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美丽的法语句子(Beautiful French sentences)


美丽的法语句子(Beautiful French sentences)美丽的法语句子(Beautiful French sentences) 美丽的法语句子(Beautiful French sentences) 1、c''s life. 这就是生活. 2、parfois, what we can't give up is not a person, but sometimes 有什么我们苦苦不肯放下的, 不是一个人, 而是一段时光. 3、c''s first love makes you forget time 首先是爱情使你忘记时间, 然后是时间让你忘记爱情. 4、...

美丽的法语句子(Beautiful French sentences)
美丽的法语句子(Beautiful French sentences) 美丽的法语句子(Beautiful French sentences) 1、c''s life. 这就是生活. 2、parfois, what we can't give up is not a person, but sometimes 有什么我们苦苦不肯放下的, 不是一个人, 而是一段时光. 3、c''s first love makes you forget time 首先是爱情使你忘记时间, 然后是时间让你忘记爱情. 4、la, hand in hand, we will be together till the end of life. 执子之手, 与子偕老. 5、est it possible that you're thinking of me when you miss me? 想你的时候, 你会不会也刚好正在想我? 6、je hopeless for the universe, but as for me, i am. 对于宇宙, 我微不足道; 可是对于我自己, 我就是一切. there is no happiness 7、il complete with partial amnesia. 没有部分的遗忘, 便无所谓完整的幸福. marriage is like a beleaguered 8、le; those who are outside to come in and those who are inside want to get out. 婚姻象围城, 城外的人想冲进去, 城里的人想逃出来. 9、au, you're with me. 至少还有你. 10、ceux who never say goodbye, have scattered to the ends of the world. 那些以前说着永不分离的人, 早已经散落在天涯了. these 11、est - love than hatred. 难道爱比恨更难宽恕. 12、face to the outside world, we will also feel excited and helpless. 外面的世界很精彩, 外面的世界很无奈. 13、le true happiness is to remember this. 最真实的幸福是铭记当下. 14、le goldfish is always happy, because he has a memory only three seconds. 金鱼是最快乐的, 因为她的记忆只有三秒钟 15、considère what you get as a gift. 得到的就是惊喜, 就是礼物. 16、on always manages to find time to do what you love 要做的事情总找得出时间和机会; 不要做的事情总找的出藉口. 17、notre childhood was completed when it was learned that death would be fatal. 我们的童年是在我们明白自己必将死去的那一天结束的. - 周国平 18、je croyauis there was slow, but in fact, it is not as we get older and shaped; a, instantly. 我一直以为人是慢慢变老的, 其实不是, 人是一瞬间变老的. - 村 上春树 19、le system has to do in order to live a better life. if the system makes you lose your joy, it's better abandonner.减肥 是为了更美好的人生.要是因为减肥而失去了生活的乐趣, 不如放 弃. 20、entre hope and reality, there is always a distance which is neither long nor short. 期望与现实之间总是有着那么一段不长不短的距离. and let 21、bien dire.走自己的路, 让别人说去吧. 22、retenez what should be retained and forget what should be oublier.记住该记住的, 忘记该忘记的.23、quand is nostalgia for their homeland, the snow as cold is the sweetest memory. 想家的时候, 故乡冰冷的雪也是最温暖的回忆. 24、enfin anyway, at the end of his life, and we will, we will review all these long years of suffering were the best years of his life. 不管怎样, 到了生命的最后时刻, 回首往事, 审视从前所有的痛苦 时光, 觉得痛苦的日子才是生命中最好的日子 25、personne deserve your tears. the one who deserves you would never cry. 没有人值得让你为他 / 她流泪, 值得让你这么做的人不会让你哭 泣. 26、aime me, love me long. 爱不贵亲密, 而贵长久. - 《巴黎小情歌》 27、si crying after laisseé pass the setting sun, you'll miss the stars. 如果你为着错过夕阳而哭泣, 那么你就要错群星了. 28、 & not; alone had no importance.单身没什么大不了.. 29、nous all are the hero to the forefront of our own life. 每个人都应该当自己人生的主角. 30、pour the song you like, listen to the quiet, to someone you love, look away. 喜欢的歌, 静静地听.喜欢的人, 远远的看. 31、ayant sun in front, we are proud of. 我们都要面对太阳, 骄傲地活着. 32、mets yourself up, you're a lot closer to the ciel.站起来, 离天空就近了. 33、chacun is a city of paris in her heart, that's where he is. it's like you can see the scenery through the window into the bucket of a wheel 每个人心中都有一座「巴黎」, 那是他永远到达不了的地方.感觉就 好像坐在摩天轮里: 你始终站在观光舱内透过玻璃看风景. good communication is as exciting as 34、une a cup of coffee, and also prevents both to sleep. 一段有意义的对话就如同咖啡一样, 令人兴奋而后难以入睡. 35、le labyrinth of the city, we used to see the same scenery, walk the same roads, to reach the same destination. it is used to do nothing in life 迷宫般的城市, 让人习惯看相同的景物, 走相同的路线, 习惯让人 的生活不再变 到同样的目的地. 36、certains. throughout life, and some are lying in the life of a person. 有些人一辈子都在骗人, 而有些人用一辈子去骗一个人. there have been no 37、si miracles - 兔斯基 如果奇迹没有出现, 那就去创造一个. 38、j'straightened up the scene and the scene itself. as long as we are in the same piece of life, i do all my work. 我一个人布置的舞台和背景, 为了生命里和你同台演出的时光, 我 尽心尽力. the meaning of the word "39、le tiramisu is, & quot; take me to heaven". 提拉米苏的意思: 带 我 走.40、la life is unpredictable. wait a minute, my & options; trisez the kite, the next moment, the string breaks. 人生总有许多的意外, 握在手里的风筝也会, 突然断了线41、si you hurt someone's heart, there is a person who can hurt your heart, according to the will or not, and that is love. 感情就是这样, 你伤了别人, 无论有意无意, 就总会有一个人来伤 你. 42、souvent, there is love, and c & funding for you, but i just need a little time to be out in the open. 爱情总是在你的身边, 但它需要一点时间, 在一个伟大的日子苏醒 过来. 43、 stars shine wherever you look through the head. 星星在哪里都是很亮的, 就看你有没有抬头去看他们. 44、j'hopes to know how i'm gonna leave you 如果我知道怎么舍弃你, 那该有多好. 45、je loves you. this is the life that i want, simple and quiet, with you. 我爱你.这就是我想要的生活, 简单, 平静, 和你在一起. 46、je do be aware that in the world there is a person who will still be waiting for you at any time and anywhere, it is... 我要你知道, 在这个世界上, 总有一个人是会永远等着你的.无论什 么时候, 无论在什么地方, 总会有这么一个人. 47、sans your emotions today will be dead skin of the old emontions 如果没有你, 如此的良辰美景应向何人诉说. 48、 to age gracefully, it's old love, know to give without expecting anything in return. because when we are at the dawn of the day, there's someone to say hello. 49、là where we love each other, there is no night. 有爱的地方永无黑夜. human beings are 50、les gr & rack, and the rack resentment, spain, and the feelings are. therefore, human beings are the company, what do you get? 有人就有恩怨, 有恩怨就有江湖.人就是江湖, 你怎么退出? 51、il excuse, believes all things, hopes all things, he can stand it. love will never die. 凡事包容, 凡事相信, 凡事盼望, 凡事忍耐; 爱是永不止息. 52、des thousands and thousands of years, is not enough to say, the second of eternity, when you fire, i embrassèe - jacques prevert. 一千年一万年 也难以诉说尽 这. 53、si you like a flower which is in a star, it is sweet, night, look up at the sky. all the stars are there. 如果你爱上了某 个星球的一朵花.那么, 只要在夜晚仰望星空, 就会觉得漫天的繁星 就像一朵朵盛开的花.54、je think, therefore i am. 我思故我在 (笛卡尔) 55、je don't even have a picture of him, he is only alive in my memory. 我甚至连他的一张照片都没有.他只活在我的记忆里. - 《泰坦尼克 号》 56、je came to be in your future. 我此刻谢幕, 是为参演你的未 来.57、c'is the most beautiful gift that i have ever met. the changing environment 我遇见你是最美丽的意外.58、c'is still human, but humans are powerless before the environment. i like 往往都是事情改变人, 人却改变不了事情57、j'& funding t feel that love is everywhere. there is not always what to write a novel, but it's there. 对我来说, 真爱无处不在.它可能并不起眼, 也上不了报纸头条, 但 它的的确确存在着58、un souffle is a culinary speciality has been known for its lightness, white of egg and # 339, mounted in snow. 舒芙蕾 (蛋奶酥) 是中世纪诞生的法国著名甜点.它有着云朵般蓬松 的外型. 59、quand i was a little boy, a star was, it was too late to wish. now it's too tardd'catch the love that i've ever met. 小时候, 看着满天的星星, 当流星飞过的时候, 却总是来不及许愿. 长大了, 遇见了自己喜欢的人, 却还是来不及. 60、la life is not a race, but a journey that he must go and ucirc; b at each stage. 生活不是一场赛跑, 生活是一场旅行, 要懂得好好欣赏每一段的风 景. 61、tu know. when one is so sad i love sunsets. 小王子: 你知道 - 当你感觉到悲伤的时候, 就会喜欢看落日. 62、celle that i think. 所谓伊人, 在水一方63、l'love sacrifice everything, but he is rich 爱情献出了一切, 却依然富有. 64、les angels don't have. 天 使 不 一 定 有 翅 膀, 却 一 定 会 有 美 丽 的 微 笑.65、la best fa & made, to predict the future is to create it. 预见未来的最好方式, 就是创造未来. 66、j'saw everything is extraordinary, but still not the most simple, toi.我遇到所有的不平凡, 却一直遇不到平凡的你. the high 67、les tears smile 眼泪是微笑的极致. - 司汤达. 68、le happiness is to wake up in the middle of the night, realizing that we can still get a few hours of sleep. good night. 幸福是半夜醒来意识到还可以再睡几个小时. 69、c'is always in the most desperate situation in which you meet the most beautiful surprise. 总是在最深的绝望里, 遇见最美丽的惊喜. 70、il there are moments in life when the presence of the other is so that we hope to constantly. all you want to do what he pleases, we go where he wanted to go. 71、quand you rest, do not forget the other run. 停下休息的时候别忘了别人还在奔跑 72、paris is small for those who like such a great love. 对于那些相爱的人来说, 巴黎是渺小的. 73、les days away, a flight of mystery. but the young vibrant and sanguine. flowers in your smile and sparkle in your eyes. 岁月默默无闻地流逝, 但青春永远光彩闪亮.在你的微笑里绽放, 在 你的眼里闪光.74、touché by love, everyone becomes a poet. 柏拉图说: 每个在恋爱中的人都是诗人. 75、il there are moments in life when the presence of the other is so that we hope to constantly. all you want to do what he pleases, we go where he wanted to go. 生活中有时我们非常想念一个人, 时刻想见到他, 梦想着他的快乐, 去他想去的地方. 76、passant the ocean of time, passing through the wall of the breath, i get to the park, where your dream is the dream. 游过时间的海, 穿越叹息之墙, 我将到达梦中的花园, 那里也有你 的梦. 77、tous day, i see the sun, and you be close to me, that is the future i want to. 每一天, 这就是我要的未来.78、le 我看见你和阳光都在, happiness is to be happy, not to make others believe that it is. 幸福是过得开心, 不是让别人以为自己过得开心. 79、hier is history, tomorrow is a mystery, but today is a gift. 昨天已成为历史, 明天还是个谜, 只有今天 是上天赐给我们的礼 物.80、les people happier, do not necessarily have the best of everything, they can enjoy the beauty of life. 最幸福的人们并不一定什么都是最好, 只是因为他们懂得欣赏生活 的美好.81、avec all trickery, the work tedious and broken dreams, the world is still beautiful. t & rack, and to be happy! 尽管生活中有背信弃义, 有令人厌恶的工作, 有梦想的破灭, 然而 世界还是美好的.努力让自己幸福吧. 82、le world is full of violence. tigers and dragons abound. the swords and spears are the unclean hearts. 李慕白: 江湖里卧虎藏龙, 人心里何尝不是? 刀剑里藏凶, 人情里 何尝不是? life is so surprises.même 83、la parallel paths eventually cross. Life gives us so many surprises, two parallel lines have rendezvous day. Rencontrer, quelqu'un, De, juste, Au, Bon, moment, EST, UN, certain, bonheur, par, contre, on, n'y, pourra, rien, Si,, l'on, Le,, rencontre, Au, moment., mauvais In the right time to meet the right people is a kind of happiness, in the right time to meet the wrong person is a kind of helpless. 85, Si Tu VOIS une ombre Jeter Devant toi, n'aie PAS peur, c'est Le Soleil qui EST derri re toi. If you see the shadows in front of you, don't be afraid, it's because there is sunshine behind you.
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