首页 后备班组长技术员培训计划



后备班组长技术员培训计划后备班组长技术员培训计划 山东海科化工集团有限公司 后备班组长/技术员培训计划 编制:海科人资部 审核: 批准: 山东海科化工集团有限公司 in building lawn, lawn built in growing season required after applying fertilizer. Cold season grass dressing time is best in early spring and fall. After the first green, can play a ...

后备班组长技术员培训 计划 项目进度计划表范例计划下载计划下载计划下载课程教学计划下载 山东海科化工集团有限公司 后备班组长/技术员培训计划 编制:海科人资部 审核: 批准: 山东海科化工集团有限公司 in building lawn, lawn built in growing season required after applying fertilizer. Cold season grass dressing time is best in early spring and fall. After the first green, can play a role in facilitating the growth of second in spring, after the weather turned hot, you should stop dressing. Fertilization in autumn on 9, October. Applies fertilizer the time is late spring of warm-season grasses. In a month or 2 months of growing season to be caught up with fertilizer. Increasing the density of foliage, improve resistance to stepping on. Fertilizing should not be late for the last time in mid-September. 3, trimming the lawn is the focus, and is the most intensive work. Trim control lawn height of the tillers, increasing the density of leaves, weeds and lawn neat and beauty. General lawn trimmed at least 4-5 times a year, prune and trim the number of height is related to two factors. Lower the cutting height requirements, pruning more times. Leaves of grass density and coverage also increases with the number of trim and more. It should be noted that in accordance with regular mowing the grass cutting height, when up to 1.5 times the height of the grass, trim twice times the maximum shall not exceed the specified height. 4, weed weed invasion will seriously affect the quality of the lawn, turf lost uniform and neat appearance and purpose weed and grass competition for water, fertilizer, race the Sun, so that objective grass growth decline, so weed is an essential part of lawn maintenance and management. The fundamental methods of weed prevention and removal is the rational management of water and fertilizer, grass growth promotion purposes, increase competitiveness with weeds, and multiple trim, suppress weedsin building lawn, lawn built in growing season required after applying fertilizer. Cold season grass dressing time is best in early spring and fall. After the first green, can play a role in facilitating the growth of second in spring, after the weather turned hot, you should stop dressing. Fertilization in autumn on 9, October. Applies fertilizer the time is late spring of warm-season grasses. In a month or 2 months of growing season to be caught up with fertilizer. Increasing the density of foliage, improve resistance to stepping on. Fertilizing should not be late for the last time in mid-September. 3, trimming the lawn is the focus, and is the most intensive work. Trim control lawn height of the tillers, increasing the density of leaves, weeds and lawn neat and beauty. General lawn trimmed at least 4-5 times a year, prune and trim the number of height is related to two factors. Lower the cutting height requirements, pruning more times. Leaves of grass density and coverage also increases with the number of trim and more. It should be noted that in accordance with regular mowing the grass cutting height, when up to 1.5 times the height of the grass, trim twice times the maximum shall not exceed the specified height. 4, weed weed invasion will seriously affect the quality of the lawn, turf lost uniform and neat appearance and purpose weed and grass competition for water, fertilizer, race the Sun, so that objective grass growth decline, so weed is an essential part of lawn maintenance and management. The fundamental methods of weed prevention and removal is the rational management of water and fertilizer, grass growth promotion purposes, increase competitiveness with weeds, and multiple trim, suppress weeds 海科公司后备班组长、技术员的后备培养计划 一、目标 通过各阶段课程的设置强化后备班组长/技术员的综合素质培训,进一步提高岗位操作技能、管理技能等,以完善能力结构、增强人力资源综合实力,为公司发展后备合格的后备力量。 二、培训原则 1、所有后备班组长/技术员必须参加公司组织的各项培训,并认真记录、学习; 2、根据培训课程设置,公共类理论性管理知识培训由人力资源部负责、专业技能提升部分培训由各部门负责,各阶段根据情况采取相应方式考核; 3、培训计划与公司发展需求相适应,需要时,可做部分调整。 三、过程管理 、管理技能提升 1 人力资源部将组织对后备人才进行共性的公共管理类的知识培训。并按照培训内容定期组织考试,考核成绩记入后备人才档案;同时通过对后备人才进行培训过程的跟踪与记录,发掘个人自身的其优势与不足。针对其相对弱项,组织对后备班组长、技术员进行有针对性地外委培训。 具体课程设置见附 关于同志近三年现实表现材料材料类招标技术评分表图表与交易pdf视力表打印pdf用图表说话 pdf 。 2、专业技能提升 后备班组长、技术员所在车间负责人为该后备专业技能培训的第一责任人。根据部门职责、岗位说明书等、结合后备个人的具体需求情况制定详细的专业技能日常培训计划,包括专业基础知识和专业技能提升两部分,并制定详细的考核 措施 《全国民用建筑工程设计技术措施》规划•建筑•景观全国民用建筑工程设计技术措施》规划•建筑•景观软件质量保证措施下载工地伤害及预防措施下载关于贯彻落实的具体措施 ,实施跟踪考核。 (1)、带徒计划 车间负责人根据本车间岗位设置等情况,综合 分析 定性数据统计分析pdf销售业绩分析模板建筑结构震害分析销售进度分析表京东商城竞争战略分析 评定为后备人员指定定向辅导对象,即带徒弟。其间,人力资源部负责人员的配备,车间负责带徒计划计划的制定与日常管理。培训期结束车间协同人力资源部一同对徒弟进行考核,徒弟合格后将该后备抽离原岗位,进行下一步培养学习。带徒培训期的培训周期由车间根据情况自行确定。 ter applying fertilizer. Cold season grass dressing time is best in early spring and fall. After the first green, can play a rease competitiveness with weeds, and multiple trim, suppress weedsin building lawn, lawn built in growing season required afs, inctal methods of weed prevention and removal is the rational management of water and fertilizer, grass growth promotion purposehe Sun, so that objective grass growth decline, so weed is an essential part of lawn maintenance and management. The fundamenrace tthe quality of the lawn, turf lost uniform and neat appearance and purpose weed and grass competition for water, fertilizer, f the grass, trim twice times the maximum shall not exceed the specified height. 4, weed weed invasion will seriously affect ight orim and more. It should be noted that in accordance with regular mowing the grass cutting height, when up to 1.5 times the hethe cutting height requirements, pruning more times. Leaves of grass density and coverage also increases with the number of t5 times a year, prune and trim the number of height is related to two factors. Lower -t and beauty. General lawn trimmed at least 4and is the most intensive work. Trim control lawn height of the tillers, increasing the density of leaves, weeds and lawn neaSeptember. 3, trimming the lawn is the focus, -resistance to stepping on. Fertilizing should not be late for the last time in mid grasses. In a month or 2 months of growing season to be caught up with fertilizer. Increasing the density of foliage, improve season-ned hot, you should stop dressing. Fertilization in autumn on 9, October. Applies fertilizer the time is late spring of warmspring and fall. After the first green, can play a role in facilitating the growth of second in spring, after the weather turearly in building lawn, lawn built in growing season required after applying fertilizer. Cold season grass dressing time is best inress weeds, suppl management of water and fertilizer, grass growth promotion purposes, increase competitiveness with weeds, and multiple trims an essential part of lawn maintenance and management. The fundamental methods of weed prevention and removal is the rationaweed irance and purpose weed and grass competition for water, fertilizer, race the Sun, so that objective grass growth decline, so d the specified height. 4, weed weed invasion will seriously affect the quality of the lawn, turf lost uniform and neat appeaexcee regular mowing the grass cutting height, when up to 1.5 times the height of the grass, trim twice times the maximum shall notes of grass density and coverage also increases with the number of trim and more. It should be noted that in accordance with more times. Leav 5 times a year, prune and trim the number of height is related to two factors. Lower the cutting height requirements, pruning-of the tillers, increasing the density of leaves, weeds and lawn neat and beauty. General lawn trimmed at least 4September. 3, trimming the lawn is the focus, and is the most intensive work. Trim control lawn height -te for the last time in midcaught up with fertilizer. Increasing the density of foliage, improve resistance to stepping on. Fertilizing should not be laseason grasses. In a month or 2 months of growing season to be -n on 9, October. Applies fertilizer the time is late spring of warmn facilitating the growth of second in spring, after the weather turned hot, you should stop dressing. Fertilization in autumrole i2 (2)、轮岗学习 带徒计划完成后,车间负责人根据后备人员在本部门的工作经历安排其轮岗学习,以了解更多的本车间的其他岗位的专业知识。轮岗期间,部门负责人负责制定轮岗计划,包括轮换岗位、学习时间、学习目标、考核方式、责任人等内容,每月根据后备人才所在岗位进行考核,人力资源部及时跟踪,并将信息记入培养管理档案。后备人员在本车间工作过的岗位可不做轮岗安排。 (3)挂职锻炼 后备人员经过轮岗学习,本车间所有岗位均达上岗水平后,车间可安排挂职锻炼,兼任所在班组的副班长,负责协助班组班长进行班组内的管理工作。部门负责人作为后备人才的培训负责人,要制定详细的挂职锻炼期间的培训与考核计划,定期对后备人才进行考核,人力资源部对培训与考核过程进行全程跟踪与记录,将各种信息录入后备培养管理档案。 (4)参观学习 根据培训需要适时组织一次外出参观学习。学习相近装置或班组管理先进单位,参观学习后汇总整理班组管理措施,并形成 报告 软件系统测试报告下载sgs报告如何下载关于路面塌陷情况报告535n,sgs报告怎么下载竣工报告下载 ,经部门负责人审核后提交人力资源部备案。 四、培训过程管理 1、建立后备班组长、技术员的管理档案 建立后备人才档案,根据后备人才进行实时监控,并对其行为表现、工作态 度、培训考核成绩等内容实施跟踪、记录,不断更新后备人才档案。同时通过对后备人才进行岗位素质的测评,确定后备人才的岗位胜任程度及相应的优势与不足,确定日后的培养方向与计划。 2、建立学习笔记 后备班组长/技术员必须建立单独学习笔记,每月将本月学习内容(包括公司组织的培训学习内容及个人学习心得、个人自学内容)上交人力资源部,计入培养档案。 3、培训考试考核 公共类理论知识培训每门课程培训结束都要进行考核,根据培训课程属性可设置闭卷考试、问题答辩或者提交学习心得等方式进行考核;专业技能提升的每 wing season required after applying fertilizer. Cold season grass dressing time is best in early spring and fall. After the fin grorowth promotion purposes, increase competitiveness with weeds, and multiple trim, suppress weedsin building lawn, lawn built anagement. The fundamental methods of weed prevention and removal is the rational management of water and fertilizer, grass gand mor water, fertilizer, race the Sun, so that objective grass growth decline, so weed is an essential part of lawn maintenance will seriously affect the quality of the lawn, turf lost uniform and neat appearance and purpose weed and grass competition f asionup to 1.5 times the height of the grass, trim twice times the maximum shall not exceed the specified height. 4, weed weed inv es with the number of trim and more. It should be noted that in accordance with regular mowing the grass cutting height, whenmore times. Leaves of grass density and coverage also increas 5 times a year, prune and trim the number of height is related to two factors. Lower the cutting height requirements, pruning-ves, weeds and lawn neat and beauty. General lawn trimmed at least 4sing the density of leaSeptember. 3, trimming the lawn is the focus, and is the most intensive work. Trim control lawn height of the tillers, increa-sity of foliage, improve resistance to stepping on. Fertilizing should not be late for the last time in midseason grasses. In a month or 2 months of growing season to be caught up with fertilizer. Increasing the den-is late spring of warm, after the weather turned hot, you should stop dressing. Fertilization in autumn on 9, October. Applies fertilizer the time early spring and fall. After the first green, can play a role in facilitating the growth of second in spring in building lawn, lawn built in growing season required after applying fertilizer. Cold season grass dressing time is best ineds, and multiple trim, suppress weedsremoval is the rational management of water and fertilizer, grass growth promotion purposes, increase competitiveness with we n andss growth decline, so weed is an essential part of lawn maintenance and management. The fundamental methods of weed preventiouniform and neat appearance and purpose weed and grass competition for water, fertilizer, race the Sun, so that objective gra f losts the maximum shall not exceed the specified height. 4, weed weed invasion will seriously affect the quality of the lawn, turhat in accordance with regular mowing the grass cutting height, when up to 1.5 times the height of the grass, trim twice timemore times. Leaves of grass density and coverage also increases with the number of trim and more. It should be noted t 5 times a year, prune and trim the number of height is related to two factors. Lower the cutting height requirements, pruning-at least 4 sing the density of leaves, weeds and lawn neat and beauty. General lawn trimmedSeptember. 3, trimming the lawn is the focus, and is the most intensive work. Trim control lawn height of the tillers, increa-lizing should not be late for the last time in midimprove resistance to stepping on. Fertiseason grasses. In a month or 2 months of growing season to be caught up with fertilizer. Increasing the density of foliage, -Fertilization in autumn on 9, October. Applies fertilizer the time is late spring of warm ssing.irst green, can play a role in facilitating the growth of second in spring, after the weather turned hot, you should stop dre3 一阶段,人力资源部都要协助车间搞好考核,并及时记录。将相应记录计入培养管理档案。 5、后备班组长/技术员的培训其他过程管理依照相应的公司规定执行。 山东海科化工集团有限公司 二00八年八月十日 f the grass, trim twice times the maximum shall not exceed the specified height. 4, weed weed invasion will seriously affect ight orim and more. It should be noted that in accordance with regular mowing the grass cutting height, when up to 1.5 times the hethe cutting height requirements, pruning more times. Leaves of grass density and coverage also increases with the number of t5 times a year, prune and trim the number of height is related to two factors. Lower -t and beauty. General lawn trimmed at least 4and is the most intensive work. Trim control lawn height of the tillers, increasing the density of leaves, weeds and lawn neaSeptember. 3, trimming the lawn is the focus, -resistance to stepping on. Fertilizing should not be late for the last time in mid grasses. In a month or 2 months of growing season to be caught up with fertilizer. Increasing the density of foliage, improve season-ned hot, you should stop dressing. Fertilization in autumn on 9, October. Applies fertilizer the time is late spring of warmspring and fall. After the first green, can play a role in facilitating the growth of second in spring, after the weather turearly in building lawn, lawn built in growing season required after applying fertilizer. Cold season grass dressing time is best inress weeds, suppl management of water and fertilizer, grass growth promotion purposes, increase competitiveness with weeds, and multiple trims an essential part of lawn maintenance and management. The fundamental methods of weed prevention and removal is the rationaweed irance and purpose weed and grass competition for water, fertilizer, race the Sun, so that objective grass growth decline, so d the specified height. 4, weed weed invasion will seriously affect the quality of the lawn, turf lost uniform and neat appeaexcee regular mowing the grass cutting height, when up to 1.5 times the height of the grass, trim twice times the maximum shall notes of grass density and coverage also increases with the number of trim and more. It should be noted that in accordance with more times. Leav 5 times a year, prune and trim the number of height is related to two factors. Lower the cutting height requirements, pruning-of the tillers, increasing the density of leaves, weeds and lawn neat and beauty. General lawn trimmed at least 4September. 3, trimming the lawn is the focus, and is the most intensive work. Trim control lawn height -te for the last time in midcaught up with fertilizer. Increasing the density of foliage, improve resistance to stepping on. Fertilizing should not be laseason grasses. In a month or 2 months of growing season to be -n on 9, October. Applies fertilizer the time is late spring of warmn facilitating the growth of second in spring, after the weather turned hot, you should stop dressing. Fertilization in autumrole iter applying fertilizer. Cold season grass dressing time is best in early spring and fall. After the first green, can play a rease competitiveness with weeds, and multiple trim, suppress weedsin building lawn, lawn built in growing season required afs, inctal methods of weed prevention and removal is the rational management of water and fertilizer, grass growth promotion purposehe Sun, so that objective grass growth decline, so weed is an essential part of lawn maintenance and management. The fundamenrace tthe quality of the lawn, turf lost uniform and neat appearance and purpose weed and grass competition for water, fertilizer, 4 附表 理论培训课题 序培训时间 培训内容 培训讲师 培训对象 组织部门 培训方式 培训地点 备注 号 8月22日 职业生涯规划 冯旭涛 后备班组长/技术员 人力资源部 授课 四楼电教室 1 8月29日 公共基础知识培训(考题内容) 邱素芹 后备班组长/技术员 人力资源部 授课 四楼电教室 2 9月5日 5S管理知识 后备班组长/技术员 人力资源部 看影碟 四楼电教室 3 9月12日 设备基础知识培训 张生安 后备班组长/技术员 人力资源部 授课 四楼电教室 4 9月19日 消防知识强化训练 消防队 后备班组长/技术员 人力资源部 授课 四楼电教室 5 9月26日 为你自己工作 后备班组长/技术员 人力资源部 看影碟 四楼电教室 6 10月9日 如何做一名出色的主管 后备班组长/技术员 人力资源部 看影碟 四楼电教室 7 外聘石化总10月17日 设备维修、维护和保养 后备班组长/技术员 人力资源部 授课 四楼电教室 8 厂 10月24日 企业文化 缪初晓 后备班组长/技术员 人力资源部 授课 四楼电教室 9 11月7日 班组建设与班组长管理实战 后备班组长/技术员 人力资源部 看影碟 四楼电教室 10 11月 环保知识培训 吴成杰 后备班组长/技术员 人力资源部 授课 四楼电教室 11 关于润滑油、腐蚀、特种材料的厂家技术人11月 后备班组长/技术员 人力资源部 授课 四楼电教室 12 培训 员 will seriously affect the quality of the lawn, turf lost uniform and neat appearance and purpose weed and grass competition f asionup to 1.5 times the height of the grass, trim twice times the maximum shall not exceed the specified height. 4, weed weed inv es with the number of trim and more. It should be noted that in accordance with regular mowing the grass cutting height, whenmore times. Leaves of grass density and coverage also increas 5 times a year, prune and trim the number of height is related to two factors. Lower the cutting height requirements, pruning-ves, weeds and lawn neat and beauty. General lawn trimmed at least 4sing the density of leaSeptember. 3, trimming the lawn is the focus, and is the most intensive work. Trim control lawn height of the tillers, increa-sity of foliage, improve resistance to stepping on. Fertilizing should not be late for the last time in midseason grasses. In a month or 2 months of growing season to be caught up with fertilizer. Increasing the den-is late spring of warm, after the weather turned hot, you should stop dressing. Fertilization in autumn on 9, October. Applies fertilizer the time early spring and fall. After the first green, can play a role in facilitating the growth of second in spring in building lawn, lawn built in growing season required after applying fertilizer. Cold season grass dressing time is best ineds, and multiple trim, suppress weedsremoval is the rational management of water and fertilizer, grass growth promotion purposes, increase competitiveness with we n andss growth decline, so weed is an essential part of lawn maintenance and management. The fundamental methods of weed preventiouniform and neat appearance and purpose weed and grass competition for water, fertilizer, race the Sun, so that objective gra f losts the maximum shall not exceed the specified height. 4, weed weed invasion will seriously affect the quality of the lawn, turhat in accordance with regular mowing the grass cutting height, when up to 1.5 times the height of the grass, trim twice timemore times. Leaves of grass density and coverage also increases with the number of trim and more. It should be noted t 5 times a year, prune and trim the number of height is related to two factors. Lower the cutting height requirements, pruning-at least 4 sing the density of leaves, weeds and lawn neat and beauty. General lawn trimmedSeptember. 3, trimming the lawn is the focus, and is the most intensive work. Trim control lawn height of the tillers, increa-lizing should not be late for the last time in midimprove resistance to stepping on. Fertiseason grasses. In a month or 2 months of growing season to be caught up with fertilizer. Increasing the density of foliage, -Fertilization in autumn on 9, October. Applies fertilizer the time is late spring of warm ssing.irst green, can play a role in facilitating the growth of second in spring, after the weather turned hot, you should stop drewing season required after applying fertilizer. Cold season grass dressing time is best in early spring and fall. After the fin grorowth promotion purposes, increase competitiveness with weeds, and multiple trim, suppress weedsin building lawn, lawn built anagement. The fundamental methods of weed prevention and removal is the rational management of water and fertilizer, grass gand mor water, fertilizer, race the Sun, so that objective grass growth decline, so weed is an essential part of lawn maintenance 5
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