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123768 qnr_ctv_translated-china_w232-rv


123768 qnr_ctv_translated-china_w232-rv123768 qnr_ctv_translated-china_w232-rv IPSOS-RD-005 许可证号:国统涉外证字第0024号 备案机关:国家统计局 本次调查属于自愿性调查 一审 二审 复核 抄Listing 编码 一录 二录 翻译 访问问卷号 录入问卷号 (101,106) 录入卡号 (107,108) (109) 访问员ID (140,146) 一录员ID (150,156) 二录员ID (160,166) Panel ID (120,128) (129) 12376...

123768 qnr_ctv_translated-china_w232-rv
123768 qnr_ctv_translated-china_w232-rv IPSOS-RD-005 许可证号:国统涉外证字第0024号 备案机关:国家统计局 本次调查属于自愿性调查 一审 二审 复核 抄Listing 编码 一录 二录 翻译 访问问卷号 录入问卷号 (101,106) 录入卡号 (107,108) (109) 访问员ID (140,146) 一录员ID (150,156) 二录员ID (160,166) Panel ID (120,128) (129) 123768 三星彩色电视连续追踪(中国) 访问员保证:我保证本问卷内容所填各项资料,皆由我依照作业程序规定完成,绝对真实无欺,若有一份做假,全部问 卷作废,并赔偿公司损失。 姓名 (212,213) 省/自治区(标准信息) (214,216) 市(标准信息) 住址 (217,218) 区(标准信息) 具体地址 邮政编码 电子邮件地址 被访者联系方式(三种电话至少填一种) (225,228)总机(229,232) 分机(233,237) 电话(家) 区号(221,224) 总机 电话(单位) 区号(241,244) 总机 (245,248) (249,252) (253,257) (261,271) 电话(手机) 身份证 (311,328) 访问员姓名 访问日期 年(421,424) 月(425,426) 日(427,428) 访问开始时间 时(430, 431) 分(432, 433) 访问结束时间 时(435, 436) 分(437, 438) ? 2011 Ipsos Marketing All rights reserved. Contains Ipsos’ Confidential, Trade Secret and Proprietary Information. 1/142 IPSOS-RD-005 ** Country & Sample Information_China 样本要求,中国 Weekly Country Code国家 Sample Size (Total) 每周样本 (共) China中国 05 N=50 Weekly Weekly Weekly Weekly City/ Region Sample Gender Sample Age GroupSample OwnershipSample 城市 性别 年龄 拥有情况 Size Size Size Size 每周样本 每周样本 每周样本 每周样本 MEET 80% QUOTA MEET 80% QUOTA MEET 80% QUOTA MEET 100% QUOTA 80,样本配额 80,样本配额 80,样本配额 100,样本配额 1. Owner 1. Beijing北京 1. Male男 N=15+ N=20+ 1. 20-34 N=15+ N=25 拥有者 2. Shanghai 上2. Female 2. IntenderN=18+ N=20+ 2. 35-44 N=14+ N=25 海 女 潜在购买者 3. Guangzhou Left Over N=7+ N=10 3. 45-54 N=11+ 广州 其余 Left Over Left Over其余 N=10 N=10 其余 GENERAL INSTRUCTION样本要求 , 4 types of WEEKLY QUOTA to meet需满足下列4个配额 - City/ Region 城市 - Gender 性别 - Age Group (Regrouped for quota from SQ4 at Screening Section)年龄(根据甄别部分SQ4题的 答案 八年级地理上册填图题岩土工程勘察试题省略号的作用及举例应急救援安全知识车间5s试题及答案 来重新分组) - Ownership 拥有情况 , City/Region, Gender, Age Group need to be accomplished for 80% of total sample size for rest 20%, allocate in any but try to spread evenly if possible. 城市、性别、年龄80,的配额需满足上表的要求,其他随机分配但是请尽可能分配均衡 , Ownership should be 100% quota. 拥有情况配额100,满足要求 , P means PROGRAMMER GUIDE, please have an orientation with your ONLINE or CAPI Programmer for each guide to have better understanding. P指程序员指示,请与程序员沟通以确认对问卷的正确理解 - [For China, Thailand, India, Russia, Brazil] Please translate the PROGRAMMER GUIDE into local language as well, so to follow guide easily。[中国] 请将程序员指示也翻译成中文,便于编程。 ? 2011 Ipsos Marketing All rights reserved. Contains Ipsos’ Confidential, Trade Secret and Proprietary Information. 2/142 IPSOS-RD-005 SENSITIVE OCCUPATION敏感行业 SQ1. We are looking for people who work in certain occupations. Do you or does anyone in your household work in any of these occupations? (MA) 请问您本人/家人/亲朋好友中,有没有在下面这些地方工作的呢,【复选】 Market Research 市场研究机构 1 广告/公关公司 Advertising Agency/ Public Relations 2 , TERMINATE Journalism/ Mass media 3 中止并感谢 电视/电台/新闻/报纸/杂志/网络/新闻业 Manufacturer/ Retailer of electronic appliances 4 电子产品生产或销售企业 , CONTINUE None of above 以上皆无 5 继续 SURVEY EXPERIENCE调研经历 SQ2. When was the last time you took part in a survey about any COLOR TV? (SA) 请问您最近一次参与任何形式的有关彩色电视机的市场调研活动是在什么时候,【单选】(520) , TERMINATE Within past 6 months 最近6个月之内 1 中止并感谢 In the past year 最近一年之内 2 最近二年之内 In the past 2 years 3 , CONTINUE 继续 In the past 5 years 最近5年之内 4 Never 从没参与过 5 GENDER 性别 SQ3. Please indicate your gender 访问员注意:记录被访者性别(521) Male 男 1 Female 女 2 AGE 年龄 SQ4. To ensure that we include all age groups in our study, please tell us your age.(SA) 请问您的年龄是多少呢? 【单选】 AGE 年龄 (522,523) (524) , TERMINATE Under 20 20岁以下 1 中止并感谢 20-24 2 25-29 3 30-34 4 , CONTINUE 35-39 5 继续 40-44 6 45-49 7 50-54 8 , TERMINATE Over 54 54岁以上 中止并感谢 ELECTRONIC PRODUCT OWNERSHIP 电子产品拥有情况 SQ5. Do you have any of these electronic products at home? Please indicate every electronic product that you have purchased (not second-handed) and currently own from the list (MA) 请问您购买并正在使用以下哪些电子产品呢,我们所指的产品不包括二手产品【复选】(530,563)/2 ? 2011 Ipsos Marketing All rights reserved. Contains Ipsos’ Confidential, Trade Secret and Proprietary Information. 3/142 IPSOS-RD-005 , TERMINATE IF NOT ANSWERED (FOR Color TV 彩色电视机 CTV CATEGORY) 如果没有选择该项,中止并感1 谢 Computer monitor 电脑显示器 2 Mobile phone/ Cellular phone 手机 3 Desktop PC 台式电脑 4 Laptop computer 笔记本电脑 5 Laser printer 激光打印机 6 DVD player (Blu-ray player)DVD播放器(蓝光播放器) 7 MP3 player MP3播放器 8 Refrigerator (Includes fridge, freezer, fridge-freezer)冰箱(包括09 冰箱,冰柜,冷冻冷藏冰箱) Washing machine (Includes washer, dryer combined washer)洗10 衣机(包括普通洗衣机,烘干洗衣机) Air conditioner空调 11 Microwave微波炉 12 Oven range烤箱 13 Vacuum cleaner真空吸尘器 14 Dishwasher洗碗机 15 Digital Compact Camera卡片式数码相机 16 Changeable Lens Camera (includes DSLR and Mirrorless)可更换17 镜头相机(包括数码单反相机和无镜相机) None of above 99 , TERMINATE IF ONLY ANSWERED PURCHASE PERIOD_CURRENT 购买时间 SQ6. When did you buy your COLOR TV lately? If there are more than 1 TV set, please answer for your lastly purchased one. (SA) 请问您最近一次购买彩色电视机是在什么时候,如果您有不止1台电视机,请根据您最近购买的一台回答【单选】(615) Within the last 3 month 最近三个月内 1 Within the last 3 to 6 month 最近3-6个月内 2 Within the last 6 months to 1 year 最近6个月到一年内 3 Within 1 year to 2 year 最近一到两年内 4 2 year or more ago 二年之前 5 DECISION MAKING 购买决策者 SQ7. When you purchase your last COLOR TV, how were you involved in making decision what to buy? Please indicate the best described in below list. (SA) 在您最近一次购买彩色电视机的过程中,以下哪种描述最符合您在购买中的角色呢,【单选】(620) P: USE LIST BELOW FOR US, UK, GERMANY, THAILAND, RUSSIA, BRAZIL (EXCEPT INDIA) I was a sole decision maker in choosing and purchasing type and brand 1 我自己选择和决定购买哪一个牌子和型号 I led the decision-making but others participated too , CONTINUE 2 基本上我自己决定购买什么牌子和型号,但其他人也提出参考意见 继续 Somebody else led the decision-making but I actively participated too 3 基本上由其他人决定购买什么牌子和型号,但是我也会积极提出参考意见 I was partly engaged in the decision-making, but not very actively 4 我会参与部分购买过程,但是并不积极 GO TO SQ10 I did not participated in the decision-making at all 跳问SQ10 5 我基本不参与购买决策 ? 2011 Ipsos Marketing All rights reserved. Contains Ipsos’ Confidential, Trade Secret and Proprietary Information. 4/142 IPSOS-RD-005 TYPE_CURRENT 产品类型_目前 SQ8. What type of COLOR TV do you have at home? If there are more than 1 TV set, please answer for your lastly purchased one. (SA) 请问,您在家里使用的彩色电视机是下面哪一种类型的,如果您有1台以上电视机,请只根据您最近购买的一台选择【单选】(621) Cathode Ray Tube (CRT) TV with Curved Screen , GO TO SQ101 继续到SQ10 CRT电视(球面屏幕) Cathode Ray Tube (CRT) TV with Flat Screen 2 CRT电视(纯平屏幕) QUOTA: Liquid Crystal Display (LCD) TV 液晶电视(LCD) 3 CTV OWNER , GO TO SQ8a Plasma Display Panel (PDP) TV 等离子电视(PDP) 4 继续到SQ8a 配额: 彩色电视机Projection TV背投电视 5 拥有者 Light Emitting Diode (LED) TV LED电视 6 3D TV 3D电视/三维立体电视 7 PN: SINGLE SELECT (CAN’T BE CHOSEN WITH OTHER ANSWERS)程序 员:此项不能与None/Don?t know 没有/不太清楚 9 其他选项同时被 选中 , GO TO SQ10 继续到SQ10 PN: IF CHOSEN 1 OR 2 OR 5 OR 9, GO TO SQ10 IF CHOSEN 3 OR 4 OR 6, GO TO SQ8C 程序员:如果SQ8选了1或2或5或9,继续到SQ10;如果选了3或4或6,继续到SQ8C DP: CHECK QUOTA AT SQ12A . OWNER QUOTA FOR DEVELOPING COUNTRIES (BRAZIL, CHINA, INDIA, RUSSIA, THAILAND) : IF SQ6=1~3 AND SQ7=1~3 AND SQ8=2~6 OWNER QUOTA FOR DEVELOPED COUNTRIES (US, UK, GERMANY, FRANCE, SINGAPORE, AUSTRALIA) : IF SQ6=1~3 AND SQ7=1~3 AND SQ8=3~6 POTENTIAL INTENDER : IF SQ6=1~5 OR SQ7=4~5 IF SQ6=1~5 AND SQ7=1~3 OR SQ8=1 OR 9 (DEVELOPED COUNTRIES LIKE US, UK, GERAMNY, FRANCE, SINGAPORE, AUSTRALIA) IF SQ6=1~5 AND SQ7=1~3 OR SQ8=1~2 OR 9 OWNERSHIP FOR 3D/SMART TV 3D/智能电视拥有情况 SQ8c. Do you have any of the following TVs? Please select any of the TVs that you currently own. 请问您拥有下面这些类型的电视 吗,请选择你现在拥有的任何电视类型。(11520,11521)/1 3D TV 3D电视 1 SMART TV 智能电视 * A Smart TV is a TV that can be connected to LAN or wireless Internet on its own , GO TO without any additional device and offers more advanced ability and connectivity than a conventional TV set. SQ10 2 Viewers are able to receive content from the Internet and/or customize its functionality 继续到SQ10 by loading applications 智能电视是指不需要其他设备,能够和局域网以及无线网络连接的电视机。和传 统电视机相比,智能电视能够提供更多先进的功能和更好的连接性。观众可以接 收互联网上的内容,并且通过安装软件为顾客提供他们需要的功能。 ? 2011 Ipsos Marketing All rights reserved. Contains Ipsos’ Confidential, Trade Secret and Proprietary Information. 5/142 IPSOS-RD-005 None of the above/ Don’t know 以上皆无/不知道 3 PN: SINGLE SELECT (CAN’T BE CHOSEN WITH OTHER ANSWERS) 程序员:此项不能与其 他选项同时被选中 INTENTION FOR NEXT 未来购买意愿 SQ9. Do you INTEND TO BUY A NEW TV? 请问你是否 计划 项目进度计划表范例计划下载计划下载计划下载课程教学计划下载 购买一台新电视呢,(单选)(623) 继续, GO TO SQ11 (Potential Intender)Yes 是 1 到SQ11 (潜在购买者) [OWNER QUOTA]: IF SQ6=1~3 AND SQ7=1~3 AND SQ8=2~6 , OWNER & GO TO SQ15 拥有者配额:如果SQ6=1~3 且 SQ7=1~3 且 SQ8=2~6,继续到SQ15 No 否 2 [TERMINATE] IF SQ7=4~5 OR SQ8=1 OR 9 AND SQ10=2 如果SQ7=4~5 或 SQ8=1 或 9 且 SQ10=2,则 终止 PURCHSE PERIOD_NEXT 未来购买时间 SQ10. When are you BUY A NEW TV? 请问您计划什么时候购买一台新的电视呢,(单选)(624) Within the next month 未来1个月之内 1 未来1-3个月之内 One month to next 3 months 2 , GO TO SQ12 (Owner OR Potential Intender) 继续到SQ12 (拥有者或潜在购买者) 3 months to next 6 months 未来3-6个月之内 3 6 months to next 1 year 未来6个月到一年内 4 [OWNER QUOTA]: IF SQ6=1~3 AND SQ7=1~3 AND SQ8=2~6 , OWNER & GO TO SQ15 拥有者配额 如果SQ6=1~3 且 SQ7=1~3 且 SQ8=2~6,继续 到SQ15 More than 1 year 未来一年以后 5 [TERMINATE] IF SQ7=4~5 OR SQ8=1 OR 9 OR SQ10=1 AND SQ11=5 如果SQ7=4~5 或 SQ8=1 或 9 或 SQ10=1 且 SQ11=5,则终止 ? 2011 Ipsos Marketing All rights reserved. Contains Ipsos’ Confidential, Trade Secret and Proprietary Information. 6/142 IPSOS-RD-005 TYPE_NEXT 未来购买产品类型设置 SQ11. What kind COLOR TV do you intend to purchase or replace? 请问您计划购买以下哪种类型的彩色电视机呢,(630) [OWNER QUOTA]: IF SQ6=1~3 AND SQ7=1~3 AND SQ8=2~6 , OWNER & GO TO SQ15 拥有者配额:如果SQ6=1~3且SQ7=1~3且 SQ8=2~6 ,继续到SQ15 Cathode Ray Tube (CRT) TV with Curved Screen 1 CRT电视(球面屏幕) [TERMINATE] IF SQ7=4~5 OR SQ8=1 OR 9 OR SQ10=1 OR SQ11=1~4 AND SQ12=1 OR 9 如果SQ7=4~5 或SQ8=1 或 9 或SQ10=1 或 SQ11=1~4 且 SQ12=1 或 9,则终止 Cathode Ray Tube (CRT) TV with Flat Screen 2 CRT电视(纯平屏幕) [INTENDER QUOTA] IF SQ10 = 1 AND SQ11=1~4 AND SQ12 = 2~6 Liquid Crystal Display (LCD) TV 液晶电视(LCD) 3 , INTENDER & GO TO SQ12A PRIOR TO SQ12D Plasma Display Panel (PDP) TV 等离子电视(PDP) 4 潜在购买者配额:如果SQ10 = 1 且 SQ11=1~4 Projection TV 背投电视 5 且 SQ12 = 2~6,继续到SQ12D Light Emitting Diode (LED) TV LED电视 6 3D TV 3D电视/三维立体电视 7 [OWNER QUOTA]: IF SQ6=1~3 AND SQ7=1~3 AND SQ8=2~6 , OWNER & GO TO SQ15 拥有者配额:如果SQ6=1~3 且 SQ7=1~3 且 SQ8=2~6 ,继续到SQ15 None/Don?t know 没有/不太清楚 PN: SINGLE SELECT (CAN’T BE CHOSEN WITH OTHER ANSWERS) 9 [TERMINATE] 程序员:此项不能与其他选项同时被选中 IF SQ7=4~5 OR SQ8=1 OR 9 OR SQ10=1 OR SQ11=1~4 AND SQ12=1 OR 9 如果SQ7=4~5 或 SQ8=1 或 9 或 SQ10=1 或 SQ11=1~4 且 SQ12=1 或 9,则终止 SQ12a. Owner/Intender Quota 拥有者/潜在购买者配额 [OWNER QUOTA] 拥有者配额 IF SQ6=1~3 AND SQ7=1~3 AND SQ8=2~6如果SQ6=1~3且SQ7=1~3且 SQ8=2~6 ,继续到SQ14 [INTENDER QUOTA] 潜在购买者配额 IF SQ10= 1 AND SQ11=1~4 AND SQ12 = 2~6 , INTENDER & GO TO SQ12A PRIOR TO SQ12D 如果SQ10 = 1 且 SQ11=1~4 且 SQ12 = 2~6,继续到SQ12D INTENTION FOR 3D/SMART TV SQ12D. Do you INTEND TO PURCHASE any of the following TVs? Please select any of the TVs that you INTEND TO BUY. 请问您计划购买哪种类型的电视呢,请选择您计划购买的任何电视类型 (11525,11526)/1 , GO TO 3D TV 3D电视 1 SMART TV 智能电视 SQ15 2 * A Smart TV is a TV that can be connected to LAN or wireless Internet on its own 继续到SQ15 without any additional device and offers more advanced ability and connectivity than a ? 2011 Ipsos Marketing All rights reserved. Contains Ipsos’ Confidential, Trade Secret and Proprietary Information. 7/142 IPSOS-RD-005 conventional TV set. Viewers are able to receive content from the Internet and/or customize its functionality by loading applications 智能电视是指不需要其他设备,能够和局域网以及无线网络连接的电视机。和传 统电视机相比,智能电视能够提供更多先进的功能和更好的连接性。观众可以接 收互联网上的内容,并且通过安装软件为顾客提供他们需要的功能。 None of the above/ Don’t know 以上皆无/不知道 3 PN: SINGLE SELECT (CAN’T BE CHOSEN WITH OTHER ANSWERS) 程序员:此项不能与其 他选项同时被选中 SIZE_NEXT未来购买产品大小 SQ12. What size of COLOR TV do you intent to purchase or replace? (SA) 请问您计划购买多大屏幕的彩色电视机呢,【单选】(631) 19” or less 19”及以下 1 20” to 29” 2 30” to 35” 3 36” to 39” 4 40” to 44” 5 45” to 49” 6 50” to 59” 7 60” or above 60” 以上 8 Don?t know 不太清楚 9 [FOR THAILAND, INDIA, RUSSIA, BRAZIL, PHILIPPINES, INDONESIA ONLY] MONTHLY HOUSEHOLD INCOME SQ15a. What is your monthly household net income? (i.e before tax and other deductions) (SA) 请问下面哪一类最能代表您家庭每月的总收入呢?请包括所有奖金,工资,津贴等算在内. 【单选】(632,633) Less than RMB 4,000 少于4000元 1 终止 RMB 4,000 ~ 4,999 2 RMB 5,000 ~ 5,999 3 RMB 6,000 ~ 6,999 4 RMB 7,000 ~ 7,999 5 RMB 8,000 ~ 8,999 6 RMB 9,000 ~ 9,999 7 RMB 10,000 or more 8 RMB 10,000~14,999 9 RMB 15,000~19,999 10 RMB 20,000 or more 11 Prefer not to answer 拒答 98 中止 Don?t know 不知道 99 ? 2011 Ipsos Marketing All rights reserved. Contains Ipsos’ Confidential, Trade Secret and Proprietary Information. 8/142 IPSOS-RD-005 CATEGORY QUESTIONS_BRAND RELATED品牌认知 ELECTRONIC PRODUCT TOM 无提示第一提及电子产品 A0.Think about brands of ELECTRONIC PRODUCTs (Audiovisual products, White goods, Mobile phones, Computer products, etc), which brand comes to mind FIRST? (SA). 提到电子产品(如视听产品,白色家电,手机,电脑产品等),您首先想到的品牌是哪一个,(单选)(SA)(640,645)/6 ELECTRONIC PRODUCT UNAIDED无提示其他提及电子产品 A0-1. Which other brands of ELECTRONIC PRODUCTs (Audiovisual products, White goods, Mobile phones, Computer products, etc) are you aware of? (Please type in ONE ELECTRONIC PRODUCT brand name per box below [MAX5]) 您还会想到哪些电子产品品牌呢,还有吗(如视听产品,白色家电,手机,电脑产品等),(每行填写一个品牌)[最多回答5个品牌] (650,679)/6 TOM 无提示第一提及 A1. Thinking about brands of COLOR TV, which brand comes to mind FIRST? (SA). 提到彩色电视机,您最先想到的品牌是哪一个,【单选】(715,720)/6 UNAIDED无提示其他提及 A2. Which other brands of COLOR TV are you aware of? (Please type in ONE COLOR TV brand name per box below [MAX5]) (730,759)/6 您还会想到哪些彩色电视机品牌呢,还有吗,(每行填写一个品牌)[最多回答5个品牌] BRAND LIST 1 品牌单1 CHINA 中国 LIST CODE 1 Samsung三星 15 2 LG 83 3 Panasonic松下 109 4 Sony索尼 141 271 5 Hisense海信 6 Sharp夏普 134 ? 2011 Ipsos Marketing All rights reserved. Contains Ipsos’ Confidential, Trade Secret and Proprietary Information. 9/142 IPSOS-RD-005 72 7 Skyworth创维 8 TCL 144 9 Changhong长虹 31 10 Hitachi日立 61 79 11 Konka康佳 12 112 Philips飞利浦 13 Haier海尔 59 14 Toshiba东芝 152 887 15 Xoceco厦华 AIDED 提示后认知 A3. Please select all COLOR TV brands that you have heard of from the list. (MA) 请问你还知道下列哪些品牌的彩色电视机,【复选】(815,874)/4 A3. Awareness ROTATE THE BRAND_Aided 循环品牌 (MA) 1 Samsung三星 2 LG 3 Panasonic松下 4 Sony索尼 5 Hisense海信 6 Sharp夏普 7 Skyworth创维 8 TCL 9 Changhong长虹 10 Hitachi日立 11 Konka康佳 12 Philips飞利浦 13 Haier海尔 14 Toshiba东芝 15 Xoceco厦华 None of above , IF SELECTED, TERMINATE 16 9999 以上都没有 中止并感谢 CURRENT OWN (SA) 目前使用【单选】 A4. Which brand of COLOR TV do you currently own? Please tell me the brand you currently own. If you have more than one COLOR TVs, please answer for your most recently purchased COLOR TV. 请问你目前拥有的彩色电视机是什么品牌的呢,如果您拥有一台以上的彩色电视机,请回答您最近一次购买的这部彩色电 视机的品牌。(915,974)/4 A4. Currently ROTATE THE BRANDOwn 循环品牌 (SA) 1 Samsung三星 2 LG 3 Panasonic松下 4 Sony索尼 5 Hisense海信 6 Sharp夏普 7 Skyworth创维 8 TCL 9 Changhong长虹 10 Hitachi日立 ? 2011 Ipsos Marketing All rights reserved. Contains Ipsos’ Confidential, Trade Secret and Proprietary Information. 10/142 IPSOS-RD-005 11 Konka康佳 12 Philips飞利浦 13 Haier海尔 14 Toshiba东芝 15 Xoceco厦华 None of above 16 9999 以上都没有 PREFERRED (MA)喜欢(多选) A5 Which brand do you prefer? Please select all brands you prefer. (MA) 你喜欢以下哪些品牌呢,请选出所有你喜欢的品牌(多选) P: ONLY SHOW BRANDS SELECTED ON A3. 仅出示A3中选择的品牌 MOST PREFERRED (SA)最喜欢(单选) A5-1. Among all of the following brands that you preferred, which brand do you prefer the most? (SA) 在以下这些品牌中,你最喜欢哪一个品牌,(单选) P: ONLY SHOW BRANDS SELECTED ON A5. 仅出示在A5中出现的问题 A5. A5-1. Preferred喜欢 Most Preferred最喜欢 (MA)(多选) (SA)(单选) (1015,1074)/4 (1075,1078) 1 BRAND 1 2 BRAND 2 3 BRAND 3 4 BRAND 4 5 BRAND 5 6 BRAND 6 7 BRAND 7 8 BRAND 8 9 BRAND 9 10 BRAND 10 PI (MA) A6.If you were to purchase a COLOR TV, which brand are you likely to purchase? Please select all brands you would like to purchase. (MA) 当您想购买一台彩色电视机时,您可能购买哪些品牌呢,(多选) P: ONLY SHOW BRANDS SELECTED ON A3. 仅出示A3中选择的品牌 MOST PI (SA) A6-1. Among all of the following brands that you are likely to purchase, which ONE brand are you most likely to purchase? (SA) 在您可能购买的这些品牌中,哪一个是您最有可能购买的品牌呢 P: ONLY SHOW BRANDS SELECTED ON A6. 仅出示A6中选择的品牌 A6. A6-1. Purchase购买 Most Purchase(最可能购买) (MA)(多选) (SA)(单选) (7115,7174)/4 (7175,7178) 1 BRAND 1 ? 2011 Ipsos Marketing All rights reserved. Contains Ipsos’ Confidential, Trade Secret and Proprietary Information. 11/142 IPSOS-RD-005 2 BRAND 2 3 BRAND 3 4 BRAND 4 5 BRAND 5 6 BRAND 6 7 BRAND 7 8 BRAND 8 9 BRAND 9 10 BRAND 10 LED TV_AWARENESS LED电视认知 A7. Are you aware of Light Emitting Diode (LED) TV? 您是否知道LED电视, P: IF CODED 6 AT SQ8 OR 6 AT SQ12, AUTOMATICALLY MARK CODE 1 AT A8 AND GO TO A9. 【程序员;如果在SQ8题或SQ12题选择选项6,在A7题自动圈选1,并跳问A8题】(1115) , GO TO A8 Yes 是 1 继续到A8 , GO TO A14 No 否 2 继续到A14 LED TV BRAND_TOM LED电视品牌无提示第一提及 A8. What brand comes to your mind first when you think of Light Emitting Diode (LED) TV? Please answer one brand. (SA) 当提到LED电视时,您最先想到的品牌是哪一个,请只回答一个品牌。(1120,1125)/6 LED TV BRAND_UA LED电视品牌无提示提及 A9. What brand comes next when you think of Light Emitting Diode (LED) TV? Please type in ONE brand name per box below. ALLOW 5 BOXS. (MA_Up to 5) (1130,1159)/6 您还想到哪些LED电视品牌呢,(每行写一个品牌)[最多回答5个品牌] LED TV BRAND_AIDED LED电视品牌提示后认知 A10. Please select all LED TV brands that you have heard of from the list. (MA) 请问你知道下列哪些LED电视的品牌呢,【复选】(1215,1274)/4 P: SHOW ALL BRANDS IN BRAND LIST 1 出示所有的品牌列表1的品牌 A10 ROTATE THE BRANDLED TV_Aided (MA) 循环品牌 1 BRAND 1 2 BRAND 2 3 BRAND 3 4 BRAND 4 5 BRAND 5 ? 2011 Ipsos Marketing All rights reserved. Contains Ipsos’ Confidential, Trade Secret and Proprietary Information. 12/142 IPSOS-RD-005 6 BRAND 6 7 BRAND 7 8 BRAND 8 9 BRAND 9 10 BRAND 10 11 BRAND 11 12 BRAND 12 13 BRAND 13 14 BRAND 14 15 BRAND 15 None of above 16 以上都没有 P: If answered “None of above” at A10, go to directly A12. (Do not ask A11) 如A10=―以上都没有‖,继续到A12 (不问A11) LED TV_MOST PREFERRED (SA) LED电视最喜欢品牌(单选) Which LED TV brand do you prefer the most? (SA) A11 下列LED电视品牌中,哪一个是您最喜欢的呢,(单选)(1315,1318) 程序员:只出示A10中选择的品牌 LED TV MP. LED Most Preferred (SA) 1 BRAND 1 2 BRAND 2 3 BRAND 3 4 BRAND 4 5 BRAND 5 6 BRAND 6 7 BRAND 7 8 BRAND 8 9 BRAND 9 10 BRAND 10 3D TV_AWARENESS 3D电视/三维立体电视—认知 A14. Are you aware of 3D TV? 您是否知道3D电视/三维立体电视,(单选)(1360) P: IF CODED 1 AT SQ8a OR 1 AT SQ12b, AUTOMATICALLY MARK CODE 1 AT A14 AND GO TO A15. 【程序员:如果SQ8a题选1或SQ12b题选1,则在A14题自动圈选1,并跳问A15】 , GO TO A15 Yes 是 1 继续到A15 , GO TO B1 No 否 2 继续到B1 3D TV _CATEGORY AWARENESS SOURCE 品类认知来源 A15 Below is a list of different sources that you might have learned about 3D TV. Please, choose all sources through which you might have seen, heard, or experienced about 3D TV. (MA) 下面是一些您可能会接触到3D(三维立体电视)电视信息的地方,请问您是否在这些地方看到、听到或者了解到3D电视 (三维立体电视)的信息呢,【复选】(1415,1436)/2 ? 2011 Ipsos Marketing All rights reserved. Contains Ipsos’ Confidential, Trade Secret and Proprietary Information. 13/142 IPSOS-RD-005 Seen/heard about 看到了/听说了 TV advertising 电视广告 01 Radio advertising 广播广告 02 Magazine advertising 杂志广告 03 Newspaper advertising报纸广告 04 Advertising in Cinema on the main screen电影院里的大屏幕广告 05 Sponsorship such as sport team sponsoring, musical events, throwing out exhibition赞06 助体育、音乐活动和发布会 Outdoor advertising including billboards, subway ads, bus/bus shelters, painted 07 buildings, etc 户外广告,如户外大牌、地铁/公交站牌、地铁/公交车内广告、楼宇外立面广告 In-store advertising on signs, posters or displays found in stores or shopping malls店内08 广告,如海报、标识、产品陈列等 Online such as brand website, e-mails from brands or retailers 09 互联网,如官网或来自厂商和销售商的电子邮件 Talking to someone else (recommended by or conversation with others like people 10 around, sales person, professionals) 人际交流,如亲友、销售人员或专业人员推荐。 11 Mobile advertising手机广告 ? 2011 Ipsos Marketing All rights reserved. Contains Ipsos’ Confidential, Trade Secret and Proprietary Information. 14/142 IPSOS-RD-005 3D TV BRAND_TOM 3D电视/三维立体电视品牌无提示第一提及 A21. What brand comes to your mind first when you think of 3D TV? Please answer one brand. (SA) 当提到3D电视/三维立体电视时,您最先想到的品牌是哪一个,请只回答一个品牌。(单选)(1440,1445)/6 3D TV BRAND_UA 3D电视/三维立体电视品牌无提示 A22. What brands come to mind when you think of 3D TVs? Please type in ONE brand name per box below. PN: ALLOW UPTO 5 BOXES. (MA_Up to 5) (1450,1479)/6 当提到3D电视/三维立体电视时,您会想到哪些品牌呢,(每行写一个品牌)[最多回答5个品牌] IF SQ8C =1 OR SQ12D=1 (YES), THE RESPONDENT SHOULD HAVE AN ANSWER AT A22 如果SQ8C或SQ12D=1,则A22题应该有答案 3D TV BRAND_AIDED 3D电视/三维立体电视品牌提示后认知 A23 Please select all 3D TV brands that you have heard of from the list. (MA) 请问您还知道下列哪些3D电视(三维立体电视)品牌呢,【复选】(1515,1574)/4 P: SHOW ONLY BRANDS ANSWERED AT A3 出示A3中选择的品牌 IF SQ8C OR SQ12D=1 (YES), THE RESPONDENT SHOULD HAVE AN ANSWER AT A23 如果SQ8C或SQ12D =1,则A23题应该有答案 A23 3D TV_Aided (MA) ROTATE THE BRAND 循环品牌 3D电视提示后认知(多选) 1 BRAND 1 2 BRAND 2 3 BRAND 3 4 BRAND 4 5 BRAND 5 6 BRAND 6 7 BRAND 7 8 BRAND 8 9 BRAND 9 10 BRAND 10 11 BRAND 11 12 BRAND 12 13 BRAND 13 14 BRAND 14 15 BRAND 15 None of above 16 继续到A29 以上都没有 P: If answered ―None of above‖ at A23, go to directly to the note prior to A26. (Do not ask A24 and A25) 如A23=―以上都没有‖继续到A26之前的评注 (不问A24, A25) ? 2011 Ipsos Marketing All rights reserved. Contains Ipsos’ Confidential, Trade Secret and Proprietary Information. 15/142 IPSOS-RD-005 3D TV_MOST PREFERRED (SA) 3D电视/三维立体电视_最喜欢品牌(单选) A24. Which 3D TV brand do you prefer the most? (SA) 下列3D电视(三维立体电视)品牌中,哪一个是您最喜欢的呢,(单选)(1615,1618) P: ONLY SHOW BRANDS SELECTED ON A23. 只出示A23中选择的品牌 A24 3D TV Most Preferred (SA) 1 BRAND 1 2 BRAND 2 3 BRAND 3 4 BRAND 4 5 BRAND 5 6 BRAND 6 7 BRAND 7 8 BRAND 8 9 BRAND 9 10 BRAND 10 3D TV BRAND_PERCEPTION/IMAGE A25. Among the attributes below, please choose all attributes that apply for each 3D TV brand? (MA FOR EACH BRAND)对于 下面这些语句,适合形容哪些3D电视机品牌呢, 【每列复选】 P: ONLY SHOW BRANDS SELECTED ON A23. 程序员:出示A23中选择的品牌。 P:ROT 3> 4> 5> 6> 7> 9> 10> 11> 12> > 1> 8> 13> 14> EMEN(1625,.(1630,.(1635,.(1640,.(1645,.(1650,.(1660,.(1665,.(1670,.(1675,.(1730,.3(162(165(172(17229) 34) 39) 44) 49) 54) 64) 69) 74) 79) 4) TS循环0,.25,.50,.25,29) 4) 9) 4) 说法 A mark et leadi ng 3D TV 市场领 先的31 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 D电视 (三维 立体电 视)品 牌 A Prem ium 3D TV 高端的 3D电2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 视(三 维立体 电视) 品牌 ? 2011 Ipsos Marketing All rights reserved. Contains Ipsos’ Confidential, Trade Secret and Proprietary Information. 16/142 IPSOS-RD-005 Good p icture q uality 3 D TV 画面质 量好的3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3D电 视/三 维立体 电视品 牌 Most p opular 3D TV 最流行 的3D4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 电视/ 三维立 体电视 品牌 Ease of use 3D TV 简单易 用的35 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 D电视/ 三维立 体电视 品牌 技术领 先的34 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 D电视 Good d esigned 3D TV 设计好 的3D5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 电视/ 三维立 体电视 品牌 For the next few questions, we will be talking about Smart TVs. 接下来我们来谈一下智能电视 Smart TVs are TVs that can be connected to LAN or wireless Internet on its own without any additional device and offers more advanced ability and connectivity than a conventional TV set. Viewers are able to receive content from the Internet and/or customize its functionality by loading applications 智能电视是指不需要其他设备,能够和局域网以及无线网络连接的电视机。和传统电视机相比,智能电视能够提供更多先进的功能和更好的连接性。观众可以接收互联网上的内容,并且通过安装软件为顾客提供他们需要的功能。 SMART TV _ AWARENESS 智能电视_认知 A26 Before today, have you heard of „Smart TVs’? ? 2011 Ipsos Marketing All rights reserved. Contains Ipsos’ Confidential, Trade Secret and Proprietary Information. 17/142 IPSOS-RD-005 您之前听说过“智能电视”吗, P: IF CODED 1 AT SQ8b OR 1 AT SQ12C, AUTOMATICALLY MARK CODE 1 AT A26 AND GO TO A27. 程序员:如果SQ8b选1或者SQ12c选1,则在A26题自动圈选1,并跳问A27 【9419】 , GO TO A27继续Yes 听说过 1 到A27 , GO TO B1继续No 没听说过 2 到B1 ? 2011 Ipsos Marketing All rights reserved. Contains Ipsos’ Confidential, Trade Secret and Proprietary Information. 18/142 IPSOS-RD-005 SMART TV _ CATEGORY AWARENESS SOURCE 智能电视_种类认知来源 A27 Below is a list of different sources that you might have learned about SMART TV. Please, choose all sources through which you might have seen, heard, or experienced about SMART TV. (MA) 下面是一些您可能会接触到智能电视信息的地方,请问您最近是否在这些地方看到、听到或者了解到智能电视的信息呢,(复选) 【9420,9441】/2 Seen/heard about 看到了/听说了 TV advertising电视广告 01 02 Radio advertising广播广告 Magazine advertising杂志广告 03 Newspaper advertising报纸广告 04 05 Advertising in Cinema on the main screen电影院里的大银幕广告 Sponsorship such as sport team sponsoring, musical events, throwing out exhibition 06 赞助体育、音乐活动和发布会 Outdoor advertising including billboards, subway ads, bus/bus shelters, painted buildings, etc 07 户外广告,如户外大牌、地铁/公交站牌、地铁/公交车内广告、楼宇外立面广告 In-store advertising on signs, posters or displays found in stores or shopping malls店内08 广告,如海报、标识、产品陈列等 Online such as brand website, e-mails, SNS (Social Networking Sites) from brands or 09 retailers 互联网,如官网或来自厂商和销售商的电子邮件,以及社交网站上品牌或零售商的页面 Talking to someone else (recommended by or conversation with others like people 10 around, sales person, professionals) 人际交流,如亲友、销售人员或专业人员推荐。 Mobile advertising手机广告 11 SMART TV BRAND _ TOM 无提示第一提及智能电视品牌 A28 What brand comes to mind first when you think of SMART TV? Please answer with one brand. (SA) 提到智能电视,您首先想到的品牌是哪一个,(单选)【9450,9455】 SMART TV BRAND _ UA无提示其他提及智能电视品牌 A29 What other brands come to mind when you think of SMART TV? Please type in ONE brand name per box below. ALLOW UPTO 5 BOXES. (MA_Up to 5) 您还会想到哪些智能电视品牌呢,还有吗,(每行填写一个品牌)[最多回答5个品牌] 【9515,9544】/6 IF SQ8c OR SQ12D=2 (YES), SHOULD HAVE AN ANSWER AT 29 如果SQ8c 或 SQ12D=2,,则A29题应该有答案 SMART TV BRAND _ AIDED 提示后认知_智能电视 A30 Please select all SMART TV brands that you have heard of from the list. (MA) 请问您还知道下列哪些品牌的智能电视,(复选) Please make sure you select even the ones you already answered in the previous questions (A21 and A22)请选择所有您知道的品牌,包括您之前提到过的品牌。 ? 2011 Ipsos Marketing All rights reserved. Contains Ipsos’ Confidential, Trade Secret and Proprietary Information. 19/142 IPSOS-RD-005 P: SHOW ONLY BRANDS ANSWERED AT A3 程序员:出示A3中选择的品牌 【9615,9674】/4 IF SQ8c OR SQ12D=2 (YES), SHOULD HAVE AN ANSWER AT 30 如果SQ8c 或 SQ12D=2,,则A30题应该有答案 A30. SMART TV_Aided (MA) ROTATE THE BRAND 1 BRAND 1 2 BRAND 2 3 BRAND 3 4 BRAND 4 5 BRAND 5 6 BRAND 6 7 BRAND 7 8 BRAND 8 9 BRAND 9 10 BRAND 10 11 BRAND 11 12 BRAND 12 13 BRAND 13 14 BRAND 14 15 BRAND 15 None of above 16 以上都没有 P: If answered ―None of above‖ at A30, go to directly A32. (Do not ask A31) 程序员:如果A30选择了“以上都没有”,则继续到A32(不用问A31) SMART TV BRAND _ MOST PREFERRED (SA) 智能电视品牌_最喜欢 A31 Which SMART TV brand do you prefer the most? (SA) 以下这些智能电视品牌中,您最喜欢哪一个品牌,(单选) P: ONLY SHOW BRANDS SELECTED ON A30. 程序员:仅出示A30中选择的品牌 【9715,9754】/4 A31 SMART TV Most Preferred (SA) 1 BRAND 1 2 BRAND 2 3 BRAND 3 4 BRAND 4 5 BRAND 5 6 BRAND 6 7 BRAND 7 8 BRAND 8 9 BRAND 9 10 BRAND 10 None of above 99 (spontaneous) ELECTRONIC BRAND_ AIDED 提示后认知_电子产品品牌 A32. Please select all ELECTRONIC brands that you have heard of from the list. (MA) 请从下表中选出你听说过的所有电子产品品牌。(复选) ? 2011 Ipsos Marketing All rights reserved. Contains Ipsos’ Confidential, Trade Secret and Proprietary Information. 20/142 IPSOS-RD-005 A32. ELECTRONIC Brand _Aided (MA) ROTATE THE BRAND 1 BRAND 1 2 BRAND 2 3 BRAND 3 4 BRAND 4 5 BRAND 5 6 BRAND 6 7 BRAND 7 8 BRAND 8 9 BRAND 9 10 BRAND 10 11 BRAND 11 12 BRAND 12 13 BRAND 13 9999 , IF SELECTED, TERMINAT 程序员: Exclusive with other variables 14 None of above 如果选此项,中止并感谢 (1~13)如果没有选择变量1-13中任一个 P:SHOW CORPORATE BRAND LIST.程序员: 出示企业品牌表. CORPORATE BRAND LIST企业品牌表 ALL LIST CODE 1 Samsung三星 15 2 LG 83 3 Sony索尼 141 4 Panasonic松下 109 5 Philips飞利浦 112 Apple iphone 6 991 苹果iphone Motorola 7 98 摩托罗拉 8 Nokia诺基亚 103 Whirlpool惠而9 161 浦 Electrolux伊莱10 208 克斯 11 GE通用电气 304 12 Canon佳能 170 13 Nikon尼康 501 ? 2011 Ipsos Marketing All rights reserved. Contains Ipsos’ Confidential, Trade Secret and Proprietary Information. 21/142 IPSOS-RD-005 Q1请问您计划在未来半年购买智能电视吗,【10815】 继续到S2 是 1 继续到B1 否 2 Q 2请问您计划购买的这台智能电视的尺寸, 【10816】 继续到S3 40寸及以上 1 继续到B1 40寸以下 2 Q 3 请问您是购买这台彩电的主要决策者吗,【10817】 继续到S4 是 1 继续到B1 2 否 Q 4请问您是否去过3C卖场或者其他销售场所,并且体验或操作了智能电视,【10818】 继续到S5 是 1 继续到B1 否 2 Q 5请问您这台智能电视的品牌是什么,【复选】【10820,10879】/4 134 夏普 回答 S5-1 15 三星 回答 S5-1 141 索尼 回答 S5-1 72 创维 跳答 S5-2 31 长虹 跳答 S5-2 144 TCL 跳答 S5-2 9997 其它品牌 Q 5-1 请问您这台智能电视的购买价格是多少,【10880】 8000元及以上 1 8000元以下 2 Q 5-2 请问您这台智能电视的购买价格是多少,【10915】 5000元及以上 1 5000元以下 2 1. 请问您是从什么渠道了解到智能电视的,(复选)【10720,10749】/2 1.a 从这些渠道得到的信息中,哪种渠道得到的信息对您购买电视的影响力大,(单选)【10916,10917】 1.b 从哪种途径获取的信息,您觉得最可靠, (单选)【10918,10919】 ? 2011 Ipsos Marketing All rights reserved. Contains Ipsos’ Confidential, Trade Secret and Proprietary Information. 22/142 IPSOS-RD-005 1.b.1请问您为什么觉得从(插入1.b答案)获得的信息最可靠呢,__________________________ 1 1.a 1.b 1. 电视广告 2. 户外广告牌 3. 报纸广告 4. 厂家或卖场的宣传册 5. 杂志广告 6. 商场/专卖店内的宣传海报 7. 网络 8. 亲朋好友推荐 9. 电台 10. 亲朋好友家看到后了解的 11. 其他(请注明) 2. 1请问在购买电视的选择过程中您关注哪些因素,(复选)【最多回答3个因素】【10920,10929】/2 2.2 在购买电视的选择过程中,您认为重要的因素是哪几个,(复选)【最多回答3个因素】【10930,10939】/2 关注因素 重要因素 1.品牌 2.价格 3.操作性 4.质量 5.外观 6.配置 7.功能 8.体验效果(音质/画质) 9.售后服务 10.销售人员的介绍 11.销售环境 12.促销活动 ? 2011 Ipsos Marketing All rights reserved. Contains Ipsos’ Confidential, Trade Secret and Proprietary Information. 23/142 IPSOS-RD-005 3. 请问在智能电视的功能中,您看上了哪些功能? - 安卓操作系统 (复选) 【最多回答3个功能】 【10940,10949】/2 1.安卓操作系统 2. 内置浏览器 3.可视频点播 4. 内置应用软件商店,可安装下载应用软件,天 气、新闻、地图等, 5. 可玩简单游戏,休闲、棋牌等, 6.语音识别、声音控制,包括收看机顶盒的内容, 7. 手势识别,包括收看机顶盒的内容, 8. 可以在看电视的同时,使用社交工具,微博,人 人等 ,对话栏与电视在同一屏幕, 9. 手机遥控电视(无网络环境下可实现, 10.双核处理器:看电视或者电视浏览网页同事可 以同步下载app软件 11. 面部识别, 扫描面部登陆智能电视账号 12. 触摸式遥控器 13. 支持无线键盘鼠标 14.支持无线传屏、甩屏 4.请将以下智能功能按个人感兴趣的程度进行打分。(其中5分表示非常感兴趣,1分表示完全不感兴趣,【10950, 10963】 完全不感有些不感中性的 有些感兴非常感兴 兴趣 兴趣 趣 趣 ? 2011 Ipsos Marketing All rights reserved. Contains Ipsos’ Confidential, Trade Secret and Proprietary Information. 24/142 IPSOS-RD-005 1 2 3 4 5 1.安卓操作系统 1 2 3 4 5 2. 内置浏览器 1 2 3 4 5 3.可视频点播 1 2 3 4 5 4. 内置应用软件商店,可安装下载应用软件,天 气、新闻、地图等, 1 2 3 4 5 5. 可玩简单游戏,休闲、棋牌等, 1 2 3 4 5 6.语音识别、声音控制,包括收看机顶盒的内容, 1 2 3 4 5 7. 手势识别,包括收看机顶盒的内容, 1 2 3 4 5 8. 可以在看电视的同时,使用社交工具,微博, 人人等 ,对话栏与电视在同一屏幕, 1 2 3 4 5 9. 手机遥控电视(无网络环境下可实现, 1 2 3 4 5 10.双核处理器:看电视或者电视浏览网页同事可 以同步下载app软件 1 2 3 4 5 11. 面部识别, 扫描面部登陆智能电视账号 1 2 3 4 5 12. 触摸式遥控器 1 2 3 4 5 13. 支持无线键盘鼠标 1 2 3 4 5 14.支持无线传屏、甩屏 5.请问您是否体验过以下这些智能功能, 5.1请问您对这些智能功能的体验感觉是怎样的呢,(其中5分表示非常感兴趣,1分表示完全不感兴趣, 【仅出示5中选‘是’的功能】 【11015,11028】 【11030,11043】 5 5.1 是 否 完全有些中性有些非常 不感不感的 感兴感兴 兴趣 兴趣 趣 趣 1 2 1 2 3 4 5 1.安卓操作系统 1 2 1 2 3 4 5 2. 内置浏览器 1 2 1 2 3 4 5 3.可视频点播 ? 2011 Ipsos Marketing All rights reserved. Contains Ipsos’ Confidential, Trade Secret and Proprietary Information. 25/142 IPSOS-RD-005 1 2 1 2 3 4 5 4. 内置应用软件商店,可安装下载应用软件 ,天气、新闻、地图等, 1 2 1 2 3 4 5 5. 可玩简单游戏,休闲、棋牌等, 1 2 1 2 3 4 5 6.语音识别、声音控制,包括收看机顶盒的内 容, 1 2 1 2 3 4 5 7. 手势识别,包括收看机顶盒的内容, 1 2 1 2 3 4 5 8. 可以在看电视的同时,使用社交工具,微 博,人人等 ,对话栏与电视在同一屏幕, 1 2 1 2 3 4 5 9. 手机遥控电视(无网络环境下可实现, 1 2 1 2 3 4 5 10.双核处理器:看电视或者电视浏览网页同 事可以同步下载app软件 1 2 1 2 3 4 5 11. 面部识别, 扫描面部登陆智能电视账号 1 2 1 2 3 4 5 12. 触摸式遥控器 1 2 1 2 3 4 5 13. 支持无线键盘鼠标 14.支持无线传屏、甩屏 6. 请问您知道云电视吗,【云电视是应用云计算、云存储技术的电视产品,是云设备的一种 ; 有云平台、云存储、云端 分享、完善的云服务; 将电视固定设备和手机等移动设备无线相连; 让电视内容不再在电视上,内容根据需求个性化选 择】【11050】 继续到7.1 知道 1 继续到B1 不知道 2 7. 1您觉得云电视【11051】 比智能电视更高级 1 只是智能电视的一种 2 7.2 请问您为什么觉得云电视是(插入7.1题答案),_____________________________ [循环语句] 8. 请用1-6对以下名字按照您的喜爱程度进行排序。其中1表示最喜欢,6表示最不喜欢【11052,11057】 ? 2011 Ipsos Marketing All rights reserved. Contains Ipsos’ Confidential, Trade Secret and Proprietary Information. 26/142 IPSOS-RD-005 智能电视 SMART TV 云电视 Cloud TV ITV 网络电视 ? 2011 Ipsos Marketing All rights reserved. Contains Ipsos’ Confidential, Trade Secret and Proprietary Information. 27/142 IPSOS-RD-005 CATEGORY_BEP品牌形象 BRAND ENERGY – EMOTIONAL STATUS AND MOMENTUM 品牌活力情感评价 Please give us your impression of each brand. 请认真考虑一下您对下面这些品牌的印象 POSITIONING STATEMENT定位评价 B1. Among the statements below, please choose all statements that apply for each COLOR TV brand. (MA FOR EACH BRAND) 请选出所有您认为适合用来描述下列彩色电视品牌的语句。【每列复选】 P: ONLY SHOW BRANDS SELECTED ON A3. 程序员:出示A3中选择的品牌。 P: ROTATE STATEMENT循环语句 D 2> D 3> D 4> D 5> A brand that allows me great digital experience 1 1 1 1 1 1 可以带来美好的数字技术体验 A color TV brand is innovative 2 2 2 2 2 2 创新的 A brand that I always enjoy having around 3 3 3 3 3 3 我总是想要拥有的品牌 A color TV brand is stylish 4 4 4 4 4 4 时尚的 A color TV brand is of high quality 5 5 5 5 5 5 高质量的 A color TV brand that has leading edge technology 6 6 6 6 6 6 拥有前沿技术 A color TV brand has good picture quality 7 7 7 7 7 7 有好的画面质量 A color TV brand is dynamic 8 8 8 8 8 8 充满活力的 A color TV brand is distinctive 9 9 9 9 9 9 与众不同的 A color TV brand is worth paying more 10 10 10 10 10 10 值得花更多钱的 A color TV brand is Imaginative 11 11 11 11 11 11 有想象力的 A color TV brand is inviting 12 12 12 12 12 12 吸引人的 B1. 品牌01:c(1820,39) 品牌02:c(1840,59) 品牌03:c(1860,79) 品牌04:c(1920,39) 品牌05:c(1940,59) 品牌06:c(1960,79) 品牌07:c(2020,39) ? 2011 Ipsos Marketing All rights reserved. Contains Ipsos’ Confidential, Trade Secret and Proprietary Information. 28/142 IPSOS-RD-005 品牌08:c(2040,59) 品牌09:c(2060,79) 品牌10:c(12520,39) 品牌11:c(12540,59) 品牌12:c(12560,79) 品牌13:c(12620,39) 品牌14:c(12640,59) 品牌15:c(12660,79) PERSONALITY STATEMENT B2. For each statement below, how much do you think each statement is applicable for the brand as COLOR TV? Please select all that apply. PROMPT: Each brand. (MA FOR EACH BRAND) 请选出所有您认为适合用来描述下列彩色电视品牌的语句。【出示卡片】【每列复选】 P: ONLY SHOW BRANDS SELECTED ON A3. 程序员:出示A3中选择的品牌。 P: ROTATE STATEMENT循环语句 2> 3> 4> 5> 请把品牌想象成人,她/他… has a clean, modern style, simple and confident 1 1 1 1 1 1 有简洁、现代、自信的风格 has passion for new and exciting things 2 2 2 2 2 2 对新鲜、刺激的事情很热衷 is optimistic, always open to possibilities 3 3 3 3 3 3 是乐观的,总是乐于尝试各种可能性 brings imagination to its products and everything it does 4 4 4 4 4 4 做任何事情都充满想象力 B2. 品牌01:c(2220,29) 品牌02:c(2230,39) 品牌03:c(2240,49) 品牌04:c(2250,59) 品牌05:c(2260,69) 品牌06:c(2270,79) 品牌07:c(2320,29) 品牌08:c(2330,39) 品牌09:c(2340,49) 品牌10:c(2350,59) 品牌11:c(2360,69) 品牌12:c(2370,79) 品牌13:c(2420,29) 品牌14:c(2430,39) 品牌15:c(2440,49) PERSONALITY STATEMENT 个性评价 B3. For each statement below, how much do you think each statement applies to the ELECTRONIC Brands? Please select all that apply. PROMPT: Each brand. (MA FOR EACH BRAND) 请选出所有您认为适合用来描述下列电子产品品牌的语句。【出示卡片】【每列复选】 P: ONLY SHOW BRANDS SELECTED ON A32. ? 2011 Ipsos Marketing All rights reserved. Contains Ipsos’ Confidential, Trade Secret and Proprietary Information. 29/142 IPSOS-RD-005 程序员: 出示A32中选择的品牌. P: ROTATE STATEMENT 循环语句 This brand is like a person who… 2> 3> 4> 5> has a clean, modern style, simple and confident 1 1 1 1 1 1 有简洁、现代、自信的风格 has passion for new and exciting things 2 2 2 2 2 2 对新鲜、刺激的事情很热衷 is optimistic, always open to possibilities 3 3 3 3 3 3 是乐观的,总是乐于尝试各种可能性 brings imagination to its products and everything it does 4 4 4 4 4 4 做任何事情都充满想象力 Dynamic 5 5 5 5 5 5 充满活力的 Imaginative(Smart/Resourceful) 6 6 6 6 6 6 富有想象力的(智能的/机智的) Inviting(inclusive/accessible) 7 7 7 7 7 7 吸引人的(包容广泛的/易接近的) Moving forward 8 8 8 8 8 8 不断前进的 ? 2011 Ipsos Marketing All rights reserved. Contains Ipsos’ Confidential, Trade Secret and Proprietary Information. 30/142 IPSOS-RD-005 TBCA媒体计划 Media Planner Now we would like to ask you a few questions about ELECTRONICs brands in general, not only for TVs.我们将问您几个关于 电子产品品牌的问题,而不仅仅是关于电视机。 ELECTRONIC PRODUCT TBCA_Level 1电子产品TBCA-level1 C0. People may see, hear or read about ELECTRONIC Products (Audiovisual products, White goods, Mobile phones, Computer products, etc) in lots of different places, some of which are shown here 人们可能在不同的地方会看到、听到或阅读到一些有关电子产品的信息(如视听设备,白色家电,手机、电脑 等)。 FOR EACH BRAND ASK: Please answer ‘YES or No’.针对每个品牌提问:请回答“是”或“不是”。 Have you seen, heard or read anything about the Electronics brands ANYWHERE recently? 请问您最近是否在任何地方看到、听到或者读到过关于下列电子产品品牌的信息, P:ONLY SHOW BRANDS SELECTED ON A32.出示A32中选择的品牌。(3315,3327)/1 C0. TBCA_Level 1 Yes No BRAND 1 1 2 BRAND 2 1 2 BRAND 3 1 2 BRAND 4 1 2 BRAND 5 1 2 BRAND 6 1 2 BRAND 7 1 2 BRAND 8 1 2 BRAND 9 1 2 BRAND 10 1 2 CORPORATE BRAND LIST企业品牌表 ALL LIST CODE 1 Samsung三星 15 2 LG 83 Sony索尼 3 141 Panasonic松下 4 109 Philips飞利浦 5 112 Apple iphone苹6 991 果Iphone Motorola摩托罗7 98 拉 Nokia诺基亚 8 103 Whirlpool惠而9 161 ? 2011 Ipsos Marketing All rights reserved. Contains Ipsos’ Confidential, Trade Secret and Proprietary Information. 31/142 IPSOS-RD-005 浦 Electrolux伊莱10 208 克斯 11 GE 304 Canon佳能 12 170 Nikon尼康 13 501 ELECTRONIC PRODUCT TBCA_Level 1-1 C0-1. Among the brands you indicated as having seen or heard about recently, which brand(s) have you seen or heard about in the LAST 1 WEEK? FOR EACH BRAND ASK: Please answer ‘YES or No’. Have you seen, heard or read anything about the brand ANYWHERE in the LAST 1 WEEK? 请问您在过去1周内您是否在任何地方看到、听到或者读到过关于下列电子产品品牌的信息, P: SHOW ONLY FOR BRANDS CODED 1 (YES) AT C0 仅展示C0中选择选项1的品牌。(3330,3342)/1 C0-1. TBCA_Level 1 Yes No BRAND 1 1 2 BRAND 2 1 2 BRAND 3 1 2 BRAND 4 1 2 BRAND 5 1 2 BRAND 6 1 2 BRAND 7 1 2 BRAND 8 1 2 BRAND 9 1 2 BRAND 10 1 2 ELECTRONIC PRODUCT TBCA_Level 1-1 - DETAIL C0-2. Please indicate which of the following electronic products from each of the following brands you have seen, heard about in the LAST 1 WEEK. (MA) 请指出过去1周内您见过或听说过以下哪些电子产品。 P: FOR C0-2, ASK ONLY FOR BRANDS CODED 1 (YES) AT C0-1 仅展示C0-1中选择选项1的品牌。 由于第18个选项也需要出数, 因此每个COL段往后顺延一个位置。 逻辑是:如果某个品牌的1-17个语句中任意一个选择了1,那么第18句只能是2,反之, 如果1-17句都选择了2,第18句 的答案应是1 (3415,32)(3435,52)(3455,72)(3515,32)(3535,52)(3555,72)(3615,32)(3635,52) (3655,72)(3715,32)(3735,52)(3755,72)(3815,32) ? 2011 Ipsos Marketing All rights reserved. Contains Ipsos’ Confidential, Trade Secret and Proprietary Information. 32/142 IPSOS-RD-005 BR1 BR2 BR3 BR4 BR5 BR6 BR7 BR8 BR9 BR10 Yes 是 oN否 Color TV彩电 1 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 Computer monitor电脑Yes 是 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 显示器 oN否 Mobile phone/ Cellular p3 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 hone手机 Yes 是 4 Desktop PC台式电脑 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 oN否 Laptop computer 笔记本5 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 电脑 Yes 是 Laser printer 激光打印6 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 机 No否 DVD player DVD播放机7 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 es Y是 (蓝光播放器) MP3 player MP3播放器 8 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 No否 Refrigerator (Includes fries Y是 dge, freezer, fridge-freez9 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 er) 冰箱(包括冰箱,No否 冰柜,冷冻冷藏冰箱) Washing machine es Y是 (Includes washer, dryer No否 combined washer) 洗衣10 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 机(包括普通洗衣机,es Y是 烘干洗衣机) No否 Air conditioner 空调 11 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 12 Microwave 微波炉 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 es Y是 13 Oven range 烤箱 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 No否 Vacuum cleaner 真空吸14 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 尘器 es Y是 Dishwasher 洗碗机 15 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 Digital Compact Camera No否 16 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 卡片式数码相机 Changeable Lens Camera (includes DSLR and Mirr orless)可换镜头数码相17 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 机(包括数码单反相机 和无镜相机) None of Above 以上均没18 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 有 TBCA_Level 1 C1. People may see, hear or read about COLOR TV in lots of different places, some of which are shown here FOR EACH BRAND ASK: Please answer „YES or No?. Have you seen, heard or read anything about the brand ANYWHERE recently? 日常生活中,人们会在各种不同的地方接触到关于彩色电视的信息,请问您最近是否在任何地方看到、听到或者读到过下列品牌的信息,(请针对每个品牌选择1个答案=是或否) ? 2011 Ipsos Marketing All rights reserved. Contains Ipsos’ Confidential, Trade Secret and Proprietary Information. 33/142 IPSOS-RD-005 P: P: ONLY SHOW BRANDS SELECTED ON A3. 【程序员:出示A3题中选择的品牌】 C1. TBCA_Level 1 (3915,3929) Yes 是 No 否 BRAND 1 1 2 BRAND 2 1 2 BRAND 3 1 2 BRAND 4 1 2 BRAND 5 1 2 BRAND 6 1 2 BRAND 7 1 2 BRAND 8 1 2 BRAND 9 1 2 BRAND 10 1 2 TBCA_Level 1-1 C1-1. Among the brands you indicated as having seen or heard about recently, which brand(s) have you seen or heard about in the LAST 1 WEEK? FOR EACH BRAND ASK: Please answer „YES or No?. Have you seen, heard or read anything about the brand ANYWHERE in the LAST 1 WEEK? C1-1 那么您最近1周内是否在任何地方看到、听到或者读到过下列这些彩色电视品牌的信息呢,(每个品牌单选) P: SHOW ONLY FOR BRANDS CODED 1 (YES) AT C1 【程序员:出示C1题选择1(是)的品牌】(3935,3949) C1-1. TBCA_Level 1 Yes 是 No 否 BRAND 1 1 2 BRAND 2 1 2 BRAND 3 1 2 BRAND 4 1 2 BRAND 5 1 2 BRAND 6 1 2 BRAND 7 1 2 BRAND 8 1 2 BRAND 9 1 2 BRAND 10 1 2 P: FOR C2, ASK ONLY FOR BRANDS CODED 1 (YES) AT C1 【程序员:出示C1题选择选项1(是)的品牌】 TBCA_LEVEL 2 C2. Below is a list of different types or ways to learn about COLOR TV. For each item in the list please indicate if you have recently seen, heard, or experienced this source or not for the brand. 下面是一些您可能会接触到彩电信息的地方,请问您最近是否在这些地方看到、听到或者了解到下列彩电品牌的 信息呢, 请针对每个品牌认真考虑, 并给出每一个选项的答案… ? 2011 Ipsos Marketing All rights reserved. Contains Ipsos’ Confidential, Trade Secret and Proprietary Information. 34/142 IPSOS-RD-005 Please take your time to consider each one Please select one answer for each item in the list for the brand (4015,31)(4035,51)(4055,71)(4115,31)(4135,51)(4155,71)(4215,31)(4235,51) (4255,71)(4315,31)(4335,51)(4355,71)(4415,31) (4435,51)(4455,71) BR1 BR2 BR3 BR4 BR5 BR6 BR7 BR8 BR9 BR10 Yes, Recently 是不是不是不是不是不是不是不是不是不是不 No, not recently ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, es, Recently最Y最最 最最最最最最最最最最最最最最最最最 近近近近近近近近近近近近近近近近近近近近No, not recently 有没有没有没有没有没有没有没有没有没有没 接接接接接接接接接接接接接接接接接接接接es, ecentlyY R 触触触触触触触触触触触触触触触触触触触触 过 过 过 过 过 过 过 过 过 过 过 过 过 过 过 过 过 过 过 过 No, not recently Used the COLOR TV from this brand Yes, Recently 1 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 使用该品牌的彩电 o, not recentlyN Seen the price of Yes, Recently COLOR TV from this 2 brand 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 o, not recentlyN 看到关于这个品牌彩电的产品价格 Yes, Recently Seen the design and look o, not recentlyN of the COLOR TV from 3 this brand 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 Yes, Recently PRODUCT看到这个品牌彩色电视的 外观和设计 o, not recentlyN Seen the COLOR TV from this brand in store Yes, Recently 4 which I visit 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 在店里看到这个品牌的彩o, not recentlyN 色电视 1 Yes, Recently TV advertising 5 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 o, not recentlyN 电视广告 Radio advertising 6 Yes, Recently 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 广播广告 Magazine advertising o, not recentlyN 7 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 杂志广告 Newspaper advertising 媒体8 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 报纸广告 Advertising in Cinema on the main screen 9 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 电影院里的大屏幕广告 MEDIA TYPESponsorship such as sport team sponsoring, musical events, throwing 10 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 out exhibition 赞助体育、音乐活动和发 布会 ? 2011 Ipsos Marketing All rights reserved. Contains Ipsos’ Confidential, Trade Secret and Proprietary Information. 35/142 IPSOS-RD-005 Outdoor advertising including billboards, subway ads, bus/bus shelters, painted 11 buildings, etc 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 户外广告,如户外大牌、 地铁/公交站牌、地铁/公 交车内广告、楼宇外立面 广告 In-store advertising on signs, posters or displays found in stores or 12 shopping malls 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 店内广告,如海报、标 识、产品陈列等 Online such as brand website, e-mails,SNS brands or retailers 13 互联网,如官网或来自厂1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 商和销售商的电子邮件,社 交网站 (1620,1629) Talking to someone else (recommended by or conversation with others like people around, sales 14 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 person, professionals) 人际交流,如亲友、销售 人员或专业人员推荐。 (1630,1639) Mobile advertising手机15 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 广告 P: FOR C11, ASK ONLY FOR BRANDS CODED 1 (YES) AT C1 AMONG THE BRAND LIST 1. 如果在C1题针对品牌表1中的品牌选了1(是),则询问C11 TBCA_SMIF C11. Below is a list of different types ofways to learn about COLOR TV. For each item in the list please indicate if you have recently seen, heard, or experienced this source or not for the brand. Please take your time to consider each one Please select one answer for each item in the list for the brand 下面是一些您可能会接触到彩电信息的地方,请问您最近是否在这些地方看到、听到或者了解到下列彩电品牌的信息呢, 请针对每个品牌认真考虑, 并给出每一个选项的答案… PN: The format for this question is such that the touchpoints are “stacked” on top of each other like a deck of cards. The respondent selects and locates each card to one of two categories – “YES” or “NO”. Topic High level items (N=11) BRAND 1 品牌1 BRAND 2 品牌2 YES 是 NO 否 YES 是 NO 否 ? 2011 Ipsos Marketing All rights reserved. Contains Ipsos’ Confidential, Trade Secret and Proprietary Information. 36/142 IPSOS-RD-005 Offline 离In-store 商店 1 Visited retail store(s) to look at TVs of this brand 去零售店线 1 2 1 2 了解这个品牌的彩电的信息 On/Offline Consumer 2 Saw a sales or special offer for 在线/离线 this TV brand (e.g., free Promotion 促goods, temporary price 销 discount, cash-back, coupon, 1 2 1 2 etc.) 看到这个彩电品牌的优 惠活动(比如免费商品,临 时降价,返现,优惠券等) On/Offline Direct 3 Company or retailer sent me 在线/离线 marketing 营information (e.g., catalog, circulars or flyers) or 销 contacted me about this TV brand by phone, mail, email or text message 公司或零售1 2 1 2 商发给我的信息(比如目 录,通告或传单)或者是通 过电话,邮件,电子邮件, 短信发给我的关于这个彩电 品牌的信息 Online 在Digital 数字式 4 Looked at information about this TV brand on the Internet 线 or mobile sites 在互联网或移1 2 1 2 动站点上看到关于这个彩电 品牌的信息 Offline 离Prior 5 Have used a TV from this product/brand brand before 用过这个品牌线 experience 之的彩电 1 2 1 2 前的产品/品 牌体验 Offline 离 6 Have owned other products from this brand 拥有这个品线 1 2 1 2 牌的其他产品 On/Offline Public 7 Saw/Read a review or article 在线/离线 Relations 公共of this TV brand in a newspaper, magazine or 关系 consumer report guide (print 1 2 1 2 or online) 在报纸,杂志或消 费者 报告 软件系统测试报告下载sgs报告如何下载关于路面塌陷情况报告535n,sgs报告怎么下载竣工报告下载 指南(印刷的或在 线)上看到过/读到过有关 这个彩电品牌的评论或文章 Offline 离Sponsorship/e8 Saw a sponsorship by this vent 赞助/活company or attended an 线 event this company hosted 动 1 2 1 2 (e.g., sports team sponsoring, musical events, exhibition) 看 到过这个公司的赞助或参加 ? 2011 Ipsos Marketing All rights reserved. Contains Ipsos’ Confidential, Trade Secret and Proprietary Information. 37/142 IPSOS-RD-005 过这个公司举办的活动(比 如体育,音乐活动和发布 会) Offline 离Traditional 9 Saw an advertisement or advertising 传promotion for this TV brand 线 1 2 1 2 看到过这个彩电品牌的广告统广告 或促销 Offline 离WOM 口碑 10 Received a personal recommendation (positive or 线 negative) about this TV brand 1 2 1 2 有其他人推荐(正面或负面 的)这个彩电品牌 Offline 离 11 Heard others talking about this TV brand 听到其他人谈线 1 2 1 2 论到这个彩电品牌 C11. 品牌01:c(11530,40) 品牌02:c(11541,51) 品牌03:c(11552,62) 品牌04:c(11563,73) 品牌05:c(12719,29) 品牌06:c(12730,40) 品牌07:c(12741,51) 品牌08:c(12752,62) 品牌09:c(12763,73) 品牌10:c(12819,29) 品牌11:c(12830,40) 品牌12:c(12841,51) 品牌13:c(12852,62) 品牌14:c(12863,73) 品牌15:c(12919,29)P: FOR C11a~C11e, ASK ONLY FOR BRANDS CODED 1 (YES) AT C1 AMONG 3 BRANDS BELOW 如果C1题针对以下3个品牌选了1(是),则询问C11a-C11e (FOR CHINA), ASK SAMSUNG (15), PANASONIC(109), LG (83) 询问三星(15),松下(109),LG(83) PN: Ask C11a if any of 1 is selected in C11 AMONG THE BRAND ABOVE IF NO “1” AT C11 CHOSEN FOR THREE BRANDS, GO TO C11b 程序员:如果C11题的选项1 针对以上3个品牌中任一个选了1(是),则询问C11a 如果C11题的选项1 针对以上3个品牌都没有选1(是),继续到C11b TBCA_SMIF_IN STORE [C11a.] You said you visited retail store(s) to look at TVs of this brand. Which of the following experiences did you also have with the product or company? 您说您曾经去零售店看过这个品牌的彩电,那么对于这个产品或公司您有怎样的体验呢, Topic High level items BRAND 1 BRAND 2 BRAND 3 ? 2011 Ipsos Marketing All rights reserved. Contains Ipsos’ Confidential, Trade Secret and Proprietary Information. 38/142 IPSOS-RD-005 (11615,11624)/1 (11630,11639)/1 (11645,11654)/1 YES NO YES No YES No In-store self-1 Looked at TVs of this merchandising brand in a store 在商1 2 1 2 1 2 店内自我推销 店内看到这个品牌 的彩电 In-store 2 Read material about advertising 店this TV brand in a store on signs, 内广告 displays, posters, pamphlets, or at a 1 2 1 2 1 2 kiosk 在商店内标 牌,展板,海报, 或展示亭看到关于 这个彩电品牌的资 料 In-store 3 Saw a sale or special advertising 店offer for this TV brand in a store 在商内广告 1 2 1 2 1 2 店内看到这个彩电 品牌的优惠活动 In-store 4 Saw a live/video advertising 店demonstration of this TV brand in a 内广告 1 2 1 2 1 2 store 在商店内看到 这个彩电品牌的直 播/视频演示 Salesperson 售5 Spoke with a salesperson about 货员 this TV brand 与销售1 2 1 2 1 2 人员谈论到这个彩 电品牌 Salesperson 售6 Received a recommendation 货员 from a salesperson 1 2 1 2 1 2 about this TV brand 销售人员推荐这个 彩电品牌 Salesperson 售7 Negotiated price for this TV brand with a 货员 salesperson 就此彩1 2 1 2 1 2 电品牌与销售人员 议价 In-store 8 Tried and tested 1 2 1 2 1 2 product products of this TV experience 店brand 试用该彩电 ? 2011 Ipsos Marketing All rights reserved. Contains Ipsos’ Confidential, Trade Secret and Proprietary Information. 39/142 IPSOS-RD-005 内产品体验 品牌 In-store 9 Used an interactive product demo for this TV 1 2 1 2 1 2 experience店brand 使用该彩电品 内产品体验 牌的互动演示 Shop-in-shop 10 Saw a dedicated 店中店 brand-area of this TV 1 2 1 2 1 2 brand 看到该彩电品 牌的专用区域 (FOR CHINA), ASK SAMSUNG (15), PANASONIC(109), LG (83) 询问三星(15),松下(109),LG(83) PN: Ask C11b if any of 4 is selected in C11 IF NO “4” AT C11 CHOSEN FOR THREE BRANDS, GO TO C11c 程序员:如果C11题的选项4 针对以上3个品牌中任一个选了1(是),则询问C11b 如果C11题的选项4 针对以上3个品牌都没有选1(是),继续到C11c TBCA_SMIF_ONLINE [C11b.] You said you looked at information about this TV brand on the Internet or mobile sites. Which of the following online experiences have you also had with the product or company? 您说您曾经在互联网或移动站点看到过有关这个彩电品牌的信息,那么对于这个产品或公司您有怎样的在线体验呢, BRAND 1 BRAND 2 BRAND 3 Topic High level items (11660,11666) (11670,11676) (11715,11721) YES NO YES No YES No Online 1 Used an online research comparison function 在线调研 or website to compare products of 1 2 1 2 1 2 TV brand 使用在线比 较功能/网站比较电 视品牌的产品 Online 2 Read expert reviews research of this TV brand 在线调研 online (e.g., CNET.com, consumer 1 2 1 2 1 2 reports.org, etc.) 在 线阅读这个彩电品 牌的专家评论 Online ads 3 Saw an online ad, sale 在线广告 or special offer for this TV brand 看到这1 2 1 2 1 2 个彩电品牌的在线 广告或特别优惠 ? 2011 Ipsos Marketing All rights reserved. Contains Ipsos’ Confidential, Trade Secret and Proprietary Information. 40/142 IPSOS-RD-005 Online 4 Read comments WOM 在about this TV brand on blogs, user-线口碑 generated area of other websites (e.g., user forum, message board) or social networking sites (e.g., Facebook, Twitter, 1 2 1 2 1 2 etc.) 在博客,其他 网站的用户生成区 (比如用户论坛, 留言板)或社交网 站(比如facebook, twitter等)阅读关于 这个彩电品牌的评 论 Online 5 Read user reviews for WOM 在this TV brand on a retailer websites or 线口碑 third party review 1 2 1 2 1 2 sites 在零售商网站 或第三方评论网站 阅读关于这个彩电 品牌的用户评论 Company 6 Read a description, website saw pictures or 公司网站 sought information about this TV brand on the company's website (e.g., different product models or 1 2 1 2 1 2 configurations, tec.) 在公司网站上阅读 了有关这个彩电品 牌的描述,看到了 有关这个彩电品牌 的图片和信息(比 如不同的产品型号 或配置等) Retailer 7 Saw a website recommendation or 零售商网sought information from an online 站 retailer about this TV 1 2 1 2 1 2 brand 在网上零售商 处看到对这个彩电 品牌的推荐或有关 信息 ? 2011 Ipsos Marketing All rights reserved. Contains Ipsos’ Confidential, Trade Secret and Proprietary Information. 41/142 IPSOS-RD-005 (FOR CHINA), ASK SAMSUNG (15), PANASONIC(109), LG (83) 询问三星(15),松下(109),LG(83) PN: Ask C2 SPONSOR1 AND C 11c if any of 8 is selected in C11. IF NO “8” AT C11 CHOSEN FOR THREE BRANDS, GO TO C11d 程序员:如果C11题的选项8 针对以上3个品牌中任一个选了1(是),则询问C2 SPONSOR1 和 C 11c 如果C11题的选项8 针对以上3个品牌都没有选1(是),继续到C11d TBCA_SMIF_sponsor_TOM [FOR All countries- Samsung/Sony] P: ONLY SHOW C2-Sponsor1 IF CODED 1 AT STATEMNET 10 (SPONSORSHIP ADVERTISING) AT C2 FOR SAMSUNG (CODE 15) & SONY (CODE 141) ONLY 程序员:如果在C2题的第10个描述语句(赞助体育、音乐活动和发布会)针对三星和索尼选了1(是),则提问C2-Sponsor1 C2- Sponsor1. You mentioned earlier that you heard of the followings brands sponsoring sport team sponsoring, musical events, throwing out exhibition. 您之前提到您听说过以下品牌赞助过体育、音乐活动和发布会 What events or activities does Samsung sponsor? 请问三星赞助了哪些赛事或活动,(10615,10618) What events or activities does PANASONIC sponsor? 请问松下赞助了哪些赛事或活动,(12950,12953) What events or activities does LG sponsor? 请问LG赞助了哪些赛事或活动,(12960,12963) TBCA_SMIF_sponsor_Aided Awareness C2- Sponsor2. Which of the following events or activities do the follow brands sponsor? Please respond for all events, even ones that you may have already mentioned previously. 请问下列品牌赞助了哪些赛事或活动,如果您之前已提到过一些赛事或活动,也包括这些之前已经提到的。 C2- Sponsor2 C2- Sponsor2 C2- Sponsor2 Samsung PANASONIC LG 三星 松下 (11730,11736) P: [ROTATE EVENTS] 循环语句 (3950,3956) (3960,3966) Yes No Yes No Yes No 是 否 是 否 是 否 Olympics Games 1 2 1 2 1 2 奥运会 Chelsea Football Club 1 2 1 2 1 2 切尔西足球俱乐部 World Cup Football 1 2 1 2 1 2 世界杯 Manchester United Football Club 1 2 1 2 1 2 曼联俱乐部 NFL Superbowl 1 2 1 2 NFL超级碗 ? 2011 Ipsos Marketing All rights reserved. Contains Ipsos’ Confidential, Trade Secret and Proprietary Information. 42/142 IPSOS-RD-005 PGA Tour 1 2 1 2 PGA巡回赛 Formula 1 1 2 1 2 一级方程式大奖赛 TBCA_SMIF_sponsor [ C11c.] You said you saw a sponsorship by this company or attended an event this company hosted. Which of the following experiences have you also had? 您说您看到过这个公司的赞助或参加过这个公司举办的活动,请问您还有以下哪些经历呢, Brand 1 Brand 2 Brand 3 (11740,11742) (11744,11746) (11747,11749) Yes No Yes No Yes no Sponsorship/event 1 Saw a sports team 1 2 1 2 1 2 赞助/活动 or sports events sponsored by this company 看到该公 司赞助体育团体 或 体育赛事 Sponsorship/event 2 Saw a non-sports 1 2 1 2 1 2 赞助/活动 sponsorship or attended non- sports events sponsored by this company (e.g., musical events, exhibition, etc.) 看 到该公司的非体 育类赞助或参加 了该公司赞助的 非体育类活动 (比如音乐活 动,发布会等) CSR 企业社会责任 3 Saw or attended 1 2 1 2 1 2 corporate activity that contributes positively to society or cares about the world we live in (e.g., pink ribbon campaign, partnership with NGO, promoting eco-friendly work place, support the children through education and medical aid, etc.) 看到或参加过对 社会有积极贡献 ? 2011 Ipsos Marketing All rights reserved. Contains Ipsos’ Confidential, Trade Secret and Proprietary Information. 43/142 IPSOS-RD-005 或关爱我们生活 的世界的企业活 动(比如粉红丝 带运动,与非政 府组织的伙伴关 系,促进生态友 好的工作环境, 对儿童进行教育 和医疗援助等) (FOR CHINA), ASK SAMSUNG (15), PANASONIC(109), LG (83) 询问三星(15),松下(109),LG(83) PN: Ask C11d if any of 9 is selected in C11. IF NO “9” AT C11 CHOSEN FOR THREE BRANDS, GO TO C11e 程序员:如果C11题的选项9 针对以上3个品牌中任一个选了1(是),则询问C 11d 如果C11题的选项9 针对以上3个品牌都没有选1(是),继续到C11e TBCA_SMIF_traditional [C11d] You said you saw an advertisement or promotion for this TV brand. Which of the following types of advertisements or promotions have you experienced? 您说您曾经看到过这个彩电品牌的广告或促销活动,那么您体验过下列哪种类型的广告或促销活动呢, Brand 1 Brand 2 Brand 3 (11750,11754) (11755,11759) (11760,11764) Yes No Yes No Yes No Traditional 1 Saw a television ad 1 2 1 2 1 2 advertising for this TV brand 看到 传统广告 过这个彩电品牌的电 视广告 2 Saw a newspaper ad 1 2 1 2 1 2 (print, not online) for this TV brand 看到过 这个彩电品牌的报纸 广告(印刷的或在线 的) 3 Saw a magazine ad 1 2 1 2 1 2 (print, not online) for this TV brand 看到过 这个彩电品牌的杂志 广告(印刷的或在线 的) 4 Heard/saw an 1 2 1 2 1 2 advertisement or promotion of this TV brand on radio or in cinema在广播 上或 电影院听到/看到这 ? 2011 Ipsos Marketing All rights reserved. Contains Ipsos’ Confidential, Trade Secret and Proprietary Information. 44/142 IPSOS-RD-005 个彩电品牌的广告或 促销活动 5 Saw a billboard or 1 2 1 2 1 2 other outdoor advertisement or promotion (e.g., subway ads, bus shelters, painted buildings) for this TV brand 看到过广告牌 或其他户外广告或促 销(比如地铁广告, 公交车候车厅广告, 楼宇广告) (FOR CHINA), ASK SAMSUNG (15), PANASONIC(109), LG (83) 询问三星(15),松下(109),LG(83) PN: Ask C11e if any of 10 or 11 is selected in C11. IF NO “10” AND “11” AT C11 CHOSEN FOR THREE BRANDS, GO TO TPTA1 程序员:如果C11题的选项10或11 针对以上3个品牌中任一个选了1(是),则询问C 11e 如果C11题的选项10或11 针对以上3个品牌都没有选1(是),继续到TPTA1 TBCA_SMIF_WOM [C11e.] You said you received a personal recommendation (positive or negative) about this TV brand. Which of the following experiences have you also had? 您说其他人曾经推荐(正面的或负面的)这个彩电品牌,请问您还有以下哪些经历呢, Brand 1 Brand 2 Brand 3 (11815,11817) (11820,11822) (11825,11827) Yes No Yes Yes No Yes WOM 1 Received a personal 1 2 1 2 1 2 personal 个人recommendation (positive or negative) 口碑 about this TV brand from a family member, friend, acquaintance, co-worker or other person I know 家庭成 员,亲朋好友,同事 或其他人推荐(正面 的或负面的) WOM 2 Read user reviews or 1 2 1 2 1 2 personal 个人editorials in a catalog, magazine or newspaper 口碑 (not online) about this TV brand 在目录,杂 志或报纸(非在线形 式)上阅读有关这个 彩电品牌的评论或社 ? 2011 Ipsos Marketing All rights reserved. Contains Ipsos’ Confidential, Trade Secret and Proprietary Information. 45/142 IPSOS-RD-005 论 WOM 3 Received a personal 1 2 1 2 1 2 professional recommendation 专业人士口(positive or negative) from an expert about 碑 this TV brand 专家推荐 (正面的负面的) P: ONLY SHOW C2a & C3a & C3b IF CODED 1 AT STATEMNET 5 (TV ADVERTISING) AT C2 FOR SAMSUNG & LG ONLY 【程序员:如果在C2题描述语句5(电视广告)中选择1,则提问C2a & C3a & C3b题,仅询问三星和LG】 QRR_TV AD C2a. You mentioned earlier that you have experienced that brand in TV Advertisement. Please indicate how specific or vague your recollection is for the brand on TV Advertisement. Please give any score from 1 to 10. …If you have very specific recall of the content, creativity, and/or what was said or experienced, score closer to 10 …If you have very vague recall of the content, creativity, and/or what was said or experienced, score closer to 1 Please feel free to score anywhere between 1 up to 10. 您刚才提到曾在电视广告中了解过下列彩电品牌的信息,请问您对这些信息的记忆情况如何呢,包括您对信息的内容、创意以及感觉体验等。请用1-10分打分,1分表示记忆非常模糊,10分表示记忆非常清楚【每行单选】 Very specific recall Very P: vague recall ROTATE BRAND 循环品牌 记忆非记忆非 常模糊 常清楚 SAMSUNG 三星1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 (4515,4516) LG(4520,4521) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 PROVEN RECALL_SAMSUNG 广告回忆_三星 C3a What can you remember about the most recent advertising you saw for Samsung on TV. 请问您还记得最近看到的三星彩色电视的电视广告的哪些内容呢,(4530,4559)/3 What did it say? Please be as specific as possible. 它说了什么,请尽可能回忆相关的内容,您说的越多,对我们的帮助越大。 What did it show? Please be as specific as possible. 您看到了什么,听到了什么? 请尽可能回忆相关的内容,您说的越多,对我们的帮助越大 PROVEN RECALL_SAMSUNG 广告回忆_LG C3b What can you remember about the most recent advertising you saw for LG on TV. ? 2011 Ipsos Marketing All rights reserved. Contains Ipsos’ Confidential, Trade Secret and Proprietary Information. 46/142 IPSOS-RD-005 请问您还记得最近看到的LG彩色电视的电视广告的哪些内容呢,(4715,4780)/3 What did it say? Please be as specific as possible. 它说了什么,请尽可能回忆相关的内容,您说的越多,对我们的帮助越大。 What did it show? Please be as specific as possible. 您看到了什么,听到了什么? 请尽可能回忆相关的内容,您说的越多,对我们的帮助越大 TBCA_ LEVEL 3: OOH户外广告 C6. Below is a list of different types OUTHOOR AD of COLOR TV brands. For each item in the list please indicate if you have recently seen, heard, or experienced this source or not for COLOR TV brand. 下面是一些彩色电视品牌的户外广告形式,请问您最近是否看到、听到或者接触过下列这些户外广告呢,请您仔细考虑并针 对每个广告形式给出一个答案。 Please take your time to consider each one Please select one answer for each item in the list… P: ONLY SHOW C6 IF CODED 1 AT C2 STATEMENT 11 FOR SAMSUNG & LG ONLY OTHERWISE, SKIP C6 AND GO TO C7 【程序员:如果在C2题中描述语句11(户外广告)中,针对三星、索尼选择了1,提问C6,否则直接跳问C7题】 SAMSUNG三星 LG (4915,4922) (4925,4932) Yes, No, Yes, No, P: Recently not recently Recently not recently ROTATE STATEMENT循环语句 是,最近 否 是,最近 否 In the subway/ subway station 1 1 2 1 2 地铁站或地铁车厢广告 On the bus shelter or side of bus 2 1 2 1 2 公交车站或公交车身广告 On a large printed poster on a building/ billboard 3 1 2 1 2 户外或楼宇外的印刷海报大牌 Electronic billboard 4 1 2 1 2 电子大牌 At the airport 5 1 2 1 2 机场广告 A Special Event featuring the brand 6 1 2 1 2 出现该品牌的特殊事件/活动 At a shopping center 7 1 2 1 2 购物中心广告 Interactive OOH: (an outdoor or out-of- home ad that is interactive) 8 1 2 1 2 互动形式的户外广告 TBCA_ LEVEL 3: IN-STORE店内广告 C7. Below is a list of different types IN-STORE AD of COLOR TV brands. For each item in the list please indicate if you have recently seen, heard, or experienced this source or not for COLOR TV brand. 下面是一些彩色电视品牌的店内广告形式,请问您最近是否看到、听到或者接触过这些形式的店内广告呢,请您仔细考虑并 针对每个广告形式给出一个答案。 ? 2011 Ipsos Marketing All rights reserved. Contains Ipsos’ Confidential, Trade Secret and Proprietary Information. 47/142 IPSOS-RD-005 Please take your time to consider each one Please select one answer for each item in the list… P: ONLY SHOW C7 IF CODED 1 AT C2 STATEMENT 12 FOR SAMSUNG & LG ONLY OTHERWISE, SKIP C7 AND GO TO C8 【程序员:如果在C2题中描述语句12(店内广告)中,针对三星、索尼选择了1,提问C7题,否则跳问C8题】 SAMSUNG 三星 LG (4945,4954) (4935,4944) Yes, No, Yes, No, P: Recently not recently Recently not recently ROTATE STATEMENT循环语句 是,最近 否 是,最近 否 Signs, posters or any kind of POP (Sticker or stand-alone material around 1 the product displayed) 1 2 1 2 标识、海报或者任何形式的店内广告和 招贴 In-store circulars or flyers 2 1 2 1 2 店内传单或手册 3 Coupons优惠券 1 2 1 2 Product demonstrations 4 1 2 1 2 产品现场展示 Person in the store offering information 5 or recommendations for products 1 2 1 2 店内促销人员介绍与推荐 Product Brochure 6 1 2 1 2 产品手册 Branded Area/Kiosk/Special “Boutique”( a place like a mini booth or space to provide brand experiences or other services related to a certain 7 1 2 1 2 brand product) 品牌专区(提供该品牌产品体验或其 他服务的区域) Display or link of special code (e.g. QR code) or website to learn more or get discounts 8 1 2 1 2 展示的矩阵码或网址链接,以得到更 多产品信息或优惠 Shopping Cart 9 1 2 1 2 购物小推车上的广告 Ads near POS (Point of sale/ in-store materials) 10 1 2 1 2 销售点旁边的广告/店内宣传材料 TBCA_ LEVEL 3: ONLINE网络广告 C8. Below is a list of different types ONLINE AD of COLOR TV brands. For each item in the list please indicate if you have recently seen, heard, or experienced this source or not for COLOR TV brand. 下面是一些彩色电视品牌的互联网广告形式,请问您最近是否看到、听到或者接触过这些形式的互联网广告呢,请您仔细考 虑并针对每个广告形式给出一个答案。 Please take your time to consider each one Please select one answer for each item in the list… P: ONLY SHOW C8 IF CODED 1 AT C2 STATEMENT 13 FOR SAMSUNG & LG ONLY ? 2011 Ipsos Marketing All rights reserved. Contains Ipsos’ Confidential, Trade Secret and Proprietary Information. 48/142 IPSOS-RD-005 OTHERWISE, SKIP C8 AND GO TO C9 【程序员:如果在C2题中描述语句13(网络广告)中,针对三星、LG选择了1,提问C8,否则跳问C9题】 SAMSUNG三星 LG (9215,9239) (9245,9269) Yes, No, Yes, No, P: Recently not recently Recently not recently ROTATE STATEMENT循环语句 是,最近 否 是,最近 否 In emails sent directly to you with 1 information about this brand 1 2 1 2 收到有关这个品牌的电子邮件 On an ad on the top or sides of web pages you visit- Banner 2 1 2 1 2 出现在网页上方或两边的在线横幅广 告 On search engine (e.g. Yahoo, Bing, Google ect.) 3 1 2 1 2 搜索引擎广告 (如Google, Yahoo, Bing,等) On a video seen online (ie. YouTube. Etc) 4 在线视频广告(如从Youtube, 优酷 等网站上看到的视频) While communicating with others online through blogs or social networking sites 5 1 2 1 2 (In chat rooms, usenet groups or on message board)通过博客或者社交网站 与他人在线交流(包括聊天室,新闻 组,论坛或留言板) On a Micro site (i.e., a separately built website for specific product level) 专门为某类产品或单一活动而建立的小6 1 2 1 2 型网站,如**系列产品网站/**产品试饮 和抽奖活动的单独网站等 On a brand/Manufacturer site 7 1 2 1 2 品牌官网 Product review/ technology-related specialized site (e.g., CNET) 8 1 2 1 2 产品评价及相关技术的专业网站(如 CNET) In an e-mail from the brand or a retailer 9 1 2 1 2 来自厂商或销售商的电子邮件 In an email from friends, family or 10 colleagues 1 2 1 2 来自亲友或同学同事的电子邮件 On an entertainment or sports site 11 1 2 1 2 娱乐或体育类网站 Websites for Color TV news 12 1 2 1 2 有关彩电新信息或资讯的网站 In shopping site / retailer’s website 13 (e.g. bestbuy.com) 1 2 1 2 购物网站/零售商官网(如百思买) 14 价格对比网站 1 2 1 2 15 Search Engine Results 1 2 1 2 ? 2011 Ipsos Marketing All rights reserved. Contains Ipsos’ Confidential, Trade Secret and Proprietary Information. 49/142 IPSOS-RD-005 搜索引擎结果 In an email from the Manufacturer / 16 Color TV Brand 1 2 1 2 彩电厂商发来的电子邮件 In an email from the Retailer or Service Provider (i.e) from BestBuy) 17 1 2 1 2 零售商或服务提供商发来的电子邮件 (如百思买) Social Networking Site Ad (e.g., Facebook, Twitter, Renren, Kaixin) 18 1 2 1 2 社交网站上的广告(如Facebook, Twitter, 人人网, 开心网) Brand Fanpage within social 19 networking sites 1 2 1 2 社交网站中的品牌粉丝网页 On a Blog 20 1 2 1 2 在博客上 User Forum In community site-, Message Board related to TV 21 1 2 1 2 社交网站上的用户讨论区或和彩电有 关的留言板 Featured in an Online Game 22 1 2 1 2 网络游戏中出现该品牌或产品 Consumer Reviews (e.g. on review, shopping, or new sites) 23 1 2 1 2 消费者点评或评价 (如来自点评网 站,购物网站等) Friend on Social Networking site Recommendation or Discussing product (e.g., Facebook, Twitter, Renren, Kaixin) 24 1 2 1 2 社交网站上的好友推荐或讨论的产品 (如Facebook, Twitter, 人人网, 开心 网) On Instant (pop-up) message (button or wording ads) 25 1 2 1 2 在网页上弹出的广告(按钮或文字广 告) TBCA_ LEVEL 3: MOBILE手机广告 C9. Below is a list of different types of MOBILE ADs of COLOR TV brands. For each item in the list please indicate if you have recently seen, heard, or experienced this source or not for COLOR TV brand. 下面是一些彩电品牌可能采用的不同形式的手机广告,请问您是否在这些手机广告形式中看到或听到过以下彩电 品牌的广告呢 Please take your time to consider each one 请仔细回想每一种方式 Please select one answer for each item in the list… P: ONLY SHOW C9 IF CODED 1 AT C2 STATEMENT 15 FOR SAMSUNG & SONY ONLY (CHINA, PHILIPPINES & INDONESIA: LG) OTHERWISE, SKIP C9 AND GO TO TPTA1 程序员:只有在C2题的第15个功能句针对三星或LG选择选项1时,出示C9题。 ? 2011 Ipsos Marketing All rights reserved. Contains Ipsos’ Confidential, Trade Secret and Proprietary Information. 50/142 IPSOS-RD-005 LG SAMSUNG三星 (5025,5033) (5015,5023) P: Yes, No, Yes, No, ROTATE STATEMENT recently not recently recently not recently SMS (Text Message) 1 1 2 1 2 短信息 Website viewed on your mobile ( e.g.. 2 brand, manufacturer, product site) 1 2 1 2 移动互联网站(如品牌、产品网站) Branded Application or Widget (a software to launch brand application on 3 1 2 1 2 mobile devices) 该品牌的手机应用程序或手机小工具 Social Mobile Gaming Applications 4 1 2 1 2 在线手机游戏 MMS (Multimedia message –eg. Message sending a picture or video) 5 1 2 1 2 彩信(多媒体信息,如发送图片或视 频信息) Social Networking Site viewed on mobile (e.g., Facebook, Twitter , 6 Renren, Kaixin through Mobile) 1 2 1 2 手机登陆的社交网站(如手机登陆 Facebook, Twitter, 人人网, 开心网) Store or Retailer website reviewed on mobile (e.g., BestBuy, Amazon, etc) 7 1 2 1 2 手机浏览在线商城或零售商网站(如 百思买,亚马逊等) Mobile coupons / deals 8 1 2 1 2 手机优惠券 Tablet PC Advertising 9 1 2 1 2 平板电脑广告 TOUCH*POINTS NOTE: MAXIMUM TOTAL NUMBER OF TOUCHPOINTS – 15; INCLUDES BOTH SAMSUNG AND COMPETITIVE ADS TV AD – A; Now we would like to show you an image of a television commercial 下面我们将会向您出示一支电视广告的画面 RECOGNITION广告认知 TPTA1. Please look at the images and review the description for the following television ad. P: INSERT FILE NAME TPTA PLEASE SHOW THE IMAGE(FILE NAME TPTA) WITH THE QUESTION TPTA1 ? 2011 Ipsos Marketing All rights reserved. Contains Ipsos’ Confidential, Trade Secret and Proprietary Information. 51/142 IPSOS-RD-005 插入广告 Have you seen this advertisement on TV recently? (SA) 请问您最近是否看到过这支电视广告,【单选】(5115) , CONTINUE继续 Yes 是 1 , GO TO TPTB1跳答至TPTB1 No 否 2 RECOGNITION TPTA1-1. Please indicate the number of times you have seen this specific ad, or parts of it, on TV. Before you answer, it is very important to please think about and include all the occasions you may have seen this specific ad - from the very first time you saw it, up until today (Please type in one number). 请指出从您第一次看到这支广告到现在,您在电视上看过几次这个广告,包括只看到它的一部分。请回想您看过这个广 告的所有场合(5120,5139) [ ] 次 BRAND LINK 品牌联系 TPTA2. What brand was this ad for? (Please type in brand name) 请问您知道这支广告是哪个品牌的吗,(请写名牌)(5140,5145)/6 RECOGNITION_DETAIL TPTA2RE. Where did you see this specific video ad? (MA) 请问您是在哪里看到这只广告的呢,(复选)(11830,11849)/2 Seen On TV 电视上 1 Online Video Sharing Site (like YouTube) 在线视频共享2 网站(比如youtube) Online Social Network Site (like Facebook) 在线社交网站3 (比如facebook) In the Cinema 在电影院 4 Online (brand website) 在线(品牌网站) 5 Online (other website) 在线(其他网站) 6 Others 其他 99 BRAND LINK – Aided Level 品牌联系—提示后认知 TPTA2 -1. Please select ONE COLOR TV brand that you think this ad is for. P: SHOW ONLY BRANDS ANSWERED AT A3 AMONG BRNAD LIST 1 TPTA2 -1.请问您认为这支广告是下列哪个彩电品牌的。(单选)(9315,9318) 程序员:只出示A3题选择的品牌 TPTA2-1. Brand Link ROTATE THE BRAND _Aided (SA) 循环品牌 1 BRAND 1 2 BRAND 2 3 BRAND 3 4 BRAND 4 5 BRAND 5 6 BRAND 6 7 BRAND 7 ? 2011 Ipsos Marketing All rights reserved. Contains Ipsos’ Confidential, Trade Secret and Proprietary Information. 52/142 IPSOS-RD-005 8 BRAND 8 9 BRAND 9 10 BRAND 10 11 BRAND 11 12 BRAND 12 13 BRAND 13 14 BRAND 14 15 BRAND 15 MESSAGE DELIVERY_MA 信息传递【复选】 TPTA3. Which message do you think are from this advertisement? Please select all that apply. (MA) 请问这支广告向您传递了下列哪些信息呢,【复选】(5150,5156)/1 P: THE STATENTS WILL BE REPLACED AS REPLACING THE STIMULI FILE ROTATE STATEMENT循环语句 【程序员:描述语句将根据新的广告刺激物进行调整】 This TV emphasizes on the special shipping type of base. 这台电视的船型底座设计,寓意一帆风顺;非凡1 画质带来身临其境的观赏体验 This TV is premium TV 这个品牌的电视是高端的 2 This TV has innovative technologies 这个品牌的电视运用3 了创新的科技 This TV provides superior picture at superior price这个品4 牌的电视为您提供高清画面且超值价格 This TV has an ultra thin design 这个品牌的电视是超薄设5 计 This TV brings people together这个品牌的电视将人们聚6 集到一起 7 This TV is eco-friendly 这台彩电绿色环保 MESSAGE DELIVERY_SA 信息传递【单选】 TPTA4. Which message comes out most strongly? Please select one. (SA) 请问哪一个信息传递的最为突出呢,【单选】(5160) P: PUT SAME STATEMENTS FROM TPTA3 ROTATE STATEMENT循环语句 【程序员:仅出示TPTA3中的描述语句】 This TV emphasizes on the special shipping type of base. 这台电视的船型底座设计,寓意一帆风顺;非凡1 画质带来身临其境的观赏体验 This TV is premium TV 这个品牌的电视是高端的 2 This TV has innovative technologies 这个品牌的电视运用3 了创新的科技 This TV provides superior picture at superior price这个品4 牌的电视为您提供高清画面且超值价格 This TV has an ultra thin design 这个品牌的电视是超薄设5 计 This TV brings people together这个品牌的电视将人们聚6 集到一起 This TV is eco-friendly 这台彩电绿色环保 7 ? 2011 Ipsos Marketing All rights reserved. Contains Ipsos’ Confidential, Trade Secret and Proprietary Information. 53/142 IPSOS-RD-005 POSITIONING STATEMENT_TVC TVC定位评价 TPTA5. Among the statements below, please choose all statements that applies for this advertised COLOR TV (MA) 下列这些语句,哪些适合用来形容广告中的彩色电视呢,【复选】(11850,11879)/2 P: ROTATE STATEMENT循环语句 A brand that allows me great digital experience 1 1 可以带来美好的数字技术体验 A color TV brand is innovative 2 2 创新的 A brand that I always enjoy having around 3 3 我总是想要拥有的品牌 A color TV brand is stylish 4 4 时尚的 A color TV brand is of high quality 5 5 高质量的 A color TV brand that has leading edge technology 6 6 拥有前沿技术 A color TV brand has good picture quality 7 7 有好的画面质量 A color TV brand is dynamic 8 8 充满活力的 A color TV brand is distinctive 9 9 与众不同的 A color TV brand is worth paying more 10 10 值得花更多钱的 A color TV brand is Imaginative 11 11 有想象力的 A color TV brand is inviting 12 12 吸引人的 EMOTI*SCAPE Now we would like you to answer some questions about how the ad makes you feel and how you feel about this AD. P: INSERT FILE NAME TPTA 【插入TPTA文件名】 On the next page, you will see a „MAP? that shows a range of different emotions. Please be patient while the picture downloads. When it has download, please proceed with the survey. P: INSERT IMAGE OF ‘NUMBERED’ EMOTIONAL MAP PICTURE We would like for you to answer the next few questions by choosing one or two NUMBERS on the map that best represent an emotion. Please indicate first, the main emotion, followed by any secondary emotion. 现在请您回答一些关于这个广告带给您什么样的感觉的问题。 您将会看到一张图,上面显示了一些不同的表情和情绪,图片下载可能需要一些时间,请耐心等待。 ? 2011 Ipsos Marketing All rights reserved. Contains Ipsos’ Confidential, Trade Secret and Proprietary Information. 54/142 IPSOS-RD-005 我们希望您通过选择图片中的不同数字来表示您的感受。 EMOTI*SCAPE TBTA6. What is your initial feeling about this ad? There are no right or wrong answers; we just want to know how this ad makes you feel. What is your second feeling about this ad? Please indicate the main emotion you felt about this ad, followed by any secondary emotion. For initial feeling and secondary feeling, you should put different emotion number. 请问您对这支广告的第一感觉是怎样的,您的答案无所谓对错,我们只是想知道您对这支广告的看法。 (5215,20) 主要的感觉 AD DIAGNOSTIC广告诊断 TPTA7.The following is a series of statements that could be used to describe the ad you were just looking at. For each statement, please indicate whether the word or phrase describes the ad completely, somewhat or not at all. Please click one only per each statement. (SA FOR EACH STATEMENT). 请问下列说法是否符合您对刚才看到的这支广告的看法,是完全能描述,有些能描述,还是完全不能描述,【每行单选】 P: ROTATE STATEMENT循环语句 Does not Describes it Describes it THIS AD…这支广告。。 describe it completely somewhat at all 完全不能描完全能描述 有些能描述 (5225,36), 述 Is entertaining有趣的 1 2 3 Told me something new about brand告诉我一些这个品牌的新信息 1 2 3 Is Believable 可信的 (11915) 1 2 3 Makes me feel good about brand让我对这个品牌有好的感觉 1 2 3 Is for people like me适合像我这样的人 1 2 3 Fits with the way I feel about brand符合我对这个品牌的感觉 1 2 3 Improved your familiarity and understanding of what the brand is about 1 2 3 使您更加熟悉和了解这个品牌是关于什么的。 Is informative包含了很多信息 1 2 3 Makes me think this brand is different from other COLOR TV 1 2 3 brand我觉得这个品牌的彩色电视与众不同 Carries a similar tone and manner to the ads of the same or/and different products from this brand 这个广告与该品牌的其他1 2 3 广告有着相似的语调和方式。 Is unique独特的 1 2 3 Made you want to buy the brand使你想购买这个品牌 1 2 3 Getting tired of seeing the ad令人厌倦的 1 2 3 TPTA7A. Call to Action Which of the following, if any, did you do as a result of seeing this ad? (MULTIPLE ANSWERS) PN: Select all that apply. [randomize] 请问看了这只广告后,您做了以下哪些事情,(11920,11928)/1 Visit brand website to find out more about 访问品牌网站来更多的了解这个产品 1 ? 2011 Ipsos Marketing All rights reserved. Contains Ipsos’ Confidential, Trade Secret and Proprietary Information. 55/142 IPSOS-RD-005 Surf/ Search online for additional information on 在网上搜索更多的关于这个产2 品的信息 Go to electronics store(INTERNET STORE/MARKET) because of desire for hands-on experience 3 with 想要亲自体验这个产品而访问电子商店(网络商店/市场) Speak to friends/ family about 跟朋友/家人谈论这个产品 4 Speak to friends/ family about the ad specifically特意跟朋友/家人谈论这个广告 5 Shop around and compare to competitor 货比三家,与竞争产品比较 6 Purchased product online 在线购买产品 7 Purchased product in-store 到商店购买产品 8 Go online to post a comment/ video/ share experience with product 在网上发布产品评论/9 视频/分享经历 Did nothing 什么都不做 10 PN: SINGLE SELECT. CAN’T BE CHOEN WITH OTHER ANSWERS 此项不能与其他项同时被选中 Ad Likeability 广告喜爱程度 TPTA 9. Now thinking about the ad overall, please indicate which of these phrases best describes your feelings about this ad. (SA) 请问您对这支广告的整体感觉是怎样的呢,(单选)(5237) Felt neutral Disliked Disliked Liked it very much Liked it somewhat about it it somewhat it very much 非常喜欢 有点喜欢 中性的 有点不喜欢 非常不喜欢 1 2 3 4 5 BRAND IMPACT 品牌影响 TPTA 9-1. How did this (these) ad(s) make you feel about this brand? (SA) 请问这支(这些)广告使您对这个品牌的感觉产生了怎样的变化呢,(单选)(5238) Unchanged from Much Better A little better A little worse A lot worse before (neutral) 感觉变好很多 感觉变好了一些 感觉变差了一些 感觉变差很多 没有变化 1 2 3 4 5 ? 2011 Ipsos Marketing All rights reserved. Contains Ipsos’ Confidential, Trade Secret and Proprietary Information. 56/142 IPSOS-RD-005 TV AD – B 电视广告B Samsung Smart Now we would like to show you an image of a television commercial 下面我们将会向您出示一支电视广告的画面 RECOGNITION 广告认知 TPTB1. Please look at the images and review the description for the following television ad. P: INSERT FILE NAME TPTB PLEASE SHOW THE IMAGE(FILE NAME TPTB) WITH THE QUESTION TPTB1 插入广告 Have you seen this advertisement on TV recently? (SA) 请问您最近是否看到过这支电视广告,【单选】(5240) , CONTINUE继续 Yes 是 1 , GO TO TPTC1跳答至TPTC1 No 否 2 RECOGNITION TPTB1-1. Please indicate the number of times you have seen this specific ad, or parts of it, on TV. Before you answer, it is very important to please think about and include all the occasions you may have seen this specific ad - from the very first time you saw it, up until today (Please type in one number). 请指出从您第一次看到这支广告到现在,您在电视上看过几次这个广告,包括只看到它的一部分。请回想您看过这个广告的所有场合(5245,5264) [ ] 次 BRAND LINK 品牌联系 TPTB2. What brand was this ad for? (Please type in brand name) 请问您知道这支广告是哪个品牌的吗,(请写名牌)(5315,5320)/6 BRAND LINK – Aided Level TPTB2 -1. Please select ONE COLOR TV brand that you think this ad is for. P: SHOW ONLY BRANDS ANSWERED AT A3 AMONG BRNAD LIST 1 TPTB2 -1.请问您认为这支广告是下列哪个彩电品牌的。(单选)(9325,9328) 程序员:只出示A3题选择的品牌 TPTB2-1. Brand Link ROTATE THE BRAND _Aided (SA) 循环品牌 1 BRAND 1 2 BRAND 2 3 BRAND 3 4 BRAND 4 5 BRAND 5 6 BRAND 6 7 BRAND 7 ? 2011 Ipsos Marketing All rights reserved. Contains Ipsos’ Confidential, Trade Secret and Proprietary Information. 57/142 IPSOS-RD-005 8 BRAND 8 9 BRAND 9 10 BRAND 10 11 BRAND 11 12 BRAND 12 13 BRAND 13 14 BRAND 14 15 BRAND 15 RECOGNITION_DETAIL TPTB2RE. Where did you see this specific video ad? (MA) 请问您是在哪里看到这只广告的呢,(复选)(11930,11949)/2 Seen On TV 电视上 1 Online Video Sharing Site (like YouTube) 在线视频共享2 网站(比如youtube) Online Social Network Site (like Facebook) 在线社交网站3 (比如facebook) In the Cinema 在电影院 4 Online (brand website) 在线(品牌网站) 5 Online (other website) 在线(其他网站) 6 Others 其他 99 MESSAGE DELIVERY_MA信息传递【复选】 TPTB3. Which message do you think are from this advertisement? Please select all that apply. (MA) 请问这支广告向您传递了下列哪些信息呢,【复选】(5325,5331)/1 P: THE STATENTS WILL BE REPLACED AS REPLACING THE STIMULI FILE ROTATE STATEMENT循环语句 【程序员:描述将根据刺激物进行更改】 This TV emphasizes on its human health technology这台1 电视专注健康科技 This TV has the perfect balance of design and 2 performance这个品牌的电视拥有外观和功能的完美平衡 This TV has an ultra thin design 这个品牌的电视是超薄3 设计 This TV has durable and practical features to me. 这个品4 牌的电视为您提供经久耐用的品质且容易操作 This TV is eco-friendly 这台彩电绿色环保 5 This TV brings people together这个品牌的电视将人们聚6 集到一起 This TV provides a good sound quality 这个品牌的电视为7 您提供高品质音效。 MESSAGE DELIVERY_SA信息传递【单选】 TPTB4. Which message comes out most strongly? Please select one. (SA) 请问哪一个信息传递得最为突出呢,【单选】(5335) P: PUT SAME STATEMENTS FROM TPTB3 ROTATE STATEMENT循环语句 【仅出示TPTB3中的描述语句】 This TV emphasizes on its human health technology这台1 ? 2011 Ipsos Marketing All rights reserved. Contains Ipsos’ Confidential, Trade Secret and Proprietary Information. 58/142 IPSOS-RD-005 电视专注健康科技 This TV has the perfect balance of design and performance2 这个品牌的电视拥有外观和功能的完美平衡 This TV has an ultra thin design 这个品牌的电视是超薄设3 计 This TV has durable and practical features to me. 这个品牌4 的电视为您提供经久耐用的品质且容易操作 This TV is eco-friendly 这台彩电绿色环保 5 This TV brings people together这个品牌的电视将人们聚集6 到一起 This TV provides a good sound quality 这个品牌的电视为您7 提供高品质音效。 POSITIONING STATEMENT_TVC TVC定位评价 TPTB5. Among the statements below, please choose all statements that applies for this advertised COLOR TV. (MA) 下列这些语句,哪些适合用来形容广告中的彩色电视呢,【复选】(11950,11979)/2 P: ROTATE STATEMENT循环语句 A brand that allows me great digital experience 1 1 可以带来美好的数字技术体验 A color TV brand is innovative 2 2 创新的 A brand that I always enjoy having around 3 3 我总是想要拥有的品牌 A color TV brand is stylish 4 4 时尚的 A color TV brand is of high quality 5 5 高质量的 A color TV brand that has leading edge technology 6 6 拥有前沿技术 A color TV brand has good picture quality 7 7 有好的画面质量 A color TV brand is dynamic 8 8 充满活力的 A color TV brand is distinctive 9 9 与众不同的 A color TV brand is worth paying more 10 10 值得花更多钱的 A color TV brand is Imaginative 11 11 有想象力的 A color TV brand is inviting 12 12 吸引人的 EMOTI*SCAPE Now we would like you to answer some questions about how the ad makes you feel and how you feel about this AD. ? 2011 Ipsos Marketing All rights reserved. Contains Ipsos’ Confidential, Trade Secret and Proprietary Information. 59/142 IPSOS-RD-005 P: INSERT FILE NAME TPTA 【插入TPTA文件名】 On the next page, you will see a „MAP? that shows a range of different emotions. Please be patient while the picture downloads. When it has download, please proceed with the survey. P: INSERT IMAGE OF ‘NUMBERED’ EMOTIONAL MAP PICTURE We would like for you to answer the next few questions by choosing one or two NUMBERS on the map that best represent an emotion. Please indicate first, the main emotion, followed by any secondary emotion. 现在请您回答一些关于这个广告带给您什么样的感觉的问题。 您将会看到一张图,上面显示了一些不同的表情和情绪,图片下载可能需要一些时间,请耐心等待。 我们希望您通过选择图片中的不同数字来表示您的感受。 EMOTI*SCAPE TPTB6. What is your initial feeling about this ad? There are no right or wrong answers; we just want to know how this ad makes you feel. What is your second feeling about this ad? Please indicate the main emotion you felt about this ad, followed by any secondary emotion. For initial feeling and secondary feeling, you should put different emotion number. 请问您对这支广告的第一感觉是怎样的,您的答案无所谓对错,我们只是想知道您对这支广告的看法。 (5350,5355) 主要的感觉 AD DIAGNOSTIC 广告诊断 TPTB7. The following is a series of statements that could be used to describe the ad you were just looking at. For each statement, please indicate whether the word or phrase describes the ad completely, somewhat or not at all. Please click one only per each statement. (SA FOR EACH STATEMENT). 请问下列说法是否符合您对刚才看到的这支广告的看法,是完全能描述,有些能描述,还是完全不能描述,【每行单选】 P: ROTATE STATEMENT循环语句 Does not Describes it Describes it THIS AD…这支广告。。 describe it completely somewhat at all 完全不能描完全能描述 有些能描述 (5360,5371) 述 Is entertaining有趣的 1 2 3 Told me something new about brand告诉我一些这个品牌的新信息 1 2 3 Is Believable 可信的 (12015) 1 2 3 Makes me feel good about brand让我对这个品牌有好的感觉 1 2 3 Is for people like me适合像我这样的人 1 2 3 Fits with the way I feel about brand符合我对这个品牌的感觉 1 2 3 Improved your familiarity and understanding of what the brand is about 1 2 3 使您更加熟悉和了解这个品牌是关于什么的。 Is informative包含了很多信息 1 2 3 ? 2011 Ipsos Marketing All rights reserved. Contains Ipsos’ Confidential, Trade Secret and Proprietary Information. 60/142 IPSOS-RD-005 Makes me think this brand is different from other COLOR TV 1 2 3 brand我觉得这个品牌的彩色电视与众不同 Carries a similar tone and manner to the ads of the same or/and different products from this brand 这个广告与该品牌的其他1 2 3 广告有着相似的语调和方式。 Is unique独特的 1 2 3 Made you want to buy the brand使你想购买这个品牌 1 2 3 Getting tired of seeing the ad令人厌倦的 1 2 3 TPTB7A. Call to Action Which of the following, if any, did you do as a result of seeing this ad? (MULTIPLE ANSWERS) PN: Select all that apply. [randomize] 请问看了这只广告后,您做了以下哪些事情,(12020,12028)/1 Visit brand website to find out more about 访问品牌网站来更多的了解这种彩电 1 Surf/ Search online for additional information on 在网上搜索更多的关于这种彩2 电的信息 Go to electronics store(INTERNET STORE/MARKET) because of desire for hands-on experience 3 with 想要亲自体验这种彩电而访问电子商店(网络商店/市场) Speak to friends/ family about 跟朋友/家人谈论这种彩电 4 Speak to fiends/ family about the ad specifically特意跟朋友/家人谈论这种彩电 5 Shop around and compare to competitor 货比三家,与竞争品牌的彩电比较 6 Purchased product online 在线购买产品 7 Purchased product in-store 到商店购买产品 8 Go online to post a comment/ video/ share experience with product 在网上发布产品评论/9 视频/分享经历 Did nothing 什么都不做 10 PN: SINGLE SELECT. CAN’T BE CHOEN WITH OTHER ANSWERS 此项不能与其他项同时被选中 Ad Likeability 广告喜爱程度 TPTB 9. Now thinking about the ad overall, please indicate which of these phrases best describes your feelings about this ad. (SA) 请问您对这支广告的整体感觉是怎样的呢,(单选)(5375) Felt neutral Disliked Disliked Liked it very much Liked it somewhat about it it somewhat it very much 非常喜欢 有点喜欢 中性的 有点不喜欢 非常不喜欢 1 2 3 4 5 BRAND IMPACT 品牌影响 TPTB 9-1. How did this (these) ad(s) make you feel about this brand? (SA) 请问这支(这些)广告使您对这个品牌的感觉产生了怎样的变化呢,(单选)(5376) Unchanged from Much Better A little better A little worse A lot worse before (neutral) 感觉变好很多 感觉变好了一些 感觉变差了一些 感觉变差很多 没有变化 1 2 3 4 5 ? 2011 Ipsos Marketing All rights reserved. Contains Ipsos’ Confidential, Trade Secret and Proprietary Information. 61/142 IPSOS-RD-005 TV AD – C 电视广告C-Hisense Now we would like to show you an image of a television commercial 下面我们将会向您出示一支电视广告的画面 RECOGNITION 广告认知 TPTC1. Please look at the images and review the description for the following television ad. P: INSERT FILE NAME TPTC PLEASE SHOW THE IMAGE(FILE NAME TPTC) WITH THE QUESTION TPTC1 插入广告 Have you seen this advertisement on TV recently? (SA) 请问您最近是否看到过这支电视广告,【单选】(5415) , CONTINUE继续 Yes 是 1 , GO TO TPTD1跳答至TPTD1 No 否 2 RECOGNITION TPTC1-1. Please indicate the number of times you have seen this specific ad, or parts of it, on TV. Before you answer, it is very important to please think about and include all the occasions you may have seen this specific ad - from the very first time you saw it, up until today (Please type in one number). 请指出从您第一次看到这支广告到现在,您在电视上看过几次这个广告,包括只看到它的一部分。请回想您看过这个广告的所有场合(5420,5439) [ ] 次 BRAND LINK 品牌联系 TPTC2. What brand was this ad for? (Please type in brand name) 请问您知道这支广告是哪个品牌的吗,(请写名牌)(5445,5450)/6 BRAND LINK – Aided Level TPTC2 -1. Please select ONE COLOR TV brand that you think this ad is for. P: SHOW ONLY BRANDS ANSWERED AT A3 AMONG BRNAD LIST 1 TPTC2 -1.请问您认为这支广告是下列哪个彩电品牌的。(单选)(9335,9338) 程序员:只出示A3题选择的品牌 TPTC2-1. Brand Link ROTATE THE BRAND _Aided (SA) 循环品牌 1 BRAND 1 2 BRAND 2 3 BRAND 3 4 BRAND 4 5 BRAND 5 6 BRAND 6 7 BRAND 7 ? 2011 Ipsos Marketing All rights reserved. Contains Ipsos’ Confidential, Trade Secret and Proprietary Information. 62/142 IPSOS-RD-005 8 BRAND 8 9 BRAND 9 10 BRAND 10 11 BRAND 11 12 BRAND 12 13 BRAND 13 14 BRAND 14 15 BRAND 15 RECOGNITION_DETAIL TPTC2RE. Where did you see this specific video ad? (MA) 请问您是在哪里看到这只广告的呢,(复选)(12030,12049)/2 Seen On TV 电视上 1 Online Video Sharing Site (like YouTube) 在线视频共享2 网站(比如youtube) Online Social Network Site (like Facebook) 在线社交网站3 (比如facebook) In the Cinema 在电影院 4 Online (brand website) 在线(品牌网站) 5 Online (other website) 在线(其他网站) 6 Others 其他 99 MESSAGE DELIVERY_MA信息传递【复选】 TPTC3. Which message do you think are from this advertisement? Please select all that apply. (MA) 请问这支广告向您传递了下列哪些信息呢,【复选】(5455,5461)/1 P: THE STATENTS WILL BE REPLACED AS REPLACING THE STIMULI FILE ROTATE STATEMENT循环语句 【程序员:描述将根据刺激物进行更改】 This TV presents unprecedented picture quality with 4K technology1 这台电视的4K技术带来超凡画质 This TV has the perfect balance of design and performance这个品2 牌的电视拥有外观和功能的完美平衡 This TV has an ultra thin design 这个品牌的电视是超薄设计 3 This TV has durable and practical features to me. 这个品牌的电视为4 您提供经久耐用的品质且容易操作 This TV is eco-friendly 这台彩电绿色环保 5 This TV brings people together这个品牌的电视将人们聚集到一起 6 This TV provides a good sound quality 这个品牌的电视为您提供高品7 质音效。 MESSAGE DELIVERY_SA信息传递【单选】 TPTC4. Which message comes out most strongly? Please select one. (SA) 请问哪一个信息传递的最为突出呢,【单选】(5465) P: PUT SAME STATEMENTS FROM TPTC3 ROTATE STATEMENT循环语句 【仅出示TPTC3中的描述语句】 This TV presents unprecedented picture quality with 4K technology1 这台电视的4K技术带来超凡画质 This TV has the perfect balance of design and performance这个品2 牌的电视拥有外观和功能的完美平衡 ? 2011 Ipsos Marketing All rights reserved. Contains Ipsos’ Confidential, Trade Secret and Proprietary Information. 63/142 IPSOS-RD-005 This TV has an ultra thin design 这个品牌的电视是超薄设计 3 This TV has durable and practical features to me. 这个品牌的电视为4 您提供经久耐用的品质且容易操作 This TV is eco-friendly 这台彩电绿色环保 5 This TV brings people together这个品牌的电视将人们聚集到一起 6 This TV provides a good sound quality 这个品牌的电视为您提供高品7 质音效。 POSITIONING STATEMENT_TVC TVC定位评价 TPTC5.Among the statements below, please choose all statements that applies for this advertised COLOR TV. (MA) 下列这些语句,哪些适合用来形容广告中的彩色电视呢,【复选】(12050,12079)2 P: ROTATE STATEMENT循环语句 A brand that allows me great digital experience 1 1 可以带来美好的数字技术体验 A color TV brand is innovative 2 2 创新的 A brand that I always enjoy having around 3 3 我总是想要拥有的品牌 A color TV brand is stylish 4 4 时尚的 A color TV brand is of high quality 5 5 高质量的 A color TV brand that has leading edge technology 6 6 拥有前沿技术 A color TV brand has good picture quality 7 7 有好的画面质量 A color TV brand is dynamic 8 8 充满活力的 A color TV brand is distinctive 9 9 与众不同的 A color TV brand is worth paying more 10 10 值得花更多钱的 A color TV brand is Imaginative 11 11 有想象力的 A color TV brand is inviting 12 12 吸引人的 ? 2011 Ipsos Marketing All rights reserved. Contains Ipsos’ Confidential, Trade Secret and Proprietary Information. 64/142 IPSOS-RD-005 EMOTI*SCAPE Now we would like you to answer some questions about how the ad makes you feel and how you feel about this AD. P: INSERT FILE NAME TPTA 【插入TPTA文件名】 On the next page, you will see a „MAP? that shows a range of different emotions. Please be patient while the picture downloads. When it has download, please proceed with the survey. P: INSERT IMAGE OF ‘NUMBERED’ EMOTIONAL MAP PICTURE We would like for you to answer the next few questions by choosing one or two NUMBERS on the map that best represent an emotion. Please indicate first, the main emotion, followed by any secondary emotion. 现在请您回答一些关于这个广告带给您什么样的感觉的问题。 您将会看到一张图,上面显示了一些不同的表情和情绪,图片下载可能需要一些时间,请耐心等待。 我们希望您通过选择图片中的不同数字来表示您的感受。 EMOTI*SCAPE TBTC6. What is your initial feeling about this ad? There are no right or wrong answers; we just want to know how this ad makes you feel. What is your second feeling about this ad? Please indicate the main emotion you felt about this ad, followed by any secondary emotion. For initial feeling and secondary feeling, you should put different emotion number. 请问您对这支广告的第一感觉是怎样的,您的答案没有对错,我们只是想知道您对这支广告的看法。 (5515,5520) 主要的感觉 AD DIAGNOSTIC 广告诊断 TPTC7The following is a series of statements that could be used to describe the ad you were just looking at. For each statement, please indicate whether the word or phrase describes the ad completely, somewhat or not at all. Please click one only per each statement. (SA FOR EACH STATEMENT). 请问下列说法是否符合您对刚才看到的这支广告的看法,是完全能描述,有些能描述,还是完全不能描述,【每行单选】 P: ROTATE STATEMENT循环语句 Does not Describes it Describes it THIS AD…这支广告。。 describe it completely somewhat at all 完全不能描完全能描述 有些能描述 (5525,5536) 述 Is entertaining有趣的 1 2 3 Told me something new about brand告诉我一些这个品牌的新信息 1 2 3 Is Believable 可信的 (12115) 1 2 3 ? 2011 Ipsos Marketing All rights reserved. Contains Ipsos’ Confidential, Trade Secret and Proprietary Information. 65/142 IPSOS-RD-005 Makes me feel good about brand让我对这个品牌有好的感觉 1 2 3 Is for people like me适合像我这样的人 1 2 3 Fits with the way I feel about brand符合我对这个品牌的感觉 1 2 3 Improved your familiarity and understanding of what the brand is about 1 2 3 使您更加熟悉和了解这个品牌是关于什么的。 Is informative包含了很多信息 1 2 3 Makes me think this brand is different from other COLOR TV 1 2 3 brand我觉得这个品牌的彩色电视与众不同 Carries a similar tone and manner to the ads of the same or/and different products from this brand 这个广告与该品牌的其他1 2 3 广告有着相似的语调和方式。 Is unique独特的 1 2 3 Made you want to buy the brand使你想购买这个品牌 1 2 3 Getting tired of seeing the ad令人厌倦的 1 2 3 TPTC7A. Call to Action Which of the following, if any, did you do as a result of seeing this ad? (MULTIPLE ANSWERS) PN: Select all that apply. [randomize] 请问看了这只广告后,您做了以下哪些事情,(12120,12128)/1 Visit brand website to find out more about 访问品牌网站来更多的了解这个产品 1 Surf/ Search online for additional information on 在网上搜索更多的关于这个产2 品的信息 Go to electronics store(INTERNET STORE/MARKET) because of desire for hands-on experience 3 with 想要亲自体验这个产品而访问电子商店(网络商店/市场) Speak to friends/ family about 跟朋友/家人谈论这个产品 4 Speak to fiends/ family about the ad specifically特意跟朋友/家人谈论这个广告 5 Shop around and compare to competitor 货比三家,与竞争产品比较 6 Purchased product online 在线购买产品 7 Purchased product in-store 到商店购买产品 8 Go online to post a comment/ video/ share experience with product 在网上发布产品评论/9 视频/分享经历 Did nothing 什么都不做 10 PN: SINGLE SELECT. CAN’T BE CHOEN WITH OTHER ANSWERS 此项不能与其他项同时被选中 Ad Likeability 广告喜爱程度 TPTC 9. Now thinking about the ad overall, please indicate which of these phrases best describes your feelings about this ad. (SA) 请问您对这支广告的整体感觉是怎样的呢,(单选)(5537) Felt neutral Disliked Disliked Liked it very much Liked it somewhat about it it somewhat it very much 非常喜欢 有点喜欢 中性的 有点不喜欢 非常不喜欢 1 2 3 4 5 BRAND IMPACT 品牌影响 TPTC 9-1. How did this (these) ad(s) make you feel about this brand? (SA) 请问这支(这些)广告使您对这个品牌的感觉产生了怎样的变化呢,(单选)(5538) Much Better A little better Unchanged from A little worse A lot worse ? 2011 Ipsos Marketing All rights reserved. Contains Ipsos’ Confidential, Trade Secret and Proprietary Information. 66/142 IPSOS-RD-005 before (neutral) 感觉变好很多 感觉变好了一些 感觉变差了一些 感觉变差很多 没有变化 1 2 3 4 5 ? 2011 Ipsos Marketing All rights reserved. Contains Ipsos’ Confidential, Trade Secret and Proprietary Information. 67/142 IPSOS-RD-005 TV AD – D 电视广告D Now we would like to show you an image of a television commercial 下面我们将会向您出示一支电视广告的画面 RECOGNITION广告认知 TPTD1. Please look at the images and review the description for the following television ad. P: INSERT FILE NAME TPTD PLEASE SHOW THE IMAGE(FILE NAME TPTD) WITH THE QUESTION TPTD1 插入广告 Have you seen this advertisement on TV recently? (SA) 请问您最近是否看到过这支电视广告,【单选】(5540) , CONTINUE继续 Yes 是 1 , GO TO TPI1跳答至TPTE No 否 2 RECOGNITION TPTD1-1. Please indicate the number of times you have seen this specific ad, or parts of it, on TV. Before you answer, it is very important to please think about and include all the occasions you may have seen this specific ad - from the very first time you saw it, up until today (Please type in one number). 请指出从您第一次看到这支广告到现在,您在电视上看过几次这个广告,包括只看到它的一部分。请回想您看过这个广告的所有场合(5545,5564) [ ] 次 BRAND LINK品牌联系 TPTD2. What brand was this ad for? (Please type in brand name) 请问您知道这支广告是哪个品牌的吗,(请写名牌)(5570,5575)/6 BRAND LINK – Aided Level TPTD2 -1. Please select ONE COLOR TV brand that you think this ad is for. P: SHOW ONLY BRANDS ANSWERED AT A3 AMONG BRNAD LIST 1 TPTD2 -1.请问您认为这支广告是下列哪个彩电品牌的。(单选)(9345,9348) 程序员:只出示A3题选择的品牌 TPTD2-1. Brand Link ROTATE THE BRAND _Aided (SA) 循环品牌 1 BRAND 1 2 BRAND 2 3 BRAND 3 4 BRAND 4 5 BRAND 5 6 BRAND 6 ? 2011 Ipsos Marketing All rights reserved. Contains Ipsos’ Confidential, Trade Secret and Proprietary Information. 68/142 IPSOS-RD-005 7 BRAND 7 8 BRAND 8 9 BRAND 9 10 BRAND 10 11 BRAND 11 12 BRAND 12 13 BRAND 13 14 BRAND 14 15 BRAND 15 RECOGNITION_DETAIL TPTD2RE. Where did you see this specific video ad? (MA) 请问您是在哪里看到这只广告的呢,(复选)(12130,12149)/2 Seen On TV 电视上 1 Online Video Sharing Site (like YouTube) 在线视频共享2 网站(比如youtube) Online Social Network Site (like Facebook) 在线社交网站3 (比如facebook) In the Cinema 在电影院 4 Online (brand website) 在线(品牌网站) 5 Online (other website) 在线(其他网站) 6 Others 其他 99 MESSAGE DELIVERY_MA信息传递【复选】 TPTD3. Which message do you think are from this advertisement? Please select all that apply. (MA) 请问这支广告向您传递了下列哪些信息呢,【复选】(5615,5621)/1 P: THE STATENTS WILL BE REPLACED AS REPLACING THE STIMULI FILE ROTATE STATEMENT循环语句 【程序员:描述将根据刺激物进行更改】 This TV’s UHD tech brings every detail to life这台电视是真正的超高清电视,展现1 4K超清晰画质,将每一个生动细节淋漓呈现。 This TV has the perfect balance of design and performance这台电视具有设计2 与性能的完美平衡 This TV has an ultra thin design 这台电视是超薄设计 3 This TV is premium TV 这台电视是高端的 4 This TV is eco-friendly 这台电视绿色环保 5 This TV brings people together这台电视将人们聚集到一起 6 This TV provides a good sound quality 这台电视为您提供高品质音效。 7 MESSAGE DELIVERY_SA 信息传递【单选】 TPTD4. Which message comes out most strongly? Please select one. (SA) 请问哪一个信息传递的最为突出呢,【单选】(5630) P: PUT SAME STATEMENTS FROM TPTD3 ROTATE STATEMENT循环语句 【仅出示TPTD3中的描述语句】 This TV’s UHD tech brings every detail to life这台电视是真正的超高清电视,展现4K超清晰1 画质,将每一个生动细节淋漓呈现。 This TV has the perfect balance of design and performance这台电视具有设计与性能的2 完美平衡 ? 2011 Ipsos Marketing All rights reserved. Contains Ipsos’ Confidential, Trade Secret and Proprietary Information. 69/142 IPSOS-RD-005 This TV has an ultra thin design 这台电视是超薄设计 3 4 This TV is premium TV 这台电视是高端的 This TV is eco-friendly 这台电视绿色环保 5 This TV brings people together这台电视将人们聚集到一起 6 This TV provides a good sound quality 这台电视为您提供高品质音效。 7 POSITIONING STATEMENT_TVC TVC定位评价 TPTD5. Among the statements below, please choose all statements that applies for this advertised COLOR TV. (MA) 下列这些语句,哪些适合用来形容广告中的彩色电视呢,【复选】(12150,12179)/2 P: ROTATE STATEMENT循环语句 A brand that allows me great digital experience 1 1 可以带来美好的数字技术体验 A color TV brand is innovative 2 2 创新的 A brand that I always enjoy having around 3 3 我总是想要拥有的品牌 A color TV brand is stylish 4 4 时尚的 A color TV brand is of high quality 5 5 高质量的 A color TV brand that has leading edge technology 6 6 拥有前沿技术 A color TV brand has good picture quality 7 7 有好的画面质量 A color TV brand is dynamic 8 8 充满活力的 A color TV brand is distinctive 9 9 与众不同的 A color TV brand is worth paying more 10 10 值得花更多钱的 A color TV brand is Imaginative 11 11 有想象力的 A color TV brand is inviting 12 12 吸引人的 EMOTI*SCAPE Now we would like you to answer some questions about how the ad makes you feel and how you feel about this AD. P: INSERT FILE NAME TPTA 【插入TPTA文件名】 On the next page, you will see a „MAP? that shows a range of different emotions. Please be patient while the picture downloads. When it has download, please proceed with the survey. ? 2011 Ipsos Marketing All rights reserved. Contains Ipsos’ Confidential, Trade Secret and Proprietary Information. 70/142 IPSOS-RD-005 P: INSERT IMAGE OF ‘NUMBERED’ EMOTIONAL MAP PICTURE We would like for you to answer the next few questions by choosing one or two NUMBERS on the map that best represent an emotion. Please indicate first, the main emotion, followed by any secondary emotion. 现在请您回答一些关于这个广告带给您什么样的感觉的问题。 您将会看到一张图,上面显示了一些不同的表情和情绪,图片下载可能需要一些时间,请耐心等待。 我们希望您通过选择图片中的不同数字来表示您的感受。 EMOTI*SCAPE TBTD6. What is your initial feeling about this ad? There are no right or wrong answers; we just want to know how this ad makes you feel. What is your second feeling about this ad? Please indicate the main emotion you felt about this ad, followed by any secondary emotion. For initial feeling and secondary feeling, you should put different emotion number. 请问您对这支广告的第一感觉是怎样的,您的答案没有对错,我们只是想知道您对这支广告的看法。 (5645,5650) 主要的感觉 AD DIAGNOSTIC 广告诊断 TPTD7.The following is a series of statements that could be used to describe the ad you were just looking at. For each statement, please indicate whether the word or phrase describes the ad completely, somewhat or not at all. Please click one only per each statement. (SA FOR EACH STATEMENT). 请问下列说法是否符合您对刚才看到的这支广告的看法,是完全能描述,有些能描述,还是完全不能描述,【每行单选】 P: ROTATE STATEMENT循环语句 Does not Describes it Describes it THIS AD…这支广告。。 describe it completely somewhat at all 完全不能描完全能描述 有些能描述 (5655,5666) 述 Is entertaining有趣的 1 2 3 Told me something new about brand告诉我一些这个品牌的新信息 1 2 3 Is Believable 可信的 (12215) 1 2 3 Makes me feel good about brand让我对这个品牌有好的感觉 1 2 3 Is for people like me适合像我这样的人 1 2 3 Fits with the way I feel about brand符合我对这个品牌的感觉 1 2 3 Improved your familiarity and understanding of what the brand is about 1 2 3 使您更加熟悉和了解这个品牌是关于什么的。 Is informative包含了很多信息 1 2 3 Makes me think this brand is different from other COLOR TV 1 2 3 brand我觉得这个品牌的彩色电视与众不同 Carries a similar tone and manner to the ads of the same or/and different products from this brand 这个广告与该品牌的其他1 2 3 广告有着相似的语调和方式。 Is unique独特的 1 2 3 ? 2011 Ipsos Marketing All rights reserved. Contains Ipsos’ Confidential, Trade Secret and Proprietary Information. 71/142 IPSOS-RD-005 Made you want to buy the brand使你想购买这个品牌 1 2 3 Getting tired of seeing the ad令人厌倦的 1 2 3 TPTD7A. Call to Action Which of the following, if any, did you do as a result of seeing this ad? (MULTIPLE ANSWERS) PN: Select all that apply. [randomize] 请问看了这只广告后,您做了以下哪些事情,(12220,12228)/1 Visit brand website to find out more about 访问品牌网站来更多的了解这种彩电 1 Surf/ Search online for additional information on 在网上搜索更多的关于这种彩2 电的信息 Go to electronics store(INTERNET STORE/MARKET) because of desire for hands-on experience 3 with 想要亲自体验这种彩电而访问电子商店(网络商店/市场) Speak to friends/ family about 跟朋友/家人谈论这种彩电 4 Speak to fiends/ family about the ad specifically特意跟朋友/家人谈论这个广告 5 Shop around and compare to competitor 货比三家,与竞争品牌的彩电比较 6 Purchased product online 在线购买产品 7 Purchased product in-store 到商店购买产品 8 Go online to post a comment/ video/ share experience with product 在网上发布产品评论/9 视频/分享经历 Did nothing 什么都不做 10 PN: SINGLE SELECT. CAN’T BE CHOEN WITH OTHER ANSWERS 此项不能与其他项同时被选中 Ad Likeability 广告喜爱程度 TPTD 9. Now thinking about the ad overall, please indicate which of these phrases best describes your feelings about this ad. (SA) 请问您对这支广告的整体感觉是怎样的呢,(单选)(5667) Felt neutral Disliked Disliked Liked it very much Liked it somewhat about it it somewhat it very much 非常喜欢 有点喜欢 中性的 有点不喜欢 非常不喜欢 1 2 3 4 5 BRAND IMPACT 品牌影响 TPTD 9-1. How did this (these) ad(s) make you feel about this brand? (SA) 请问这支(这些)广告使您对这个品牌的感觉产生了怎样的变化呢,(单选)(5668) Unchanged from Much Better A little better A little worse A lot worse before (neutral) 感觉变好很多 感觉变好了一些 感觉变差了一些 感觉变差很多 没有变化 1 2 3 4 5 TV AD – E; Samsung E 电视广告E;三星E Now we would like to show you an image of a television commercial 下面我们将会向您出示一支电视广告的画面 RECOGNITION广告认知 ? 2011 Ipsos Marketing All rights reserved. Contains Ipsos’ Confidential, Trade Secret and Proprietary Information. 72/142 IPSOS-RD-005 TPTE1. Please look at the images and review the description for the following television ad. P: INSERT FILE NAME TPTE PLEASE SHOW THE IMAGE(FILE NAME TPTA) WITH THE QUESTION TPTE1 插入广告 Have you seen this advertisement on TV recently? (SA) 请问您最近是否看到过这支电视广告,【单选】 , CONTINUE继续 Yes 是 1 , GO TO TPTB1跳答至TPTF1 No 否 2 RECOGNITION TPTA1-1. Please indicate the number of times you have seen this specific ad, or parts of it, on TV. Before you answer, it is very important to please think about and include all the occasions you may have seen this specific ad - from the very first time you saw it, up until today (Please type in one number). 请指出从您第一次看到这支广告到现在,您在电视上看过几次这个广告,包括只看到它的一部分。请回想您看过这个广 告的所有场合(5120,5139) [ ] 次 BRAND LINK 品牌联系 TPTE2. What brand was this ad for? (Please type in brand name) 请问您知道这支广告是哪个品牌的吗,(请写名牌) RECOGNITION_DETAIL TPTE2RE. Where did you see this specific video ad? (MA) 请问您是在哪里看到这只广告的呢,(复选) Seen On TV 电视上 1 Online Video Sharing Site (like YouTube) 在线视频共享2 网站(比如youtube) Online Social Network Site (like Facebook) 在线社交网站3 (比如facebook) In the Cinema 在电影院 4 Online (brand website) 在线(品牌网站) 5 Online (other website) 在线(其他网站) 6 Others 其他 99 BRAND LINK – Aided Level 品牌联系—提示后认知 TPTA2 -1. Please select ONE COLOR TV brand that you think this ad is for. P: SHOW ONLY BRANDS ANSWERED AT A3 AMONG BRNAD LIST 1 TPTA2 -1.请问您认为这支广告是下列哪个彩电品牌的。(单选)(9315,9318) 程序员:只出示A3题选择的品牌 TPTA2-1. Brand Link ROTATE THE BRAND _Aided (SA) 循环品牌 1 BRAND 1 2 BRAND 2 ? 2011 Ipsos Marketing All rights reserved. Contains Ipsos’ Confidential, Trade Secret and Proprietary Information. 73/142 IPSOS-RD-005 3 BRAND 3 4 BRAND 4 5 BRAND 5 6 BRAND 6 7 BRAND 7 8 BRAND 8 9 BRAND 9 10 BRAND 10 11 BRAND 11 12 BRAND 12 13 BRAND 13 14 BRAND 14 15 BRAND 15 MESSAGE DELIVERY_MA 信息传递【复选】 TPTE3. Which message do you think are from this advertisement? Please select all that apply. (MA) 请问这支广告向您传递了下列哪些信息呢,【复选】 P: THE STATENTS WILL BE REPLACED AS REPLACING THE STIMULI FILE ROTATE STATEMENT循环语句 【程序员:描述语句将根据新的广告刺激物进行调整】 This TV immerses you in a world of content 1 这个品牌的电视让您沉浸在一个让自己满足的世界中 This TV has the perfect balance of design and performance 2 这个品牌的电视拥有外观和功能的完美平衡 This TV has innovative technologies 3 这个品牌的电视运用了创新的科技 This TV provides brighter colors and sharper images 4 这个品牌的电视提供更鲜艳的色彩和更清晰的图画享受 This TV has an ultra thin design 5 这个品牌的电视是超薄设计 This TV brings people together 6 这个品牌的电视将人们聚集到一起 This TV provides an unexpectedly great experience 7 这个品牌的电视提供给您前所未有的绝妙体验 MESSAGE DELIVERY_SA 信息传递【单选】 TPTE4. Which message comes out most strongly? Please select one. (SA) 请问哪一个信息传递的最为突出呢,【单选】(5160) P: PUT SAME STATEMENTS FROM TPTA3 ROTATE STATEMENT循环语句 【程序员:仅出示TPTA3中的描述语句】 This TV immerses you in a world of content 1 这个品牌的电视让您沉浸在一个让自己满足的世界中 This TV has the perfect balance of design and performance 2 这个品牌的电视拥有外观和功能的完美平衡 This TV has innovative technologies 3 这个品牌的电视运用了创新的科技 This TV provides brighter colors and sharper images 4 这个品牌的电视提供更鲜艳的色彩和更清晰的图画享受 This TV has an ultra thin design 5 ? 2011 Ipsos Marketing All rights reserved. Contains Ipsos’ Confidential, Trade Secret and Proprietary Information. 74/142 IPSOS-RD-005 这个品牌的电视是超薄设计 This TV brings people together 6 这个品牌的电视将人们聚集到一起 This TV provides an unexpectedly great experience 7 这个品牌的电视提供给您前所未有的绝妙体验 POSITIONING STATEMENT_TVC TVC定位评价 TPTE5. Among the statements below, please choose all statements that applies for this advertised COLOR TV (MA) 下列这些语句,哪些适合用来形容广告中的彩色电视呢,【复选】(11850,11879)/2 P: ROTATE STATEMENT循环语句 A brand that allows me great digital experience 1 1 可以带来美好的数字技术体验 A color TV brand is innovative 2 2 创新的 A brand that I always enjoy having around 3 3 我总是想要拥有的品牌 A color TV brand is stylish 4 4 时尚的 A color TV brand is of high quality 5 5 高质量的 A color TV brand that has leading edge technology 6 6 拥有前沿技术 A color TV brand has good picture quality 7 7 有好的画面质量 A color TV brand is dynamic 8 8 充满活力的 A color TV brand is distinctive 9 9 与众不同的 A color TV brand is worth paying more 10 10 值得花更多钱的 A color TV brand is Imaginative 11 11 有想象力的 A color TV brand is inviting 12 12 吸引人的 AD DIAGNOSTIC广告诊断 TPTE7.The following is a series of statements that could be used to describe the ad you were just looking at. For each statement, please indicate whether the word or phrase describes the ad completely, somewhat or not at all. Please click one only per each statement. (SA FOR EACH STATEMENT). 请问下列说法是否符合您对刚才看到的这支广告的看法,是完全能描述,有些能描述,还是完全不能描述,【每行单选】 P: ROTATE STATEMENT循环语句 Does not Describes it Describes it THIS AD…这支广告。。 describe it completely somewhat at all 完全不能描完全能描述 有些能描述 述 Is entertaining有趣的 1 2 3 ? 2011 Ipsos Marketing All rights reserved. Contains Ipsos’ Confidential, Trade Secret and Proprietary Information. 75/142 IPSOS-RD-005 Told me something new about brand告诉我一些这个品牌的新信息 1 2 3 Is Believable 可信的 (11915) 1 2 3 Makes me feel good about brand让我对这个品牌有好的感觉 1 2 3 Is for people like me适合像我这样的人 1 2 3 Fits with the way I feel about brand符合我对这个品牌的感觉 1 2 3 Improved your familiarity and understanding of what the brand is about 1 2 3 使您更加熟悉和了解这个品牌是关于什么的。 Is informative包含了很多信息 1 2 3 Makes me think this brand is different from other COLOR TV 1 2 3 brand我觉得这个品牌的彩色电视与众不同 Carries a similar tone and manner to the ads of the same or/and different products from this brand 这个广告与该品牌的其他1 2 3 广告有着相似的语调和方式。 Is unique独特的 1 2 3 Made you want to buy the brand使你想购买这个品牌 1 2 3 Getting tired of seeing the ad令人厌倦的 1 2 3 TPTE7A. Call to Action Which of the following, if any, did you do as a result of seeing this ad? (MULTIPLE ANSWERS) PN: Select all that apply. [randomize] 请问看了这只广告后,您做了以下哪些事情, Visit brand website to find out more about 访问品牌网站来更多的了解这种彩电 1 Surf/ Search online for additional information on 在网上搜索更多的关于这种彩2 电的信息 Go to electronics store(INTERNET STORE/MARKET) because of desire for hands-on experience 3 with 想要亲自体验这种彩电而访问电子商店(网络商店/市场) Speak to friends/ family about 跟朋友/家人谈论这种彩电 4 Speak to friends/ family about the ad specifically特意跟朋友/家人谈论这个广告 5 Shop around and compare to competitor 货比三家,与竞争品牌的彩电比较 6 Purchased product online 在线购买产品 7 Purchased product in-store 到商店购买产品 8 Go online to post a comment/ video/ share experience with product 在网上发布产品评论/9 视频/分享经历 Did nothing 什么都不做 10 PN: SINGLE SELECT. CAN’T BE CHOEN WITH OTHER ANSWERS 此项不能与其他项同时被选中 Ad Likeability 广告喜爱程度 TPTE 9. Now thinking about the ad overall, please indicate which of these phrases best describes your feelings about this ad. (SA) 请问您对这支广告的整体感觉是怎样的呢,(单选) Felt neutral Disliked Disliked Liked it very much Liked it somewhat about it it somewhat it very much 非常喜欢 有点喜欢 中性的 有点不喜欢 非常不喜欢 1 2 3 4 5 BRAND IMPACT 品牌影响 ? 2011 Ipsos Marketing All rights reserved. Contains Ipsos’ Confidential, Trade Secret and Proprietary Information. 76/142 IPSOS-RD-005 TPTE 9-1. How did this (these) ad(s) make you feel about this brand? (SA) 请问这支(这些)广告使您对这个品牌的感觉产生了怎样的变化呢,(单选) Unchanged from Much Better A little better A little worse A lot worse before (neutral) 感觉变好很多 感觉变好了一些 感觉变差了一些 感觉变差很多 没有变化 1 2 3 4 5 TV AD – F; Samsung F 电视广告E;三星E Now we would like to show you an image of a television commercial 下面我们将会向您出示一支电视广告的画面 RECOGNITION广告认知 TPTF1. Please look at the images and review the description for the following television ad. P: INSERT FILE NAME TPTF PLEASE SHOW THE IMAGE(FILE NAME TPTA) WITH THE QUESTION TPTF1 插入广告 Have you seen this advertisement on TV recently? (SA) 请问您最近是否看到过这支电视广告,【单选】 , CONTINUE继续 Yes 是 1 , GO TO TPTB1跳答至TPI1 No 否 2 RECOGNITION TPTA1-1. Please indicate the number of times you have seen this specific ad, or parts of it, on TV. Before you answer, it is very important to please think about and include all the occasions you may have seen this specific ad - from the very first time you saw it, up until today (Please type in one number). 请指出从您第一次看到这支广告到现在,您在电视上看过几次这个广告,包括只看到它的一部分。请回想您看过这个广 告的所有场合(5120,5139) [ ] 次 BRAND LINK 品牌联系 TPTF2. What brand was this ad for? (Please type in brand name) 请问您知道这支广告是哪个品牌的吗,(请写名牌) RECOGNITION_DETAIL TPTF2RE. Where did you see this specific video ad? (MA) 请问您是在哪里看到这只广告的呢,(复选) Seen On TV 电视上 1 Online Video Sharing Site (like YouTube) 在线视频共享2 ? 2011 Ipsos Marketing All rights reserved. Contains Ipsos’ Confidential, Trade Secret and Proprietary Information. 77/142 IPSOS-RD-005 网站(比如youtube) Online Social Network Site (like Facebook) 在线社交网站3 (比如facebook) In the Cinema 在电影院 4 Online (brand website) 在线(品牌网站) 5 Online (other website) 在线(其他网站) 6 Others 其他 99 BRAND LINK – Aided Level 品牌联系—提示后认知 TPTA2 -1. Please select ONE COLOR TV brand that you think this ad is for. P: SHOW ONLY BRANDS ANSWERED AT A3 AMONG BRNAD LIST 1 TPTA2 -1.请问您认为这支广告是下列哪个彩电品牌的。(单选)(9315,9318) 程序员:只出示A3题选择的品牌 TPTA2-1. Brand Link ROTATE THE BRAND _Aided (SA) 循环品牌 1 BRAND 1 2 BRAND 2 3 BRAND 3 4 BRAND 4 5 BRAND 5 6 BRAND 6 7 BRAND 7 8 BRAND 8 9 BRAND 9 10 BRAND 10 11 BRAND 11 12 BRAND 12 13 BRAND 13 14 BRAND 14 15 BRAND 15 MESSAGE DELIVERY_MA 信息传递【复选】 TPTF3. Which message do you think are from this advertisement? Please select all that apply. (MA) 请问这支广告向您传递了下列哪些信息呢,【复选】 P: THE STATENTS WILL BE REPLACED AS REPLACING THE STIMULI FILE ROTATE STATEMENT循环语句 【程序员:描述语句将根据新的广告刺激物进行调整】 This TV immerses you in a world of content 1 这个品牌的电视让您沉浸在一个让自己满足的世界中 This TV has the perfect balance of design and performance 2 这个品牌的电视拥有外观和功能的完美平衡 This TV has innovative technologies 3 这个品牌的电视运用了创新的科技 This TV provides brighter colors and sharper images 4 这个品牌的电视提供更鲜艳的色彩和更清晰的图画享受 This TV has an ultra thin design 5 这个品牌的电视是超薄设计 This TV brings people together 6 ? 2011 Ipsos Marketing All rights reserved. Contains Ipsos’ Confidential, Trade Secret and Proprietary Information. 78/142 IPSOS-RD-005 这个品牌的电视将人们聚集到一起 This TV provides an unexpectedly great experience 7 这个品牌的电视提供给您前所未有的绝妙体验 MESSAGE DELIVERY_SA 信息传递【单选】 TPTF4. Which message comes out most strongly? Please select one. (SA) 请问哪一个信息传递的最为突出呢,【单选】(5160) P: PUT SAME STATEMENTS FROM TPTA3 ROTATE STATEMENT循环语句 【程序员:仅出示TPTA3中的描述语句】 This TV immerses you in a world of content 1 这个品牌的电视让您沉浸在一个让自己满足的世界中 This TV has the perfect balance of design and performance 2 这个品牌的电视拥有外观和功能的完美平衡 This TV has innovative technologies 3 这个品牌的电视运用了创新的科技 This TV provides brighter colors and sharper images 4 这个品牌的电视提供更鲜艳的色彩和更清晰的图画享受 This TV has an ultra thin design 5 这个品牌的电视是超薄设计 This TV brings people together 6 这个品牌的电视将人们聚集到一起 This TV provides an unexpectedly great experience 7 这个品牌的电视提供给您前所未有的绝妙体验 POSITIONING STATEMENT_TVC TVC定位评价 TPTF5. Among the statements below, please choose all statements that applies for this advertised COLOR TV (MA) 下列这些语句,哪些适合用来形容广告中的彩色电视呢,【复选】(11850,11879)/2 P: ROTATE STATEMENT循环语句 A brand that allows me great digital experience 1 1 可以带来美好的数字技术体验 A color TV brand is innovative 2 2 创新的 A brand that I always enjoy having around 3 3 我总是想要拥有的品牌 A color TV brand is stylish 4 4 时尚的 A color TV brand is of high quality 5 5 高质量的 A color TV brand that has leading edge technology 6 6 拥有前沿技术 A color TV brand has good picture quality 7 7 有好的画面质量 A color TV brand is dynamic 8 8 充满活力的 A color TV brand is distinctive 9 9 与众不同的 A color TV brand is worth paying more 10 10 值得花更多钱的 ? 2011 Ipsos Marketing All rights reserved. Contains Ipsos’ Confidential, Trade Secret and Proprietary Information. 79/142 IPSOS-RD-005 A color TV brand is Imaginative 11 11 有想象力的 A color TV brand is inviting 12 12 吸引人的 AD DIAGNOSTIC广告诊断 TPTF7.The following is a series of statements that could be used to describe the ad you were just looking at. For each statement, please indicate whether the word or phrase describes the ad completely, somewhat or not at all. Please click one only per each statement. (SA FOR EACH STATEMENT). 请问下列说法是否符合您对刚才看到的这支广告的看法,是完全能描述,有些能描述,还是完全不能描述,【每行单选】 P: ROTATE STATEMENT循环语句 Does not Describes it Describes it THIS AD…这支广告。。 describe it completely somewhat at all 完全不能描完全能描述 有些能描述 述 Is entertaining有趣的 1 2 3 Told me something new about brand告诉我一些这个品牌的新信息 1 2 3 Is Believable 可信的 (11915) 1 2 3 Makes me feel good about brand让我对这个品牌有好的感觉 1 2 3 Is for people like me适合像我这样的人 1 2 3 Fits with the way I feel about brand符合我对这个品牌的感觉 1 2 3 Improved your familiarity and understanding of what the brand is about 1 2 3 使您更加熟悉和了解这个品牌是关于什么的。 Is informative包含了很多信息 1 2 3 Makes me think this brand is different from other COLOR TV 1 2 3 brand我觉得这个品牌的彩色电视与众不同 Carries a similar tone and manner to the ads of the same or/and different products from this brand 这个广告与该品牌的其他1 2 3 广告有着相似的语调和方式。 Is unique独特的 1 2 3 Made you want to buy the brand使你想购买这个品牌 1 2 3 Getting tired of seeing the ad令人厌倦的 1 2 3 TPTF7A. Call to Action Which of the following, if any, did you do as a result of seeing this ad? (MULTIPLE ANSWERS) PN: Select all that apply. [randomize] 请问看了这只广告后,您做了以下哪些事情, Visit brand website to find out more about 访问品牌网站来更多的了解这种彩电 1 Surf/ Search online for additional information on 在网上搜索更多的关于这种彩2 电的信息 Go to electronics store(INTERNET STORE/MARKET) because of desire for hands-on experience 3 with 想要亲自体验这种彩电而访问电子商店(网络商店/市场) Speak to friends/ family about 跟朋友/家人谈论这种彩电 4 Speak to friends/ family about the ad specifically特意跟朋友/家人谈论这个广告 5 ? 2011 Ipsos Marketing All rights reserved. Contains Ipsos’ Confidential, Trade Secret and Proprietary Information. 80/142 IPSOS-RD-005 Shop around and compare to competitor 货比三家,与竞争品牌的彩电比较 6 Purchased product online 在线购买产品 7 Purchased product in-store 到商店购买产品 8 Go online to post a comment/ video/ share experience with product 在网上发布产品评论/9 视频/分享经历 Did nothing 什么都不做 10 PN: SINGLE SELECT. CAN’T BE CHOEN WITH OTHER ANSWERS 此项不能与其他项同时被选中 Ad Likeability 广告喜爱程度 TPTF 9. Now thinking about the ad overall, please indicate which of these phrases best describes your feelings about this ad. (SA) 请问您对这支广告的整体感觉是怎样的呢,(单选) Felt neutral Disliked Disliked Liked it very much Liked it somewhat about it it somewhat it very much 非常喜欢 有点喜欢 中性的 有点不喜欢 非常不喜欢 1 2 3 4 5 BRAND IMPACT 品牌影响 TPTF 9-1. How did this (these) ad(s) make you feel about this brand? (SA) 请问这支(这些)广告使您对这个品牌的感觉产生了怎样的变化呢,(单选) Unchanged from Much Better A little better A little worse A lot worse before (neutral) 感觉变好很多 感觉变好了一些 感觉变差了一些 感觉变差很多 没有变化 1 2 3 4 5 ? 2011 Ipsos Marketing All rights reserved. Contains Ipsos’ Confidential, Trade Secret and Proprietary Information. 81/142 IPSOS-RD-005 ONLINE AD – BANNER 互联网广告,横幅 P: FOR ONLINE BANNER A, ASK FOR FILE NAME TPIA 插入引导语 Now we would like to show you images or descriptions which you may or may not have seen on ONLINE BANNER. 下面我们将向您出示一则互联网横幅广告的图片和描述 RECOGNITON 认知 TPI1. Please look at the images for the following ad. P: INSERT FILE NAME TPI PLEASE SHOW THE IMAGE(FILE NAME TPIA) WITH THE QUESTION TPI1 插入广告 Have you seen any of this (these) advertisement(s) on the internet recently? (SA) 请问您最近是否在互联网上看到过这支广告,【单选】(5840) , CONTINUE继续 Yes 是 1 , GO TO TPV跳答至TPIB1 No 否 2 RECOGNITION TPI2. Please indicate the number of times you have seen this specific ad, or parts of it, on TV. Before you answer, it is very important to please think about and include all the occasions you may have seen this specific ad - from the very first time you saw it, up until today (Please type in one number). 请指出从您第一次看到这支广告到现在,您在电视上看过几次这个广告,包括只看到它的一部分。请回想您看过这个广告的所有场合(5845,5864) [ ] 次 RECOGNITION_NAME OF WEBSITE 网站名称 TPI3.Please indicate the website you have seen this specific ad, or parts of it from the very first time you saw it, up until today 到目前为止, 请问您在哪个网站看到过这个广告,或者这个广告的一部分呢, NAME OF WEBSITE: ______________ BRAND CLARITY 品牌清楚性 TPI4.What if the brand name was not mentioned in this (these) advertisement(s), do you think other people would have remembered who this ad was for? (SA) 如果广告中没有出现品牌,您觉得其他人会记得这个广告是哪一个品牌的么? 【单选】(5915) Yes, everyone would have remembered 1 是的,所有人都会记得 Most people would have remembered 2 大多数人都会记得 Most people may have not remembered the brand 3 大多数人可能不会记得 RECOGNITION_DETAIL TPI4A. Where did you see this specific ad? (MA) 请问您是在哪里看到这只广告的呢?(复选)(12230,12232)/1 ? 2011 Ipsos Marketing All rights reserved. Contains Ipsos’ Confidential, Trade Secret and Proprietary Information. 82/142 IPSOS-RD-005 Seen Online 网上 1 On my mobile/ cellphone 在我的手机上 2 Received via email 通过电子邮件收到的 3 Others 其他 9 AD DIAGNOSTIC 广告诊断 TPI 4-1. The following is a series of statements that could be used to describe the ad you were just looking at. For each statement, please indicate whether the word or phrase describes the ad completely, somewhat or not at all. Please click one only per each statement. (SA FOR EACH STATEMENT). 请问下列说法是否符合您对刚才看到的这支广告的看法,是完全能描述,有些能描述,还是完全不能描述,【每行单选】 P: ROTATE STATEMENT 循环语句 Does not Describes it Describes it describe it THIS AD…这支广告… completely somewhatat all完全完全能描述 有些能描述 不能描述 Is entertaining 有趣的(5940) 1 2 3 Told me something new about brand 告诉我一些这个品牌的新信息 1 2 3 (5941) Makes me feel good about brand 让我对这个品牌有好的感觉(5942) 1 2 3 Made you want to buy the brand 使你想购买这个品牌(5943) 1 2 3 Is unique 独特的(5944) 1 2 3 Is for people like me 适合像我这样的人(12235) 1 2 3 Fits with the way I feel about brand 跟我对这个品牌的感觉相符1 2 3 (12236) Improved your familiarity and understanding of what the brand is about 1 2 3 增强了我对这个品牌的熟悉度和了解 (12237) Is informative 提供信息的(12238) 1 2 3 Is Believable 可信的(12239) 1 2 3 Makes me think this brand is different from other COLOR TV brand 让1 2 3 我觉得这个品牌与其他的彩色电视品牌不同(12240) Carries a similar tone and manner to the ads of the same or/and different products from this brand 与这个品牌的同类或/和不同类产1 2 3 品的广告有着相似的基调和方式(12241) Getting tired of seeing the ad 让人厌倦看这只广告(12242) 1 2 3 Call to Action TPI4aa.Which of the following, if any, did you do as a result of seeing this ad? PN: Select all that apply. [randomize] 请问看了这只广告后,您做了以下哪些事情,(12245,12253)/1 Visit brand website to find out more about 访问品牌网站来更多的了解这个产品 1 Surf/ Search online for additional information on 在网上搜索更多的关于这个产品2 的信息 Go to electronics store/ handset store because of desire for hands-on experience with 3 想要亲自体验这个产品而访问电子商店/手机商店 Speak to friends/ family about 跟朋友/家人谈论这个产品 4 Speak to fiends/ family about the ad specifically特意跟朋友/家人谈论这个广告 5 ? 2011 Ipsos Marketing All rights reserved. Contains Ipsos’ Confidential, Trade Secret and Proprietary Information. 83/142 IPSOS-RD-005 Shop around and compare to competitor 货比三家,与竞争产品比较 6 Purchased product online 在线购买产品 7 Purchased product in-store 到商店购买产品 8 Go online to post a comment/ video/ share experience with product 在网上发布产品评论/9 视频/分享经历 Did nothing 什么都不做 10 Ad Likeability 广告喜爱程度 TPI 4-2. Now thinking about the ad overall, please indicate which of these phrases best describes your feelings about this ad. (SA) 请问您对这只广告的总体感觉是怎样的呢,(单选)(5950) Felt neutral Disliked Disliked Liked it very much Liked it somewhat about it it somewhat it very much 非常喜欢 有点喜欢 中性的 有点不喜欢 非常不喜欢 1 2 3 4 5 AD DIAGNOSTIC – BRADN IMPACT 广告诊断-品牌影响 TPI5.How did this (these) ad(s) make you feel about SAMSUNG? Please indicate whether it describes the ad completely, somewhat or not at all. (SA) 这个广告使您对三星的感觉有什么变化呢,(5916) Describes it Describes it Does not describe THIS AD… completely somewhat it at all Makes me feel good about 1 2 3 brand让我对这个品牌有好的感觉 BRAN D IMPACT 品牌影响 TPI5-1.How did this (these) ad(s) make you feel about this brand? (SA) 这支(这些)广告使您对这个品牌的感觉产生了怎样的变化呢,(单选)(5951) Unchanged from Much Better A little better A little worse A lot worse before (neutral) 感觉变好很多 感觉变好了一些 感觉变差了一些 感觉变差很多 没有变化 1 2 3 4 5 ONLINE AD – BANNER B 互联网广告,横幅 B P: FOR ONLINE BANNER B, ASK FOR FILE NAME TPIB 插入引导语 Now we would like to show you images or descriptions which you may or may not have seen on ONLINE BANNER. 下面我们将向您出示一则互联网横幅广告的图片和描述 RECOGNITON 认知 TPIB1 Please look at the images for the following ad. P: ? 2011 Ipsos Marketing All rights reserved. Contains Ipsos’ Confidential, Trade Secret and Proprietary Information. 84/142 IPSOS-RD-005 INSERT FILE NAME TPIB PLEASE SHOW THE IMAGE(FILE NAME TPIA) WITH THE QUESTION TPIB1 插入广告 Have you seen any of this (these) advertisement(s) on the internet recently? (SA) 请问您最近是否在互联网上看到过这支广告,【单选】(5840) , CONTINUE继续 Yes 是 1 , GO TO TPV跳答至TPIB1 No 否 2 RECOGNITION TPI2. Please indicate the number of times you have seen this specific ad, or parts of it, on TV. Before you answer, it is very important to please think about and include all the occasions you may have seen this specific ad - from the very first time you saw it, up until today (Please type in one number). 请指出从您第一次看到这支广告到现在,您在电视上看过几次这个广告,包括只看到它的一部分。请回想您看过这个广告的所有场合(5845,5864) [ ] 次 RECOGNITION_NAME OF WEBSITE 网站名称 TPI3.Please indicate the website you have seen this specific ad, or parts of it from the very first time you saw it, up until today 到目前为止, 请问您在哪个网站看到过这个广告,或者这个广告的一部分呢, NAME OF WEBSITE: ______________ BRAND CLARITY 品牌清楚性 TPIB4.What if the brand name was not mentioned in this (these) advertisement(s), do you think other people would have remembered who this ad was for? (SA) 如果广告中没有出现品牌,您觉得其他人会记得这个广告是哪一个品牌的么? 【单选】(5915) Yes, everyone would have remembered 1 是的,所有人都会记得 Most people would have remembered 2 大多数人都会记得 Most people may have not remembered the brand 3 大多数人可能不会记得 RECOGNITION_DETAIL TPIB4A. Where did you see this specific ad? (MA) 请问您是在哪里看到这只广告的呢?(复选)(12230,12232)/1 Seen Online 网上 1 On my mobile/ cellphone 在我的手机上 2 Received via email 通过电子邮件收到的 3 Others 其他 9 AD DIAGNOSTIC 广告诊断 TPIB 4-1. The following is a series of statements that could be used to describe the ad you were just looking at. For each statement, please indicate whether the word or phrase describes the ad completely, somewhat or not at all. Please click one only per each statement. (SA FOR EACH STATEMENT). 请问下列说法是否符合您对刚才看到的这支广告的看法,是完全能描述,有些能描述,还是完全不能描述,【每行单选】 P: ROTATE STATEMENT 循环语句 Describes it Describes it Does not THIS AD…这支广告… completely somewhatdescribe it 完全能描述 有些能描述 at all完全 ? 2011 Ipsos Marketing All rights reserved. Contains Ipsos’ Confidential, Trade Secret and Proprietary Information. 85/142 IPSOS-RD-005 不能描述 Is entertaining 有趣的(5940) 1 2 3 Told me something new about brand 告诉我一些这个品牌的新信息 1 2 3 (5941) Makes me feel good about brand 让我对这个品牌有好的感觉(5942) 1 2 3 Made you want to buy the brand 使你想购买这个品牌(5943) 1 2 3 Is unique 独特的(5944) 1 2 3 Is for people like me 适合像我这样的人(12235) 1 2 3 Fits with the way I feel about brand 跟我对这个品牌的感觉相符1 2 3 (12236) Improved your familiarity and understanding of what the brand is about 1 2 3 增强了我对这个品牌的熟悉度和了解 (12237) Is informative 提供信息的(12238) 1 2 3 Is Believable 可信的(12239) 1 2 3 Makes me think this brand is different from other COLOR TV brand 让1 2 3 我觉得这个品牌与其他的彩色电视品牌不同(12240) Carries a similar tone and manner to the ads of the same or/and different products from this brand 与这个品牌的同类或/和不同类产1 2 3 品的广告有着相似的基调和方式(12241) Getting tired of seeing the ad 让人厌倦看这只广告(12242) 1 2 3 Call to Action TPIB4aa.Which of the following, if any, did you do as a result of seeing this ad? PN: Select all that apply. [randomize] 请问看了这只广告后,您做了以下哪些事情,(12245,12253)/1 Visit brand website to find out more about this colour TV访问品牌网站来更多的了解这种1 彩电 Surf/ Search online for additional information on 在网上搜索更多的关于这种彩电2 的信息 Go to electronics store/ handset store because of desire for hands-on experience with 3 想要亲自体验这种彩电而访问电子商店/手机商店 Speak to friends/ family about 跟朋友/家人谈论这种彩电 4 Speak to fiends/ family about the ad specifically特意跟朋友/家人谈论这个广告 5 Shop around and compare to competitor 货比三家,与竞争品牌的彩电比较 6 Purchased product online 在线购买产品 7 Purchased product in-store 到商店购买产品 8 Go online to post a comment/ video/ share experience with product 在网上发布产品评论/9 视频/分享经历 Did nothing 什么都不做 10 Ad Likeability 广告喜爱程度 TPIB4-2. Now thinking about the ad overall, please indicate which of these phrases best describes your feelings about this ad. (SA) 请问您对这只广告的总体感觉是怎样的呢,(单选)(5950) Felt neutral Disliked Disliked Liked it very much Liked it somewhat about it it somewhat it very much 非常喜欢 有点喜欢 中性的 有点不喜欢 非常不喜欢 ? 2011 Ipsos Marketing All rights reserved. Contains Ipsos’ Confidential, Trade Secret and Proprietary Information. 86/142 IPSOS-RD-005 1 2 3 4 5 BRAND IMPACT 品牌影响 TPIB5-1.How did this (these) ad(s) make you feel about this brand? (SA) 这支(这些)广告使您对这个品牌的感觉产生了怎样的变化呢,(单选)(5951) Unchanged from Much Better A little better A little worse A lot worse before (neutral) 感觉变好很多 感觉变好了一些 感觉变差了一些 感觉变差很多 没有变化 1 2 3 4 5 ONLINE AD – BANNER C -Hisense 互联网广告,横幅 C P: FOR ONLINE BANNER B, ASK FOR FILE NAME TPIB 插入引导语 Now we would like to show you images or descriptions which you may or may not have seen on ONLINE BANNER. 下面我们将向您出示一则互联网横幅广告的图片和描述 RECOGNITON 认知 TPIC1 Please look at the images for the following ad. P: INSERT FILE NAME TPIB PLEASE SHOW THE IMAGE(FILE NAME TPIA) WITH THE QUESTION TPIB1 插入广告 Have you seen any of this (these) advertisement(s) on the internet recently? (SA) 请问您最近是否在互联网上看到过这支广告,【单选】 , CONTINUE继续 Yes 是 1 , GO TO TPV跳答至TPV1 No 否 2 BRAND CLARITY 品牌清楚性 TPIC4.What if the brand name was not mentioned in this (these) advertisement(s), do you think other people would have remembered who this ad was for? (SA) 如果广告中没有出现品牌,您觉得其他人会记得这个广告是哪一个品牌的么? 【单选】 Yes, everyone would have remembered 1 是的,所有人都会记得 Most people would have remembered 2 大多数人都会记得 Most people may have not remembered the brand 3 大多数人可能不会记得 RECOGNITION_DETAIL TPIC4A. Where did you see this specific ad? (MA) 请问您是在哪里看到这只广告的呢?(复选) Seen ? 2011 Ipsos Marketing All rights reserved. Contains Ipsos’ Confidential, Trade Secret and Proprietary Information. 87/142 IPSOS-RD-005 Online 网上 1 On my mobile/ cellphone 在我的手机上 2 Received via email 通过电子邮件收到的 3 Others 其他 9 AD DIAGNOSTIC 广告诊断 TPIC 4-1. The following is a series of statements that could be used to describe the ad you were just looking at. For each statement, please indicate whether the word or phrase describes the ad completely, somewhat or not at all. Please click one only per each statement. (SA FOR EACH STATEMENT). 请问下列说法是否符合您对刚才看到的这支广告的看法,是完全能描述,有些能描述,还是完全不能描述,【每行单选】 P: ROTATE STATEMENT 循环语句 Does not Describes it Describes it describe it THIS AD…这支广告… completely somewhatat all完全完全能描述 有些能描述 不能描述 Is entertaining 有趣的 1 2 3 Told me something new about brand 告诉我一些这个品牌的新信息 1 2 3 Makes me feel good about brand 让我对这个品牌有好的感觉 1 2 3 Made you want to buy the brand 使你想购买这个品牌 1 2 3 Is unique 独特的 1 2 3 Is for people like me 适合像我这样的人 1 2 3 Fits with the way I feel about brand 跟我对这个品牌的感觉相符 1 2 3 Improved your familiarity and understanding of what the brand is about 1 2 3 增强了我对这个品牌的熟悉度和了解 Is informative 提供信息的 1 2 3 Is Believable 可信的 1 2 3 Makes me think this brand is different from other COLOR TV brand 让1 2 3 我觉得这个品牌与其他的彩色电视品牌不同 Carries a similar tone and manner to the ads of the same or/and different products from this brand 与这个品牌的同类或/和不同类产1 2 3 品的广告有着相似的基调和方式 Getting tired of seeing the ad 让人厌倦看这只广告 1 2 3 Call to Action TPIC4aa.Which of the following, if any, did you do as a result of seeing this ad? PN: Select all that apply. [randomize] 请问看了这只广告后,您做了以下哪些事情, Visit brand website to find out more about this colour TV访问品牌网站来更多的了解这种1 彩电 Surf/ Search online for additional information on 在网上搜索更多的关于这种彩电2 的信息 Go to electronics store/ handset store because of desire for hands-on experience with 3 想要亲自体验这种彩电而访问电子商店/手机商店 Speak to friends/ family about 跟朋友/家人谈论这种彩电 4 Speak to fiends/ family about the ad specifically特意跟朋友/家人谈论这个广告 5 ? 2011 Ipsos Marketing All rights reserved. Contains Ipsos’ Confidential, Trade Secret and Proprietary Information. 88/142 IPSOS-RD-005 Shop around and compare to competitor 货比三家,与竞争品牌的彩电比较 6 Purchased product online 在线购买产品 7 Purchased product in-store 到商店购买产品 8 Go online to post a comment/ video/ share experience with product 在网上发布产品评论/9 视频/分享经历 Did nothing 什么都不做 10 Ad Likeability 广告喜爱程度 TPIC4-2. Now thinking about the ad overall, please indicate which of these phrases best describes your feelings about this ad. (SA) 请问您对这只广告的总体感觉是怎样的呢,(单选) Felt neutral Disliked Disliked Liked it very much Liked it somewhat about it it somewhat it very much 非常喜欢 有点喜欢 中性的 有点不喜欢 非常不喜欢 1 2 3 4 5 BRAND IMPACT 品牌影响 TPIC5-1.How did this (these) ad(s) make you feel about this brand? (SA) 这支(这些)广告使您对这个品牌的感觉产生了怎样的变化呢,(单选) Unchanged from Much Better A little better A little worse A lot worse before (neutral) 感觉变好很多 感觉变好了一些 感觉变差了一些 感觉变差很多 没有变化 1 2 3 4 5 ONLINE AD – BANNER D -SAMSUNG SMART 互联网广告,横幅 D P: FOR ONLINE BANNER B, ASK FOR FILE NAME TPIB 插入引导语 Now we would like to show you images or descriptions which you may or may not have seen on ONLINE BANNER. 下面我们将向您出示一则互联网横幅广告的图片和描述 RECOGNITON 认知 TPID1 Please look at the images for the following ad. P: INSERT FILE NAME TPIB PLEASE SHOW THE IMAGE(FILE NAME TPIA) WITH THE QUESTION TPIB1 插入广告 Have you seen any of this (these) advertisement(s) on the internet recently? (SA) 请问您最近是否在互联网上看到过这支广告,【单选】 , CONTINUE继续 Yes 是 1 , GO TO TPV跳答至TPV1 No 否 2 ? 2011 Ipsos Marketing All rights reserved. Contains Ipsos’ Confidential, Trade Secret and Proprietary Information. 89/142 IPSOS-RD-005 BRAND CLARITY 品牌清楚性 TPID4.What if the brand name was not mentioned in this (these) advertisement(s), do you think other people would have remembered who this ad was for? (SA) 如果广告中没有出现品牌,您觉得其他人会记得这个广告是哪一个品牌的么? 【单选】 Yes, everyone would have remembered 1 是的,所有人都会记得 Most people would have remembered 2 大多数人都会记得 Most people may have not remembered the brand 3 大多数人可能不会记得 RECOGNITION_DETAIL TPID4A. Where did you see this specific ad? (MA) 请问您是在哪里看到这只广告的呢?(复选) Seen Online 网上 1 On my mobile/ cellphone 在我的手机上 2 Received via email 通过电子邮件收到的 3 Others 其他 9 AD DIAGNOSTIC 广告诊断 TPID 4-1. The following is a series of statements that could be used to describe the ad you were just looking at. For each statement, please indicate whether the word or phrase describes the ad completely, somewhat or not at all. Please click one only per each statement. (SA FOR EACH STATEMENT). 请问下列说法是否符合您对刚才看到的这支广告的看法,是完全能描述,有些能描述,还是完全不能描述,【每行单选】 P: ROTATE STATEMENT 循环语句 Does not Describes it Describes it describe it THIS AD…这支广告… completely somewhatat all完全完全能描述 有些能描述 不能描述 Is entertaining 有趣的 1 2 3 Told me something new about brand 告诉我一些这个品牌的新信息 1 2 3 Makes me feel good about brand 让我对这个品牌有好的感觉 1 2 3 Made you want to buy the brand 使你想购买这个品牌 1 2 3 Is unique 独特的 1 2 3 Is for people like me 适合像我这样的人 1 2 3 Fits with the way I feel about brand 跟我对这个品牌的感觉相符 1 2 3 Improved your familiarity and understanding of what the brand is about 1 2 3 增强了我对这个品牌的熟悉度和了解 Is informative 提供信息的 1 2 3 Is Believable 可信的 1 2 3 Makes me think this brand is different from other COLOR TV brand 让1 2 3 我觉得这个品牌与其他的彩色电视品牌不同 Carries a similar tone and manner to the ads of the same or/and 1 2 3 ? 2011 Ipsos Marketing All rights reserved. Contains Ipsos’ Confidential, Trade Secret and Proprietary Information. 90/142 IPSOS-RD-005 different products from this brand 与这个品牌的同类或/和不同类产 品的广告有着相似的基调和方式 Getting tired of seeing the ad 让人厌倦看这只广告 1 2 3 Call to Action TPID4aa.Which of the following, if any, did you do as a result of seeing this ad? PN: Select all that apply. [randomize] 请问看了这只广告后,您做了以下哪些事情, Visit brand website to find out more about this colour TV访问品牌网站来更多的了解这种1 彩电 Surf/ Search online for additional information on 在网上搜索更多的关于这种彩电2 的信息 Go to electronics store/ handset store because of desire for hands-on experience with 3 想要亲自体验这种彩电而访问电子商店/手机商店 Speak to friends/ family about 跟朋友/家人谈论这种彩电 4 Speak to fiends/ family about the ad specifically特意跟朋友/家人谈论这个广告 5 Shop around and compare to competitor 货比三家,与竞争品牌的彩电比较 6 Purchased product online 在线购买产品 7 Purchased product in-store 到商店购买产品 8 Go online to post a comment/ video/ share experience with product 在网上发布产品评论/9 视频/分享经历 Did nothing 什么都不做 10 Ad Likeability 广告喜爱程度 TPID4-2. Now thinking about the ad overall, please indicate which of these phrases best describes your feelings about this ad. (SA) 请问您对这只广告的总体感觉是怎样的呢,(单选) Felt neutral Disliked Disliked Liked it very much Liked it somewhat about it it somewhat it very much 非常喜欢 有点喜欢 中性的 有点不喜欢 非常不喜欢 1 2 3 4 5 BRAND IMPACT 品牌影响 TPID5-1.How did this (these) ad(s) make you feel about this brand? (SA) 这支(这些)广告使您对这个品牌的感觉产生了怎样的变化呢,(单选) Unchanged from Much Better A little better A little worse A lot worse before (neutral) 感觉变好很多 感觉变好了一些 感觉变差了一些 感觉变差很多 没有变化 1 2 3 4 5 Now we would like to show you images of website which you may or may not have seen on ONLINE 下面我们将向您出示一个彩色电视网站的图片 RECOGNITION TPV1 Please look at the images of this (these) SAMSUNG COLOR TV website(s). Have you ever visited this website? (SA). 请看下面这幅三星彩色电视网站的页面,您是否访问过这个网站,【单选】 ? 2011 Ipsos Marketing All rights reserved. Contains Ipsos’ Confidential, Trade Secret and Proprietary Information. 91/142 IPSOS-RD-005 P: INSERT FILE NAME TPV PLEASE SHOW THE IMAGE(FILE NAME TPV) WITH THE QUESTION TPV1 , CONTINUE继续 Yes 是 1 , GO TO TPPA1跳答至TPPA1 No 否 2 AD DIAGNOSTIC TPV6-1. The following is a series of statements that could be used to describe the website you were just looking at. For each statement, please indicate whether the word or phrase describes the website completely, somewhat or not at all. Please click one only per each statement. (SA FOR EACH STATEMENT). 请问下列说法是否符合您对刚才看到的这个网站的看法,是完全能描述,有些能描述,还是完全不能描述,【每行单选】 P: ROTATE STATEMENT 循环语句 Does not describe Describes it Describes it THIS AD…这支广告… completely somewhat it at all 完全能描述 有些能描述 完全不能 描述 1 Is entertaining 是有趣的 1 2 3 2 Told me something new about brand 1 2 3 告诉我一些这个品牌的新信息 3 Makes me feel good about brand 使我对这个品牌有好的1 2 3 感觉 4 Made you want to buy the brand 使您想买这个品牌 1 2 3 5 Is unique 是独特的 1 2 3 6 Is for people like me 适合像我这样的人 1 2 3 7 Fits with the way I feel about brand 跟我对这个品牌的感 1 2 3 觉相符 8 Improved your familiarity and understanding of what the 1 2 3 brand is about 增强了我对这个品牌的熟悉度和了解 9 Is informative 提供信息的 1 2 3 10 Is Believable 可信的 1 2 3 11 Makes me think this brand is different from other COLOR TV brand 让我觉得这个品牌与其他的彩色电视品牌不1 2 3 同 12 Carries a similar tone and manner to the ads of the same or/and different products from this brand 与这个品牌的1 2 3 同类或/和不同类产品的广告有着相似的基调和方式 13 Getting tired of seeing the ad 让人厌倦看到这只广告 1 2 3 TPV6A. Call to Action Which of the following, if any, did you do as a result of seeing this website? (Select all that apply)[randomize] 请问看了这只广告后,您做了以下哪些事情, Visit brand website to find out more about 访问品牌网站来更多的了解这种彩电 1 ? 2011 Ipsos Marketing All rights reserved. Contains Ipsos’ Confidential, Trade Secret and Proprietary Information. 92/142 IPSOS-RD-005 Surf/ Search online for additional information on 在网上搜索更多的关于这种彩电2 的信息 Go to electronics store/ handset store because of desire for hands-on experience with 3 想要亲自体验这种彩电而访问电子商店/手机商店 Speak to friends/ family about 跟朋友/家人谈论这种彩电 4 Speak to fiends/ family about the ad specifically特意跟朋友/家人谈论这个广告 5 Shop around and compare to competitor 货比三家,与竞争品牌的彩电比较 6 Purchased product online 在线购买产品 7 Purchased product in-store 到商店购买产品 8 Go online to post a comment/ video/ share experience with product 在网上发布产品评论/9 视频/分享经历 Did nothing 什么都不做 10 Ad Likeability TPV6-2. Now thinking about the website overall, please indicate which of these phrases best describes your feelings about this website. (SA) 下列哪项最能描述您对这个网站的感觉呢, Felt neutral Disliked Disliked Liked it very much Liked it somewhat about it it somewhat it very much 非常喜欢 有点喜欢 中性的 有点不喜欢 非常不喜欢 1 2 3 4 5 BRAND IMPACT TPV7-1.How did this website make you feel about this brand? (SA) 这个网站使您对这个品牌的感觉产生了怎样的变化呢,(单选) Unchanged from Much Better A little better A little worse A lot worse before (neutral) 感觉变好很多 感觉变好了一些 感觉变差了一些 感觉变差很多 没有变化 1 2 3 4 5 Now we would like to show you images of website which you may or may not have seen on ONLINE 下面我们将向您出示一个彩色电视网站的图片 RECOGNITION TPVB1 Please look at the images of this (these) SAMSUNG COLOR TV website(s). Have you ever visited this website? (SA). 请看下面这幅三星彩色电视网站的页面,您是否访问过这个网站,【单选】 P: INSERT FILE NAME TPV PLEASE SHOW THE IMAGE(FILE NAME TPV) WITH THE QUESTION TPV1 , CONTINUE继续 Yes 是 1 , GO TO TPPA1跳答至TPPA1 No 否 2 AD DIAGNOSTIC TPVB6-1. The following is a series of statements that could be used to describe the website you were just looking at. For each statement, please indicate whether the word or phrase describes the website completely, somewhat or not at all. Please click one only per each statement. (SA FOR EACH STATEMENT). ? 2011 Ipsos Marketing All rights reserved. Contains Ipsos’ Confidential, Trade Secret and Proprietary Information. 93/142 IPSOS-RD-005 请问下列说法是否符合您对刚才看到的这个网站的看法,是完全能描述,有些能描述,还是完全不能描述,【每行单选】 P: ROTATE STATEMENT 循环语句 Does not Describes it Describes it describe THIS AD…这支广告… it at all completely somewhat 完全不能完全能描述 有些能描述 描述 1 Is entertaining 是有趣的 1 2 3 2 Told me something new about brand 1 2 3 告诉我一些这个品牌的新信息 3 Makes me feel good about brand 使我对这个品牌有好的1 2 3 感觉 4 Made you want to buy the brand 使您想买这个品牌 1 2 3 5 Is unique 是独特的 1 2 3 6 Is for people like me 适合像我这样的人 1 2 3 7 Fits with the way I feel about brand 跟我对这个品牌的感 1 2 3 觉相符 8 Improved your familiarity and understanding of what the 1 2 3 brand is about 增强了我对这个品牌的熟悉度和了解 9 Is informative 提供信息的 1 2 3 10 Is Believable 可信的 1 2 3 11 Makes me think this brand is different from other COLOR TV brand 让我觉得这个品牌与其他的彩色电视品牌不1 2 3 同 12 Carries a similar tone and manner to the ads of the same or/and different products from this brand 与这个品牌的1 2 3 同类或/和不同类产品的广告有着相似的基调和方式 13 Getting tired of seeing the ad 让人厌倦看到这只广告 1 2 3 TPVB6A. Call to Action Which of the following, if any, did you do as a result of seeing this website? (Select all that apply)[randomize] 请问看了这只广告后,您做了以下哪些事情, Visit brand website to find out more about 访问品牌网站来更多的了解这种彩电 1 Surf/ Search online for additional information on 在网上搜索更多的关于这种彩电2 的信息 Go to electronics store/ handset store because of desire for hands-on experience with 3 想要亲自体验这种彩电而访问电子商店/手机商店 Speak to friends/ family about 跟朋友/家人谈论这种彩电 4 Speak to fiends/ family about the ad specifically特意跟朋友/家人谈论这个广告 5 Shop around and compare to competitor 货比三家,与竞争品牌的彩电比较 6 Purchased product online 在线购买产品 7 Purchased product in-store 到商店购买产品 8 Go online to post a comment/ video/ share experience with product 在网上发布产品评论/9 视频/分享经历 ? 2011 Ipsos Marketing All rights reserved. Contains Ipsos’ Confidential, Trade Secret and Proprietary Information. 94/142 IPSOS-RD-005 Did nothing 什么都不做 10 Ad Likeability TPVB6-2. Now thinking about the website overall, please indicate which of these phrases best describes your feelings about this website. (SA) 下列哪项最能描述您对这个网站的感觉呢, Felt neutral Disliked Disliked Liked it very much Liked it somewhat about it it somewhat it very much 非常喜欢 有点喜欢 中性的 有点不喜欢 非常不喜欢 1 2 3 4 5 BRAND IMPACT TPVB7-1.How did this website make you feel about this brand? (SA) 这个网站使您对这个品牌的感觉产生了怎样的变化呢,(单选) Unchanged from Much Better A little better A little worse A lot worse before (neutral) 感觉变好很多 感觉变好了一些 感觉变差了一些 感觉变差很多 没有变化 1 2 3 4 5 Now we would like to show you images of website which you may or may not have seen on ONLINE 下面我们将向您出示一个彩色电视网站的图片 RECOGNITION TPVC1 Please look at the images of this (these) SAMSUNG COLOR TV website(s). Have you ever visited this website? (SA). 请看下面这幅三星彩色电视网站的页面,您是否访问过这个网站,【单选】 P: INSERT FILE NAME TPV PLEASE SHOW THE IMAGE(FILE NAME TPV) WITH THE QUESTION TPV1 , CONTINUE继续 Yes 是 1 , GO TO TPPA1跳答至TPPA1 No 否 2 AD DIAGNOSTIC TPVC6-1. The following is a series of statements that could be used to describe the website you were just looking at. For each statement, please indicate whether the word or phrase describes the website completely, somewhat or not at all. Please click one only per each statement. (SA FOR EACH STATEMENT). 请问下列说法是否符合您对刚才看到的这个网站的看法,是完全能描述,有些能描述,还是完全不能描述,【每行单选】 P: ROTATE STATEMENT 循环语句 Does not describe Describes it Describes it THIS AD…这支广告… it at all completely somewhat 完全能描述 有些能描述 完全不能 描述 1 Is entertaining 是有趣的 1 2 3 2 Told me something new about brand 1 2 3 ? 2011 Ipsos Marketing All rights reserved. Contains Ipsos’ Confidential, Trade Secret and Proprietary Information. 95/142 IPSOS-RD-005 告诉我一些这个品牌的新信息 3 Makes me feel good about brand 使我对这个品牌有好的1 2 3 感觉 4 Made you want to buy the brand 使您想买这个品牌 1 2 3 5 Is unique 是独特的 1 2 3 6 Is for people like me 适合像我这样的人 1 2 3 7 Fits with the way I feel about brand 跟我对这个品牌的感1 2 3 觉相符 8 Improved your familiarity and understanding of what the 1 2 3 brand is about 增强了我对这个品牌的熟悉度和了解 9 Is informative 提供信息的 1 2 3 10 Is Believable 可信的 1 2 3 11 Makes me think this brand is different from other COLOR TV brand 让我觉得这个品牌与其他的彩色电视品牌不1 2 3 同 12 Carries a similar tone and manner to the ads of the same or/and different products from this brand 与这个品牌的1 2 3 同类或/和不同类产品的广告有着相似的基调和方式 13 Getting tired of seeing the ad 让人厌倦看到这只广告 1 2 3 TPVC6A. Call to Action Which of the following, if any, did you do as a result of seeing this website? (Select all that apply)[randomize] 请问看了这只广告后,您做了以下哪些事情, Visit brand website to find out more about 访问品牌网站来更多的了解这种彩电 1 Surf/ Search online for additional information on 在网上搜索更多的关于这种彩电2 的信息 Go to electronics store/ handset store because of desire for hands-on experience with 3 想要亲自体验这种彩电而访问电子商店/手机商店 Speak to friends/ family about 跟朋友/家人谈论这种彩电 4 Speak to fiends/ family about the ad specifically特意跟朋友/家人谈论这个广告 5 Shop around and compare to competitor 货比三家,与竞争品牌的彩电比较 6 Purchased product online 在线购买产品 7 Purchased product in-store 到商店购买产品 8 Go online to post a comment/ video/ share experience with product 在网上发布产品评论/9 视频/分享经历 Did nothing 什么都不做 10 Ad Likeability TPVC6-2. Now thinking about the website overall, please indicate which of these phrases best describes your feelings about this website. (SA) 下列哪项最能描述您对这个网站的感觉呢, Felt neutral Disliked Disliked Liked it very much Liked it somewhat about it it somewhat it very much 非常喜欢 有点喜欢 中性的 有点不喜欢 非常不喜欢 1 2 3 4 5 BRAND IMPACT ? 2011 Ipsos Marketing All rights reserved. Contains Ipsos’ Confidential, Trade Secret and Proprietary Information. 96/142 IPSOS-RD-005 TPVC7-1.How did this website make you feel about this brand? (SA) 这个网站使您对这个品牌的感觉产生了怎样的变化呢,(单选) Unchanged from Much Better A little better A little worse A lot worse before (neutral) 感觉变好很多 感觉变好了一些 感觉变差了一些 感觉变差很多 没有变化 1 2 3 4 5 PRINT (MAGAZINES/ NEWSPAPER) – A 平面广告– A Now we would like to show you IMAGES OF PRINT Ads 下面我们将向您出示一幅平面广告 RECOGNITION TPPA1. Please look at the images for the following ad(s). P: INSERT FILE NAME TPPA PLEASE SHOW THE IMAGE(FILE NAME TPPA) WITH THE QUESTION TPPA1 Have you seen any of this (these) advertisement(s) in any magazines/ newspapers recently? (SA) 请问您最近是否在报纸或杂志上看到过这支广告,【单选】(6215) Yes是 1 , CONTINUE继续 No否 2 , GO TO TPPB1跳问TPPB1 RECOGNITION TPPA2.lease indicate the number of times you have seen this specific ad, or parts of it, on TV. Before you answer, it is very important to please think about and include all the occasions you may have seen this specific ad - from the very first time you saw it, up until today (Please type in one number). 请指出从您第一次看到这支广告到现在,您一共看到过几次这个广告,包括只看到它的一部分。请回想您看过这个广告的所有场合(7120,7139) [ ] 次 RECOGNITION_DETAIL [PHILIPPINES ONLY] TPPA3. Where did you see the print ad? (MA) 请问您在哪里看到过这个平面广告,(多选)(6245,6247)/1 Seen Magazine杂志 1 Newspaper报纸 2 Online Magazine/Newspaper 在线杂志/报纸 5 NONE以上都没有 3 BRAND CLARITY TPPA4. What if the brand name was not mentioned in this (these) advertisement(s), do you think other people would have remembered who this ad was for? (SA) 如果广告中没有出现品牌,您觉得其他人会记得这个广告是哪一个品牌的么? 【单选】(6250) Yes, everyone would have remembered 1 是的,所有人都会记得 Most people would have remembered 2 大多数人都会记得 ? 2011 Ipsos Marketing All rights reserved. Contains Ipsos’ Confidential, Trade Secret and Proprietary Information. 97/142 IPSOS-RD-005 Most people may have not remembered the brand 3 大多数人可能不会记得 AD DIAGNOSTIC 广告诊断 TPPA4-1. The following is a series of statements that could be used to describe the ad you were just looking at. For each statement, please indicate whether the word or phrase describes the ad completely, somewhat or not at all. Please click one only per each statement. (SA FOR EACH STATEMENT). 请问下列说法是否符合您对刚才看到的这支广告的看法,是完全能描述,有些能描述,还是完全不能描述,【每行单选】 P: ROTATE STATEMENT 循环语句 Does not describe it Describes it Describes it THIS AD…这支广告… completely somewhat at all 完全不能描完全能描述 有些能描述 述 Is entertaining 是有趣的(6260) 1 2 3 Told me something new about brand 告诉我一些这个品牌的新信息 1 2 3 (6261) Makes me feel good about brand 使我对这个品牌有好的感觉(6262) 1 2 3 Made you want to buy the brand 使您想买这个品牌(6263) 1 2 3 Is unique 是独特的(6264) 1 2 3 Is for people like me 适合像我这样的人(12335) 1 2 3 Fits with the way I feel about brand 跟我对这个品牌的感觉相符1 2 3 (12336) Improved your familiarity and understanding of what the brand is about 1 2 3 增强了我对这个品牌的熟悉度和了解 (12337) Is informative 提供信息的(12338) 1 2 3 Is Believable 可信的(12339) 1 2 3 Makes me think this brand is different from other COLOR TV brand 让1 2 3 我觉得这个品牌与其他的彩色电视品牌不同(12340) Carries a similar tone and manner to the ads of the same or/and different products from this brand 与这个品牌的同类或/和不同类产1 2 3 品的广告有着相似的基调和方式(12341) Getting tired of seeing the ad 让人厌倦看到这只广告(12342) 1 2 3 Call to Action TPPA4Aa.Which of the following, if any, did you do as a result of seeing this ad? PN: Select all that apply. [randomize] 请问看了这只广告后,您做了以下哪些事情,(12350,12358)/1 Visit brand website to find out more about 访问品牌网站来更多的了解这个产品 1 Surf/ Search online for additional information on 在网上搜索更多的关于这个产品2 的信息 Go to electronics store/ handset store because of desire for hands-on experience with 3 想要亲自体验这个产品而访问电子商店/手机商店 Speak to friends/ family about 跟朋友/家人谈论这个产品 4 Speak to fiends/ family about the ad specifically特意跟朋友/家人谈论这个广告 5 Shop around and compare to competitor 货比三家,与竞争产品比较 6 Purchased product online 在线购买产品 7 ? 2011 Ipsos Marketing All rights reserved. Contains Ipsos’ Confidential, Trade Secret and Proprietary Information. 98/142 IPSOS-RD-005 Purchased product in-store 到商店购买产品 8 Go online to post a comment/ video/ share experience with product 在网上发布产品评论/9 视频/分享经历 Did nothing 什么都不做 10 Ad Likeability 广告喜爱程度 TPPA4-2. Now thinking about the ad overall, please indicate which of these phrases best describes your feelings about this ad. (SA)(6270) Felt neutral Disliked Disliked Liked it very much Liked it somewhat about it it somewhat it very much 非常喜欢 有点喜欢 中性的 有点不喜欢 非常不喜欢 1 2 3 4 5 AD DIAGNOSTIC – BRADN IMPACT 广告诊断-品牌影响 TPPA5. How did this (these) ad(s) make you feel about SAMSUNG? Please indicate whether it describes the ad completely, somewhat or not at all. (SA) 这个广告使您对三星的感觉有什么变化呢,(6260) Describes it Describes it Does not describe completely somewhat it at all THIS AD… 完全能描述 有些能描述 完全不能描述 Makes me feel good about brand这个广告 1 2 3 让我对这个品牌有好的感觉 BRAND IMPACT TPPA5-1. How did this (these) ad(s) make you feel about this brand? (SA) 这支(这些)广告使您对这个品牌的感觉产生了怎样的变化呢,(单选)(6271) Unchanged from Much Better A little better A little worse A lot worse before (neutral) 感觉变好很多 感觉变好了一些 感觉变差了一些 感觉变差很多 没有变化 1 2 3 4 5 ? 2011 Ipsos Marketing All rights reserved. Contains Ipsos’ Confidential, Trade Secret and Proprietary Information. 99/142 IPSOS-RD-005 PRINT (MAGAZINES/ NEWSPAPER) – B 平面广告– B Now we would like to show you IMAGES OF PRINT Ads 下面我们将向您出示一幅平面广告 RECOGNITION TPPB1. Please look at the images for the following ad(s). P: INSERT FILE NAME TPPA PLEASE SHOW THE IMAGE(FILE NAME TPPA) WITH THE QUESTION TPPA1 Have you seen any of this (these) advertisement(s) in any magazines/ newspapers recently? (SA) 请问您最近是否在报纸或杂志上看到过这支广告,【单选】(6215) Yes是 1 , CONTINUE继续 No否 2 , GO TO TPPB1跳问至下一部分 RECOGNITION TPPA2.lease indicate the number of times you have seen this specific ad, or parts of it, on TV. Before you answer, it is very important to please think about and include all the occasions you may have seen this specific ad - from the very first time you saw it, up until today (Please type in one number). 请指出从您第一次看到这支广告到现在,您一共看到过几次这个广告,包括只看到它的一部分。请回想您看过这个广告的所有场合(7120,7139) [ ] 次 RECOGNITION_DETAIL [PHILIPPINES ONLY] TPPB3. Where did you see the print ad? (MA) 请问您在哪里看到过这个平面广告,(多选)(6245,6247)/1 Seen Magazine杂志 1 Newspaper报纸 2 Online Magazine/Newspaper 在线杂志/报纸 5 NONE以上都没有 3 BRAND CLARITY TPPB4. What if the brand name was not mentioned in this (these) advertisement(s), do you think other people would have remembered who this ad was for? (SA) 如果广告中没有出现品牌,您觉得其他人会记得这个广告是哪一个品牌的么? 【单选】(6250) Yes, everyone would have remembered 1 是的,所有人都会记得 Most people would have remembered 2 大多数人都会记得 Most people may have not remembered the brand 3 大多数人可能不会记得 AD DIAGNOSTIC 广告诊断 ? 2011 Ipsos Marketing All rights reserved. Contains Ipsos’ Confidential, Trade Secret and Proprietary Information. 100/142 IPSOS-RD-005 TPPB4-1. The following is a series of statements that could be used to describe the ad you were just looking at. For each statement, please indicate whether the word or phrase describes the ad completely, somewhat or not at all. Please click one only per each statement. (SA FOR EACH STATEMENT). 请问下列说法是否符合您对刚才看到的这支广告的看法,是完全能描述,有些能描述,还是完全不能描述,【每行单选】 P: ROTATE STATEMENT 循环语句 Does not describe it Describes it Describes it at all THIS AD…这支广告… completely somewhat 完全能描述 有些能描述 完全不能描 述 Is entertaining 是有趣的(6260) 1 2 3 Told me something new about brand 告诉我一些这个品牌的新信息 1 2 3 (6261) Makes me feel good about brand 使我对这个品牌有好的感觉(6262) 1 2 3 Made you want to buy the brand 使您想买这个品牌(6263) 1 2 3 Is unique 是独特的(6264) 1 2 3 Is for people like me 适合像我这样的人(12335) 1 2 3 Fits with the way I feel about brand 跟我对这个品牌的感觉相符1 2 3 (12336) Improved your familiarity and understanding of what the brand is about 1 2 3 增强了我对这个品牌的熟悉度和了解 (12337) Is informative 提供信息的(12338) 1 2 3 Is Believable 可信的(12339) 1 2 3 Makes me think this brand is different from other COLOR TV brand 让1 2 3 我觉得这个品牌与其他的彩色电视品牌不同(12340) Carries a similar tone and manner to the ads of the same or/and different products from this brand 与这个品牌的同类或/和不同类产1 2 3 品的广告有着相似的基调和方式(12341) Getting tired of seeing the ad 让人厌倦看到这只广告(12342) 1 2 3 Call to Action TPPB4Aa.Which of the following, if any, did you do as a result of seeing this ad? PN: Select all that apply. [randomize] 请问看了这只广告后,您做了以下哪些事情,(12350,12358)/1 Visit brand website to find out more about 访问品牌网站来更多的了解这个产品 1 Surf/ Search online for additional information on 在网上搜索更多的关于这个产品2 的信息 Go to electronics store/ handset store because of desire for hands-on experience with 3 想要亲自体验这个产品而访问电子商店/手机商店 Speak to friends/ family about 跟朋友/家人谈论这个产品 4 Speak to fiends/ family about the ad specifically特意跟朋友/家人谈论这个广告 5 Shop around and compare to competitor 货比三家,与竞争产品比较 6 Purchased product online 在线购买产品 7 Purchased product in-store 到商店购买产品 8 Go online to post a comment/ video/ share experience with product 在网上发布产品评论/9 视频/分享经历 ? 2011 Ipsos Marketing All rights reserved. Contains Ipsos’ Confidential, Trade Secret and Proprietary Information. 101/142 IPSOS-RD-005 Did nothing 什么都不做 10 Ad Likeability 广告喜爱程度 TPPA4-2. Now thinking about the ad overall, please indicate which of these phrases best describes your feelings about this ad. (SA)(6270) Felt neutral Disliked Disliked Liked it very much Liked it somewhat about it it somewhat it very much 非常喜欢 有点喜欢 中性的 有点不喜欢 非常不喜欢 1 2 3 4 5 AD DIAGNOSTIC – BRADN IMPACT 广告诊断-品牌影响 TPPA5. How did this (these) ad(s) make you feel about SAMSUNG? Please indicate whether it describes the ad completely, somewhat or not at all. (SA) 这个广告使您对三星的感觉有什么变化呢,(6260) Describes it Describes it Does not describe completely somewhat it at all THIS AD… 完全能描述 有些能描述 完全不能描述 Makes me feel good about brand这个广告 1 2 3 让我对这个品牌有好的感觉 BRAND IMPACT TPPB5-1. How did this (these) ad(s) make you feel about this brand? (SA) 这支(这些)广告使您对这个品牌的感觉产生了怎样的变化呢,(单选)(6271) Unchanged from Much Better A little better A little worse A lot worse before (neutral) 感觉变好很多 感觉变好了一些 感觉变差了一些 感觉变差很多 没有变化 1 2 3 4 5 ? 2011 Ipsos Marketing All rights reserved. Contains Ipsos’ Confidential, Trade Secret and Proprietary Information. 102/142 IPSOS-RD-005 PRINT (MAGAZINES/ NEWSPAPER) – C 平面广告– C Now we would like to show you IMAGES OF PRINT Ads 下面我们将向您出示一幅平面广告 RECOGNITION TPPC1. Please look at the images for the following ad(s). P: INSERT FILE NAME TPPA PLEASE SHOW THE IMAGE(FILE NAME TPPA) WITH THE QUESTION TPPA1 Have you seen any of this (these) advertisement(s) in any magazines/ newspapers recently? (SA) 请问您最近是否在报纸或杂志上看到过这支广告,【单选】) Yes是 1 , CONTINUE继续 No否 2 , GO TO TPPD1跳问TPPD1 RECOGNITION_DETAIL [PHILIPPINES ONLY] TPPC3. Where did you see the print ad? (MA) 请问您在哪里看到过这个平面广告,(多选) Seen Magazine杂志 1 Newspaper报纸 2 Online Magazine/Newspaper 在线杂志/报纸 5 NONE以上都没有 3 BRAND CLARITY TPPC4. What if the brand name was not mentioned in this (these) advertisement(s), do you think other people would have remembered who this ad was for? (SA) 如果广告中没有出现品牌,您觉得其他人会记得这个广告是哪一个品牌的么? 【单选】 Yes, everyone would have remembered 1 是的,所有人都会记得 Most people would have remembered 2 大多数人都会记得 Most people may have not remembered the brand 3 大多数人可能不会记得 AD DIAGNOSTIC 广告诊断 TPPC4-1. The following is a series of statements that could be used to describe the ad you were just looking at. For each statement, please indicate whether the word or phrase describes the ad completely, somewhat or not at all. Please click one only per each statement. (SA FOR EACH STATEMENT). 请问下列说法是否符合您对刚才看到的这支广告的看法,是完全能描述,有些能描述,还是完全不能描述,【每行单选】 P: ROTATE STATEMENT 循环语句 Does not Describes it Describes it describe it THIS AD…这支广告… completely somewhat at all 完全能描述 有些能描述 完全不能描 ? 2011 Ipsos Marketing All rights reserved. Contains Ipsos’ Confidential, Trade Secret and Proprietary Information. 103/142 IPSOS-RD-005 述 Is entertaining 是有趣的 1 2 3 Told me something new about brand 告诉我一些这个品牌的新信息 1 2 3 Makes me feel good about brand 使我对这个品牌有好的感觉 1 2 3 Made you want to buy the brand 使您想买这个品牌 1 2 3 Is unique 是独特的 1 2 3 Is for people like me 适合像我这样的人 1 2 3 Fits with the way I feel about brand 跟我对这个品牌的感觉相符 1 2 3 Improved your familiarity and understanding of what the brand is about 1 2 3 增强了我对这个品牌的熟悉度和了解 Is informative 提供信息的 1 2 3 Is Believable 可信的 1 2 3 Makes me think this brand is different from other COLOR TV brand 让1 2 3 我觉得这个品牌与其他的彩色电视品牌不同 Carries a similar tone and manner to the ads of the same or/and different products from this brand 与这个品牌的同类或/和不同类产1 2 3 品的广告有着相似的基调和方式 Getting tired of seeing the ad 让人厌倦看到这只广告 1 2 3 Call to Action TPPC4Aa.Which of the following, if any, did you do as a result of seeing this ad? PN: Select all that apply. [randomize] 请问看了这只广告后,您做了以下哪些事情, Visit brand website to find out more about 访问品牌网站来更多的了解这种彩电 1 Surf/ Search online for additional information on 在网上搜索更多的关于这种彩电2 的信息 Go to electronics store/ handset store because of desire for hands-on experience with 3 想要亲自体验这种彩电而访问电子商店/手机商店 Speak to friends/ family about 跟朋友/家人谈论这种彩电 4 Speak to fiends/ family about the ad specifically特意跟朋友/家人谈论这个广告 5 Shop around and compare to competitor 货比三家,与竞争品牌的彩电比较 6 Purchased product online 在线购买产品 7 Purchased product in-store 到商店购买产品 8 Go online to post a comment/ video/ share experience with product 在网上发布产品评论/9 视频/分享经历 Did nothing 什么都不做 10 Ad Likeability 广告喜爱程度 TPPC4-2. Now thinking about the ad overall, please indicate which of these phrases best describes your feelings about this ad. (SA) Felt neutral Disliked Disliked Liked it very much Liked it somewhat about it it somewhat it very much 非常喜欢 有点喜欢 中性的 有点不喜欢 非常不喜欢 ? 2011 Ipsos Marketing All rights reserved. Contains Ipsos’ Confidential, Trade Secret and Proprietary Information. 104/142 IPSOS-RD-005 1 2 3 4 5 BRAND IMPACT TPPC5-1. How did this (these) ad(s) make you feel about this brand? (SA) 这支(这些)广告使您对这个品牌的感觉产生了怎样的变化呢,(单选) Unchanged from Much Better A little better A little worse A lot worse before (neutral) 感觉变好很多 感觉变好了一些 感觉变差了一些 感觉变差很多 没有变化 1 2 3 4 5 ? 2011 Ipsos Marketing All rights reserved. Contains Ipsos’ Confidential, Trade Secret and Proprietary Information. 105/142 IPSOS-RD-005 PRINT (MAGAZINES/ NEWSPAPER) – D 平面广告– D Now we would like to show you IMAGES OF PRINT Ads 下面我们将向您出示一幅平面广告 RECOGNITION TPPD1. Please look at the images for the following ad(s). P: INSERT FILE NAME TPPA PLEASE SHOW THE IMAGE(FILE NAME TPPA) WITH THE QUESTION TPPA1 Have you seen any of this (these) advertisement(s) in any magazines/ newspapers recently? (SA) 请问您最近是否在报纸或杂志上看到过这支广告,【单选】 Yes是 1 , CONTINUE继续 No否 2 , GO TO TPOA1跳问至TPOA1 RECOGNITION_DETAIL [PHILIPPINES ONLY] TPPD3. Where did you see the print ad? (MA) 请问您在哪里看到过这个平面广告,(多选) Seen Magazine杂志 1 Newspaper报纸 2 Online Magazine/Newspaper 在线杂志/报纸 5 NONE以上都没有 3 BRAND CLARITY TPPD4. What if the brand name was not mentioned in this (these) advertisement(s), do you think other people would have remembered who this ad was for? (SA) 如果广告中没有出现品牌,您觉得其他人会记得这个广告是哪一个品牌的么? 【单选】 Yes, everyone would have remembered 1 是的,所有人都会记得 Most people would have remembered 2 大多数人都会记得 Most people may have not remembered the brand 3 大多数人可能不会记得 AD DIAGNOSTIC 广告诊断 TPPD4-1. The following is a series of statements that could be used to describe the ad you were just looking at. For each statement, please indicate whether the word or phrase describes the ad completely, somewhat or not at all. Please click one only per each statement. (SA FOR EACH STATEMENT). 请问下列说法是否符合您对刚才看到的这支广告的看法,是完全能描述,有些能描述,还是完全不能描述,【每行单选】 P: ROTATE STATEMENT 循环语句 Does not Describes it Describes it describe it THIS AD…这支广告… completely somewhat at all 完全能描述 有些能描述 完全不能描 ? 2011 Ipsos Marketing All rights reserved. Contains Ipsos’ Confidential, Trade Secret and Proprietary Information. 106/142 IPSOS-RD-005 述 Is entertaining 是有趣的 1 2 3 Told me something new about brand 告诉我一些这个品牌的新信息 1 2 3 Makes me feel good about brand 使我对这个品牌有好的感觉 1 2 3 Made you want to buy the brand 使您想买这个品牌 1 2 3 Is unique 是独特的 1 2 3 Is for people like me 适合像我这样的人 1 2 3 Fits with the way I feel about brand 跟我对这个品牌的感觉相符 1 2 3 Improved your familiarity and understanding of what the brand is about 1 2 3 增强了我对这个品牌的熟悉度和了解 Is informative 提供信息的 1 2 3 Is Believable 可信的 1 2 3 Makes me think this brand is different from other COLOR TV brand 让1 2 3 我觉得这个品牌与其他的彩色电视品牌不同 Carries a similar tone and manner to the ads of the same or/and different products from this brand 与这个品牌的同类或/和不同类产1 2 3 品的广告有着相似的基调和方式 Getting tired of seeing the ad 让人厌倦看到这只广告 1 2 3 Call to Action TPPD4Aa.Which of the following, if any, did you do as a result of seeing this ad? PN: Select all that apply. [randomize] 请问看了这只广告后,您做了以下哪些事情, Visit brand website to find out more about 访问品牌网站来更多的了解这种彩电 1 Surf/ Search online for additional information on 在网上搜索更多的关于这种彩电2 的信息 Go to electronics store/ handset store because of desire for hands-on experience with 3 想要亲自体验这种彩电而访问电子商店/手机商店 Speak to friends/ family about 跟朋友/家人谈论这种彩电 4 Speak to fiends/ family about the ad specifically特意跟朋友/家人谈论这个广告 5 Shop around and compare to competitor 货比三家,与竞争品牌的彩电比较 6 Purchased product online 在线购买产品 7 Purchased product in-store 到商店购买产品 8 Go online to post a comment/ video/ share experience with product 在网上发布产品评论/9 视频/分享经历 Did nothing 什么都不做 10 Ad Likeability 广告喜爱程度 TPPD4-2. Now thinking about the ad overall, please indicate which of these phrases best describes your feelings about this ad. (SA) Felt neutral Disliked Disliked Liked it very much Liked it somewhat about it it somewhat it very much 非常喜欢 有点喜欢 中性的 有点不喜欢 非常不喜欢 1 2 3 4 5 ? 2011 Ipsos Marketing All rights reserved. Contains Ipsos’ Confidential, Trade Secret and Proprietary Information. 107/142 IPSOS-RD-005 BRAND IMPACT TPPD5-1. How did this (these) ad(s) make you feel about this brand? (SA) 这支(这些)广告使您对这个品牌的感觉产生了怎样的变化呢,(单选) Unchanged from Much Better A little better A little worse A lot worse before (neutral) 感觉变好很多 感觉变好了一些 感觉变差了一些 感觉变差很多 没有变化 1 2 3 4 5 ? 2011 Ipsos Marketing All rights reserved. Contains Ipsos’ Confidential, Trade Secret and Proprietary Information. 108/142 IPSOS-RD-005 OUT- OF HOME/TRANSIT/BILLBOARD- 户外广告 Now we would like you to IMAGES of OUT-OF-HOME BILLBOARDS, TRANSIT POSTERS, and/or MALL POSTERS 下面我们将向您展示一则户外广告 RECOGNITION TPOA1 Please look at the images for the following ad(s). P: INSERT FILE NAME TPOA PLEASE SHOW THE IMAGE(FILE NAME TPOA) WITH THE QUESTION TPOA1 Have you seen any of this (these) advertisement(s) in any billboards transit shelters, in public transit, or on posters within malls? (SA) 请问您最近是否在户外看到过这支广告,【单选】(6515) Yes是 1 , CONTINUE继续 No否 2 , GO TO O1跳问O1 RECOGNITION TPO2.lease indicate the number of times you have seen this specific ad, or parts of it, on TV. Before you answer, it is very important to please think about and include all the occasions you may have seen this specific ad - from the very first time you saw it, up until today (Please type in one number). 请指出从您第一次看到这支广告到现在,您一共看到过几次这个广告,包括只看到它的一部分。请回想您看过这个广告的所有场合(6520,6539) [ ] 次 RECOGNITION_DETAIL TPOA3 Where did you see this specific ad? (MA) 请问您在哪里见过这个广告,(多选)(6545,6549)/1 Seen In the subway/ subway station在地铁,地铁站 1 On the bus shelter or side of bus公交汽车车身 2 On a large printed poster on a building/ billboard建筑3 物或广告大牌上的大海报 Electronic billboard户外电子屏 4 At the airport机场 5 Interactive kiosk 电话亭 7 Others 其他 6 BRAND CLARITY品牌清楚性 TPOA4 What if the brand name was not mentioned in this (these) advertisement(s), do you think other people would have remembered who this ad was for? (SA) 如果广告中没有出现品牌,您觉得其他人会记得这个广告是哪一个品牌的么? 【单选】(6570) Yes, everyone would have remembered 1 是的,所有人都会记得 Most people would have remembered 2 大多数人都会记得 Most people may have not remembered the brand 3 ? 2011 Ipsos Marketing All rights reserved. Contains Ipsos’ Confidential, Trade Secret and Proprietary Information. 109/142 IPSOS-RD-005 大多数人可能不会记得 AD DIAGNOSTIC 广告诊断 TPOA 4-1. The following is a series of statements that could be used to describe the ad you were just looking at. For each statement, please indicate whether the word or phrase describes the ad completely, somewhat or not at all. Please click one only per each statement. (SA FOR EACH STATEMENT). 请问下列说法是否符合您对刚才看到的这支广告的看法,是完全能描述,有些能描述,还是完全不能描述,【每行单选】 P: ROTATE STATEMENT 循环语句 Does not describe it Describes it Describes it THIS AD…这支广告… completely somewhat at all 完全能描述 有些能描述 完全不能描 述 Is entertaining 是有趣的(6571) 1 2 3 Told me something new about brand 告诉我一些这个品牌的新信息 1 2 3 (6572) Makes me feel good about brand 使我对这个品牌有好的感觉(6573) 1 2 3 Made you want to buy the brand 使您想买这个品牌(6574) 1 2 3 Is unique 是独特的(6575) 1 2 3 Is for people like me 适合像我这样的人(12360) 1 2 3 Fits with the way I feel about brand 跟我对这个品牌的感觉相符1 2 3 (12361) Improved your familiarity and understanding of what the brand is about 1 2 3 增强了我对这个品牌的熟悉度和了解 (12362) Is informative 提供信息的(12363) 1 2 3 Is Believable 可信的(12364) 1 2 3 Makes me think this brand is different from other COLOR TV brand 让1 2 3 我觉得这个品牌与其他的彩色电视品牌不同(12365) Carries a similar tone and manner to the ads of the same or/and different products from this brand 与这个品牌的同类或/和不同类产1 2 3 品的广告有着相似的基调和方式(12366) Getting tired of seeing the ad 让人厌倦看到这只广告(12367) 1 2 3 Call to Action TPOA4aa.Which of the following, if any, did you do as a result of seeing this ad? PN: Select all that apply. [randomize] 请问看了这只广告后,您做了以下哪些事情,(12370,12378)/1 Visit brand website to find out more about this color TV访问品牌网站来更多的了解这种彩1 电 Surf/ Search online for additional information on 在网上搜索更多的关于这种彩电2 的信息 Go to electronics store/ handset store because of desire for hands-on experience with 3 想要亲自体验这种彩电而访问电子商店/手机商店 Speak to friends/ family about 跟朋友/家人谈论这种彩电 4 Speak to fiends/ family about the ad specifically特意跟朋友/家人谈论这个广告 5 Shop around and compare to competitor 货比三家,与竞争品牌的彩电比较 6 Purchased product online 在线购买产品 7 ? 2011 Ipsos Marketing All rights reserved. Contains Ipsos’ Confidential, Trade Secret and Proprietary Information. 110/142 IPSOS-RD-005 Purchased product in-store 到商店购买产品 8 Go online to post a comment/ video/ share experience with product 在网上发布产品评论/9 视频/分享经历 Did nothing 什么都不做 10 Ad Likeability 广告喜爱程 度 TPOA 4-2. Now thinking about the ad overall, please indicate which of these phrases best describes your feelings about this ad. (SA)(6576) Felt neutral Disliked Disliked Liked it very much Liked it somewhat about it it somewhat it very much 非常喜欢 有点喜欢 中性的 有点不喜欢 非常不喜欢 1 2 3 4 5 BRAND IMPACT TPOA5-1. How did this (these) ad(s) make you feel about this brand? (SA) 这支(这些)广告使您对这个品牌的感觉产生了怎样的变化呢,(单选)(6577) Unchanged from Much Better A little better A little worse A lot worse before (neutral) 感觉变好很多 感觉变好了一些 感觉变差了一些 感觉变差很多 没有变化 1 2 3 4 5 ? 2011 Ipsos Marketing All rights reserved. Contains Ipsos’ Confidential, Trade Secret and Proprietary Information. 111/142 IPSOS-RD-005 OUT- OF HOME/TRANSIT/BILLBOARD 户外广告 Now we would like you to IMAGES of OUT-OF-HOME BILLBOARDS, TRANSIT POSTERS, and/or MALL POSTERS 下面我们将向您展示一则户外广告 RECOGNITION TPOB1 Please look at the images for the following ad(s). P: INSERT FILE NAME TPOB PLEASE SHOW THE IMAGE(FILE NAME TPOB) WITH THE QUESTION TPOB1 Have you seen any of this (these) advertisement(s) in any billboards transit shelters, in public transit, or on posters within malls? (SA) 请问您最近是否在户外看到过这支广告,【单选】(6515) Yes是 1 , CONTINUE继续 No否 2 , GO TO O1跳问O1 RECOGNITION TPO2.lease indicate the number of times you have seen this specific ad, or parts of it, on TV. Before you answer, it is very important to please think about and include all the occasions you may have seen this specific ad - from the very first time you saw it, up until today (Please type in one number). 请指出从您第一次看到这支广告到现在,您一共看到过几次这个广告,包括只看到它的一部分。请回想您看过这个广告的所有场合(6520,6539) [ ] 次 RECOGNITION_DETAIL TPOB3 Where did you see this specific ad? (MA) 请问您在哪里见过这个广告,(多选)(6545,6549)/1 Seen In the subway/ subway station在地铁,地铁站 1 On the bus shelter or side of bus公交汽车车身 2 On a large printed poster on a building/ billboard建筑3 物或广告大牌上的大海报 Electronic billboard户外电子屏 4 At the airport机场 5 Interactive kiosk 电话亭 7 Others 其他 6 BRAND CLARITY品牌清楚性 TPOB4 What if the brand name was not mentioned in this (these) advertisement(s), do you think other people would have remembered who this ad was for? (SA) 如果广告中没有出现品牌,您觉得其他人会记得这个广告是哪一个品牌的么? 【单选】(6570) Yes, everyone would have remembered 1 是的,所有人都会记得 Most people would have remembered 2 大多数人都会记得 ? 2011 Ipsos Marketing All rights reserved. Contains Ipsos’ Confidential, Trade Secret and Proprietary Information. 112/142 IPSOS-RD-005 Most people may have not remembered the brand 3 大多数人可能不会记得 AD DIAGNOSTIC 广告诊断 TPOB 4-1. The following is a series of statements that could be used to describe the ad you were just looking at. For each statement, please indicate whether the word or phrase describes the ad completely, somewhat or not at all. Please click one only per each statement. (SA FOR EACH STATEMENT). 请问下列说法是否符合您对刚才看到的这支广告的看法,是完全能描述,有些能描述,还是完全不能描述,【每行单选】 P: ROTATE STATEMENT 循环语句 Does not describe it Describes it Describes it at all THIS AD…这支广告… completely somewhat 完全能描述 有些能描述 完全不能描 述 Is entertaining 是有趣的(6571) 1 2 3 Told me something new about brand 告诉我一些这个品牌的新信息 1 2 3 (6572) Makes me feel good about brand 使我对这个品牌有好的感觉(6573) 1 2 3 Made you want to buy the brand 使您想买这个品牌(6574) 1 2 3 Is unique 是独特的(6575) 1 2 3 Is for people like me 适合像我这样的人(12360) 1 2 3 Fits with the way I feel about brand 跟我对这个品牌的感觉相符1 2 3 (12361) Improved your familiarity and understanding of what the brand is about 1 2 3 增强了我对这个品牌的熟悉度和了解 (12362) Is informative 提供信息的(12363) 1 2 3 Is Believable 可信的(12364) 1 2 3 Makes me think this brand is different from other COLOR TV brand 让1 2 3 我觉得这个品牌与其他的彩色电视品牌不同(12365) Carries a similar tone and manner to the ads of the same or/and different products from this brand 与这个品牌的同类或/和不同类产1 2 3 品的广告有着相似的基调和方式(12366) Getting tired of seeing the ad 让人厌倦看到这只广告(12367) 1 2 3 Call to Action TPOB4aa.Which of the following, if any, did you do as a result of seeing this ad? PN: Select all that apply. [randomize] 请问看了这只广告后,您做了以下哪些事情,(12370,12378)/1 Visit brand website to find out more about this color TV访问品牌网站来更多的了解这种彩1 电 Surf/ Search online for additional information on 在网上搜索更多的关于这种彩电2 的信息 Go to electronics store/ handset store because of desire for hands-on experience with 3 想要亲自体验这种彩电而访问电子商店/手机商店 Speak to friends/ family about 跟朋友/家人谈论这种彩电 4 Speak to fiends/ family about the ad specifically特意跟朋友/家人谈论这个广告 5 Shop around and compare to competitor 货比三家,与竞争品牌的彩电比较 6 Purchased product online 在线购买产品 7 ? 2011 Ipsos Marketing All rights reserved. Contains Ipsos’ Confidential, Trade Secret and Proprietary Information. 113/142 IPSOS-RD-005 Purchased product in-store 到商店购买产品 8 Go online to post a comment/ video/ share experience with product 在网上发布产品评论/9 视频/分享经历 Did nothing 什么都不做 10 Ad Likeability 广告喜爱程 TPOB 4-2. Now thinking about the ad overall, please indicate which of these phrases best describes your feelings about this ad. (SA)(6576) Felt neutral Disliked Disliked Liked it very much Liked it somewhat about it it somewhat it very much 非常喜欢 有点喜欢 中性的 有点不喜欢 非常不喜欢 1 2 3 4 5 BRAND IMPACT TPOB5-1. How did this (these) ad(s) make you feel about this brand? (SA) 这支(这些)广告使您对这个品牌的感觉产生了怎样的变化呢,(单选)(6577) Unchanged from Much Better A little better A little worse A lot worse before (neutral) 感觉变好很多 感觉变好了一些 感觉变差了一些 感觉变差很多 没有变化 1 2 3 4 5 OUT- OF HOME/TRANSIT/BILLBOARD C 户外广告 C Now we would like you to IMAGES of OUT-OF-HOME BILLBOARDS, TRANSIT POSTERS, and/or MALL POSTERS 下面我们将向您展示一则户外广告 RECOGNITION TPOC1 Please look at the images for the following ad(s). P: INSERT FILE NAME TPO PLEASE SHOW THE IMAGE(FILE NAME TPO) WITH THE QUESTION TPO1 Have you seen any of this (these) advertisement(s) in any billboards transit shelters, in public transit, or on posters within malls? (SA) 请问您最近是否在户外看到过这支广告,【单选】(6515) Yes是 1 , CONTINUE继续 No否 2 , GO TO O1跳问O1 RECOGNITION TPOC2.lease indicate the number of times you have seen this specific ad, or parts of it, on TV. Before you answer, it is very important to please think about and include all the occasions you may have seen this specific ad - from the very first time you saw it, up until today (Please type in one number). 请指出从您第一次看到这支广告到现在,您一共看到过几次这个广告,包括只看到它的一部分。请回想您看过这个广告的所有场合(6520,6539) [ ] 次 ? 2011 Ipsos Marketing All rights reserved. Contains Ipsos’ Confidential, Trade Secret and Proprietary Information. 114/142 IPSOS-RD-005 RECOGNITION_DETAIL TPOC3 Where did you see this specific ad? (MA) 请问您在哪里见过这个广告,(多选)(6545,6549)/1 Seen In the subway/ subway station在地铁,地铁站 1 On the bus shelter or side of bus公交汽车车身 2 On a large printed poster on a building/ billboard建筑3 物或广告大牌上的大海报 Electronic billboard户外电子屏 4 At the airport机场 5 Interactive kiosk 电话亭 7 Others 其他 6 BRAND CLARITY品牌清楚性 TPOC4. What if the brand name was not mentioned in this (these) advertisement(s), do you think other people would have remembered who this ad was for? (SA) 如果广告中没有出现品牌,您觉得其他人会记得这个广告是哪一个品牌的么? 【单选】(6570) Yes, everyone would have remembered 1 是的,所有人都会记得 Most people would have remembered 2 大多数人都会记得 Most people may have not remembered the brand 3 大多数人可能不会记得 AD DIAGNOSTIC 广告诊断 TPOC 4-1. The following is a series of statements that could be used to describe the ad you were just looking at. For each statement, please indicate whether the word or phrase describes the ad completely, somewhat or not at all. Please click one only per each statement. (SA FOR EACH STATEMENT). 请问下列说法是否符合您对刚才看到的这支广告的看法,是完全能描述,有些能描述,还是完全不能描述,【每行单选】 P: ROTATE STATEMENT 循环语句 Does not Describes it Describes it describe it THIS AD…这支广告… completely somewhat at all 完全不能描完全能描述 有些能描述 述 Is entertaining 是有趣的(6571) 1 2 3 Told me something new about brand 告诉我一些这个品牌的新信息 1 2 3 (6572) Makes me feel good about brand 使我对这个品牌有好的感觉(6573) 1 2 3 Made you want to buy the brand 使您想买这个品牌(6574) 1 2 3 Is unique 是独特的(6575) 1 2 3 Is for people like me 适合像我这样的人(12360) 1 2 3 Fits with the way I feel about brand 跟我对这个品牌的感觉相符1 2 3 (12361) Improved your familiarity and understanding of what the brand is about 1 2 3 增强了我对这个品牌的熟悉度和了解 (12362) Is informative 提供信息的(12363) 1 2 3 ? 2011 Ipsos Marketing All rights reserved. Contains Ipsos’ Confidential, Trade Secret and Proprietary Information. 115/142 IPSOS-RD-005 Is Believable 可信的(12364) 1 2 3 Makes me think this brand is different from other COLOR TV brand 让1 2 3 我觉得这个品牌与其他的彩色电视品牌不同(12365) Carries a similar tone and manner to the ads of the same or/and different products from this brand 与这个品牌的同类或/和不同类产1 2 3 品的广告有着相似的基调和方式(12366) Getting tired of seeing the ad 让人厌倦看到这只广告(12367) 1 2 3 Call to Action TPOC4aa.Which of the following, if any, did you do as a result of seeing this ad? PN: Select all that apply. [randomize] 请问看了这只广告后,您做了以下哪些事情,(12370,12378)/1 Visit brand website to find out more about this color TV访问品牌网站来更多的了解这种彩1 电 Surf/ Search online for additional information on 在网上搜索更多的关于这种彩电2 的信息 Go to electronics store/ handset store because of desire for hands-on experience with 3 想要亲自体验这种彩电而访问电子商店/手机商店 Speak to friends/ family about 跟朋友/家人谈论这种彩电 4 Speak to fiends/ family about the ad specifically特意跟朋友/家人谈论这个广告 5 Shop around and compare to competitor 货比三家,与竞争品牌的彩电比较 6 Purchased product online 在线购买产品 7 Purchased product in-store 到商店购买产品 8 Go online to post a comment/ video/ share experience with product 在网上发布产品评论/9 视频/分享经历 Did nothing 什么都不做 10 Ad Likeability 广告喜爱程度 TPOC 4-2. Now thinking about the ad overall, please indicate which of these phrases best describes your feelings about this ad. (SA) Felt neutral Disliked Disliked Liked it very much Liked it somewhat about it it somewhat it very much 非常喜欢 有点喜欢 中性的 有点不喜欢 非常不喜欢 1 2 3 4 5 AD DIAGNOSTIC – BRADN IMPACT 广告诊断-品牌影响 TPOC5. How did this (these) ad(s) make you feel about SAMSUNG? Please indicate whether it describes the ad completely, somewhat or not at all. (SA) 这个广告使您对三星的感觉有什么变化呢,(6575) Describes it Describes it Does not describe THIS AD… completely somewhat it at all 完全能描述 有些能描述 完全不能描述 Makes me feel good about brand这个广告 1 2 3 让我对这个品牌有好的感觉 BRAND IMPACT TPOC5-1. How did this (these) ad(s) make you feel about this brand? (SA) 这支(这些)广告使您对这个品牌的感觉产生了怎样的变化呢,(单选) ? 2011 Ipsos Marketing All rights reserved. Contains Ipsos’ Confidential, Trade Secret and Proprietary Information. 116/142 IPSOS-RD-005 Unchanged from Much Better A little better A little worse A lot worse before (neutral) 感觉变好很多 感觉变好了一些 感觉变差了一些 感觉变差很多 没有变化 1 2 3 4 5 IN-STORE 店内 Now we would like to show you images which you may or may not have seen in ELECTRONIC STORES. (Signs, pos ters or any kind of Point-Of-Purchase - sticker or stand-alone material around the product displayed, In-store circular or flyers, brochures and product demonstrations that aid in your shopping experience. 下面我将展示一些您可能在电子商店看到过或没有看到过的图片(标牌,海报或任何形式的贴纸,产品展示材料,店内传单,小册子和有助于您购物体验的产品演示) RECOGNITION TPS1. Please look at the images of in-store materials P: INSERT FILE NAME TPO PLEASE SHOW THE IMAGE(FILE NAME TPO) WITH THE QUESTION TPO1 Have you seen any of these materials in a retail setting before? (SA) 请问您是否在零售商店看到过这些图片呢,(单选) Yes 是 1 , CONTINUE 继续 No 否 2 , GO TO TPHA1继续到TPHA1 BRAND CLARITY TPS4. What if the brand name was not mentioned, do you think other people would have remembered who this was for? (SA) 如果广告中没有出现品牌,您觉得其他人会记得这个广告是哪一个品牌的么? 【单选】 Yes, everyone would have remembered 1 是的,所有人都会记得 Most people would have remembered 2 大多数人都会记得 Most people may have not remembered the brand 3 大多数人可能不会记得 SOURCE OF AWARENESS TPS4a. Which retail settings did you experience when you visited store? (MA) 当您访问商店时,您遇到了了以下哪些设置,(复选) SEEN Signs 标牌 1 Poster 海报 2 Brochure 小册子 3 Flyer 传单 4 Stickers 贴纸 5 Stand-alone materials 独立材料 6 Demonstration Video 演示视频 7 Promoters 促销员 8 Others: (Please specify) _____________________ 9 其他:(请注明) ? 2011 Ipsos Marketing All rights reserved. Contains Ipsos’ Confidential, Trade Secret and Proprietary Information. 117/142 IPSOS-RD-005 DIAGNOSTIC TPS4-1. The following is a series of statements that could be used to describe the materials you were just looking at. For each statement, please indicate whether the word or phrase describes THE IN-STORE EXPERIENCE completely, somewhat or not at all. Please click one only per each statement. (SA FOR EACH STATEMENT). P: ROTATE STATEMENT 请问下列说法是否符合您对刚才看到的这支广告的看法,是完全能描述,有些能描述,还是完全不能描述,【每行单选】 P: ROTATE STATEMENT 循环语句 Does not Describes it Describes it describe THIS AD…这支广告… completely somewhat it at all 完全不能完全能描述 有些能描述 描述 1 Is entertaining 是有趣的 1 2 3 2 Told me something new about brand 1 2 3 告诉我一些这个品牌的新信息 3 Makes me feel good about brand 使我对这个品牌有好的1 2 3 感觉 4 Made you want to buy the brand 使您想买这个品牌 1 2 3 5 Is unique 是独特的 1 2 3 6 Is for people like me 适合像我这样的人 1 2 3 7 Fits with the way I feel about brand 跟我对这个品牌的感1 2 3 觉相符 Ad 8 Improved your familiarity and understanding of what the 1 2 3 Likebrand is about 增强了我对这个品牌的熟悉度和了解 9 Is informative 提供信息的 1 2 3 abili 10 Is Believable 可信的 1 2 3 ty 11 Makes me think this brand is different from other COLOR TV brand 让我觉得这个品牌与其他的彩色电视品牌不1 2 3 同 12 Carries a similar tone and manner to the ads of the same or/and different products from this brand 与这个品牌的1 2 3 同类或/和不同类产品的广告有着相似的基调和方式 13 Getting tired of seeing the ad 让人厌倦看到这只广告 1 2 3 TPS4-2. Now thinking about THE IN-STORE EXPERIENCE overall, please indicate which of these phrases best describes your feelings about THE IN- STORE EXPERIENCE. (SA) 下列哪项最能描述您对这次店内体验的感觉呢, Felt neutral Disliked Disliked Liked it very much Liked it somewhat about it it somewhat it very much 非常喜欢 有点喜欢 中性的 有点不喜欢 非常不喜欢 ? 2011 Ipsos Marketing All rights reserved. Contains Ipsos’ Confidential, Trade Secret and Proprietary Information. 118/142 IPSOS-RD-005 1 2 3 4 5 BRAND IMPACT TPS5-1.How did this THE IN-STORE EXPERIENCE make you feel about this brand? (SA) 这次店内体验让您对这个品牌的感觉产生了怎样的变化呢, Unchanged from Much Better A little better A little worse A lot worse before (neutral) 感觉变好很多 感觉变好了一些 感觉变差了一些 感觉变差很多 没有变化 1 2 3 4 5 ? 2011 Ipsos Marketing All rights reserved. Contains Ipsos’ Confidential, Trade Secret and Proprietary Information. 119/142 IPSOS-RD-005 SPONSORSHIP - REGIONAL Now we would like to ask you about SPONSORSHIP RECOGNITION TPHA1. Do you know Samsung is currently sponsoring ? (SA) 您知道三星现在是(插入赞助商名称)的赞助商吗,(单选) P: INSERT FILE NAME TPHA PLEASE SHOW THE IMAGE(FILE NAME TPHA) WITH THE QUESTION TPHA1 Yes 是 1 , CONTINUE 继续 No 否 2 , GO TO TPHB1 继续到TPHB1 AD DIAGNOSTIC – BRADN IMPACT TPHA2. How did this (these) ad(s) make you feel about SAMSUNG? Please indicate whether it describes the ad completely, somewhat or not at all. (SA) Describes it Describes it Does not describe THIS AD… completely somewhat it at all Makes me feel good about brand 1 2 3 BRAND IMPACT 品牌影响 TPHA2-1. How did this (these) ad(s) make you feel about this brand? (SA) 这支(这些)广告使您对这个品牌产生了怎样的感觉呢,(单选) Unchanged from Much Better A little better A little worse A lot worse before (neutral) 好了很多 好了一些 差了一点 差了很多 没什么变化 1 2 3 4 5 CAMPAIGN SYNERGY 广告宣传活动的增效作用 Now we would like you to see the images below 现在请您浏览以下图片 CS_3D_CHI. Earlier you stated that you have seen the following ads before today. Do you feel these ads… P: Plz ask to those who have answered “Yes” to more than one ads among TPTA1=1.. ( CM- should give guide to Variable Name depending on countries) Show the images of ads that respondents answered “Yes” at TPTA1=1. Q_CS_1. 之前您曾说您看到过以下广告。您是否认为这些广告…,(12415) 程序员:提问看过电视广告的被访者(TPTA1=1) ? 2011 Ipsos Marketing All rights reserved. Contains Ipsos’ Confidential, Trade Secret and Proprietary Information. 120/142 IPSOS-RD-005 一屏同时出示TPTA, TPOC, TPVA部分的图片 1 2 3 4 The ads are… Very similar in Quite similar in look Somewhat different Very Different in both DK/ None of the 这些广告….. creative look & feel & feel in look & feel creative look & feel above 他们的创意形象和他们的创意形象和感他们的创意形象和感他们的创意形象和(DO NOT READ) 不知道/以上皆无感觉非常相似 觉比较相似 觉有些不同 感觉非常不同 (程序不显示) Q_CS_2. Earlier you stated that you have seen the following ads before today. Do you feel these ads… 之前您曾说您看到过以下广告。您是否认为这些广告…,(12416) 1 2 3 4 The ads are… The message is very The message is quite The message is The message is very DK/ None of the 这些广告….. similar similar somewhat different different above 他们传递的信息非他们传递的信息比较他们传递的信息有些他们传递的信息非(DO NOT READ) 不知道/以上皆无常相似 相似 不同 常不同 (程序不显示) Q_CS_3. If you feel these ads are similar, which of the elements makes you feel these similar? (MA) P: Ask this question for those who answered 1 or 2 at Q_CS_1. 如果您觉得这些广告是相似的,那么下列哪些方面让您有这样的感觉呢,(复选)(12420,12429)/1 仅询问Q_CS_1题选了1或2 的被访者 Q_CS_4. If you feel these ads are not that similar, which of the elements makes you feel that? (MA) P: Ask this question for those who answered 3 or 4 at Q_CS_1. 如果您觉得这些广告不是相似的,那么下列哪些方面让您有这样的感觉呢,(复选)(12430,12439)/1 仅询问Q_CS_1题选了3或4 的被访者 P: Rotate 循环 Q_CS_3. Q_CS_4. 1 Music 音乐 Music 音乐 2 Logo 标志 Logo 标志 3 Color of the background 背景颜色 Color of the background 背景颜色 4 Character used 使用的角色 Character used 使用的角色 5 Celebrities (if any) 名人(如果有的Celebrities (if any) 名人(如果有的 话) 话) 6 Others 其他 Others 其他 P: go to Q_CS_5. P: SHOW THE STIMULI IMAGE THAT RESPONDENT SAW AGAIN 再次出示刺激物图片 CAMPAIGN MESSAGE DELIVERY_MA Q_CS_5. Now thinking of the entire campaign, which message do you think you received from these advertisements? Please select all that apply. (MA) 请问您从这些宣传中获取了什么信息,(复选)(12440,12446)/1 This TV make you feel the beauty 1 这个品牌的电视能让你感受到美 This TV is premium TV 2 ? 2011 Ipsos Marketing All rights reserved. Contains Ipsos’ Confidential, Trade Secret and Proprietary Information. 121/142 IPSOS-RD-005 这个品牌的电视是高端的 This TV has innovative technologies 3 这个品牌的电视运用了创新的科技 This TV provides brighter colors and sharper images 4 这个品牌的电视提供更鲜艳的色彩和更清晰的图画享受 This TV has an ultra thin design 5 这个品牌的电视是超薄设计 This TV brings people together 6 这个品牌的电视将人们聚集到一起 This TV brand is a next generation of TV 7 这个品牌的电视是新一代的彩电 P: IF ONLY ONE STATEMENT IS SELECTED, AUTOMATICALLY MARK Q_CS_6 AND RESPONDENTS GO TO Q_CS_7. IF MORE THAN 2 STATEMENTS ARE SELETECTED, ONLY SHOWS THOSE STATEMENTS FOR Q_CS_6 如果Q_CS_5只选了一个选项,则在Q_CS_6中自动圈选并继续到Q_CS_7 如果Q_CS_5选了一个以上选项,则在Q_CS_6中只出示Q_CS_5所选答案 CAMPAIGN MESSAGE DELIVERY_SA Q_CS_6. Which message comes out most strongly? Please select one. (SA) P: ONLY SHOW THE STATEMENTS SELECTED ON Q_CS_5. 哪项信息传递的最为强烈呢,(单选)(12449) This TV make you feel the beauty 1 这个品牌的电视能让你感受到美 This TV is premium TV 2 这个品牌的电视是高端的 This TV has innovative technologies 3 这个品牌的电视运用了创新的科技 This TV provides brighter colors and sharper images 4 这个品牌的电视提供更鲜艳的色彩和更清晰的图画享受 This TV has an ultra thin design 5 这个品牌的电视是超薄设计 This TV brings people together 6 这个品牌的电视将人们聚集到一起 This TV brand is a next generation of TV 7 这个品牌的电视是新一代的彩电 CAMPAIGN POSITIONING STATEMENT Q_CS_7. Among the statements below, please choose all statements that applies to the entire campaign. (MA) 请从下列语句中选择适用于描述这些宣传的语句。(复选)(12450,12479)/2 P: Rotate the statement 循环语句 A color TV brand is innovative 2 2 这个彩电品牌是创新的 A color TV brand is stylish. 4 4 这个彩电品牌是时尚的 A color TV brand is of high quality 5 5 这个彩电品牌是高品质的 A color TV brand has good picture quality. 7 7 这个彩电品牌画质很好 A color TV brand is dynamic. 8 8 这个彩电品牌是有活力的 ? 2011 Ipsos Marketing All rights reserved. Contains Ipsos’ Confidential, Trade Secret and Proprietary Information. 122/142 IPSOS-RD-005 A color TV brand is distinctive. 9 9 这个彩电品牌是有特色的 A color TV brand is worth paying more. 10 10 这个彩电品牌值得花更多的钱 A color TV brand is Imaginative 11 11 这个彩电品牌是有想象力的 A color TV brand is inviting 12 12 这个彩电品牌是吸引人的 CAMPAIGN SYNERGY 广告宣传活动的增效作用 _Hisense Now we would like you to see the images below 现在请您浏览以下图片 CS_3D_CHI. Earlier you stated that you have seen the following ads before today. Do you feel these ads… P: Plz ask to those who have answered “Yes” to more than one ads among TPTC1=1.. ( CM- should give guide to Variable Name depending on countries) Show the images of ads that respondents answered “Yes” at TPTC1=1. Q_CS_HISENSE_1. 之前您曾说您看到过以下广告。您是否认为这些广告…,(12415) 程序员:提问看过电视广告的被访者(TPTC1=1) 一屏同时出示TPTC,TPPB,TPOB部分的图片 1 2 3 4 The ads are… Very similar in Quite similar in look Somewhat different Very Different in both DK/ None of the 这些广告….. creative look & feel & feel in look & feel creative look & feel above 他们的创意形象和他们的创意形象和感他们的创意形象和感他们的创意形象和(DO NOT READ) 不知道/以上皆无感觉非常相似 觉比较相似 觉有些不同 感觉非常不同 (程序不显示) Q_CS_HISENSE_2. Earlier you stated that you have seen the following ads before today. Do you feel these ads… 之前您曾说您看到过以下广告。您是否认为这些广告…,(12416) 1 2 3 4 The ads are… The message is very The message is quite The message is The message is very DK/ None of the 这些广告….. similar similar somewhat different different above 他们传递的信息非他们传递的信息比较他们传递的信息有些他们传递的信息非(DO NOT READ) 不知道/以上皆无常相似 相似 不同 常不同 (程序不显示) Q_CS_HISENSE_3. If you feel these ads are similar, which of the elements makes you feel these similar? (MA) P: Ask this question for those who answered 1 or 2 at Q_CS_HISENSE_1. 如果您觉得这些广告是相似的,那么下列哪些方面让您有这样的感觉呢,(复选)(12420,12429)/1 仅询问Q_CS_HISENSE_1题选了1或2 的被访者 Q_CS_HISENSE_4. If you feel these ads are not that similar, which of the elements makes you feel that? (MA) P: Ask this question for those who answered 3 or 4 at Q_CS_HISENSE_1. 如果您觉得这些广告不是相似的,那么下列哪些方面让您有这样的感觉呢,(复选)(12430,12439)/1 ? 2011 Ipsos Marketing All rights reserved. Contains Ipsos’ Confidential, Trade Secret and Proprietary Information. 123/142 IPSOS-RD-005 仅询问Q_CS_HISENSE_1题选了3或4 的被访者 P: Rotate 循环 Q_CS_HISENSE_3. Q_CS_HISENSE_4. 1 Music 音乐 Music 音乐 2 Logo 标志 Logo 标志 3 Color of the background 背景颜色 Color of the background 背景颜色 4 Character used 使用的角色 Character used 使用的角色 5 Celebrities (if any) 名人(如果有的Celebrities (if any) 名人(如果有的 话) 话) 6 Others 其他 Others 其他 P: go to Q_CS_HISENSE_5. P: SHOW THE STIMULI IMAGE THAT RESPONDENT SAW AGAIN 再次出示刺激物图片 CAMPAIGN MESSAGE DELIVERY_MA Q_CS_HISENSE_5. Now thinking of the entire campaign, which message do you think you received from these advertisements? Please select all that apply. (MA) 请问您从这些宣传中获取了什么信息,(复选)(16740,16746/1) *This TV is easy to use 1 这台彩电容易使用 This TV is premium TV 2 这个品牌的电视是高端的 This TV has a stylish design 3 这台彩电具有独特风格的设计 This TV provides brighter colors and sharper images 4 这台彩电提供了更明亮的色彩和更清晰的画面 This TV is eco-friendly 5 这台彩电绿色环保 This TV brings people together 6 这台彩电使人们走到一起来 This TV provides a good sound quality 7 这台彩电是音质非常好 P: IF ONLY ONE STATEMENT IS SELECTED, AUTOMATICALLY MARK Q_CS_HISENSE_6 AND RESPONDENTS GO TO Q_CS_HISENSE_7. IF MORE THAN 2 STATEMENTS ARE SELETECTED, ONLY SHOWS THOSE STATEMENTS FOR Q_CS_HISENSE_6 如果Q_CS_HISENSE_5只选了一个选项,则在Q_CS_HISENSE_6中自动圈选并继续到Q_CS_HISENSE_7 如果Q_CS_HISENSE_5选了一个以上选项,则在Q_CS_HISENSE_6中只出示Q_CS_HISENSE_5所选答案 CAMPAIGN MESSAGE DELIVERY_SA Q_CS_HISENSE_6. Which message comes out most strongly? Please select one. (SA) P: ONLY SHOW THE STATEMENTS SELECTED ON Q_CS_HISENSE_5. 哪项信息传递的最为强烈呢,(单选)(16749) *This TV is easy to use 1 这台彩电容易使用 This TV is premium TV 2 这个品牌的电视是高端的 ? 2011 Ipsos Marketing All rights reserved. Contains Ipsos’ Confidential, Trade Secret and Proprietary Information. 124/142 IPSOS-RD-005 This TV has a stylish design 3 这台彩电具有独特风格的设计 This TV provides brighter colors and sharper images 4 这台彩电提供了更明亮的色彩和更清晰的画面 This TV is eco-friendly 5 这台彩电绿色环保 This TV brings people together 6 这台彩电使人们走到一起来 This TV provides a good sound quality 7 这台彩电是音质非常好 CAMPAIGN POSITIONING STATEMENT Q_CS_HISENSE_7. Among the statements below, please choose all statements that applies to the entire campaign. (MA) 请从下列语句中选择适用于描述这些宣传的语句。(复选)(12450,12479)/2 P: Rotate the statement 循环语句 A color TV brand is innovative 2 2 这个彩电品牌是创新的 A color TV brand is stylish. 4 4 这个彩电品牌是时尚的 A color TV brand is of high quality 5 5 这个彩电品牌是高品质的 A color TV brand has good picture quality. 7 7 这个彩电品牌画质很好 A color TV brand is dynamic. 8 8 这个彩电品牌是有活力的 A color TV brand is distinctive. 9 9 这个彩电品牌是有特色的 A color TV brand is worth paying more. 10 10 这个彩电品牌值得花更多的钱 A color TV brand is Imaginative 11 11 这个彩电品牌是有想象力的 A color TV brand is inviting 12 12 这个彩电品牌是吸引人的 CAMPAIGN SYNERGY 广告宣传活动的增效作用 Now we would like you to see the images below 现在请您浏览以下图片 Q_CS_LG_1 Earlier you stated that you have seen the following ads before today. Do you feel these ads… P: Plz ask to those who have answered “Yes” to more than one ads among TPTA1=1.. ( CM- should give guide to Variable Name depending on countries) Show the images of ads that respondents answered “Yes” at TPTA1=1. Q_CS_LG_1. 之前您曾说您看到过以下广告。您是否认为这些广告…, 程序员:提问看过TPTA广告的被访者 一屏同时出示TPTA,TPPA,TPPB,TPOB,TPI部分的图片 ? 2011 Ipsos Marketing All rights reserved. Contains Ipsos’ Confidential, Trade Secret and Proprietary Information. 125/142 IPSOS-RD-005 1 2 3 4 The ads are… Very similar in Quite similar in look Somewhat different Very Different in both DK/ None of the 这些广告….. creative look & feel & feel in look & feel creative look & feel above 他们的创意形象和他们的创意形象和感他们的创意形象和感他们的创意形象和(DO NOT READ) 不知道/以上皆无感觉非常相似 觉比较相似 觉有些不同 感觉非常不同 (程序不显示) Q_CS_LG_2. Earlier you stated that you have seen the following ads before today. Do you feel these ads… 之前您曾说您看到过以下广告。您是否认为这些广告…, 1 2 3 4 The ads are… The message is very The message is quite The message is The message is very DK/ None of the 这些广告….. similar similar somewhat different different above 他们传递的信息非他们传递的信息比较他们传递的信息有些他们传递的信息非(DO NOT READ) 不知道/以上皆无常相似 相似 不同 常不同 (程序不显示) Q_CS_LG_3. If you feel these ads are similar, which of the elements makes you feel these similar? (MA) P: Ask this question for those who answered 1 or 2 at Q_CS_LG_1. 如果您觉得这些广告是相似的,那么下列哪些方面让您有这样的感觉呢,(复选) 仅询问Q_CS_LG_1题选了1或2 的被访者 Q_CS_LG_4. If you feel these ads are not that similar, which of the elements makes you feel that? (MA) P: Ask this question for those who answered 3 or 4 at Q_CS_LG_1. 如果您觉得这些广告不是相似的,那么下列哪些方面让您有这样的感觉呢,(复选) 仅询问Q_CS_LG_1题选了3或4 的被访者 P: Rotate 循环 Q_CS_LG_3. Q_CS_LG_4. 1 Music 音乐 Music 音乐 2 Logo 标志 Logo 标志 3 Color of the background 背景颜色 Color of the background 背景颜色 4 Character used 使用的角色 Character used 使用的角色 5 Celebrities (if any) 名人(如果有的Celebrities (if any) 名人(如果有的 话) 话) 6 Others 其他 Others 其他 P: go to Q_CS_LG_5. P: SHOW THE STIMULI IMAGE THAT RESPONDENT SAW AGAIN 再次出示刺激物图片 CAMPAIGN MESSAGE DELIVERY_MA Q_CS_LG_5. Now thinking of the entire campaign, which message do you think you received from these advertisements? Please select all that apply. (MA) 请问您从这些宣传中获取了什么信息,(复选) This TV emphasizes on the special shipping type of base. 这台电视的船型底座设计,寓意一帆风顺;非凡1 画质带来身临其境的观赏体验 This TV is premium TV 这个品牌的电视是高端的 2 ? 2011 Ipsos Marketing All rights reserved. Contains Ipsos’ Confidential, Trade Secret and Proprietary Information. 126/142 IPSOS-RD-005 This TV has innovative technologies 这个品牌的电视运用3 了创新的科技 This TV provides superior picture at superior price这个品4 牌的电视为您提供高清画面且超值价格 This TV has an ultra thin design 这个品牌的电视是超薄设5 计 This TV brings people together这个品牌的电视将人们聚6 集到一起 This TV is eco-friendly 这台彩电绿色环保 7 P: IF ONLY ONE STATEMENT IS SELECTED, AUTOMATICALLY MARK Q_CS_LG_6 AND RESPONDENTS GO TO Q_CS_LG_7. IF MORE THAN 2 STATEMENTS ARE SELETECTED, ONLY SHOWS THOSE STATEMENTS FOR Q_CS_LG_6 如果Q_CS_LG_5只选了一个选项,则在Q_CS_LG_6中自动圈选并继续到Q_CS_LG_7 如果Q_CS_LG_5选了一个以上选项,则在Q_CS_LG_6中只出示Q_CS_LG_5所选答案 CAMPAIGN MESSAGE DELIVERY_SA Q_CS_LG_6. Which message comes out most strongly? Please select one. (SA) P: ONLY SHOW THE STATEMENTS SELECTED ON Q_CS_LG_5. 哪项信息传递的最为强烈呢,(单选) This TV emphasizes on the special shipping type of base. 这台电视的船型底座设计,寓意一帆风顺;非凡1 画质带来身临其境的观赏体验 This TV is premium TV 这个品牌的电视是高端的 2 This TV has innovative technologies 这个品牌的电视运用3 了创新的科技 This TV provides superior picture at superior price这个品4 牌的电视为您提供高清画面且超值价格 This TV has an ultra thin design 这个品牌的电视是超薄设5 计 This TV brings people together这个品牌的电视将人们聚6 集到一起 This TV is eco-friendly 这台彩电绿色环保 7 CAMPAIGN POSITIONING STATEMENT Q_CS_LG_7. Among the statements below, please choose all statements that applies to the entire campaign. (MA) 请从下列语句中选择适用于描述这些宣传的语句。(复选)(12450,12479)/2 P: Rotate the statement 循环语句 A color TV brand is innovative 2 2 这个彩电品牌是创新的 A color TV brand is stylish. 4 4 这个彩电品牌是时尚的 A color TV brand is of high quality 5 5 这个彩电品牌是高品质的 A color TV brand has good picture quality. 7 7 这个彩电品牌画质很好 A color TV brand is dynamic. 8 8 这个彩电品牌是有活力的 A color TV brand is distinctive. 9 9 这个彩电品牌是有特色的 ? 2011 Ipsos Marketing All rights reserved. Contains Ipsos’ Confidential, Trade Secret and Proprietary Information. 127/142 IPSOS-RD-005 A color TV brand is worth paying more. 10 10 这个彩电品牌值得花更多的钱 A color TV brand is Imaginative 11 11 这个彩电品牌是有想象力的 A color TV brand is inviting 12 12 这个彩电品牌是吸引人的 CAMPAIGN SYNERGY 广告宣传活动的增效作用_Skyworth Now we would like you to see the images below 现在请您浏览以下图片 Q_CS_Skyworth_1.Earlier you stated that you have seen the following ads before today. Do you feel these ads… P: Plz ask to those who have answered “Yes” to more than one ads among TPTB1=1 or TPTC1=1 ( CM- should give guide to Variable Name depending on countries) Show the images of ads that respondents answered “Yes” at TPTB1=1 or TPTC1=1. Q_CS_Skyworth_1. 之前您曾说您看到过以下广告。您是否认为这些广告…, 程序员:提问看过电视广告的被访者(TPTB1=1或TPTC1=1) 一屏同时出示TPTB,TPTC,TPPC,TPPD部分的图片 1 2 3 4 The ads are… Very similar in Quite similar in look Somewhat different Very Different in both DK/ None of the 这些广告….. creative look & feel & feel in look & feel creative look & feel above 他们的创意形象和他们的创意形象和感他们的创意形象和感他们的创意形象和(DO NOT READ) 不知道/以上皆无感觉非常相似 觉比较相似 觉有些不同 感觉非常不同 (程序不显示) Q_CS_Skyworth_2. Earlier you stated that you have seen the following ads before today. Do you feel these ads… 之前您曾说您看到过以下广告。您是否认为这些广告…, 1 2 3 4 The ads are… The message is very The message is quite The message is The message is very DK/ None of the 这些广告….. similar similar somewhat different different above 他们传递的信息非他们传递的信息比较他们传递的信息有些他们传递的信息非(DO NOT READ) 不知道/以上皆无常相似 相似 不同 常不同 (程序不显示) Q_CS_Skyworth_3. If you feel these ads are similar, which of the elements makes you feel these similar? (MA) P: Ask this question for those who answered 1 or 2 at Q_CS_Skyworth_1. 如果您觉得这些广告是相似的,那么下列哪些方面让您有这样的感觉呢,(复选) 仅询问Q_CS_Skyworth_1题选了1或2 的被访者 Q_CS_Skyworth_4. If you feel these ads are not that similar, which of the elements makes you feel that? (MA) P: Ask this question for those who answered 3 or 4 at Q_CS_Skyworth_1. 如果您觉得这些广告不是相似的,那么下列哪些方面让您有这样的感觉呢,(复选) 仅询问Q_CS_Skyworth_1题选了3或4 的被访者 P: Rotate 循环 Q_CS_Skyworth_3. Q_CS_Skyworth_4. ? 2011 Ipsos Marketing All rights reserved. Contains Ipsos’ Confidential, Trade Secret and Proprietary Information. 128/142 IPSOS-RD-005 1 Music 音乐 Music 音乐 2 Logo 标志 Logo 标志 3 Color of the background 背景颜色 Color of the background 背景颜色 4 Character used 使用的角色 Character used 使用的角色 5 Celebrities (if any) 名人(如果有的Celebrities (if any) 名人(如果有的 话) 话) 6 Others 其他 Others 其他 P: go to Q_CS_Skyworth_5. P: SHOW THE STIMULI IMAGE THAT RESPONDENT SAW AGAIN 再次出示刺激物图片 CAMPAIGN MESSAGE DELIVERY_MA Q_CS_Skyworth_5. Now thinking of the entire campaign, which message do you think you received from these advertisements? Please select all that apply. (MA) 请问您从这些宣传中获取了什么信息,(复选) This TV emphasizes on its human health technology这台1 电视专注健康科技 This TV presents unprecedented picture quality with 4K 2 technology这台电视的4K技术带来超凡画质 This TV has an ultra thin design 这个品牌的电视是超薄设3 计 This TV has durable and practical features to me. 这台电4 视为您提供经久耐用的品质且容易操作 This TV is eco-friendly 这台彩电绿色环保 5 This TV brings people together这个品牌的电视将人们聚6 集到一起 This TV provides a good sound quality 这台电视为您提供7 高品质音效。 P: IF ONLY ONE STATEMENT IS SELECTED, AUTOMATICALLY MARK Q_CS_6 AND RESPONDENTS GO TO Q_CS_7. IF MORE THAN 2 STATEMENTS ARE SELETECTED, ONLY SHOWS THOSE STATEMENTS FOR Q_CS_6 如果Q_CS_Skyworth_5只选了一个选项,则在Q_CS_ Skyworth_6中自动圈选并继续到Q_CS_ Skyworth_7 如果Q_CS_ Skyworth_5选了一个以上选项,则在Q_CS_ Skyworth_6中只出示Q_CS_ Skyworth_5所选答案 CAMPAIGN MESSAGE DELIVERY_SA Q_CS_Skyworth_6 . Which message comes out most strongly? Please select one. (SA) P: ONLY SHOW THE STATEMENTS SELECTED ON Q_CS_ Skyworth_5. 哪项信息传递的最为强烈呢,(单选) This TV emphasizes on its human health technology这台1 电视专注健康科技 This TV presents unprecedented picture quality with 4K 2 technology这台电视的4K技术带来超凡画质 This TV has an ultra thin design 这个品牌的电视是超薄设3 计 This TV has durable and practical features to me. 这台电4 视为您提供经久耐用的品质且容易操作 This TV is eco-friendly 这台彩电绿色环保 5 ? 2011 Ipsos Marketing All rights reserved. Contains Ipsos’ Confidential, Trade Secret and Proprietary Information. 129/142 IPSOS-RD-005 This TV brings people together这个品牌的电视将人们聚6 集到一起 This TV provides a good sound quality 这台电视为您提供7 高品质音效。 CAMPAIGN POSITIONING STATEMENT Q_CS_Skyworth_7 . Among the statements below, please choose all statements that applies to the entire campaign. (MA) 请从下列语句中选择适用于描述这些宣传的语句。(复选) P: Rotate the statement 循环语句 A color TV brand is innovative 2 2 这个彩电品牌是创新的 A color TV brand is stylish. 4 4 这个彩电品牌是时尚的 A color TV brand is of high quality 5 5 这个彩电品牌是高品质的 A color TV brand has good picture quality. 7 7 这个彩电品牌画质很好 A color TV brand is dynamic. 8 8 这个彩电品牌是有活力的 A color TV brand is distinctive. 9 9 这个彩电品牌是有特色的 A color TV brand is worth paying more. 10 10 这个彩电品牌值得花更多的钱 A color TV brand is Imaginative 11 11 这个彩电品牌是有想象力的 A color TV brand is inviting 12 12 这个彩电品牌是吸引人的 CAMPAIGN SYNERGY 广告宣传活动的增效作用-Samsung 2013 2H SMART TV Now we would like you to see the images below 现在请您浏览以下图片 Q_CS_20132H SAMSUNG_1 Earlier you stated that you have seen the following ads before today. Do you feel these ads… P: Plz ask to those who have answered “Yes” to more than one ads among TPTD1=1.. ( CM- should give guide to Variable Name depending on countries) Show the images of ads that respondents answered “Yes” at TPTD1=1. Q_CS_20132H SAMSUNG_1. 之前您曾说您看到过以下广告。您是否认为这些广告…, 程序员:提问看过TPTD广告的被访者 一屏同时出示TPTD1,TPIB1,TPPD1,TPVA1部分的图片 1 2 3 4 The ads are… Very similar in Quite similar in look Somewhat different Very Different in both DK/ None of the 这些广告….. creative look & feel & feel in look & feel creative look & feel above 他们的创意形象和他们的创意形象和感他们的创意形象和感他们的创意形象和(DO NOT READ) 不知道/以上皆无感觉非常相似 觉比较相似 觉有些不同 感觉非常不同 ? 2011 Ipsos Marketing All rights reserved. Contains Ipsos’ Confidential, Trade Secret and Proprietary Information. 130/142 IPSOS-RD-005 (程序不显示) Q_CS_20132H SAMSUNG_2. Earlier you stated that you have seen the following ads before today. Do you feel these ads… 之前您曾说您看到过以下广告。您是否认为这些广告…, 1 2 3 4 The ads are… The message is very The message is quite The message is The message is very DK/ None of the 这些广告….. similar similar somewhat different different above 他们传递的信息非他们传递的信息比较他们传递的信息有些他们传递的信息非(DO NOT READ) 不知道/以上皆无常相似 相似 不同 常不同 (程序不显示) Q_CS_20132H SAMSUNG_3. If you feel these ads are similar, which of the elements makes you feel these similar? (MA) P: Ask this question for those who answered 1 or 2 at Q_CS_20132H SAMSUNG_1. 如果您觉得这些广告是相似的,那么下列哪些方面让您有这样的感觉呢,(复选) 仅询问Q_CS_20132H SAMSUNG_1题选了1或2 的被访者 Q_CS_20132H SAMSUNG_4. If you feel these ads are not that similar, which of the elements makes you feel that? (MA) P: Ask this question for those who answered 3 or 4 at Q_CS_20132H SAMSUNG_1. 如果您觉得这些广告不是相似的,那么下列哪些方面让您有这样的感觉呢,(复选) 仅询问Q_CS_20132H SAMSUNG_1题选了3或4 的被访者 P: Rotate 循环 Q_CS_20132H SAMSUNG_3. Q_CS_20132H SAMSUNG_4. 1 Music 音乐 Music 音乐 2 Logo 标志 Logo 标志 3 Color of the background 背景颜色 Color of the background 背景颜色 4 Character used 使用的角色 Character used 使用的角色 5 Celebrities (if any) 名人(如果有的Celebrities (if any) 名人(如果有的 话) 话) 6 Others 其他 Others 其他 P: go to Q_CS_20132H SAMSUNG_5. P: SHOW THE STIMULI IMAGE THAT RESPONDENT SAW AGAIN 再次出示刺激物图片 CAMPAIGN MESSAGE DELIVERY_MA Q_CS_20132H SAMSUNG_5. Now thinking of the entire campaign, which message do you think you received from these advertisements? Please select all that apply. (MA) 请问您从这些宣传中获取了什么信息,(复选) This TV’s UHD tech brings every detail to life这台电视是真 正的超高清电视,展现4K超清晰画质,将每一个生动细节淋漓1 呈现。 This TV has the perfect balance of design and 2 performance这台电视具有设计与性能的完美平衡 This TV has an ultra thin design 这台电视是超薄设计 3 This TV is premium TV 这台电视是高端的 4 ? 2011 Ipsos Marketing All rights reserved. Contains Ipsos’ Confidential, Trade Secret and Proprietary Information. 131/142 IPSOS-RD-005 This TV is eco-friendly 这台电视绿色环保 5 This TV brings people together这台电视将人们聚集到一6 起 This TV provides a good sound quality 这台电视为您提供7 高品质音效。 P: IF ONLY ONE STATEMENT IS SELECTED, AUTOMATICALLY MARK Q_CS_20132H SAMSUNG_6 AND RESPONDENTS GO TO Q_CS_20132H SAMSUNG_7. IF MORE THAN 2 STATEMENTS ARE SELETECTED, ONLY SHOWS THOSE STATEMENTS FOR Q_CS_20132H SAMSUNG_6 如果Q_CS_20132H SAMSUNG_5只选了一个选项,则在Q_CS_20132H SAMSUNG_6中自动圈选并继续到Q_CS_20132H SAMSUNG_7 如果Q_CS_20132H SAMSUNG_5选了一个以上选项,则在Q_CS_20132H SAMSUNG_6中只出示Q_CS_20132H SAMSUNG_5所选答案 CAMPAIGN MESSAGE DELIVERY_SA Q_CS_20132H SAMSUNG_6. Which message comes out most strongly? Please select one. (SA) P: ONLY SHOW THE STATEMENTS SELECTED ON Q_CS_20132H SAMSUNG_5. 哪项信息传递的最为强烈呢,(单选) This TV’s UHD tech brings every detail to life这台电视是真 正的超高清电视,展现4K超清晰画质,将每一个生动细节淋漓1 呈现。 This TV has the perfect balance of design and 2 performance这台电视具有设计与性能的完美平衡 This TV has an ultra thin design 这台电视是超薄设计 3 This TV is premium TV 这台电视是高端的 4 5 This TV is eco-friendly 这台电视绿色环保 This TV brings people together这台电视将人们聚集到一6 起 This TV provides a good sound quality 这台电视为您提供7 高品质音效。 CAMPAIGN POSITIONING STATEMENT Q_CS_20132H SAMSUNG_7. Among the statements below, please choose all statements that applies to the entire campaign. (MA) 请从下列语句中选择适用于描述这些宣传的语句。(复选)(12450,12479)/2 P: Rotate the statement 循环语句 A color TV brand is innovative 2 2 这个彩电品牌是创新的 A color TV brand is stylish. 4 4 这个彩电品牌是时尚的 A color TV brand is of high quality 5 5 这个彩电品牌是高品质的 A color TV brand has good picture quality. 7 7 这个彩电品牌画质很好 A color TV brand is dynamic. 8 8 这个彩电品牌是有活力的 A color TV brand is distinctive. 9 9 这个彩电品牌是有特色的 A color TV brand is worth paying more. 10 10 这个彩电品牌值得花更多的钱 ? 2011 Ipsos Marketing All rights reserved. Contains Ipsos’ Confidential, Trade Secret and Proprietary Information. 132/142 IPSOS-RD-005 A color TV brand is Imaginative 11 11 这个彩电品牌是有想象力的 A color TV brand is inviting 12 12 这个彩电品牌是吸引人的 ? 2011 Ipsos Marketing All rights reserved. Contains Ipsos’ Confidential, Trade Secret and Proprietary Information. 133/142 IPSOS-RD-005 WORD OF MOUTH 口碑传播 RECOGNITION/ INVOLVEMENT TPW1. Thinking of everyday discussions with friends, family members, or work colleagues, have you discussed SAMSUNG with any of them recently, or not? (SA) 您最近与朋友、家人、同学或同事的交流,是否聊到过有关三星的话题呢,【单选】(6715) Yes是 1 , CONTINUE No否 2 , GO TO S1 WOM CONTENTS口碑传播内容 TPW2. What have you heard or talked about? Please select from the list below (MA) 请问您都听到或谈到过以下哪些内容呢,【复选】(6720,6724)/1 Product design related 1 关于产品设计的内容 Product performance such as feature, easy to use, durability related 2 关于产品的特点、是否容易使用、是否耐用等内容 Price related 3 关于价格 Service/Warranty related 4 关于保修和其他售后服务 Marketing Activities such as sales promotion, TV Commercial related 5 关于促销、电视广告等营销活动 Others 其他 6 BRAND IMPACT品牌影响 WOM CONTENTS- IMPACT TPW3. When you heard or talked about Samsung, was the brand positively or negatively talked about? 请问您听到或谈到的是关于三星正面的内容还是负面的内容呢,(6770) Very Positively Positively Neutral Negatively Very negatively 非常正面 正面 中性的 负面的 非常负面的 1 2 3 4 5 AD DIAGNOSTIC – BRADN IMPACT TPW4. How have these discussions made you feel about SAMSUNG? (SA) 这个讨论使您对三星的感觉有什么变化呢(6775) Describes it Describes it Does not describe somewhat有些能THIS DISCUSSION…这个讨论 completely it at all 完全能描述 完全不能描述 描述 Makes me feel good about brand这个讨论1 2 3 让我对这个品牌有好的感觉 BRAND IMPACT TPW4-1. How have these discussions make you feel about this brand? (SA) 这些讨论使您对这个品牌的感觉产生了怎样的变化呢,(单选) Unchanged from Much Better A little better A little worse A lot worse before (neutral) 感觉变好很多 感觉变好了一些 感觉变差了一些 感觉变差很多 没有变化 1 2 3 4 5 ? 2011 Ipsos Marketing All rights reserved. Contains Ipsos’ Confidential, Trade Secret and Proprietary Information. 134/142 IPSOS-RD-005 SEGMENTATION YMC S1. For each statement, please select how much you agree 【出示卡片】请问您多大程度上同意下列这些语句的说法呢,请用1-5分打分,1分表示非常不同意,5分表示非常同意 【每行单选】 Strongly Strongly Disagree Neutral Agree disagree agree 非常不同意 不同意 一般 同意 非常同意 1 2 3 4 5 P: Strongly Strongly Disagree Neutral Agree agree ROTATE STATEMENT循环语句 disagree When with a group of friends, I generally take the lead in planning 6 activities 1 2 3 4 5 (6815) 和朋友们在一起时,我通常都是主导事 情的那个人。(4025) I am always among the first to adopt 7( new technology 1 2 3 4 5 我总是最先使用某种新科技的那群人。(6816) (4026) I am willing to pay a premium for the 8 latest technology 1 2 3 4 5 我愿意付更多钱去购买最新科技产品。(6817) (4027) YMC S2. For each statement, please select how much you agree 【出示卡片】请问您多大程度上同意下列这些语句的说法呢,请用1-5分打分,1分表示非常不同意,5分表示非常同意 【每行单选】 P: Strongly Strongly Disagree Neutral Agree ROTATE STATEMENT循环语句 disagree agree I?m the kind of person who knows what 1(6818I want and how to achieve it 1 2 3 4 5 我知道自己想要什么,也知道该如何得到) (4030) 7 I keep up to date with current affairs 1 2 3 4 5 我随时关注最新的时事新闻(4036) (6819) I consider myself to be somewhat of a 8 risk-taker 1 2 3 4 5 (6820) 我认为自己是个爱冒险的人(4037) The TV expresses my individuality and 9 style 1 2 3 4 5 (6821) 电视能够表现我的个性和风格(4038) CATEGORY SEG_MACRO S3. Which of the following statements best describes you when purchasing COLOR TV? (SA) 【出示卡片】请问下列哪种说法最能用来描述您购买彩电的情况呢, 【单选】(6825) TV expresses my personal style and individuality. I tend to buy a stylishly designed TV that can be used a s an important decoration item in my home 1 电视表现了我的个性和个人风格,我倾向于购买设计出众的电视,把电视机作为家庭装饰的重要内容 TV is an important source of entertainment, information, and relaxation. I tend to buy a big screen TV tha2 t can be connected with other devices such as computer, game console, DVD, or cable/satellite receiver ? 2011 Ipsos Marketing All rights reserved. Contains Ipsos’ Confidential, Trade Secret and Proprietary Information. 135/142 IPSOS-RD-005 电视机是娱乐、获取信息和放松的重要工具,我倾向于购买大屏幕的电视机并能连接电脑、游戏 机、有线电视接收器等其他设备 I tend to buy a best picture and sound quality TV with various advanced features that enables me to have li felike home theatre experience 3 我倾向于购买声音图像效果最好的电视机。它要拥有各种先进功能,使我获得逼真的家庭影院体 验。 I tend to buy a reliably working TV with basic functions gives me a good quality of picture and sound that helps me stay updated on current affairs 4 我倾向于购买拥有基本功能而且质量可靠的电视机。它要能带给我高质量的声音和图像,帮助我 及时获得时事信息。 I wouldn't pay more for advanced features and newest design for a TV. As long as it is easy to use and wor ks well, I'm content to have an ordinary TV 5 我不会为拥有先进功能和最新设计的电视机多付钱,只要电视机使用简单、运行良好就可以,普 通电视机就能让我满意。 ? 2011 Ipsos Marketing All rights reserved. Contains Ipsos’ Confidential, Trade Secret and Proprietary Information. 136/142 IPSOS-RD-005 CATEGORY SEG_MACRO S4. When thinking of COLOR TV, which one of the following sentences best describes your attitude towards technology of COLOR TV? (SA) 【出示卡片】说到彩电,请问下列哪种说法最能用来描述您对彩电技术的态度呢,【单选】(6830) I like to have the latest and the best technology TV, so I can have all of the newest features 1 我愿意购买技术最新最好的彩电,由此我能使用所有最新的功能设计 I like to keep up with new technology, but I don't always have to have the latest TV 2 我紧跟技术潮流,但是并不一定要拥有最先进的彩电 Technology is helpful, but it is just something that does a particular job 3 技术很有用,但它只是被用于某些特定的功能 I try to keep technology to a minimum in my life 4 技术只是我生活的一小部分 CATEGORY SEG_MACRO S5. When thinking of COLOR TV, which one of the following sentences best describes your attitude towards design of COLOR TV? (SA) 【出示卡片】说到彩电,请问下列哪种说法最能用来描述您对彩电外观和设计的态度呢,【单选】(6835) The way my TV looks is as important as the picture quality, so I'm willing to pay extra to get the look and feel I want 1 电视外观和画面质量同样重要,我愿意为我想要的电视机外观而支付更多钱 I like to keep up with new design trend, but I don't always have to have the latest design TV 2 我喜欢跟随新的外观设计趋势,但我没有必要拥有外观设计最新颖的电视机 Design is supportive, but it is just something that makes exterior look better 3 我外观设计是有用的,但外观设计只是让电视机的外观更好看 All the TVs look similar among those of the same type, so design doesn't really matter 4 同种类型的电视机外观看起来很像,所以外观设计没有实际意义 Now we would like to ask you about Consumer Electronic Products (Audiovisual products, White goods, Mobile phones, Computer products, etc) offered by Samsung.现在我们希望向您了解一下三星的消费类电子产品(视听产品,白色家电,手机,电脑等)的情况。 CROSS CATEGORY_Awareness CC1. As you might know, Samsung produces a wide variety of electronic products. Please tell me all the Samsung electronic products that you are aware of. (MA) 请问您知道三星的哪些消费类电子产品呢,(6840,6873)/2 Color TV彩电 01 02 Computer monitor显示器 Mobile phone/ Cellular phone手机 03 Desktop PC台式电脑 04 05 Laptop computer笔记本电脑 Laser printer激光打印机 06 07 DVD player (Blu-ray player)DVD播放器(蓝光播放器) 08 MP3 player MP3 Refrigerator (Includes fridge, freezer, fridge-freezer)电冰箱(冰箱,冰柜等) 09 Washing machine (Includes washer, dryer combined washer)洗衣机(包括普通洗衣机,烘10 干洗衣机) 11 Air conditioner空调 Microwave微波炉 12 13 Oven range烤箱 ? 2011 Ipsos Marketing All rights reserved. Contains Ipsos’ Confidential, Trade Secret and Proprietary Information. 137/142 IPSOS-RD-005 14 Vacuum cleaner吸尘器 15 Dishwasher洗碗机 Digital Compact Camera卡片式数码相机 16 Changeable Lens Camera (includes DSLR and Mirrorless)可换镜头相机(包括单反相机及无17 镜相机) CROSS CATEGORY_Evaluation CC2. As you might know, Samsung produces a wide variety of electronic products. On a scale of 1 to 7, how positive is your overall impression of the following products offered by Samsung? 对以下这些三星产品,您对他们的印象是怎样的呢, P: ONLY SHOW PRODUCTS SELECTED ON CC1. P: ASK CC2 TO ALL RESPONDENTS. 程序员:询问所有被访者,每页出示一个产品。 Very A little NeutrA little NegatVery Positive正Negativeive非Positive Positive有些al中Negative有些 负面 面 非常正面 常负正面 性 负面 面 (6915) Color TV彩01 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 电 (6916) Computer m onitor显示02 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 器 (6917) Mobile phon 03 e/ Cellular p7 6 5 4 3 2 1 hone手机 (6918) Desktop PC04 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 台式电脑 (6919) Laptop comp uter笔记本05 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 电脑 (6920) Laser printer06 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 激光打印机 (6921) DVD player ( Blu- ray player)D07 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 VD播放器 (蓝光播放 器) (6922) MP3 player 08 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 MP3 (6923) Refrigerator (Includes fri dge, freezer, fridge-freez09 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 er)电冰箱 (冰箱,冰 柜等) (6924) Washing ma chine (Includ es washer, d10 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 ryer combin ed washer) 洗衣机(包 ? 2011 Ipsos Marketing All rights reserved. Contains Ipsos’ Confidential, Trade Secret and Proprietary Information. 138/142 IPSOS-RD-005 括普通洗衣 机,烘干洗 衣机) (6925) Air condition11 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 er空调 (6926) Microwave12 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 微波炉 (6927) Oven range13 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 烤箱 (6928) Vacuum clea14 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 ner吸尘器 (6929) Dishwasher15 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 洗碗机 Compact 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Camera Hybrid Camera (low profile with professional 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 features (e.g. interchangea ble lens) (6930) Digital Comp act Camera16 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 卡片式数码 相机 (6931) Changeable Lens Camera (includes DS LR and Mirro rless)可换镜17 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 头相机(包 括单反相机 和无镜相 机) Overall Samsung 14 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Electronic Products CROSS CATEGORY_Overall Evaluataion CC3. Overall, how positive is your overall impression of Samsung Electronic Products? 总地来讲,您对三星所有产品的印象是怎样的呢,(6935) P: ASK CC3 TO ALL RESPONDENTS. Very A little A little Very Neutral中PositiveNegative Positive PositiveNegativeNegative正面 性 负面 非常正面 有些正面 有些负面 非常负面 Overall Samsung Electronic Products 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 三星所有产品 ? 2011 Ipsos Marketing All rights reserved. Contains Ipsos’ Confidential, Trade Secret and Proprietary Information. 139/142 IPSOS-RD-005 The following questions are just for classification purposes 最后,我想问您几个有关您和您家庭的问题,供资料 分析 定性数据统计分析pdf销售业绩分析模板建筑结构震害分析销售进度分析表京东商城竞争战略分析 时使用。 DQ 0. Are you aware that the patent infringement lawsuit between Samsung and Apple is currently underway? 1. Yes, I am aware of it. 2. No. DQ 0-1. (If DQ 0=1) If so, did you hear or are you aware of the firstjury verdict made by the U.S. court on the patent infringement lawsuit between Samsung and Apple? P: Ask among those who answered code 1 for question DQ0 1. Yes, I am aware of the ruling. 2 Yes, I am aware of the ruling and the specific facts. 3 No. DQ 0-2. If so, what is the final ruling you are aware of from the following statements? Please select one. [Rotation: 1 or 2 only] P: Ask among those who answered code 1 or 2 for question DQ0-1 1. Apple has infringed on Samsung?s patents, thus damages must be paid. 2. Samsung has infringed on Apple?s patents, thus damages must be paid. 3. Both Apple and Samsung have infringed on each others? patents. 4. Both Apple and Samsung did not infringe on each other?s patents. # OF PEOPLE IN HOUSEHOLD DQ1. Including yourself, how many people in total live in your household? (Please specify below) 总的来说,目前您家里一共住了多少人,我指的是一个星期至少有五天住在这里,包括小孩和您自己 NUMBER OF PEOPLE人 数 (7015,7016) # OF PEOPLE IN HOUSEHOLD BY AGE DQ2. Of the (SHOW NUMBER OF PEOPLE AT DQ1) people living in your household, how many are in below age range? 请问在您以及和您共同居住的<插入DQ1答案>口人中,下面这些年龄段的各有几人呢,请在下列空格中填入相应人数,总 人数需与总计相等。如果您家里没有相应年龄段的人,请填写0。 12 yeas old or younger 12岁及以下 1 People (7020,7021) 13~17 years old 2 People (7022,7023) 13-17岁之间 18 years old or older(including myself) 3 People (7024,7025) 18岁及以上(请包括您自己) (7026,7027) TOTAL总计 EMPLOYMENT STATUS DQ3. Are you employed...? (SA) ? 2011 Ipsos Marketing All rights reserved. Contains Ipsos’ Confidential, Trade Secret and Proprietary Information. 140/142 IPSOS-RD-005 【出示卡片】请问您的工作是……(7030) Full-time (over 35 hours a week) 1 全职工作(每周工作超过35小时) , GO TO DQ4跳问DQ4 Part-time (less than 35 hours a week) 2 兼职工作(每周工作少于35小时) Not employed , IF ANSWERED SKIP DQ4 THEN GO TO DQ53 无工作 跳问DQ5 EMPLOYMENT STATUS DQ4. Please indicate you occupation from the list below? If you have more than one occupation, please answer for your main occupation. (SA) 【出示卡片】请问您的职业是……? 如果您有一份以上的工作,请按照你从事的主要职业回答(单选) (7040,7041) If DQ3=1 or 2 is chosen, DQ4=12 and 13 can’t be chosen If DQ3=3 is chosen, DQ4=1-9 can’t be chosen 如果 DQ3=1 或 2, 则DQ4不能选择12 和 13 如果 DQ3=3,则 DQ4不能选择1-9 Professional/ Technical 专业人士 1 Self-employed/ Shop owner 个体私营业主 2 Senior management/ Executive高层管理人员 3 Middle/ junior management中层管理人员 4 Sales/ Marketing 市场营销和销售人员 5 Clerical/ Service worker 一般职员或服务人员 6 Government official/ Civil servant/ Army/ Police 7 政府部门职员/社会服务人员/军人/警察 Skilled manual worker 技术工人 8 Unskilled manual worker / Laborer 非技术工人 9 Housewife/ Homemaker 家庭主妇 10 Student 学生 11 Retired退休 12 Not working无业 13 Other/ Refused 其他/拒答 99 MARITAL STATUS DQ5. Please indicate your marital status? (SA) 【出示卡片】请问您的婚姻状况是……(7050,7051) Not married 未婚 1 Married/Cohabiting, having no children 2 已婚/同居,无孩子 Married/Cohabiting, having children 3 已婚/同居,有孩子 Divorced/Widowed, having no children 4 离异/丧偶,没有孩子 Divorced/Widowed, having children 5 离异/丧偶,有孩子 Refused 9 保密 EDUCATION DQ6. What was the last school you completed? (SA) 【出示卡片】请问您的受教育程度,我指的是您接受过最高的或正在接受的教育程度(7060) Grade School or less 小学或以下 1 ? 2011 Ipsos Marketing All rights reserved. Contains Ipsos’ Confidential, Trade Secret and Proprietary Information. 141/142 IPSOS-RD-005 Some High School 初中 2 High School Graduate 高中 3 Some College or Trade School 大专或专业学校 4 College Graduate 大学本科 5 Post-Graduate and above 研究生及以上 6 Prefer Not to Answer保密 7 访问结束,感谢被访者~ ? 2011 Ipsos Marketing All rights reserved. Contains Ipsos’ Confidential, Trade Secret and Proprietary Information. 142/142
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