling footage on how to stack deodorant. 连续拍摄的都是怎么样堆放防臭剂 l think l'm gonna start my own genre, call it the ''suckumentary.'' 我管它叫“狗娘记录片” lena, look at this! oh, my goodness. lena,看看这个,噢,天啊 -they're perfect. -l can't wear a bikini. - 真是太漂亮了 - 我不穿比基尼的! don't you know all the beaches in greece are nude? 难道你不知道希腊所有的沙滩 都是裸体浴场吗? -what? -she's just kidding, lena. - 不是吧? - 她是逗你玩的,lena god, l envy you. 天呐,我真羡慕你 y ou get to go to a place where there's actually guys. 你要去一个遍地是帅哥型男的地方 l thought you were looking forward to el campo de fútbol. 我想你对足球训练营一定很期待 she sure was until she found out it was girls only. 她一直很憧憬,后来才发现原来 只有女孩参加那个训练营 -no boys allowed. -don't talk about it. - 女子训练营 - 别在提这扫兴的事了 hey, pierce alert, pierce alert. 嘿,她有再穿洞 sorry, young lady, no more holes. 对不起,小姑娘,不能再穿洞了 take those out right now and try these on. 来,换上这条裤子 -look. here you go. -put them on. - 来吧 - 穿上他 -go, go, go. -okay, carmen-- carmen. - 快,快快 - 好吧 carmen carmen tibby, you're a babe! tibby,你可真迷人 tibby, you look amazing. turn around. look at you! tibby,真是太合身了,转个圈, 看看 -carmen! -y ou look wonderful. - carmen! - 你看起来真是棒极了 -lt looks good. -lt looked great on you. please buy them. - 超好看 - 你穿着很合身,卖下来吧 -y ou try them on, then. -but l don't wear jeans. - 你也试穿看看 - 可,我从不穿牛仔裤的 y eah. or bikinis or miniskirts... 是啊,还有比基尼和迷你裙 ...or anything else that might actually show you have a shape. ...任何可以显露你身材的东西 l do not. 我才没有 tibby, those look so great on you. why can't you just admit it? tibby,你穿那条牛仔裤真的很好看 为什么不买下来 because l'm wallowing in self-pity. 因为我得自己赚零花钱 -lena! -are you serious? - lena! - 我真不敢相信 -y ou have a body! -look at that. - 你身材可真辣 - 看看 lena kaligaris has a body! lena kaligaris 身材可真火辣 -stop it! l do not. -when did this happen? - 才不是 - 你什么时候开始发育啦? -y ou look good in them. -look at you. - 你穿着真好看 - 是啊,看看 y ou look good! little lena. 真的很棒!小lena y ou're the one who loves jeans so much, why don't you try them? 你最喜欢穿牛仔裤 你怎么不试试 -maybe because l'm 3 inches taller than you. -fair's fair. - 因为我比你高3英寸 - 你也得试试 -hey, how can they be perfect on you too? -that is a little weird. - 噢,你穿着也很合适,怎么可能? - 真有点奇怪 l don't know, but it's really starting to freak me out. 我也不知道是怎么回事, 难以相信 okay, carmen, it's your turn. 好的,carmen,现在轮到你了 carmen, you try them on. carmen,试试吧 -oh, come on, honestly. are you serious? -y ou have to. - 哎呀,你们不是说真的吧? - 你得试试 y ou think that a pair of jeans that fits all three of you is going to fit all of this? 你们觉得一条你们三都能穿的牛仔裤, 我也能穿的进去吗? -put them on. now. -we'll help your thighs get into them. - 穿吧,就现在 - 我们会帮你把你的肥腿挤进去的 -tibby! come on, now. -l'm just kidding. tibby!别这样 - 我只是开个玩笑 will you help me get out of them? 那等下能帮我脱了它吗? carmen, we all tried them on. just try them. carmen,我们都试穿过了,你就试试 all right. 好吧 my thighs. 我的肥腿 sassy britches. 漂亮的牛仔裤 get over these thighs. 把肥腿塞进去 okay, here we go. 好了 what? l told you guys. l'm just gonna take them off... 啊!我早告诉过你们, 我得把它脱掉 ...and we're gonna pretend like this never happened. 就当做什么也没发生吧 no, carmen, come over here and look at yourself. 不,carmen,过来照照镜子 -they look amazing on you. -look at them. - 你穿着很好看 - 你看看 call me crazy, but it's scientifically impossible... 你一定以为我疯了,一条裤子怎么可能 -...that a pair of pants could fit me.... -and me. -...我穿着合身.... - 我也合适 -and me. -and me. - 还有我 - 还有我 this is crazy. 这真是太神奇了 look, tib, something happened today that l can't explain and you can't explain. 看看,tib,今天发生的事我解释不了 你也解释不了 -whatever, let's just ignore it. -we can't just ignore it. - 算了,忘了它 - 不能就这样算了 -why? -because it's a sign, the pants-- - 为什么? - 因为这是一个信号,这条裤子... -be quiet, you're gonna-- -y ou know what, tibby? - 安静点,你会... - 你知道吗,tibby? -sometimes you're much too much. -be careful. - 有时你有点太... - 小心 -l'm fine, lena. -oh, my god. y ou're gonna fall. - 我没事,lena - 噢,天呐. 你会掉下来的 lt makes our butts look good. that's enough for me. 它让我们的屁股看起来很翘,就这样而已 -that's right, amen. -get up there. go on. - 是啊,阿门 - 起来,走吧 -there is more going here than lycra. -but there's probably lycra. - 它不仅仅是弹性纤维纱做的裤子 - 它就是普通的 all right, guys, are you ready for this? 好的,大家准备好了吗? ln the name of the father, the son-- 在圣主,圣子的名义下... -here we go. -carmen, this isn't church. - 到了 - carmen,这里不是教堂 y ou guys! but it's still a sacred place! 但是伙伴们,这里是个神圣的地方 l mean, this is where our moms met, right? 我们的妈妈在这里相识了,不是吗? anyway, look, we're gathered here today... 好吧,今天我们来到这里 ...to honor a gift that has been sent to us. 为了纪念上天赐予我们的礼物 -so why do we have to pay for them? -tibs. - 既然是礼物,为什么我们要掏钱呐? - tibs carmen, go ahead, just finish what you have to say. carmen,继续说你的 tonight, on the eve of our separation... 今天晚上,在我们即将分别的时候... ...magic has come to us in a pair of pants. ...这条牛仔裤给我们带来了魔力 and l'm proposing that we share them equally... 我建议我们一起分享它 ...and that this summer they travel among us... ...今年夏天,让它飞行在我们之间... ...and they'll link us in hearts and spirits... ...让它把我们的心灵和灵魂 紧紧的联系在一起... ...even though we're far apart from each other. ...即使我们相隔遥远 l think that tonight we're the sisters of these pantalones. 我觉得我们今天晚上就像 一群傻妞 -sisters of the pants? -y es! - 牛仔裤姐妹花? - 是啊! we need rules. every sisterhood has rules. 我们得定些守则 thank you. a manifesto. 说的真对 -okay. -good point. l love it. - 好啊 - 好主意,我喜欢 okay, rule number one: 好,第一条 each sister is going to keep the pants for...? 这条裤子每个人只能用....? -a week. -a week. - 一星期 - 一星期 lena should be first because greece is the furthest away. 得让Lena先穿,因为希腊离我们最远 -okay. -tibby, you next. - 好吧. - Tibby,你第二个 -what's your rule? -l don't have a rule. - 你要定什么守则? - 没有 -y es, you do. -tibs, come on. - 不,你肯定有什么要说 - tibs,说吧 no picking your nose when wearing the pants. 穿这条牛仔裤的时候 不准抠鼻屎 -honestly. -that's not-- - 说真的 - 不是 y ou can casually scratch while really picking a little. 你偶尔可以挖挖,就一点点 -thanks for the allowance. -good rule. - 谢谢你的批准 - 这是个好守则 when sending the pants, we'll write a letter... 我们寄出裤子的时候,要写信... ...detailing the most exciting thing that happened while wearing them. ...把我们穿它的时间里发生的 激动人心的事具体的写下来 that's good. 很不错 so most exciting thing that happens to you. 好吧,发生在你身上最激动人心的事 and what if nothing exciting happens? 但是要是什么都没发生呐? -it will. it has to! -no, i really doubt it. - 肯定会发生的! - 我很怀疑. and when it happens, and we reunite... 我们把发生的事记下来, 总结 初级经济法重点总结下载党员个人总结TXt高中句型全总结.doc高中句型全总结.doc理论力学知识点总结pdf 起来... ...we will document it on the pants themselves. ...然后把它拍成记录片 -that's good. -that's rule number six. - 说的好 - 这就是守则6 rule number seven: 守则7: any removal of the pants must be done by the wearer herself. 移交手续要由穿它的人办理 y es, you. 你说的对 touche! 一针见血 he works, you know. 你知道他工作很忙 so he may not have that much time to spend with you. 可能他没什么时间陪你 so if you get lonely, come home, okay? 假如你觉得孤独的话 就回家来好吗? l'm gonna be fine, mom. 妈妈,我会很好的 we will never, ever wash these pants. 我们永远不能洗这条牛仔裤 carmen, that's so unnecessary. why not? carmen,没必要这样. 为什么不能洗? because you can't wash the pants. 不能洗就是不能洗 -why? why? -carmen, we have to. - 为什么?为什么? - carmen,我们得洗 what? are you gonna wash the magic out of the pants? 什么?你们想把裤子的魔力洗掉吗? the magic's not sanitary. 魔力是洗不掉的 no, l have a better one. no double cuffing. 不,我有个更好的主意, 不能在裤子上加链子 double-cuffing the pants at the bottom, it's tacky. 对,加链子很俗气 -the '80s are over. -y ou know what else is tacky? - 80年代早就结束了 - 还有一个也很俗气 tucking in your shirt and wearing a belt at the same time. 就是把衬衫套在裤子里,然后 再绑一个皮带 -l don't do that anymore. -good one. - 我再也没这样穿过 - 这个不错 l did that one time. 我只那样穿过一次 -forbidden to cuff or tuck. -okay, okay. - 不准加链子或者把衣服塞在裤子里 - 好的,好的 -no cuffing or tucking. -my turn, my turn. - 不准加链子或者把衣服塞在裤子里 - 现在轮到我说了 -okay. -y es, bee? - 好的 - 说吧 bee y ou can never say you look fat while wearing the pants. 穿这条裤子的时候,不要抱怨自己很胖 y ou can't even think it! 连想也不能想! all passengers, this is the final boarding call-- 乘客们,这是最后一次登机广播... take care, and be sure to write, huh? 一路顺风,记得写信啊. y ou too. bye. 你也是,再见 y ou better get going. looks like they're starting to board. 快走吧,大家都开始登机了 -that's nine. -so we need one more. - 又9条了 - 我们还要一条 -we need a final rule. -final rule. - 我们还需要最后一条 - 最后一条守则 okay, pants equal love. 还有,使用裤子的时间要平分 love your sisters and love yourself. 爱你的姐妹还有你自己 to the pants. 为了这条牛仔裤 and the sisterhood. 还有姐妹情 and this summer... 还有这个夏天... ...and the rest of our lives. ...还有我们的余生 together and apart. 相伴或分别 y ou know, papou, l really wouldn't mind walking. 其实,papou,我走路就可以了 l'm sorry that my greek isn't so good. 对不起,我的希腊语讲的不好 mom said that l'd pick it up in no time. 妈妈说我很快就会学好 y ou know, with all the talking, just with you and with yia yia. 只要和你还有yia yia经常聊天就行 lena! lena! lena! lena! lt's the evil eye. 老天开眼 lena. l think l'll die and never see my lena. lena,我以为我再也见不到我的lena了. l think l'll never see you, my lena. 我因为我再也见不到你了,lena y ou like your room? and your bed? 你喜欢你的房间吗?还有你的床 l have put the most special sheets and lace. 我为你准备了特别的床单和蕾丝 and from this window, the most beautiful view. 还有从这个窗户可以看到很美的景色 she's precious. like a jewel. 她是我们的宝贝 we guard you like a jewel. 我们会好好的宝贝你的! y ou need rest. 你先休息吧 when you hear your name called and the color of your team... 听到名字和你所在队伍的颜色后... ...run over and join your coach. ...跑到你们的教练那里去 -all right. -alma, megan, green. - 好的 - alma, magan, 绿队 anderson, alice, green. aderson,alice, 绿队 adissa, jessica, red. adissa,jessica,红队 bo, natalie, red. bo,natalie,红队 come on, come on, rápido! 来吧,快点儿 please, god, let me sprain my ankle as soon as possible. 看在上帝的份上,让我快点活动筋骨吧 come again? 你以前参加过? this whole thing was my mother's idea. she couldn't wait to get rid of me. 这都是我妈妈的主意,她巴不得快 点摆脱我. god, mine has been sobbing all week, ''what am l gonna do without you?'' 天呐,我的妈妈整天哭哭啼啼 说"没有你我可怎么活" l'm like, ''get a life, ma,'' you know? 我真想说"妈妈,你该有自己得生活" what's yours do? 你妈妈怎么样? nothing. 没有怎么样 hey, who's that? 嘿,那个是谁? don't even think about it. lt's against the rules to have flings with the coaches. 想都别想,和教练有一腿可是 违反守则的 marsden, olivia, red. marsden,olivia,红队 come on! 来啦
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