首页 关于知识产权科技评价体系建设情况的报告(1)



关于知识产权科技评价体系建设情况的报告(1)关于知识产权科技评价体系建设情况的报告(1) 关于知识产权科技评价体系建设情况的报告 近年来,我市坚持以科学发展观统领全局,坚持改革创新,大力实施科教兴市战略和知识产权战略,建立和完善适应科技发展需要的知识产权科技评价体系,促进科技创新增产保质、健康发展。 一、 基本情况 1、科技评价体系政策建设情况。我市知识产权事业起步较晚,是全省最后设立知识产权局的市,2003年,,至今区县尚未建立知识产权专门工作机构,知识产权管理能力较弱。为实现我市跨越发展,在知识产权管理、建立科学评价机制方面作了积极探索。近年来,...

关于知识产权科技评价体系建设情况的 报告 软件系统测试报告下载sgs报告如何下载关于路面塌陷情况报告535n,sgs报告怎么下载竣工报告下载 (1) 关于知识产权科技评价体系建设情况的报告 近年来,我市坚持以科学发展观统领全局,坚持改革创新,大力实施科教兴市战略和知识产权战略,建立和完善适应科技发展需要的知识产权科技评价体系,促进科技创新增产保质、健康发展。 一、 基本情况 1、科技评价体系政策建设情况。我市知识产权事业起步较晚,是全省最后设立知识产权局的市,2003年,,至今区县尚未建立知识产权专门工作机构,知识产权管理能力较弱。为实现我市跨越发展,在知识产权管理、建立科学评价机制方面作了积极探索。近年来,我市认真贯彻《专利法》、《山东省知识产权促进条例》等知识产权法规政策,并结合实际,2006年市政府建立了知识产权办公会议 制度 关于办公室下班关闭电源制度矿山事故隐患举报和奖励制度制度下载人事管理制度doc盘点制度下载 ,出台了《日照市知识产权战略纲要》,对我市实施知识产权战略作出了总体部署,标志着知识产权事业纳入了市政府重要议事日程,进入了一个新的全面发展的历史时期。市直有关部门先后出台了《日照市专利发展专项资金管理暂行办法》、《关于在全市重点工业企业和高新技术企业中开展“申报一项专利活动”的意见》、《日照市科学技术发展计划知识产权管理暂行办法》、《日照市卫生系统知识产权 管理办法 关于高温津贴发放的管理办法稽核管理办法下载并购贷款管理办法下载商业信用卡管理办法下载处方管理办法word下载 》、《关于加强日照地区大中专院校知识产权工作的意见》、《日照市专利示范企业管理办法》等配套措施,不断改革科技评价体系,r included in the County, with the right of abode overseas natural persons; (2) expand the scope of borrower type of occupation; (3) to apply for a loan for business borrowers, as well as the business unit controller or major shareholders. 2, the maximum loan amount (1) to cancel "a maximum loan amount of RMB 300,000" requirement; (2) both for personal consumption and business purposes, different methods were used to determine the loan amount. 3, the loan terms (1) the loan terms with borrowers and not more than 60 years of age; (2) lending operation, should be based on the borrower's production cycle and the anticipated income situation, scientifically and rationally determine the loan period. (E) loans: the three rejected. (F) receive and investigate: 1, defines the principles and requirements of pre-loan investigation, focusing on investigating first source of repayment, and a double investigation. 2, the provision of customer information: (1) "available on request" information, customer reference case where the account manager deciding whether to request; (2) proof of income can refer to the approach in annex format or other format to meet the Bank's requirements; (3) loan operation shall provide the information management unit; (4) copy of the account manager shall verify the information and sign it to confirm. 3, provided for a borrower, guarantor and main contents of units operated by pre-loan investigation. 4, loans for business and apply for amounts in excess of 500,000 yuan, account managers should refer to the measurement limit estimates demand for working capital loans. (G) loans: the loan origination process, provides lenders responsible for review. (H) loans to pay: defined the trustee payments and autonomous operational requirements for payment. 初步形成了较为完备的知识产权评价、考核体系。 2、科技评价体系改革建设内容。我市知识产权科技评价指标体系建设有关内容,在《日照市知识产权战略纲要》中作了较全面系统的阐述。《刚要》提出,要“完善知识产权政策体系”,“建立科学、完整的知识产权评价指标体系和考核制度,在政府出台的发展产业、调整结构、推动创新、鼓励创业、吸引人才等政策中体现知识产权内容”,要“加大对知识产权的奖励力度。设立日照市专利奖”,“奖励具有市场竞争力、产生巨大经济效益的重要发明专利、实用新型专利和工业品外观 设计 领导形象设计圆作业设计ao工艺污水处理厂设计附属工程施工组织设计清扫机器人结构设计 专利”, “要将知识产权管理融入科技、外贸、经济管理之中,将自主知识产权的拥有、利用、保护及管理作为本市企业技术中心、高新技术企业、高新技术产业园区认定、评审和复审的必要条件之一”;要“把专利授权指标作为科技人员、经营管理人员绩效考核、职称评定、职级晋升的重要条件,把是否获得发明专利权作为推荐参加国家、省、市发明奖和科技进步奖评选的重要条件之一”,《刚要》要求“ 各级科技、行业管理等部门在制定政策时,要充分体现对拥有自主知识产权的企业和产品的扶植”,“各级政府、各部门、要将实施知识产权战略列入本地区、本单位的议事日程,纳入政府实施科教兴市战略的重要考核内容,及时研究解决知识产权工作中存在的问题和困难。要进一步建立更加科学、完整的知识产权评价指标体系和考核制度,对知识产权的拥有量、增幅、产业化效果、对经济社会发展的贡献等量化指标 2ayment.for p ovides lenders responsible for review. (H) loans to pay: defined the trustee payments and autonomous operational requirementsshould refer to the measurement limit estimates demand for working capital loans. (G) loans: the loan origination process, prloan investigation. 4, loans for business and apply for amounts in excess of 500,000 yuan, account managers -units operated by pre count manager shall verify the information and sign it to confirm. 3, provided for a borrower, guarantor and main contents ofhe acother format to meet the Bank's requirements; (3) loan operation shall provide the information management unit; (4) copy of tcase where the account manager deciding whether to request; (2) proof of income can refer to the approach in annex format or omer information: (1) "available on request" information, customer referenceloan investigation, focusing on investigating first source of repayment, and a double investigation. 2, the provision of cust-ate: 1, defines the principles and requirements of preestigincome situation, scientifically and rationally determine the loan period. (E) loans: the three rejected. (F) receive and invnot more than 60 years of age; (2) lending operation, should be based on the borrower's production cycle and the anticipated rs andusiness purposes, different methods were used to determine the loan amount. 3, the loan terms (1) the loan terms with borrowemaximum loan amount (1) to cancel "a maximum loan amount of RMB 300,000" requirement; (2) both for personal consumption and bon; (3) to apply for a loan for business borrowers, as well as the business unit controller or major shareholders. 2, the r included in the County, with the right of abode overseas natural persons; (2) expand the scope of borrower type of occupati 按年度进行评估考核,并将结果进行通报”。 为加强知识产权综合协调管理能力,引导科技创新健康快速发展,市政府建立了知识产权办公会议制度,并于2007年召开了首届全市知识产权工作会议,进一步实施《日照市知识产权战略纲要》,加快建设创新型城市,推动经济社会又好又快发展。作为科技奖励制度的一项重大改革,2008年市政府在《日照市科学技术奖励办法》中规定,获得授权的发明专利视同通过成果鉴定,直接纳入科技奖评奖范畴,极大地调到了广大科技工作者发明创造的积极性,引导科技创新评价体系建设与世界接轨。同时,市委、市政府将知识产权指标纳入了绩效考核目标,加大了考核力度,有效地促进了我市科技、知识产权工作的快速发展。2010年市政府又出台了《关于支持自主创新加快发展高新技术产业的若干政策》,加大财政对自主创新和专利实施的扶持力度,“对重大发明专利和科技成果转化项目,经市科技局、财政局认定后,给予20万元至100万元的一次性资助。” 为贯彻落实科教兴市与知识产权战略,市科技、知识产权管理部门不断深化、丰富知识产权科技评价体系,如在《日照市科学技术发展计划知识产权管理暂行办法》中规定, “市科技局在审查市科学技术发展计划申请项目的同时,还应审查该项目申请单位知识产权的拥有量和知识产权管理情况,并以此作为能否承担计划项目的条件之一”,“研究开发方应当建立和完善科技成果的知识产权管理制度及相应的转化制 format or other format to meet the Bank's requirements; (3) loan operation shall provide the information management unit; (4)reference case where the account manager deciding whether to request; (2) proof of income can refer to the approach in annex omer information: (1) "available on request" information, customerloan investigation, focusing on investigating first source of repayment, and a double investigation. 2, the provision of cust-d investigate: 1, defines the principles and requirements of preive annticipated income situation, scientifically and rationally determine the loan period. (E) loans: the three rejected. (F) recerowers and not more than 60 years of age; (2) lending operation, should be based on the borrower's production cycle and the ath bortion and business purposes, different methods were used to determine the loan amount. 3, the loan terms (1) the loan terms wis. 2, the maximum loan amount (1) to cancel "a maximum loan amount of RMB 300,000" requirement; (2) both for personal consumpon; (3) to apply for a loan for business borrowers, as well as the business unit controller or major shareholderr included in the County, with the right of abode overseas natural persons; (2) expand the scope of borrower type of occupati3ents for payment.uiremocess, provides lenders responsible for review. (H) loans to pay: defined the trustee payments and autonomous operational reqmanagers should refer to the measurement limit estimates demand for working capital loans. (G) loans: the loan origination pr loan investigation. 4, loans for business and apply for amounts in excess of 500,000 yuan, account-ntents of units operated by preof the account manager shall verify the information and sign it to confirm. 3, provided for a borrower, guarantor and main co copy 度”,“市科技局、市知识产权局应加强对科学技术发展计划项目知识产权保护情况的跟踪管理。对研究开发方完成的阶段性或终结性成果,应当要求其先申请专利,或者以技术秘密等方式予以保护。对于研究开发方不按要求处理的,市科技局停拔剩余经费或追回所拔经费,对其成果鉴定或验收申请不予受理”,“ 研究开发方在取得知识产权后,应当依照有关规定,对项目的完成人进行奖励和给付报酬,有关费用可计入成本。对已进入实审阶段的发明专利申请和已取得专利权的实用新型专利或外观设计专利,市知识产权局按《日照市专利申请资助金管理暂行办法》之规定给予资金资助”,“市科技局在确定科学技术发展计划项目时,优先选用具有自主知识产权的技术研究与开发项目”。 在深化科技项目知识产权管理的同时,不断探索延伸知识产权管理、评价领域,如在卫生系统率先实行“对拥有专利的主要发明人员,在专业技术职务评审时可优先推荐。获两项以上国家专利,其中至少有一项在实践中推广应用的,可作为破格申报副高级专业技术职务的条件之一,获两项以上国家专利,至少有一项发明专利,,并在实践中推广应用的,可作为破格申报正高级专业技术职务的条件之一”。在教育系统要求大中专院校“要加强对知识产权工作的领导,把知识产权工作作为学校事业发展的重要组成部分”,“ 强化激励机制和优化政策支撑环境”,“ 学校要将知识产权量化指标,如专利的拥有数、出售专利许可数、专利技术转化效果、计算机软 4ayment.for p ovides lenders responsible for review. (H) loans to pay: defined the trustee payments and autonomous operational requirementsshould refer to the measurement limit estimates demand for working capital loans. (G) loans: the loan origination process, prloan investigation. 4, loans for business and apply for amounts in excess of 500,000 yuan, account managers -units operated by pre count manager shall verify the information and sign it to confirm. 3, provided for a borrower, guarantor and main contents ofhe acother format to meet the Bank's requirements; (3) loan operation shall provide the information management unit; (4) copy of tcase where the account manager deciding whether to request; (2) proof of income can refer to the approach in annex format or omer information: (1) "available on request" information, customer referenceloan investigation, focusing on investigating first source of repayment, and a double investigation. 2, the provision of cust-ate: 1, defines the principles and requirements of preestigincome situation, scientifically and rationally determine the loan period. (E) loans: the three rejected. (F) receive and invnot more than 60 years of age; (2) lending operation, should be based on the borrower's production cycle and the anticipated rs andusiness purposes, different methods were used to determine the loan amount. 3, the loan terms (1) the loan terms with borrowemaximum loan amount (1) to cancel "a maximum loan amount of RMB 300,000" requirement; (2) both for personal consumption and bon; (3) to apply for a loan for business borrowers, as well as the business unit controller or major shareholders. 2, the r included in the County, with the right of abode overseas natural persons; (2) expand the scope of borrower type of occupati 件登记数、动植物新品种数等自主知识产权的数量和质量,、知识产权工作机构设置和工作人员落实等纳入到学校科技工作的评价、考核体系中。学校应在职称评定、职务晋升、岗位聘任以及年度考核中,对在知识产权取得、保护、转化中做出重要贡献的人员予以优先考虑”。有关部门对“ 知识产权工作取得显著成绩的学校,有重大影响的专利项目及为其做出重要贡献的专利发明人、设计人,在专利技术实施、转化或许可证贸易中做出重大贡献的人员,优秀的知识产权管理工作者”给予表彰奖励。 企业是科技创新的主体,强化企业知识产权政策导向十分重要。为提升企业创造、管理、实施和保护知识产权的能力和水平,增强企业核心竞争力,实现企业可持续发展和利益最大化,研究制定了《日照市专利示范企业管理暂行办法》,“对评为市专利示范企业的,由市科学技术局、市知识产权局和市经济贸易委员会授予“日照市专利示范企业”称号,并给予适当的奖励“,“市专利示范企业可优先推荐申报中国专利山东明星企业”,“市专利示范企业的专利技术或产品优先安排及推荐各类科技计划,优先获得省、市专利发展补助资金”。不断加大知识产权的奖励和扶持力度,研究制定了《日照市专利发展专项资金管理暂行办法》,设立了专利发展专项资金,用于专利申请和维护、专利管理、专利保护及专利实施等方面的专项补助。并对年专利申请量在30件以上和年专利申请量在50件以上并被认定为“省级高新技术企业” 5ents for payment.uiremocess, provides lenders responsible for review. (H) loans to pay: defined the trustee payments and autonomous operational reqmanagers should refer to the measurement limit estimates demand for working capital loans. (G) loans: the loan origination pr loan investigation. 4, loans for business and apply for amounts in excess of 500,000 yuan, account-ntents of units operated by preof the account manager shall verify the information and sign it to confirm. 3, provided for a borrower, guarantor and main co copy format or other format to meet the Bank's requirements; (3) loan operation shall provide the information management unit; (4)reference case where the account manager deciding whether to request; (2) proof of income can refer to the approach in annex omer information: (1) "available on request" information, customerloan investigation, focusing on investigating first source of repayment, and a double investigation. 2, the provision of cust-d investigate: 1, defines the principles and requirements of preive annticipated income situation, scientifically and rationally determine the loan period. (E) loans: the three rejected. (F) recerowers and not more than 60 years of age; (2) lending operation, should be based on the borrower's production cycle and the ath bortion and business purposes, different methods were used to determine the loan amount. 3, the loan terms (1) the loan terms wis. 2, the maximum loan amount (1) to cancel "a maximum loan amount of RMB 300,000" requirement; (2) both for personal consumpon; (3) to apply for a loan for business borrowers, as well as the business unit controller or major shareholderr included in the County, with the right of abode overseas natural persons; (2) expand the scope of borrower type of occupati 或“中国专利山东明星企业”或“日照市专利示范企业”称号的企业分别给予5万元和10万元的奖励。 二、 经验与体会 ,一,新的知识产权科技评价体系激励科技创新成果增产保质。近年来,通过系列科技评价体系建设,有力促进科技创新成果数量快速增长,质量明显提高。我们知道,作为科技创新成果的最直接有效的体现——专利指标正逐步受到重视。因为国家的竞争力不是靠科技成果,而是核心专利。当发明者或创造者向专利审查机构申请专利时,这往往是创新能力的具体体现和创新经济价值的潜在标志。其中发明专利数更能反映技术创新程度的高低,是技术创新能力的本质体现。截止2010年底,我市累计国内专利申请量为7452件,授权量为4335件。仅在十一五期间,我市共申请专利5782件,授权3551件,其中发明专利申请量534件,授权80件,实用新型专利申请3357件,授权2328件,,分别占申请和授权总量的77.59%和81.92%,涵盖了机械电子、化工、医药、新材料和新能源等多个学科和技术领域。尤其是2010年,全市专利申请量达到2107件,列全省第十一位,同比增长105.16%,增幅居全省第二位,全市专利授权量1290件,同比增长55.99%。数据表明,我市的科技创新成果在质和量上有了很大提升。 ,二,改革知识产权科技评价体系利于提高企业核心竞争力。专利制度是社会主义市场经济条件下保障和推动技术 -units operated by pre count manager shall verify the information and sign it to confirm. 3, provided for a borrower, guarantor and main contents ofhe acother format to meet the Bank's requirements; (3) loan operation shall provide the information management unit; (4) copy of tcase where the account manager deciding whether to request; (2) proof of income can refer to the approach in annex format or omer information: (1) "available on request" information, customer referenceloan investigation, focusing on investigating first source of repayment, and a double investigation. 2, the provision of cust-ate: 1, defines the principles and requirements of preestigincome situation, scientifically and rationally determine the loan period. (E) loans: the three rejected. (F) receive and invnot more than 60 years of age; (2) lending operation, should be based on the borrower's production cycle and the anticipated rs andusiness purposes, different methods were used to determine the loan amount. 3, the loan terms (1) the loan terms with borrowemaximum loan amount (1) to cancel "a maximum loan amount of RMB 300,000" requirement; (2) both for personal consumption and bon; (3) to apply for a loan for business borrowers, as well as the business unit controller or major shareholders. 2, the r included in the County, with the right of abode overseas natural persons; (2) expand the scope of borrower type of occupati6ayment.for p ovides lenders responsible for review. (H) loans to pay: defined the trustee payments and autonomous operational requirementsshould refer to the measurement limit estimates demand for working capital loans. (G) loans: the loan origination process, prloan investigation. 4, loans for business and apply for amounts in excess of 500,000 yuan, account managers 创新和知识创新的重要知识产权制度。人类社会已进入知识经济时代,企业尤其是高新技术企业作为市场主体,在市场竞争中越来越依赖于专利技术的开发和利用。随着知识产权战略的实施,同以前相比,我市企业特别是高新技术企业专利意识、专利运用能力明显提高,核心竞争能力有所增强。通过知识产权试点示范工作深入开展,促进企业知识产权管理机制不断完善,运用知识产权制度的能力不断提高,有1家企业被选定为“山东省企事业单位专利创造能力培育单位,” 6家企业被认定为“中国专利山东明星企业”。10家企业被认定为“日照市专利示范企业”。据调查,我市企业专利实施率达到87%。同时,我市积极开展专利技术转化工作,不断加大投入,引导企业加强知识产权工作,促进企业自主创新,增强企业产品竞争力,扩大市场占有率。2008-2010年,我市财政累计投入150万元专项资金,对30项技术含量高、市场价前景好的专利技术立项扶持,有力地促进了高新技术产业的发展。同时,催生了17家年专利申请量过30件的专利申请大户,并有 5 项专利技术获省专利奖。海恩锯业的“锯片系列产品产业化项目”列入省专利实施计划,产业化水平大幅度提高,产品远销欧美等发达国家。 三、问题与不足 改革知识产权科技评价体系取得明显成效,但与形势发展需要相比尚有较大差距。一是评价体系不系统、不科学,政策激励机制有待进一步完善。二是评价体系改革不彻底、 copy format or other format to meet the Bank's requirements; (3) loan operation shall provide the information management unit; (4)reference case where the account manager deciding whether to request; (2) proof of income can refer to the approach in annex omer information: (1) "available on request" information, customerloan investigation, focusing on investigating first source of repayment, and a double investigation. 2, the provision of cust-d investigate: 1, defines the principles and requirements of preive annticipated income situation, scientifically and rationally determine the loan period. (E) loans: the three rejected. (F) recerowers and not more than 60 years of age; (2) lending operation, should be based on the borrower's production cycle and the ath bortion and business purposes, different methods were used to determine the loan amount. 3, the loan terms (1) the loan terms wis. 2, the maximum loan amount (1) to cancel "a maximum loan amount of RMB 300,000" requirement; (2) both for personal consumpon; (3) to apply for a loan for business borrowers, as well as the business unit controller or major shareholderr included in the County, with the right of abode overseas natural persons; (2) expand the scope of borrower type of occupati7ents for payment.uiremocess, provides lenders responsible for review. (H) loans to pay: defined the trustee payments and autonomous operational reqmanagers should refer to the measurement limit estimates demand for working capital loans. (G) loans: the loan origination pr loan investigation. 4, loans for business and apply for amounts in excess of 500,000 yuan, account-ntents of units operated by preof the account manager shall verify the information and sign it to confirm. 3, provided for a borrower, guarantor and main co 不深入,与世界接轨有距离。三是知识产权管理机构与执法队伍不健全,尤其是区县及企业知识产权管理机制、知识产权创造运用能力有待提高。四是评价指标的选取侧重于科技创新的数量指标而相对淡化了科技创新的质量指标。 四、政策建议 ,一,建立健全知识产权管理机构,加强知识产权人才队伍建设。 科技评价体系是要靠相关行政体系、人员落实推动的,行政机构不健全人员不到位好的评价体系也难以发挥效果。知识产权行政管理体制不健全是不少地区特别是县级知识产权工作面临的迫切需要解决的问题。建议国家及各级政府进一步提高认识,加强领导,建立健全地方知识产权管理机构,落实相应的知识产权工作经费。政府应把知识产权人才培养纳入整个人才培养计划,建立一支适应知识产权工作和建设创新型国家需要的知识产权专业人才队伍,以提高企业掌握和运用知识产权战略的能力和水平,充分运用知识产权制度来激励、保护技术的创新与进步。同时建议国家加大对地方党政领导干部知识产权培训的力度,进一步增强各级党委政府做好知识产权工作的紧迫感和责任感,切实落实好知识产权战略。 ,二,完善科技创新评价指标体系,建立健全知识产权激励制度。 一要加强知识产权管理,完善相应的政策,引导和帮助 8ayment.for p ovides lenders responsible for review. (H) loans to pay: defined the trustee payments and autonomous operational requirementsshould refer to the measurement limit estimates demand for working capital loans. (G) loans: the loan origination process, prloan investigation. 4, loans for business and apply for amounts in excess of 500,000 yuan, account managers -units operated by pre count manager shall verify the information and sign it to confirm. 3, provided for a borrower, guarantor and main contents ofhe acother format to meet the Bank's requirements; (3) loan operation shall provide the information management unit; (4) copy of tcase where the account manager deciding whether to request; (2) proof of income can refer to the approach in annex format or omer information: (1) "available on request" information, customer referenceloan investigation, focusing on investigating first source of repayment, and a double investigation. 2, the provision of cust-ate: 1, defines the principles and requirements of preestigincome situation, scientifically and rationally determine the loan period. (E) loans: the three rejected. (F) receive and invnot more than 60 years of age; (2) lending operation, should be based on the borrower's production cycle and the anticipated rs andusiness purposes, different methods were used to determine the loan amount. 3, the loan terms (1) the loan terms with borrowemaximum loan amount (1) to cancel "a maximum loan amount of RMB 300,000" requirement; (2) both for personal consumption and bon; (3) to apply for a loan for business borrowers, as well as the business unit controller or major shareholders. 2, the r included in the County, with the right of abode overseas natural persons; (2) expand the scope of borrower type of occupati 企业、科研机构和高等院校建立和完善知识产权管理制度。各有关部门应就重点实验室、工程技术研究中心、工程研究中心、国家级企业技术中心等重点科技创新主体的主要研发方向建立相应的知识产权考核评价制度,并会同知识产权管理部门进行知识产权考核评价。考核评价内容包括技术成果知识产权申请,登记,和授权数量,技术知识产权实施或转让数量及其所产生的经济效益。考核评价结果以适当的方式予以通报,并作为有关部门对其是否继续承担新的使用财政性资金资助实施的或使用国有资金进行的科技创新项目评审的主要依据。要以专利保护和合同管理为重点,逐步对知识产权进行 规范 编程规范下载gsp规范下载钢格栅规范下载警徽规范下载建设厅规范下载 、全面的管理,理顺产权关系,保护知识产权,规避技术风险。企业、科研院所和高等院校要加强知识产权的管理工作,做到机构、人员、制度三落实,把知识产权管理工作纳入科技攻关、新产品开发的计划中去,促进自主知识产权技术的实施和转化。二要健全知识产权支援体系。建议国家对国家科技重点发展方向的创新成果专利申请以及维权减免相关收费,鼓励企业开展知识产权战略研究,在技术咨询和培训等方面给予特别支持。三要提高知识产权信息利用水平。制定知识产权信息利用制度,加快知识产权信息平台建设,把支持建立知识产权信息库纳入科技基础设施建设计划,加快知识产权信息网络等基础设施建设,构建与国际信息库接轨的信息平台。2011年,我市争取建立“山东省知识产权信息服务平台日照分平台”,提高知识产权公共 ents for payment.uiremocess, provides lenders responsible for review. (H) loans to pay: defined the trustee payments and autonomous operational reqmanagers should refer to the measurement limit estimates demand for working capital loans. (G) loans: the loan origination pr loan investigation. 4, loans for business and apply for amounts in excess of 500,000 yuan, account-ntents of units operated by preof the account manager shall verify the information and sign it to confirm. 3, provided for a borrower, guarantor and main co copy format or other format to meet the Bank's requirements; (3) loan operation shall provide the information management unit; (4)reference case where the account manager deciding whether to request; (2) proof of income can refer to the approach in annex omer information: (1) "available on request" information, customerloan investigation, focusing on investigating first source of repayment, and a double investigation. 2, the provision of cust-d investigate: 1, defines the principles and requirements of preive annticipated income situation, scientifically and rationally determine the loan period. (E) loans: the three rejected. (F) recerowers and not more than 60 years of age; (2) lending operation, should be based on the borrower's production cycle and the ath bortion and business purposes, different methods were used to determine the loan amount. 3, the loan terms (1) the loan terms wis. 2, the maximum loan amount (1) to cancel "a maximum loan amount of RMB 300,000" requirement; (2) both for personal consumpon; (3) to apply for a loan for business borrowers, as well as the business unit controller or major shareholderr included in the County, with the right of abode overseas natural persons; (2) expand the scope of borrower type of occupati9 服务水平。要指导、支持有条件的科研院所、高等院校和企业尽快建立与本单位技术领域相关的知识产权文献数据库,积极做好知识产权文献检索、分析和认证。四要鼓励、支持知识产权产业化。政府要通过搭建桥梁促使获得知识产权的科技成果加速产业化,对专利产业化在税费方面给予适当的优惠政策,对优秀专利技术产业化采取融资、参股、补贴、投资等方式提供资金援助。建议国家设立专利产业化专项资金,推进专利技术产业化进程,培育知识产权优势企业,提升核心竞争能力。建议国家设立专利奖励专项资金,奖励优秀专利项目,引导各地建立相应专利奖励制度。 ,三,建立与国际接轨的科技成果评价制度,确立专利在科技成果评价中的重要地位。知识产权制度与科技奖励制度都是科技成果激励制度,实践证明,这两种制度在激励科技创新时知识产权制度更具有根本性、决定性。科技奖励制度这种评鉴方式只不过是学术或管理范畴内对成果的学术水平评定或对科研课题执行情况的检查,这种方式在法律上不被国际所认可。而成果若要获得专利权,必须经专利局依法进行审查。凡授予专利权的发明必须符合“三性”(新颖性、创造性、实用性)要求。因此,专利的审查实质是将技术的评鉴法制化了。在国际上“科技成果的评价”方式都是以取得专利权的内容作项目的客观评价发明项目为依据,这是比较科学的,可排除一些人为的走后门、行贿等干扰。而我国解放60年来对科技成果的评价是以专家鉴定会、签字为主来评价 ayment.for p ovides lenders responsible for review. (H) loans to pay: defined the trustee payments and autonomous operational requirementsshould refer to the measurement limit estimates demand for working capital loans. (G) loans: the loan origination process, prloan investigation. 4, loans for business and apply for amounts in excess of 500,000 yuan, account managers -units operated by pre count manager shall verify the information and sign it to confirm. 3, provided for a borrower, guarantor and main contents ofhe acother format to meet the Bank's requirements; (3) loan operation shall provide the information management unit; (4) copy of tcase where the account manager deciding whether to request; (2) proof of income can refer to the approach in annex format or omer information: (1) "available on request" information, customer referenceloan investigation, focusing on investigating first source of repayment, and a double investigation. 2, the provision of cust-ate: 1, defines the principles and requirements of preestigincome situation, scientifically and rationally determine the loan period. (E) loans: the three rejected. (F) receive and invnot more than 60 years of age; (2) lending operation, should be based on the borrower's production cycle and the anticipated rs andusiness purposes, different methods were used to determine the loan amount. 3, the loan terms (1) the loan terms with borrowemaximum loan amount (1) to cancel "a maximum loan amount of RMB 300,000" requirement; (2) both for personal consumption and bon; (3) to apply for a loan for business borrowers, as well as the business unit controller or major shareholders. 2, the r included in the County, with the right of abode overseas natural persons; (2) expand the scope of borrower type of occupati10 成果水平的,未与国际接轨,人为因素很大,这样就产生了走后门和行贿的不正之风。为此,建议国家及各级政府彻底改革科技奖励办法,对于技术领域的科技奖励,坚持以成果获得知识产权,专利,为前提予以奖励,没有获得知识产权的所谓成果一概不予奖励。这样以来,奖励制度在导向上以自主知识产权的取得为根本导向,可以避免科研人员将成果通过论文的发表、成果的鉴定向国内外公开。因为一旦这些论文和成果没有申请专利,就会让他人乘虚而入,抢注专利。这种状况的出现,一方面损害了自己的利益——他人用这个专利获得了巨大的经济利益,自己一无所获,另一方面,有可能损害国家的利益——如一些对国民经济发展有重大带动作用的重大发明在没有申请专利的条件下公开了,那就意味着全世界都可以无偿享用,甚至外国人自己去申请专利。 ,四,深入研究专利评价考核指标,顺应市场经济要求,提高发明创造质量。我国当前常用的统计和评价指标是专利申请量和授权量这种数量指标,很少使用专利质量指标。由于专利之间质量差异非常大,仅用数量指标难以准确评估专利产出的实际水平。事实上,大部分专利都是在现有专利上面进行小的改进,具有原始性创新的专利寥寥无几。因此,单纯的专利数量不能完全反映专利产出的经济价值,用专利数量来评价专利产出存在很大缺陷。专利实际上由发明专利、实用新型专利和外观设计专利三部分构成,创新程度依次递减。在选取专利指标时,一要注重知识产权水平,质量, uiremocess, provides lenders responsible for review. (H) loans to pay: defined the trustee payments and autonomous operational reqmanagers should refer to the measurement limit estimates demand for working capital loans. (G) loans: the loan origination pr loan investigation. 4, loans for business and apply for amounts in excess of 500,000 yuan, account-ntents of units operated by preof the account manager shall verify the information and sign it to confirm. 3, provided for a borrower, guarantor and main co copy format or other format to meet the Bank's requirements; (3) loan operation shall provide the information management unit; (4)reference case where the account manager deciding whether to request; (2) proof of income can refer to the approach in annex omer information: (1) "available on request" information, customerloan investigation, focusing on investigating first source of repayment, and a double investigation. 2, the provision of cust-d investigate: 1, defines the principles and requirements of preive annticipated income situation, scientifically and rationally determine the loan period. (E) loans: the three rejected. (F) recerowers and not more than 60 years of age; (2) lending operation, should be based on the borrower's production cycle and the ath bortion and business purposes, different methods were used to determine the loan amount. 3, the loan terms (1) the loan terms wis. 2, the maximum loan amount (1) to cancel "a maximum loan amount of RMB 300,000" requirement; (2) both for personal consumpon; (3) to apply for a loan for business borrowers, as well as the business unit controller or major shareholderr included in the County, with the right of abode overseas natural persons; (2) expand the scope of borrower type of occupati11ents for payment. 和拥有量,数量,协调提升。发明专利、实用新型和外观设计三种中,发明专利数更能反映技术创新程度的高低,是技术创新能力的本质体现。设立“每万人发明专利拥有量” 相对指标,用以衡量一个地区科技创新能力与水平较为科学。对专利指标的分解将有助于鼓励企业或个人更多地关注自主开发完成的发明专利。二要更多地关注专利成果的转让和实施情况。要避免许多部门或企业重视专利的申报和总量增长,而相对忽视专利成果的转让和实施,导致专利成果的转化率普遍较低。三要进一步明确专利成果的转化区域,本地与异地,,提高运用科技指标体系评价科技创新能力的精度。四要关注体现专利水平的有效专利数量。与申请量和授权量相比,有效专利的数量更能体现专利的水平,更能反映企业、地区乃至国家的核心竞争力。充分发挥有效专利指标的指引作用,将对提升全国各地专利水平起到极大的促进和激励作用。 日照市知识产权局 二〇一一年四月八日 ayment.for p ovides lenders responsible for review. (H) loans to pay: defined the trustee payments and autonomous operational requirementsshould refer to the measurement limit estimates demand for working capital loans. (G) loans: the loan origination process, prloan investigation. 4, loans for business and apply for amounts in excess of 500,000 yuan, account managers -units operated by pre count manager shall verify the information and sign it to confirm. 3, provided for a borrower, guarantor and main contents ofhe acother format to meet the Bank's requirements; (3) loan operation shall provide the information management unit; (4) copy of tcase where the account manager deciding whether to request; (2) proof of income can refer to the approach in annex format or omer information: (1) "available on request" information, customer referenceloan investigation, focusing on investigating first source of repayment, and a double investigation. 2, the provision of cust-ate: 1, defines the principles and requirements of preestigincome situation, scientifically and rationally determine the loan period. (E) loans: the three rejected. (F) receive and invnot more than 60 years of age; (2) lending operation, should be based on the borrower's production cycle and the anticipated rs andusiness purposes, different methods were used to determine the loan amount. 3, the loan terms (1) the loan terms with borrowemaximum loan amount (1) to cancel "a maximum loan amount of RMB 300,000" requirement; (2) both for personal consumption and bon; (3) to apply for a loan for business borrowers, as well as the business unit controller or major shareholders. 2, the r included in the County, with the right of abode overseas natural persons; (2) expand the scope of borrower type of occupati12
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