首页 2012长沙市驾照模拟考试c1小车仿真试题



2012长沙市驾照模拟考试c1小车仿真试题2012长沙市驾照模拟考试c1小车仿真试题 1、 初次申领的机动车驾驶证的有效期为4年。 2、 驾驶机动车遇到漫水桥时要察明水情确认安全后再低速通过。 3、 如图所示,A车具有优先通行权。 4、 这个导向箭头是何含义, A、 指示前方右转弯 B、 指示向左变道 C、 指示前方直行 D、 指示前方左转弯 5、 在驾驶技能准考证明的有效期内,科目二和科目三道路驾驶技巧考试预约 次数不得超过多少次, A、 3次 B、 4次 C、 5次 D、 6次 6、 这个标志是何含义, A、 左侧绕行 ...

2012长沙市驾照模拟考试c1小车仿真试题 1、 初次申领的机动车驾驶证的有效期为4年。 2、 驾驶机动车遇到漫水桥时要察明水情确认安全后再低速通过。 3、 如图所示,A车具有优先通行权。 4、 这个导向箭头是何含义, A、 指示前方右转弯 B、 指示向左变道 C、 指示前方直行 D、 指示前方左转弯 5、 在驾驶技能准考证明的有效期内,科目二和科目三道路驾驶技巧考试预约 次数不得超过多少次, A、 3次 B、 4次 C、 5次 D、 6次 6、 这个标志是何含义, A、 左侧绕行 B、 单向通行 C、 注意危险 D、 右侧绕行 7、 驾驶机动车发生交通事故未造成人身伤亡的,责任明确双方无争议时,应当如何处置, A、 保护好现场再协商 B、 不要移动车辆 C、 疏导其他车辆绕行 D、 撤离现场自行协商 8、 年龄在50周岁以上的机动车驾驶人,应当每年进行一次身体检查,并向公安机关交通管理部门申报身体条件情况。 9、 这个标志的含义是提醒前方桥面宽度变窄 horizontal even vertical mortar joint, full of mortar. Thickness of horizontal mortar joint shall not be greater than 15mm, the vertical mortar joints should be treated with provisional filling after clamping, the width cannot be greater than 20mm. --Into the close at the end of the upper beam and plate, to use fired common brick skew tunnel jam, brick slope for about 600 mortar should be full. --Should be left on the wall of aerated concrete block foot hand-eye coordination. --Saw blocks should be for special tools, no axes or any of the ones cut. --Every masonry of aerated concrete block wall height of not more than 1.8 m. 5 quality standards--vertical flat wall, the Group built the right way, founder complete block surface, no damage and cracking. Staggered overlap meets the requirements, mortar joints full, any loose particles. --Mortar must comply with the requirements. --General dimensional deviation should be allowed in accordance with the following table: Project allows deviation test method axis displacement 10 with feet check vertical degrees ? 3M 5 with 2m supporting Board or hanging feet check > 10 surface flat degrees 8 with 2m by feet and wedge shaped feeler check doors and Windows hole height (Hou plug mouth) ? 5 with feet check outside wall upper and lower window offset 20 with longitude instrument or hanging check--fill wall masonry body of mortar full degrees and the test method: level gray sewing, and vertical gray sewing mortar full degrees ? 80%. Hundreds grid check traces bulk of bottom surface of mortar bond area. 1.7 construction of overhanging scaffold – construction of exterior wall protection by steel tube cantilever scaffold. --Material requirements (1), I was 14, 3.0mm Q235 steel wall thickness of welded, corroded, bent 10、 驾驶证记载的驾驶人信息发生变化的要在多长时间内申请换证, A、 60日 B、 50日 C、 40日 D、 30日 11、 驾驶机动车在下列哪种情形下不能超越前车, A、 前车减速让行 B、 前车正在左转弯 C、 前车靠边停车 D、 前车正在右转弯 12、 科目三道路驾驶技能和安 全文 企业安全文化建设方案企业安全文化建设导则安全文明施工及保证措施创建安全文明校园实施方案创建安全文明工地监理工作情况 明驾驶常识考试满分分别为100分,成绩分别达到80和90分的为合格。 13、 黄灯持续闪烁,表示机动车可以加速通过。 14、 如图所示,机动车在这种道路上行驶,在道路中间通行的原因是什么? A、 在道路中间通行速度快 B、 在道路中间通行视线好 C、 给两侧的非机动车和行人留有充足的通行空间 D、 防止车辆冲出路外 驾驶员 考试题 教师业务能力考试题中学音乐幼儿园保育员考试题目免费下载工程测量项目竞赛理论考试题库院感知识考试题及答案公司二级安全考试题答案 大全 2016科目一模拟考试题 15、 补领机动车驾驶证应到以下哪个地方办理, A、 所学驾校 B、 驾驶证核发地车辆管理所 C、 派出所 D、 全国任何地方公安机关交通管理部门 16、 行至漫水路时,应当怎样做? A、 空挡滑行 B、 低速通过涉水路段 C、 高速通过,减少涉水时间 D、 高挡位低速通过 17、 已注册登记的机动车达到国家规定的强制报废 标准 excel标准偏差excel标准偏差函数exl标准差函数国标检验抽样标准表免费下载红头文件格式标准下载 的,应当向登记地车辆管理所申请注销登记。 18、 机动车驾驶人初次申请机动车驾驶证和增加准驾车型后的多长时间为实习期, A、 6个月 B、 12个月 C、 3个月 D、 2年 horizontal even vertical mortar joint, full of mortar. Thickness of horizontal mortar joint shall not be greater than 15mm, the vertical mortar joints should be treated with provisional filling after clamping, the width cannot be greater than 20mm. --Into the close at the end of the upper beam and plate, to use fired common brick skew tunnel jam, brick slope for about 600 mortar should be full. --Should be left on the wall of aerated concrete block foot hand-eye coordination. --Saw blocks should be for special tools, no axes or any of the ones cut. --Every masonry of aerated concrete block wall height of not more than 1.8 m. 5 quality standards--vertical flat wall, the Group built the right way, founder complete block surface, no damage and cracking. Staggered overlap meets the requirements, mortar joints full, any loose particles. --Mortar must comply with the requirements. --General dimensional deviation should be allowed in accordance with the following table: Project allows deviation test method axis displacement 10 with feet check vertical degrees ? 3M 5 with 2m supporting Board or hanging feet check > 10 surface flat degrees 8 with 2m by feet and wedge shaped feeler check doors and Windows hole height (Hou plug mouth) ? 5 with feet check outside wall upper and lower window offset 20 with longitude instrument or hanging check--fill wall masonry body of mortar full degrees and the test method: level gray sewing, and vertical gray sewing mortar full degrees ? 80%. Hundreds grid check traces bulk of bottom surface of mortar bond area. 1.7 construction of overhanging scaffold – construction of exterior wall protection by steel tube cantilever scaffold. --Material requirements (1), I was 14, 3.0mm Q235 steel wall thickness of welded, corroded, bent 19、 对有使用伪造或变造检验合格标志嫌疑的车辆,交通警察只进行罚款处罚。 20、 申请人患有精神病的,可以申领机动车驾驶证,但是在发病期间不得驾驶机动车。 21、 驾驶机动车在路口遇到这种信号灯亮时,不能右转弯。 22、 在这个路口右转弯如何通行, A、 先让对面车左转弯 、 直接向右转弯 B C、 抢在对面车前右转弯 D、 鸣喇叭催促 23、 驾驶机动车与行人之间发生交通事故造成人身伤亡、财产损失的,机动车一方没有过错的,不承担赔偿责任。 24、 上道路行驶的机动车有哪种情形交通警察可依法扣留车辆, A、 未携带机动车登记证书 B、 未携带保险合同 C、 未放置保险标志 驾驶员考试题大全 2016科目一模拟考试题 D、 未放置城市环保标志 25、 路中心黄色虚实线是何含义, A、 实线一侧禁止越线 B、 虚线一侧禁止越线 C、 实线一侧允许越线 D、 两侧均可越线行驶 26、 这个标志的含义是提醒车辆驾驶人前方路面颠簸或有桥头跳车现象。 27、 这种情况超车时,从前车的哪一侧超越, A、 从前车的右侧超越 B、 左右两侧均可超越 C、 从前车的左侧超越 D、 从无障碍一侧超越 horizontal even vertical mortar joint, full of mortar. Thickness of horizontal mortar joint shall not be greater than 15mm, the vertical mortar joints should be treated with provisional filling after clamping, the width cannot be greater than 20mm. --Into the close at the end of the upper beam and plate, to use fired common brick skew tunnel jam, brick slope for about 600 mortar should be full. --Should be left on the wall of aerated concrete block foot hand-eye coordination. --Saw blocks should be for special tools, no axes or any of the ones cut. --Every masonry of aerated concrete block wall height of not more than 1.8 m. 5 quality standards--vertical flat wall, the Group built the right way, founder complete block surface, no damage and cracking. Staggered overlap meets the requirements, mortar joints full, any loose particles. --Mortar must comply with the requirements. --General dimensional deviation should be allowed in accordance with the following table: Project allows deviation test method axis displacement 10 with feet check vertical degrees ? 3M 5 with 2m supporting Board or hanging feet check > 10 surface flat degrees 8 with 2m by feet and wedge shaped feeler check doors and Windows hole height (Hou plug mouth) ? 5 with feet check outside wall upper and lower window offset 20 with longitude instrument or hanging check--fill wall masonry body of mortar full degrees and the test method: level gray sewing, and vertical gray sewing mortar full degrees ? 80%. Hundreds grid check traces bulk of bottom surface of mortar bond area. 1.7 construction of overhanging scaffold – construction of exterior wall protection by steel tube cantilever scaffold. --Material requirements (1), I was 14, 3.0mm Q235 steel wall thickness of welded, corroded, bent 28、 驾驶机动车正在被其他车辆超越时,被超车辆减速靠右侧行驶的目的是什 么? A、 以便随时停车 B、 给该车让出足够的超车空间 C、 避让行人与非机动车 D、 以上选项都不正确 29、 对驾驶已达到报废标准的机动车上路行驶的驾驶人,会受到下列哪种处 罚, A、 处15日以下拘留 B、 吊销机动车驾驶证 C、 处20以上200元以下罚款 D、 追究刑事责任 30、 这个标志是何含义, A、 施工 文明施工目标施工进度表下载283施工进度表下载施工现场晴雨表下载施工日志模板免费下载 路段 B、 车多路段 C、 慢行 D、 拥堵路段 驾驶员考试题大全 2016科目一模拟考试题 驾驶员试题网 金手指考试 31、 车辆后轮胎爆裂,车尾会摇摆不定,驾驶人应双手紧握转向盘,控制车辆保持直线行驶,减速停车。 32、 机动车在高速公路上遇前方交通受阻时,应当跟随前车顺序排队,并立即开启危险报警闪光灯,防止追尾。 33、 机动车仪表板上(如图所示)亮表示什么, A、 防抱死制动系统故障 B、 驻车制动处于解除状态 C、 安全气囊处于故障状态 D、 行车制动系统故障 34、 机动车仪表板上(如图所示)亮表示启用地板及前风窗玻璃吹风。 35、 车辆在高速公路行驶时,可以仅凭感觉确认车速 36、 机动车仪表板上(如图所示)亮时,表示什么, A、 空气内循环 horizontal even vertical mortar joint, full of mortar. Thickness of horizontal mortar joint shall not be greater than 15mm, the vertical mortar joints should be treated with provisional filling after clamping, the width cannot be greater than 20mm. --Into the close at the end of the upper beam and plate, to use fired common brick skew tunnel jam, brick slope for about 600 mortar should be full. --Should be left on the wall of aerated concrete block foot hand-eye coordination. --Saw blocks should be for special tools, no axes or any of the ones cut. --Every masonry of aerated concrete block wall height of not more than 1.8 m. 5 quality standards--vertical flat wall, the Group built the right way, founder complete block surface, no damage and cracking. Staggered overlap meets the requirements, mortar joints full, any loose particles. --Mortar must comply with the requirements. --General dimensional deviation should be allowed in accordance with the following table: Project allows deviation test method axis displacement 10 with feet check vertical degrees ? 3M 5 with 2m supporting Board or hanging feet check > 10 surface flat degrees 8 with 2m by feet and wedge shaped feeler check doors and Windows hole height (Hou plug mouth) ? 5 with feet check outside wall upper and lower window offset 20 with longitude instrument or hanging check--fill wall masonry body of mortar full degrees and the test method: level gray sewing, and vertical gray sewing mortar full degrees ? 80%. Hundreds grid check traces bulk of bottom surface of mortar bond area. 1.7 construction of overhanging scaffold – construction of exterior wall protection by steel tube cantilever scaffold. --Material requirements (1), I was 14, 3.0mm Q235 steel wall thickness of welded, corroded, bent B、 地板及迎面出风 C、 空气外循环 D、 侧面及地板出风 37、 车辆在雪天临时停车时,应开启什么灯 A、 前后雾灯 B、 倒车灯 C、 前大灯 D、 危险报警闪光灯 上道路行驶的机动车驾驶人未携带机动车驾驶证、行驶证的,除扣留机动38、 车外,并受到什么处罚, A、 警告 B、 罚款 C、 拘留 D、 吊销驾驶证 39、 避免爆胎的错误的做法是什么, A、 降低轮胎气压 B、 定期检查轮胎 C、 及时清理轮胎沟槽里的异物 D、 更换有裂纹或有很深损伤的轮胎 40、 在高速公路变更车道时,应提前开启转向灯,观察情况,确认安全后,驶 入需要变更的车道。 驾驶员考试题大全 2016科目一模拟考试题 41、 夜间行车,驾驶人视距变短,影响观察,同时注意力高度集中,易产生疲劳。 42、 行驶在高速公路上遇大雾视线受阻时,应当立即紧急制动停车。 43、 车辆前轮胎爆裂,危险较大,方向会立刻向爆胎车轮一侧跑偏,直接影响驾驶人对转向盘的控制。 44、 车辆在较窄的山路上行驶时,如果靠山体的一方不让行,应怎样做, A、 向左占道,谨慎驶过 B、 提前减速或停车避让 C、 保持正常车速行驶 D、 鸣喇叭催其让行 45、 机动车驾驶人一次有两个以上违法行为记分的,应当分别计算累加分值。 46、 申请人以不正当手段取得机动车驾驶证的,公安机关交通管理部门收缴机动车驾驶证,撤销机动车驾驶 许可 商标使用许可商标使用许可商标使用许可商标使用许可商标使用许可 ,申请人在3年内不得再次申领机动车驾驶证。 47、 驾驶人在行车中经过积水路面时,应怎样做, A、 特别注意减速慢行 B、 迅速加速通过 C、 保持正常车速通过 D、 低档加速通过 48、 驾驶有ABS系统的机动车在紧急制动的同时转向可能会发生侧滑。 49、 车辆上坡行驶,要提前观察路况、坡道长度,及时减挡使车辆保持充足的动力。 50、 车辆在交叉路口绿灯亮后,遇非机动车抢道行驶时,可以不让行。 51、 这是什么操纵装置, A、 除雾器开关 B、 转向灯开关 horizontal even vertical mortar joint, full of mortar. Thickness of horizontal mortar joint shall not be greater than 15mm, the vertical mortar joints should be treated with provisional filling after clamping, the width cannot be greater than 20mm. --Into the close at the end of the upper beam and plate, to use fired common brick skew tunnel jam, brick slope for about 600 mortar should be full. --Should be left on the wall of aerated concrete block foot hand-eye coordination. --Saw blocks should be for special tools, no axes or any of the ones cut. --Every masonry of aerated concrete block wall height of not more than 1.8 m. 5 quality standards--vertical flat wall, the Group built the right way, founder complete block surface, no damage and cracking. Staggered overlap meets the requirements, mortar joints full, any loose particles. --Mortar must comply with the requirements. --General dimensional deviation should be allowed in accordance with the following table: Project allows deviation test method axis displacement 10 with feet check vertical degrees ? 3M 5 with 2m supporting Board or hanging feet check > 10 surface flat degrees 8 with 2m by feet and wedge shaped feeler check doors and Windows hole height (Hou plug mouth) ? 5 with feet check outside wall upper and lower window offset 20 with longitude instrument or hanging check--fill wall masonry body of mortar full degrees and the test method: level gray sewing, and vertical gray sewing mortar full degrees ? 80%. Hundreds grid check traces bulk of bottom surface of mortar bond area. 1.7 construction of overhanging scaffold – construction of exterior wall protection by steel tube cantilever scaffold. --Material requirements (1), I was 14, 3.0mm Q235 steel wall thickness of welded, corroded, bent C、 前照灯开关 D、 刮水器开关 52、 仪表显示油箱内存油量已在警告线以内 53、 安全头枕在发生追尾事故时,能有效保护驾驶人的什么部位, A、 腰部 B、 胸部 C、 颈部 D、 头部 54、 打开左转向灯开关(如图所示)亮起。 55、 灯光开关在该位置时,前雾灯点亮。 驾驶员考试题大全 2016科目一模拟考试题 56、 机动车仪表板上(如图所示)亮表示行车制动系统可能出现故障。 57、 (如图所示)这个符号的开关控制什么装置, A、 后风窗玻璃除霜或除雾 B、 前风窗玻璃刮水器及洗涤器 C、 后风窗玻璃刮水器及洗涤器 D、 前风窗玻璃除霜或除雾 58、 安装防抱死制动装置(ABS)的机动车在紧急制动时,制动距离会大大缩短,因此不必保持安全车距 59、 驾驶人一边驾车,一边打手持电话是违法行为。 60、 这个仪表是何含义? A、 电流表 B、 压力表 C、 水温表 D、 燃油表 horizontal even vertical mortar joint, full of mortar. Thickness of horizontal mortar joint shall not be greater than 15mm, the vertical mortar joints should be treated with provisional filling after clamping, the width cannot be greater than 20mm. --Into the close at the end of the upper beam and plate, to use fired common brick skew tunnel jam, brick slope for about 600 mortar should be full. --Should be left on the wall of aerated concrete block foot hand-eye coordination. --Saw blocks should be for special tools, no axes or any of the ones cut. --Every masonry of aerated concrete block wall height of not more than 1.8 m. 5 quality standards--vertical flat wall, the Group built the right way, founder complete block surface, no damage and cracking. Staggered overlap meets the requirements, mortar joints full, any loose particles. --Mortar must comply with the requirements. --General dimensional deviation should be allowed in accordance with the following table: Project allows deviation test method axis displacement 10 with feet check vertical degrees ? 3M 5 with 2m supporting Board or hanging feet check > 10 surface flat degrees 8 with 2m by feet and wedge shaped feeler check doors and Windows hole height (Hou plug mouth) ? 5 with feet check outside wall upper and lower window offset 20 with longitude instrument or hanging check--fill wall masonry body of mortar full degrees and the test method: level gray sewing, and vertical gray sewing mortar full degrees ? 80%. Hundreds grid check traces bulk of bottom surface of mortar bond area. 1.7 construction of overhanging scaffold – construction of exterior wall protection by steel tube cantilever scaffold. --Material requirements (1), I was 14, 3.0mm Q235 steel wall thickness of welded, corroded, bent 61、 开启前照灯远光时仪表板上(如图所示)亮起。 62、 警车、消防车、救护车、工程救险车执行紧急任务时,耽误或影响其通行 可能会导致严重后果,所以其他车辆和行人应当主动让行。 63、 冰雪路行车时应注意什么, A、 制动距离延长 B、 搞滑能力变大 C、 路面附着力增大 D、 制动性能没有变化 64、 在高速公路上行驶感觉疲劳时,应立即停车休息。 65、 遇有浓雾或特大雾天能见度过低,行车困难时,应怎样做, A、 开启前照灯,继续行驶 B、 开启示廓灯、雾灯,靠右行驶 C、 开启危险报警闪光灯和雾灯,选择安全地点停车 D、 开启危险报警闪光灯,继续行驶 66、 打开后雾灯开关.(如图所示)亮起。 驾驶员考试题大全 2016科目一模拟考试题 67、 机动车仪表板上(如图所示)这个符号表示什么, A、 一边车门开启 B、 行李舱开启 C、 发动机舱开启 D、 燃油箱盖开启 68、 车辆在高速公路匝道上可以停车。 69、 装有ABS系统的机动车在冰雪路面上会最大限度缩短制动距离。 70、 夜间道路环境对安全行车的主要影响是什么, A、 能见度低、不利于观察道路交通情况 B、 路面复杂多变 C、 驾驶人体力下降 D、 驾驶人易产生冲动、幻觉 71、 驾驶机动车在高速公路上行驶,遇有雾、雨、雪、沙尘、冰雹等低能见度气象条件时,能见度在50米以下时,以下做法正确的是什么, 、 加速驶离高速公路 A B、 在应急车道上停车等待 C、 可以继续行驶,但车速不得超过每小时40公里 D、 以不超过每小时20公里的车速从最近的出口尽快驶离高速公路 72、 驾驶机动车在高速公路上行驶,能见度小于200米时,与同车车道前车应保持100米以上的距离。 horizontal even vertical mortar joint, full of mortar. Thickness of horizontal mortar joint shall not be greater than 15mm, the vertical mortar joints should be treated with provisional filling after clamping, the width cannot be greater than 20mm. --Into the close at the end of the upper beam and plate, to use fired common brick skew tunnel jam, brick slope for about 600 mortar should be full. --Should be left on the wall of aerated concrete block foot hand-eye coordination. --Saw blocks should be for special tools, no axes or any of the ones cut. --Every masonry of aerated concrete block wall height of not more than 1.8 m. 5 quality standards--vertical flat wall, the Group built the right way, founder complete block surface, no damage and cracking. Staggered overlap meets the requirements, mortar joints full, any loose particles. --Mortar must comply with the requirements. --General dimensional deviation should be allowed in accordance with the following table: Project allows deviation test method axis displacement 10 with feet check vertical degrees ? 3M 5 with 2m supporting Board or hanging feet check > 10 surface flat degrees 8 with 2m by feet and wedge shaped feeler check doors and Windows hole height (Hou plug mouth) ? 5 with feet check outside wall upper and lower window offset 20 with longitude instrument or hanging check--fill wall masonry body of mortar full degrees and the test method: level gray sewing, and vertical gray sewing mortar full degrees ? 80%. Hundreds grid check traces bulk of bottom surface of mortar bond area. 1.7 construction of overhanging scaffold – construction of exterior wall protection by steel tube cantilever scaffold. --Material requirements (1), I was 14, 3.0mm Q235 steel wall thickness of welded, corroded, bent 73、 车辆不得在高速公路匝道上掉头 74、 行车中当车辆突然爆胎时,驾驶人切忌慌乱中急踏制动踏板,尽量采用“抢挡”的方法,利用发动机制动使车辆减速。 75、 会车前选择的交会位置不理想时,应怎样做, A、 加速选择理想位置 B、 减速、低速会车或停车让行 C、 各左占道,让对方减速让行 D、 打开前照灯,示意对方停车让行 76、 驾驶机动车超车时,前方车辆不减速让路,应停止超车并适当减速,与前方车辆保持安全距离。 77、 驾驶拼装的机动车上道路行驶的,公安机关交通管理部门应当予以收缴,强制报废,并吊销机动车驾驶证。 正面安全气囊与什么配合才能充分发挥保护作用, 78、 A、 座椅安全带 B、 防抱死制动系统 C、 座椅安全头枕 D、 安全玻璃 79、 驾驶机动车行驶过程中,遇道路养护车辆从本车道逆向驶来时,以下做法正确的是什么, A、 靠边减速或停车让行 B、 在原车道继续行驶 C、 占用非机动车道行驶 D、 鸣喇叭示意其让道 80、 驾驶机动车遇紧急事务,可以边开车边接打电话。 81、 下雨后路面湿滑,车辆行驶中紧急制动时,容易导致什么, 驾驶员考试题大全 2016科目一模拟考试题 A、 引起发动机熄火 B、 不被其他车辆驾驶人发现 C、 因视线模糊而撞车 D、 发生侧滑、引发交通事故 82、 将转向灯开关向上提,左转向灯亮。 83、 进入左侧道路超车,无法保证与正常行驶前车的横向安全间距时,应怎样 做, A、 加速超越 B、 并行一段距离后再超越 C、 放弃超车 D、 谨慎超越 84、 驾驶车辆在道路上行驶时,应当按照规定的速度安全行驶。 85、 女驾驶人穿高跟鞋驾驶车辆,不利于安全行车。 86、 这是什么踏板 , A、 加速踏板 B、 离合器踏板 C、 制动器踏板 D、 驻车制动器 horizontal even vertical mortar joint, full of mortar. Thickness of horizontal mortar joint shall not be greater than 15mm, the vertical mortar joints should be treated with provisional filling after clamping, the width cannot be greater than 20mm. --Into the close at the end of the upper beam and plate, to use fired common brick skew tunnel jam, brick slope for about 600 mortar should be full. --Should be left on the wall of aerated concrete block foot hand-eye coordination. --Saw blocks should be for special tools, no axes or any of the ones cut. --Every masonry of aerated concrete block wall height of not more than 1.8 m. 5 quality standards--vertical flat wall, the Group built the right way, founder complete block surface, no damage and cracking. Staggered overlap meets the requirements, mortar joints full, any loose particles. --Mortar must comply with the requirements. --General dimensional deviation should be allowed in accordance with the following table: Project allows deviation test method axis displacement 10 with feet check vertical degrees ? 3M 5 with 2m supporting Board or hanging feet check > 10 surface flat degrees 8 with 2m by feet and wedge shaped feeler check doors and Windows hole height (Hou plug mouth) ? 5 with feet check outside wall upper and lower window offset 20 with longitude instrument or hanging check--fill wall masonry body of mortar full degrees and the test method: level gray sewing, and vertical gray sewing mortar full degrees ? 80%. Hundreds grid check traces bulk of bottom surface of mortar bond area. 1.7 construction of overhanging scaffold – construction of exterior wall protection by steel tube cantilever scaffold. --Material requirements (1), I was 14, 3.0mm Q235 steel wall thickness of welded, corroded, bent 87、 机动车仪表板上(如图所示)亮,提示发电机向蓄电池充电。 88、 谨慎驾驶的三原则是集中注意力、仔细观察和提前预防 89、 点火开关在START位置起动机启动。 90、 驾驶机动车在高速公路上行驶,能见度小于200米时,车速不得超过每小时60公里。 91、 驾驶车辆通过无人看守的铁路道口时,应怎样做, A、 加速通过 B、 减速通过 C、 匀速通过 D、 一停、二看、三通过 92、 行车中遇抢救伤员的救护车从本车道逆向驶来时,应怎样做, 驾驶员考试题大全 2016科目一模拟考试题 A、 靠边减速或停车让行 B、 占用其他车道行驶 C、 加速变更车道避让 D、 在原车道内继续行驶 93、 水淹路面影响行车安全,不易通行的原因是什么, A、 无法观察到暗坑和凸起的路面 B、 路面附着力增大 C、 能见度低,视野模糊 D、 日光反射阻挡视线 94、 驾驶人发现轮胎漏气,将车辆驶离主车道时,不要采用紧急制动,以免造 成翻车或后车采取制动不及时导致追尾事故。 会车中遇到对方来车行进有困难需借道时,应怎样做, 95、 A、 不侵占对方道路,正常行驶 B、 示意对方停车让行 C、 靠右侧加速行驶 D、 尽量礼让对方先行 96、 机动车仪表板上(如图所示)亮时,提醒驾驶人安全带插头未插入锁扣。 97、 机动车仪表板上(如图所示)亮时,表示什么, A、 没有系好安全带 B、 安全带出现故障 C、 已经系好安全带 horizontal even vertical mortar joint, full of mortar. Thickness of horizontal mortar joint shall not be greater than 15mm, the vertical mortar joints should be treated with provisional filling after clamping, the width cannot be greater than 20mm. --Into the close at the end of the upper beam and plate, to use fired common brick skew tunnel jam, brick slope for about 600 mortar should be full. --Should be left on the wall of aerated concrete block foot hand-eye coordination. --Saw blocks should be for special tools, no axes or any of the ones cut. --Every masonry of aerated concrete block wall height of not more than 1.8 m. 5 quality standards--vertical flat wall, the Group built the right way, founder complete block surface, no damage and cracking. Staggered overlap meets the requirements, mortar joints full, any loose particles. --Mortar must comply with the requirements. --General dimensional deviation should be allowed in accordance with the following table: Project allows deviation test method axis displacement 10 with feet check vertical degrees ? 3M 5 with 2m supporting Board or hanging feet check > 10 surface flat degrees 8 with 2m by feet and wedge shaped feeler check doors and Windows hole height (Hou plug mouth) ? 5 with feet check outside wall upper and lower window offset 20 with longitude instrument or hanging check--fill wall masonry body of mortar full degrees and the test method: level gray sewing, and vertical gray sewing mortar full degrees ? 80%. Hundreds grid check traces bulk of bottom surface of mortar bond area. 1.7 construction of overhanging scaffold – construction of exterior wall protection by steel tube cantilever scaffold. --Material requirements (1), I was 14, 3.0mm Q235 steel wall thickness of welded, corroded, bent D、 安全带系的过松 98、 上下搬动这个开关前风窗玻璃刮水器开始工作。 99、 《道路交通安全法实施条件》规定,高速公路上最高时速不得超过120公里。因此在高速公路上行驶只要时速不超过120公里就不违法。 100、 这种握转向盘的动作是正确的。 驾驶员考试题大全 2016科目一模拟考试题
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