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【精品】能量的光环【精品】能量的光环 能量的光环(中英对照含图) 光环 Everything has an aura. 万物都有光环 Some people can see past the 3D color/aura spectrum and see the frequencies of light that are streaming through now. These colors may appear as a rainbow or twin rainbows. 有些人可以看见过去的3D(3维)颜色/光环频...

【精品】能量的光环 能量的光环(中英对照含图) 光环 Everything has an aura. 万物都有光环 Some people can see past the 3D color/aura spectrum and see the frequencies of light that are streaming through now. These colors may appear as a rainbow or twin rainbows. 有些人可以看见过去的3D(3维)颜色/光环频谱 并能看见流过现在的光频率。 这些颜色有如彩虹或者双生子彩虹。 An aura is the electromagnetic field surrounding an object. Some people refer to this field as a bio-energy field. 光环就是一个物体周围的电磁场。一些人把这种场称之为生物能场。 In truth this energy field not only goes around you, but moves within your body as well. It is not just the outside of your body that is made of electromagnetic energies, every part of your and everything your experience in third dimension. 确实这种能场不仅环绕你周围,而且也深入你的身体。不单是在身体外部由电 磁场组成,你的每一部分和你在三维空间的任何体验都是由电磁场组成。 Auras vibrate to different color, sound and light frequencies. The color spectrum varies with ones physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual states. 光环由不同的颜色、声音、光频率振动而成。颜色光谱随着一个人的身体、情 感、精神、精神状态而发生变化。 Auras are in a constant state of flux. 正常状态下流动的光环 When I do a psychic reading with someone, I always check their aura first. If the aura sways back and forth, the person has a chemical imbalance, due to drugs, medication, drinking, a chemical imbalance in the body. 当我给某人作精神阅读的时候,通常我第一步检查他们的光环。如果光环不停 地晃动,这个人就是化学药品失调,起因是吸毒、服药、喝酒、身体存在化学药品 失调。 When I look at a photo of a person who has no aura - or the aura appears black - I know the person has crossed over - in part - or totally - as their physical body no longer has an electromagnetic energy field. 当我看一个没有光环人的照片时候-或者光环看起来是黑色-我知道这个人丧失 了部分或整个的光环-如同肉体不再有电磁能场一样。 Your aura usually consist of more than one color at a time. 在一个时期内你的光环至少由一种以上的颜色组成。 It can extend out very far or remain close to the body, which occurs when the person is protecting themselves form someone or something. 光环能够延伸很远或仅是在身体旁边,当一个人正在保护自己免遭他人或东西 的侵害时就出现这种情况。 Some people can psychically look at the subject and see images within the persons aura. These images may include symbols/archetypes, people, digits, or even another aspect of the persons soul that is coming through in their third dimensional aura from another realm. 一些人能够从精神上去考虑这门学科以及从一个人的光环里看见图像。这些图 像含有符号/原型、人、数字、甚至从另一个领域来的经历在他们的三维空间的人 的灵魂的另一个面。 When two people have just been lovers, they will show up in each other auras, the color of their auras depending on the nature of their relationship. 当两个人处于热恋中时,他们会笼罩在彼此的光环里,他们光环的颜色取决于 他们相爱的程度。 When people have done healing work together - or shared any physical contact - they will share a common auric field for a period of time as they have just merged their electromagnetic energies. 当人们一起从事心灵疗愈工作的时候-或者分享肉体接触-他们有一段时间会分 享一个共有的切割能场,就如同他们的电磁能量(场)刚好已经合二为一。 Auras can be seen physically, or sensed psychically, or both. 从身体上能够看见光环,或从心理上感觉到它,或者二者都可以。 To practice seeing auras - have the subject stand in front of a white background and look to the side of their body - either side is fine. 练习观看光环-条件是站在白色背景的前面,看他们身体的侧面-随便那一侧都 行。 Daylight is often the best light as the suns rays are full spectrum. 日光通常是最好的光,因为太阳光线是全频谱段的。 If you watch the person for a minute, you will see their electromagnetic energies as sort of wavy lines of energies. This looks a lot like the energy you see when you are watching an airplane taking off in a movie. 如果你观看这人的身体一分钟之久,你就会看见他们有点像能量波浪线的电磁 能量(场)。这很像你理解的你正在观看银幕上飞机起飞时的能量样子。 Please do not strain you eyes. Relax. You might want to let your eyes go a little out of focus while you are looking for an aura. 请不要让你眼睛过度紧张疲劳。放松。你在努力看见光环的同时可以把眼睛从 注视点移开少许时间。 You may only see the aura for a few seconds, then it will disappear. 你只能看见光环几秒钟,然后光环就消失不见了。 After you see that energy, you may also see or sense a color frequency, maybe two or three colors, in the aura. 在你看见能量(场)后,你也同样可以看见或者感觉一种颜色频率,在这光环 里也许有二个或三个颜色。 After several minutes you should be able to see some sort of energy field around the person, even if you cannot determine the color. 几分钟后你就应该能够看见人体周围某种能场,即使你不能够分辩这光环的颜 色。 Remember that auras change all the time according to the persons mood and environment. 记住光环总是随着人的情绪状态和所处的环境不断地发生变化。 As with all psychic tools, learning to read auras seems easy for some people while others need lost of practice. 就像拥有了所有的精神工具一样,对一些人来说学会阅读光环似乎容易而一些 人需要不断地练习。 The color of your aura is determined by your emotions, physical surroundings, spiritual work you are doing, items in the room, such as crystals which can magnify or change the colors of any aura. 你的情绪(感)、身体状况、你正在从事的精神工作、房间布局例如能放大或 改变任何光环颜色的水晶布置决定了你的光环颜色。 Anything that can affect an electromagnetic field can affect a change in ones aura. 能作用电磁场的任何事物都能够影响一个人光环的改变。 As everything that is in our reality is created from electromagnetic energy, everything has an aura - plants, animals, etc. 由于电磁能(场)创造了我们实相里的万物,所以万物皆有光环-植物、动物 等等。 When you are working as a healer, you are bringing balance to the persons electromagnetic field. 当你正以精神疗愈者身份工作的时候,你正在平衡人们的电磁场。 You should observe the person slowly then determine if they have holes in their aura. It would look as if the EM energies had suddenly stopped. 你最好慢慢观察人的光环,然后确定他们光环里的空洞。空洞看起来就像突然 停止下来的EM能量。 This will tell you where there is a problem or imbalance in their physical body. 这个情况会告诉你在他们的肉体身体内什么地方有问题(毛病)或能量不平 衡。 I always suggest you discuss the problem with the person first. All physical illness comes from the emotional body which created the problem in the first place. 我总是建议你首先与这个人讨论这个问题(毛病)。所有的肉体毛病都来自情 绪身体,情绪身体在最初的地方引起产生疾病。(译者注:懂得了精神锻炼的原 理,就可以远离一切疾病~) You must find the psychological cause of the problem first, to determine if the person actually wants to be healed on an emotional and soul level. If they are they are not ready, the healing and balancing can only last for a sort time and will revert back, or manifest in another area of the body. All healing must be done on the soul level first! 首先你必须找到问题(毛病)的心理原因,确定下来这个人是否真的需要情绪 (感)和灵魂水平层面上的医治。如果他们真的没有准备好(是心里不情愿的), 康复治疗和能量平衡仅能够维持一段时间会再度复发,或在身体其它部位表现出 来。所有的治疗必须首先在灵魂层面上进行~(译者注:这里阐明了精神治疗灵与 不灵的本质原因) You can use your hands in a slow sweeping motion over the part of the aura where the energy (chi) does not appear to flow properly. 你可以在能量(chi)不显现、流动不顺畅的光环部位上面轻轻移动你的双手。 As you move your hands across the persons aura - you should both experience some sort of change in the energy flow. 当你移动双手越过人的光环时候-你就要体验到在能量流动里多少有些改变。 You do not touch the person--just the auric field of that person. This healing technique is know as Therapeutic Touch. 你不接触人的身体—仅仅是切割人的光场。这个治疗技法被称之为治疗触摸。 If you would like to see your own aura, find a mirror that is in a well lit room. Relax. Look at your head or head and shoulder area. Focus on one side of your head. Soon you should be able to see the electromagnetic energies as a field of light - around your head. 如果你想看自己的光环,找一面在房间里固定好的镜子。放松下来。看你的头 部或头颈部位。集中在头部的一侧看。不久你就可以能看见好像光场的电磁能量- 你的头部周围。 Do you want to feel the electromagnetic energies coming from your body? Try holding the palms of your hand facing each other - about two inches apart. Wait a few second. You will feel something. If you hands are nervous and cold, that will hamper the energies. 你想感觉到由你身体产生的电磁能量吗,试一下手心相对-大约相距二英寸 远。等几秒钟。你会感觉到一些东西。如果你的手是抖动和冰凉的,就会妨碍能量 流动。 Once you begin to feel the sensation of electromagnetic energies between your palms, move them slowly to and fro. You will feel the movement of your aura. Look between your hands to see the electromagnetic energies, your aura. 一旦你在手掌之间有了电磁能量的感受,慢慢地来回移动双手。你会感觉到你 的光环的运动。去看你的手间,去理解电磁能量、你的光环。 Try moving your palms further and further apart slowly. See how far you can go before you no longer feel the pull. Remember to check periodically by moving your hands slightly and slowly. 试着慢慢地分开两手越来越远。留心你能达到多远你就没有„拉?的感觉。记住 定时地轻微和缓慢地移动你的双手去检测证明。 Now try pointing your fingers towards each other and feel those energies. Again move your fingertips to and fro. 现在试着把手指相对和感觉那些能量。再一次来回移动你的手指。 You can repeat this with another person. 你可以同另一个人重复这个方法。 Aura energies are linked to colors, the chakra system, musical tones/notes, as they all resonate to the same frequency. Sound, light and color are all interconnected at source. 光环能量与颜色连接在一块, 色调/谐振,好像它们都以同样的频率在振动。 声音、光和颜色均在源上相互连接。 I have had fun changing my aura while taking an Aura or Kirlian Photo. Meditation or working with anything that can enhance your electromagnetic energy fields will raise your frequency and move you to a higher frequency color of light. In other words - you hold a few clear quartz crystals and meditate--->take your picture----> it will have a clear white tone unless you have a serious medical problem. 在拍一张光环或基尔良照片的时候,我好玩改变了我的光环颜色。冥想或从事 任何能增强你的电磁能场的事情就会提高你的频率和把你带到一个更高光的频率颜 色空间。换句话说-你拿着一个不太清晰的石英水晶去冥想--->拍下你的照片--->将 会是清晰的白色调,除非你病得不轻。 So as you see all things are connected by the flow of the electromagnetic energy fields that create our reality! 如同你理解的万物都被创造我们实相的电磁能场能流连接在一块,都是如此~ Auras may be generated in the brain 头脑里也可以产生光环 Synaesthetic woman sees colors around faces and names. 通感女人看见脸和名字周围的颜色 Nature - October 15, 2004 天性-2004年10月15日 She sees colors emanating like haloes from her friends and foes. Blocks of colour form in her mind when looking at names of acquaintances, or even at words like love and hate. And no, she will not read your aura for a low introductory fee. She is not a charlatan, or a psychic - shes a synaesthete. 她看见颜色像光晕一样从她的朋友和反对者身上散发出来。当看到熟人的名 字、或甚至看到诸如„爱?和„憎恨?之类单词时候,就可以在头脑里形成颜色团,而 且没有的是,她不会阅读你的光环象征性地收点费用。她不是瞎吹的,或是一个神 经病-她是一个通感者。 People with synaesthesia, perhaps one in 2,000 by conservative estimates, get two-for-one sensory experiences. They feel music, taste art, and often see colours around words or things. A new case study now raises the possibility that cases like this are the origin of the new-age belief in auras, a coloured emanation of energy that can be seen only by the spiritually in-tune. 拥有通感的人们,也许保守估计2,000个人中有一个,有过一到二个感官体 验。他们感知音乐、领略艺术,而常常看见话语或东西周围的颜色。现在提高以上 情况的可能性研究就是新时代信仰„光环?的由来,能量的彩色散发仅能被精神上处 于谐振状态的人看见。 G.W. is a young woman who sees colours around words or things only when the object has an emotional association for her. Many synaesthetes see letters as coloured, for example in the word love, l might be green, o might be cream-yellow, v might be crimson, and e royal blue. G.W.是一位看见话语或东西周围颜色的年轻妇女,仅仅是目标与她有情绪上 的联系时候才可以看见。许多通感者看见字母带有彩色,例如单词„爱?,„1?可以是 绿色的,„O?可以是奶黄色,„v?可以是深红色,而„e?是高贵的蓝色。 But instead G.W. sees the whole word love as pink or orange because it is a positive word. She sees the word James, or James himself, as pink for the same reason: she likes him. Her case is described by Jamie Ward, a psychologist at University College London in the latest issue of Cognitive Neuropsychology1. 但除G.W.以外,看见整个„爱单词粉红色或橙色,因为它是积极的单词。她看 见„詹姆士?名称,或詹姆士本人,同样的原因都是粉红色:她喜欢他。在最近出版 的伦敦大学学院《认知心理学》杂志上詹米沃德阐述了她的例子。 "She sees as things as being coloured, out there, in space," says Ward. Sometimes a colour would be attached to a whole area because of an emotion, he explains: "She went into a room, and it was a happy party, and the room kind of took on a red tint." 沃德说,“她看见带有彩色般的东西,在位于那边的空间。”有时因为情绪上原 因整个地方都附上了一种颜色,他解释说:“她走进一个房间,房间里在举行快乐 的聚会,而房间就披上了一层红彩。” Colour test 颜色测试 To test whether G.W.s experiences were genuine, Ward presented her with a list of names of acquaintances and words that she said evoked colour, and asked her to note down the hue she saw. A group of control subjects was also presented with similar lists of emotionally resonant words and familiar names and asked to assign each word a colour. 来测试G.W.的体验是否真实,沃德递给她看一张熟人的名单和她说引起色彩 的单词,要求她记下她看到的颜色。控制题目的小组同样递给她看类似的引起情绪 变化单词表和类似的名称并要求她去指定每个单词对应的颜色。 After a week, G.W. relabelled 86% of the words with the same colour, while the control subjects only did so for 46% of the words. Four months later, she was still giving the same colour 76% of the time. 一个星期后,G.W.用同样的颜色重新标定了86%的单词,虽然控制题目的小 组仅做对了46%的单词。四个月后,她仍然在同样的时间内给出一样颜色量为 76%。 Another test was derived from the classic Stroop test. In this, colour words are presented in another colour. For example, green" might be shown in red or blue. 另一种测试源自经典Stroop测试。在这个测试里,颜色单词以另一种颜色显 现。例如,„绿色?可以显现为红色或蓝色。 When reading a list of words quickly, we stumble over such words. Or, when asked to tell the colour of each word as it flashes on a screen, we trip up when one of the words is a mismatched colour word. 当快速阅读一大串单词时候,我们结结巴巴说这样的单词。或,当要求说出就 像在屏幕上一闪而过的每个单词颜色的时候,当每个单词颜色搭配不合理时我们就 会停顿。 For G.M., these bumbling reaction times also show up for her synaesthetic words. If she sees James as pink, and it is presented in blue, her reaction time goes down. This effect is subtle, and according to Ward, difficult to fake. 对G.W.而言,她的通感单词就同样会暴露装模作样的反应次数。如果她看见 „詹姆士?名称,以蓝色说出来,她的反应时间下降了。这个影响是微妙的,而按照 沃德的看法,欺骗做假是困难的。 Hardwired 硬连线(接) Synaesthesia most probably comes from a cross-wiring in the brain. Psychologist Simon Baron-Cohen of the University of Cambridge, UK, has suggested that it comes about when the densely connected infant brain does not prune itself rigorously enough as it grows. 通感多数可能来自头脑内交*连线。英国剑桥大学心理学家西蒙伯龙-科恩已经 假使当错综复杂连接婴儿大脑生长发育时没有完全彻底剪除自己通感就产生了。 Ward suggests that the cross-wired areas in this case are the retrosplenial cortex, which is associated with emotion, and the V4 area, which has been shown to be involved in colour perception. The two areas are close together in the brain. 沃德猜想这种情形下的交*连线部位是retrosplenial皮层,是与情感有关系的部 位,还有V4部位,这个部位主管颜色表达。这两个部位在大脑里彼此相连。 Could people with this condition be the original aura-readers? GW doesnt have any interest in the occult, but others may have. "You can understand how people who have this and were born in a different age would consider themselves able to see spiritual states," says Ward. They would see the colours, and assume they were coming from the people, not from their own brains. 难道有这种情况的人们是最初的光环阅读机,GW在这神秘事件里丝毫没有任 何兴趣可言,其它人也许除外。“你能够理解人们如何拥有它和在不同时代里出生 的人会认为自己能够看见精神状态,” 沃德说。他们可以看见颜色,而假定颜色由 人产生,不是人的大脑产生的。 Richard Cytowic, neurologist from Washington DC and author of a 1970s book on synaethesia that helped legitimize it as a neurological condition, says that emotion always seems to be part of the experience of synaesthetes. "Even a phone number is described as delightful and luxurious," he says, "and mismatches like an ad in the wrong colour are like fingernails on a blackboard." 理查德德Cytowic是华盛顿DC的神经学家以及1970年发表的《通感》 关于书的成语关于读书的排比句社区图书漂流公约怎么写关于读书的小报汉书pdf 的 作者,他引经据典认定通感是神经学上的情形,说情感好像始终是通感体验的一部 分。“甚至用喜悦和豪华来形容一个电话号码,”他说,“广告里颜色搭配错了就跟 手指甲在黑板上一样。” He is intrigued by the idea that synaesthesia could explain auras, but doesnt see a way to prove it. "We dont have any way of knowing," he says. "But certainly synaesthetes are perceiving things that others arent. Its an interesting supposition." 他的想法很诡异,认为通感能解释光环,但是理解不了证明光环的途径。“我 们不会有任何领会的途径,”他说。“但是通感的确是其它人不能感知的东西。只能 好奇地去猜想。” Ward, like many, is a bit jealous of those with synaesthesia, but the condition seems to be present from birth and impossible to learn. "The literature of aura reading - such as it is - claims that you can train yourself to read auras," says Ward. "This I do not believe. Synaesthesia is hardwired and biological." 跟大多数人一样,沃德是那些有通感人中有点猜疑心的人,但这个情形可以用出生和厌恶学习来解释。“光环阅读的文学作品-就像这个一样-宣称你能训练自己去阅读光环,” 沃德说。“这一点我不相信。通感是硬连接和生物学的范畴。” Synaesthesia 通感
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