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作文精彩开头排比句作文精彩开头排比句 作文精彩开头排比句 4.书籍,寻的是一份智慧与人生。跟随余秋雨,我也曾一同踏技巧点拨:考场议论文的写作一定要鲜明地亮出自己的观点。写作上那段通往敦煌的风沙之路,看那几千年盛开的灿烂文化之花;跟时开门见山,摆明态度,不失为一种普通但又实用的方法。这篇文随三毛,我也曾一起行走在荒无人烟的撒哈拉,放不羁的风筝乘上章的开头采用设问的方式,一问一答,简洁有力,鲜明地亮出自己自由的翅膀;踩着沈从文的脚印,我看到那山腰上采茶苗女身上有的观点,为下文展开打下了基础。 一种光彩叫民俗;撑上余光中的船,我远望南海...

作文精彩开头排比句 作文精彩开头排比句 4.书籍,寻的是一份智慧与人生。跟随余秋雨,我也曾一同踏技巧点拨:考场议论文的写作一定要鲜明地亮出自己的观点。写作上那段通往敦煌的风沙之路,看那几千年盛开的灿烂文化之花;跟时开门见山,摆明态度,不失为一种普通但又实用的方法。这篇文随三毛,我也曾一起行走在荒无人烟的撒哈拉,放不羁的风筝乘上章的开头采用设问的方式,一问一答,简洁有力,鲜明地亮出自己自由的翅膀;踩着沈从文的脚印,我看到那山腰上采茶苗女身上有的观点,为下文展开打下了基础。 一种光彩叫民俗;撑上余光中的船,我远望南海一湾浅浅的海峡荡 痛苦的时候,你会回家,用眼泪尽情发泄;心烦的时候,你会漾着一种思念叫乡愁。(南京中考满分文《寻》) 回家,让家的温暖驱散心中的乌云;家——融进去的是悲伤,化解 5.寻觅书间,我听见僵卧孤村的陆放翁“铁马冰河入梦来”的出来的是快乐;家——接纳的是难过,释放的是开心。家真好~(选豪气,予我爱国情;我听见饱经沧桑的聋子贝多芬 “扼住命运咽喉”自云南省中考作文《家,真好》) 的呐喊,予我不屈意;我看见爱迪生的电灯,爱因斯坦的相对论, 技巧点拨:记叙文也能开门见山。你看,这篇文章运用排比的霍金的宇宙,予我崇高理想。(南京中考满分文《寻》) 形式将自己对“家”的感受毫无遮掩的表达出来。为 全文 企业安全文化建设方案企业安全文化建设导则安全文明施工及保证措施创建安全文明校园实施方案创建安全文明工地监理工作情况 定下了基 调。 6.既然不能像雄鹰一样一飞冲天,那就像蜗牛一样步步为营;排比因其独特的魅力而成为学生中考作文的“新宠”。巧用排比,既然不能像瀑布一样一泻千里,那就像溪流一样涓涓细淌;既然不用以叙述,则清晰深刻;用以描写,则形象生动;用以抒情,则情深能像太阳一样光芒四射,那就像星星一样柔和的散发光和热。(南意浓;用以说理,则鞭辟入里。排比句句式工整,内涵丰富,语气京中考满分文《寻》) 连贯,可以增添语言的气势美,可以构建形式的整齐美,可以打造 7.云散了,因为风醒了;月升起,因为太阳下山了;我哭了,因文章的层次美。请看来自2008年中考作文排比美句集锦: 为我懂了。我懂了姥姥的对快乐的渴望,懂了亲情的珍贵,懂了家 1.向前,向前,向前,是愚公子孙无愧的执着努力,是于谦大是人生的港湾,那道风景线将伴我一生。(南通中考满分文《一道敌当前的淡定从容,是曾国藩屡败屡战的无所畏惧。(北京市中考风景线》) 满分文《向前!向前!向前!》) 8.回眸是一剂良药,让我在苦熬中奋起;回眸是一枚邮票,伴我 2.人生一世,总是在追寻。寻山间鸟语,见花落花开;寻琴音乐飞向新的航程;回眸是一种智慧,让我调整方向,走上人生正轨,语,感撩拨心弦;寻卷中乾坤,叹如梦人生。(南京中考满分文《寻》) 渡向成功的彼岸。(徐州通中考满分文《成长回眸》) 3.音乐,寻的是一份韵律与洒脱。那是高山流水的一声轻叹, 9.历史是铁马嘶鸣、弯弓映月的豪迈;历史是“匈奴未灭,何以一泄千里;那是梁祝化蝶的凄哀婉转,柔情永恒;那是二泉映月的两家为”的气概;历史是天下大治,四海升平的祥和;历史是“宫阙万种甘苦;那是英雄的交响曲,命运的欢乐颂„„(南京中考满分文间都作了土”的悲壮。(山东济宁中考满分文《历史?成长》) 《寻》) 10.“会当凌绝顶,一览众山小”是我们在攀登中留下脚印后Shang, and action Shang with to XI comrade for General Secretary of Central keep height consistent; any when are put discipline rules is in front, enhanced organization concept, and obey Organization decided; to set right of worldview, and Outlook on life And to lead a clean slim family, always adhere to the Communists ' spiritual home; to consciously practice the party's purpose, keeping qualities. CPC requirements in section-level cadres above to be a benchmark, play an exemplary role, "adhere to the loyal clean play, Jiao Yulu-a good cadre of" activities carried out in the ordinary party members "practicing pioneer standard post set up" activities. We all party members to further enhance political par core, situation awareness, awareness, awareness, belief and faith, according to positions, downtown River regulation, diversion of hydraulic Process, protection of the mother River, rural safety water drinking project, construction of flood control and drought relief, water in ecological civilization construction and other key, think, often, more active, hands-on, disciplined and strict rules, play, courage, give full play to the exemplary role, the successful completion of tasks. Three "reform" as the core of real change, completely change, and change image. This fundamental aim of education in order to solve the problem, for this reason, we insist on problem-oriented, enhance the awareness of problems, problems of reform in place, continuous improvement in style, to better serve the people, to better promote the water conservancy work. First of all, to find the problem. I'm learning education programme, in view of the current construction of the party, proposed to focus on solution of fuzzy ideals and beliefs waver, consciousness, purpose of the party weak sense, honesty and self-discipline awareness is not strong, depressed, six issues of ethical misconduct. Vast numbers of party members and cadres should closely real life personal and ideological work, reflections on the standard control, check the pendulum problem, pinpoint problems, get real, deep, identification, find the main "target", laying the Foundation for further corrective action implementation. 的欣喜;“长风破浪会有时,直挂云帆济沧海”是我们历经磨难后定、心力的温情。(广州市中考满分文《又见枝头吐新芽》) 的自信豪迈;“问渠那得清如许,为有源头活水来”是我们不断“充 16.雨是水的精魂,在绿树间呜咽地歌唱,在荷花中翕忽地蹦电”后的收获;“几处早莺争暖树,谁家新燕啄春泥”是我们在自跳,在湖面上轻快地奏乐。(温州市中考满分文《下雨天,真好》) 然中行走观赏到的和谐„„(山东济宁中考满分文《留下成长的脚 印》) 中考语文复习十大高效方法 11.拥有上进心的人,永不会原地踏步,因为他们要追求前路一、复习时要做到“五到”。即复习时要做到眼到、手到、口到、的无限风光;拥有上进心的人,不会在顺境中颓废,在逆境中低头,耳到、心到。尤其以心到最为重要,通过全身心的投入,多器官感因为他们向往更上一层楼;拥有上进心的人,不会后悔,因为他们知信息,记忆的效率就高。有研究表明,光看只能获取知识的20%,在拼搏的同时,也获得了最丰富的人生。(甘肃省金昌市中考满分光听只能获得知识的15%,如果眼看、耳听、手写、脑思同时并用,文《有这样一种声音》) 则可获取知识的50%,所以“五到”是提高复习效率、增强记忆能 12.绿叶的坚持,使秋日用最美的姿态飘零;微风的坚持,把歌力的关键所在,一定要养成全身心投入学习的习惯。我有一个体会,声送到思念的地址:邮政的坚持,是用星星拼出人们微笑的样子,把各科基础知识自读自录在磁带上,速度不要太快,然后在录音机用爱作为每一个生命的开始。(上海市中考满分文《我眼中的色彩》) 里放出来,边听,边记,边写,这对复习侧重记忆的学科来说,效 13.翻开历史长卷,无数绿色深一笔,浅一笔,浓一笔,淡一果真是好极了。 笔,描画着友谊,描画着爱情,描画着凌云壮志,描画着落拓不羁二、要养成固定时间内复习固定内容的习惯。有关资料表明:一个的生命。(上海市中考满分文《我眼中的色彩》) 人确实存在着在某一固定的时间内,做某一类事情可获得最佳效果 14.四季轻柔淌过窗外,有冷暖的显现,有草叶的枯荣,有风的生理、心理规律,这就是人体生物钟现象,这一规律运用到复习雨的起伏,有清风的盈亏。当冬虫新透窗纱时,感受到的是春潮的上就要求养成固定时间内复习固定内容的习惯,比如早上和晚上萌动;当细雨敲点窗棂时,感觉到的是夏意的湿润;当桂香渗浸窗楣8-9点钟,记忆力强,可安排复习 英语 关于好奇心的名言警句英语高中英语词汇下载高中英语词汇 下载英语衡水体下载小学英语关于形容词和副词的题 、语文、政治、历史;下午时,感触到的是秋光的充盈;当香雪堆砌窗台时,感动到的是冬日演算和抽象思维能力较强,可安排复习数理化三科„„这样久而久的纯清。 之习惯成自然,一到这时间,心理上就会做好准备,复习的效率就 (广州市中考满分文《又见枝头吐新芽》) 高。 15.这种态度,这层思考能使人欣赏到朴实的田野、健壮的山三、要在理解的基础上复习。大量的实践证明,理解后的知识易记崖、深沉的沟壑、乐观的流水;体味到蝴蝶的翩跹、燕子的呢喃、难忘。可见理解是记忆的前提和基础。要复习好功课,必须先得把黄莺的婉转、百灵的歌唱;感触到如水的轻风、如风的流云、如云知识消化了才行,这就要求学生必须做到:(1)上课高度集中自己的的松涛、如涛的轻阴;领会到心情的平稳、心境的和美、心态的特注意力,把课听懂,最大限度提高课堂45分钟的效率;(2)积极思 -hange image. This fundamental aim of education in order to solve the problem, for this reason, we insist on problemo the exemplary role, the successful completion of tasks. Three "reform" as the core of real change, completely change, and con, disciplined and strict rules, play, courage, give full play t-tion construction and other key, think, often, more active, handser River, rural safety water drinking project, construction of flood control and drought relief, water in ecological civilizae mothreness, belief and faith, according to positions, downtown River regulation, diversion of hydraulic Process, protection of thdard post set up" activities. We all party members to further enhance political par core, situation awareness, awareness, awaa good cadre of" activities carried out in the ordinary party members "practicing pioneer stan-level cadres above to be a benchmark, play an exemplary role, "adhere to the loyal clean play, Jiao Yulu-purpose, keeping qualities. CPC requirements in section arty'slook on life And to lead a clean slim family, always adhere to the Communists ' spiritual home; to consciously practice the piscipline rules is in front, enhanced organization concept, and obey Organization decided; to set right of worldview, and OutShang, and action Shang with to XI comrade for General Secretary of Central keep height consistent; any when are put d2orrective action implementation.ther che pendulum problem, pinpoint problems, get real, deep, identification, find the main "target", laying the Foundation for furparty members and cadres should closely real life personal and ideological work, reflections on the standard control, check tdiscipline awareness is not strong, depressed, six issues of ethical misconduct. Vast numbers of -arty weak sense, honesty and selft construction of the party, proposed to focus on solution of fuzzy ideals and beliefs waver, consciousness, purpose of the pcurrentter promote the water conservancy work. First of all, to find the problem. I'm learning education programme, in view of the ce the awareness of problems, problems of reform in place, continuous improvement in style, to better serve the people, to beoriented, enhan 考;(3)有疑必问,当天的疑难当天解决,决不拖到第二天。 把有关内容补进笔记本内;(4)看参考书,在阅读教科书和课堂笔记,四、要及时复习。著名心理学家艾宾浩斯对遗忘现象研究发现,人对所学知识有了基本了解之后,再围绕学习的中心内容去看参考书们对学到的新知识,一小时后只能保持44%,两天后只留下28%,的相关部分,把精彩的内容、精彩的题目及时摘到课堂笔记上,这6天后只剩下25%。这些数据表明,知识刚学过之后,遗忘特别快,样就会促使知识掌握向深度和广度发展,使学习逐渐形成良性循经过较长时间以后,虽然记忆保留的量减少了,但遗忘的速度却放环。 慢了。即遗忘的规律是:先快后慢,先多后少。针对这一规律,我七、要适时做好系统性复习。一个星期、一个月下来,或是学完了们学过新知识后,要“趁热打铁”,抓紧时间及时复习、巩固,才一 单元 初级会计实务单元训练题天津单元检测卷六年级下册数学单元教学设计框架单元教学设计的基本步骤主题单元教学设计 新知识,一定要把各科知识整理归类,系统复习,俗称“梳能不断强化已经建立起来的神经联系。因此,当天课堂上学过的新辫子”,经常这样把所学的知识条理化,久而久之,我们所学知识知识,除了该堂课上学过的新知识,当天课后还要及时再复习,绝就很清晰地印在大脑里,哪怕是一本书的知识也多而不乱,杂而有不能只把老师布置的书写作业做完了事,应看看书,理一理知识的序。 脉络,该背的要背,该写的要写,该想的要想。 八、复习要有雷打不动的计划,注意分配好复习时间。每个星期五、要经常复习,复习的次数要先密后疏。刚学过的知识遗忘得又的每一天对各门功课的复习都要作出明确的安排,在时间的分配上快又多,所以,复习的次数相对要多一些,间隔的时间也相对要短要处理好各门功课的关系,既不要用时不平衡,又不要不分重点和一些,即是说要经常复习,随着记忆巩固程度的加深,每次复习的自己的薄弱科目而平均用力。 间隔时间也可越来越长,到了一定的时候,知识就能牢固记忆,不 九、复习要有切合自己实际学习能力的目标,并且有达不成目标复习也不会忘记了。 的自我处罚措施。给自己以适当的学习压力,虽然并不是每次都能六、复习时要做好四件事:(1)尝试回忆,就是下课后独立地把老师达到目标,但长期这样训练,复习效率就会提高。 上课讲的内容回想一遍,这样可以及时检查当天听讲的效果,提高 十、要最大限度地利用时间复习。特别是平时一些闲散、短暂的记忆力,增强看书和整理笔记的针对性,养成善于动脑思考的习惯;时间都要利用起来,还可以把每科的基 (2)看教科书,重点看尝试回忆时想不起来、记不清楚、印象模糊的中考满分作文得分技巧 部分,看书时,用红笔把书上的重点部分、新概念或容易忽略的部文成绩的优劣关系到语文学科成绩的高低,考生要想夺取中考语文分勾画出来,在书的四周空白处记下简要的体会,高度概括课文内高分,必须首先要夺取作文高分。那么如何夺取中考作文高分呢?容的语言以及有利于记忆、带提示性的语句,以便以后再看书时能我们不妨从以下几点做起: 迅速抓住要点,回忆起关键的内容;(3)整理笔记,先把上课时没有??满分的外部条件 记下来的部分补上,再把记得不准确的地方更正过来,以保证笔记【技巧一】:作文成绩看字迹,得分要素是第一 的完整性和准确性,然后把笔记本上记录的疑点弄明白,如果需要, consciousness, purpose of the party weak sense, honesty and selfver, ion programme, in view of the current construction of the party, proposed to focus on solution of fuzzy ideals and beliefs wabetter serve the people, to better promote the water conservancy work. First of all, to find the problem. I'm learning educat oriented, enhance the awareness of problems, problems of reform in place, continuous improvement in style, to-we insist on problem hange, completely change, and change image. This fundamental aim of education in order to solve the problem, for this reason,ree "reform" as the core of real con, disciplined and strict rules, play, courage, give full play to the exemplary role, the successful completion of tasks. Th-f, water in ecological civilization construction and other key, think, often, more active, handsrelie aulic Process, protection of the mother River, rural safety water drinking project, construction of flood control and droughtation awareness, awareness, awareness, belief and faith, according to positions, downtown River regulation, diversion of hydre all party members to further enhance political par core, situa good cadre of" activities carried out in the ordinary party members "practicing pioneer standard post set up" activities. W-play an exemplary role, "adhere to the loyal clean play, Jiao Yulu level cadres above to be a benchmark,-; to consciously practice the party's purpose, keeping qualities. CPC requirements in sectionset right of worldview, and Outlook on life And to lead a clean slim family, always adhere to the Communists ' spiritual homene rules is in front, enhanced organization concept, and obey Organization decided; to Shang, and action Shang with to XI comrade for General Secretary of Central keep height consistent; any when are put discipli3, laying the Foundation for further corrective action implementation.n the standard control, check the pendulum problem, pinpoint problems, get real, deep, identification, find the main "target"uld closely real life personal and ideological work, reflections odiscipline awareness is not strong, depressed, six issues of ethical misconduct. Vast numbers of party members and cadres sho- 任何形式的作文考试,阅卷老师打分时,第一眼,看的是字迹。 考试作文中,一般都是由考生自己来拟定题目,题目不宜太长因此,写作文必须要把字写好。记住,考作文考的是内容,而不是和太短。怎么拟题呢?对于成绩一般的考生,应该采取特别措施了。书法,切忌字迹潦草。 拟题的办法有2个: 【技巧二】:考试作文五六段,干净整洁看卷面 一是你去搜索一下作文拟题目,可以找到作文老师讲述的类似技 考试作文中,要注意及时分段,三四个段落显得少了,八九个巧。 段落,显得琐碎了些。除非有特殊情况,段落以五六个段落为好。二是考生家长或考生,赶紧去翻阅最近一年的读者和青年文摘的合此外,卷面一定要整洁,不要涂改得乱七八糟。我的看法是,考试订本,根据题材,选择几十个比较精彩的标题,背下来,考试的时作文每段最好别超过5行,顶多是5行半。切忌一段都八九行,写候可能比葫芦画瓢地就能采 成“大肚子作文”。一旦给阅卷老师视觉上的疲劳,影响他的心理,??满分的内部条件 分数就受影响。如果有必要,死拉硬拽也要注意分段。 ???考场作文构思要巧妙 【技巧三】:色彩对比也关键,建议用笔选择蓝 《上海中考作文评分 标准 excel标准偏差excel标准偏差函数exl标准差函数国标检验抽样标准表免费下载红头文件格式标准下载 》中列出的第三项就是 “思路与结构”, 考试作文的卷子上,都是用黑颜色印刷的方格。如果你用非常占10分。其中A类卷的标准是:思路通畅;层次分明,且结构安排粗而且黑的钢笔答题,墨水容易“泄一滩”,影响卷面的干净。建有特色。而“思路与结构”的安排,体现在文章写作之前的“构思”议学生用不浅不深、笔画不粗不细的蓝色中性笔写作文。这样的作之中。构思在整个写作过程中是重要的一环。构思大致包括三个方文写出来,与黑色的方格形成一定的视觉对比,阅卷老师在视觉上面:选择题材,安排人物、情节;酝酿、提炼主题(或中心);确定艺有眼前一亮的感觉,分数上可能就会占便宜。在用蓝色中性笔写作术表现形式,如结构安排、表达方式和作品体裁等。 文的时候,注意不要用字把方格填满,建议占字格下面或者左下面 构思巧妙主要表现在以下几个方面: 的四分之三,这样,显得作文每行的层次感比较强。卷面显得也相第一, 文章的开头要吸引人。好文章的开头有:设置悬念式开对美观。 头;倒叙式开头;情景描写式开头;点题式开头;议论抒情式开头;引【技巧四】:开头结尾要简练,最好首尾两行半 名人名言或哲理性的话开头等。 除了切忌大肚子作文外,“大头作文”也要不得。建议考生在第二,情节安排要曲折生动,引人入胜,“文似看山不喜平”。因写作文的时候,开头结尾占两行半的卷面。顶多也不能超过三行半。此,叙事要有点“波澜”,不能平铺直叙。 想想看,一个开头就占太多的空间,阅卷老师的视觉又会有瞬间的 第三,表达方式要灵活多变,忌单一重复。 疲劳,也会影响阅卷老师的情绪。 第四,点题要巧妙。 【技巧五】:动笔之前要拟题,漂亮标题如美女 历年中考作文中,因构思巧妙而脱颖而出的佳作不少。例如:199 8年的考题《我的欢乐》,有一名考生运用丰富的想象,把自己幻 hange image. This fundamental aim of education in order to solve the problem, for this reason, we insist on problemo the exemplary role, the successful completion of tasks. Three "reform" as the core of real change, completely change, and con, disciplined and strict rules, play, courage, give full play t-tion construction and other key, think, often, more active, handser River, rural safety water drinking project, construction of flood control and drought relief, water in ecological civilizae mothreness, belief and faith, according to positions, downtown River regulation, diversion of hydraulic Process, protection of thdard post set up" activities. We all party members to further enhance political par core, situation awareness, awareness, awaa good cadre of" activities carried out in the ordinary party members "practicing pioneer stan-level cadres above to be a benchmark, play an exemplary role, "adhere to the loyal clean play, Jiao Yulu-purpose, keeping qualities. CPC requirements in section arty'slook on life And to lead a clean slim family, always adhere to the Communists ' spiritual home; to consciously practice the piscipline rules is in front, enhanced organization concept, and obey Organization decided; to set right of worldview, and OutShang, and action Shang with to XI comrade for General Secretary of Central keep height consistent; any when are put d4orrective action implementation.ther che pendulum problem, pinpoint problems, get real, deep, identification, find the main "target", laying the Foundation for furparty members and cadres should closely real life personal and ideological work, reflections on the standard control, check tdiscipline awareness is not strong, depressed, six issues of ethical misconduct. Vast numbers of -arty weak sense, honesty and selft construction of the party, proposed to focus on solution of fuzzy ideals and beliefs waver, consciousness, purpose of the pcurrentter promote the water conservancy work. First of all, to find the problem. I'm learning education programme, in view of the ce the awareness of problems, problems of reform in place, continuous improvement in style, to better serve the people, to beoriented, enhan- 想成一只 “和平鸽”,“要作一次旅行,从我的家乡——台湾,的个性特色,令人望而生厌。相反,有的学生由于平日里仔细观察一直飞到祖国的心脏”,文中以一只“和平鸽”的行踪为线索,展身边人物的言行举止,因而无论是写“父爱”、“母爱”抑或是写现了沿途在香港、上海、长江三峡工程、长城以及北京等地上空俯“师爱”,写出来的人物个个栩栩如生,跃然纸上,具有鲜明的个瞰到的一幅幅壮丽的景象,表达了“祖国统一、繁荣富强,是我最性特征,令人久久难忘。请看下面的三个片段: 大的欢乐”这一主旨,写出了中华民族的心声,高扬着时代的主旋 (1)从我看见文学社老师的第一眼起,就觉得:这个老头,律。这就摆脱了初中生身份的局限,摆脱了时空的束缚,超越了“小不简单! 我”,进而写出了“大我”——中华民族的欢乐。真是构思新颖, (2)是不简单。不然怎么会退休十年了还坐在这里气定神闲不落窠臼。又如2001年的考题《有家真好》,有一名考生通篇运地给我们上课呢!不然怎么会在各种大小报刊上都能翻到他的大作用拟人化手法,把台湾比作从内战结束后离开祖国母亲的孩子——呢!不然怎么会把一个个对文学还懵懵懂懂的学生,不出一二年,“我”,模拟游子的口吻准确而传神地演绎了台湾同胞的真切感受,就调教得玩起文字来有模有样了!对,他就是一个不简单的良师。 在“有家真好”的题目下表达了盼望台湾早日回归祖国的重大主题, (3) 他的头上顶着几片雪花,他的鼻梁上戴着一副眼镜,他具有很强的表达效果。再如2006年,有一名考生叙写 《我们的名的手上布满了蛛网,他的肚子里装满了墨水。他闪亮在眼镜后的小字叫“花样”上海人》,选取典型的人物和典型的事例,描述了“花眼能鉴定一篇文章的好坏,也似乎能看透一个人写作水平的高低。样”上海人“有春花的热情,有夏花的爱心,有秋花的收获,有冬他那张嘴总能吐出我们意料不到或者前所未闻的知识和信息,也似花的坚韧”等个性特征。全文按照春、夏、秋、冬四个时令季节为乎能迸出我们未来的写作前景。他那双手可以修改出一篇篇佳作,序,以春日的红杏、夏日的荷花、秋天的硕果和冬日的腊梅为喻,也似乎可以充实一个人的涵养。他,真的不简单! (这三段文字节并配以鲜明的富有时令季节特征的四句古诗文名句,作为四个部分选自 《良师》) 的小标题,凸显上海人的“花样”性格,构思十分巧妙。 这三段文字节选自某生写的 《良师》。通过四个“不简单”, 总之,好文章的构思往往是巧妙的,新奇独特而不落俗套。 由外而内地介绍了文学社指导老师的与众不同之处,“良师”的形???考场作文写人要鲜明 象已初露端倪。 回顾上海历年中考作文题,涉及叙事写人的作文题有1985年 写人,不仅要学会写活单个人,还要学会写活群体形象。例如的 《同桌》、1988年的 《我和××》、1989年的《我》、19922004年的《我们是初升的太阳》和2006年的《我们的名字叫____》,年的 《忘不了他 (她)》、1995年的 《母爱》、1997年的 《良都属于要求叙写群体形象的考题,当年的考生是如何写活“我们”师》等。要夺取此类作文的高分,写出来的人物必须具有鲜明的个这一群体形象的?你可以阅读这两年的中考佳作,从中受到启发。 性,忌千人一面,千人一腔。有的学生写起人来,总是喜欢用“目???考场作文语言要流畅 光炯炯有神,迈着矫健的步伐”之类的词句,千篇一律,缺乏鲜明 ree "reform" as the core of real con, disciplined and strict rules, play, courage, give full play to the exemplary role, the successful completion of tasks. Th-f, water in ecological civilization construction and other key, think, often, more active, handsrelie aulic Process, protection of the mother River, rural safety water drinking project, construction of flood control and droughtation awareness, awareness, awareness, belief and faith, according to positions, downtown River regulation, diversion of hydre all party members to further enhance political par core, situa good cadre of" activities carried out in the ordinary party members "practicing pioneer standard post set up" activities. W-play an exemplary role, "adhere to the loyal clean play, Jiao Yulu level cadres above to be a benchmark,-; to consciously practice the party's purpose, keeping qualities. CPC requirements in sectionset right of worldview, and Outlook on life And to lead a clean slim family, always adhere to the Communists ' spiritual homene rules is in front, enhanced organization concept, and obey Organization decided; to Shang, and action Shang with to XI comrade for General Secretary of Central keep height consistent; any when are put discipli5, laying the Foundation for further corrective action implementation.n the standard control, check the pendulum problem, pinpoint problems, get real, deep, identification, find the main "target"uld closely real life personal and ideological work, reflections odiscipline awareness is not strong, depressed, six issues of ethical misconduct. Vast numbers of party members and cadres sho-consciousness, purpose of the party weak sense, honesty and selfver, ion programme, in view of the current construction of the party, proposed to focus on solution of fuzzy ideals and beliefs wabetter serve the people, to better promote the water conservancy work. First of all, to find the problem. I'm learning educat oriented, enhance the awareness of problems, problems of reform in place, continuous improvement in style, to-we insist on problem hange, completely change, and change image. This fundamental aim of education in order to solve the problem, for this reason, 《上海中考作文评分标准》中列出的第二项就是“语言”,占和那饱经风霜的脸。“好喝吗,”“好喝~姥姥做的豆浆最好喝~”25分。其中A类卷的标准是:能准确、清晰地表达自己的思想;语“好喝多喝点,喝完了才有精神上学~”从姥姥手中接过豆浆,一言流畅,有一定的表现力。 种幸福的感觉在我心中荡漾。喝着一直甜到心里的豆浆,我想不到 具体讲,语言流畅,是指文章的语言表达流利,语句通畅。好自己这么幸福。 文章的语言应该是流畅的,而不是疙里疙瘩的;表述应该是简洁明 温馨的七月夏风 白的,而不是啰里啰嗦里的; 词汇 英语3500词汇语境记忆pets3考试词汇二年级反义词和近义词初中词汇词汇大全考研英语二高频词汇表 应该是丰富的,而不是贫乏的; 当我开始在食堂吃饭时,就已标志着我进人了初三。我以接近用语应该是准确的,而不是词不达意的;语意应该是通畅连贯的,光的速度吃完饭,头也不回地说了声再见就直奔教室。拿着一摞作而不是前言不搭后语的;比喻应该是新奇、贴切、形象的,而不是业本穿行于组与组之间的走道,以最快的速度将其送到每个同学的平淡、庸俗、抽象的;描写应该是具体的、细腻的、生动形象的,手中。突然,小刚挡住了我行进的脚步,他接过我手中的作业本轻而不是笼统的、粗糙的、枯燥乏味的;读起来应该是琅琅上口的,轻地说:“你的鞋带散了,系一下。”我下意识地弯了腰。谁说初而不是佶屈聱牙的。需要说明的是,入选本书的上海历年中考作文三的同学之间没有友谊,其实每个人的心中都装着62个同学,我的语言,大多是流畅的。 想不到我这么幸福 当然,写出优秀考场作文的要求和注意点还有很多,例如,情感 凉爽的十月秋风 要真实,中心要明确,结构要有特色,条理要清晰,详略要得当等, 星期六放学回家,公共汽车上学生特多,待我上车时,车里已在此不一一赘述,但上述五点尤为重要。如果你的考场作文做到了被挤得水泄不通。车中人声嘈杂,汽车又摇摇晃晃,我两腿发抖,上述五点,写出了自己生活中的独特体验和感悟,写出了特色或亮两只手紧紧抓住车柱,不敢放松。身旁突然传来一个声音:“嘿~点,那么,得高分就有希望。 你坐下吧~”我顺着声音寻去,是一名陌生的男生,由于拘谨,我???零距离欣赏满分作文 支吾着说:“不用了,还是你坐吧。”此时,我心里似拂过和煦的 春风,流过甘甜的泉水,萌发出一种感动。后来他坐了不大一会儿,【满分作文 一】 没想到我如此幸福 贵州黔南一考 生 就坚持让我坐。这一刻我能感到一种意外的幸福。 蓦然回首,总有一份珍藏的记忆诱发着我们的情愫,历久弥新, 原来,幸福时时刻刻围绕在我的身旁:从母亲手中接过的饭碗,足堪玩味,让我感到自己如此幸福。 心存感激,那就是幸福;在灯下读着朋友的来信,品味友情,那就 和煦的三月暖阳 是幸福;如果你独坐一角,静静听歌,凝神遐想,那就是幸福。 我想起了热腾腾的豆浆,那天一大早,姥姥就招呼我喝她亲手【满分作文二】 花开的声音 甘肃一考生 做的豆浆。我便和邻居家的伙伴们一起并排坐好,享受着豆浆那淡 我躺在山坡上,静静地看头顶的白云被风吹散。 淡的清香。看着热气升腾、蔓延,我看到姥姥那眯成一条缝的眼睛 o the exemplary role, the successful completion of tasks. Three "reform" as the core of real change, completely change, and con, disciplined and strict rules, play, courage, give full play t-tion construction and other key, think, often, more active, handser River, rural safety water drinking project, construction of flood control and drought relief, water in ecological civilizae mothreness, belief and faith, according to positions, downtown River regulation, diversion of hydraulic Process, protection of thdard post set up" activities. We all party members to further enhance political par core, situation awareness, awareness, awaa good cadre of" activities carried out in the ordinary party members "practicing pioneer stan-level cadres above to be a benchmark, play an exemplary role, "adhere to the loyal clean play, Jiao Yulu-purpose, keeping qualities. CPC requirements in section arty'slook on life And to lead a clean slim family, always adhere to the Communists ' spiritual home; to consciously practice the piscipline rules is in front, enhanced organization concept, and obey Organization decided; to set right of worldview, and OutShang, and action Shang with to XI comrade for General Secretary of Central keep height consistent; any when are put d6orrective action implementation.ther che pendulum problem, pinpoint problems, get real, deep, identification, find the main "target", laying the Foundation for furparty members and cadres should closely real life personal and ideological work, reflections on the standard control, check tdiscipline awareness is not strong, depressed, six issues of ethical misconduct. Vast numbers of -arty weak sense, honesty and selft construction of the party, proposed to focus on solution of fuzzy ideals and beliefs waver, consciousness, purpose of the pcurrentter promote the water conservancy work. First of all, to find the problem. I'm learning education programme, in view of the ce the awareness of problems, problems of reform in place, continuous improvement in style, to better serve the people, to beoriented, enhan-hange image. This fundamental aim of education in order to solve the problem, for this reason, we insist on problem 肃杀残留的初春,空气中多了几分清新。我不能像盛夏一般,花依然在枝头等待开放,我已下山而去,去经历我的寒冬。在东风悠闲地躲在树阴下,看从树缝中透出的点点光斑。树依旧是光秃秃来临之际,它会开出绚烂的花朵吗, 的,没几分生机。枯干的枝杈生硬地指向天空,木乃伊手臂一般,【满分作文三】 在我们这个年龄 乍一看,使人可怖~ 三十二个短发,三十个长发,组成了俺们这个班。俺们都是十五六 生活像被蒸馏过的白开水,越喝越没胃口,有时甚至有些倒胃。岁的少年,当然还有我们的老师,几个同样年轻的七零八零后。于虽说人生在世酸甜苦辣咸样样皆有,但每次投人学习前,酸甜苦辣是,在这个年龄的我们,很快建立了深厚的友谊。不信你看—— 咸都被蒸馏而去,单调无味~ 金庸武侠篇 艰涩的文言文,繁杂的数理化公式,可恶的英语单词,不知道江湖中,各武林中人正襟危坐,一言不发。窗外,竹林沙沙作响,它们认识我不,我的确不认识它们。每天都在重复,一切都是无休好不惬意~ 止的纠缠~ 突然,一阵急促的脚步声由远而近,闻声便知是内功极其深厚的武 于是给自己放假,兀自往山上走去。 林高手。各武林中人心慌不已,但都不现于人。一丝真气浮于面颊。 躺在枯黄的草坡上,阳光已变柔和,情懒地裹在身上。习惯了窗外,风似刀,叶似剑。平静的江湖如掀起一场生死狂澜。 冬日的我,被阳光刺得有些睁不开眼。于是翻身,不经意间,瞥见一袭黑衣的“老者”面目含笑地站在高台上,时而点头,时而微笑。花苞。 众人稍舒,稍稍正坐。突然,那“老者”大喊一声:“听写——” 花苞~我打了一个激灵,翻身去看。 暗器袭来,满城风雨。一番撕打之后,众人连连求饶。那“老者” 就在那枯干的枝扠上,倔强地挺立着几个花骨朵儿,瘦瘦的,双目紧闭,心如铁石。众人皆成“笔下厉鬼”。 小小的,像玉米粒,却因风吹而干瘪得厉害,像垂暮老人的面庞。琼瑶经典篇 我怜惜地去抚摸它。恰时,一阵风吹过,我努力张开双臂去保护它阳春三月,草长莺飞。一可人女孩坐在草地的竹椅上,双手玩弄着们。但没用的,该被带走的终究等不到东风;该留下的,依旧挺立,可爱的小熊。只见那女子眼波如秋水,唇不点自红,眉不描而翠,笑看狂风。 皮肤嫩滑如丝绸。女子旁边坐着一位少年,眉目清秀,英气逼人。 于是感叹生命的脆弱、无奈。但春天不因一朵花的夭折而黯淡,突然,那少年轻启薄唇,开了口:“我,我想和你说件事。” 有无数花儿是熬过了寒风挺过来的。看了眼前的花蕾,含苞待放,“什么事啊,”那女子面若桃花。 仿佛只要东风一到,就立即开放似的。但东风未至,它们只有等待。“我„„我„„”少年的脸更红了。 寒风中,它们坚持着,即使血泪的代价,也不足怜惜。坚持,坚持,“到底什么事啊,不说,我可要走了。” 是它们在为自己努力,等待花开的幸福„„ “我——我把你的文具盒弄坏了。这是新买了。” “你——” consciousness, purpose of the party weak sense, honesty and selfver, ion programme, in view of the current construction of the party, proposed to focus on solution of fuzzy ideals and beliefs wabetter serve the people, to better promote the water conservancy work. First of all, to find the problem. I'm learning educat oriented, enhance the awareness of problems, problems of reform in place, continuous improvement in style, to-we insist on problem hange, completely change, and change image. This fundamental aim of education in order to solve the problem, for this reason,ree "reform" as the core of real con, disciplined and strict rules, play, courage, give full play to the exemplary role, the successful completion of tasks. Th-f, water in ecological civilization construction and other key, think, often, more active, handsrelie aulic Process, protection of the mother River, rural safety water drinking project, construction of flood control and droughtation awareness, awareness, awareness, belief and faith, according to positions, downtown River regulation, diversion of hydre all party members to further enhance political par core, situa good cadre of" activities carried out in the ordinary party members "practicing pioneer standard post set up" activities. W-play an exemplary role, "adhere to the loyal clean play, Jiao Yulu level cadres above to be a benchmark,-; to consciously practice the party's purpose, keeping qualities. CPC requirements in sectionset right of worldview, and Outlook on life And to lead a clean slim family, always adhere to the Communists ' spiritual homene rules is in front, enhanced organization concept, and obey Organization decided; to Shang, and action Shang with to XI comrade for General Secretary of Central keep height consistent; any when are put discipli7, laying the Foundation for further corrective action implementation.n the standard control, check the pendulum problem, pinpoint problems, get real, deep, identification, find the main "target"uld closely real life personal and ideological work, reflections odiscipline awareness is not strong, depressed, six issues of ethical misconduct. Vast numbers of party members and cadres sho- 恶搞无厘头篇 一个烟鬼,正宗的烟鬼。他那早已被烟熏得焦黄的手指如今还一刻“年度欢送晚会现在开始~”主持人手拿铅笔盒慷慨激昂地宣布,不停地夹着一支卷烟。 “乡亲们,下面有请某某上台为大家演唱一首《心太软》,大家欢父亲爱抽烟,一直就是这样,我不知道为什么。无论在家还是外出,迎~” 在他的身上都有一股浓浓的烟味,让我无法承受的一股烟味。尤其“我总是心太软,把所有问题都自己答。试卷纵然简单,回答太难,在临近我上学的时候,那股烟味变得更浓更令人难以承受了。此时不会的话就别勉强„„”一曲过后,大家热泪盈眶地欢送歌手某某。 的我,因担心学费未凑足而焦虑不安,而老爸他却还在悠闲地抽他“下面有请某某上台演唱《素颜》。” 的烟,似乎对我的事漠不关心。见他整天在深深地吸烟,然后又轻“如果学习不马虎,是否还会被指点,当年被罚抄书要多丢脸就有轻地吐出来,我恨不得把他赶出家门。此情此景,真让我欲哭无泪,多丢脸。不画数学抛物线,不用抹匀涂改液„„”一曲又完,满场欲恨不忍。难道这就是我的父亲,难道这就是所谓的“顶天立地”,频频点头。 他如此的“伟大”,我还有何话可说呢, 晚会正在高潮时——“你们在干嘛呢,”老班突降现场。 尽管如此,我还是被按时送到了学校,这让我迷惑了。我似乎正在“老师,我们不敢了——”众人作大哭状。 慢慢察觉:在他深深地吸烟的同时,他也正在深思熟虑,在默默地尾声 担忧。再次回味那股烟味,发现了它有了一点淡淡的清香;再看到这就是俺们班的故事,这就是俺们的花季。在我们这个年龄,只有那缕烟影,我感觉到了其中笼罩了父亲的许多愁思。 你想不到的,没有我们做不到的。精彩还在继续„„ 回头 【得分点】借用金庸、琼瑶和无厘头,巧妙展示“我们这个年龄”又一次父亲送我来校,临走时,他照旧没说什么,连一点笑容也没的生活,真实再现了当今中学生的风貌,幽默中透出鲜活,轻松中留下,转身便走了。面对如此冷淡的父亲,我无法理解,更无法接彰显睿智。语言运用的纯熟,可见作者读写的功底。 受。突然产了一个念头:去偷偷地监视他。正当他走到转弯处时,【满分作文三 】 爱是浓烟一缕,回头一瞬„„ 他停了下来,回过了头,只见他那充满深情的目光似乎在寻找什么,人们常说,父亲是那登天的梯,父亲是那拉车的牛;也有人说,父哦,是想再看一眼他的儿子,然而却没看见。他又转过头来,我终亲是家中的精神支柱,是全家的避风港。 于被他发现。从他脸上终于隐隐呈现了一丝从未有过的笑容,那笑一直以来,我都在寻找一个能代表父爱的动作—— 容如早晨的露珠一样晶莹剔透,一样短暂,一样难得。从他的那双抽烟 眼中,我终于发现了人世间最美好的东西——无私的爱。 在他人心中,父亲如风雨中昂立的军人,父亲是悬崖边挺拔的青松,从此,这一精美的动作便深入了我的记忆宝库。多感人的一次回头~总之父亲是一个能顶天立地的男子汉。然而,在我心中,父亲只是 arty weak sense, honesty and selft construction of the party, proposed to focus on solution of fuzzy ideals and beliefs waver, consciousness, purpose of the pcurrentter promote the water conservancy work. First of all, to find the problem. I'm learning education programme, in view of the ce the awareness of problems, problems of reform in place, continuous improvement in style, to better serve the people, to beoriented, enhan-hange image. This fundamental aim of education in order to solve the problem, for this reason, we insist on problemo the exemplary role, the successful completion of tasks. Three "reform" as the core of real change, completely change, and con, disciplined and strict rules, play, courage, give full play t-tion construction and other key, think, often, more active, handser River, rural safety water drinking project, construction of flood control and drought relief, water in ecological civilizae mothreness, belief and faith, according to positions, downtown River regulation, diversion of hydraulic Process, protection of thdard post set up" activities. We all party members to further enhance political par core, situation awareness, awareness, awaa good cadre of" activities carried out in the ordinary party members "practicing pioneer stan-level cadres above to be a benchmark, play an exemplary role, "adhere to the loyal clean play, Jiao Yulu-purpose, keeping qualities. CPC requirements in section arty'slook on life And to lead a clean slim family, always adhere to the Communists ' spiritual home; to consciously practice the piscipline rules is in front, enhanced organization concept, and obey Organization decided; to set right of worldview, and OutShang, and action Shang with to XI comrade for General Secretary of Central keep height consistent; any when are put d8orrective action implementation.ther che pendulum problem, pinpoint problems, get real, deep, identification, find the main "target", laying the Foundation for furparty members and cadres should closely real life personal and ideological work, reflections on the standard control, check tdiscipline awareness is not strong, depressed, six issues of ethical misconduct. Vast numbers of - 终于,我彻底领悟了:我不是缺少父爱,而是缺少发现,那烟味充紧皱的眉头,担心的眼神,满脸的愁容,这无不昭示着此刻爸爸是满浓香,那回头充满深情。同时我也理解了父爱:父爱如山,父爱有多担心妈妈啊。还有刚刚掐掉的香烟,想想妈妈住院这几天,爸似海,父亲冷淡的外表里装的是颗赤热的责任心,是颗真诚的爱子爸没有抽过一支烟,没睡过一次饱觉。爸爸是有多爱妈妈的啊~ 之心。 有时候,爱,也许不用语言也能表达得很真切,这份沉甸甸的爱,试问父爱今何在,尽在一缕浓烟中,尽在回头一瞬间。 是属于爸爸妈妈之间的爱,寄托在行动上。 爱是爸爸掐掉的烟头 这份爱啊,是多么的无与伦比啊~ 他,我的爸爸。 “嗯,醒了。”忙转过头去。 她,我的妈妈。 爸爸笑了,那样灿烂~ 他们,虽然是夫妻,但不可避免地为些琐碎的事吵架,例如,妈妈笑了,那样美好~ 爸爸爱抽烟。 爸爸的大手紧紧握着妈妈的小手,这份爱啊,我想我是了解的深刻 他们,那样频繁地争吵,那么他们之间会有爱吗, 了。 爸爸可以说是一个嗜烟如命的人,他也总是在妈妈一而再再而三的????写作训练 劝告下一次又一次地偷偷抽烟,妈妈不是没有想过让爸爸戒烟,可以“爱是____________”为题,写一篇文章。 那过程,爸爸实在太痛苦,妈妈也是看在眼里,疼在心里,总有些要求:能抒发情怀,叙写生活,感情真挚,构思巧妙。字数600字于心不忍,于是,戒烟就那样失败了。 以上。 夏末的夜晚,说不上冷,但风顺着领口刮进脖子,总会稍带些凉气,巧开头妙结尾,考场作文有技巧 同样的,依然很刺骨,伸手搂了下自己,把脖子悄悄缩进领口里,,开头技巧, 想要搏得些温暖。爸爸在前面快步走着,我只得在后面紧紧跟着。 好的开头,能调动阅读的积极性。尤其是考场作文,如果头开妈妈,住院了。多想晴天霹雳一般打击着我们这个家庭。 得好,给阅卷老师耳目一新之感,就会使你的作文得个理想分数。医院,这是个不被人喜欢的地方,我讨厌这里消毒水的味道,我讨下列开头方法会让你考场制胜。 厌这里无处不在的白色。妈妈刚做完手术,穿着蓝白条纹的病号服, 一、巧设悬念,吸引读者。巧妙地设置悬念,能吸引读者迫不就那样静静躺在病床上,整个病房里没有一丝一毫的声音律动,看及待地往下读,急于想知道谜底。如2008年江苏高考优秀作文《好着爸爸紧皱的眉头,我能清楚的感觉到他担心妈妈的心绪。爸爸本奇心》的开头这样写“为什么,两个人都长年纪了,相距不过几米能的拿出一支烟,点上,这时,“咳咳。”妈妈不自觉地咳嗽了一的屋子,有什么必要隔几分钟就喊一下,”这一开头很新颖有味,声,爸爸看了一下手中的烟,坚决的掐掉了。转而又望向妈妈,紧颇能吊人胃口,然后再自然引出下文奶奶每隔几分钟就喊一次爷爷紧握着她的手。 consciousness, purpose of the party weak sense, honesty and selfver, ion programme, in view of the current construction of the party, proposed to focus on solution of fuzzy ideals and beliefs wabetter serve the people, to better promote the water conservancy work. First of all, to find the problem. I'm learning educat oriented, enhance the awareness of problems, problems of reform in place, continuous improvement in style, to-we insist on problem hange, completely change, and change image. This fundamental aim of education in order to solve the problem, for this reason,ree "reform" as the core of real con, disciplined and strict rules, play, courage, give full play to the exemplary role, the successful completion of tasks. Th-f, water in ecological civilization construction and other key, think, often, more active, handsrelie aulic Process, protection of the mother River, rural safety water drinking project, construction of flood control and droughtation awareness, awareness, awareness, belief and faith, according to positions, downtown River regulation, diversion of hydre all party members to further enhance political par core, situa good cadre of" activities carried out in the ordinary party members "practicing pioneer standard post set up" activities. W-play an exemplary role, "adhere to the loyal clean play, Jiao Yulu level cadres above to be a benchmark,-; to consciously practice the party's purpose, keeping qualities. CPC requirements in sectionset right of worldview, and Outlook on life And to lead a clean slim family, always adhere to the Communists ' spiritual homene rules is in front, enhanced organization concept, and obey Organization decided; to Shang, and action Shang with to XI comrade for General Secretary of Central keep height consistent; any when are put discipli9, laying the Foundation for further corrective action implementation.n the standard control, check the pendulum problem, pinpoint problems, get real, deep, identification, find the main "target"uld closely real life personal and ideological work, reflections odiscipline awareness is not strong, depressed, six issues of ethical misconduct. Vast numbers of party members and cadres sho- 的事情,原来这是奶奶对爷爷的独特关爱方式。所以说,巧设悬念年甘肃高考优秀作文《一只海龟的自白》:“我是一只刚孵化的海的开头独具吸引力,是吸引阅卷老师眼球的好方法。 龟,我要去海边侦查,看看那里有没有我们的天敌。”这篇文章构 二、借用修辞增加亮点。用修辞句开头,便于抒写作者心中的思就比较奇特,采用拟人化第一人称的写法,模拟小海龟的口吻,感悟,激起读者往下读的兴趣。如2008年福建高考优秀作文《女用词准确,刻画细腻,感染力强,展示了考生所具备的一定文学潜孩的成长滋味多》:“都说十八九岁的女孩如初升的太阳,轻轻地质。 走出地平线,亭亭玉立在澄澈的海面,沾着雾气,漾着柔波;都说 五、巧用题记、形式新颖。如果说题目是文章的“眼睛”,那么十八九岁的女孩如刚刚绽放的百合,缓缓扬起嘴角的笑,乖巧地含好的题记无疑就装饰了“眼睛”,让“眼睛”美了起来,“美目”着小巧的下巴,带点稚气,透着娇媚;都说十八九岁的女孩如透着传情,通篇生辉。一个好的题记语言要优美,内涵要深要广,才能灵气的小公主,轻跳着扯出裙角的顽皮,爱扮可爱的鬼脸,有些调耐人寻味,令人赞叹。考场作文,为了引起阅卷老师的注意,有时,皮,有些任性„„”开头用排比句,句式整齐,气势磅礴,促人赏我们可以用题记来巧妙地点明文章的主旨,也可以巧用题记来设置读。然后引出“我也是个十八九岁的女孩,从小娃起,跌跌撞撞地悬念,以引起读者的阅读兴趣。2008年福建高考优秀作文《那年,成长为大姑娘”,写作至此,一位天真活泼、单纯可爱的女孩就跃青春无痕》用“青春的萌动来临了,那便是心上生花,长草”作为然纸上了。 题记;陕西高考满分作文《夜的最后一章》用“夜仔细想想,灯便 三、铺陈景物,渲染气氛。王国维有句话叫“一切景语皆情语”,亮了。风想吹灭灯光,却吹来了黎明”作为题记。这两篇文章的题是说恰当的景物描写能烘托人物思想感情,衬托人物性格特征,推记都起到了这方面的作用。 动情节发展,使文章景中显情,情因景设,情景交融而浑然一体, 六、开篇点题,干脆直接。这种方法指的是在文章的第一段就点便能深深打动读者的心。如2008年上海高考优秀作文《他们》这题,或点明题目,或揭示中心,决不拖泥带水,转弯抹角,而是简样开头:“夕阳西下,落日的余晖把半边的天空映得通红,如血色洁明快、直接切题。如2008年广东高考满分作文《不要轻易说“不”》般笼着,这个城市即将步入它璀璨而丰富的夜生活。”这段描写衬是这样开头的:“说不,是一种拒绝。因为你不喜欢,或者你不需托出农民工把城市建设美了却受到不公正待遇的现状。 要,或者你伤及自尊,所以你选择了拒绝,你说:‘不~我不需要~’” 四、巧用拟人、体物察情。运用拟人手法,让一个的动物甚至是开头就摆出论述的中心,切题迅速。 没生命的物体开口说话,像人一样用语言表达自己的思想,这样一总之,要别具匠心、精心设计自己文章的开头,让文章“亮”起来来好像周围的事物全都活了,都有了人的感情,所以这种开头方式从“头”开始。开动你的脑筋,选择恰当的开头方法为你的文章“亮易于让读者意往神迷。“会说话的产品卖得快”,市场营销的真谛相”吧~ 在这里也用得着。让你的“产品”也会说话吧,独到的见解,加上,结尾技巧, 新颖的写作角度,考场作文能如此开头,想不得高分都难。2008 -arty weak sense, honesty and selft construction of the party, proposed to focus on solution of fuzzy ideals and beliefs waver, consciousness, purpose of the pcurrentter promote the water conservancy work. First of all, to find the problem. I'm learning education programme, in view of the ce the awareness of problems, problems of reform in place, continuous improvement in style, to better serve the people, to beoriented, enhan-hange image. This fundamental aim of education in order to solve the problem, for this reason, we insist on problemo the exemplary role, the successful completion of tasks. Three "reform" as the core of real change, completely change, and con, disciplined and strict rules, play, courage, give full play t-tion construction and other key, think, often, more active, handser River, rural safety water drinking project, construction of flood control and drought relief, water in ecological civilizae mothreness, belief and faith, according to positions, downtown River regulation, diversion of hydraulic Process, protection of thdard post set up" activities. We all party members to further enhance political par core, situation awareness, awareness, awaa good cadre of" activities carried out in the ordinary party members "practicing pioneer stan-level cadres above to be a benchmark, play an exemplary role, "adhere to the loyal clean play, Jiao Yulu-purpose, keeping qualities. CPC requirements in section arty'slook on life And to lead a clean slim family, always adhere to the Communists ' spiritual home; to consciously practice the piscipline rules is in front, enhanced organization concept, and obey Organization decided; to set right of worldview, and OutShang, and action Shang with to XI comrade for General Secretary of Central keep height consistent; any when are put d10orrective action implementation.ther che pendulum problem, pinpoint problems, get real, deep, identification, find the main "target", laying the Foundation for furparty members and cadres should closely real life personal and ideological work, reflections on the standard control, check tdiscipline awareness is not strong, depressed, six issues of ethical misconduct. Vast numbers of
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