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大连市109中学大连市109中学 姓 名 姜华 学校 大连市109中学 出生年月日 1973年1月27日 课 题 (年级、册、课题) 职称 中学一级 参加工作时间 1997年 8月 九年级下册《诗两首》 教学目标 知识与能力: 1(感受诗歌节奏,理解诗歌的意象,领会诗歌的情感内涵与思想意蕴。 2(品味诗歌富有表现力的语言,提高阅读和鉴赏诗歌的能力。 3(学习现代诗的朗诵基本技巧,学会把握节奏、重音,有感情地朗诵。 过程与方法: 1(有感情地诵读,欣赏凝练的诗歌语言。 2(熟读并背诵,把握诗歌的内在旋律与和谐节奏。...

大连市109中学 姓 名 姜华 学校 大连市109中学 出生年月日 1973年1月27日 课 题 (年级、册、课题) 职称 中学一级 参加工作时间 1997年 8月 九年级下册《诗两首》 教学目标 知识与能力: 1(感受诗歌节奏,理解诗歌的意象,领会诗歌的情感内涵与思想意蕴。 2(品味诗歌富有表现力的语言,提高阅读和鉴赏诗歌的能力。 3(学习现代诗的朗诵基本技巧,学会把握节奏、重音,有感情地朗诵。 过程与方法: 1(有感情地诵读,欣赏凝练的诗歌语言。 2(熟读并背诵,把握诗歌的内在旋律与和谐节奏。 情感态度价值观: 体味诗人抒发的恋土、思乡深情,陶冶情操,净化心灵,增强热爱祖国的思想感情 教学重点 1(有感情朗读,领会诗歌的情感内涵与思想意蕴.。 2(品味诗歌富有表现力的语言。 教学难点 通过诗歌的意象理解诗人抒发的情感。 教学手段 教学方法:联想法、诵读法、欣赏法、讨论法 教学工具:多媒体、录音机、教学磁带。 教 学 流 程 教 学 内 容 教师活动 学生活动 设计意图 deformation small; Dang engineering pile also for perfusion pile Shi, can synchronization construction, to construction conducive to organization, and convenient, and duration short; pile between gap easy caused soil erosion, special Shi in high level soft clay quality area, needed according to engineering conditions take note pulp, and cement mixing pile, and spin spray pile, construction measures to solution block water problem; Suitable for soft clayey and sandy areas, but construction should be used with caution in the gravel and pebbles; between pile and pile through the pile top beam and wall purlins into overall and thus relatively poor overall, as in important areas, special projects and large Foundation pit in excavation depth application requires special care. 2.1.6 steel piles using steel piles supporting the Foundation pit for temporary support features, construction convenient, short, finished construction in Foundation pit backfill after the channel pulled out, re-use, can minimize the cost of support. Used steel piles supporting a fatal weakness, that is impervious to water and small soil particles, and also called as high water precipitation or water, and the underground water level is high, water-rich geological conditions did not match. Flexural capacity of steel sheet pile supporting weaker excavation depth does not exceed 4m deflection of more general application. Obviously the soft water of Foundation pit excavation depth of geological conditions of 10m, and is located in the city centres of Flex ... Limited to, work hard, and it can take full advantage of building line the walls within a limited number of ground and space, can give full play to its economic benefits, in the course of construction, 第一课时 通过播放影像资料引导 教学内容《我爱这土地》。 学生进入学习情境,有 利于激发学习兴趣。 一(导入新课,链接相关资料 1.导入新课:运用多媒体播放日军侵略中国的音像多媒体播音像 资料,由此进入学习情境。(也可以通过展示相关图片资料,导入新课 或播放相关的歌曲来导入) 2.背景链接:1937年“七七事变”后,日本军国主明确文学常识有助于学 义开始全面入侵中国,祖国山河沦陷,生灵涂炭,在这生进一步了解文意,更 民族存亡的危难时刻,中华儿女纷纷投身到抗日的洪流准确地理解作品。 之中。正是在此历史背景下,诗人艾青于1938年11月 创作了《我爱这土地》,表达了对祖国的挚爱和对侵略简介背景及作 者愤恨。 者 了解写作背 3.作者链接:艾青(1910,1996),现当代著名诗人,景及作者 原名蒋海澄,浙江金华人。1929年赴法国学习绘画,并 开始写诗。1932年回国,在上海参加了“中国左翼美术 家联盟”,不久因思想激进被捕入狱,在狱中写出了他 的代表诗作《大堰河——我的保姆》。建国后曾任《人 民文学》副主编、中国作家协会副主席等职。 二、诵读感知 1.诵读全诗 学生诵读全诗,走进文本。可采用齐读、范读、随 机(多媒体)跟读的形式。 自由朗读 通过朗读初步感知本诗 2.整体感知 内容及感情基调。 在诵读的基础上引导学生初步感知本诗: (1)关于本诗的思想内容——这首诗以鸟儿眷恋土 地作比,抒发了对祖国的挚爱深情,从而鼓舞人民为民通过指导让学生准确把 族的解放而斗争。 握语气、语调,增强诵 (2)关于本诗的感情基调——悲怆而深沉。 读效果。 3.诵读指导 为了增强诵读效果,进一步体会诗的思想感情,教指导诵读 师作适当的诵读指导: 使用普通话朗读; 把握语气、语速,根据诗的思想内容,本诗朗读的 语气、语速应是沉郁缓慢的; 注意节奏和重音。 4.诵读评价 要求学生带着对诗作的理解,有感情地诵读全诗,强化诵读,进一步体会 并根据诵读指导的要求对诵读情况进行评价(可采用自有感情诵读 诗的思想感情,并给学 评、互评、师评等多种形式)。 诵读评价 生展示的平台。 教 学 内 容 教师活动 学生活动 设计意图 时 间 led as high water precipitation or water, and the underground water level is high, wateril particles, and also caluse, can minimize the cost of support. Used steel piles supporting a fatal weakness, that is impervious to water and small so-ion convenient, short, finished construction in Foundation pit backfill after the channel pulled out, retructrequires special care. 2.1.6 steel piles using steel piles supporting the Foundation pit for temporary support features, cons hus relatively poor overall, as in important areas, special projects and large Foundation pit in excavation depth applicationand t be used with caution in the gravel and pebbles; between pile and pile through the pile top beam and wall purlins into overallle, construction measures to solution block water problem; Suitable for soft clayey and sandy areas, but construction should ay pilevel soft clay quality area, needed according to engineering conditions take note pulp, and cement mixing pile, and spin spr conducive to organization, and convenient, and duration short; pile between gap easy caused soil erosion, special Shi in highdeformation small; Dang engineering pile also for perfusion pile Shi, can synchronization construction, to construction 2round and space, can give full play to its economic benefits, in the course of construction,r of gy centres of Flex ... Limited to, work hard, and it can take full advantage of building line the walls within a limited numbeation. Obviously the soft water of Foundation pit excavation depth of geological conditions of 10m, and is located in the citxceed 4m deflection of more general applicrich geological conditions did not match. Flexural capacity of steel sheet pile supporting weaker excavation depth does not e- 三、揣摩领悟 1.把握象征手法。 了解什么是象征。通过某一特定的具体形象来暗示介绍象征手法 了解写作方法 另一事物或某种较为普遍的意义,这种表现手法叫象 征。象征是诗歌创作中常见的写作方法,本诗就运用了 这种方法。 研讨具有象征性的意象。 学生找出诗中具有象征性的意象,联系写作背景探巡视并给予 究它们的象征意义,然后交流明确: 适当的指导 培养学生自主学 土地——繁衍养育中华民族的祖国大地; 圈点勾画 习、合作探究的习 河流、风——中国人民反抗侵略的不屈精神; 合作探究 惯。 黎明——充满生机与希望的解放区。 解决问题 2.品味诗中富有表现力的词句。 学生自主探究,找出诗中富有表现力的词句,进行 评析、交流;教师与学生互动,并相机指导。 培养学生自主探究 示例一: 巡视、督促、 圈点批注 的习惯,提高学生 “假如我是一只鸟,我也应该用嘶哑的喉咙歌唱。”参与、指导 自主探究 的文学鉴赏力。 句中的“也”和“嘶哑”用得好。“也”表达了一种义评析交流 不容辞的责任感,语气坚定,具有感染力;“嘶哑”用 来形容鸟儿的歌唱,给人以悲壮淋漓之感,可以将此看 作是诗人为抗日救亡而奔波呼号的形象。 示例二: “这被暴风雨所打击着的土地。”这句诗运用了比喻 的手法,表达了中华民族在侵略者的铁蹄下正遭受着苦 难。 示例三: “为什么我的眼里常含泪水,因为我对这土地爱得 深沉„„” 诗的结尾两句采用一问一答的形式,直接 抒发了对“这土地”的热爱之情,深化了诗的主题。 四、鉴赏熏陶 比较阅读,提高诗歌欣赏的能力。 要求学生将本诗与课后的阅读附文《中国的土地》指导比较阅读 作比较阅读,思考两首诗的异同,并在小组内交流: 两首诗的相同处:1 这两首诗都以“土地”为抒情对思考探究 培养学生比较阅读 象,表达了热爱祖国的思想感情;2 这两首诗都借助具组内交流 能力和诗歌鉴赏能 体的意象来表达丰富的内涵。 力。 两首诗的不同处:1 背景不同,艾青的诗写于灾难深 重的抗战时期,刘湛秋的诗写于改革开放的新时期;2 写法不同,艾青的诗运用了象征的手法,刘湛秋的 诗是直抒胸臆。 2、配乐齐声朗读《我爱这土地》,体验诗歌的艺术配乐朗读 体验诗歌的艺术之 之美。 美。 五、布置作业 课外阅读一至二首艾青的诗,并作简要读 关于书的成语关于读书的排比句社区图书漂流公约怎么写关于读书的小报汉书pdf 笔记。 布置作业 rich geological conditions did not match. Flexural capacity of steel sheet pile supporting weaker excavation depth does not e-or water, and the underground water level is high, wateril particles, and also called as high water precipitation use, can minimize the cost of support. Used steel piles supporting a fatal weakness, that is impervious to water and small so-construction in Foundation pit backfill after the channel pulled out, reished eel piles using steel piles supporting the Foundation pit for temporary support features, construction convenient, short, finin important areas, special projects and large Foundation pit in excavation depth application requires special care. 2.1.6 stl, as el and pebbles; between pile and pile through the pile top beam and wall purlins into overall and thus relatively poor overalution block water problem; Suitable for soft clayey and sandy areas, but construction should be used with caution in the gravto soleeded according to engineering conditions take note pulp, and cement mixing pile, and spin spray pile, construction measures onvenient, and duration short; pile between gap easy caused soil erosion, special Shi in high level soft clay quality area, ncive to organization, and cdeformation small; Dang engineering pile also for perfusion pile Shi, can synchronization construction, to construction condu3lay to its economic benefits, in the course of construction,full p, work hard, and it can take full advantage of building line the walls within a limited number of ground and space, can give of Foundation pit excavation depth of geological conditions of 10m, and is located in the city centres of Flex ... Limited toxceed 4m deflection of more general application. Obviously the soft water 第二课时 教学内容《乡愁》 一、情境导入 借助画面及如泣如诉的背景音乐《思乡曲》让学生 播放背景音乐 进入思乡情境,并谈谈思乡感受,再过渡到台湾同胞因创设情境导入谈思乡感受 让学生进入思乡情为海峡相隔,更因为政治上人们所共知的原因,长期不新课 境,提高阅读兴趣 能与亲人相见,他们的乡愁又是多么浓郁、多么哀痛~ 让我们一起来走进台湾著名“乡愁诗人”余光中的乡愁, 听听他发自内心的呼唤吧~ 二、朗诵吟咏 我们都知道,朗读是品味诗歌语言的钥匙,我们只 有对诗歌有感情地反复朗读,才能真正走进诗歌的艺术 殿堂。 1、学生初读诗歌,交流朗读诗歌该注意哪些方面, 感情基调、语速、节奏、重读 2、听朗读(媒体播放flash示范朗读) 进一步体味诗歌忧郁深沉的感情基调,学生试倾听、体味并 读,体味每一节的感情。 试读 通过示范指导,使 第一节:稍平淡,回忆 示范朗读并指学生准确把握语 第二节:增加遗憾的语气 导 气、语调,增强诵 第三节:深深的失落和哀痛 读效果 第四节:表现而今的惆怅 课件展示朗读指导 自由诵读、体 3、学生自由朗读,体味作者感情 味 强化诵读,进一步 小结:通过刚才同学们的深情朗读,我们体味到了体味作者感情 这首诗有如音乐中柔美而略带哀伤的“回忆曲”,是海 小结 外游子深情而优美的恋歌。 y centres of Flex ... Limited to, work hard, and it can take full advantage of building line the walls within a limited numbeation. Obviously the soft water of Foundation pit excavation depth of geological conditions of 10m, and is located in the citxceed 4m deflection of more general applicrich geological conditions did not match. Flexural capacity of steel sheet pile supporting weaker excavation depth does not e-led as high water precipitation or water, and the underground water level is high, wateril particles, and also caluse, can minimize the cost of support. Used steel piles supporting a fatal weakness, that is impervious to water and small so-ion convenient, short, finished construction in Foundation pit backfill after the channel pulled out, retructrequires special care. 2.1.6 steel piles using steel piles supporting the Foundation pit for temporary support features, cons hus relatively poor overall, as in important areas, special projects and large Foundation pit in excavation depth applicationand t be used with caution in the gravel and pebbles; between pile and pile through the pile top beam and wall purlins into overallle, construction measures to solution block water problem; Suitable for soft clayey and sandy areas, but construction should ay pilevel soft clay quality area, needed according to engineering conditions take note pulp, and cement mixing pile, and spin spr conducive to organization, and convenient, and duration short; pile between gap easy caused soil erosion, special Shi in highdeformation small; Dang engineering pile also for perfusion pile Shi, can synchronization construction, to construction 4round and space, can give full play to its economic benefits, in the course of construction,r of g 教 学 内 容 教师活动 学生活动 设计意图 二、分析意象 再读诗歌,思考讨论: 1、从哪些词语可以看出,乡愁萦绕了诗人一生, 小时候、长大后、后来、现在 教师小结:四个时间序词代表了四个人生阶段,概提出问题,引导 括了诗人整个人生,浓浓的乡愁牵动了诗人的一生。 学生理顺、理解通过环环相扣的问 2、四个时间序词,代表了哪四个人生阶段,四个内容,把握意象 题,可以引导每一个 再读诗歌,思学生积极思考,锻炼 人生阶段又因什么而愁, 考讨论,解决思维。 小时候(少年)——母子分别 问题 长大后(青年)——夫妻离愁 家愁 后来(中年) ——丧母哀愁 现在(老年) ——思归浓愁 国愁 3、乡愁本是非常抽象、不可捉摸的一种情感,诗 人又是通过什么具体可感的形象来表达的, 邮票——写信可寄家愁 船票——乘船可解相思 坟墓——生死隔绝,哀思难诉 海峡——海水无尽,忧思无尽 小结:其实,除了这些形象事物之外,还有很多事 物能触动我们心中的痛,触发我们的情感,引起我们的小结并引导学 愁绪。想想看,还有哪些具体形象,你能以句式“乡愁生积极思索、展拓展学生思维。 开联想 是___________”再为乡愁打个比方吗, 笔头练习并 教师小结学生练习并举例: 展示成果 乡愁是雕刻在记忆中的古老童话 乡愁是那根灵魂深处流动的血管 乡愁是雨中的芭蕉,早也潇潇,晚也潇潇 乡愁是秋天的落叶,飘飘悠悠,飘到何时愁方 休 课文小结:这首诗,诗人借助四个意象,抒发了自 小结并引导学体验诗歌艺术之美 己浓浓的乡愁,子思母念,乡愁可人;夫妻爱恋,乡愁生再读品味 动人;祭母奠土,乡愁感人;愁绪祖国,着笔惊人~如再读诗歌并 背诵积累 此动人的乡愁曲请同学们带着深情再去读一读,并把它 or water, and the underground water level is high, wateril particles, and also called as high water precipitation use, can minimize the cost of support. Used steel piles supporting a fatal weakness, that is impervious to water and small so-construction in Foundation pit backfill after the channel pulled out, reished eel piles using steel piles supporting the Foundation pit for temporary support features, construction convenient, short, finin important areas, special projects and large Foundation pit in excavation depth application requires special care. 2.1.6 stl, as el and pebbles; between pile and pile through the pile top beam and wall purlins into overall and thus relatively poor overalution block water problem; Suitable for soft clayey and sandy areas, but construction should be used with caution in the gravto soleeded according to engineering conditions take note pulp, and cement mixing pile, and spin spray pile, construction measures onvenient, and duration short; pile between gap easy caused soil erosion, special Shi in high level soft clay quality area, ncive to organization, and cdeformation small; Dang engineering pile also for perfusion pile Shi, can synchronization construction, to construction condu5lay to its economic benefits, in the course of construction,full p, work hard, and it can take full advantage of building line the walls within a limited number of ground and space, can give of Foundation pit excavation depth of geological conditions of 10m, and is located in the city centres of Flex ... Limited toxceed 4m deflection of more general application. Obviously the soft water rich geological conditions did not match. Flexural capacity of steel sheet pile supporting weaker excavation depth does not e- 背下来。 三、想象练习 想象或联想是诗歌创作中最基本的要素,下面请同引导学生作联 想、想像练习 学们模仿《乡愁》中以具体事物表现抽象概念想象方式 笔头练习 就下面的词语任选一个词语,做一些想象练习。 讨论交流 拓展学生思维,培养 思念 记忆 童年 展示成果 学生联想、想像能力。 学生讨论交流后,配乐朗读自己的创作。 教师小结并展示舒婷的诗歌——《思念》(见课件) 请同学配着背景音乐有感情地朗读。 四、课堂小结 这堂课,我们通过对诗歌的品析,看得出诗人已经 把乡愁升华为整个民族的感情寄托。诗人在《从母亲到 外遇》中写到:“大陆是母亲,不用多说,烧我成灰,认真倾听、体陶冶情操、净化心灵, 课堂小结 会 增强热爱祖国的情我的汉魂唐魂仍然萦绕着那片故土„„我离开她时,才 感。 二十一岁呢,再还乡时已六十四岁,掉头一去是风吹黑 发,回首再来已雪满白头„„”这不啻于泣血的悲啼, 含泪的呼唤~“断肠人在天涯”的游子之痛啊,揪扯着 我们每个人的心~就让《故乡的云》捎去我们对台湾同 胞、海外游子深情的呼唤:归来吧,归来哟,浪迹天涯 的游子~(媒体播放歌曲《故乡的云》)。 布置作业 五、布置作业 简评: 本节课教学重点突出,难点找得准,方法适合班级学生实际,体现了新的教育理念和课 程标准要求,有利于培养学生的自主学习和创新思维能力,达到使学生终身受益的目的。 导语设计语言简洁精炼,能激发学生的强烈的求知欲望,让学生急于了解本节课的教学 内容,为上好这节课创设了良好的教学情境。 课堂教学过程的设计体现了新课程观念,充分利用各种现代化教学手段,创设了良好的 课堂氛围,保证了教学任务的顺利完成。基础教学设计严谨,小组讨论、质疑方法灵活,有 利于学生自主学习和合作学习能力的培养。 -led as high water precipitation or water, and the underground water level is high, wateril particles, and also caluse, can minimize the cost of support. Used steel piles supporting a fatal weakness, that is impervious to water and small so-ion convenient, short, finished construction in Foundation pit backfill after the channel pulled out, retructrequires special care. 2.1.6 steel piles using steel piles supporting the Foundation pit for temporary support features, cons hus relatively poor overall, as in important areas, special projects and large Foundation pit in excavation depth applicationand t be used with caution in the gravel and pebbles; between pile and pile through the pile top beam and wall purlins into overallle, construction measures to solution block water problem; Suitable for soft clayey and sandy areas, but construction should ay pilevel soft clay quality area, needed according to engineering conditions take note pulp, and cement mixing pile, and spin spr conducive to organization, and convenient, and duration short; pile between gap easy caused soil erosion, special Shi in highdeformation small; Dang engineering pile also for perfusion pile Shi, can synchronization construction, to construction 6round and space, can give full play to its economic benefits, in the course of construction,r of gy centres of Flex ... Limited to, work hard, and it can take full advantage of building line the walls within a limited numbeation. Obviously the soft water of Foundation pit excavation depth of geological conditions of 10m, and is located in the citxceed 4m deflection of more general applicrich geological conditions did not match. Flexural capacity of steel sheet pile supporting weaker excavation depth does not e
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