首页 塔斯马尼亚——美如伊甸的“恶魔”之岛[权威资料]



塔斯马尼亚——美如伊甸的“恶魔”之岛[权威资料]塔斯马尼亚——美如伊甸的“恶魔”之岛[权威资料] 塔斯马尼亚——美如伊甸的“恶魔”之岛 当初记住了澳洲塔斯马尼亚这个地名,是由于某电视台的一 档饮食节目。这个充满阳光与海滩,布满新鲜美味海产的地方实 在让好吃恶劳的小编一见倾心~后来经过一番资料搜集,发现这 里更是一个“有故事”的地方,集“天使”与“魔鬼”的魅力于一身。身 处中土的寒冬,澳洲的盛夏让人向往,而塔斯马尼亚的美着实不 能忽略。 It is always wet on the west coast,” says my guide, Rosemary,...

塔斯马尼亚——美如伊甸的“恶魔”之岛[权威资料] 塔斯马尼亚——美如伊甸的“恶魔”之岛 当初记住了澳洲塔斯马尼亚这个地名,是由于某电视台的一 档饮食节目。这个充满阳光与海滩,布满新鲜美味海产的地方实 在让好吃恶劳的小编一见倾心~后来经过一番资料搜集,发现这 里更是一个“有故事”的地方,集“天使”与“魔鬼”的魅力于一身。身 处中土的寒冬,澳洲的盛夏让人向往,而塔斯马尼亚的美着实不 能忽略。 It is always wet on the west coast,” says my guide, Rosemary, drily. “Hence the rainforests.” We are standing on Sarah Island, in Tasmania?s Macquarie Harbour, as the wind whips the rain into a 1)frenzy. All around us are the overgrown ruins of the most feared penal colony in what Europeans used to call Van Diemen?s Land: the 2)solitary confinement cells, the administration buildings, the tannery, a bakehouse. This penal colony was for the worst offenders, 3)scourged and 4)dragooned into 5)logging and shipbuilding. “The „new penitentiary? was blown up in 1926 by a local mining engineer who wanted to 6)eradicate all traces of that dark period,” says Rosemary. “We weren?t even taught Tasmanian history at school—it was considered shameful.” We drip back aboard the Lady Franklin and negotiate the notoriously narrow and 7)treacherous entry into Macquarie Harbour, which the convicts, for obvious reasons, dubbed Hell?s Gate. Then, from the drama of the Southern Ocean, we sail up through the Edenic serenity of the Gordon River. Today, 160-odd years after the end of transportation and the name change from Van Diemen?s Land to Tasmania, Sarah Island is part of a Wilderness World Heritage Area, and convict sites form one of Tasmania?s biggest visitor attractions. 西岸这里常年潮湿,”我的导游露丝玛丽干巴巴地说到。“于 是便有了这些雨林。” 我们站在位于塔斯马尼亚麦加利港的萨拉岛上,雨丝在海风 的鞭打下狂舞。环绕我们周围的是杂草丛生的遗迹,曾属于一处 令人相当恐惧的罪犯流放地,欧洲人称之为“范迪门斯地”,包 括:独立的监禁单间、行政大楼、皮革厂和一座面包烘房。该罪 犯流放地是专为罪行最重的罪犯而设的,以鞭笞和各种残酷的手 段强迫他们去伐木造船。 露丝玛丽说:“„新监狱?的称谓是1926年由当地一名采矿工 程师提议的,目的是要根除掉黑暗时期的所有遗迹。过去,学校 课程里根本就不会讲到塔斯马尼亚的历史——被认为耻辱感太重 了。” 我们慢慢地走回到富兰克林夫人号上,小心翼翼地穿过那出 了名险恶的狭窄入口,驶入麦加利港,那里被罪犯们封为“地狱之 门”,原因显而易见。接着,经历过南冰洋的喜怒无常,我们沿戈 登河那伊甸园般的宁静顺流而上。流放的终结,“范迪门斯地”更 名为“塔斯马尼亚”,时至今日已过了一百六十余年,萨拉岛亦成 为了一个荒原世界遗产区的一部分,而这些罪恶遗址则成为了塔 斯马尼亚最大的旅游胜地之一。 Sarah Island?s surroundings of impenetrable temperate rainforest, which made escape all but impossible, have—since protesters in 1982 blockaded the Gordon River to prevent a hydroelectric project that would have flooded this pristine region—become a 8)rallying point for ecologists. Grateful visitors flock to see the primeval forests of myrtle, sassafras and a 2,000-year-old Huon pine. A scenic flight by seaplane is 9)de rigueur to appreciate the scale of the landscape—from the little fishing town of Strahan to the sweep of Macquarie Harbour, the immensity of the rainforest backdrop and the vast contortions of the rivers that carve through this landscape. Flying is also the only way to reach Sir John Falls, a magical spot where a limpid waterfall cascades into a pool tinged a vivid orange by the peaty ground, and dappled light filters through trees jacketed in brilliant moss. We then 10)bid farewell to Strahan, and drive along country roads to Cradle Mountain-Lake St Clair National Park, in the Central Highlands, for walks over button-grass plains and wildlife encounters, dining on marinated wallaby and sleeping in comfortable wooden cabins perched above gurgling creeks. When not served up on a plate, wallabies hop trustingly through the undergrowth, while furry 11)wombats display 12)circumspection born of experience, and dash down burrows at human approach. Tasmanian devils provide evening entertainment at a local sanctuary set up to safeguard these 13)endemic creatures from the facial tumour disease which is ravaging their numbers. A little devil called Windermere is summoned blinking to meet us, her apparently 14)cuddly 15)demeanour belying a 16)carnivorous bite force of 1,220lb—shown to good effect at feeding time with her screeching, squabbling siblings. 要逃离萨拉岛几乎是不可能的,因为岛的周围密布着无法穿 越的温带雨林。自从1982年抗议者封锁戈登河,阻止一个会引发 水灾覆没这片原始区域的水力发电项目后,这里便成了生态学家 们的大本营。大批幸运的游客蜂拥而往,到这片原始森林来看桃 金娘、黄樟,以及一棵已有两千岁的水松。 只有在水上飞机上好好地欣赏整道风景线才对得起这里的美 景——从思特雅寒的小渔镇到麦加利港的狂风,从巨幕般广阔无 垠的雨林到雕刻在大地上众多蜿蜒的河流。飞行也是唯一能接近 约翰公爵瀑布的途径,在这个美妙的地方,透明清澈的瀑布飞流 而下落入透着鲜橙色泥潭底的水塘里,并在覆满鲜艳苔藓的树上 照出斑驳的光影。 告别了思特雅寒,我们沿着乡村道路一直驶向位于中央高地 的摇篮山圣克莱尔湖国家公园,到那里是为了在扣子草平原上漫 步,与野生动物们邂逅,享用以卤汁烹调的小袋鼠肉,并在筑于 潺潺溪流上的舒适小木屋里睡美觉。 那些还没被奉上餐盘的小袋鼠们会天真地在树丛里跳来跳 去,而毛茸茸的袋熊则表现得谨慎老练得多,一发现有人类靠近 就立马冲下来躲到洞穴里。 “塔斯马尼亚恶魔”——袋獾因长期受着脸部癌症的折磨而数 量锐减,因此人们为保护当地独有的生物品种建立了本土避难 所,而它们则在夜晚时分为大家提供娱乐。一只名叫温德米尔的 小“恶魔”听到召唤后扑闪着小眼睛前来与我们相见,表面上她讨 人拥抱,举止可爱,掩饰了那肉食本性的1220磅撕咬力——进食 时伴随的尖叫声及同类的吵闹声,那兽性完全展露。 If the west coast of Tasmania was hell, the dry and sunny eastern shores were known to the convicts as paradise; the paradise of the Freycinet Peninsula, a projection into the Tasman Sea, named after a 19th-century French explorer who wrote of “picking up shells and chasing butterflies in an age of Revolution”. It seems an innocent enough pursuit, but the merest hint of French interest was enough to 17)spur the English into colonising Van Diemen?s Land. A 18)rose-tinted vision of pink granite mountains, the peninsula is thickly wooded with dry 19)sclerophyll forests of 20)eucalyptus and 21)casuarina, fringed with white sandy coves and lapping turquoise waters. I spend three days walking its 22-mile length, through woods alive with birdsong and the screech of yellow-tailed black 22)cockatoos, over 23)terrain that Nick, our young guide, 24)euphemistically terms “undulating flat”, and which leaves me gasping for breath. We follow old Aboriginal trails over ridges strewn with ancient 25)flints and middens of oyster shells, emerging in bays of heart-stopping loveliness. I learn that I can 26)nibble “sea 27)spinach”, a seaweed known as 28)“sea lettuce”and the base of snake grass (tastes like peas) for 29)sustenance—not that it was necessary. Dinners at the Friendly Beaches Lodge—a simple but comfortable wooden construction concealed behind coastal wattle on a deserted stretch of beach—are 30)convivial feasts of locally sourced produce. 如果说塔斯马尼亚的西岸是地狱,那么既干燥又阳光充裕的 东岸对罪犯来说实在是天堂;菲瑟涅半岛,突出并延伸入塔斯曼 海,在19世纪的一名法国探险家写下“在革命时代捡贝壳和扑蝴 蝶”的描述后而得名。这看上去不外乎一种再烂漫不过的追求,但 就是这种法式兴致泄露出来的哪怕是一丝最细微的线索,已足以 刺激英国人将这片范迪门斯地变成殖民地。 半岛上的粉色花岗岩山岳呈玫瑰色,覆盖着枝叶繁茂的植被 外衣,铺满长有桉树和木麻黄的干燥硬叶植物林,并以白色的沙 湾和光亮的蓝绿色海水作为边饰。我花了三天的时间步行通过它 那长达22英里的山路,穿越了生机勃勃的树林,那里充满了鸟鸣 和黄尾黑色小鹦鹉的尖叫声,翻越了我们年轻的导游尼克婉称为 “波浪起伏的平地”的地形,在这一区域行走着实让我喘不过气 来。 我们顺着老土著们留下的踪迹通过山脊,沿途撒满古老燧 石,以及常在海湾上出现的美得让人窒息的牡蛎壳堆。我学会细 嚼“海菠菜”,一种叫“海莴苣”的水草,和蛇草(蓝蓟)的底部(口 感像豌豆)来维生——但不是说非要这样不可。友好海滩旅馆— —是一座简单而舒适的木结构建筑物,坐落在海滩的荒芜延伸地 段,隐藏于沿岸而立的木板栏栅的后面——这里的晚餐则是用当 地出产的食材做出的一场欢乐盛宴。 But I cannot pretend. After this three-day burst of exertion, it is with relief that I fall into Saffire on Coles Bay, a heavenly hotel that, along with the eccentric and provocative Museum of Old and New Art in Hobart (which also offers sophisticated accommodation in its eight art-themed 31)“pavilions”), has given a fillip to Tasmania?s reputation, introducing new standards of contemporary 32)chic to an island that still rejoices in place names like Bust-Me-Gall Hill and Stinking Creek. I spent two weeks in Tasmania, and it was not enough. This island the size of Ireland is so diverse, so 33)blessed with the freshest, succulent produce, so far removed from the headlong rush of our century, that I was loath to leave. My final memory is of powering south along the cliffs of the Tasman Peninsula in high seas—granite mountains here replaced by theatrical mudstone arches and sea caves, and 34)sheer, dark Jurassic dolerite sculpted into 35)organ pipes and elephant skin by the waves. Albatross follow our wake to the end of the land, marked by the crashing sea and a solitary lighthouse high on a cliff. For romance and elemental appeal, it is a 36)peerless spot. 但我没法再假装下去了。经过这三天的全力跋涉,当下榻在 科尔斯湾天堂般的度假酒店萨费里时,我感到一种解脱。沿途还 有霍巴特那古怪刺激的古今艺术博物馆(该馆还在它那八座艺术 主 快递公司问题件快递公司问题件货款处理关于圆的周长面积重点题型关于解方程组的题及答案关于南海问题 展馆里提供精心 设计 领导形象设计圆作业设计ao工艺污水处理厂设计附属工程施工组织设计清扫机器人结构设计 的住宿服务),更推动了塔斯马尼亚的 名声传播,为这个仍以“累破胆山”和“臭湾”这样的地名为豪的海岛 带来时髦新 标准 excel标准偏差excel标准偏差函数exl标准差函数国标检验抽样标准表免费下载红头文件格式标准下载 。 我在塔斯马尼亚花了两周时间,感觉还不够。这座岛的面积 与爱尔兰岛相仿,但差别却很大,有着上天恩赐的新鲜多汁物 产,且远离我们这个世纪的浮躁烦嚣,所以我很不愿离开。我那 最后的记忆是在远海上沿着塔斯曼半岛的悬崖峭壁一路往南推进 ——到了这里,花岗岩山岳被夸张的泥岩拱桥和海蚀洞所代替了,还有那些又黑又峻峭的侏罗纪粗粒玄武岩被雕成了风琴管,被海浪推皱得犹如象皮。 信天翁一直追随着我们的尾波来到陆地的尽头,以翻腾的海水和那悬崖上孤独的灯塔为句号。若要说浪漫和自然吸引力,这里实在是一个举世无双的地点。 阅读相关报告总结文档:“钢铁”是怎样炼成的 复合螺纹循环指令G76加工轨迹的 分析 定性数据统计分析pdf销售业绩分析模板建筑结构震害分析销售进度分析表京东商城竞争战略分析 及应用 为父之道 步步惊心 束手无策回归初心 《国土安全》 最佳美剧打造记 学习践行优秀传统文化反思 玛拉拉?尤萨法扎伊 玛拉拉?尤萨法扎伊的日记 朝阳,隔岁香 同学聚会,你参加吗 产学合作下铁道交通运营管理专业培养模式 出版企业财务管 MPLS技术在海关骨干网改造中的应用研究 “自助式”英语语法教学 基于MCGS组态技术的智能楼宇综合控制实训平台设计 设计中如何获得创意 浅谈对口升学班与普通中专班的基础会计教学 如何指导学生正确阅读课外读物 高职化工专业无机化学实验课程教学改革初探 良好的学习 方法 快递客服问题件处理详细方法山木方法pdf计算方法pdf华与华方法下载八字理论方法下载 *本文若侵犯了您的权益,请留言。* 【学术论文】【总结报告】 【演讲致辞】【领导讲话】 【心得体会】 【党建材料】 【常用范文】【论文中心】 【应用文档】 免费阅读下载
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