首页 盐生杜氏藻论文:盐生杜氏藻 一氧化氮 盐胁迫 耐盐机制

盐生杜氏藻论文:盐生杜氏藻 一氧化氮 盐胁迫 耐盐机制


盐生杜氏藻论文:盐生杜氏藻 一氧化氮 盐胁迫 耐盐机制盐生杜氏藻论文:盐生杜氏藻 一氧化氮 盐胁迫 耐盐机制 盐生杜氏藻论文:盐生杜氏藻 一氧化氮 盐胁迫 耐盐机制 【中文摘要】本文从NO的视角对盐生杜氏藻的抗盐胁迫进行了初步的研究,试图找出NO,这种生物学中新的信号分子是否参与了盐生杜氏藻的抗盐胁迫过程。通过不同盐度对盐生杜氏藻生长、光和作用参数影响的研究结果表明,盐生杜氏藻具有很广的适盐范围,在本实验设定的,5‰、10‰、30‰、60‰、100‰、150‰、200‰、250‰和300‰9个盐度组中,盐生杜氏藻在60‰盐度组中细胞生长状况最好,光合作用情况也最好...

盐生杜氏藻论文:盐生杜氏藻 一氧化氮 盐胁迫 耐盐机制
盐生杜氏藻 论文 政研论文下载论文大学下载论文大学下载关于长拳的论文浙大论文封面下载 :盐生杜氏藻 一氧化氮 盐胁迫 耐盐机制 盐生杜氏藻论文:盐生杜氏藻 一氧化氮 盐胁迫 耐盐机制 【中文摘要】本文从NO的视角对盐生杜氏藻的抗盐胁迫进行了初步的研究,试图找出NO,这种生物学中新的信号分子是否参与了盐生杜氏藻的抗盐胁迫过程。通过不同盐度对盐生杜氏藻生长、光和作用参数影响的研究结果 关于同志近三年现实表现材料材料类招标技术评分表图表与交易pdf视力表打印pdf用图表说话 pdf 明,盐生杜氏藻具有很广的适盐范围,在本实验设定的,5‰、10‰、30‰、60‰、100‰、150‰、200‰、250‰和300‰9个盐度组中,盐生杜氏藻在60‰盐度组中细胞生长状况最好,光合作用情况也最好。过高(200‰、250‰和300‰)或过低(5‰和10%0)的盐度,对于盐生杜氏藻都是一种胁迫,影响其细胞分裂生长和光合作用的进行。检测不同盐度下盐生杜氏藻内NO的产生,结果表明盐生杜氏藻在生长过程中会产生NO,相比60‰盐度组,受到胁迫的5‰、10‰、30‰、100‰、150‰、200‰、250‰和300‰盐度组内NO的产量都有所增加,而且胁迫越大,NO的增加量就越大。由此可以说明,NO很有可能参与盐生杜氏藻抗盐胁迫的过程。盐生杜氏藻在受到盐胁迫时,体内会启动抗胁迫反应,常见的抗氧化酶系统开始发挥作用,其酶活性会升高,如SOD (Super Oxide Dismutase,超氧化物歧化酶)和CAT (Catalase,过氧化氢酶)的活性。同时,未得到清除的胁迫产物,如脂质过氧化物MDA (Malondialdehyde,丙二醛)等的产量会升高。不同盐度下,探究NO与SOD、CAT活性以及MDA产量关系的实验结果表明:相比对照组,加入SNP(NO供体),会降低SOD与CAT活性,同时MDA产量也会降低,而加入c-PTIO (NO吞噬剂),相比对照组SOD 与CAT活性升高,MDA产量也升高。这种现象说明,合适量的外源NO, 会对处于胁迫生理中的盐生杜氏藻产生保护作用,参与抵抗盐胁迫生 理过程,促使盐生杜氏藻恢复正常的生理活动,这时原先用于抵抗胁 迫而启动的SOD和CAT等酶活性开始下降,进而胁迫产生的氧化产物 MDA等的含量也开始下降。盐胁迫生理下,NO对盐生杜氏藻的这种保 护作用,进一步说明NO参与盐生杜氏藻的抗盐胁迫生理,并起一定的 积极作用。本论文研究了盐胁迫生理条件下,盐生杜氏藻内NO产生的 途径。在植物体内,NO主要是由两种酶催化产生的,即类NOS (Nitric Oxide Synthase,一氧化氮合酶)和NR (Nitrate Reductase,硝酸 【英文摘要】In this study, the salt-resistance of Dunaliella salina in the view of NO was preliminary investigated. And we supposed to find whether NO, which is recognized as the new biological signal molecular, plays a role in the salt-resistance of Dunaliella salina.The growth and photosynthetic parameters of Dunaliella salina in different salinities were measured respectively. The results showed that Dunaliella salina could thrive in a wide range of salinities. And in the salinity of 60%o, compared with 5‰,10‰,30‰, 100‰,150‰,200‰,250‰and 300‰, the status of growth and photosynthesis were best. It also showed that Dunaliella salina would be under salt stress in whether too high or too low salinity, therefore the growth and photosynthesis would be influenced. Simultaneously, the NO production of Dunaliella sanila in different salinities was measured. The results showed that the treatment groups of 5‰,10‰,30‰,100‰, 150‰,200‰,250‰and 300‰, which were all under various levels of salt stress contrast to 60%o, all produced more NO than 60‰. Moreover, the high level of salt stress was corresponding to the more production of NO. These results showed that NO could probably play a role in the salt resistance of Dunaliella sanila.When under salt stress, Dunaliella sanila can start the responses of stress resistance. For instance, the enzymatic activities of the antioxidant enzymes will be increased, like SOD (Super Oxide Dismutase) and CAT (Catalase). What’s more, the accumulation of un-eliminated substances produced under stress, like MDA (Malonaldehyde), will be increased. The relationship between NO and SOD, CAT, MDA was studied in this chapter. And the results showed that the activities of SOD and CAT were lower than the control group when adding SNP (NO donor), so were the contents of MDA. However, the activities of SOD and CAT were higher than the control group when adding c-PTIO (NO scavenger), so were the contents of MDA. The phenomenon indicated that exogenous NO of proper concentration participated in the salt resistance of Dunaliella salina and protected the algae cells from damage. The algae cells recovered to the normal physiological activities progressively. And the activities of SOD and CAT which were generated to resist the salt stress were reduced. Hence the contents of MDA were also decreased. The effect of the protection can further demonstrate that NO play a positive role in the salt stress resistance of Dunaliella salina.In this paper the generation pathway of NO in salt stress of Dunaliella salina was studied. In plants, NO was mainly produced through the catalytic reactions of two enzymes, that is NOS-like (Nitric Oxide Synthase) and NR (Nitrate Reductase). The production of NO in Dunaliella salina was decreased contract to control when adding L-NAME (NOS inhibitor) and Na2WO4 (NR inhibitor). This result here about the activities of the main enzymes related to NO generation, NR and NOS-like, indicated that they both are potential contributors to the cellular production of NO in salt stress of Dunaliella salina. The results showed that the NR played a leading role when the algae endured light salt- stress. It also manifested that lower unicellular algae had the similar mechanism of NO generation to the higher plants. The Dunaliella salina in the salinity of 300%o, in which the algae endured greater stress, utilized NOS-like as the leading enzyme to generate NO. This result demonstrated that NOS was induced plentifully in high salinity. Furthermore, NOS activity was more common in animals and bacteria than in plants. So it can be come to a conclusion that lower unicellular algae had the similar physiological metabolic processes of NO to animals and bacteria.In the first growth phase, Dunaliella salina had unstable Physiological conditions and weak ability of resistance. In this phase most concentrations of SNP (50μM) would strongly inhibited the algae growth. But in the exponential phase, the algae cells grew and divided exuberantly and had strong ability of resistance. In this phase all concentrations of SNP (10μM,50μM,100μ M,150μM) adding in this study had no obviously inhibition effect on the algae growth.β-carotene and glycerol, which is the two metabolites of Dunaliella salina, did not show any obviously promotion or inhibition rule when adding SNP and c-PTIO. The possible reason might be that:as the metabolites of Dunaliella salina.β-carotene and glycerol were only accumulated in a fixed growth phase and always after some external stimulation. But the effect of SNP and c-PTIO was transient, which was not too long enough to affect the accumulation of the two metabolites.NO signal was a complicated process. Not only because it’s special action, but also the difficult detecting, we just did a preliminary research on NO in Dunaliella salina. Even so, the results showed certain rules that when in salt stress Dunaliella salina generated NO through the enzymes of NOS and NR. The NO participated in the salt stress resistance and could protect the algae cells from damage. However, the further study focus on the questions, like how NO protect the algae cells, how the NO signal transmit and the details of the signal transmission, should be done deeply. Now the studies on NO in lower marine algae were still relatively less and this is a new field to broaden the role of NO which is supposed to be involved in a large broad physiological field. Therefore, the studies in this field are valuable and the future research can use the advanced methods in Molecular Biology and Biochemistry to carry out the in-depth exploration. 【关键词】盐生杜氏藻 一氧化氮 盐胁迫 耐盐机制 【采买全文】 同时提供论文写作定制和论文发表服务.保过包发. 【说明】本文仅为中国学术文献总库合作提供,无涉版权。作者如有异议请与总库或学校联系。 【英文关键词】Dunaliella salina Nitric Oxide salt stress salt-tolerant mechanism 【目录】盐生杜氏藻抗盐胁迫生理与NO关系的初步研究 摘要 10-13 ABSTRACT 13-15 缩写词 (Abbreviation) 16-17 第一章 绪论 17-29 1.1 信号分子NO 17-20 1.1.1 NO简介 17-19 1.1.2 NO的多样性功能 19-20 1.2 NO在海藻中作用的研究 20-21 1.3 盐生杜氏藻与NO 21-25 1.3.1 杜氏藻简介 21-22 1.3.2 盐生杜氏藻及其耐盐机制 22-23 1.3.3 海洋微藻中NO的产生途径 23-25 1.4 盐生杜氏藻中的β-胡萝卜素和甘油 25-27 1.5 叶绿素荧光分析技术 27 1.6 本项研究的立题依据 27-29 第二章 盐胁迫下盐生杜氏藻内NO的产生 29-38 2.1 实验材料 29 2.2 主要试剂和仪器 29 2.3 实验方法 29-32 2.3.1 微藻培养 29-30 2.3.2 盐胁迫处理 30-31 2.3.3 叶绿素荧光的测定 31 2.3.4 NO的测定 31 2.3.5 细胞数的测定 31-32 2.4 实验结果与分析 32-37 2.4.1 细胞数与680nm吸光度对应的标准曲线 32 2.4.2 不同盐度下盐生杜氏藻的生长曲线 32-34 2.4.3 叶绿素荧光参数 34-36 2.4.4 盐胁迫条件下盐生杜氏藻内NO的产生 36-37 本章小结 37-38 第三章 NO在盐生杜氏藻抗盐胁迫生理中的作用 38-51 3.1 实验材料 38 3.2 主要试剂和仪器 38-39 3.3 实验方法 39-41 3.3.1 抗氧化酶活性测定中粗酶液的制备 39 3.3.2 盐胁迫及化学因子的处理 39 3.3.3 SOD活性的测定 39-41 3.3.4 CAT活性的测定 41 3.3.5 MDA活性的测定 41 3.4 实验结果 41-48 3.4.1 NO对SOD活性的影响 41-44 3.4.2 NO对MDA产量的影响 44-46 3.4.3 NO对CAT活性的影响 46-48 3.5 结果分析与讨论 48-50 本章小结 50-51 第四章 NO产生途径的初步探讨 51-57 4.1 实验材料 51 4.2 主要试剂和仪器 51-52 4.3 实验方法 52 4.3.1 样品液的制备 52 4.3.2 NO的测定 52 4.3.3 细胞数的测定 52 4.4 实验结果 52-55 4.5 结果分析与讨论 55-56 本章小结 56-57 第五章 NO对盐生杜氏藻生长及代谢物积累的影响 57-67 5.1 实验材料 57 5.2 主要试剂和仪器 57-58 5.3 试验方法 58 5.3.1 β-胡萝卜素含量的测定 58 5.3.2 甘油含量的测定 58 5.3.3 细胞数的测定 58 5.4 实验结果 58-65 5.4.1 外源NO对盐生杜氏藻细胞生长的影响 58-61 5.4.2 外源NO对β-胡萝卜素产量的影响 61-63 5.4.3 外源NO对甘油产量的影响 63-65 5.5 结果分析与讨论 65-66 本章小结 66-67 本文 总结 初级经济法重点总结下载党员个人总结TXt高中句型全总结.doc高中句型全总结.doc理论力学知识点总结pdf 及展望 67-70 参考文献 70-78 致谢 78-79 学位论文评阅及答辩情况表 79
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