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excel表格如何排序excel表格如何排序 | 浏览: 86151 | 更新: 2012-10-12 10:33 | 标签: excel 95 49 全文阅读 分步阅读 步骤 Microsoft Office 是用户最多的办公软件之一,而其中的Excel程序,则是在数据处理方向比较方便的程序。比如一大堆的数据中如何找出最大和最小的数据,或者在数据中排出大小顺序等等。那么,就让我们看看如何使用Excel2007,排出最完美的顺序来~ keep (7.5~8) min, makes all heating tim...

excel表格如何排序 | 浏览: 86151 | 更新: 2012-10-12 10:33 | 标签: excel 95 49 全文阅读 分步阅读 步骤 Microsoft Office 是用户最多的办公软件之一,而其中的Excel程序,则是在数据处理方向比较方便的程序。比如一大堆的数据中如何找出最大和最小的数据,或者在数据中排出大小顺序等等。那么,就让我们看看如何使用Excel2007,排出最完美的顺序来~ keep (7.5~8) min, makes all heating time for 10min. out reset water Xia quickly cooling to 20 ?, joined 30% 7mL sodium hydroxide solution and dilute sodium hydroxide solution (5%) and to slightly alkaline, diluted to scale mix. This solution is converted into ... Parallel test results allow errors to 0.5%. Sucrose content (12) in the formula: x--sucrose content,%; A--transformed the reducing sugar content,%; Before B--into the reducing sugar content,%. 2 capacity method of fehling's 2.1 reagents and materials, except as otherwise provided, the reagents are pure, to distilled water. A) aqueous acid (1+1); B) sodium hydroxide solution: 5mol/L. c) sodium hydroxide solution: 1mol/L. d) fehling solution a: E) fehling solution b: F) methylene blue approved agents: 1% and 2.2 operating procedures 2.2.1 preparation of samples in front of the fehling's transformation of volumetric method for the determination of reducing sugar content in the preparation of the remaining liquid, pipette aspiration 50mL 200mL volumetric flask, add 20mL and 10mL hydrochloride solution (1+1). Will capacity bottle placed 70 ? water bath in the, in (2~2.5) min within heating to (67~69) ?, and in 69 ? keep (7.5~8) min, makes all heating time for 10min. out, reset water Xia quickly cooling to 20 ?, then first with 30% hydrogen oxidation sodium solution, again with dilute 工具/原料 Excel 2007 数据表(本文举例的表格是从网上搜索得到的) 借助rank命令排序 rank命令是获取某一个单元格在一堆数据中的名次。比如本文举例的表格如下图所示: 在备注一栏对应对应的单元格中输入公式=rank(c2,c:c)并按回车。含义即是C2单元格在C:C中的名次,即C2在C列所有数据中的名次。如果求D2单元格在D列的名次,则公式为=rank(d2,D:D): keep (7.5~8) min, makes all heating time for 10min. out reset water Xia quickly cooling to 20 ?, joined 30% 7mL sodium hydroxide solution and dilute sodium hydroxide solution (5%) and to slightly alkaline, diluted to scale mix. This solution is converted into ... Parallel test results allow errors to 0.5%. Sucrose content (12) in the formula: x--sucrose content,%; A--transformed the reducing sugar content,%; Before B--into the reducing sugar content,%. 2 capacity method of fehling's 2.1 reagents and materials, except as otherwise provided, the reagents are pure, to distilled water. A) aqueous acid (1+1); B) sodium hydroxide solution: 5mol/L. c) sodium hydroxide solution: 1mol/L. d) fehling solution a: E) fehling solution b: F) methylene blue approved agents: 1% and 2.2 operating procedures 2.2.1 preparation of samples in front of the fehling's transformation of volumetric method for the determination of reducing sugar content in the preparation of the remaining liquid, pipette aspiration 50mL 200mL volumetric flask, add 20mL and 10mL hydrochloride solution (1+1). Will capacity bottle placed 70 ? water bath in the, in (2~2.5) min within heating to (67~69) ?, and in 69 ? keep (7.5~8) min, makes all heating time for 10min. out, reset water Xia quickly cooling to 20 ?, then first with 30% hydrogen oxidation sodium solution, again with dilute 单击选中F2单元格,然后将鼠标指针移动到F2单元格的右下角,等鼠标指针变成如下图所 示的黑色实心的十字时,双击,即可向下填充公式: 单击F1单元格,然后依次单击“数据”选项卡,再单击升序或者降序图标: keep (7.5~8) min, makes all heating time for 10min. out reset water Xia quickly cooling to 20 ?, joined 30% 7mL sodium hydroxide solution and dilute sodium hydroxide solution (5%) and to slightly alkaline, diluted to scale mix. This solution is converted into ... Parallel test results allow errors to 0.5%. Sucrose content (12) in the formula: x--sucrose content,%; A--transformed the reducing sugar content,%; Before B--into the reducing sugar content,%. 2 capacity method of fehling's 2.1 reagents and materials, except as otherwise provided, the reagents are pure, to distilled water. A) aqueous acid (1+1); B) sodium hydroxide solution: 5mol/L. c) sodium hydroxide solution: 1mol/L. d) fehling solution a: E) fehling solution b: F) methylene blue approved agents: 1% and 2.2 operating procedures 2.2.1 preparation of samples in front of the fehling's transformation of volumetric method for the determination of reducing sugar content in the preparation of the remaining liquid, pipette aspiration 50mL 200mL volumetric flask, add 20mL and 10mL hydrochloride solution (1+1). Will capacity bottle placed 70 ? water bath in the, in (2~2.5) min within heating to (67~69) ?, and in 69 ? keep (7.5~8) min, makes all heating time for 10min. out, reset water Xia quickly cooling to 20 ?, then first with 30% hydrogen oxidation sodium solution, again with dilute 比如单击了升序图标以后,F列将会按照从小到大的顺序排序,如下图所示: 删掉F列数据,即可获取C列的升序排序结果(因为是按照C列的名次排序): keep (7.5~8) min, makes all heating time for 10min. out reset water Xia quickly cooling to 20 ?, joined 30% 7mL sodium hydroxide solution and dilute sodium hydroxide solution (5%) and to slightly alkaline, diluted to scale mix. This solution is converted into ... Parallel test results allow errors to 0.5%. Sucrose content (12) in the formula: x--sucrose content,%; A--transformed the reducing sugar content,%; Before B--into the reducing sugar content,%. 2 capacity method of fehling's 2.1 reagents and materials, except as otherwise provided, the reagents are pure, to distilled water. A) aqueous acid (1+1); B) sodium hydroxide solution: 5mol/L. c) sodium hydroxide solution: 1mol/L. d) fehling solution a: E) fehling solution b: F) methylene blue approved agents: 1% and 2.2 operating procedures 2.2.1 preparation of samples in front of the fehling's transformation of volumetric method for the determination of reducing sugar content in the preparation of the remaining liquid, pipette aspiration 50mL 200mL volumetric flask, add 20mL and 10mL hydrochloride solution (1+1). Will capacity bottle placed 70 ? water bath in the, in (2~2.5) min within heating to (67~69) ?, and in 69 ? keep (7.5~8) min, makes all heating time for 10min. out, reset water Xia quickly cooling to 20 ?, then first with 30% hydrogen oxidation sodium solution, again with dilute 基础排序 单击想要重新排序的列中的任意一个单元格,然后选择“数据”选项卡中的升序或者降序的图 标: keep (7.5~8) min, makes all heating time for 10min. out reset water Xia quickly cooling to 20 ?, joined 30% 7mL sodium hydroxide solution and dilute sodium hydroxide solution (5%) and to slightly alkaline, diluted to scale mix. This solution is converted into ... Parallel test results allow errors to 0.5%. Sucrose content (12) in the formula: x--sucrose content,%; A--transformed the reducing sugar content,%; Before B--into the reducing sugar content,%. 2 capacity method of fehling's 2.1 reagents and materials, except as otherwise provided, the reagents are pure, to distilled water. A) aqueous acid (1+1); B) sodium hydroxide solution: 5mol/L. c) sodium hydroxide solution: 1mol/L. d) fehling solution a: E) fehling solution b: F) methylene blue approved agents: 1% and 2.2 operating procedures 2.2.1 preparation of samples in front of the fehling's transformation of volumetric method for the determination of reducing sugar content in the preparation of the remaining liquid, pipette aspiration 50mL 200mL volumetric flask, add 20mL and 10mL hydrochloride solution (1+1). Will capacity bottle placed 70 ? water bath in the, in (2~2.5) min within heating to (67~69) ?, and in 69 ? keep (7.5~8) min, makes all heating time for 10min. out, reset water Xia quickly cooling to 20 ?, then first with 30% hydrogen oxidation sodium solution, again with dilute 如下图所示,即是升序排序的结果: 如下图所示,即是降序排序的结果: keep (7.5~8) min, makes all heating time for 10min. out reset water Xia quickly cooling to 20 ?, joined 30% 7mL sodium hydroxide solution and dilute sodium hydroxide solution (5%) and to slightly alkaline, diluted to scale mix. This solution is converted into ... Parallel test results allow errors to 0.5%. Sucrose content (12) in the formula: x--sucrose content,%; A--transformed the reducing sugar content,%; Before B--into the reducing sugar content,%. 2 capacity method of fehling's 2.1 reagents and materials, except as otherwise provided, the reagents are pure, to distilled water. A) aqueous acid (1+1); B) sodium hydroxide solution: 5mol/L. c) sodium hydroxide solution: 1mol/L. d) fehling solution a: E) fehling solution b: F) methylene blue approved agents: 1% and 2.2 operating procedures 2.2.1 preparation of samples in front of the fehling's transformation of volumetric method for the determination of reducing sugar content in the preparation of the remaining liquid, pipette aspiration 50mL 200mL volumetric flask, add 20mL and 10mL hydrochloride solution (1+1). Will capacity bottle placed 70 ? water bath in the, in (2~2.5) min within heating to (67~69) ?, and in 69 ? keep (7.5~8) min, makes all heating time for 10min. out, reset water Xia quickly cooling to 20 ?, then first with 30% hydrogen oxidation sodium solution, again with dilute 排序升级版 针对在其他列中有数据重复的情况,可以采用多个字段排序的方法进行排序。比如,本文准备实现的目标是先按“公共基础知识”降序排序,然后再按“申论成绩”降序排序,再按照“总成绩”的降序排序。那么,单击“公共基础知识”列中的任意一个单元格,然后单击“数据”选项卡中的“排序”按钮,在新打开的对话框中单击“添加条件”,然后在“次要关键字”栏选择第二个排序依据,即“申论成绩”: 如下图添加条件以后,再单击“确定”: keep (7.5~8) min, makes all heating time for 10min. out reset water Xia quickly cooling to 20 ?, joined 30% 7mL sodium hydroxide solution and dilute sodium hydroxide solution (5%) and to slightly alkaline, diluted to scale mix. This solution is converted into ... Parallel test results allow errors to 0.5%. Sucrose content (12) in the formula: x--sucrose content,%; A--transformed the reducing sugar content,%; Before B--into the reducing sugar content,%. 2 capacity method of fehling's 2.1 reagents and materials, except as otherwise provided, the reagents are pure, to distilled water. A) aqueous acid (1+1); B) sodium hydroxide solution: 5mol/L. c) sodium hydroxide solution: 1mol/L. d) fehling solution a: E) fehling solution b: F) methylene blue approved agents: 1% and 2.2 operating procedures 2.2.1 preparation of samples in front of the fehling's transformation of volumetric method for the determination of reducing sugar content in the preparation of the remaining liquid, pipette aspiration 50mL 200mL volumetric flask, add 20mL and 10mL hydrochloride solution (1+1). Will capacity bottle placed 70 ? water bath in the, in (2~2.5) min within heating to (67~69) ?, and in 69 ? keep (7.5~8) min, makes all heating time for 10min. out, reset water Xia quickly cooling to 20 ?, then first with 30% hydrogen oxidation sodium solution, again with dilute 如下图所示,即完成了三个条件的排序: 注意事项 排序时不要选中多个单元格,否则会有提示,直接单击确定即可。 keep (7.5~8) min, makes all heating time for 10min. out reset water Xia quickly cooling to 20 ?, joined 30% 7mL sodium hydroxide solution and dilute sodium hydroxide solution (5%) and to slightly alkaline, diluted to scale mix. This solution is converted into ... Parallel test results allow errors to 0.5%. Sucrose content (12) in the formula: x--sucrose content,%; A--transformed the reducing sugar content,%; Before B--into the reducing sugar content,%. 2 capacity method of fehling's 2.1 reagents and materials, except as otherwise provided, the reagents are pure, to distilled water. A) aqueous acid (1+1); B) sodium hydroxide solution: 5mol/L. c) sodium hydroxide solution: 1mol/L. d) fehling solution a: E) fehling solution b: F) methylene blue approved agents: 1% and 2.2 operating procedures 2.2.1 preparation of samples in front of the fehling's transformation of volumetric method for the determination of reducing sugar content in the preparation of the remaining liquid, pipette aspiration 50mL 200mL volumetric flask, add 20mL and 10mL hydrochloride solution (1+1). Will capacity bottle placed 70 ? water bath in the, in (2~2.5) min within heating to (67~69) ?, and in 69 ? keep (7.5~8) min, makes all heating time for 10min. out, reset water Xia quickly cooling to 20 ?, then first with 30% hydrogen oxidation sodium solution, again with dilute
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