首页 2011年科学素养大赛题库(100题)(2011 scientific literacy competition question bank (100 questions))

2011年科学素养大赛题库(100题)(2011 scientific literacy competition question bank (100 questions))


2011年科学素养大赛题库(100题)(2011 scientific literacy competition question bank (100 questions))2011年科学素养大赛题库(100题)(2011 scientific literacy competition question bank (100 questions)) 2011年科学素养大赛题库(100题)(2011 scientific literacy competition question bank (100 questions)) 2011 scientific literacy competition question bank (100 questions) Column tree n...

2011年科学素养大赛题库(100题)(2011 scientific literacy competition question bank (100 questions))
2011年科学素养大赛 快递公司问题件快递公司问题件货款处理关于圆的周长面积重点题型关于解方程组的题及答案关于南海问题 库(100题)(2011 scientific literacy competition question bank (100 questions)) 2011年科学素养大赛题库(100题)(2011 scientific literacy competition question bank (100 questions)) 2011 scientific literacy competition question bank (100 questions) Column tree navigation | home school students | | teachers | parents | growth | training | blog | video | | | | announcement notice the questionnaire | old station Party | composition | Chinese | mathematics | painting |OA| message | resources | Gallery | home school | security | space | system | graphic V your present position: Wuxi Wuqiao Experimental Primary School Net student student activity text June 9, 2011 Thursday Chinese calendar Xin Maonian At the beginning of May eight 2011 scientific literacy competition question bank (100 questions) Author: anonymous source: the original hits: 1007 update time: 2011-5-18 2011 scientific literacy contest exercises 1, green food refers to what food? C A, vegetables, fruits, B, green food, C, safe and pollution-free food D, food rich in nutritional value 2, the legend of love story is praised by all the myths and legends, you know the Altair is what sign? B A, B, C, Taurus constellation Aquila D, Leo 3, the following situation will not cause a tsunami. C A, underwater earthquakes, B, volcanic eruptions, C, plague, D, and underwater collapse 4 which of the following does not belong to environmental pollution? A A. biological pollution, B. food pollution, C. noise pollution, D. soil pollution 5 which of the following tiger subspecies is extinct? A A, Bali tiger, B, Southern China tiger, C, Sumatran tiger, D, Chinese Indochina tiger 6, wetland protection is an important area of environmental protection, the world Wetland Day for each year. C A., March 12th, B., May 2nd, C., February 2nd, D, March 2nd 7 which of the following animals has the most sensitive smell? A A dogs, B mice, C rabbits, D hedgehogs 8, the Chinese Northern Song Dynasty Bi Sheng invented? D A papermaking, B, compass, C, gunpowder, D, movable type printing 9, the choice of phosphorus detergent is to (). B A. protects clothing, B. protects against pollution, C. protects hands, and D washes clothes more cleanly 10, "snake playing seven inches" of seven inches refers to: () B A. throat, B. heart, C. head, D. tail 11 which of the following does not belong to natural radiation? D A, cosmic rays, B, terrestrial radiation sources, C, radioactivity in the body, D, and artificial radiation 12, the world's first seismograph is composed of (present). A A, Zhang Heng B, Li Shanbang C, Gutenberg 13, to reduce "white pollution", we should (). A A. consciously does not use, use less degradable plastic bags, B. littering plastic waste C. use plastic as much as possible. D. try not to use paper bags 14. What is the nearest planet to the sun in the eighth planet? D A. Mars, B., Saturn, C., Venus, D., mercury 15, the area of acid rain in China accounts for the area of land. B A. 20%, B.40%, C., 30%, D.10% 16 what are the colors of the navigation lights on the plane? A A red, green, white, B, white, yellow, blue, C, green, yellow, blue, D, red, green, yellow 17, weapons of mass destruction do not include (). B A. chemical weapons, B. space weapons, C. biological weapons, D. nuclear weapons 18 、 World No Tobacco Day is on which day of the year? B A.3, 31, B., May 31st, C., July 31st, D., August 31st 19. Where did alchemy originate? B A., ancient India, B., ancient Egypt, C., ancient Rome, D., ancient Greece 20, cumulonimbus cloud base height is generally (). D A.3000-4000 meters, B.2000-3000 meters, C.1000-2000 meters, D.400-1000 meters 21. Falling out of the window is one of the signs in the action movie, but the actor is not hitting the real glass, but... C A. plastic, B. crystal, C. sugar, glass, D., organic glass 22. The largest nature reserve in our country is (). C A. B. Tianchi reserve, Kanas Lake Reserve, C. D. Bayinbuluke reserve Altun Mountains 23, when the earthquake occurred, you at home (buildings), how should shock absorbers? ). A A, hiding under sturdy furniture, such as tables, where a house collapses and forms a triangular space B, go to the corridor C, do not move in situ, D, jump off a building 24, riding in the running of the electric (steam) car, when the earthquake, to () handrails, so as not to fall or bruise. B A, left B, hold on 25. What are the most abundant metals in the earth's crust? D A iron, B copper, C, calcium, D aluminum 26 ground vibrations caused by underground nuclear explosions or industrial explosions belong to (). B A, collapse earthquakes, B, artificial earthquakes, C, volcanic earthquakes, D, and induced earthquakes 27 trauma site first aid techniques refer to (). A A, hemostasis, bandaging, fixation, handling, B, hemostasis, bandaging, fixation, waiting for medical staff C, hemostasis, bandaging, waiting for medical staff D, bleeding, fixed, waiting for medical staff 28. A tsunami is a catastrophic wave, usually caused by an underwater earthquake over the Richter scale (50 kilometers) below the ocean bottom. C A, 4 B, 5 C, 6.5 29 () is a kind of ocean power generation, but it is the earliest, largest and mature technology in marine energy utilization. A A tidal power B electric power C power generation D thermoelectric power generation 30. In a constant temperature room, you stand barefoot on the tiles, feeling colder than standing on the cotton, because: () B A cotton temperature is higher, B tile heat conduction faster, C body illusion, D tile temperature is lower than cotton 31, a balloon filled with hydrogen and put it away, it will: ( ) C A keeps going up, B rises to a certain height, stops rising, C a helicopter, and finally explodes D stops and does not move 32. The emblem of the China Wildlife Protection Association is () B A. Red Crowned Crane, B., giant panda, C., camel, D., a plant 33. The main hematopoietic organ in humans is () B A. B. C. D.大脑脊髓骨髓心脏 34、把一支温度计放在转动的电风扇前,温度计的液柱会(C)。 一个、上升B C D、不一定、下降、不变 35、一枚古钱币的中间有一个方形小孔,如果将这枚古钱币放入火中加热,那么,小孔的面积会(B)。 一个、缩小B C D、不一定、扩大、不变 36、下列四种家庭废弃物中,最需要单独分出存放的是(B)。 一个、果皮、果核B C D、废纸、废电池、鱼骨、鱼内脏 37、核辐射主要是α、β、γ三种(一) 一个、射线B、原子C、物质 38、破坏臭氧层的主要污染源是(D)。 A.工厂、家用炉灶燃烧矿物能源B.汽车尾气 C.有色金属冶炼工业排放废气D.工业、家庭广泛使用冰柜和冰箱 39、在太阳系速度大比拼中,绕太阳运转的速度最快一()。 A. B. C. D.火星木星地球水星 40、世界上体重最大的哺乳动物是(C), A. B. C. D.河马蓝鲸犀牛大象 41、中国最大的淡水湖是(),鄱阳湖B.洞庭湖AA。 C.青海湖D.太湖 42、世界上最毒的蜘蛛是下面哪个,C A.安娜彼斯图拉蜘蛛;B、黑寡妇蜘蛛;C,D,一样毒巴西漫游蜘蛛; 43、二战时,被誉为”战斗机之王”的是(B)。 A.零式战斗机b.p-51”野马”战斗机 c.p-47”雷电”战斗机d.fw-190战斗机 44、在我国沿海登陆的台风,如果是在美国沿岸登陆就得改名叫(C)。 A. B. C. D.季风飓风龙卷风信风 45、三十六计中的”关门捉贼”发生在哪个朝代,D A B C D in Nanping Han Tang 46. What is the largest palace in the world? A A B the Imperial Palace in Beijing, Le Louvre Museum in Paris C D Potala Palace, Lhasa, Moscow, Moscow Kremlin 47, the beautiful and unusual "mirage" is a phenomenon of refraction of light. When does it usually occur? B A, spring, B, summer, C, autumn, D, winter 48, "Chang'e 1" satellite launched successfully, which means that China has become the world's number of countries that can launch lunar probe? C A third B, fourth C, fifth D, Sixth 49 which of the following is wrong under fire? A A. immediately rushed outside to B. to stop the smoke from invading C. evacuate the fire from the safety passage, D., and cover your nose and mouth with a wet towel as soon as possible 50, in order to ensure the consistency of the the Great Wall, our ancestors built the Great Wall in the mortar mixed with what? A A. glutinous rice, B. corn, C. sweet potato, D. sweet potato 51, what is known as "the largest natural museum in the world"? C A. Aleutian Islands B. Hawaii C. Galapagos Islands D. islands of the Lesser Antilles 52 which is the largest ancient stone masonry project in the world? A A. Chinese the Great Wall B. Pyramid in Egypt C. ancient Rome Colosseum D. China the Imperial Palace 53. How many years does Halley's comet run on its elliptical orbit? B A. 20 years, B. 76 years, C. 50 years, D.90 years 54, why did many crows and hawks fly past in the jungles of Australia's Northern Territory, hovering over the smoky sky? C A, they want to learn a phoenix rising from the ashes. B, they take a bath with smoke and remove parasites from their bodies. C, they are looking for snakes, lizards and other foods that have been forced by fire. D, they are heating the fire. 55, shark head behind the side there is a "hole", what is that? A A, its gill slits. B, its wound. C, its nostrils. D, its detection organs In 56, canine animal can climb the tree is the best? B A, red fox. B, American Gray fox. C, coyote. D, dog. 57, mangroves are often immersed in salty sea water, how does it drain salt? A A leaves salt through the stomata on the leaves. B, via root. C, through stem. D, through fruit. 58. Why do raccoons like to run into human settlements? A A, humans have encroached on its turf. B, human food. C, like playing with human pets. D, likes humans. The 59 song, "Edelweiss" is an American film (in the episode). B The wizard of Oz A. B. music C. Charlotte's Web D. the travel notes 60, the polar bear and which of the following bears are closer to each other? B A. Asian black bear: B, brown bear, C, Malay bear, D, and glasses bear 61 () rays are helium nuclei, which can be blocked with a single piece of paper, but they are harmful to the body. Therefore, food contaminated by this ray is not drinkable. A A, alpha B, beta C, gamma 62, dogs mainly rely on () to help the body heat radiation. B A. nose, B. tongue, C. claw, D. tail 63, how is the distance between galaxies and galaxies changing in the universe? A A. away from each other, B. close to each other, C. constant, D. is not necessarily 64, the newspaper for a long time why yellow? A A. lignin is oxidized and B. ink pigments are broken down C. pulp absorbs moisture in the air D. chemicals used to bleach are broken down 65. What's the principle of fruit power generation? A A. dry cell, B. fuel cell, C. solar cell, D. thermoelectric cell 66, the tank is an important weapon in modern warfare, it was invented by (people) first. C A., Germany, B., USSR, C., UK, D., USA 67, Shaanxi Qianling Wu Zetian tombstone () is a word. A A. 0, B. 10, C. 100, D.1000 68 when did Maya civilization disappear? B A. Ad fifth Century B. ad sixteenth Century, C. ad tenth Century, D. ad thirteenth Century 69. Why are there two propellers for a coaxial propeller helicopter? A A mutually counteracts the forces acting on the propeller during rotation B, good-looking C, purely furnishings D, increase the capacity of weapons and equipment 70, anemia is mainly due to the lack of which element in the human body? B A, calcium, B, iron, C, iodine, D, sodium chloride 71, the world's three largest ecosystem does not include? A A. River, B. ocean, C. wetland, D. forest 72, Shandong and Shanxi province "mountain" refers to? B A. C. Taishan B. Taihang Mountain Mt. Hengshan D. Yimeng Mountain 73. What kinds of metal elements are there in the belly of a special bullet such as a flare, a burning bomb, etc? B A, Na and Mg, B, Mg and Al, C, Na and Al, D, K and Al 74 which of the following substances is the same as a diamond? B A. transparent plastic, B. pencil core, C. bulletproof glass, D. marble 75, the huge Diplodocus most powerful "weapon" which is part of the body? C A. head, B. foot, C. tail, D. neck 76. Who is the composer of the National Anthem of People's Republic of China? B A, Xian Xinghai B, Tian Han D, Zheng Lvcheng C, Nie Er. 77. Radar can detect distant planes because... B Scanning function of A and scanner The reflection of electromagnetic waves emitted by B and radar The observation function of C and radar telescope The reflection of infrared rays emitted by D and radar 78, "good study, every day to long" is the purpose of which group? B A. B. C. D. the young pioneers of Communist Youth League Youth Federation 79. The aircraft was originally used for reconnaissance and photographing in military affairs. What weapon was the first shot in the history of aerial warfare?. C A, pistol B, machine gun C, rifle D, submachine gun 80, which marine animals are poisonous? A A, monk cap jellyfish; B; clown fish; C; seal; d, An ocean sunfish; 81, which of the following cities is called the ancient capital of the Six Dynasties? B A. B. Beijing, Nanjing, C., Xi'an, D., Luoyang 82. Which of the following ingredients is the highest in ice cream? D A. protein, B., lactose, C., ice, D., milk fat 83. Aircraft and tanks are represented by kilometers per hour, and warships are represented by knots. How many kilometers / times are the 1 knots? D A, 1.582 B, 1.385 C, 1.528 D, 1.852 84 who is the first person to reach the North Pole? D The British captain A. Cook B. Kang Youwei Chinese C. D. American Pily Shuo home literature of Western Han Dynasty 85 which of the following is not an insectivorous plant? B A. B. purslane C. D. flytrap sundew plant 86. The pigment that leaves the leaves red? A A. anthocyanin, B., chlorophyll C., yellow carotene, D., orange carotene 87, what are the asteroid belts between the two planets in the solar system? B A., mercury and Venus, B., Mars and Jupiter, C., Venus and Mars, D., Neptune and Pluto 88. What is the smallest area in the world's four oceans? D A. Pacific, B., India ocean, C., the Atlantic, D., Arctic Ocean 89, what did Einstein achieve for the Nobel prize? C A. general relativity, B., special relativity, C., photoelectric effect, D., quantum mechanics 90 which of the following cats is hunted in packs? B A, tiger, B, lion, C, cheetah, D, Panther 91. Rockets are the most important vehicle for space travel. The first countries to invent rockets are A A, China, B, India, C, Greece, D, Egypt 92, according to the causes of earthquakes, the current earthquakes in the world mainly belong to () types. A A, tectonic earthquake, B, volcanic earthquake, C, collapse earthquake, D and artificial earthquake 93, the sink under the sink has a section bent into U. What is the function of this U tube? B A. keep the water pressure steady. B. blocked the stench from the sewers into the house. The C.U pipe is more beautiful than the vertical pipe. D. buffer the rushing water, so as not to flush the pipe frequently. 94, a person standing in the pool, people on the shore will find his legs? B A. becomes longer, B. becomes shorter, and C. remains unchanged. D. doesn't see whether it's shorter or longer 95, people eat sweets, eat sour food will feel? C A. is more sour, B. is not sour, C. is sweeter, D. is not sweet 96, just how large the mirror can see his whole body? B A. and human height, B. height of half, C. height of 1/4, D. height of 1/3 97, which period of the Silk Road opened? D A. Tang Dynasty, B., Song Dynasty, C., northern and Southern Dynasties, D., Western Han Dynasty 98. The oxygen in the air is the gas that we depend on to live. If we inhale very high concentration of oxygen, it will. C A. thinks the air is very fresh B. feels light C. brain poisoning, memory loss D. feels very comfortable and strengthens the immune system 99, camouflage clothing is a military camouflage clothing, which of the following colors can not appear in camouflage uniforms? D A, green, B, khaki, C, blue, D, big red 100, the stars in the night sky are blinking constantly, because? D A. stars, like people, will be tired if they do not blink for a long time B. stars rotate at high speed, making light travel to the earth at a different speed C. the brightness of the stars has changed D. the density of the earth's atmosphere is not the same, so that the light is constantly refracted Article entry: admin responsibility editor: admin Popular science video series three Popular science: earthquake and disaster reduction cartoons User comments: (only show the latest 10. 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