首页 新托福考试总分120分



新托福考试总分120分新托福考试总分120分 新托福考试总分120分,考试顺序为阅读,听力,口语和写作. 每个单项30分.听力和口语考试中间可以休息10分钟 托福网考考试内容四项详解: 托福考试内容----阅读部分介绍 考试时间: 约为60分钟 14道题 考试类型:共三篇文章,每篇650,750个单词,12, 题目类型:事实信息题,否定排除题,指代关系题,词汇题,推断提,修饰目的题,变换措辞题,插入文本题,重要观点题,归类题。 分数范围: 每篇12-14题, 除重要观点题和归类题以外,每道题的分值都是1分。重要观点题的分值可...

新托福考试总分120分 新托福考试总分120分,考试顺序为阅读,听力,口语和写作. 每个单项30分.听力和口语考试中间可以休息10分钟 托福网考考试内容四项详解: 托福考试内容----阅读部分介绍 考试时间: 约为60分钟 14道题 考试类型:共三篇文章,每篇650,750个单词,12, 题目类型:事实信息题,否定排除题,指代关系题,词汇题,推断提,修饰目的题,变换措辞题,插入文本题,重要观点题,归类题。 分数范围: 每篇12-14题, 除重要观点题和归类题以外,每道题的分值都是1分。重要观点题的分值可能是2分。归类题为3或4分。考试所得分数范围: 0-30分. 考试形式:在完成每一篇答题的过程中,考生可以使用复查功能查找没有回答的题目。 注: 可能有加试 托福考试内容----听力部分介绍 托福听力考试时间: 60,90分钟,每个对话是2,3分钟。每个演讲是3,5分钟。 考试类型: 听力部分有两个对话和四段演讲。每个对话对应5道试题。每段演讲对应6道试题。听力部分共有34道试题。 题目类型:目的题 主题题 重听回答题 表格 关于规范使用各类表格的通知入职表格免费下载关于主播时间做一个表格详细英语字母大小写表格下载简历表格模板下载 题 细节题/双项选择题 态度题 结论题 图片题 分数范围: 听力部分共有34道试题,每道试题是1,2分,共34,36分。考试所得分数范围0-30分 考试形式: 对话或演讲结束后出现考题,考生可以在听录音的过程中做笔记。 注:可能有加试 托福考试内容----口语部分介绍 考试时间: 新托福考试的口语部分共有6题,总时间为15,20分钟。 考试形式: 第一题和第二题为独立回答题,准备时间为15秒,回答问题时间为45秒。第一题问题会被朗读出来,同时出现在屏幕上。 第三题和第四题要求考生先阅读一段文字,然后再听一段与阅读文字内容相关的听力材料,最后按照要求回答相关问题。通常一道题是情景题,另一道是学术题。阅读材料只含一个自然段。阅读时间为45秒钟。听力材料可能是对话,也可能是演讲。其长度大约为一分半钟。考生可以在听录音的过程中作笔记来帮助答题。考生有30秒的准备时间,60秒的答题时间。 第五题和第六题以考试中的听力材料为基础,要求考生回答相关问题。听力材料通常一道题是情景题,另一道题是学术题。听力材料可能是对话也可能是演讲。其长度大约为一分半钟。考生可以在听录音的过程中作笔记来帮助答题。考生有20秒的准备时间,60秒的答题时间。每个回答的得分为0,4分。考察综 合语言技能的题目的评分以回答的质量,完整性和准确性为依据。 托福考试内容-----写作部分介绍 新托福网考考试的写作部分包括两道试题:独立写作和阅读听力综合写作。需在大约50分钟的时间内完成。 独立写作试题部分有30分钟的时间,需要考生根据自己的知识和经验陈述解释并支持对某一问题的某种看法。与机考托福的写作或笔考托福的写作类似。通常有效的回答应是一篇300个字左右的作文。 综合写作试题以阅读和听力材料为基础,考生通常需要阅读一篇学术演讲,阅读的时间为3分钟,然后文章隐去。这是考生需要听一段大约为1分半钟的演讲。但是考生在写作文时可以看到在放听力材料时隐去的阅读材料。考生在听录音的过程中可以做笔记来帮助答题。此外,考生有20分钟的时间来总结听力材料中的要点,并解释这些要点与阅读材料中的要点有何不同。通常有效的回答应是一篇150,225个单词的作文。 每个托福写作任务的分数为0,5分。考察综合语言技能的作文题目的评分,以回答的质量,完整性和准确性为依据。 托福写作评分标准之综合写作: 1、 内容的完整性和准确性。简单地说,就是文章是否有将讲座中的关键信息点完整、准确地提取出来 (通常情况下有三点),并和阅读材料中的相关内容有效地一一对应。如果讲座中的信息点有缺失,那么会有一定程度的扣分;如果只写了有关阅读材料的观点,得1分。 2、 文章的组织机构,词汇和语法的正确性和准确性。高分的作文需要做到条理清晰,结构连贯,用词恰当,能够准确地 关于同志近三年现实表现材料材料类招标技术评分表图表与交易pdf视力表打印pdf用图表说话 pdf 达讲座中的观点与阅读材料中的观点是如何相互联系的,只要作文中的错误不至于使内容表述出现误解,一些偶尔出现的语言错误,如单词拼写、单复数问题等,不会对作文成绩产生很大影响,当然,错误肯定是越少越好的。 托福写作评分标准之独立写作: 1、 有效回应题目,阐明文章主题。一般来说,独立写作完全跑题的情况很少,但是朗阁海外考试研究中心 分析 定性数据统计分析pdf销售业绩分析模板建筑结构震害分析销售进度分析表京东商城竞争战略分析 发现很多考生在展开讨论时所采用的论据,比较容易出现跟主题关联性不大的情况,即局部答非所问的现象,从而影响了得分。 2、 逻辑条理清楚,论证充分展开。这一点的关键在于文章论证的展开,是否提供了大量的细节和例子来支持观点,而非泛泛而谈地说理。比如说某位同学的英 文写作能力很强,我光说很强,很厉害,写得很好都很表面,但是我如果说这位同学托福写作考了29分,那么就是很细节很有说服力的论据了。 3、 内容连贯一致,衔接自然流畅。达到内容连贯一致的文章通常全文围绕中心论点展开,而不会论据自相矛盾,也不会重复论证,有时候通过一些表示因果、先后、递进的关系连词可以起到粘合剂的作用。 4、 遣词造句地道,语言驾驭娴熟。托福考试终究是语言考试,最终还是要考查考生的语言运用能力,但是要注意的是,并不是要求考生通篇都用难词偏语长句,而是要会变化着用一些美国人常用的语句把自己的想法表达清楚,所以朗阁海外考试研究中心建议考生尽量多阅读和模仿英文原版材料,这样写出来的文章才能够原汁原味。 新托福 (internet based TOEFL 简称iBT TOEFL) 自去年2005年9月在北美开考以来,很多考生谈此色变。有的考生把新托福戏称为 “ 我变态”(iBT 亦是我变态的谐音)。不少同学纷纷转考其他类型的考试,一试不爽,又转回iBT, 这么几个『舷吕词奔渚捅焕朔训袅恕,莨坌峦懈,际缘?4大块,中国考生要在短期内(2 - 4个月)迅速取得新托福高分(100分以上), 考生必须有相当的应考策略。笔者对考生的新托福成绩作了大量统计和分析后发现考生考分相对高的2个部分是听力和写作。考分相对低的是阅读和口语。今天,作 者着重和大家聊聊如何在极短的时间内(3天的时间)迅速取得作文27分以上,并给出作者参加新托福考试取得满分的作文部分模块,供各位考生参考。 作文考试作为新托福的第4部分, 共有2篇作文。 一(Integrated writing ( 结合写作) 第一篇作文 叫做Integrated writing ( 结合写作), 给考生3分钟读一篇文章(大概200字左右),然后听一段关于对此文章的评论,结束后让考生写出150-225字的作文(只能打字),典型的问法 是:Summarize the points made in the lecture you just heard, explaining how they cast doubt on point made in the reading. 听力结束后,阅读部分会再次出现并保留在电脑屏幕的左半部分,考生便可以开始写作。此文的评分标准有2条: 1. 要点分 2. 语言分 要写好此篇作文关键有以下几点: 1.考生必须从根本上掌握英语八股文的结构。阅读时,考生必须按照八股文结构,记下这些points和support points 的details. 2.听力时,考生要记下说话者是如何反对这些 Points的。注意的是说话者的反对顺序不一定按照阅 读文章的演进顺序进行。 如果points 没有漏掉,接下来的关键就是考生如 何表达说话者和阅读内容的关系了。 以下是作者参加新托福考试时关于smart cars写 作使用的模块,提供给大家参改。 The lecture is mainly discussing ______, ________ and ___________ by _________, challenging what are stated in the reading passage that _________, _________ and _______. First of all, the speaker thinks that ___________. In contrast, the reading passage believes that _____________. So, the lecture totally disagree with the view made in the reading. Second, the speaker discusses ___________, Contradicting what is stated in the reading that _____________________. Finally, the speakers raises the issue that ___________. This point disagrees that ________________ demonstrated in the reading. So, the contents in the reading passage are totally jeopardized by the speaker and the speaker has totally different ideas on the topics made in the reading. 掌握好以上模板,此篇作文实在是太好准备了。 二. Independent writing 此篇文章和以前的笔试及机考没有什么大的区别, 给30分钟写一篇300字的文章(只能打字)。此篇文 章的评分标准有4个: 1. Address the writing topic effectively (有 效地阐明主题) 2.Well organized and well-developed (条理清 楚,发展充分) 3.Use specific details and examples to support your view (论据具体明确) 4.Word choices and sentence variety (遣词造 句能力) 典型的问法是:Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? 考生要取得这篇作文的高分或满分,以上4条均重 要。此篇文章写几段为好,我建议大家最多五段,至少 写4段。 此作文模板我曾在网上公布过,在此不再重 述。 以上2篇作为评分有个共性,是按照percentile进行,即使是满分作文,也允许你有错误,到底有多少 错,很难说,关键是你和其他考生相比你的作文好坏。 作文应该是新托福最容易准备的部分,写作文不能 钻牛角尖,不一定写很多篇(我建议每个考生以上两种 文章各写个3-5 篇), 考生要学会用简单的英文单词 来阐明观点。 新托福写作模板经典范例1: Classified Templates: A or B ____________改写并复述题目____________。The advantages of B carry more weight than those of A。 There are numerous reasons why __________, and I would explore only a few of the most important ones here。 One of the primary cause is that_______________________。 What is also worth noticing fact is that_____________________。 Furthermore, ________________________。 Although I agree that there may be couple of disadvantages to_________________。I fell that the advantages are more obvious_____________。 _______________, Given the factors I have just outlined, I can only say that___________________。 新托福写作模板经典范例2: From my point of view,it is advisable to choose A rather than B。 My arguments for this point are listed as follows。 The main reason for my propensity for ____________________ is that ________________。 There is another factor that deserves some words here。 In a word, ________________________。 While it is true that the argument, I disagree hold a little bit of water, I think_______________。 单一命题形式: 1. The answer of this statement depends on your own experience and life style。 In my point view, buying computers is as important as, if not more important than, buying books。 So it is sagacious to ____________。Among countless factors which influence the choice, these are three conspicuous aspects as follows。 The main reason for my propensity for__________is that____________。 Another reason can be seen by every person is that________________。 Furthermore,______________。 In short,_________________复述前文中的理由 ______________。

新托福写作五大模板分享 一、观点对比型1 Some people like A; others like B. Which one do you prefer—A or B? (1) No doubt, I choose A, because there are too many benefits that outnumber its disadvantages. But B on the other hand, has advantages no more than its disadvantages.
The most important benefit of A is that___________________.
To achieve the same effect, B will__________________.
Another benefit of A, which B almost cannot achieve, is that___________________.
Although B also has its seemingly profound advantages, it can only be achieved conditionally because_________________________.
After understanding the reasoning above, it is quite safe now to say: to choose A is a wise action.
(2) Some people hold the opinion that A is superior to B in many ways. Others, however, contradict A. Personally, I would prefer__________ because I think A has more advantages.
There are numerous reasons why________, and I would here explain a few of the most important ones. The main reason is that___________. It can be given a concrete example_____________.
Another reason why I advocate the attitude of A is that___________. Take the case of a thing that_______________.
One very strong argument for A is that__________________. This demonstrates the undeniable fact that_____________________.
Of course, choosing B also has advantages to some extent, __________.
But if all these factors are complicated, the advantages of A carry more weight than those of B. From what has been discussed above, we may finally draw the conclusion that_________________. 二、观点对比型2 Some people believe that A while others consider B more appropriate. Give advantages and disadvantages of the two positions and explain which position you support. (1) Some people believe that________________. Other people hold the opinion that_________. While both methods may have their advantages and disadvantages, they can be applied under different circumstances. Afterwards, I will explain my opinions about it.
For A, ___________________.
But this also demonstrates that______________.
Moreover, _______________________.
B, on the other hand, _______________. For example, ________________.
In my opinion, the advantages of B are more than those of A because B fits me better in two ways: First, _________________. Second, ______________________.
(2) A and B are two totally different ideas that have caused a heated debate for a long period. Anyway, I agree with the idea of A. However, it is unfair to say which is better than the other if we do not see both sides of the story in the following paragraphs.
Some people believe B because______________. These people point out the fact that______________. They also argue that_______________________.
However, other people stand on a very different ground, they believe that____________. They firmly point out that______________________. An example can give the details of this argument: ___________________. In addition, ____________________________.
In a word, A is too temptating not to be chosen. A, as shown above, has________. ________.
三、支持反对型 Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? AAA.
(1) There is no need for me to put any emphasis on what the advantages of AAA are. ___________________. Many people believe that____________________.
However, I disagree with the title statement because I consider___________________.
On the other hand, one of the notorious disadvantages of AAA is that_______________. The modern example of this is_____________________. So if this is prevalent, _______________. Another factor shows that__________________. So, as I see it, _________.
(2) Before rendering my opinion, I think it is important to take a glance at the arguments on both sides. People who support AAA usually give some, even all of the following reasons.
The first is that_______________________.
The second is that____________________________.
Third, ___________________________________.
Generally, people who attack AAA claim that ______________________. They also often say that there will be problems of ____________________.
As far as I am concerned, I come to the notion that there are three main reasons why I support AAA. Firstly, ___________________. Secondly, ______________. Furthermore, __________________. 四、观点选择型

„A, B, C, D„ Which do you choose?
(1) It appears, in so many aspects, very difficult to prefer one to another because all of them have their advantages and disadvantages to the extent that it is hard to distinguish.
Yet that does not mean they are of the same to me. To be frank, I would prefer A if personal quality is considered as a criterion to choose things.
Then why do I prefer A? I like it because it can _______________, thus makes me ______________.
There is another reason why I choose A, in terms of ________, __________. No wonder, it again brings me convenience that I cannot get if I choose any one of the others.
That last reason is that_____________________.
In conclusion, everybody wants to choose the one that fits him/her. So it is of great benefits for me to choose.
(2) How to do XXX/Whether the traditional methods such as A, B and so on or the modern method for example C and D has its advantages and disadvantages. Which you would prefer depends on your own experience, life style and emotional concern. However, I would prefer C. There are three advantages of C as follow:
This can trace back to my childhood. Once with curiosity, I__________________.
Yet another reason is that_________. I can quote a common example. _______________.
Then why I do not like others? For example, why I do not like A? Because I have a bad experience with it. _______________. So, even when anyone mentioned it, I would catch a feeling of fear.
There are still many other reasons that can account for my fondness for it, but the obvious ones have been presented as above.
„XXX„What do you think about it?
(1) There are numerous approaches to solving XXX/impacts on XXX/characteristics of XXX, and I would explore the most conspicuous ones here.
One of the primary method/One of the primary impacts/ One of the primary characteristics, to my mind, is that_________________.
A more subtle point which we must consider is that___________________.
In addition/Furthermore, __________________.
In conclusion/Taking into account of all these methods/effects/aspects, we may reach the conclusion that________________________.
(2) Among countless factors which contribute to XXX, three conspicuous aspects are as follows.
One of the primary causes is that______________________.
XXX also results from_______________________.
____________________is responsible for XXX, as well.
To put all into a nutshell, I draw the conclusion that A, B and C are three main contributors to XXX. 新托福考试写作部分的第一个任务是“Integrated Task”即综合写作,它是一种全新的题型,大部分学生 对于如何应对综合写作缺乏相关的知识和经验,很大程 度依赖于教师的指导,其中一个重要的方面就是如何安 排文章的结构。对此,ETS并没有给出详细的官方建议, 只是在ETS公开的综合写作评分标准中,给出了5分(即 满分)作文的定义如下: A response at this level successfully selects the important information from the lecture and coherently and accurately presents this information in relation to the relevant information presented in the reading. The response is well organized, and occasional language errors that are present do not result in inaccurate or imprecise presentation of content or connections. 可以看出,ETS并没有规定一篇综合写作应该使用 某种固定的结构模式,而只是从信息点的准确提炼,信 息组织的条理性和语言的准确性这几个角度定义了一 篇满分作文。然而实践中,这样的指导性建议太为笼统。 学生还是期望教师能够给出一种易于理解的,安全有效 的且操作性强的结构,在考试时依照这个结构构建文章 的主体,并以此为基础填充细节,从而快速高效地完成 作文。 辅导老师经过一段时间的教学,总结出两种适合新 托福综合写作的结构安排,为了形象理解,称为“点对 点”型和“面对面”型的结构,本文就将对这两种结构 进行分析和比较。 一、“点对点”的结构 “点对点”的结构指的是把综合写作中的阅读材料 和听力材料的每一个对应点都单独提炼出来用一个段 落加以阐述。这种结构的优点是可以把阅读文章和听力 材料的对应关系更细致地进行说明,使文章层次感强, 同时反映出考生提炼信息和对比信息的能力更高。比如 下面的一篇范文就是ETS给出的满分作文,是一篇典型 的“点对点”型的结构安排方式。 Introduction- The lecturer talks about research conducted by a firm that used the group to handle their work. He says that the theory stated in the passage was very Relationship between reading and different and somewhat inaccurate when compared to what happened in reality. lecture First Point of First, some members got free rides. That is, some didn’t work hard but got Contrast recognition for the success nonetheless. This also indicates that people who hard were not given recognition they should have gotten. In other words, weren’t given the opportunity to “shine”. This directly contradicts what the passage indicates. Second Point Second, groups were slow in progress. The passage says that groups are of Contrast more responsive than individuals because of the number of people involved and aggregated resources. However, the speaker talks about how the firm found that groups were slower than individuals in decision making. Groups needed time for meetings, which are necessary procedures in decision making. This is another place where experience contradicted theory. Third Point of Third, influential people might emerge and lead the group towards glory If Contrast the influent people are going in the right direction there would be no problem. But in cases where they go in the wrong direction, there is nobody that has influence to counter the decision made. In other words, the group might turn dictatorship, with the influential party as the leader, and might become less in its thinking. They might become one-sided, and thus fail to succeed. 二、 “面对面”的结构 “点对点”的结构指是最理想的结构安排模式,但 有时候考生并不能准确地寻找到阅读和听力材料之间 的对应点。这有可能是因为阅读和听力材料之间的对应 点本身就不是很明显,或者由于考生自身的能力问题, 没有完全听懂或看懂,则要写成“点对点”的结构安排 模式,难度会比较大。遇到这种情况,朗阁海外考试研 究中心则建议考生可以尝试使用“面对面”的结构安排 模式。它与“点对点”的结构安排模式的区别在于,“面 对面”作文的结构并不是逐条阐述对应点,而是在总得 阐明听力和阅读文章之间的关系后,分别总结听力材料 或阅读材料的要点,从“面”上阐述听力和阅读材料之 间的联系。以下一篇范文也是根据ETS提供的一套模考 题所写的范文,由于此题很难“点对点”地分析听力和 阅读之间的关系,因此采取了“面对面”的写法。 Introduction- The lecturer talks about the natural process of crystallization and how Relationship the speed of cooling can influence such process, which is proved by Bowen’s between reading and crystallization experiment explained in the reading passage. lecture Points in the Natural crystallization happens when magma, which is extremely hot in lecture its molten form deep in the earth, gradually cools off when it moves towards the surface of the earth. During the cooling process, the energy from heat is lost, and the atoms which compose the magma begin to move more slowly, forming into an orderly pattern, which turns the magma into a solid crystal structure. However, if the cooling process takes place too rapidly, then there is not enough time for the atoms to be arranged into such an orderly pattern. Therefore, crystallization can’t take place. Instead, a brittle, glass-like material will form. Points in the Norman Bowen’s experiment in the 1920s proved this theory. By Reading collecting and melting elements in rocks, Norman created artificial magma in his laboratory. He first cooled the magma slowly, as in the natural crystallization process, and got mineral crystals. But then he suddenly replaced this normal cooling with rapid freezing, and found frozen glass materials surrounding the solid crystal structure. 可以看出,“点对点”和“面对面”的结构有 各自的特点,但总得来说“点对点”的结构在“对比型” 的新托福综合写作中要更适用一些,因为它能把矛盾点 逐一呈现,更细致地体现了听力和阅读材料之间的关 系。但掌握“面对面”的结构也很有必要,因为它可以 适用一些听力和阅读材料之间的关系是一致、延伸或解 释型的考题。此外,在考生无法寻找到所有的对应点时, 用“面对面”的结构也算是一种补救措施。 附:新托福综合写作sample answer 两篇,针对 的是同一个考题,第一篇用的是“点对点”结构,第二 篇用的是“面对面”的结构。 Sample answer 1 Urban sprawl is defined as the growth of cities in an unplanned manner, spreading outward rather than upward. Although urban sprawl brings some positive influence to our lives such as new homes and businesses, better schools, less noise and crime, etc., many people, especially environmental campaigners, see it as harmful to human life and the nature, as it robs people of nature, wiping out parks and farmland, and also brings traffic congestion to roads linking cities and suburbs. The New Urbanism movement is designed to address urban sprawl, and communities such as Celebration in Florida, which is constructed applying New Urbanism principals, have proved very effective in solving this problem. The first principle of New Urbanism is to provide effective transportation system and environmental protection. To achieve this, the town of Celebration has a large area of greenbelt dedicated to wildlife preservation. It also has buildings that are environmentally friendly and energy-efficient. New Urbanism’s second principle is to provide housing and jobs that are close together. This is reflected in Celebration’s office and apartment buildings which are all densely constructed in a small area to avoid sprawling. Finally, New Urbanism requires neighborhoods to have both single and multi-family residences, and this is exactly what can be seen in the town of Celebration, where residents live close together and find it easy to socialize. Urban sprawl is low-density, outward growth and mostly single-family residences. Its negative effects are robbing us of our nature and having us meeting traffic jams between cities and suburbs, while its positive effects are providing home construction, new business and better schools, making less noise and causing less crime. Sample Answer 2 New urbanism has emerged to solve the problem of urban sprawl. Regions have to create transportation systems and environmental protection; Cities need to offer housing and jobs that are close together; Neighborhoods should have single- and multi-family housing where residence can walk to stores, public transportation and parks. Take the community of Celebration for example. It meets the goal of social and civic interaction by setting up a central market street district and housing including single- and multi-family residences. It also meets the goal of environment preservation with its good environmentally-friendly town design, and with high-rise offices and apartment buildings which help reduce the population density. New urbanism like celebration will bring new changes to urban sprawl.

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