首页 西安小升初语文试题



西安小升初语文试题西安小升初语文试题 语 文 请将所有答案做在答题卡上! 一、积累与运用(18分) 1、下列词语中加点字读音有误的是( )(2分) A.勉强(qiǎng) 比拟(nǐ) 水涨船高(zhǎng) ((( B.膝盖(xī) 追溯(sù) 谆谆教诲(huì) ((( C.炫耀(xuàn) 赈灾(zhèn) 装模作样(mó) ((( D.称职(chèn) 狭隘(ài) 鲜为人知(xiǎn) ((( 2、下面词语中,下面词语中没有错别字的一项是( )(2分) A.落寞 希翼 痛心疾首 重峦叠障 B.迁徙 晶莹 销声...

西安小升初语文试题 语 文 请将所有 答案 八年级地理上册填图题岩土工程勘察试题省略号的作用及举例应急救援安全知识车间5s试题及答案 做在答题卡上! 一、积累与运用(18分) 1、下列词语中加点字读音有误的是( )(2分) A.勉强(qiǎng) 比拟(nǐ) 水涨船高(zhǎng) ((( B.膝盖(xī) 追溯(sù) 谆谆教诲(huì) ((( C.炫耀(xuàn) 赈灾(zhèn) 装模作样(mó) ((( D.称职(chèn) 狭隘(ài) 鲜为人知(xiǎn) ((( 2、下面词语中,下面词语中没有错别字的一项是( )(2分) A.落寞 希翼 痛心疾首 重峦叠障 B.迁徙 晶莹 销声匿迹 千姿百态 C.玲珑 殉职 虎视眈眈 郑重其是 D.琐屑 狡黠 龙盘虎踞 通霄达旦 3、下面句子中加点词语使用正确的一项是( )(2分) A.回首中华民族充满血泪和屈辱的历史进程,我们不由得生出多难兴邦的历史感慨。 (((( B.集电脑、电话、相机、信用卡于一身,这款新型手机在生活中的作用被发挥得酣畅淋漓。 ((((C.现代社会信息量与时俱进,上网已成为追求时尚的中学生经常挂在嘴边热门话题。 (((( D(一项科学研究成果显示,播放古典音乐能促使食客情不自禁的慷慨解囊,从而增加酒店收入。 (((( 4、下列各句中,没有语病的一项是( )(2分) A(夏日的清凉山,真是我们纳凉避暑、休闲娱乐的好季节。 B(经过几个月紧张的复习,使我们可以从容、镇定地面对这次考试。 C(“五一”期间,我市个别景点的垃圾箱设置过少,以致游客乱扔垃圾,对此,我们认为景点管理部门并非不无 责任 安全质量包保责任状安全管理目标责任状8安全事故责任追究制幼儿园安全责任状占有损害赔偿请求权 。 D(我们要引导青少年用美的眼光去观察世界,用美的心灵去感受世界。 5、下面句子标点符号使用不正确的一项是( )(2分) A(亚马孙河、尼罗河、密西西比河和长江是世界四大河流。 B(他的那双大头皮鞋真是“空前绝后”——前面露出脚趾头,后面露出脚后跟。 C(据调查,读过《红岩》和《铁道游击队》的学生寥寥无几,红色经典读物大受冷落。 D(网络让人类有限的大脑实现任意链接,但是谁也不知道网络搜索会不会让人变笨, 6、名诗名句积累默写。(4分) (1)寒雨连江夜入吴, 。(王昌龄《芙蓉楼送辛渐》)(2) ,孤帆一片日边来。(李白《望天门山》) (3)遥望洞庭山水翠, 。 (刘禹锡《望洞庭》) (4) ,白雨跳珠乱入船。(苏轼《六月二十七日望湖楼醉 关于书的成语关于读书的排比句社区图书漂流公约怎么写关于读书的小报汉书pdf 》)。 7、名著阅读题。(2分)) 《水浒传》中外号叫“及时雨”的 ,外号叫“黑旋风”的是 。 8、仿照划线句子再写一句话。(2分) 每个人都渴望得到别人的理解,同样也应该学会理解别人。理解是一缕春风,唤醒沉寂的心田; , 。 二、综合性学习(4分) 材料 关于××同志的政审材料调查表环保先进个人材料国家普通话测试材料农民专业合作社注销四查四问剖析材料 一:下面是某省教育厅公布的该省学生体质状况最新监测结果。(箭头代表升降幅度) ensure that backfill compacting. 6.4.2 construction safety construction project since there are more heavy equipment for construction, construction must pay attention to security. Construction will earnestly implement the employer's company, supervising engineer of construction-related safety instructions, requirements, and improve safe operation of safe and civilized construction management and technology. (1) the construction vehicle, loader, backhoe and other heavy machinery and equipment maintenance as required to ensure the machine normal use. (2) Dumper filling face discharge, arrange command to avoid crash when reversing. (3) the bulldozed filling arrangement has some experience of the pilot and construction. 6.5 filling main equipment table of main construction equipment serial number name model units number remark 1 hydraulic excavator with backhoe loading and unloading truck 5T CAT320 3 2 8 3 wheel loader L30 3 4 loader ... 7.2.7 pressure concrete penstock in construction of concrete-filled steel tube concrete mixing truck transported horizontally HB60 direct placement of concrete delivery pump or chute directly from top to bottom in the granary, manual open, φ 38~ 50mm shaft for electric vibrating needle vibrated. Begin within 12~18h after finishing maintenance. Maintenance keep the mulch cover, protection of water saturation. 7.2.8 construction of hoist room-and-pillar method of concrete construction using layered construction from the bottom up, layer thickness 2.4m. Roof template uses the template of standard steel assembling, corner parts using small pieces of steel or wooden template, the template is used in 48mm steel pipe erection full House scaffolding support. Steel in steel processing processing is completed, transport by trucks to the construction site, then H30B perpendicular to the face of the tower crane, artificial binding welded. Concrete by tanker transport to the pier HB60 direct placement of concrete delivery pump, manual open, 38mm shaft for electric plug-in vibrator vibrating compaction. 7.3 7.3.1 in concrete construction of concrete (1) cement-cement construction drawings of buildings according to the requirements, configure the required cement concrete, cement in accordance with existing national and industry standards. Ship each batch of cement factory, on cement quality, factory certificate, review the information for inspection re-inspection. Transport of cement in the transport process, the different varieties and different levels of intensity may not be mixed, and to take measures to prevent the cement from moisture. Storage delivery of cement according to the variety, intensity, the factory lot, bagged or in bulk, respectively, kept in its own warehouses or storage tank to prevent cement deterioration. Bags of cement manufacture date not more than 3 months, bulk cement factory date not more 监测项目 升降幅度 监测项目 升降幅度 身高 ? 肺活量 ? 体重 ? 视力 ? 胸围 ? 男子1000米、女子800米 ? 材料二 据《中国青年报》报道:某军区新兵训练~55,的新兵怕跑步~跑不动~跑不远~一累就虚脱。新兵一连进行站军姿训练~不到20分钟~全连117名新兵中~竟有9人晕倒。 材料三 据《河南日报》报道~为在全国亿万青少年学生中广泛开展群众性体育活动~引导学生们到阳光下、到操场上、到大自然中积极参加体育锻炼~成长为共和国的体魄强健、意志坚强、充满活力的建设者~‚全国亿万青少年学生阳光体育运动?于2007年4月29日全面启动~‚河南省千万学生阳光体育运动?也随之启动。 9、从材料一、二中,你发现青少年体质状况呈现出什么特点,(2分) 10、请为“阳光体育运动”拟一条宣传标语。(2分) 三、阅读理解(28分) ,一,现代文阅读 北京时间不到点,17分, ?儿子放假了~天天日上三竿才起。每天上午十点之前~我俩跑到附近的‚德克士?快餐店~要上两个汉堡两杯可乐~早饭就算打发了。‚德克士?这段时间搞活动:早上十点以前、晚上八点以后~汉堡买一送一。在儿子看来~这就是他的‚幸福生活?。 ?这天~我们进去刚坐定~从门外急匆匆进来两个人~看样子也是父子俩。父子俩在柜台前站定~气喘如牛。父亲是个四十来岁的中年人~儿子则跟我孩子不相上下。他们身上的装束~显然是农村集贸市场上的流行款~与时尚明亮的大厅显得格格不入。这对父子的到来引起了大家都好奇~我注意到有些食客像我一样~一边大口嚼饮一边余光旁观。我的位置刚好正对柜台~父子俩的一举一动都在为的视线里。 ?乡下父亲一边急急地掏钱~一边喊口令似的对服务员说:‚同志~要两个汉堡?服务员似乎不大习惯他这种称呼~用手掩了下嘴~笑着说:‚先生要什么样的汉堡,?向下父亲有点犹豫~显得拿不定主意~但仅仅一瞬~他便坚定地指着墙上一幅宣传画说‚要那个~十块钱的。?服务员微笑着说:‚两个超级鸡腿堡~20元。?乡下父亲愣了~说:‚你们不是‘买一送一’吗,?服务员微笑着解释:‚对不起先生~我们的活动 规定 关于下班后关闭电源的规定党章中关于入党时间的规定公务员考核规定下载规定办法文件下载宁波关于闷顶的规定 ~早上十点之前或晚上8点之前以后购买可享受‚买一送一?的优惠。?说着用手一指墙上的报时钟~‚您看~现在已经十点过三分了。?乡下父亲‚啊?来一声~掏钱的手便不动了~失望凝固在脸上。 ?他的儿子在旁边似乎也明白了~很丧气的垂下了头。乡下父亲不安起来~局促地对儿子说:‚勇~要不~咱明天再来,?叫勇的小孩说:‚明天还要看我妈哩:?乡下父亲搓着手不吭声了~脸上的表情更加尴尬。他转而试探地问服务员:‚同志~能不能~宽限几分钟,我们一大早就往这儿赶~结果还是给耽误了:?服务员依旧微笑着~不紧不慢地说:‚对不起先生~这是我们公司的规定~我也做不了主。?乡下父亲又失望地转向儿子:‚勇~要不晚上过来8点咱们再来,?勇说:‚爸~十几里地~天黑咋走呀,?乡下父亲说:‚你不用来~我来:?勇说:‚算了~我不吃了~就当我没有考‘双百’。?说着又低下了头。 ?乡下父亲咬了咬牙~枯皴的手在衣袋里摸索~似乎做出来了一个艰难的决定。我不经意地看了眼手机~显示十点零五分。儿子正往嘴里海塞~见我看手机~顺口问几点了~我刚要回答~一个念头突然在脑海里出现~让我既紧张又兴奋~心理怦怦直跳。我答道:‚十点?事不宜迟~我还要将错误进行到底:硬了硬头皮~我朝柜台方向高声喊道:‚服务员~你们的表快了:快了整整5分钟:?意想不到的是~旁边竟然有人附和:‚对~对:快了5分钟:?还有人迅速地调着手机~然后高高举起:‚看~现在刚十点:?我看到~尽管这时用餐的人不多~但几乎所有人都发出了一致的声音。 -of hoist roomhin 12~18h after finishing maintenance. Maintenance keep the mulch cover, protection of water saturation. 7.2.8 construction ectly from top to bottom in the granary, manual open, φ 38~ 50mm shaft for electric vibrating needle vibrated. Begin witfilled steel tube concrete mixing truck transported horizontally HB60 direct placement of concrete delivery pump or chute dir-f concreteion oe loading and unloading truck 5T CAT320 3 2 8 3 wheel loader L30 3 4 loader ... 7.2.7 pressure concrete penstock in constructequipment table of main construction equipment serial number name model units number remark 1 hydraulic excavator with backho main id crash when reversing. (3) the bulldozed filling arrangement has some experience of the pilot and construction. 6.5 fillingequipment maintenance as required to ensure the machine normal use. (2) Dumper filling face discharge, arrange command to avo ology. (1) the construction vehicle, loader, backhoe and other heavy machinery andrelated safety instructions, requirements, and improve safe operation of safe and civilized construction management and techn-'s company, supervising engineer of constructiontruction, construction must pay attention to security. Construction will earnestly implement the employerensure that backfill compacting. 6.4.2 construction safety construction project since there are more heavy equipment for cons. Bags of cement manufacture date not more than 3 months, bulk cement factory date not morerationnsity, the factory lot, bagged or in bulk, respectively, kept in its own warehouses or storage tank to prevent cement deteriobe mixed, and to take measures to prevent the cement from moisture. Storage delivery of cement according to the variety, inteinspection. Transport of cement in the transport process, the different varieties and different levels of intensity may not -ion restry standards. Ship each batch of cement factory, on cement quality, factory certificate, review the information for inspectcordance with existing national and inducement construction drawings of buildings according to the requirements, configure the required cement concrete, cement in ac-n vibrator vibrating compaction. 7.3 7.3.1 in concrete construction of concrete (1) cementi-plugncrete by tanker transport to the pier HB60 direct placement of concrete delivery pump, manual open, 38mm shaft for electric ort by trucks to the construction site, then H30B perpendicular to the face of the tower crane, artificial binding welded. Cotranspplate is used in 48mm steel pipe erection full House scaffolding support. Steel in steel processing processing is completed, template uses the template of standard steel assembling, corner parts using small pieces of steel or wooden template, the tempillar method of concrete construction using layered construction from the bottom up, layer thickness 2.4m. Roof -and2 ?一时间~柜台里的服务员全楞了~你看我~我看你~有些不知所措。刚才几个正忙不迭地说着: ‚先生欢迎关临?‚先生请慢走?的服务员也马上噤了声~纷纷朝这边张望。乡下父亲和儿子也转过 头来~一脸感激的寻找~寻找帮他们说话的人。他们的眼睛逐一扫过去~找不到定格的地方。顿时~ 整个大厅安静下来了~只有反复播放的轻音乐在低回萦绕。 ?刚才一直为父子俩‚服务?的那个服务员掏出手机~狐疑地看着。一边看~一边模仿着电台播 音员报时的腔调:‚现在是北京时间——?她故意顿了一下~而后一个字一个字地说:‚不——到— —点:?说完扬起脸~冲其他姐妹诡秘地一笑。接着~我听到~整个柜台内响起一片银铃般的‚报时 声?:‚北京时间——不到点:?‚北京时间——不到点?…… ?乡下父亲从服务员手里接过热乎乎的两个汉堡~转过身~用手背悄悄揩了下眼睛。 11、请用简洁的语言概括文章的主要内容。(2分) 12、联系全文,说说“北京时间不到点”的含义。(4分) 13、第?段对乡下父子运用了哪些描写方法,有何作用,(4分) 联姓 系名 14、体会下列加点词语的含义及作用。(4分) 电(1)乡下父亲“啊”了一声,掏钱的手便不动了,失望凝固在脸上。 话 (( (2)乡下父亲从服务员手里接过热乎乎的两个汉堡,转过身,用手背揩了下眼睛。 (父 15、如果你是乡下儿子,吃到这来之不易的汉堡时,最想说些什么,(不少于30字)(3分) (二)文言文阅读(7分) ???鲁人有好钓者~以桂为饵~锻黄金之钩~错以银碧~垂翡翠之纶~其持竿处位即是~然其得 性鱼不几矣。故曰:‚钓之务不在芳饰~事之急不在辩言。? 别 (节选自《太平御览》) 【注】?错:镶嵌。?纶(lún):钓鱼绳。?是:正确。 16、解释下列句子中加点字的的意思。(3分) )鲁人有好钓者 ( ) (1( 学(2)以桂为饵 ( ) (校 (3)故曰 ( ) 母 ( 17、翻译划线的句子。(2分) 其持竿处位即是,然其得鱼不几矣。 18、读了这则寓言,你受到什么启发,(2分) (三)、古诗阅读(4分) 夜雪 母 白居易 已讶衾枕冷~复见窗户明。 夜深知雪重~时闻折竹声。 19、这首诗没有从下面从哪个角度来描写夜雪,(2分) A. 触觉 B.视觉 C.嗅觉 D.听觉 20、从诗歌描写的情景中,你可以感知到作者 的心境。(2分) 答 题 卡 一、积累与运用(18分) 1.(2分)( )2.(2分)( )3.(2分)( )4.(2分)( ) 5.(2分)( ) 6.(4分)? ? -loader L30 3 4 loader ... 7.2.7 pressure concrete penstock in construction of concrete wheel serial number name model units number remark 1 hydraulic excavator with backhoe loading and unloading truck 5T CAT320 3 2 8 3rangement has some experience of the pilot and construction. 6.5 filling main equipment table of main construction equipment ng armachine normal use. (2) Dumper filling face discharge, arrange command to avoid crash when reversing. (3) the bulldozed filli . (1) the construction vehicle, loader, backhoe and other heavy machinery and equipment maintenance as required to ensure theologyrelated safety instructions, requirements, and improve safe operation of safe and civilized construction management and techn-pay attention to security. Construction will earnestly implement the employer's company, supervising engineer of constructiontruction, construction must ensure that backfill compacting. 6.4.2 construction safety construction project since there are more heavy equipment for cons3 months, bulk cement factory date not morey, kept in its own warehouses or storage tank to prevent cement deterioration. Bags of cement manufacture date not more than ctivelment from moisture. Storage delivery of cement according to the variety, intensity, the factory lot, bagged or in bulk, respet process, the different varieties and different levels of intensity may not be mixed, and to take measures to prevent the ceinspection. Transport of cement in the transpor-y, on cement quality, factory certificate, review the information for inspection reequired cement concrete, cement in accordance with existing national and industry standards. Ship each batch of cement factorcement construction drawings of buildings according to the requirements, configure the r-in vibrator vibrating compaction. 7.3 7.3.1 in concrete construction of concrete (1) cement-cement of concrete delivery pump, manual open, 38mm shaft for electric plugct plaB perpendicular to the face of the tower crane, artificial binding welded. Concrete by tanker transport to the pier HB60 direcaffolding support. Steel in steel processing processing is completed, transport by trucks to the construction site, then H30ouse sembling, corner parts using small pieces of steel or wooden template, the template is used in 48mm steel pipe erection full Hon using layered construction from the bottom up, layer thickness 2.4m. Roof template uses the template of standard steel asspillar method of concrete constructi-and-nce keep the mulch cover, protection of water saturation. 7.2.8 construction of hoist roomnual open, φ 38~ 50mm shaft for electric vibrating needle vibrated. Begin within 12~18h after finishing maintenance. Maintenaectly from top to bottom in the granary, mafilled steel tube concrete mixing truck transported horizontally HB60 direct placement of concrete delivery pump or chute dir3 ? ____________ __________ ? 7. (2分) ( ) ( ) 8.(2分) , 二、综合性学习(4分) 9.(2分) 10.(2分) 三、阅读理解(28分) (一)现代文阅读 (17分) 11.(2分) 12.(4分) 13((4分) 14. (4分) 15.(3分) (二)文言文阅读(7分) 16((3分)(1) (2) (3) 17. (2分) 18. (2分) (三)古诗阅读(4分) -of hoist roomhin 12~18h after finishing maintenance. Maintenance keep the mulch cover, protection of water saturation. 7.2.8 construction ectly from top to bottom in the granary, manual open, φ 38~ 50mm shaft for electric vibrating needle vibrated. Begin witfilled steel tube concrete mixing truck transported horizontally HB60 direct placement of concrete delivery pump or chute dir-f concreteion oe loading and unloading truck 5T CAT320 3 2 8 3 wheel loader L30 3 4 loader ... 7.2.7 pressure concrete penstock in constructequipment table of main construction equipment serial number name model units number remark 1 hydraulic excavator with backho main id crash when reversing. (3) the bulldozed filling arrangement has some experience of the pilot and construction. 6.5 fillingequipment maintenance as required to ensure the machine normal use. (2) Dumper filling face discharge, arrange command to avo ology. (1) the construction vehicle, loader, backhoe and other heavy machinery andrelated safety instructions, requirements, and improve safe operation of safe and civilized construction management and techn-'s company, supervising engineer of constructiontruction, construction must pay attention to security. Construction will earnestly implement the employerensure that backfill compacting. 6.4.2 construction safety construction project since there are more heavy equipment for cons. Bags of cement manufacture date not more than 3 months, bulk cement factory date not morerationnsity, the factory lot, bagged or in bulk, respectively, kept in its own warehouses or storage tank to prevent cement deteriobe mixed, and to take measures to prevent the cement from moisture. Storage delivery of cement according to the variety, inteinspection. Transport of cement in the transport process, the different varieties and different levels of intensity may not -ion restry standards. Ship each batch of cement factory, on cement quality, factory certificate, review the information for inspectcordance with existing national and inducement construction drawings of buildings according to the requirements, configure the required cement concrete, cement in ac-n vibrator vibrating compaction. 7.3 7.3.1 in concrete construction of concrete (1) cementi-plugncrete by tanker transport to the pier HB60 direct placement of concrete delivery pump, manual open, 38mm shaft for electric ort by trucks to the construction site, then H30B perpendicular to the face of the tower crane, artificial binding welded. Cotranspplate is used in 48mm steel pipe erection full House scaffolding support. Steel in steel processing processing is completed, template uses the template of standard steel assembling, corner parts using small pieces of steel or wooden template, the tempillar method of concrete construction using layered construction from the bottom up, layer thickness 2.4m. Roof -and4 20. (2分)( ) 21. (2分) ouse sembling, corner parts using small pieces of steel or wooden template, the template is used in 48mm steel pipe erection full Hon using layered construction from the bottom up, layer thickness 2.4m. Roof template uses the template of standard steel asspillar method of concrete constructi-and-nce keep the mulch cover, protection of water saturation. 7.2.8 construction of hoist roomnual open, φ 38~ 50mm shaft for electric vibrating needle vibrated. Begin within 12~18h after finishing maintenance. Maintenaectly from top to bottom in the granary, mafilled steel tube concrete mixing truck transported horizontally HB60 direct placement of concrete delivery pump or chute dir-loader L30 3 4 loader ... 7.2.7 pressure concrete penstock in construction of concrete wheel serial number name model units number remark 1 hydraulic excavator with backhoe loading and unloading truck 5T CAT320 3 2 8 3rangement has some experience of the pilot and construction. 6.5 filling main equipment table of main construction equipment ng armachine normal use. (2) Dumper filling face discharge, arrange command to avoid crash when reversing. (3) the bulldozed filli . (1) the construction vehicle, loader, backhoe and other heavy machinery and equipment maintenance as required to ensure theologyrelated safety instructions, requirements, and improve safe operation of safe and civilized construction management and techn-pay attention to security. Construction will earnestly implement the employer's company, supervising engineer of constructiontruction, construction must ensure that backfill compacting. 6.4.2 construction safety construction project since there are more heavy equipment for cons3 months, bulk cement factory date not morey, kept in its own warehouses or storage tank to prevent cement deterioration. Bags of cement manufacture date not more than ctivelment from moisture. Storage delivery of cement according to the variety, intensity, the factory lot, bagged or in bulk, respet process, the different varieties and different levels of intensity may not be mixed, and to take measures to prevent the ceinspection. Transport of cement in the transpor-y, on cement quality, factory certificate, review the information for inspection reequired cement concrete, cement in accordance with existing national and industry standards. Ship each batch of cement factorcement construction drawings of buildings according to the requirements, configure the r-in vibrator vibrating compaction. 7.3 7.3.1 in concrete construction of concrete (1) cement-cement of concrete delivery pump, manual open, 38mm shaft for electric plugct plaB perpendicular to the face of the tower crane, artificial binding welded. Concrete by tanker transport to the pier HB60 direcaffolding support. Steel in steel processing processing is completed, transport by trucks to the construction site, then H305
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