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餐饮店铺选址分析餐饮店铺选址分析 一 商圈确定 通过商圈调查~可以预估餐饮店坐落地点~可能交易范围内的住户数、消费水准、流动人口量、营业额,通过实地评估~就店铺地理位臵的便利性、人的动线与流量、车的动线与流量、接近性、视觉效果等~判断该点是否适合开店~这样才不致因为盲从而冒然开店~得不偿失。 商圈的意义及其重要性 商圈~意指在餐饮店坐落的地点所能够交易的范围、规模。例如徒步区的店可能是方圆1000米~乡镇地区则可能是方圆3000米,就餐不方便~缺乏竞争等因素,~视具体情况而定。故商圈的选择必须谨慎~且要调查清楚~方能开创自...

餐饮店铺选址 分析 定性数据统计分析pdf销售业绩分析模板建筑结构震害分析销售进度分析表京东商城竞争战略分析 一 商圈确定 通过商圈调查~可以预估餐饮店坐落地点~可能交易范围内的住户数、消费水准、流动人口量、营业额,通过实地评估~就店铺地理位臵的便利性、人的动线与流量、车的动线与流量、接近性、视觉效果等~判断该点是否适合开店~这样才不致因为盲从而冒然开店~得不偿失。 商圈的意义及其重要性 商圈~意指在餐饮店坐落的地点所能够交易的范围、规模。例如徒步区的店可能是方圆1000米~乡镇地区则可能是方圆3000米,就餐不方便~缺乏竞争等因素,~视具体情况而定。故商圈的选择必须谨慎~且要调查清楚~方能开创自我的生存空间。 一般而言~涵盖面越大~表示商圈越大~但实际上~在预开设店的周围一定有竞争店~经营业绩将会被竞争者所瓜分~所以对商圈的评估~并非一成不变~事实上是充满了变数~评估必须面面俱到。 经营一家成功的餐饮店~所需要的条件很多~不过~商圈好坏对营运成功的影响力~可说是关键~因为地点好坏直接影响餐饮店营运的成功率~达60%。因此如何选择一个良好的商圈~对餐饮店日后的经营发展~有很大的影响。 商圈的类别 商圈的变化~时时牵动着业绩的发展~因此在开店时~商圈的设定异常重要。 商圈设定分类 商圈的设定大致上可分为两种型态。 ,1,徒步为主的商圈。例如商业区、住宅区等~以店为中心~半径约1000米~以走得到且快速方便为主。 ,2,车辆动线为主体的商圈~例如交叉路口附近及郊区外主干路上~此种商filing. 3, the safety records should be complete in time, and continues to project completion. 4, project safety production management information system of the Ministry of health planning, implementation, c d improved checking and correction, a total of four volumes. Construction and environmental protection in other security measures, such as the first civilization construction and environmental management objectives and civilized construction objectives of civil strive to obtain "safe and civilized model site of Zhuhai city" title. Environmental management goal 1, noise, dust, wastewater discharge standards; reducing and controlling the generation of solid waste; 2, reduce the impact of noise on the surrounding environment, noise complaints decreased by 20%; 3, reduce the consumption of raw materials and energy, construction raw material usage below the standards set by the State, average savings rate of 1% the following three materials. Section II project the civilization construct management system to establish a sound and civilized construction system, at all levels and all departments effective implementation of responsibility system for civil construction, ensure the goal of civilization. Ordinal system name 1 education system extensively and civilized construction management education, improve the overall construction initiative, ideology, so that workers form a building 圈大多设臵于郊外或下班路线上~有方便的停车空间及良好的视觉效果~可满足流动车辆人口的就餐需求。 商圈以区域大小的分类 ,1,临近中心型。其商圈的设定大约在半径500—1500米左右~即徒步商圈~此类型商圈分布在每个地区人口较密集的地方或商业集中地。 ,2,地区中心型。其商圈的设定一般在半径3000米~我们称之为生活商圈。 ,3,大地区中心型。此为地区中心更广的商圈。 ,4,副都市型。通常指公共汽车路线集结的地方~可以转换车~而形成交通集会地。 ,5,都市型。商圈可涵盖的范围~可能是整个都市的四周~其交通流或人潮流的层面~可能来自四面八方。 商圈的特性 商圈的特性若依通常的习惯~常将实地环境分成下列几种。 ,1,住宅区.住宅区内的户数基本上须达1000户左右~如以一户4人来计算~则人数将达4000人左 右。 ,2,教育区。教育区及附近有大、中、 小学 小学生如何制作手抄报课件柳垭小学关于三违自查自纠报告小学英语获奖优质说课课件小学足球课教案全集小学语文新课程标准测试题 等学校~其中以私立学校较为理想~因其学生大多比较有钱~消费层次比较高。当然~也不能忽视补习班~补习班的集中区将更理想。 ,3,办公区。办公区指办公大楼林立的地区~一栋办公大楼内的员工人数可能超过一二千人~尤其办公大楼内的上班族外食比例非常高。 ,4,商业区。商业区指商业行为集中的地方~由于过路客的增加~形成各种餐饮店聚集之处~以快餐为主。 ,5,娱乐区。娱乐区指以休闲消费为主的商圈~通常玩乐之后~需要补充体力。 filing. 3, the safety records should be complete in time, and continues to project completion. 4, project safety production management information system of the Ministry of health planning, implementation, c d improved checking and correction, a total of four volumes. Construction and environmental protection in other security measures, such as the first civilization construction and environmental management objectives and civilized construction objectives of civil strive to obtain "safe and civilized model site of Zhuhai city" title. Environmental management goal 1, noise, dust, wastewater discharge standards; reducing and controlling the generation of solid waste; 2, reduce the impact of noise on the surrounding environment, noise complaints decreased by 20%; 3, reduce the consumption of raw materials and energy, construction raw material usage below the standards set by the State, average savings rate of 1% the following three materials. Section II project the civilization construct management system to establish a sound and civilized construction system, at all levels and all departments effective implementation of responsibility system for civil construction, ensure the goal of civilization. Ordinal system name 1 education system extensively and civilized construction management education, improve the overall construction initiative, ideology, so that workers form a building 不难发现~住宅区的顾客群较为稳定~而且一般性的消费也较固定~如再加上交通主动脉的配合,因为增加部分的外来客,~将使该区的业绩有上升的可能。 商圈店址调查要点与评估 店址选择的好坏~在开店战略中是至关重要的。失败店的主要因素有以下三点: ,1,地点选择失败, ,2,不熟练的评估人员致使调查的资料与判断不准, ,3,许多餐饮店的连锁加盟部为了达到开店数量的目标而开店~因此产生了许多失败店。由上述因素可以发现~商圈实地调查及评估准确是十分重要的。大体而言~餐饮店在开店之前~对于实地调查作业应精心细致。如考虑店面出入的人口流量多少,附近有几家同类店或不同类店~其营业情形如何、商品的内容如何、价位的高低等~均是衡量的重点。 商圈实地调查的要点 ,1,开店地点周围住户的情形~亦即所谓的居民居住条件~其范围有以下几类。 ?住宅的种类:A单身住宅~ B普通小区住宅,分大、中型,~ C公寓,分电梯大楼、普通公寓,~ D高级住宅区。以上的住宅种类都适合开设餐饮店~但贫民区、老人住宅区~则不太适合。 ?住户的构成。餐饮店的客户群以20岁以上的青壮年为主~单身男女尤其重要。如以职业类别来看~蓝领及白领阶层以及服务业人员~都是比较理想的对象。商圈内有助于餐饮店设立的设施~有下列几种: *中小型企业,内部没有餐厅,, *中大型医院, *大学、专科及高中职校, filing. 3, the safety records should be complete in time, and continues to project completion. 4, project safety production management information system of the Ministry of health planning, implementation, c d improved checking and correction, a total of four volumes. Construction and environmental protection in other security measures, such as the first civilization construction and environmental management objectives and civilized construction objectives of civil strive to obtain "safe and civilized model site of Zhuhai city" title. Environmental management goal 1, noise, dust, wastewater discharge standards; reducing and controlling the generation of solid waste; 2, reduce the impact of noise on the surrounding environment, noise complaints decreased by 20%; 3, reduce the consumption of raw materials and energy, construction raw material usage below the standards set by the State, average savings rate of 1% the following three materials. Section II project the civilization construct management system to establish a sound and civilized construction system, at all levels and all departments effective implementation of responsibility system for civil construction, ensure the goal of civilization. Ordinal system name 1 education system extensively and civilized construction management education, improve the overall construction initiative, ideology, so that workers form a building *车站附近, *大型集中住宅区, 商圈未来具体考虑如下: *地区内人口及户数的增加, *新设车站的 计划 项目进度计划表范例计划下载计划下载计划下载课程教学计划下载 , *学校的建设计划, *马路新设、增设及拓宽计划, *小区住宅的兴建计划。 ,2,商圈内的竞争性。商圈内的竞争性指的是区域内的大型店、同类店或商业聚集较多时~要先确定是否还有设店的空间。 在地点位臵详细图中~可了解周围1500米内交通、道路、住宅及公共场所的位臵关系~进而判断该点的位臵是否理想。 方法 快递客服问题件处理详细方法山木方法pdf计算方法pdf华与华方法下载八字理论方法下载 如下:中心点为预开的餐饮店的位臵~而3条圆虚线由内而外各代表500米、1000米、 1500米的范围~可将500米内的道路、住宅及公共场所注在圆内再进行分析与判断。 将车辆动线标示清楚~这时设立地点附近的相关位臵~清清楚楚~可以很清楚地判断哪一点比较有利~其车辆的动线是在哪里汇集~广告效果哪一个比较理想~哪里停车较方便等。 最后再把距离内的商圈标注清楚~就可以很清楚地判断该点是否可以设店了。 二 店址选择 ,1,店址选择是一项大的、长期性投资~关系着企业的发展前途。餐饮店的店址不管是租赁的或是长期性投资~关系着企业的发展前途。一经确定~就需要投入大量的资金~去营建店铺。当外部环境发生变化时~它不像人、财、物等filing. 3, the safety records should be complete in time, and continues to project completion. 4, project safety production management information system of the Ministry of health planning, implementation, c d improved checking and correction, a total of four volumes. Construction and environmental protection in other security measures, such as the first civilization construction and environmental management objectives and civilized construction objectives of civil strive to obtain "safe and civilized model site of Zhuhai city" title. Environmental management goal 1, noise, dust, wastewater discharge standards; reducing and controlling the generation of solid waste; 2, reduce the impact of noise on the surrounding environment, noise complaints decreased by 20%; 3, reduce the consumption of raw materials and energy, construction raw material usage below the standards set by the State, average savings rate of 1% the following three materials. Section II project the civilization construct management system to establish a sound and civilized construction system, at all levels and all departments effective implementation of responsibility system for civil construction, ensure the goal of civilization. Ordinal system name 1 education system extensively and civilized construction management education, improve the overall construction initiative, ideology, so that workers form a building 经营要素可以作相应调整~因其具有长期性、固定性的特点。 ,2,店址是餐饮店确定经营目标和指定经营策略的重要依据~不同的地区有不同的社会环境、人口状况、地理环境、交通条件、市政规划等特点~它们分别制约着其所在地区的餐饮店顾客来源及特点和餐饮店对经营的商品、价格、促进销售活动的选择。 ,3,店址选择是否合适~是影响餐饮店经济效益的一个重要因素。企业的店址选择得当~就意味着其享有“地利”优势。在同行业餐饮店之间~如果在规模相当、菜品构成、经营服务水平基本相同的情况下~好店址必然享有较好的经济效益。 ,4,店址选择要坚持“方便顾客”的原则~以节省顾客的就餐时间~并最大限度满足顾客的需要~否则将失去顾客的信赖、支持从而也就失了去生存的基础。 三 区域位臵选择 ,1,日常生活家常菜品~这类菜品同质性大~点菜率高~同时价格较低~味道差别不大~食用时~求方便心理明显~希望节省用餐时间。所以~以这类菜品为主打菜的餐饮店应最大限度地接近顾客的居住地区~设在居民区附近商业街中或者上班族较为集中的地方~辐射范围以半径1000米为限~步行10分钟为宜。 ,2,经营地方特色菜的餐饮店提倡自己的地方特色。由于这类餐饮店价位相对较高~一般顾客对这样的餐饮店的需求是不定期的~只有在想到这种风味的时候才会专门过来品尝~并且在就餐时都进行一定的比较~除了口味以外~便捷也是顾客考虑的主要问 快递公司问题件快递公司问题件货款处理关于圆的周长面积重点题型关于解方程组的题及答案关于南海问题 之一。经营这类菜品的餐饮店选择在商业网点相对集中的地区为宜~如地区性的商业中心或交通枢纽、交通要道的商圈。 四 分析交通条件 ,1,从企业经营的角度来看~对交通条件的评估主要有以下两个方面。 filing. 3, the safety records should be complete in time, and continues to project completion. 4, project safety production management information system of the Ministry of health planning, implementation, c d improved checking and correction, a total of four volumes. Construction and environmental protection in other security measures, such as the first civilization construction and environmental management objectives and civilized construction objectives of civil strive to obtain "safe and civilized model site of Zhuhai city" title. Environmental management goal 1, noise, dust, wastewater discharge standards; reducing and controlling the generation of solid waste; 2, reduce the impact of noise on the surrounding environment, noise complaints decreased by 20%; 3, reduce the consumption of raw materials and energy, construction raw material usage below the standards set by the State, average savings rate of 1% the following three materials. Section II project the civilization construct management system to establish a sound and civilized construction system, at all levels and all departments effective implementation of responsibility system for civil construction, ensure the goal of civilization. Ordinal system name 1 education system extensively and civilized construction management education, improve the overall construction initiative, ideology, so that workers form a building ?在开设地点附近~是否有足够的停车场所可以利用。中国的停车场实际占地面积占城市规划中的比率比一些发达国家小很多。很多餐饮店没有自己固定的停车场~一般是停放在餐饮店前面一排,即使有大的停车场~也很可能是和别的企业单位合用。这样在车辆停放的时候就会产生很多问题~给餐饮店造成不必要的麻烦。所以是否有足够的停车空间就成了不得不考虑的一个重要问题。 ?餐饮店原料供应是否容易。这就要考虑可供餐饮店利用的运输动脉能否适应原料配送的需求~如果运货费用明显上升~经济效益就会受到影响。 ,2,为方便顾客就餐~促进上座率的提升~对交通条件作如下分析。 设在边沿区商业中心的餐饮店~要分析与车站、码头的距离和方向。一般距离越近~客流越多~就餐就越方便。开设地点还要考虑客流来去方向~如选在面向车站、码头的位臵~以下车、船客流为主,选在临近市内公共汽车站的位臵~则以上车的客流为主。 设在市内公共汽车站附近的餐饮店~要分析公共车站的性质~是中途站还是终始站~是主要停车站还是一般停车站。一般来说~主要停车站客流量大~餐饮店可以吸引的潜在顾客较多~中途站与终始站的客流量无统一规律~有的中途站多于终始站~有的终始站多于中途站。 要分析市场交通管理状况所引起的有利与不利条件~如单行线街道~禁止车辆通行街道~与人行横道距离较远都会造成客流量在一定程度上的减少。 五 分析客流规律 ,1,分析客流类型。一般餐饮店客流分为三种类型。 ?自身客流。指那些专门为到某餐饮店就餐的顾客所形成的客流~这是餐饮店客流的基础~是餐饮店销售的主要来源~因此~新设餐饮店在选址时~应着眼评估自身客流的大小及发展规模。 ?分享客流。指一家餐饮店从临近餐饮店形成的客流中获得的客流~这种分filing. 3, the safety records should be complete in time, and continues to project completion. 4, project safety production management information system of the Ministry of health planning, implementation, c d improved checking and correction, a total of four volumes. Construction and environmental protection in other security measures, such as the first civilization construction and environmental management objectives and civilized construction objectives of civil strive to obtain "safe and civilized model site of Zhuhai city" title. Environmental management goal 1, noise, dust, wastewater discharge standards; reducing and controlling the generation of solid waste; 2, reduce the impact of noise on the surrounding environment, noise complaints decreased by 20%; 3, reduce the consumption of raw materials and energy, construction raw material usage below the standards set by the State, average savings rate of 1% the following three materials. Section II project the civilization construct management system to establish a sound and civilized construction system, at all levels and all departments effective implementation of responsibility system for civil construction, ensure the goal of civilization. Ordinal system name 1 education system extensively and civilized construction management education, improve the overall construction initiative, ideology, so that workers form a building 享客流往往产生于经常相互补充餐饮类型的餐饮店之间~或大小餐饮店之间。如经营某类餐饮的补充餐饮的餐饮店~在顾客长时间吃一种餐饮后就会希望更换口味~而转道另外一家餐饮店。 ?派生客流。指那些顺路进店的顾客所形成的客流~这些顾客并非专门来店就餐。在旅游点、交通枢纽、公共场所附近设立的餐饮店要利用的就是派生客流。 ,2,分析客流目的、速度和滞留时间不同地区客流规模虽可能相同~但其目的、速度、滞留时间各不相同~要作具体分析、再作最佳地址选择。如在一些公共场所附近~车辆通行干道~客流规模很大~但客流目的不是为了就餐~同时客流速度快~滞留时间较短。 ,3,分析街道两侧的客流规模。同样一条街道~两侧的客流规模在很多情况下~由于光照条件、公共场所、交通条件设施等影响~而有所差异。另外~人们汽车、步行或驾驶汽车都是靠右行~往往习惯光顾行驶方向右侧的餐饮店。鉴于此~开设地点应尽可能选择在客流较多的街道一侧。 ,4,分析街道特点。选择餐饮店开设地点还要分析街道特点与客流规模的关系。交叉路口客流集中~能见度高~是最佳开店地点,如果街道由于两端的交通条件不同或通向地区不同~客流主要来自街道一端~表现为一端客流集中~纵深处逐渐减少的特征~这时候店址设在客流集中的一端,还有些街道~中间地段客流规模大于两端~相应的~店址放臵中间地段就更能招揽潜在客户。 1、如何选择经营地址 中国有句古话叫“借地生财”,这句商业谚语是说:借用、租用、利用别人或外地的地理优势经商,从中赚钱发财。还有“店不卖钱移闹市,生意不好调柜台”等商谚,都是强调地理条件对经商的作用。 一项事业的成功往往离不开天时、地利、人和这三个客观条件。经商也同样离不开地利,地点有利才能生意兴隆。地点好是创业成功的保障。 filing. 3, the safety records should be complete in time, and continues to project completion. 4, project safety production management information system of the Ministry of health planning, implementation, c d improved checking and correction, a total of four volumes. Construction and environmental protection in other security measures, such as the first civilization construction and environmental management objectives and civilized construction objectives of civil strive to obtain "safe and civilized model site of Zhuhai city" title. Environmental management goal 1, noise, dust, wastewater discharge standards; reducing and controlling the generation of solid waste; 2, reduce the impact of noise on the surrounding environment, noise complaints decreased by 20%; 3, reduce the consumption of raw materials and energy, construction raw material usage below the standards set by the State, average savings rate of 1% the following three materials. Section II project the civilization construct management system to establish a sound and civilized construction system, at all levels and all departments effective implementation of responsibility system for civil construction, ensure the goal of civilization. Ordinal system name 1 education system extensively and civilized construction management education, improve the overall construction initiative, ideology, so that workers form a building 所谓地理上的优势,从经商的角度讲,至少应该有以下特征: (1)人们常去的地方; (2)人口集中的地方; (3)购买力较高的地方; (4)靠近市场的地方; (5)方便顾客的地方; (6)有利于物质流通的地方; 产品或服务的质量重于店铺的地址,而店铺的地址好坏又重于店铺的规模大小。一旦你决定开店,必须对所选地点做全面的考查,了解该地区人口数量和结构、消费水平、其它店铺在该地区的经营状态,仔细权衡各个地点的利弊,选择最优地点,这样你才会赢得更多顾客,长久稳定地发展下去。 圣恩熙的建议是开店就要选个好码头,只要客流量大,何必担心租金高。 2、如何选择经营环境 曾经有人说:“选择好合适的店铺,其经营的成功率在70%以上”。选择店铺最好避免同条街道上有较强的竞争对手,因为商场上同行是冤家。但这仅是就一般情况而言,就目前国内经营状况来看,却以成行成市的形态出现比较有利。如电器一条街,时装一条街,美容一条街,餐饮一条街等。这样有利于吸引大量顾客光临,并为顾客增加选择余地。 总的来看,销售最好的地点和环境是选择在商业区、闹市区,其次才是沿街商铺,最后才是社区。但就算是生意最旺的商业区,也难免有些位置是死角,而一些被人视为偏僻冷清的街道,也有些地方适合于开店。圣恩熙的投资者怎样才能选择好有利于自己开店的王牌位置或黄金口岸呢,这里提供几点建议仅供参考: (1)选择在交通便利的地区,或者在几个主要车站的附近步行不超20分钟路程内的沿街店铺开店。 (2)对于一条马路的两侧,往往是一侧生意好,另一侧生意却不好。所以应选择客流量较大或其它店铺开的较成功的一侧,这样会有利于开店。但应避免和杂货店、小吃店、修filing. 3, the safety records should be complete in time, and continues to project completion. 4, project safety production management information system of the Ministry of health planning, implementation, c d improved checking and correction, a total of four volumes. Construction and environmental protection in other security measures, such as the first civilization construction and environmental management objectives and civilized construction objectives of civil strive to obtain "safe and civilized model site of Zhuhai city" title. Environmental management goal 1, noise, dust, wastewater discharge standards; reducing and controlling the generation of solid waste; 2, reduce the impact of noise on the surrounding environment, noise complaints decreased by 20%; 3, reduce the consumption of raw materials and energy, construction raw material usage below the standards set by the State, average savings rate of 1% the following three materials. Section II project the civilization construct management system to establish a sound and civilized construction system, at all levels and all departments effective implementation of responsibility system for civil construction, ensure the goal of civilization. Ordinal system name 1 education system extensively and civilized construction management education, improve the overall construction initiative, ideology, so that workers form a building 理铺、洗头洗脚店为邻,这样会非常影响销售。 (3)对于不同的马路应选择一级、二级较大的马路,尽量不要选择小马路或小胡同,但在选择大马路时,应选择没有隔离带或较少隔离带的、人车混流的马路。因为如果马路有隔离带,汽车行使速度都较快,行人为了过马路,集中精力去躲避车辆,便容易忽略马路两旁的店铺。 (4)接近人们聚集的场所。如超市、商场或剧院、电影院、公园等娱乐场所附近,或者大工厂、机关附近。这一方面可吸引出入行人经过,另一方面易于使顾客记住该店铺的地点,来过的客人向别人宣传介绍,会比较容易指引人光顾。 (5)选择靠近人口会增加的一边。企业、居民区和市政的发展,会给店铺增添更多的顾客而使其经营上更具发展潜力。 (6)选择同类店铺聚集的一边。大量事实证明,对那些经营消费品的店铺来说,若能集中在某一个地段或街区,则更能招徕顾客。但应避免进入低档、信誉不好的同类店聚集处。 (7)选择的店铺的门前台阶不应过高。大量事实证明,门前台阶过高会使顾客产生距离感,不利于经营,一般以选择不超过三级台阶的店铺最适宜。若你已经选择了台阶超过三级的店铺,可考虑将台阶前的地面垫高成坡形以减少台阶级数。 (8)拐角处的位置较理想。 拐角的位置往往是很理想的,它位于两条街道的交叉处,是人流和意识的停滞点,可以产生“拐角效应”。拐角位置的优点是:可以增加橱窗陈列的面积;两条街道的往来人流汇集于此,有较多的过路行人光顾;可以通过两个以上的路口以缓和人流的拥挤。 由于拐角,所以店铺的位置面临两条街,选择哪一面作为自己的正门,则成为十分重要的问题。一般的做法是,选择交通流量大的街道一面作为店铺的正面,即店面;另一面作为侧门。 (9)三叉路口是好店址。 店铺设在三叉路的正面,店面十分显眼,同样被认为是非常理想的店铺的地理位置。但是,处于这一有利位置的店铺应尽量注意发挥自己的长处,在店正面入口处的装潢、店名招牌、广告招牌、展示橱窗等要精心设计,抓住顾客的消费心理,将过往的行人吸引到店铺中来。 filing. 3, the safety records should be complete in time, and continues to project completion. 4, project safety production management information system of the Ministry of health planning, implementation, c d improved checking and correction, a total of four volumes. Construction and environmental protection in other security measures, such as the first civilization construction and environmental management objectives and civilized construction objectives of civil strive to obtain "safe and civilized model site of Zhuhai city" title. Environmental management goal 1, noise, dust, wastewater discharge standards; reducing and controlling the generation of solid waste; 2, reduce the impact of noise on the surrounding environment, noise complaints decreased by 20%; 3, reduce the consumption of raw materials and energy, construction raw material usage below the standards set by the State, average savings rate of 1% the following three materials. Section II project the civilization construct management system to establish a sound and civilized construction system, at all levels and all departments effective implementation of responsibility system for civil construction, ensure the goal of civilization. Ordinal system name 1 education system extensively and civilized construction management education, improve the overall construction initiative, ideology, so that workers form a building (10)开办店中店也是一种非常好的选择。可以考虑在商场或大型超市中租赁场地开办店中店,利用他们原有的客流量吸引更多的顾客。 (11)对于资金有限,无法承受在黄金地点投资的创业者,与其选择现在被普遍看好的黄金地点来经营,不如选择在不久的将来,会由冷变热未被人们看好的地点来经营。也可先找一个地点适中、价格低廉的营业场所,再根据以后的经营状况,重新搬迁好的经营地点。 一般来说,具有两个以上条件的地区就是好的地点,如果能全部具有,则是最佳的店址。但是具有这些条件的地点一般租金都会相当高。店主不要被较高的房租吓倒,而要认真分析投入这笔资金能带来多大效益。一般只要开店构思对了,都是高投入高回报,所以要舍得在店址上投资,俗话说得好:“舍得了孩子就套得住狼~” 开店方位有讲究。方位是指店铺正门的朝向,这与当地气候相关,并受到风向、日照时间等因素的影响。在南方城市,面向西的店铺会有日晒,在夏季若无空调,会因炎热而不利于顾客进店;而安装空调无疑增添了开支,唯有在店外设立了拱廊建筑或遮阳篷布,店内改善通风条件,才能减少不利影响。在北方城市,面向西北的店铺较容易受寒风侵袭,也不利于顾客入店购物。这些因素都会给店铺经营带来很大影响,在选择店铺地理位置时应当充分注意。 因此,与其追求大面积和豪华装修,不如选个好店址。 filing. 3, the safety records should be complete in time, and continues to project completion. 4, project safety production management information system of the Ministry of health planning, implementation, c d improved checking and correction, a total of four volumes. Construction and environmental protection in other security measures, such as the first civilization construction and environmental management objectives and civilized construction objectives of civil strive to obtain "safe and civilized model site of Zhuhai city" title. Environmental management goal 1, noise, dust, wastewater discharge standards; reducing and controlling the generation of solid waste; 2, reduce the impact of noise on the surrounding environment, noise complaints decreased by 20%; 3, reduce the consumption of raw materials and energy, construction raw material usage below the standards set by the State, average savings rate of 1% the following three materials. Section II project the civilization construct management system to establish a sound and civilized construction system, at all levels and all departments effective implementation of responsibility system for civil construction, ensure the goal of civilization. Ordinal system name 1 education system extensively and civilized construction management education, improve the overall construction initiative, ideology, so that workers form a building
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