首页 转变中式思维之用词造句(SentencemakinginchangingChinesethinking)



转变中式思维之用词造句(SentencemakinginchangingChinesethinking)转变中式思维之用词造句(SentencemakinginchangingChinesethinking) 转变中式思维之用词造句(Sentence making in changing Chinese thinking) Blue eagle breakthrough theme - change Chinese thinking word making sentence - welcome all echelon members and writing people to participate! Dea...

转变中式思维之用词造句(SentencemakinginchangingChinesethinking) 转变中式思维之用词造句(Sentence making in changing Chinese thinking) Blue eagle breakthrough theme - change Chinese thinking word making sentence - welcome all echelon members and writing people to participate! Dear friends, the captain and all echelon players, we have found that members are ready to start writing a very difficult problem is Chinese-English, now we all together to review the composition and found Chinese-English to come together, so you can more Many a little make a mickle. to help other members! Please send in the form of replies to your discovery of these sentences and your amendment proposal sent up, if you need to add new content, please update the post. If you don't need to add it to the content, you don't have to answer it Blue hawk Team Activity initiator: blue eagle NO.6 Here, a professor promised to revise my 3 composition every week before my exam. From the modification, it can be clearly seen that the differences between Chinese thinking and English thinking are shared here. The reorganization of sentences can't be updated every day until 29 March, but every week we pick up some of our typical sentences and reorganize them. Before and after the revision of the composition in the annex, because the modification of track on word format here does not support. Unconsciously, 10 compositions have been changed. One after another we summed up some common problems. It mainly aims at making sentences with words. Especially through the reorganization of long sentence patterns, it can be very intuitive to see how to improve chinglish. Here's a list of the sentences that have been restructured. I hope that it will help everyone to revise himself and his composition. I hope you don't mind if you quote the sentences in your composition. Here's the original sentence, and here's the reorganization. -As time goes by in this, computer era, the Internet becomes a more and more popular and significant event and topic for the modern society. Nowadays, some people think that students will be educated online eventually, which I cannot agree more. In this computer era, Internet has taken a much more popular and significant role in our modern society. This phenomenon led many people to a belief that students will eventually get their education though online training, which I cannot agree more. -Firstly, when a man becomes to a college students, the stress he faces is from both heavy school load and future life, especially the students majored in Mechanical Engineering or Civil Engineering. They throw their heart and soul to their studies, even with little time to relax. If University occupies their extra time to learn history, which have no relation to their major. It will become a unnecessary burden. Firstly, college students have to face not only the stress from the intense lectures and homework, but also the upcoming future reality. Take students majored in Mechanical Engineering or Civil Engineering as an example. Because of the tremendous amount of information they have to go through, 他们没有多少时间可以放松了。如果他们需要承担额外的历史学习, 而这与他们的专业无关,他们大多数人会认为生活是悲惨的。 -如果我们注意这个问题,是否所有大学生都应该学习历史,。 如果我们将这种情况与当前的辩论,是否所有的大学生都应该学习历 史。 -那些关心历史对我们没用的人。他们相信未来更重要。 那些关心历史对我们没用的人认为未来更重要。 最近,我在学院里听说了一个新政策:将同一点评分给项目的所有成 员。在我看来,这是一个智慧而精彩的决策由以下三个原因,那就是, 这是一个极好的方式来激发每个成员的士气,使团队内部成员的和谐, 而且,最重要的一个,教的每一个成员在团队如何在一个团队合作, 这是对于未来的优越生活的一个重要特征。 给所有项目成员提供相同的分数是许多学院的一项新政策。从我的角 度来看,这是一个显著的和赞赏的决定是因为它必将给刺激组中的每 个人,保证整个项目流程的一致性,因此,教大家团队工作的一个重 要的教训,这是未来的关键。 首先,大学有责任,不局限于教育学生,继续发展和更多的未知世界的技术问题。 首先,大学有责任,不仅限于教育学生,而且要跟上快速发展的技术和发现世界的未知。 更重要的是,尽管体育和社会活动的各个方面都很重要。 此外,尽管体育和社会活动的重要性是不容否认的事实。 我认为合作能力比过去重要得多是个有争议的话题。 毫无疑问,无论是合作的能力是在过去更重要。 但现在,这家公司来(指代福特)的零部件从中国,日本,英国和许多不同的国家,然后将其汽车在国外。 然而,目前福特整个工作流程复杂的模型在北美洲 设计 领导形象设计圆作业设计ao工艺污水处理厂设计附属工程施工组织设计清扫机器人结构设计 , 在第三世界国家如中国、马来西亚制造零件,然后组装线建成世界。 -人们应该自己作出决定的主要原因是,这是确保他们在失败后不会后悔的唯一方法。 我支持人们应该做出自己的决定,仅仅是因为这是确保他们在失败后不会后悔的唯一方法。 人们不应该依赖他人的另一个原因是,自己做决定可以帮助人们学会独立的精神。 人们不应该依赖他人的另一个原因是,通过自己的决策过程,人们可以学会独立的精神。 -敢于冒险是成功的一个非常重要的品质。 敢于冒险是未来成功的重要财富。 2月12日更新 -随着社会的快速发展,每天我们的眼睛里充满了各种各样的物品。长期以来,有些人认为我们应该注意周围发生的事情,同时也总是有各种形式的反对意见。 在这个飞速发展的社会里,我们每天都在学习新的东西。因此,一场一般性辩论已经在我们周围盘旋了很长时间。有些人不考虑别人的意见,而另一些人则认为我们应该注意周围发生的一切。 例如,最近的政策实施,器官移植在中国是非法的,如果你在这一领域的优秀专家,然后在日本定居下来,与你的妻子和女儿是一个不错的选择,因为没有空间给你的人才研究与实验。 例如,当一个在器官移植领域的专家,找一个地方与家人定居下来,会是更好的选择日本在中国由于最近的政策指出,器官移植是非法的 -经过长时间的学习,我总是打开电视机查看有关生意的新闻。我听说联想收购了IBM的人力资源部。也许我会打开我的Firefox和转向www.economist.com看看别的国家发生。 经过长时间的学习,我会关注商业领域的新闻,如果我发现有什么吸引我的东西,也许我会在网上查看更多关于他们的信息。 -在这种情况下, 一个值得争议的问题是,了解这些事件是否重要,尽管有时候它们不太可能影响你的日常生活。 在回应这一情况,基于是否知道这些事件的重要尽管有时他们不可能影响我们的日常生活中已经引起了公众的辩论。蓝鹰突破专题-转变中式思维之用词造句 -根据与他的名字有关的发明来评估爱迪生的状态是不可能的。虽然他的许多发明对我们的现代文明有重大影响,但他的事业远远超出了他的发明。 要把爱迪生在历史上的地位和他所有的发明结合在一起,是不可能的,因为他的发明对我们现代文明的影响是深远的,他的事业远远超过了他所有的发明本身。 爱迪生不仅使许多实用和简单的设备,但也显示了应用科学的伟大力量通过这些具体conceivablely,从而改变人类的思维和行为方式。 爱迪生不仅创造出简单实用的设备很多,但他也展示了应用科学的伟大力量的具体和令人信服,从而改变人类的心态。 -地球上所有的生命,都是无法替代的。然而,有一个假设:人类的基本要求,无论是饮水、工业还是农业,都将得到满足。 我们地球上所有的生物都依赖于水,似乎没有任何东西可以代替它。然而,目前有一个假设,即人类对水的基本需求,无论是饮用水、工业用水还是农业用水,都将得到满足。 -以下原则只适用于这些编辑词典机构进行第一次研究,而不是只复 制当前的词典。 下列规则只适用于第一手研究的词典机构,而不适用于现有词典的复制机构。 -词典作者复制一些句子,innclude常用词的常见用法的第一步,一些卡上。 词典编纂者首先把常用词常用的句子复制在卡片上。 -地质记录显示,生物灭绝是一个自然过程,有成千上万的生物消失,不适应环境的变化。 地质记录表明,生物灭绝是一个自然过程,成百上千的生物物种由于无法适应环境变化而消失了。 我填一些自己目前为止积累的,从学雅思到读语言课程。 1。随着时间的流逝…这种短语是显而易见的事实,就不用出现在论文里面了,每次写我们的协调都会帮我划掉 2。在学术论文里面,在我看来,从我的角度最好不好用点,因为真正的学术性论文要客观 3。在叙述观点的时候,用到首先,其次,第三点最好用下或此外…会更地道 4。用一些学术性词汇,比如人万恶之源,在论文里面千万不能用污染污染等等=。 P.S.支持这个贴,现在就是要提高词汇量和汉英的转变 我上写作得来的点点经验 以下是我在学校(北京科技大学)上实用英语写作研究生班时老师讲的几点中英文写作(用词方面)差异: 1。老外其实很喜欢创新的东西,所以,在他们的文章里极少的使用谚语、俗语,他们讨厌引经据典。比如说我们老是喜欢说当有一个方式老外看了会很反感...... 2。表示感叹的时候,我们经常会说,哦我的上帝~实际上在欧美国家里面,只有牧师、神父之类的任务在感叹时才会这么说话,这涉及到宗教信仰。一般人表示感叹,说我的天啊的时候,一般会用:哦,亲爱的~亲爱的我~哦,亲爱的~哦,我的......另外,在老外的文章里,很少出现感叹号,除非他们真的很感叹~ 3。用语(措辞)在中国写书,可以随便写,因为在中国是读者负责,即作者把书写出来,读者来 评价 LEC评价法下载LEC评价法下载评价量规免费下载学院评价表文档下载学院评价表文档下载 对错是非。但是在外国,写书是作者负责,那么作者就必须要证明自己的观点,所以他们不会轻易地得出这样的结论:只有这样我们才能......因为这种话太过于绝对,没有论证他们是不会随便讲的。同时,他们更倾向用具体的词汇,而非笼统的词汇。比如说走这个词,仅仅是走路,但是是快走还是慢走,正步走还是怎么个走法,这就难了,那么多的词语啊...... 4。注意词语的褒贬含义,其实英文中有很多次世代褒贬色彩的比如说幼稚天真,和就完全不同啦(一个是幼稚的,一个是天真无邪的,哪个是哪个我给忘了,大侠们补上啦) 5。不要用那些陈词滥调啦,,,如上所说的,其实老外喜欢用新东西,不喜欢用别人用过很久的,比如说,一方面,另一方面,老外很少说了,即是说的话,前半句也总是省掉的,还有我们经常用的,最 后但并非最不重要的......其实老外听到这个词,就像一个中国人跟 你说”在下某某,久仰久仰...... 6。数据的准确性,老外比较严谨的,我们有时候用很少、相当大之 类的词语,但是他们更喜欢7个,7000万之类的数字 这些是在选词,用此方面的一些问题,我的课也刚好上到这里, Let's tell you something new Project content annotation Opening Paragraph (opening paragraph) Introduce the background and put forward your thesis sentence, and explain your topic sentence opening paragraph, that is, the first paragraph, let the reader (check the teacher) know what you want to write. 1. if there is a background in the topic, please explain the background. If there is no background in the topic, you can either mention it or not. 2., after putting forward your topic sentence, if you can, explain your topic sentence. (don't give an example). If you have a full explanation of your topic sentence, you can't write the end paragraph Body (subject) demonstrates each part of your topic sentence. This part demonstrates your thesis 1. every argument should have an explanation, and you can have no example to prove it, but some can't explain it. (if you did not specify examples of arguments, you can also explain at least save the day) 2. each sub argument (idea), or put forward at the beginning of the paragraph, or put forward at the end of the paragraph, is not recommended at the beginning of paragraph and paragraph tail. To make an argument at the end of the paragraph, it is important to draw out your argument on the basis of the argument and the explanation of the argument, not the argument that suddenly leads to it. This will affect the score. 3., when you demonstrate your support with examples, mention why you don't support another view 4., in order to make the article more level. When we demonstrate, we can use the expressions of "progressive turn", "parallel progression" and so on. What is specific? Please read the model carefully. 5. not necessarily every argument is written firstly, secondly, thirdly, etc., the level of the article in your content Closing Paragraph (end segment) Full text summary 1.. If you have a detailed explanation of the topic sentence in the opening paragraph, and the subject part of the argument is fully discussed, you can not write 2., if you write, please note: A. do not simply repeat your topic sentence B. do not make too absolute conclusion, that is, do not cover a group. See After mastering the above part, it began to advance When Uchi Ko expresses and connects 1., a complete sentence is divided into several small sentences, we must pay attention to whether the subject of each small sentence should be consistent. Need to be consistent. Pay attention! 2. when a paragraph is divided into arguments, explanations, arguments, be aware that what you write is centered around a center. 3., constantly improve their own level of expression, even if a single sentence can also attract the teacher's eye. Recommend good sentences in new concept 3 Expressions and sentences in paragraphs cohesion can be regarded as a kind of art, a good master can make the paragraph, fine, in this regard, not what special way, the only way is to read a lot, based on the practice of writing. 1.independent writing does not necessarily require advanced vocabulary. If you want to use an advanced vocabulary, but you're not familiar with its usage, you're gambling. Especially the substitution of synonyms 2. choose the closest one in the case that a few words can be used When you recite words, if you have examples, please look at examples. The diversity of sentence patterns is not a problem that can be solved overnight, and there is no fixed rule when using it. Recommend you to see the New Oriental composition Lecture Notes The key point: the more you master grammar, the more features you write. The diversity of sentence patterns makes it possible to practice. Last words 1., there's a good saying, "anything is possible, yes, but if you just look at this article, you can improve your writing. It's impossible.". There is no lack of experience in writing. It was written after the writer had reached a certain level. 2., this is a methodological article. Provide you with a train of thought. So, if you look at Li Xiaolai's 185 articles, or magictest.com's high score essay, you can compare this article. 3.185 is it possible to read all of them? Maybe, it's impossible. If you don't have enough time, writing is the most important thing for you. This is better than about 185 times. 4. recommended reading Too silly about IBT writing experience and experience more, here a few selected to silly friends. Summarize the problem and upload about composition of Wang Yumei & Yang Peng memory, Li Xiaolai MP3. This is an article written by Tracy about the problems in the composition, New Oriental composition This is a lecture on the syntax of New Oriental which is uploaded by Tracy. It is a good textbook for the friends who need to improve the diversity of sentence patterns Good sentences in new concept 3 A good sentence for NCE3 collected by amnesiaoa. It's very helpful to write high level sentences Some learning experiences about TOEFL iBT writing... Roger explains how to write a IBT composition with an example. Main members of the blue hawk team: (2008.3.6 update) Tracy24 (Team leader), Holsety, Zoe, benz2015 (Jimmy), jiutouniao1983, Yifei, vampire, Sorcier, vaccinia, spinach, faye: Blue eagle team 19th Dec 2006
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