首页 家装电工施工规范



家装电工施工规范家装电工施工规范 为确保施工用电及装修后用电的安全美观,便于维修,电工施工必修持证上岗,且遵守下列规范: 1、 电工施工前的准备: 1.1 电工应观察原电路是否有漏电保护装置,电源分几个回路供电的,分别是什么回路,是否有地线,电路总负荷是多少(见如何计算电路总负荷)。 1.2 电工应找到电视,电话,网线的入户接线盒,且检查电线有几个回路。 1.3 检查每个开关,插座是否通电,电线的载荷能力是多大,电线的布置是否分色,电源插座是否是左零右火。 2、 布线管应注意以下规定: 2.1管与管之间采用套管连接,套...

家装电工施工规范 为确保施工用电及装修后用电的安全美观,便于维修,电工施工必修持证上岗,且遵守下列规范: 1、 电工施工前的准备: 1.1 电工应观察原电路是否有漏电保护装置,电源分几个回路供电的,分别是什么回路,是否有地线,电路总负荷是多少(见如何计算电路总负荷)。 1.2 电工应找到电视,电话,网线的入户接线盒,且检查电线有几个回路。 1.3 检查每个开关,插座是否通电,电线的载荷能力是多大,电线的布置是否分色,电源插座是否是左零右火。 2、 布线管应注意以下规定: 2.1管与管之间采用套管连接,套管与管间用PVC胶粘结,以防松动,管与管的对口应位于套管中心。 2.2管与户口连接时,插入深度为20?--30?。 2.3PVC管在砌墙体上开槽敷设时,PVC管距离墙面深度应不小于1.2cm,如发现敷设水泥后埋管高于墙面的,应立即返工,并立即返工,并罚款100元/次。 2.4墙面线路改造时,当直线段长度超过15米或折弯数量超过4个时,必须增设底盒,以便电线可拉动更换。 2.5暗管在墙体内交叉,用曲弯弹簧做出长20cm的过桥弯惑通过接线盒调管(安装光板以便维修),严禁走斜道,如发现暗管走斜线的,和未有过桥弯惑接线盒调管的,违者罚款20元/次。 2.6弯管要用专用的曲弯弹簧,禁止使用成品弯头,违者罚款20元/次。 2.7在布线套管时,同一沟槽如超过2根线管,管与管之间必须留?1.5cm的缝线,以防填充水泥或石膏时产生空鼓,违者罚款20元/次。 2.8导线在管内严禁接头,接头应在检修底盒或箱内,以便检修。 2.9管内导线的总横截面积应小于线管截面的40,,如发现单根PVC管里面同时走超过3根导线的,违者罚款50元/次。 2.10强、弱电线路不能在卫生间、厨房地面铺设,需走墙面和顶棚。所有入墙砖墙电线采用阻燃PVC套管埋设,预制结构埋不了PVC线管的可用腊管套线后埋设,违者罚款50元/次。 2.11电线开槽时要弹墨线,走向必须要横平竖直,不可斜走、管内电线便于更换。套管固定间距?50cm,线管表面要底于墙面1.2cm以上,违者罚款20元/次。 2.12套管内电线不能有接头,埋设的PVC电线转弯处用曲弯器折弯,违者罚款100元/次。 2.13线路检验合格后,浇湿墙面后,水泥砂浆封闭,封闭表面要平整,且低于墙面2毫米,如发现一根PVC管内有4根以上的电线的,罚款50元/次。 3、室内配线基本要求: 3.1 使用的导线其额定电流应大于线路的工作电流。 consciousness of malfeasance at catching good honest, practical action into ideas and County, the County discipline Inspection Commission of the deployment and requirements, adhere to the County and the County discipline Inspection Commission report implementation of clean two responsibilities. 2. clear a gang two accountability responsibilities. Early each year organize conferences, in charge of the leadership, departments, units of the town clean and studied anti-corruption work deployments, according to a gang dual accountability requirements, clear roles and responsibilities for members of the leading body of the Party Committee, put a gang two accountability targets, develop work plans, organizations honest responsibility, urged the team members to actively fulfil a gang double duty. Urged the first responsibility of grass-roots party branch secretaries to perform duties, efforts to form a team in unison, and the linkage of the work of the Party Committee. 3. pay close attention to the construction of a clean and honest government regulations implemented. Conscientiously implement the responsibility of uncorrupted, really formed by system in politics, according to the rules, effective mechanisms for the management of the system. First, build and improve the conversation reminded party members and cadres education system, auditing system of cadres, 18, for the full implementation of responsibility of uncorrupted to provide favorable institutional safeguards. Second, persist in combining focused inspections and special inspections, paying careful attention to supervision, implementation of the special inspection and the system of democratic appraisal of 3.2 导线必须分色,插座线色为:红色为相线,蓝色为零线,双色线为地线。开关线色为:红色为火线,黄色为控制线。空调必须采用4.0m?的筒芯线,违者必须马上返工,并罚款20元/个。 3.3 导线在开关盒,插座盒(箱)内留线长度不应小于15cm,如发现留线未卷成圈放在底盒的,罚款20元/次。 3.5 如遇大功率用电器,原线盒内主线达不道负荷要求时,需走专线。且线径的大小和空气开关额定电流的大小也要同时考虑。 3.6 接线盒(箱)内导线接头须用防水绝缘粘性好的胶带牢固包缠,如发现包扎的线,内部未用防水胶,外部未用绝缘的胶布的,罚款20元/次。 3.7 弱电(电话,电视,网线)导线与强电导线严禁共槽共管,强、弱电线槽间距?10cm,在连接处电视必须在接线盒中用电视分配器连接(7个以上分支需加放大器)。 4、家庭电路设计、如何计算电路总负荷: 4.1家庭电路设计:2000年前,电路设计一般是:进户线4—6 平方毫米,照明1.5 平方毫米,插座2.5 平方毫米,空调4 平方毫米专线。2000年后,电路设计一般是:进户线6—10平方毫米,照明支路2.5 平方毫米,10安插座2.5平方毫米,空调6 平方毫米专线。 注:很多住宅是:进户线6—10 平方毫米,照明2.5平方毫米,插座2.5 平方毫米,空调4 平方毫米专线 如何计算电路总负荷: 一般铜线安全计算方法是: 2.5平方毫米铜电源线的安全载流量,,28A。 4平方毫米铜电源线的安全载流量,,35A 。 6平方毫米铜电源线的安全载流量,,48A 。 10平方毫米铜电源线的安全载流量,,65A。 16平方毫米铜电源线的安全载流量,,91A 。 25平方毫米铜电源线的安全载流量,,120A。 铜芯线截面积 直径 允许长期电流: 2.5平方毫米,直径1.78mm 16A~25A 4平方毫米,直径2.2mm 25~32A 6平方毫米,直径2.78mm 32~40A 空调的功率: 空调1匹 ,724W(瓦); 空调1.5匹 ,1086W(瓦) 空调2匹 ,1448W (瓦); rds. Second, persist in combining focused inspections and special inspections, paying careful attention to supervision, implesystem of cadres, 18, for the full implementation of responsibility of uncorrupted to provide favorable institutional safegua ditinghe management of the system. First, build and improve the conversation reminded party members and cadres education system, aunt the responsibility of uncorrupted, really formed by system in politics, according to the rules, effective mechanisms for tmplemeittee. 3. pay close attention to the construction of a clean and honest government regulations implemented. Conscientiously is party branch secretaries to perform duties, efforts to form a team in unison, and the linkage of the work of the Party Commroot-Urged the first responsibility of grass nest responsibility, urged the team members to actively fulfil a gang double duty. mbers of the leading body of the Party Committee, put a gang two accountability targets, develop work plans, organizations hocorruption work deployments, according to a gang dual accountability requirements, clear roles and responsibilities for me-ied antinsibilities. Early each year organize conferences, in charge of the leadership, departments, units of the town clean and studrespo unty discipline Inspection Commission report implementation of clean two responsibilities. 2. clear a gang two accountabilitys and County, the County discipline Inspection Commission of the deployment and requirements, adhere to the County and the Coconsciousness of malfeasance at catching good honest, practical action into idea2tion of the special inspection and the system of democratic appraisal ofmenta 空调3匹 ,2172W(瓦); 可记忆为:1匹空调800瓦,用匹数X800瓦即可算出功率。 因为空调在开启的一瞬间最大峰值可以达到额定功率的2,3倍,依最大值3倍计算: 1匹的空调的开机瞬间功率峰值是724W,3,2172W 1.5匹P空调的开机瞬间功率峰值是1086W,3,3258W 2匹的空调的开机瞬间功率峰值是1448W,3,4344W 可记忆为:1匹空调800瓦,用匹数X800瓦X3即可算出功率。 微波炉为600一500瓦;电饭煲为500一1700瓦;电磁炉为300瓦-1800瓦;电炒锅为800一2000瓦;电热水器为800-2000瓦;电冰箱为70-250瓦;电暖器为800一2500瓦;电烤箱为800一2000瓦;消毒柜为600-800瓦;电熨斗为500-2000瓦; 计算电路负荷方法:用本路所有常用电器的最大功率之和?220伏=总电流(A) ,再根据允许长期电流计算电线平方数。 4.2 为确保用电的安全协调保护,保护器分别采用YSN—32型以上双极断路器和TSML—32型以上露电保护断电器(此规定品牌可任选),并与用电分支的负荷相匹配。 4.3 电箱内导线保留长度不少于配电线的半周长。 4.4 配电箱底边距地面距离不少于1.5m,照明配电箱(板)上应注明用电回路名称。 4.5 配电箱内导线应绝缘良好,排列整齐,固定牢固,严禁露出铜线。 4.6 配电箱的进线口和出线宜设在配电箱上面和下面,接口牢固。 4.7 用户的电能表选用一户一表制,如原用户电能表承载不能满足要求,必须提请用户向电业局申请更换新表,为保证用户用电安全,单相电能表必须用双极断路开关(2P开关),为用户加接接地保护,采用单相三线(火、零、地)制。 5. 开关插座安装的规定: 5.1 进门开关盒底边距地面1.2m—1.4m,侧边距门套线必须大于7cm。并列安装的相同型号开关要求 个。 间距一样,且间距?0.5cm,违者罚款20元/ 5.2 灯具开关必须串接在相线(火线)上,如发现零线串接开关,罚款100元。 5.3 插座应依据其使用功能定位,尽量避免牵线过长,插座数量宁多勿少,地脚插座底边距地面?30cm,凡插座底边距地底小于1.8m时须用带安全门的插座。 5.4 凡开关、插座应采用专用底盒,四周不应有空缝,盖板必须端正,牢固, 5.5 发现插座小于2.5平方的铜性线体的插座罚款20元。 5.6 面板垂直度允许偏差?1?。 3ul attention to supervision, implementation of the special inspection and the system of democratic appraisal ofde favorable institutional safeguards. Second, persist in combining focused inspections and special inspections, paying carefprovi s and cadres education system, auditing system of cadres, 18, for the full implementation of responsibility of uncorrupted torules, effective mechanisms for the management of the system. First, build and improve the conversation reminded party membero the ns implemented. Conscientiously implement the responsibility of uncorrupted, really formed by system in politics, according tage of the work of the Party Committee. 3. pay close attention to the construction of a clean and honest government regulatioroots party branch secretaries to perform duties, efforts to form a team in unison, and the link-Urged the first responsibility of grass elop work plans, organizations honest responsibility, urged the team members to actively fulfil a gang double duty. rs of the leading body of the Party Committee, put a gang two accountability targets, devcorruption work deployments, according to a gang dual accountability requirements, clear roles and responsibilities for membe-units of the town clean and studied anti ments,. clear a gang two accountability responsibilities. Early each year organize conferences, in charge of the leadership, depart, adhere to the County and the County discipline Inspection Commission report implementation of clean two responsibilities. 2n Commission of the deployment and requirementsconsciousness of malfeasance at catching good honest, practical action into ideas and County, the County discipline Inspectio 5.7 凡插座必须是面对面板方向左接零线,右接相线,三孔插上端地线,并且盒内不允许有裸露铜线超过1?。 如发现未按左接零线,右接相线,三孔插上端地线,罚款100元/次; 5.8 开关、插座要避开造型墙面,非要不可的除非设计特别要求应尽量安装在不显眼的地方。 5.9 开关安装应方便使用,同一室内开关必须安装在同一水平线上,并按最常用,很少用的顺序布置。 5.10 开关,插座应尽量安装在瓷砖正中,如发现开关,插座安装在瓷砖腰线,花片上的,罚款100元/次。 5.11 线盒与线管连接必须使用护口,违者罚款20元/处。 6. 照明线路的规定: 6.1 室内线路每一单相分支回路的电流,都需按照最大功率计算每支回路电流,需增加回路的要通知监理,有监理通知客户,没有增加回路的罚施工队长20元/次。 6.2 凡螺丝灯必须是中心触点接相线,零线接在螺纹端子上,违者罚款20元/次。 7. 灯具的安装规定: 7.1 采用钢管作灯具吊干时,钢管内径不应小于1cm。管壁厚度不应小于1.5毫米。 7.2 吊链式灯具的灯线不应受拉力,灯线必须超过吊链2cm的长度,灯线与吊链编义在一起,如发现灯线少于吊链2cm者,罚施工队长20元/次。 7.3 同一室内或场所成排安装明置的灯具时,在安装成排灯具前,应先定位再安装,其中心偏差?0.5cm。 7.4灯具组装必须合理,牢固,导线接头必须牢固,平整,当灯具重量大于2KG时,应采用膨胀螺栓固定,如没有膨胀螺栓固定的灯具和发现灯具组装松动,罚施工队长200元/次。 7.5 镜前灯一般要安装在距地1.8m左右,但必须与客户沟通后确定,旁边应预留插座。如发现没有与业主沟通而擅自安装的,出现问 快递公司问题件快递公司问题件货款处理关于圆的周长面积重点题型关于解方程组的题及答案关于南海问题 立即返工,并赔偿损失。 7.6 嵌入式装饰灯具的安装须符合下列要求: 7.6.1软线在顶棚底盒内应长出吊顶底面15cm,以便维修。 7.6.2 灯具的边框应紧贴在顶棚面上且完全遮盖灯孔,如发现安装灯具后有露光现象,违者罚款20元/次。 7.7矩形灯具的边框应与顶棚的装饰直线平行,其偏差?3毫米,违者罚款20元/处。 7.8 日光灯管组合的开启式灯具,灯管排列应整齐,其金属或塑料的间隔片不应有扭曲等现象缺陷。 8.电路改造的开关和插座,电工、监理与业主仔细确定以下用电设备开关插座位置,并用粉笔在墙上记录,如发现与业主确定后没有粉笔标明的,罚款施工队长20元/个。 8.1 热水器种类:燃气、电、太阳能等的同类电器的尺寸,安装方位。 8.2 饮水机、空调、电脑、电视线、音响、洗衣机、弱电箱等同类电器的尺寸、安装方位。 he management of the system. First, build and improve the conversation reminded party members and cadres education system, aunt the responsibility of uncorrupted, really formed by system in politics, according to the rules, effective mechanisms for tmplemeittee. 3. pay close attention to the construction of a clean and honest government regulations implemented. Conscientiously is party branch secretaries to perform duties, efforts to form a team in unison, and the linkage of the work of the Party Commroot-Urged the first responsibility of grass nest responsibility, urged the team members to actively fulfil a gang double duty. mbers of the leading body of the Party Committee, put a gang two accountability targets, develop work plans, organizations hocorruption work deployments, according to a gang dual accountability requirements, clear roles and responsibilities for me-ied antinsibilities. Early each year organize conferences, in charge of the leadership, departments, units of the town clean and studrespo unty discipline Inspection Commission report implementation of clean two responsibilities. 2. clear a gang two accountabilitys and County, the County discipline Inspection Commission of the deployment and requirements, adhere to the County and the Coconsciousness of malfeasance at catching good honest, practical action into idea4tion of the special inspection and the system of democratic appraisal ofmentards. Second, persist in combining focused inspections and special inspections, paying careful attention to supervision, implesystem of cadres, 18, for the full implementation of responsibility of uncorrupted to provide favorable institutional safegua diting 8.3 橱卫设备:消毒柜,洗碗机,电饭煲,微波炉,冰箱,浴霸,抽油烟机,换气扇等同电器的尺寸,安装方位。 8.4 楼上、楼下或卧室走道灯具是否单联双控 总之,开关与插座拧多勿缺,插座应安全插座,卫生间要采用防水插座,开关插座的暗盒安装要牢固、方正,盒内清洁无赃物(可用PVC线管吹),面板底与墙面平整吻合或略低。开关定位合理,防止推拉门遮住开关,方便使用。 9.强电线、电话线、电视线、网线安装后,必须用万能表或专用摇表进行通线试验,以保证畅通。电话线、电视线、网线需用医用胶布编号。违者罚款100元?次。 10. 公司安排专人进行电工程的初步验收: 10.1每个工地的电工程(包括弱电部分)完工后,必须由公司监理进行全面测试,签字后方可进行水泥敷设(特别是有线电话的测试工程)。 10.2开关插座需移位的,原有的底盒必须保留。 操作 办法 鲁班奖评选办法下载鲁班奖评选办法下载鲁班奖评选办法下载企业年金办法下载企业年金办法下载 :如开关处要做衣柜,开关必须移位的,原有的底盒必须用平盖板封闭。 家庭装修电工知识: 一、水路工程 1、防水施工宜采用涂膜防水 2、防水工程应该在隐蔽工程施工完成并验收后做 3、防水施工完成后要做2次蓄水试验 4、浴室防水层应该不低于1.8米 5、地漏、阴 阳 角、管道等地方要多做一次防水 6、地漏要用防臭地漏 7、冷热水管左热右冷 8、水管尽量不要从地上走 9、冷水管在墙里要有1CM的保护层,热水管是1.5CM,因此槽要开得深 5ul attention to supervision, implementation of the special inspection and the system of democratic appraisal ofde favorable institutional safeguards. Second, persist in combining focused inspections and special inspections, paying carefprovi s and cadres education system, auditing system of cadres, 18, for the full implementation of responsibility of uncorrupted torules, effective mechanisms for the management of the system. First, build and improve the conversation reminded party membero the ns implemented. Conscientiously implement the responsibility of uncorrupted, really formed by system in politics, according tage of the work of the Party Committee. 3. pay close attention to the construction of a clean and honest government regulatioroots party branch secretaries to perform duties, efforts to form a team in unison, and the link-Urged the first responsibility of grass elop work plans, organizations honest responsibility, urged the team members to actively fulfil a gang double duty. rs of the leading body of the Party Committee, put a gang two accountability targets, devcorruption work deployments, according to a gang dual accountability requirements, clear roles and responsibilities for membe-units of the town clean and studied anti ments,. clear a gang two accountability responsibilities. Early each year organize conferences, in charge of the leadership, depart, adhere to the County and the County discipline Inspection Commission report implementation of clean two responsibilities. 2n Commission of the deployment and requirementsconsciousness of malfeasance at catching good honest, practical action into ideas and County, the County discipline Inspectio 10、装PPR管是要考虑贴好瓷砖的厚度,这样管子不会露出来 11、烧菜只有几分钟,洗菜要很久,水斗一定要买大的 12、龙头和台盆要配套,弄不好就装不上去了 13、马桶安装不能用水泥,要用硅胶 14、马桶、龙头安装好后要注意保护 15、买马桶时要考虑马桶的坑距 16、洗衣机要考虑是上排水还是下排水 二、电路工程 1、卫生间里最好不要装电话,容易受潮 2、卫生间里的镜子要先考虑好尺寸,否则镜前灯很容易就装高了 3、卫生间管道最好留检修孔 4、强电弱电不能穿在同一根管子里 5、左零、右相上接地 6、电源插座距地300-500CM,开关1.4米 7、开关不要装在门背后 8、插座多多宜善 9、大功率电器用16A插座,如电烤箱、空调、热水器等。 10、暗盒要用好的 11、暗盒一定要和面板配套,否则有可能装不上 12、PVC电线管内电线截面面积不得超过电线管截面面积的40% 13、卧室的空调不要对着床 14、空调 洞要考虑向外倾斜,否则雨水会进来 15、灯尽量考虑双控 16、卫生间最好安装防溅插座 ittee. 3. pay close attention to the construction of a clean and honest government regulations implemented. Conscientiously is party branch secretaries to perform duties, efforts to form a team in unison, and the linkage of the work of the Party Commroot-Urged the first responsibility of grass nest responsibility, urged the team members to actively fulfil a gang double duty. mbers of the leading body of the Party Committee, put a gang two accountability targets, develop work plans, organizations hocorruption work deployments, according to a gang dual accountability requirements, clear roles and responsibilities for me-ied antinsibilities. Early each year organize conferences, in charge of the leadership, departments, units of the town clean and studrespo unty discipline Inspection Commission report implementation of clean two responsibilities. 2. clear a gang two accountabilitys and County, the County discipline Inspection Commission of the deployment and requirements, adhere to the County and the Coconsciousness of malfeasance at catching good honest, practical action into idea6tion of the special inspection and the system of democratic appraisal ofmentards. Second, persist in combining focused inspections and special inspections, paying careful attention to supervision, implesystem of cadres, 18, for the full implementation of responsibility of uncorrupted to provide favorable institutional safegua ditinghe management of the system. First, build and improve the conversation reminded party members and cadres education system, aunt the responsibility of uncorrupted, really formed by system in politics, according to the rules, effective mechanisms for tmpleme 17、阳台上要考虑个插座 18、电线槽要横平竖直,排好照,以后用起来方便 19、公用烟道要装止逆阀 20、买来的电器一定要好好让工人看说明书 21、说明书和保修卡等资料一定要留好,以备后用。 装修的第一道工序就是"布线"。在我们装修居室的过程中,常常会忽略对电源布线的全面考虑,因而造成布线不合理或漏布现象;而且随着经济的高速发展,原有建设施工中的电源布线也远远不适应人们的需求。在这里简单的说说在家装中电路布线涉及到的一些小知识,供大家在装修时参考。 1.材质选用 如果你装修的是旧房,原有的铝线一定要更换成铜线,因为铝线极易氧化、其接头易打火,据调查,使用铝线的电气火灾的发生率为铜线的几十倍。如果图省事,或嫌更改线路影响美观(只换换开关和插座,那会为住户今后的用电埋下安全隐患。 2.导线截面 从电气安全的角度考虑国家住宅设计规范中规定分支回路截面不小于 2(5。空调等大功率电器最好单独走一条4的线路,如果考虑到将来厨房及卫生间电器种类和数量的激增,厨房和卫生间的回路最好也用4的铜钱。 3.回路数量 足够的回路数对于现代家居生活是必不可少的。一旦某一线路发生短路或其他问题时,不会影响其他回路的正常工作。根据使用面积,照明回路可选择两路或三路,电源插座三至四路。厨房和卫生间各走一路线,空调回路两至三路,一个空调回路最多带两部空调。 4.布线方式 家装中用到的电工电料是最不可掉以轻心的材料,也是最有必要不计价格买优质产品的部分。俗话说水火无情,生活中很多火灾是由于家装中所用的劣质电工电料引起的。常用电工电料有电线和插座等。 家装离不开电线,电线虽小“责任”重大。家庭用电源线宜采用BVV2×2.5和BVV2×1.5型号的电线。BVV是国家 标准 excel标准偏差excel标准偏差函数exl标准差函数国标检验抽样标准表免费下载红头文件格式标准下载 代号,为铜质护套线。BVV2×2.5和BVV2×1.5,分别代表2芯2.5平方毫米和2芯1.5平方毫米。一般情况下,BVV2×2.5做主线、干线,BVV2×1.5做单个电器支线、开关线。单向空调专线用BVV2×4,另配专用地线。国家已明令在新建住宅中应使用铜导线。但同样是铜导线,也有劣质的铜导线,其铜芯选用再生铜,含有许多杂质,有的劣质铜导线导电性能甚至不如铁丝,极易引发电气事故。 开关、插座是家里最爱坏的东西之一,应该买好一点的。开关的分类:单开、双开、三开、多开。在设计电路时,一定要把节能考虑进去,否则一个射灯就15W,过于费电。这时候就需用多开开关,把灯具分组,这样相对就比较省电了。 1?2可以允许通过5A电流 2.5?2的铜导线可以通过10-15A(建议不超10A) 相线:黄、红、绿(尽量使所有的相线颜色相同); s and cadres education system, auditing system of cadres, 18, for the full implementation of responsibility of uncorrupted torules, effective mechanisms for the management of the system. First, build and improve the conversation reminded party membero the ns implemented. Conscientiously implement the responsibility of uncorrupted, really formed by system in politics, according tage of the work of the Party Committee. 3. pay close attention to the construction of a clean and honest government regulatioroots party branch secretaries to perform duties, efforts to form a team in unison, and the link-Urged the first responsibility of grass elop work plans, organizations honest responsibility, urged the team members to actively fulfil a gang double duty. rs of the leading body of the Party Committee, put a gang two accountability targets, devcorruption work deployments, according to a gang dual accountability requirements, clear roles and responsibilities for membe-units of the town clean and studied anti ments,. clear a gang two accountability responsibilities. Early each year organize conferences, in charge of the leadership, depart, adhere to the County and the County discipline Inspection Commission report implementation of clean two responsibilities. 2n Commission of the deployment and requirementsconsciousness of malfeasance at catching good honest, practical action into ideas and County, the County discipline Inspectio7ul attention to supervision, implementation of the special inspection and the system of democratic appraisal ofde favorable institutional safeguards. Second, persist in combining focused inspections and special inspections, paying carefprovi 零线:蓝色; 保护线:黄绿。 电器间属于并联关系(恒压)、灯具和开关属于串联关系(恒流)。 所有材料都要有生产厂家的安全认证。 PVC的线管的管外壁应有间距不大于一米的连续阻燃标记和制造厂标。 首先勘察原有电路,其次按照设计要求确定电线走向、标高及开关、插座等基本位置。 线路暗配:墙立面的开槽要求用切割机将建筑物表面的抹灰层20-30?,按照略大于配管的直径切割线槽(严禁将承重墙体和受力钢筋切断以及在墙上横向开槽)。电路保护管沿最近的线路铺设。保持横平竖直,减少弯曲。地面铺设时应对线管进行保护,用木方或者水泥砂浆覆盖。电线保护管尽量使用整管。连接处用套管+专用pvc胶。管与器件连接时,插入深度应为管外经的1.1-1.8倍。线路暗配时,弯曲半径不能小于管外径的六倍。当埋设地下或用混凝土浇注时,不能小于管外径的十倍。当线路名配时。弯曲半径不小于管外径的六倍。当两个接线盒只有一个弯曲半径时。弯曲半径不小于管外径的四倍。 增设接线盒或者拉线盒: 管长度每超过15米有两个弯曲,增设接线盒。 管长度每超过8米有三个弯曲,增设接线盒。 不同回路不能穿入同一管内,同一类照明的回路可以穿同一根管内。 导线在关内不应有接头和扭结,接头应设在接线盒内。 管内的总根数不能超过8根,同时导线总截面积不能超过电线保护管截面面积的40%。 强弱电不能穿同一根管内。 导线间的连接最好用接线端子或者直接缠绕。(缠绕时应以一根导线为中心缠绕6圈。对接时注意两根铜线是否相匹配,不匹配不能对接,将中心绑线扳回压紧,) 开关一般控制火线。 明显关卡间的最大距离应小于一米。关卡离弯头、边缘应150-500?。 管与盒连接应采用锁颈螺母固定。 线管在线槽内用管卡或铜丝固定,间距300?。 电视线、网线等弱电应与强电水平距离保持500?(防止干扰)。 电路控制:灯、插座、厨卫、空调分路铺设,并且分开控制。穿电线的管路与煤气管、暖气管、热水之前的平行间距应不小于300?(个人认为最好400?以上)。防止导线因受热造成的导线绝缘层老化、防导线产生静电对煤气管路的影响。穿电线的管路与煤气管、暖气管、热水交叉时。交叉距离不能小于100?。 插座是左零右火.就是左边零,右边火线. 开关中过火线,零线直接到电器 he management of the system. First, build and improve the conversation reminded party members and cadres education system, aunt the responsibility of uncorrupted, really formed by system in politics, according to the rules, effective mechanisms for tmplemeittee. 3. pay close attention to the construction of a clean and honest government regulations implemented. Conscientiously is party branch secretaries to perform duties, efforts to form a team in unison, and the linkage of the work of the Party Commroot-Urged the first responsibility of grass nest responsibility, urged the team members to actively fulfil a gang double duty. mbers of the leading body of the Party Committee, put a gang two accountability targets, develop work plans, organizations hocorruption work deployments, according to a gang dual accountability requirements, clear roles and responsibilities for me-ied antinsibilities. Early each year organize conferences, in charge of the leadership, departments, units of the town clean and studrespo unty discipline Inspection Commission report implementation of clean two responsibilities. 2. clear a gang two accountabilitys and County, the County discipline Inspection Commission of the deployment and requirements, adhere to the County and the Coconsciousness of malfeasance at catching good honest, practical action into idea8tion of the special inspection and the system of democratic appraisal ofmentards. Second, persist in combining focused inspections and special inspections, paying careful attention to supervision, implesystem of cadres, 18, for the full implementation of responsibility of uncorrupted to provide favorable institutional safegua diting
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