首页 领悟《论语》中的六条职场做人处事智慧



领悟《论语》中的六条职场做人处事智慧领悟《论语》中的六条职场做人处事智慧 导读:职场如战场,很多人在里面绞尽脑汁、费尽心智,既要迎合领导意图,又要搞好同事关系,因此往往需要学习一些职场之术。《论语》的博大精深,为后世留下了珍贵的文化遗产,如今它的精华不断感染着国人,更是掀起了华商书院“国学热”。聚成股份华商书院黎红雷老 职场如战场,很多人在里面绞尽脑汁、费尽心智,既要迎合领导意图,又要搞好同事关系,因此往往需要学习一些职场之术。《论语》的博大精深,为后世留下了珍贵的文化遗产,如今它的精华不断感染着国人,更是掀起了华商书院“国学热”。聚成股份华商书...

领悟《论语》中的六条职场做人处事智慧 导读:职场如战场,很多人在里面绞尽脑汁、费尽心智,既要迎合领导意图,又要搞好同事关系,因此往往需要学习一些职场之术。《论语》的博大精深,为后世留下了珍贵的文化遗产,如今它的精华不断感染着国人,更是掀起了华商 关于书的成语关于读书的排比句社区图书漂流公约怎么写关于读书的小报汉书pdf 院“国学热”。聚成股份华商书院黎红雷老 职场如战场,很多人在里面绞尽脑汁、费尽心智,既要迎合领导意图,又要搞好同事关系,因此往往需要学习一些职场之术。《论语》的博大精深,为后世留下了珍贵的文化遗产,如今它的精华不断感染着国人,更是掀起了华商书院“国学热”。聚成股份华商书院黎红雷老师将早在两千多年前的《论语》中教给我们的做人处事道理,用轻松易懂的方式,适用于如今的职场中,受到了各界学员们的广泛认可。 《论语》职场智慧之一:中庸之为德也,其至矣乎 中庸是孔子和儒家的重要思想,尤其作为一种道德观念,是孔子和儒家尤为提倡的。中庸属于道德行为的评价问题,也是一种德行,而且是最高的德行。宋儒说:“不偏不倚谓之中,平常谓之庸。中庸就是不偏不倚的平常的道理。”中庸之道与没有原则、人云亦云不同,这是一种必要的协调必不可少的关系。 在职场中很多时候往往需要这种为人处世的态度,因为职场也是一个大家庭,如果一味地讲究个性,没有团体合作意识,会搞得一团糟,也不利于集体的发展。因此,在不违背原则的情况下,保持一个中庸之道,确实在是明智之举。 《论语》职场智慧之二:众恶之,必察焉;众好之,必察焉 这句话含有两方面的意思:一是说决不人云亦云,不随波逐流,不因众人的是非标准影响自己的判断。要经过自己的独立思考和理性判断作出结论;二是一个人的好与坏不是绝对的,在不同的形势、不同的人们心目中,往往会有很大的pipe inspection) shower faucet deviation shall not exceed ? 3 mm spacing; 3.4 construction for water after the first test, then check 1.00MPA hydraulic test, pipe joint is no seepage and leakage to grade, time after pressure relief plug nozzle; 3.5 construction after the completion of 10# cement mortar repair slot and fixed water supply reserve heads; lining plastic pipe installation project construction of vertical water supply pipe lining plastic pipe, pipe diameter for DN20~DN100, with threaded connections, installed inside the pipe shaft. In charge of water supply network pressure-tube diameter DN100 above by machinery slots clamp connection, clean the pipe shaft 1, in accordance with design drawings, to guarantee the pipeline's convenient hanging tube simultaneously, determine bracket mounting location and height; 2, pipe L40*4 steel processed into "men" type, holding cards finished galvanized material, 0.70 meters installed on each 1 set of brackets; 3, can only be used on an electric pipe threader pipe cutting machine cutting pipe, high temperature cutting so as not to damage the plastic inner lining; completion of cutting with a blade to remove pipe-end deburring plastics, and file to remove burrs and Flash of steel pipe end; 4, according to the different pipe diameters pipe Threading 2~3 system is complete, it tube lines should be clear, broken chains or lack of deduction shall not be greater than the length of thread length 10%; after processing applications standard thread gauge check; 5, steel pipes ribbed connection using flax oil or PTFE thread 差别,所以应用自己的标准去评判他。 领导往往欣赏的是有个性、有主见的年轻人,这样的人才能独当一面,今后才能有更好的发。 《论语》职场智慧之三:躬自厚而薄责于人,则远怨矣 为人处事应多替他人考虑,多从他人的角度看待问题。所以,一旦发生了矛盾,应该多做自我批评,而不能一味指责他人的不是。责己严,待人宽,这是保持良好、和谐的人际关系所不可缺少的原则。 职场中人与人相处并不像有些人说的全都是尔虞我诈、欺上瞒下,很多时候还是需要真诚相处的。同事之间产生了矛盾,不要针锋相对、一味地去挑对方的毛病,那样只会伤害同事之间的感情,无利于职场和睦。首先应该检讨自我一下,自己是否有什么过错,是否对对方产生了伤害,站在他的立场上审视自己。多一些宽容,少一些责难,对人对己都是有益的。 《论语》职场智慧之四:工欲善其事,必先利其器 “磨刀不误砍柴工”的道理早已被人们所熟知。在职场中,要想谋取一个更好的职位,必须事先做充分的准备,把自己各方面的能力锻炼好,只待时机一到,马上就能担当重任,而且还要做得很出色。“机遇只青睐有准备的人。” 《论语》职场智慧之五:小不忍则乱大谋 “小不忍则乱大谋”。有志向、有理想的人,不应斤斤计较个人得失,更不应在小事上纠缠不清,而应有开阔的胸襟和远大的抱负。 在职场中,往往有很多 关于同志近三年现实表现材料材料类招标技术评分表图表与交易pdf视力表打印pdf用图表说话 pdf 面上看起来是吃亏的事情,比如工作的调动,环境的变迁等等。面对这些事情,我们应该做到能够泰然处之,“小不忍则乱大谋”,心胸开阔,目光放远一些。看这些事情对自己的长远发展是否有利,而不是匹夫pipe inspection) shower faucet deviation shall not exceed ? 3 mm spacing; 3.4 construction for water after the first test, then check 1.00MPA hydraulic test, pipe joint is no seepage and leakage to grade, time after pressure relief plug nozzle; 3.5 construction after the completion of 10# cement mortar repair slot and fixed water supply reserve heads; lining plastic pipe installation project construction of vertical water supply pipe lining plastic pipe, pipe diameter for DN20~DN100, with threaded connections, installed inside the pipe shaft. In charge of water supply network pressure-tube diameter DN100 above by machinery slots clamp connection, clean the pipe shaft 1, in accordance with design drawings, to guarantee the pipeline's convenient hanging tube simultaneously, determine bracket mounting location and height; 2, pipe L40*4 steel processed into "men" type, holding cards finished galvanized material, 0.70 meters installed on each 1 set of brackets; 3, can only be used on an electric pipe threader pipe cutting machine cutting pipe, high temperature cutting so as not to damage the plastic inner lining; completion of cutting with a blade to remove pipe-end deburring plastics, and file to remove burrs and Flash of steel pipe end; 4, according to the different pipe diameters pipe Threading 2~3 system is complete, it tube lines should be clear, broken chains or lack of deduction shall not be greater than the length of thread length 10%; after processing applications standard thread gauge check; 5, steel pipes ribbed connection using flax oil or PTFE thread 之勇。 《论语》职场智慧之六:人无远虑,必有近忧 身处信息时代,工作的节奏很快。知识体系和技术的更新速度之快,要求我们不断学习新的东西,及时“充电”。即使身处一个比较安逸的环境,也应该“居安思危”,考虑以后形势的变动对自身发展的影响。如果不思进取、得过且过的话,总有一天会被淘汰。 《论语》可谓是学习指南、心灵鸡汤,为正值青春年华的我们指明前进的道路,在我们的学习道路上指点迷津,同时也为我们的内心送上暖人的贴士,励志而又充满正能量。10月13日在山东曲阜与黎红雷老师一起,行走在《论语》的道路上,与智慧同行,与心灵为伴,做真实而又快乐的自我。 pipe inspection) shower faucet deviation shall not exceed ? 3 mm spacing; 3.4 construction for water after the first test, then check 1.00MPA hydraulic test, pipe joint is no seepage and leakage to grade, time after pressure relief plug nozzle; 3.5 construction after the completion of 10# cement mortar repair slot and fixed water supply reserve heads; lining plastic pipe installation project construction of vertical water supply pipe lining plastic pipe, pipe diameter for DN20~DN100, with threaded connections, installed inside the pipe shaft. In charge of water supply network pressure-tube diameter DN100 above by machinery slots clamp connection, clean the pipe shaft 1, in accordance with design drawings, to guarantee the pipeline's convenient hanging tube simultaneously, determine bracket mounting location and height; 2, pipe L40*4 steel processed into "men" type, holding cards finished galvanized material, 0.70 meters installed on each 1 set of brackets; 3, can only be used on an electric pipe threader pipe cutting machine cutting pipe, high temperature cutting so as not to damage the plastic inner lining; completion of cutting with a blade to remove pipe-end deburring plastics, and file to remove burrs and Flash of steel pipe end; 4, according to the different pipe diameters pipe Threading 2~3 system is complete, it tube lines should be clear, broken chains or lack of deduction shall not be greater than the length of thread length 10%; after processing applications standard thread gauge check; 5, steel pipes ribbed connection using flax oil or PTFE thread pipe inspection) shower faucet deviation shall not exceed ? 3 mm spacing; 3.4 construction for water after the first test, then check 1.00MPA hydraulic test, pipe joint is no seepage and leakage to grade, time after pressure relief plug nozzle; 3.5 construction after the completion of 10# cement mortar repair slot and fixed water supply reserve heads; lining plastic pipe installation project construction of vertical water supply pipe lining plastic pipe, pipe diameter for DN20~DN100, with threaded connections, installed inside the pipe shaft. In charge of water supply network pressure-tube diameter DN100 above by machinery slots clamp connection, clean the pipe shaft 1, in accordance with design drawings, to guarantee the pipeline's convenient hanging tube simultaneously, determine bracket mounting location and height; 2, pipe L40*4 steel processed into "men" type, holding cards finished galvanized material, 0.70 meters installed on each 1 set of brackets; 3, can only be used on an electric pipe threader pipe cutting machine cutting pipe, high temperature cutting so as not to damage the plastic inner lining; completion of cutting with a blade to remove pipe-end deburring plastics, and file to remove burrs and Flash of steel pipe end; 4, according to the different pipe diameters pipe Threading 2~3 system is complete, it tube lines should be clear, broken chains or lack of deduction shall not be greater than the length of thread length 10%; after processing applications standard thread gauge check; 5, steel pipes ribbed connection using flax oil or PTFE thread pipe inspection) shower faucet deviation shall not exceed ? 3 mm spacing; 3.4 construction for water after the first test, then check 1.00MPA hydraulic test, pipe joint is no seepage and leakage to grade, time after pressure relief plug nozzle; 3.5 construction after the completion of 10# cement mortar repair slot and fixed water supply reserve heads; lining plastic pipe installation project construction of vertical water supply pipe lining plastic pipe, pipe diameter for DN20~DN100, with threaded connections, installed inside the pipe shaft. In charge of water supply network pressure-tube diameter DN100 above by machinery slots clamp connection, clean the pipe shaft 1, in accordance with design drawings, to guarantee the pipeline's convenient hanging tube simultaneously, determine bracket mounting location and height; 2, pipe L40*4 steel processed into "men" type, holding cards finished galvanized material, 0.70 meters installed on each 1 set of brackets; 3, can only be used on an electric pipe threader pipe cutting machine cutting pipe, high temperature cutting so as not to damage the plastic inner lining; completion of cutting with a blade to remove pipe-end deburring plastics, and file to remove burrs and Flash of steel pipe end; 4, according to the different pipe diameters pipe Threading 2~3 system is complete, it tube lines should be clear, broken chains or lack of deduction shall not be greater than the length of thread length 10%; after processing applications standard thread gauge check; 5, steel pipes ribbed connection using flax oil or PTFE thread pipe inspection) shower faucet deviation shall not exceed ? 3 mm spacing; 3.4 construction for water after the first test, then check 1.00MPA hydraulic test, pipe joint is no seepage and leakage to grade, time after pressure relief plug nozzle; 3.5 construction after the completion of 10# cement mortar repair slot and fixed water supply reserve heads; lining plastic pipe installation project construction of vertical water supply pipe lining plastic pipe, pipe diameter for DN20~DN100, with threaded connections, installed inside the pipe shaft. In charge of water supply network pressure-tube diameter DN100 above by machinery slots clamp connection, clean the pipe shaft 1, in accordance with design drawings, to guarantee the pipeline's convenient hanging tube simultaneously, determine bracket mounting location and height; 2, pipe L40*4 steel processed into "men" type, holding cards finished galvanized material, 0.70 meters installed on each 1 set of brackets; 3, can only be used on an electric pipe threader pipe cutting machine cutting pipe, high temperature cutting so as not to damage the plastic inner lining; completion of cutting with a blade to remove pipe-end deburring plastics, and file to remove burrs and Flash of steel pipe end; 4, according to the different pipe diameters pipe Threading 2~3 system is complete, it tube lines should be clear, broken chains or lack of deduction shall not be greater than the length of thread length 10%; after processing applications standard thread gauge check; 5, steel pipes ribbed connection using flax oil or PTFE thread nylpr3sff 企业管理咨询公司 pipe inspection) shower faucet deviation shall not exceed ? 3 mm spacing; 3.4 construction for water after the first test, then check 1.00MPA hydraulic test, pipe joint is no seepage and leakage to grade, time after pressure relief plug nozzle; 3.5 construction after the completion of 10# cement mortar repair slot and fixed water supply reserve heads; lining plastic pipe installation project construction of vertical water supply pipe lining plastic pipe, pipe diameter for DN20~DN100, with threaded connections, installed inside the pipe shaft. In charge of water supply network pressure-tube diameter DN100 above by machinery slots clamp connection, clean the pipe shaft 1, in accordance with design drawings, to guarantee the pipeline's convenient hanging tube simultaneously, determine bracket mounting location and height; 2, pipe L40*4 steel processed into "men" type, holding cards finished galvanized material, 0.70 meters installed on each 1 set of brackets; 3, can only be used on an electric pipe threader pipe cutting machine cutting pipe, high temperature cutting so as not to damage the plastic inner lining; completion of cutting with a blade to remove pipe-end deburring plastics, and file to remove burrs and Flash of steel pipe end; 4, according to the different pipe diameters pipe Threading 2~3 system is complete, it tube lines should be clear, broken chains or lack of deduction shall not be greater than the length of thread length 10%; after processing applications standard thread gauge check; 5, steel pipes ribbed connection using flax oil or PTFE thread pipe inspection) shower faucet deviation shall not exceed ? 3 mm spacing; 3.4 construction for water after the first test, then check 1.00MPA hydraulic test, pipe joint is no seepage and leakage to grade, time after pressure relief plug nozzle; 3.5 construction after the completion of 10# cement mortar repair slot and fixed water supply reserve heads; lining plastic pipe installation project construction of vertical water supply pipe lining plastic pipe, pipe diameter for DN20~DN100, with threaded connections, installed inside the pipe shaft. In charge of water supply network pressure-tube diameter DN100 above by machinery slots clamp connection, clean the pipe shaft 1, in accordance with design drawings, to guarantee the pipeline's convenient hanging tube simultaneously, determine bracket mounting location and height; 2, pipe L40*4 steel processed into "men" type, holding cards finished galvanized material, 0.70 meters installed on each 1 set of brackets; 3, can only be used on an electric pipe threader pipe cutting machine cutting pipe, high temperature cutting so as not to damage the plastic inner lining; completion of cutting with a blade to remove pipe-end deburring plastics, and file to remove burrs and Flash of steel pipe end; 4, according to the different pipe diameters pipe Threading 2~3 system is complete, it tube lines should be clear, broken chains or lack of deduction shall not be greater than the length of thread length 10%; after processing applications standard thread gauge check; 5, steel pipes ribbed connection using flax oil or PTFE thread
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