首页 天猫客服培训流程



天猫客服培训流程天猫客服培训流程 一:客服的基本流程 何为客服?客服=销售+服务性质。 1、招呼: 一:是语气热情,让人通过文字就能感觉到你就在身边为他服务一样。 二:是回复迅速,这一点很重要,如果人家十来分钟后才回复那你基本这单就挂了,还会给人家留下很不好印象,以后也不来了。 三:是个性化回复,不要让买家感觉是在跟机器说话。 四:是表情丰富,虽然我们不要做到一句话带一个表情,但是你至少也要三句话内有一个表情。 2、询问: 询问这个就有技巧了。这个不是死板板的,首先在询问之前你要做到了解客服的心理需求,你至少要大...

天猫客服 培训 焊锡培训资料ppt免费下载焊接培训教程 ppt 下载特设培训下载班长管理培训下载培训时间表下载 流程 一:客服的基本流程 何为客服?客服=销售+服务性质。 1、招呼: 一:是语气热情,让人通过文字就能感觉到你就在身边为他服务一样。 二:是回复迅速,这一点很重要,如果人家十来分钟后才回复那你基本这单就挂了,还会给人家留下很不好印象,以后也不来了。 三:是个性化回复,不要让买家感觉是在跟机器说话。 四:是表情丰富,虽然我们不要做到一句话带一个表情,但是你至少也要三句话内有一个表情。 2、询问: 询问这个就有技巧了。这个不是死板板的,首先在询问之前你要做到了解客服的心理需求,你至少要大概猜出买家他心理的想法。采用何种提问方式:是开放式的好还是封闭式的好,一般情况下在询问的时候尽量的做到要开放的询问,何为开放式的提问?简单的来说就是没有标准答案的就可以了,,比如针对快递的询问:“亲,请问什么物流对您最方便呢”,比“亲,给你发申通快递好吗?”要强的多。询问之前一定要先听一听对方,这样你才更好transportation and shipment to prevent the impurity of flying in order to reduce dust. 4.4 measures to prevent water pollution: 4.4.1 mixing wastewater discharge control: emissions of wastewater discharged into the sedimentation tank in the second ... BA, labor scheduling and measure 1, labour demand: calculated according to the schedule of the project, preparation takes about 2,400 labor days, said today it will mop up to 2,100. About the project, total said today it will need 92,600. According to the construction schedule, peaked on the 15th day of labour to the 45th day. This phase focuses on engineering subgrade earthwork, drainage, manhole in construction labor demand up to 880 days/day, need to focus on labor guarantee. We arrange production on this issue that, wherever possible, machinery in order to reduce the amount of labor needed, restrict contracts through legal procedures, and measures to improve the treatment, ensure the necessary labor to maintain normal production. In order to ensure the quality of the workforce must have a certain number of technical workers. 2 2.1 establishment of workers ' wages, labor organizations and arrangements to ensure system: Project Manager and construction team, the teams and personal signature guarantee timely and full payment of wages of migrant workers undertaking signed on the protection of workers ' wages with the owners responsibility, establishing guarantee system from top to bottom. Financial guarantee: 的了解到他心理想要什么,而且你要想办法做到激发客服的需求,为下一步的分析做准备,提问时注意人称,要表达出对对方的兴趣。不同类目提问的 内容 财务内部控制制度的内容财务内部控制制度的内容人员招聘与配置的内容项目成本控制的内容消防安全演练内容 不同。 3、分析 分析就是分析客户,判断他是不是真的需要,是不是比较急切等等,要做到知己知彼,方能百戓不殆。要从各方去搜集客服的信息,比如从旺旺界面能够了解到客户支付宝注册时间长短,信誉等级高低,他们是属于哪一类型的客服?算下平均消贶,是专门贩买低档产品的还是专门贩买高档产品的。 4、推荐 推荐有两种,一是在买家不喜欢这个款的时候,准备离开的时候,根据你的分析给他推荐,二是他已经喜欢了的时候决定买的时候还给他推荐一款,提高你的客单价。第一个情况有两种推荐方法,一是如果你分析的是买家在纠结,有疑问的时候你要推荐,这个时候你推荐的是选择你的理由和你们的优势。二是如果买家是不喜欢你的产品这个时候你要推荐的就是推荐你其他的产品,最具优势和最适合他的产品。如果是第二种情况你要推荐跟这个产品最好搭配的产品。 5、议价 客户议价是正常的,不要反感,有一个这样的例子:为什么你家的内裤比别人的贵了这么多呢?可以优惠吗?回答:亲,内裤这个东西是贴身穿的,如果要是买那些便宜的闹出个什么难言之隐那就不好了,您说呢?其实我个人觉得这个是很好的回答,如果你直接告诉他你的质量比别人的好,可能人家还不接受。所以在议价的时候一定要转移买家盯住的点。 transportation and shipment to prevent the impurity of flying in order to reduce dust. 4.4 measures to prevent water pollution: 4.4.1 mixing wastewater discharge control: emissions of wastewater discharged into the sedimentation tank in the second ... BA, labor scheduling and measure 1, labour demand: calculated according to the schedule of the project, preparation takes about 2,400 labor days, said today it will mop up to 2,100. About the project, total said today it will need 92,600. According to the construction schedule, peaked on the 15th day of labour to the 45th day. This phase focuses on engineering subgrade earthwork, drainage, manhole in construction labor demand up to 880 days/day, need to focus on labor guarantee. We arrange production on this issue that, wherever possible, machinery in order to reduce the amount of labor needed, restrict contracts through legal procedures, and measures to improve the treatment, ensure the necessary labor to maintain normal production. In order to ensure the quality of the workforce must have a certain number of technical workers. 2 2.1 establishment of workers ' wages, labor organizations and arrangements to ensure system: Project Manager and construction team, the teams and personal signature guarantee timely and full payment of wages of migrant workers undertaking signed on the protection of workers ' wages with the owners responsibility, establishing guarantee system from top to bottom. Financial guarantee: 6、帮助 常见的帮助有对新手的网银的使用啊,支付宝的使用啊,好评的修改啊,退换货等售后啊等等,这些你都需要实现就准备好。这个不多谈,重点在于迅速和热情就行。 7、核实 核实也很简单,就是每一个成交的用户你都要去和他核实一下他的地址,他要求了些什么,发的快递等。 8、告别 不要在人家付款后就不鸟人家了,一定要和人家做一个告别,可以说:再次感谢亲对本店的支持。我们会很高兴亲在收到宝贝后给我们五分好评的鼓励。如果亲对不满意戒者有其他问题的,请亲及时的联系我们,我们会服务到亲满意为止,祝亲生活愉快,网贩开心。 9、追单 追单就是有些拍下没有付款的,建议每天下午发货前给买家打一个电话,说:您拍下宝贝暂时还没有付款,如果亲现在付款的话我们马上就可以发货。有时候你会发现,去追单一下很多的就会来付款。 追单的方式:旺旺,系统,短信,电话,站内信,邮件等。 二:让顾客跟着你走 transportation and shipment to prevent the impurity of flying in order to reduce dust. 4.4 measures to prevent water pollution: 4.4.1 mixing wastewater discharge control: emissions of wastewater discharged into the sedimentation tank in the second ... BA, labor scheduling and measure 1, labour demand: calculated according to the schedule of the project, preparation takes about 2,400 labor days, said today it will mop up to 2,100. About the project, total said today it will need 92,600. According to the construction schedule, peaked on the 15th day of labour to the 45th day. This phase focuses on engineering subgrade earthwork, drainage, manhole in construction labor demand up to 880 days/day, need to focus on labor guarantee. We arrange production on this issue that, wherever possible, machinery in order to reduce the amount of labor needed, restrict contracts through legal procedures, and measures to improve the treatment, ensure the necessary labor to maintain normal production. In order to ensure the quality of the workforce must have a certain number of technical workers. 2 2.1 establishment of workers ' wages, labor organizations and arrangements to ensure system: Project Manager and construction team, the teams and personal signature guarantee timely and full payment of wages of migrant workers undertaking signed on the protection of workers ' wages with the owners responsibility, establishing guarantee system from top to bottom. Financial guarantee: 我发现很多的客服在回答问题的时候总是喜欢说,你XXXX,我觉得XXXX,大概XXXX,可能XXXX等这样的一些回答。我个人认为这样的回答有点不好。特别是在服装方法这样模糊的回答非常的不好。为什么呢?因为人家来咨询你本身就是因为他有疑问,他在犹豫不决,而你却不能给他一个明确的答案,相反你还会让他更加的纠结。这里有一个例子,这个是从其他地方抄过来的,不是发生在我的身上,不给我觉得很有参考性。例:我身高162、体重49、这件t恤,普通款,哪个尺码合适我呢? 错误的常见的客服回复:亲,个人建议S的,如果您不放心可以具体看下详细的尺码表。 错误原因:没有建设性,很多顾客是不知道自己的腰围胸围,如果不知道就不销售了吗?显然是不行的,要了解顾客咨询的目的,尺码表只是一个参考,顾客不会看不见的,只是她不确定。当顾客再次把尺码表推给顾客时,我们想想是否还会有用呢? 正确的回复:亲,您的身材很不错,这件t恤您穿S尺码会合适一些,小码比较显身材。但如果您平时喜好宽松一些可以选择M尺码。 这样的回答你就好多了。买家顿时也就不会纠结了。他肯定如果喜欢的话就会买下了,而你给点不明确的答案的话他就只会更加的纠结。 三:客户分类很重要 我曾经听说过有这样一个例子,有人曾把所有的客服都分了类,比如友好型啊,砍价型啊,挑剔型啊,差评型啊等等这样分类,后来,我也曾学着这样分过类,感觉效果非常的好。这样我后来就能针对不同组的人采用不同的方法。 transportation and shipment to prevent the impurity of flying in order to reduce dust. 4.4 measures to prevent water pollution: 4.4.1 mixing wastewater discharge control: emissions of wastewater discharged into the sedimentation tank in the second ... BA, labor scheduling and measure 1, labour demand: calculated according to the schedule of the project, preparation takes about 2,400 labor days, said today it will mop up to 2,100. About the project, total said today it will need 92,600. According to the construction schedule, peaked on the 15th day of labour to the 45th day. This phase focuses on engineering subgrade earthwork, drainage, manhole in construction labor demand up to 880 days/day, need to focus on labor guarantee. We arrange production on this issue that, wherever possible, machinery in order to reduce the amount of labor needed, restrict contracts through legal procedures, and measures to improve the treatment, ensure the necessary labor to maintain normal production. In order to ensure the quality of the workforce must have a certain number of technical workers. 2 2.1 establishment of workers ' wages, labor organizations and arrangements to ensure system: Project Manager and construction team, the teams and personal signature guarantee timely and full payment of wages of migrant workers undertaking signed on the protection of workers ' wages with the owners responsibility, establishing guarantee system from top to bottom. Financial guarantee: 四:客户永远是上帝,客户对的是你错,客户错的也是你错 店铺做久了你会发现总会有一些奇葩的人,你做到再好甚至也让他满意不了。这个时候 你一定要记住错的永远是你,不要和客户去争论,只要客户出现了不满意,要不停的赔礼道 歉。在客户抱歉的时候千万不要去打断,更不要去解释,首先就一直让他抱怨,适当的时候 附和他,说什么“对不起,给您带来不便了,非常抱歉”等之类的道歉语句。 transportation and shipment to prevent the impurity of flying in order to reduce dust. 4.4 measures to prevent water pollution: 4.4.1 mixing wastewater discharge control: emissions of wastewater discharged into the sedimentation tank in the second ... BA, labor scheduling and measure 1, labour demand: calculated according to the schedule of the project, preparation takes about 2,400 labor days, said today it will mop up to 2,100. About the project, total said today it will need 92,600. According to the construction schedule, peaked on the 15th day of labour to the 45th day. This phase focuses on engineering subgrade earthwork, drainage, manhole in construction labor demand up to 880 days/day, need to focus on labor guarantee. We arrange production on this issue that, wherever possible, machinery in order to reduce the amount of labor needed, restrict contracts through legal procedures, and measures to improve the treatment, ensure the necessary labor to maintain normal production. In order to ensure the quality of the workforce must have a certain number of technical workers. 2 2.1 establishment of workers ' wages, labor organizations and arrangements to ensure system: Project Manager and construction team, the teams and personal signature guarantee timely and full payment of wages of migrant workers undertaking signed on the protection of workers ' wages with the owners responsibility, establishing guarantee system from top to bottom. Financial guarantee:
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