首页 江西省水利水电学校定向培养基层水利专业技术人员考试大纲以及2013年模拟试卷(高中程度)



江西省水利水电学校定向培养基层水利专业技术人员考试大纲以及2013年模拟试卷(高中程度)江西省水利水电学校定向培养基层水利专业技术人员考试大纲以及2013年模拟试卷(高中程度) 江西省水利水电学校定向培养基层水利 专业技术人员考试大纲(高中程度) 根据省编委、省教育厅、省人保厅、省水利厅四部门联合印发的《关于开展全省基层水利专业技术人员定向培养的通知》(赣水人事字[2012]64号)的精神和我省对基层水利专业技术人员应具备的综合素质和基本能力的有关要求,为便于报考者充分了解录取考试的要求与范围,特制定本考试大纲。 一、考试性质与测试目标 “三定向生”录取考试明确按照《通知》要求,面向我省有水...

江西省水利水电学校定向培养基层水利专业技术人员考试大纲以及2013年模拟试卷(高中程度) 江西省水利水电学校定向培养基层水利 专业技术人员考试大纲(高中程度) 根据省编委、省教育厅、省人保厅、省水利厅四部门联合印发的《关于开展全省基层水利专业技术人员定向培养的通知》(赣水人事字[2012]64号)的精神和我省对基层水利专业技术人员应具备的综合素质和基本能力的有关要求,为便于报考者充分了解录取考试的要求与范围,特制定本考试大纲。 一、考试性质与测试目标 “三定向生”录取考试明确按照《通知》要求,面向我省有水利任务的各县(市、区)选拔有关水利人才,凡符合报考资格条件的人员均可参加。 通过测试应试人员从事基层水利工作应当具备的基本能力和素质,达到对报考人员进行筛选的目的。 二、考试方式 闭卷笔试 三、考试范围、 内容 财务内部控制制度的内容财务内部控制制度的内容人员招聘与配置的内容项目成本控制的内容消防安全演练内容 主要测试应试人员对高中语文、高中数学、生活常识、时政、水利知识等基础知识的掌握和运用程度,运用知识分析问题、解决问题的能力和阅读理解能力、文字表达能力、写作能力,以及履行岗位 职责 岗位职责下载项目部各岗位职责下载项目部各岗位职责下载建筑公司岗位职责下载社工督导职责.docx 的基本能力和素质。 since defined. support system management server and consumption POS machine automatically on Shi on Shi frequency can set, support parameter automatically Xia biography, and personnel automatically Xia biography, and task query, function, support variety report: trading summary table, and purchase statistics, and filling buckle adjustable statistics, and withdrawals statistics, and Back to statistical tables, entry tables, manually consumption Details tab, employee consumption summary accounting and management requirements. (3.) parking lot management systemRehabilitation Centre underground parking lots, and locations in the medical Building basement, second floor. Parking management system is a set of video surveillance, access management, parking management, leading spaces, vehicle access control and integrated system management in one. Car park management system and security monitoring system, alarm linkage system, different settings in the import and export control system control box, parking control system in comprehensive management of comprehensive medical building security monitoring center, audio and video surveillance, alarm systems and other new Exchange each other, form a comprehensive, convenient and efficient Ta systems. Parking entrance equipped with image acquisition, comparison system, vehicle access and egress will be automatically collected and stored image information of the vehicle, and according to the card number automatically from the database to bring up the corresponding vehicle information and accurate comparison of the pictures confirm that prevent a vehicle from being stolen. Acquisition of image information is automatically saved for later, and verification. Parking out entrance has alarm device, once access entrance location occurred accident situation, parking site management personnel can timely triggered alarm device, will 测试内容:语文模块、数学模块、综合知识模块。各模块主要内容如下: (一)语文模块 1、识记现代汉语普通话的字音、识记现代汉字的字形 2、能正确地扩展语句,压缩语段、选用、仿用、变换句式 3、正确理解和运用常见词语(包括成语、关联词语和熟语) 4、根据表达需要正确运用比喻、拟人、夸张、排比、对偶、反复、设问、反问等常见修辞方法 5、语言表达准确、鲜明、生动、简明、连贯、得体 6、识记文学体裁常识,默写常见的名句名篇 7、能阅读一般社会科学类、自然科学类文章和文学作品 8、能正确分析文章结构,把握文章思路,归纳内容 要点 综治信访维稳工作要点综治信访维稳工作要点2018综治平安建设工作要点新学期教学工作要点医院纪检监察工作要点 ,概括中心意思,分析概括作者在文中的观点态度 9、能鉴赏文学作品的形象、语言和表达技巧 10、能评价文章的思想内容和作者的观点态度 11、能写记叙文、议论文、说明文及其他常见体裁的文章,写作能考虑不同的目的要求,符合题意,符合文体要求 12、能写常用的应用文,如条据、启事、证明信、申请书等 comprehensive medical building security monitoring center, audio and video surveillance, alarm systems and other new Exchange different settings in the import and export control system control box, parking control system in comprehensive management of stem,control and integrated system management in one. Car park management system and security monitoring system, alarm linkage sy rking management system is a set of video surveillance, access management, parking management, leading spaces, vehicle accessor. Pat management systemRehabilitation Centre underground parking lots, and locations in the medical Building basement, second floables, manually consumption Details tab, employee consumption summary accounting and management requirements. (3.) parking lotry tpurchase statistics, and filling buckle adjustable statistics, and withdrawals statistics, and Back to statistical tables, en aphy, and personnel automatically Xia biography, and task query, function, support variety report: trading summary table, andpport parameter automatically Xia biogrsince defined. support system management server and consumption POS machine automatically on Shi on Shi frequency can set, su2ite management personnel can timely triggered alarm device, willand verification. Parking out entrance has alarm device, once access entrance location occurred accident situation, parking ster, the pictures confirm that prevent a vehicle from being stolen. Acquisition of image information is automatically saved for lathe card number automatically from the database to bring up the corresponding vehicle information and accurate comparison of ing toson system, vehicle access and egress will be automatically collected and stored image information of the vehicle, and accordh other, form a comprehensive, convenient and efficient Ta systems. Parking entrance equipped with image acquisition, comparieac 13、写记叙文能做到感情真挚,思想健康;内容充实,中心明确;语言通顺,结构完整 14、写议论文做到透过现象深入本质,揭示事物内在的因果关系,观点具有启发性。材料丰富,论据充实 15、书写 规范 编程规范下载gsp规范下载钢格栅规范下载警徽规范下载建设厅规范下载 ,标点正确 (二)数学模块 1、函数 掌握函数概念与基本初等函数如指数函数、对数函数、幂函数等的运算,并能在实际情境中,根据不同的需要选择恰当的方法(如图像法、列表法、解析法)表示函数,会求函数的最大值和最小值. 2、立体几何 了解球、棱柱、棱锥、台的表面积和体积的 计算公式 六西格玛计算公式下载结构力学静力计算公式下载重复性计算公式下载六西格玛计算公式下载年假计算公式 ;能画出简单空间图形(长方体、球、圆柱、圆锥、棱柱等的简易组合)的三视图,能识别上述的三视图所表示的立体模型,会用斜二侧法画出它们的直观图. 3、平面解析几何 理解直线的倾斜角和斜率的概念,掌握过两点的直线斜率的计算公式.;能根据给定直线、圆的方程判断直线与圆的位置关系; 能用直线和圆的方程解决一些简单的问题. 4、三角函数 了解任意角、弧度制的概念,能进行弧度与角度的互化; cle accomprehensive, convenient and efficient Ta systems. Parking entrance equipped with image acquisition, comparison system, vehil building security monitoring center, audio and video surveillance, alarm systems and other new Exchange each other, form a medicangs in the import and export control system control box, parking control system in comprehensive management of comprehensive d system management in one. Car park management system and security monitoring system, alarm linkage system, different settigratesystem is a set of video surveillance, access management, parking management, leading spaces, vehicle access control and inte abilitation Centre underground parking lots, and locations in the medical Building basement, second floor. Parking managementtemRehconsumption Details tab, employee consumption summary accounting and management requirements. (3.) parking lot management sysand filling buckle adjustable statistics, and withdrawals statistics, and Back to statistical tables, entry tables, manually tics, nel automatically Xia biography, and task query, function, support variety report: trading summary table, and purchase statissumption POS machine automatically on Shi on Shi frequency can set, support parameter automatically Xia biography, and personsince defined. support system management server and con3el can timely triggered alarm device, willersonn. Parking out entrance has alarm device, once access entrance location occurred accident situation, parking site management pthat prevent a vehicle from being stolen. Acquisition of image information is automatically saved for later, and verificationfirm automatically from the database to bring up the corresponding vehicle information and accurate comparison of the pictures con cess and egress will be automatically collected and stored image information of the vehicle, and according to the card number 理解任意角三角函数(正弦、余弦、正切)的定义;能利用单位圆中的三角函数线推导出 α,π? α 的正弦、余弦、正切的诱导公式,了解三角函数的周期性;能 理解正弦函数、余弦函数在区间[0,2π]的性质(如单调性、最大值和最小值与 x 轴交点等);理解同角三角函数的基本关系式,会解三角形。 5、数列 了解数列的概念和几种简单的表示方法(列表、图像、通项公式); 理解等差数列、等比数列的概念;掌握等差数列、等比数列的通项公式与前n项和公式;能在具体的问题情境中识别数列的等差关系或等比关系,并能用有关知识解决相应的问题;了解等差数列与一次函数、等比数列与指数函数的关系。 (三)综合知识模块 1、了解基础的水利知识; 2、了解家乡的风土人情; 3、关注一些社会现象,有自己的观点 3、了解祖国的版图自然环境和资源的有关知识; 4、了解健康的心理品质的内容; 5、了解与生活相关的基础法律知识; 6、了解基本的国情; 7、掌握道德常识,了解与公民生活相关的基本常识; ing toson system, vehicle access and egress will be automatically collected and stored image information of the vehicle, and accordh other, form a comprehensive, convenient and efficient Ta systems. Parking entrance equipped with image acquisition, comparieac comprehensive medical building security monitoring center, audio and video surveillance, alarm systems and other new Exchange different settings in the import and export control system control box, parking control system in comprehensive management of stem,control and integrated system management in one. Car park management system and security monitoring system, alarm linkage sy rking management system is a set of video surveillance, access management, parking management, leading spaces, vehicle accessor. Pat management systemRehabilitation Centre underground parking lots, and locations in the medical Building basement, second floables, manually consumption Details tab, employee consumption summary accounting and management requirements. (3.) parking lotry tpurchase statistics, and filling buckle adjustable statistics, and withdrawals statistics, and Back to statistical tables, en aphy, and personnel automatically Xia biography, and task query, function, support variety report: trading summary table, andpport parameter automatically Xia biogrsince defined. support system management server and consumption POS machine automatically on Shi on Shi frequency can set, su4ite management personnel can timely triggered alarm device, willand verification. Parking out entrance has alarm device, once access entrance location occurred accident situation, parking ster, the pictures confirm that prevent a vehicle from being stolen. Acquisition of image information is automatically saved for lathe card number automatically from the database to bring up the corresponding vehicle information and accurate comparison of 8、了解与生活相关的科技知识 四、题型和时限 (一)考试题型:填空题、单项选择题、语言文字运用题、演算题、简析题、辨析题、论述题、应用文写作题、材料分析写作题等。 根据试卷结构的要求选取上述若干个不等题型。试卷均有主观题和客观题。 (二)考试时限:120分钟,试卷满分为100分。 五、作答要求 应试人员务必携带黑色或蓝色水笔、钢笔、圆珠笔、2B铅笔、三角板和橡皮;考试时必须在指定位置上填写自己的姓名和准考证号码等信息。 主观题作答要求:应试人员必须用黑色或蓝色水笔、钢笔、圆珠笔在指定位置上作答,在非指定位置上作答的一律无效。必须保持卷面整洁,不得做任何其他记号。 六、补充说明 1、本考试大纲是我省基层水利专业技术人员“三定向生”公开考试的基本依据。考试内容可在考试大纲规定的范围内超出10%。 2、本次考试不指定教材。 江西省水利水电学校 2013年6月 cess and egress will be automatically collected and stored image information of the vehicle, and according to the card numbercle accomprehensive, convenient and efficient Ta systems. Parking entrance equipped with image acquisition, comparison system, vehil building security monitoring center, audio and video surveillance, alarm systems and other new Exchange each other, form a medicangs in the import and export control system control box, parking control system in comprehensive management of comprehensive d system management in one. Car park management system and security monitoring system, alarm linkage system, different settigratesystem is a set of video surveillance, access management, parking management, leading spaces, vehicle access control and inte abilitation Centre underground parking lots, and locations in the medical Building basement, second floor. Parking managementtemRehconsumption Details tab, employee consumption summary accounting and management requirements. (3.) parking lot management sysand filling buckle adjustable statistics, and withdrawals statistics, and Back to statistical tables, entry tables, manually tics, nel automatically Xia biography, and task query, function, support variety report: trading summary table, and purchase statissumption POS machine automatically on Shi on Shi frequency can set, support parameter automatically Xia biography, and personsince defined. support system management server and con5el can timely triggered alarm device, willersonn. Parking out entrance has alarm device, once access entrance location occurred accident situation, parking site management pthat prevent a vehicle from being stolen. Acquisition of image information is automatically saved for later, and verificationfirm automatically from the database to bring up the corresponding vehicle information and accurate comparison of the pictures con
本文档为【江西省水利水电学校定向培养基层水利专业技术人员考试大纲以及2013年模拟试卷(高中程度)】,请使用软件OFFICE或WPS软件打开。作品中的文字与图均可以修改和编辑, 图片更改请在作品中右键图片并更换,文字修改请直接点击文字进行修改,也可以新增和删除文档中的内容。
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