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图书出版的流程图书出版的流程 我在和作者联系的时候,作者把稿件交给我之后,合同签订之前,总是问我出版的流程是怎样的,出版社对书稿的加工过程是怎样的,也就是说,他们很关心我们是怎样把一份稿件变成一本书的。 我想,他们之所以关心这个问题,一是出于天然的好奇,对出版流程感兴趣;二是出于关心,希望在出版的过程中帮忙处理,这是很自然的。在此,本人对出版流程做一个描述,希望广大作者了解,这样也方便对我们出版工作,特别是编辑工作的理解,有助于双方的沟通与合作,促成作品的顺利完成。 其实关于出版流程,国务院1997年210号令《出版管理条...

关于书的成语关于读书的排比句社区图书漂流公约怎么写关于读书的小报汉书pdf 出版的流程 我在和作者联系的时候,作者把稿件交给我之后,合同签订之前,总是问我出版的流程是怎样的,出版社对书稿的加工过程是怎样的,也就是说,他们很关心我们是怎样把一份稿件变成一本书的。 我想,他们之所以关心这个问题,一是出于天然的好奇,对出版流程感兴趣;二是出于关心,希望在出版的过程中帮忙处理,这是很自然的。在此,本人对出版流程做一个描述,希望广大作者了解,这样也方便对我们出版工作,特别是编辑工作的理解,有助于双方的沟通与合作,促成作品的顺利完成。 其实关于出版流程,国务院1997年210号令《出版管理条理》、国家新闻出版署1997年79号令《图书质量管理规定》以及1997年7号令《出版物印刷管理规定》,已经有法规性的规定,但是这不是很系统,也不是很简明扼要,普通的作者不需要这样冗长而枯燥的阅读,只需要我们编辑和出版管理者了解就够了。 对于图书的出版流程,本人2005年开始撰写的硕士毕业 论文 政研论文下载论文大学下载论文大学下载关于长拳的论文浙大论文封面下载 《基于市场的大型出版工程项目管理的流程设计与要素控制》上曾经有比较专业的研究,现在读来,虽然这是涉及到的市场图书的出版流程研究,从内容上来看也不愧为一个值得借鉴的成果,先摘录如下(注意蓝色文字)。 编号 工作内容 工作描述 承担部门 01 信息收集 全方位收集与项目选题相关的图书信息 项目办 02 信息加工 处理、总结、综合、提炼收集到的信息 项目办 03 选题预测 确立选题的方向和内容 项目办 通过对选题策划质量的评估确定其是否可以组织实施04 选题论证 总编办 出版项目 05 选题 计划 项目进度计划表范例计划下载计划下载计划下载课程教学计划下载 将通过的选题列入出版单位选题计划 总编办 06 组稿 发现、选择、组织作者完成作品创作 项目办 07 跟踪 解决作者写作过程中的问题,提供帮助 编辑部 Monitoring Center security deployment statistics are as follows: security point distribution statistics-medical building, rehabilitation building, 2nd floor, serial number F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 B1 B2 camera camera alarm detection access control alarm detection access control pickup pickup camera camera alarm detection access control alarm detection access control pickup pickup camera camera alarm detection access control alarm detection access control pickup pickup camera detection medical alarm building 41, # # 5 16 6 # 5 3 7 # # 4 3 9 18 10 6 4 6 4 2nd on the rehabilitation floor, building 2, 1 ... To alarm system, depending on audio monitoring management system and public broadcast, access system linkage of means on rehabilitation center of patients, and medical personnel, and family, crowd of flow achieved full control, each emergency button, and detector triggered police love signal Shi can and other system linkage management, dang alarm police love triggered alarm Shi, alarm host will to sound light alarm form in monitoring Center issued alarm, while alarm host to monitoring system matrix issued linkage signal, in monitoring center specified monitor Shang automatically switch the alarm regional image, When essential goods and medicines, dangerous goods storage warehouse of access without hospital management authority was illegally opened, front-end alarm device to send a signal, alarm on alarm management platform automatically warn the person on duty in red on the map. Dang door was illegal open, and door opened Hou failed to in provides time within return bit or lock failed to normal lock live Shi, will automatically triggered emergency alarm system, and in Control Center to sound light alarm way corresponding, while alarm host to monitoring system matrix issued linkage signal, triggered depending on audio system linkage management. until alarm lifted, to this to elimination exists 08 收稿 接收作者写好的稿件,检查内容和约稿的出入 编辑部 稿件的政治导向、思想倾向、社会价值、科学价值、 文化艺术价值和稿件的具体内容、体例、文字等进行09 初审 编辑部 全面的审查和研究,对稿件的优缺点进行 分析 定性数据统计分析pdf销售业绩分析模板建筑结构震害分析销售进度分析表京东商城竞争战略分析 ,进而 对稿件的质量作出实事求是的评价 在通读全部稿件的同时对初审者加工稿件的评价作一10 复审 编辑部 个判断,对初审者留下的问题予以解决。 主要是把握政治导向和思想倾向,但是因为终审者的11 终审 编辑部 处理意见是最终决定性的 12 合同 与著作权人签订出版合同,明确各自权利与义务 项目办 13 加工 对作品的文字、标点、内容进行合乎 规范 编程规范下载gsp规范下载钢格栅规范下载警徽规范下载建设厅规范下载 的处理 编辑部 14 CIP 向国家新闻出版主管部分申请图书在版编目数据 总编办 15 排版 电脑录入加工后的书稿 照排部 16 一校 排版后的稿件与原稿进行核对 校对室 17 二校 一校退改之后的稿件一校和原稿核对 校对室 18 三校 二校退改之后的稿件的校对 校对室 19 通读 通过黑马软件,编辑全面阅读书稿, 编辑部 20 审读 图书审读部门对书稿的加工质量检查 总编办 21 整体设计 对图书内文、扉页、插图、封面、书腰等全面设计 美术部 22 宣传 确定宣传推广方式,选择媒体和宣传渠道 营销部 23 采购纸品 挑选、购买适合图书内容的纸品和封面用纸 出版部 24 印刷 对图书进行复制并装订的过程 出版部 25 质检 图书印刷好之后,面市发行之前的全面成品检查 总编办 26 渠道 确定合适的图书应销渠道,签订代售合同 营销部 27 储运 选择合适的方式对图书进行发货 营销部 Monitoring Center security deployment statistics are as follows: security point distribution statistics-medical building, rehabilitation building, 2nd floor, serial number F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 B1 B2 camera camera alarm detection access control alarm detection access control pickup pickup camera camera alarm detection access control alarm detection access control pickup pickup camera camera alarm detection access control alarm detection access control pickup pickup camera detection medical alarm building 41, # # 5 16 6 # 5 3 7 # # 4 3 9 18 10 6 4 6 4 2nd on the rehabilitation floor, building 2, 1 ... To alarm system, depending on audio monitoring management system and public broadcast, access system linkage of means on rehabilitation center of patients, and medical personnel, and family, crowd of flow achieved full control, each emergency button, and detector triggered police love signal Shi can and other system linkage management, dang alarm police love triggered alarm Shi, alarm host will to sound light alarm form in monitoring Center issued alarm, while alarm host to monitoring system matrix issued linkage signal, in monitoring center specified monitor Shang automatically switch the alarm regional image, When essential goods and medicines, dangerous goods storage warehouse of access without hospital management authority was illegally opened, front-end alarm device to send a signal, alarm on alarm management platform automatically warn the person on duty in red on the map. Dang door was illegal open, and door opened Hou failed to in provides time within return bit or lock failed to normal lock live Shi, will automatically triggered emergency alarm system, and in Control Center to sound light alarm way corresponding, while alarm host to monitoring system matrix issued linkage signal, triggered depending on audio system linkage management. until alarm lifted, to this to elimination exists 销售人员在图书代售期间与渠道联系关注图书的销售28 跟踪 营销部 状况,处理期间的相关添货、退货、宣传事件 29 结算 图书合同销售期结束后,收回图书货款 营销部 以上框架中, 蓝色的这些内容,是作者交稿到编辑手中之后,出版社在出版过程中需要办理的,其顺序是大致差不多,但是不同部门的工作,有时候是可以同时进行的。 有了国家法规的版本,有了学术研究的版本,最后,我来跟作者说一个最为通俗的版本,这样,很多作者可能更加好理解。 第一,获得准入。你的书稿送来出版社给编辑了,编辑会让你填两个表:《选题调查表》《选题申报表》,你要如实填报,这个是编辑上交到总编室、总编室送出版社选题讨论会的文本材料,选题有社会效益和经济效益获得通过了,就会列入出版计划,获得准入,进入正式的出版过程。 第二、初审。这一阶段责任编辑要看你的书稿内容,如果你的政治立场有偏差、文字表达不通顺、图画表格不清晰、语言逻辑有问题、层次结构不明白,责任编辑会给你退改,那么你就要认真对待,一丝不苟。很多作者交稿时特别自信:“我已经看过好多遍啦,一点问题都没有”、“好几个人都看了,都说不错的”、“很多文章都发表过的,你直接印就好了”......事实上,很多作者盲目自信的后面,是我们出版社非常认真的责任编辑依然指出很多问题,让他们顿时认识到出版工作的严肃性,也对我们的编辑人员的辛劳与水平有了认识。此处要强调一点:修改一定只能在初审稿上改,决不能在电子版上改~ 第三、签订出版合同。我们的出版合同是国家新闻出版署的格式合同,它已经非常周到的考虑了作者和出版社双方的利益,不过也请你认真阅读。合同内容的重点,在封面、稿费、出版时间以及附加条款处的出版条件部分。我们出版Monitoring Center security deployment statistics are as follows: security point distribution statistics-medical building, rehabilitation building, 2nd floor, serial number F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 B1 B2 camera camera alarm detection access control alarm detection access control pickup pickup camera camera alarm detection access control alarm detection access control pickup pickup camera camera alarm detection access control alarm detection access control pickup pickup camera detection medical alarm building 41, # # 5 16 6 # 5 3 7 # # 4 3 9 18 10 6 4 6 4 2nd on the rehabilitation floor, building 2, 1 ... To alarm system, depending on audio monitoring management system and public broadcast, access system linkage of means on rehabilitation center of patients, and medical personnel, and family, crowd of flow achieved full control, each emergency button, and detector triggered police love signal Shi can and other system linkage management, dang alarm police love triggered alarm Shi, alarm host will to sound light alarm form in monitoring Center issued alarm, while alarm host to monitoring system matrix issued linkage signal, in monitoring center specified monitor Shang automatically switch the alarm regional image, When essential goods and medicines, dangerous goods storage warehouse of access without hospital management authority was illegally opened, front-end alarm device to send a signal, alarm on alarm management platform automatically warn the person on duty in red on the map. Dang door was illegal open, and door opened Hou failed to in provides time within return bit or lock failed to normal lock live Shi, will automatically triggered emergency alarm system, and in Control Center to sound light alarm way corresponding, while alarm host to monitoring system matrix issued linkage signal, triggered depending on audio system linkage management. until alarm lifted, to this to elimination exists 社严谨认真,必然会尽力按照合同办事。当然你还应该知道,合同是甲方先签字,乙方后签字,一式两份。 第四、编辑加工。这一阶段由责任编辑对稿件的具体内容、体例、文字等进行全面的审查、修改和研究,对稿件的优缺点进行分析,进而对稿件的质量作出实事求是的评价,对书稿的标题、图案、书眉等进行规划设计。在此阶段责任编辑要填写《书稿编辑加工报告》。 第五、复审。复审由出版社的编辑室主任或者具有副高职称的人员操作,他们在通读全部稿件的同时对初审者加工稿件的评价作一个判断,复审要通篇看完初审加工的全部书稿,对初审者留下的问题予以解决。最后复审人员要填写《复审报告》。 第六、终审。终审由社领导和社领导指定的人员执行,主要是把握政治导向和思想倾向,重新翻阅书稿加工的内容,也处理复审提出的问题,但是因为终审者的处理意见是最终决定性的,很重要。终审结束后要填写《终审报告》。终审之后如果责任编辑还有问题提出,作者要尽快处理。 第七、发稿。发稿由出版社主编务工作的社领导处理。发稿意味着责任编辑的编辑加工过程已经完成,进入排版阶段。发稿过程中,责任编辑要填写《发稿单》《成本核算单》,总编将核实本书的选题申报情况、出版合同签订情况、图书的印数、用纸、定价等因素。发稿结束后,整个工作分成三个方向:一是加工后的书稿进行排版;二是责任编辑要跟踪书稿的封面设计和版式设计;三是要到编务室申领书号。 第八、校对.校对由校对部门的人员完成,书稿排好版加上版式,打印出来之后,就成了书的雏形,校对人员依据编辑加工后的原稿,对打印出来的稿件用铅笔修改,是为一校稿,提请责任编辑注意,一校是主要对是非,就是校对加工后的原稿是否和排版的稿件内容相同,责任编辑查看之后,再退电脑排版室;电脑室对一校稿进行修改,之后打印交校对室不同的人进行二次校对,二较主要是校对是非,就是看逻辑结构有没有问题,二校的同时也要打印一份给作者看,作者要在3—4天内认真审核,这是在成书前最后的修改时机,马虎不得;二校之Monitoring Center security deployment statistics are as follows: security point distribution statistics-medical building, rehabilitation building, 2nd floor, serial number F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 B1 B2 camera camera alarm detection access control alarm detection access control pickup pickup camera camera alarm detection access control alarm detection access control pickup pickup camera camera alarm detection access control alarm detection access control pickup pickup camera detection medical alarm building 41, # # 5 16 6 # 5 3 7 # # 4 3 9 18 10 6 4 6 4 2nd on the rehabilitation floor, building 2, 1 ... To alarm system, depending on audio monitoring management system and public broadcast, access system linkage of means on rehabilitation center of patients, and medical personnel, and family, crowd of flow achieved full control, each emergency button, and detector triggered police love signal Shi can and other system linkage management, dang alarm police love triggered alarm Shi, alarm host will to sound light alarm form in monitoring Center issued alarm, while alarm host to monitoring system matrix issued linkage signal, in monitoring center specified monitor Shang automatically switch the alarm regional image, When essential goods and medicines, dangerous goods storage warehouse of access without hospital management authority was illegally opened, front-end alarm device to send a signal, alarm on alarm management platform automatically warn the person on duty in red on the map. Dang door was illegal open, and door opened Hou failed to in provides time within return bit or lock failed to normal lock live Shi, will automatically triggered emergency alarm system, and in Control Center to sound light alarm way corresponding, while alarm host to monitoring system matrix issued linkage signal, triggered depending on audio system linkage management. until alarm lifted, to this to elimination exists 后再交责任编辑核对,核对后在交电脑室修改,修稿后再交校对室,找第三个人校对,这次就是全面的核查,散校稿再交责任编辑,核对后由电脑室修改,至此,校对完毕,当然,如果质量不好,也有增加较次的。所有校次都要填写《校对统计单》,作为责编核查和校对人核算的文本依据。 第九、封面制作和版式设计。封面制作和版式设计,可以在编辑加工和校对同时进行。责任编辑填写好《装帧设计审批单》后,该工作主要由美术编辑室完成,版式设计指内文的天头地脚、书眉、页码设置、目录编排、扉页设计等等。封面设计,主要对封面、书脊、封底的颜色、图案、文字、书名、作者、定价进行合理的设置。责任编辑会将设计好的封面交给作者看,征求意见。作者可以提出意见修改。 第十、申请CIP。CIP是中国版本图书馆的核准数据,由责任编辑提请编务室完成。CIP的申请,在发稿拿到出版社配置的书号之后就可以开始操作。 第十一、通读。通读有责任编辑完成,通读是图书出版之前责任编辑对文字最后的把关过程,要对其所有的内容,从头到尾认真阅读,及时发现问题,解决问题。 第十二、审读。出版社成立审读室,就是在图书全部加工完之后、印刷之前的把关,是至关重要的,如果审读不合格,就要重新的加工和通读,审读的要求,错误率不能超过万分之一,也就是10000个字里面不能超过一个错字,由此可见图书编辑管理之严格。审读之后要填写《书稿审读表》。审读合格之后,社里才签发出胶片的指令。 第十三、对胶片。目前的印刷还是依靠胶片。审读合格之后,出版部们将把审读稿件拿去电脑室出胶片,责任编辑要核对审读稿和胶片。封面的胶片,同样也要严格核对。 第十四、印刷。出版部门把胶片拿到印刷厂,开具准印单,依照相关要求,对图书进行印刷和装订。 Monitoring Center security deployment statistics are as follows: security point distribution statistics-medical building, rehabilitation building, 2nd floor, serial number F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 B1 B2 camera camera alarm detection access control alarm detection access control pickup pickup camera camera alarm detection access control alarm detection access control pickup pickup camera camera alarm detection access control alarm detection access control pickup pickup camera detection medical alarm building 41, # # 5 16 6 # 5 3 7 # # 4 3 9 18 10 6 4 6 4 2nd on the rehabilitation floor, building 2, 1 ... To alarm system, depending on audio monitoring management system and public broadcast, access system linkage of means on rehabilitation center of patients, and medical personnel, and family, crowd of flow achieved full control, each emergency button, and detector triggered police love signal Shi can and other system linkage management, dang alarm police love triggered alarm Shi, alarm host will to sound light alarm form in monitoring Center issued alarm, while alarm host to monitoring system matrix issued linkage signal, in monitoring center specified monitor Shang automatically switch the alarm regional image, When essential goods and medicines, dangerous goods storage warehouse of access without hospital management authority was illegally opened, front-end alarm device to send a signal, alarm on alarm management platform automatically warn the person on duty in red on the map. Dang door was illegal open, and door opened Hou failed to in provides time within return bit or lock failed to normal lock live Shi, will automatically triggered emergency alarm system, and in Control Center to sound light alarm way corresponding, while alarm host to monitoring system matrix issued linkage signal, triggered depending on audio system linkage management. until alarm lifted, to this to elimination exists 第十五、质检。成品由印刷厂拿到出版社之后,出版社质检部门,对图书进行质量检查,检查合格之后,再通知作者取书,履行完成出版合同。再由营销部门发行到全国各地。 以上这些红字,需要作者配合责任编辑完成。以上这些黑字,是一个责任编辑在工作中需要默默无闻、一丝不苟的做的事情,为什么说责任编辑辛苦,从这里可见一斑。因此,希望大家能够理解我们的工作。这样一个出书过程,需要多久,我说,保守点三个月,一般是半年,加把油,两个月,但是真的很辛苦~首先,这么多流程在这里摆着;再其次,复审终审、校对审读,不是责任编辑操作。这有社里专门部门干,可是他们有很多责任编辑的活也要干,不一定马上就排的过来,是不是, 最后说一句,不同的出版社,流程各有不同,但是大同小异,基本相似。 Monitoring Center security deployment statistics are as follows: security point distribution statistics-medical building, rehabilitation building, 2nd floor, serial number F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 B1 B2 camera camera alarm detection access control alarm detection access control pickup pickup camera camera alarm detection access control alarm detection access control pickup pickup camera camera alarm detection access control alarm detection access control pickup pickup camera detection medical alarm building 41, # # 5 16 6 # 5 3 7 # # 4 3 9 18 10 6 4 6 4 2nd on the rehabilitation floor, building 2, 1 ... To alarm system, depending on audio monitoring management system and public broadcast, access system linkage of means on rehabilitation center of patients, and medical personnel, and family, crowd of flow achieved full control, each emergency button, and detector triggered police love signal Shi can and other system linkage management, dang alarm police love triggered alarm Shi, alarm host will to sound light alarm form in monitoring Center issued alarm, while alarm host to monitoring system matrix issued linkage signal, in monitoring center specified monitor Shang automatically switch the alarm regional image, When essential goods and medicines, dangerous goods storage warehouse of access without hospital management authority was illegally opened, front-end alarm device to send a signal, alarm on alarm management platform automatically warn the person on duty in red on the map. Dang door was illegal open, and door opened Hou failed to in provides time within return bit or lock failed to normal lock live Shi, will automatically triggered emergency alarm system, and in Control Center to sound light alarm way corresponding, while alarm host to monitoring system matrix issued linkage signal, triggered depending on audio system linkage management. until alarm lifted, to this to elimination exists
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