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英语六人话剧英语六人话剧 精品文档就在这里 -------------各类专业好文档,值得你下载,教育,管理,论文,制度,方案手册,应有尽有-------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 麦子,名兜,字仲肥,生卒年不详。是我国一位极次要、极次要的思想家发明家。 ...

英语六人话剧 精品文档就在这里 -------------各类专业好文档,值得你下载,教育,管理,论文, 制度 关于办公室下班关闭电源制度矿山事故隐患举报和奖励制度制度下载人事管理制度doc盘点制度下载 方案 气瓶 现场处置方案 .pdf气瓶 现场处置方案 .doc见习基地管理方案.doc关于群访事件的化解方案建筑工地扬尘治理专项方案下载 手册 华为质量管理手册 下载焊接手册下载团建手册下载团建手册下载ld手册下载 ,应有尽有-------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 麦子,名兜,字仲肥,生卒年不详。是我国一位极次要、极次要的思想家发明家。 据说他的发明包括电饭煲、电热水炉、电蚊香,还有电鼻毛机。但是都因为一时忘记了发明电,所以他的发明品都放在家里,一无所用。 无影脚也是他发明的。他还发明了隐型眼镜和隐型裤袜。不过都因为没有人看得见,所以未能列入史册。 全世界第一个电话也是麦子仲肥制造的,又因为全世界的第二个电话,要到十九世纪未,才由美国人贝尔制造出来,所以麦子坐在全世界第一个电话旁等啊,等啊,等啊„„ 一直等到他死的那一天,他的电话都从来没响过。 在麦子仲死了几百年之后,在长江支流往南的下方的下方的下方,就是珠江三角尖了,就在这个尖尖的尖尖,也就是香港大角嘴,我们找到了可能是,麦子仲肥的第十八代后人——麦兜。 “妈妈,什么是第十八代后人呀,” “啊„,就是你爸爸的爸爸的爸爸的爸爸的爸爸的爸爸,生了你爸爸的爸爸的爸爸的爸爸的爸爸的爸爸,生了你爸爸的爸爸的爸爸的爸爸的爸爸,生了你爸爸的爸爸的爸爸的爸爸的爸爸的爸爸的爸爸,生了你爸爸的爸爸的爸爸,就生了你。” “哗,原来我有这么多爸爸~” 麦兜不是一个聪明的学生,不过傻蛋归傻蛋,麦兜还是个听话的小朋友。他吃得,多拉得,多力气也大:为同学们扭开瓶盖;他也会很小心不踩着地上的蚂蚁;他很慢,但是他手很巧,他会折一些吃饱了撑的东西出来,等妈妈下班回来,送给妈妈。麦兜在向别人介绍自己的兴趣的时候,总喜欢说“我最喜欢吃鸡。我妈妈最喜欢吃鸡。我最喜欢和我最喜欢的妈妈一起吃妈妈跟我都最喜欢的快快鸡。” “行啊,很郭德纲啊。” 我们的故事就从这儿开始。 “May呀,你说屁股有多懒啊,” “不懒,屁股不知道多勤快呢。真的,屁股从早到晚扭吖扭吖扭来扭去。一会儿坐下一会儿,又站起来,还要拉屎呢。好啦,游泳它要扭。浮上来它又要扭。坐车就要看你坐什么车呢。有时候扭吖扭吖扭吖扭,比走路还惨呢。我有个friend(朋友),在放新年假的时候,搭飞机去新西兰啊…。” “托运还是手提呀,” “吖,” “她的屁股吖…” “当然是手提啦。就这样扭吖扭吖扭到奥克兰。以为可以享受享受了,谁知道还要骑马,哗。” “阿May呀,那你觉得呢,是我懒呀还是屁股懒啊,” “当然是你比屁股懒啦。” “呜呜” 我希望可以拉屎,老师继续唱歌。我希望我可以很快,写对那些生字,不用那块橡皮。我希望我争气,妈妈不用挤眼泪,不用有更年期。我希望得到A,不会差一丁点。 麦兜:麻烦你,鱼丸粗面。 校长:没有粗面。 麦兜:是吗,来碗鱼丸河粉吧。 ---------------------------------------------------------精品 文档--------------------------------------------------------------------- 精品文档就在这里 -------------各类专业好文档,值得你下载,教育,管理,论文,制度,方案手册,应有尽有-------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 校长:没有鱼丸。 麦兜:是吗,要牛肚粗面吧。 校长:没有粗面。 麦兜:呃,那要鱼丸油面吧。 校长:没有鱼丸。 麦兜:怎么什么都没有啊,那要墨鱼丸粗面。 校长:没有粗面。 麦兜:又卖完了。麻烦你来碗鱼丸米线 校长:没有鱼丸。 得巴(小猫):麦兜啊,他们的鱼丸跟粗面卖光了。就是所有跟鱼丸和粗面的配搭都没了。 麦兜:哦,没有那些搭配啊。麻烦你只要鱼丸吧。 校长:没有鱼丸。 麦兜:那粗面呢, 校长:没有粗面....... 纸包鸡——欢迎大家收看《麦太世界》,今日我为大家介绍一个简单又别致的小菜——纸包鸡,家里的小朋友一定很喜欢。材料很简单,我们只需要一个鸡包,我们将鸡包底部的纸撕下来.....。慢慢的撕,就会得到一张鸡包纸,然后将鸡包纸反转,这一味纸包鸡就完成了,很容易是吧,多谢大家收看~ 纸鸡包——好高兴这么快又和大家见面了,接下来我会教大家做一味纸鸡包,材料也很简单,只需要白纸一张,我们只需要把纸这样子(揉成一团).....一味纸鸡包就这样完成了,各位小朋友,你们说像不像鸡包, 包鸡纸 包 鸡包纸 包 鸡——现在要教大家一味很别致的小菜----包鸡纸 包 鸡包纸 包 鸡,首先将纸包鸡小心撕开,大家就会有一张包鸡纸及一块鸡,接着把鸡包纸像我这样子包住那块鸡,然后再像这样子用包鸡纸包包包包住它,那一味包鸡纸 包 鸡包纸 包 鸡就完成了~是不是很简单啊,还真有一块鸡吃呢~ 鸡包 包 鸡包 包 鸡包纸 包 纸包鸡 包 包鸡纸 包 鸡包纸 包 鸡——做法也很简单,只要将鸡包包住个鸡包,再包住个鸡包,包住那张鸡包纸,再包包包包包住个纸包鸡,再包包包包鸡包纸,纸纸纸纸,纸包纸,纸包鸡 ,包鸡纸,纸包鸡,再包纸纸纸……再包鸡鸡鸡…… ---------------------------------------------------------精品 文档--------------------------------------------------------------------- 精品文档就在这里 -------------各类专业好文档,值得你下载,教育,管理,论文,制度,方案手册,应有尽有-------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Wheat, were pocket, Zizhong fat, birth and death unknown. Is one of our very minor, very minor thinkers, inventors. It is said that his invention, including rice cookers, water heaters, electric coils, and electric nose hair machine. However, because the moment forget the invention have electricity, so his inventions are at home, to be useless. Shadow Kick is his invention. He also invented the contact lens and invisible tights. However, because no one is visible, so not included in history. Wheat is the world's first phone Chung fertilizer manufacturing, but also because the world's second call, to the nineteenth century not only created by the American Bell, the world's first telephone wheat sitting next to other, ah, so, ah, ah ... so ... wait until the day he died, his phone is never rung. In wheat Chung died a few years later, in the south of the Yangtze River tributaries below the bottom of the bottom, is the tip of the Pearl River Delta, and on this sharp pointed, that is, Hong Kong Tai Kok Tsui, we found may be that wheat Chung 18th generation descendants of fertilizer - McDull. "Mom, what is the 18th generation descendants of it?" "Ah ... is your father's father's father's father's father's father, gave birth to your father's father's father's father Dad's father's father, gave birth to your father's father's father's father's father, gave birth to your father's father's father's father's father's father's father, birth to your father's father's father, gave birth to you. "" Wow, I have had so much Dad! " McDull is not a bright student, but the stupid go stupid, McDull or an obedient children. He eat, Dora was, much effort is also large: for the students turn on the caps; he will be very careful not to tread on the ground the ants; he was very slow, but his hand is very clever, he fed off some of the hold things up, so my mother came home from work, gave her mother. McDull introduce to others when their own interests, likes to say "I like to eat chicken. My mother's favorite chicken. My favorite and my favorite of my mother with my mother to eat all the chicken favorite quickly. "" OK, ah, ah very GuoDeGang. "Our story started from here. "May Yeah, you lazy ass how ah?" "No lazy ass does not know more diligent. Really, twisted ass acridine acridine writhing twisting from morning to night. A moment to sit down for a while, stood up, have to shit it. Well, it is to twist swimming. and rise to it but also twist. car depends on what kind of car do you sit and sometimes twisted twisted acridine acridine acridine twisted twisted, still miserable than walking it, I have a friend (friend), put the New Year holidays at the time, a plane to New Zealand ah .... "" checked or hand-held you? "" acridine? "" acridine her ass ... "" Of course, mobile friends. acridine so ---------------------------------------------------------精品 文档 --------------------------------------------------------------------- 精品文档就在这里 -------------各类专业好文档,值得你下载,教育,管理,论文,制度,方案手册,应有尽有-------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- twisted twistedacridine twist to Auckland. I thought I could enjoy enjoy, and who knows but also riding, Wow. " "A May Yeah, you think it is still my lazy ass lazy ah ah?" "Of course, you lazy ass than her." "Whining" I want to shit, the teachers continue to sing. I hope I can quickly, write vocabulary of those who, without the piece of rubber. I hope I live up to expectations, do not squeeze the tears of my mother, do not have menopause. I hope to be A, not bad a little bit. McDull: trouble you, rough fish. President: no rough. McDull: Really, a bowl of fish balls noodle bar. Principal: No fish. McDull: Really, rough it to tripe. President: no rough. McDull: uh, that fish oil to it. Principal: No fish. McDull: how nothing ah? Mexican fish to rough it. President: no rough. McDull: they sold out. Trouble you to fish noodle bowl Principal: No fish. Get bar (cat): McDull ah, their balls with rough sold out. Is that all rough with the match balls and gone. McDull: Oh, not those with ah. Trouble as long as you fish it. Principal: No fish. McDull: I rough it? President: There is no rough ....... Wrap chicken - Welcome to watch "Jimmy too world", today I introduce a simple and unique side dishes - chicken wrap, the children must be very like home.Material is very simple, we only need one package of chicken, chicken package we will tear off the bottom of the paper .....。 Slowly tear, the chicken will get a paper bag, paper bag and then reverse the chicken, which wrap the chicken is done blindly, it is easy is not it? Thank you for watching! Paper bag of chicken - I am very glad to meet you so soon again, and, and then I will teach you to do the blind chicken paper bag, the material is also very simple, just a white one, we just have to like this paper (crumpled )..... so blindly paper complete package of chicken, you kids, you say a lot like chicken package? Package chicken chicken wrap chicken wrap package - is now very chic to teach the blind side dishes ---- package chicken wrap chicken wrap packages of chicken, first carefully tear the chicken wrap, we would have a package of chickenpaper and a piece of chicken, then put the paper bag like the chicken ---------------------------------------------------------精品 文档 --------------------------------------------------------------------- 精品文档就在这里 -------------各类专业好文档,值得你下载,教育,管理,论文,制度,方案手册,应有尽有-------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- wrap I like this piece of chicken, then the child with a package like this chicken wrap bags wrap it, package it blindly wrap chicken chicken chicken wrap is complete package ! Is not very simple ah? Really eat a piece of chicken! Bag bag chicken chicken chicken wrap wrap package bags of chicken chicken chicken wrap chicken wrap package - also very simple, as long as the live chicken chicken bag package, and then wrap the chicken bag, wrap it Zhang Chicken Wraps, wrap a bag and then wrap the chicken bag, and then the chicken bag bag bag paper, paper paper paper paper, paper wrap, wrap chicken, including chicken paper, wrap the chicken, then wrapped in paper paper and then wrapped in paper ... ... ... ... penis chicken ---------------------------------------------------------精品 文档 ---------------------------------------------------------------------
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