首页 关于韩国的笑话,亲韩的就别进了



关于韩国的笑话,亲韩的就别进了关于韩国的笑话,亲韩的就别进了 1、你叫老子,我叫孔子,而他们叫棒子 一日,孔子来找老子,说,‚我有一事来找你老先生商量,我本是山东人,你本是山西人。可是不料昨儿来了个高丽使者,硬要我托信给你,说我们两个本就是他们韩国人,要给我们两个发韩国国籍呢。你说咱们要不要,? 老子也极感意外,忙问,‚他们把我们认作是韩国人,有什么理由呢,? 孔子说,‚他的理由是咱们和高丽人的绰号很接近,你叫老子,我叫孔子,而他们叫棒子。? 2、韩国人都是鸡 联合国正在举办一场学术讲座。 这时一中国学者正发言,‚《黄帝内经》上说...

关于韩国的笑话,亲韩的就别进了 1、你叫老子,我叫孔子,而他们叫棒子 一日,孔子来找老子,说,‚我有一事来找你老先生商量,我本是山东人,你本是山西人。可是不料昨儿来了个高丽使者,硬要我托信给你,说我们两个本就是他们韩国人,要给我们两个发韩国国籍呢。你说咱们要不要,? 老子也极感意外,忙问,‚他们把我们认作是韩国人,有什么理由呢,? 孔子说,‚他的理由是咱们和高丽人的绰号很接近,你叫老子,我叫孔子,而他们叫棒子。? 2、韩国人都是鸡 联合国正在举办一场学术讲座。 这时一中国学者正发言,‚《黄帝内经》上说,‘砭自东说来……’? 不料在座的一个韩国学者忽然兴奋地打断道,‚韩国在中国东方,所以针炙是韩国人发明的,针炙是韩国人发明的,? e reduced depth of 50%; in turn diminished after 50% until 50cm. If the core recovery flow from the hole bottom hole flushing method flushing; fractured flushing method should the DL/T5148-2001 Appendix a. (3) inspection of Grouting holes should be carried out according to DL/T5148-2001 Appendix a water pressure test, ... (1) of the same geologic bedrock Grouting must first complete consolidation grouting and curtain Grouting inspected before. (2) in the areas that need filling from the rock surface, in front of the grout clean up leakage or leakage should be fractured, and the removal of loose rocks, so that plugging. (3) filling in the case of concrete cover, should be built of concrete pipe embedded in grout, grout is required in the corresponding position of strength design of concrete at 50%. Use grout without cover should be approved by the supervisor. (4) with lift irrigation area of observation equipment, to be lifted observing apparatus is completed, and test requirements before completing the filling and Grouting operations can be carried out. Fractured washing, water pressure test and Grout shall be lifted in the course of construction monitoring results shall be submitted to the supervisor, uplift 中国学者看了那韩国人一眼,没说什么,继续道,‚孔子是东夷人……? 不料韩国人又站了起来,而且更加兴奋地叫了起来,‚韩国人也是东夷人,所以孔子是韩国人,孔子是韩国人,? 中国学者再次含怒地向那人看了一眼,停了一下,忽然道,‚鸡有两条腿……? 果然,那韩国人再次发高烧起来,抢着狂叫道,‚韩国人也有两条腿,所以韩国人都是鸡,韩国人都是鸡。? 3、中韩两学生辩论 中,端午节是属于谁的, 韩,韩国人,,中国学生微怒, 中,汉字是谁发明的, 韩,韩国人,,中国学生怒, 中,中医是属于谁的, 韩,韩国人,,中国学生大怒, 中,那中国人到底发明过什么, e reduced depth of 50%; in turn diminished after 50% until 50cm. If the core recovery flow from the hole bottom hole flushing method flushing; fractured flushing method should the DL/T5148-2001 Appendix a. (3) inspection of Grouting holes should be carried out according to DL/T5148-2001 Appendix a water pressure test, ... (1) of the same geologic bedrock Grouting must first complete consolidation grouting and curtain Grouting inspected before. (2) in the areas that need filling from the rock surface, in front of the grout clean up leakage or leakage should be fractured, and the removal of loose rocks, so that plugging. (3) filling in the case of concrete cover, should be built of concrete pipe embedded in grout, grout is required in the corresponding position of strength design of concrete at 50%. Use grout without cover should be approved by the supervisor. (4) with lift irrigation area of observation equipment, to be lifted observing apparatus is completed, and test requirements before completing the filling and Grouting operations can be carried out. Fractured washing, water pressure test and Grout shall be lifted in the course of construction monitoring results shall be submitted to the supervisor, uplift 韩,韩国人, ?德国人来发明 ? ?美国人使产品化 ? ?英国人来投资 ? ?法国人使名牌化 ? ?意大利人设计包装 ? ?日本人成功使其高性能或小型化 ? ?中国人大量生产 ? e reduced depth of 50%; in turn diminished after 50% until 50cm. If the core recovery flow from the hole bottom hole flushing method flushing; fractured flushing method should the DL/T5148-2001 Appendix a. (3) inspection of Grouting holes should be carried out according to DL/T5148-2001 Appendix a water pressure test, ... (1) of the same geologic bedrock Grouting must first complete consolidation grouting and curtain Grouting inspected before. (2) in the areas that need filling from the rock surface, in front of the grout clean up leakage or leakage should be fractured, and the removal of loose rocks, so that plugging. (3) filling in the case of concrete cover, should be built of concrete pipe embedded in grout, grout is required in the corresponding position of strength design of concrete at 50%. Use grout without cover should be approved by the supervisor. (4) with lift irrigation area of observation equipment, to be lifted observing apparatus is completed, and test requirements before completing the filling and Grouting operations can be carried out. Fractured washing, water pressure test and Grout shall be lifted in the course of construction monitoring results shall be submitted to the supervisor, uplift ?韩国人说是他们的 4、关于发明 有一天,韩国人觉得饿了,于是他们发明了饺子, 有一天,韩国人觉得渴了,于是他们发明了豆浆, 有一天,韩国人想写字了,于是他们发明了汉字, 有一天,韩国人想看报纸,于是他们发明了印刷术, 有一天,韩国人想来点音乐,于是他们发明了笙, 有一天,韩国人想看下棋,于是他们发明了围棋, 有一天,韩国人觉得想过节,于是他们把屈原从汨罗江里捞出来扔进汉江, 有一天,韩国人有点想法了,于是孔子举家迁往京畿道, 有一天,韩国人觉得病了,于是李时珍便被绑架了, 有一天,韩国人觉得需要个祖宗,于是炎帝和蚩尤改了牌位, 有一天,韩国人想出去旅游,美索不达米亚和长白山便成了他的后花园,足迹遍布南北极, e reduced depth of 50%; in turn diminished after 50% until 50cm. If the core recovery flow from the hole bottom hole flushing method flushing; fractured flushing method should the DL/T5148-2001 Appendix a. (3) inspection of Grouting holes should be carried out according to DL/T5148-2001 Appendix a water pressure test, ... (1) of the same geologic bedrock Grouting must first complete consolidation grouting and curtain Grouting inspected before. (2) in the areas that need filling from the rock surface, in front of the grout clean up leakage or leakage should be fractured, and the removal of loose rocks, so that plugging. (3) filling in the case of concrete cover, should be built of concrete pipe embedded in grout, grout is required in the corresponding position of strength design of concrete at 50%. Use grout without cover should be approved by the supervisor. (4) with lift irrigation area of observation equipment, to be lifted observing apparatus is completed, and test requirements before completing the filling and Grouting operations can be carried out. Fractured washing, water pressure test and Grout shall be lifted in the course of construction monitoring results shall be submitted to the supervisor, uplift 有一天,韩国人觉得不安全,于是他们发明了美国大兵, 有一天,韩国人觉得不能呼吸,于是他们发明了空气, 有一天,韩国人觉得冷了,于是他们发明了太阳, 有一天,韩国人觉得脸长得像大饼,于是他们就不要脸了。 5、中国人,‚嫦娥一号?已经上天月球以后就是我们的。 日本人不服气,‚月亮女神?比‚嫦娥一号?上天还早,月球是我们的。 美国人冷笑一声,30年前‚阿波罗号?就登月留下记号,毫无疑问,月球属于美国, 中国人和日本人很懊恼,又无法反驳,却发现韩国人在猛翻《朝鲜神话大全》,很惊奇的问他在干吗。 韩国人自信的说,我在找月球是我们祖先创造的证据。 6、韩国已经 证明 住所证明下载场所使用证明下载诊断证明下载住所证明下载爱问住所证明下载爱问 ,默罕默德、释迦牟尼、耶稣基督都是韩国人。无奈默罕默德胡子太密、释迦牟尼鼻子太高、耶稣基督皮肤太白,与现代韩国人相貌有一定差距。于是韩国派顶尖整容医生穿越时空去执行神圣任务。 e reduced depth of 50%; in turn diminished after 50% until 50cm. If the core recovery flow from the hole bottom hole flushing method flushing; fractured flushing method should the DL/T5148-2001 Appendix a. (3) inspection of Grouting holes should be carried out according to DL/T5148-2001 Appendix a water pressure test, ... (1) of the same geologic bedrock Grouting must first complete consolidation grouting and curtain Grouting inspected before. (2) in the areas that need filling from the rock surface, in front of the grout clean up leakage or leakage should be fractured, and the removal of loose rocks, so that plugging. (3) filling in the case of concrete cover, should be built of concrete pipe embedded in grout, grout is required in the corresponding position of strength design of concrete at 50%. Use grout without cover should be approved by the supervisor. (4) with lift irrigation area of observation equipment, to be lifted observing apparatus is completed, and test requirements before completing the filling and Grouting operations can be carried out. Fractured washing, water pressure test and Grout shall be lifted in the course of construction monitoring results shall be submitted to the supervisor, uplift 激光祛须、鼻子矫形都是小菜一碟,唯独全身换肤需本人配合,不料耶稣基督脾气耿直,死活不肯,韩国医生大怒,花30块银币收买犹大,把耶稣钉在十字架上严刑拷打,眼看耶稣只剩最后一口气,心念大家都是韩国人,于是仁慈一把允许耶稣提最后的要求。 耶稣气若游丝问道,我想知道,你们……是不是……迈克尔.杰克逊的粉丝, 7、2046年,韩国航天科技突飞猛进,发射了一颗环绕火星的卫星。 作为礼物,韩国卫星向火星空投了一本《朝鲜神话大全》,在火星人中引起了一阵骚动。 火星人甲,咦, 关于书的成语关于读书的排比句社区图书漂流公约怎么写关于读书的小报汉书pdf 上说我们是韩国人的后代。 火星人乙,这至少说明了我们的物种起源。 火星人甲,痛哭,,难怪我们这么丑…… 咚……韩国卫星又空投了一本《韩国整容指南》…… 8、韩国人,我们朝鲜国王的王宫--景福宫虽然没有故宫大,但是我们王宫的厕所特别大、特别精致,从这一头望过去几乎看不到另一头。 e reduced depth of 50%; in turn diminished after 50% until 50cm. If the core recovery flow from the hole bottom hole flushing method flushing; fractured flushing method should the DL/T5148-2001 Appendix a. (3) inspection of Grouting holes should be carried out according to DL/T5148-2001 Appendix a water pressure test, ... (1) of the same geologic bedrock Grouting must first complete consolidation grouting and curtain Grouting inspected before. (2) in the areas that need filling from the rock surface, in front of the grout clean up leakage or leakage should be fractured, and the removal of loose rocks, so that plugging. (3) filling in the case of concrete cover, should be built of concrete pipe embedded in grout, grout is required in the corresponding position of strength design of concrete at 50%. Use grout without cover should be approved by the supervisor. (4) with lift irrigation area of observation equipment, to be lifted observing apparatus is completed, and test requirements before completing the filling and Grouting operations can be carried out. Fractured washing, water pressure test and Grout shall be lifted in the course of construction monitoring results shall be submitted to the supervisor, uplift 中国人,那你们国王的屁股一定大得过了三八线。 9、韩国人在原始丛林中迷路,突然看见一只猴子在读《物种起源》。猴子欲与其交流读书心得, 不料韩国人非常傲慢。 韩国人冷笑,你也配和人说话,按照进化论,猴子比人低一等。 猴子暴怒,‚啪?,甩出一本《朝鲜神话大全》,你也配和猴子说话,按照此书记载,猴子从韩国人进化而来… 10、自从成杰思汗、孔子、释迦牟尼、日照大神等成功晋级为韩国人后,听说达尔文也将改变国籍,英国人惴惴不安,于是派老牌间谍邦德007去执行秘密任务。邦德007费了九牛二虎,终于通过‚穿越证? 找到了青年达尔文。不料在时光隧道中发现韩国人已经劫持了老年达尔文,邦德007懊恼不已,这才 明白青年达尔文还不懂进化论。只见老迈的达尔文正颤颤微微的修改《物种起源》,物种进化路线如下,……韩国人?猴子?人类…… 11、唐僧带着徒弟们辛勤赶往西天的路上,不料从所经之地出版的《女儿国日报》得知,有韩国学者称悉加摩尼是韩国人。 e reduced depth of 50%; in turn diminished after 50% until 50cm. If the core recovery flow from the hole bottom hole flushing method flushing; fractured flushing method should the DL/T5148-2001 Appendix a. (3) inspection of Grouting holes should be carried out according to DL/T5148-2001 Appendix a water pressure test, ... (1) of the same geologic bedrock Grouting must first complete consolidation grouting and curtain Grouting inspected before. (2) in the areas that need filling from the rock surface, in front of the grout clean up leakage or leakage should be fractured, and the removal of loose rocks, so that plugging. (3) filling in the case of concrete cover, should be built of concrete pipe embedded in grout, grout is required in the corresponding position of strength design of concrete at 50%. Use grout without cover should be approved by the supervisor. (4) with lift irrigation area of observation equipment, to be lifted observing apparatus is completed, and test requirements before completing the filling and Grouting operations can be carried out. Fractured washing, water pressure test and Grout shall be lifted in the course of construction monitoring results shall be submitted to the supervisor, uplift 唐僧不由犯起愁来,和弟子们商量道,‚如果佛祖真不在天竺,却在东方的韩国,那我这样往西天赶,岂不是正好反了方向,? 孙悟空一听乐了,笑说,‚师父,韩国人的考证你也相信,我看不如这样,咱们照样往西天赶,不妨逗逗韩国人给《高丽日报》去封稿件,说得知佛祖是韩国人后,正改道往东,要去韩国呢。? 唐僧听了连连念佛,道,‚罪过罪过,不可不可,出家人怎么能耍弄人呢,? 孙悟空却笑说,‚师父,你也小心太甚了。若是耍弄别人,我也以为不可。但韩国人就不一样了。韩国人不是俗称‘高丽棒子’吗,而我每天干的事,本来就是耍弄‘棒子’,金箍棒,嘛,? 12、日本人,日本的寿司是天下最美味的食物,而出门用饭盒携带非常方便。 韩国人,那算什么,我们韩国泡菜出门携带连饭盒都不要。 日本人惊奇的问,那你们用什么带, e reduced depth of 50%; in turn diminished after 50% until 50cm. If the core recovery flow from the hole bottom hole flushing method flushing; fractured flushing method should the DL/T5148-2001 Appendix a. (3) inspection of Grouting holes should be carried out according to DL/T5148-2001 Appendix a water pressure test, ... (1) of the same geologic bedrock Grouting must first complete consolidation grouting and curtain Grouting inspected before. (2) in the areas that need filling from the rock surface, in front of the grout clean up leakage or leakage should be fractured, and the removal of loose rocks, so that plugging. (3) filling in the case of concrete cover, should be built of concrete pipe embedded in grout, grout is required in the corresponding position of strength design of concrete at 50%. Use grout without cover should be approved by the supervisor. (4) with lift irrigation area of observation equipment, to be lifted observing apparatus is completed, and test requirements before completing the filling and Grouting operations can be carried out. Fractured washing, water pressure test and Grout shall be lifted in the course of construction monitoring results shall be submitted to the supervisor, uplift 韩国人自豪的说,大肠就是我们的泡菜坛子……,突然传来话外音,韩国人大肠癌发病率世界第一……, 13、中国人,是女娲创造了这个世界。 美国人,是上帝创造了这个世界。 中国人,那么,又是谁创造了上帝之前的世界, 美国人,那么,又是谁创造了女娲之前的世界, 韩国人惊奇的问道,不是我们韩国人吗, 14、甲,咦,为什么叫韩国人为棒子, 乙,相传,上帝正在创世纪。上帝说要有光,就有了光,要有水,就有了水……韩国人等了许久,忍不住问,为什么没有泡菜,上帝创世纪正忙得抓狂,被打扰后大怒,一个雷就把韩国人变成棒子…… 被打成棒子后,韩国人也不气馁,心想,改变不了上帝,总可以改变人类吧, 于是悄悄溜进伊甸园,把善恶之果变成了一坛韩国泡菜,自己变成蛇引诱夏娃吃。 夏娃很是犹豫,不吃,就无法辨别善恶,吃,就变成韩国人。 e reduced depth of 50%; in turn diminished after 50% until 50cm. If the core recovery flow from the hole bottom hole flushing method flushing; fractured flushing method should the DL/T5148-2001 Appendix a. (3) inspection of Grouting holes should be carried out according to DL/T5148-2001 Appendix a water pressure test, ... (1) of the same geologic bedrock Grouting must first complete consolidation grouting and curtain Grouting inspected before. (2) in the areas that need filling from the rock surface, in front of the grout clean up leakage or leakage should be fractured, and the removal of loose rocks, so that plugging. (3) filling in the case of concrete cover, should be built of concrete pipe embedded in grout, grout is required in the corresponding position of strength design of concrete at 50%. Use grout without cover should be approved by the supervisor. (4) with lift irrigation area of observation equipment, to be lifted observing apparatus is completed, and test requirements before completing the filling and Grouting operations can be carried out. Fractured washing, water pressure test and Grout shall be lifted in the course of construction monitoring results shall be submitted to the supervisor, uplift 亚当见状,飞奔过来把泡菜砸个粉碎,惊道,你以后还想不想吃五花肉了, 15、韩国前任首席科学家黄禹锡为一雪克隆狗的前耻而发愤图强,终于攻破了克隆人难关。 美国科学家大惊,派人到韩国一看,街头虽然人头攒动,放眼望去却只有两张脸,男人脸和女人脸。 美国人不服,悄悄偷了具尸体回去研究。 法医解剖后大震,考,整容水平真高,外星人都能整成这样…… e reduced depth of 50%; in turn diminished after 50% until 50cm. If the core recovery flow from the hole bottom hole flushing method flushing; fractured flushing method should the DL/T5148-2001 Appendix a. (3) inspection of Grouting holes should be carried out according to DL/T5148-2001 Appendix a water pressure test, ... (1) of the same geologic bedrock Grouting must first complete consolidation grouting and curtain Grouting inspected before. (2) in the areas that need filling from the rock surface, in front of the grout clean up leakage or leakage should be fractured, and the removal of loose rocks, so that plugging. (3) filling in the case of concrete cover, should be built of concrete pipe embedded in grout, grout is required in the corresponding position of strength design of concrete at 50%. Use grout without cover should be approved by the supervisor. (4) with lift irrigation area of observation equipment, to be lifted observing apparatus is completed, and test requirements before completing the filling and Grouting operations can be carried out. Fractured washing, water pressure test and Grout shall be lifted in the course of construction monitoring results shall be submitted to the supervisor, uplift
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