首页 上海某乙烯裂解装置工程安装施工方案



上海某乙烯裂解装置工程安装施工方案上海某乙烯裂解装置工程安装施工方案 技术标总目录 Appendix 7 Execution Statement 附件7 施工方案 Appendix 8 Confirmation/Deviations from Technical Requirments 附件8 技术要求确认/变更 Appendix 9 Not Used 附件9 不适用 Appendix 10 Schedule of Sub-contractors/Suppliers 附件10 分包商/供货商表 Appendix 11 Join...

上海某乙烯裂解装置工程安装施工方案 技术标总目录 Appendix 7 Execution Statement 附件7 施工方案 Appendix 8 Confirmation/Deviations from Technical Requirments 附件8 技术要求确认/变更 Appendix 9 Not Used 附件9 不适用 Appendix 10 Schedule of Sub-contractors/Suppliers 附件10 分包商/供货商表 Appendix 11 Joint Venture Declaration 附件11 联合承包声明 Appendix 12 Manpower, Staffing & Level ? Programme 附件12 人力、人员配备以及二级进度 计划 项目进度计划表范例计划下载计划下载计划下载课程教学计划下载 Appendix 13 Quality Proposal 附件13 质量计划 Appendix 14 HSE 附件14 健康、安全和卫生 Appendix 15 Tenderers Workload 附件15 投标者的工作负荷 Appendix 16 References 附件16 参照工程/项目 Appendix 17 Documentation & Certification 附件17 文件和证书 Appendix 18 Management Structure 附件18 管理结构 Appendix 19 Construction Equipment on Site 附件19 现场施工机械 Appendix 20 Contractors On Site Facilities 附件20 承包商施工现场设施 Appendix 21 Work Site Services 附件21 施工现场服务 Appendix 22 Working Hours and Working Week 附件22 工时和工作周 Appendix 23 Additional Technical Information 附件23 附加技术信息 Appendix 24 Agreement to provide Advance Payment Bond 附件24 进度款保函 Appendix 25 Not used 附件25 不适用 Appendix 26 On-Site Works, Sequences and Durations 附件26 现场施工、程序和工期 Appendix 27 Not Used 附件27 不适用 Appendix 7 Execution Statement 附件7 施工方案 目 录 CONTENTS 1、编制说明-------------------------------------------------------------------3 Description to Tender 2、工程总况-------------------------------------------------------------------6 General Situations 3、施工目标-------------------------------------------------------------------11 Construction Goal 4、施工部署--------------------------------------------------------------------13 Construction Arrangement 5、施工准备--------------------------------------------------------------------17 Construction Preparation 6、施工总平面布置------------------------------------------------------ ----22 General Plan Layout 7、施工进度控制计划--------------------------------------------------------26 Control Plan for Construction Progress 8、主要分项 工程施工 建筑工程施工承包1园林工程施工准备消防工程安全技术交底水电安装文明施工建筑工程施工成本控制 方法及技术-----------------------------------------29 Main Sub-divisional Work Construction Method and Technology 9、施工管理与协调-----------------------------------------------------------77 Construction Management and Coordination 10、质量保证措施------------------------------------------------------------82 Quality Assurance Measures 11、安全文明施工措施-------------------------------------------------------105 Construction Measures of High Standard of “Housekeeping” 12、其他管理措施--------------------------------------------------------------113 Other Management Measures 13、工程竣工后的工程回访、保修承诺----------------------------------116 Return Visit to the Completed Works and Maintenance Commitment 第一章 编制说明 Chapter One: Description to Tender 1.1编制原则 Principle to Tender 本施工组织设计是本工程的投标文件之一,主要从宏观上阐 明本工程施工组织管理模式和方法,一旦中标,它将作为本工程 组织施工管理的指导性文件,在此基础上,再编制详尽的施工方 案。 This Construction Management Plan is one of the tendering documents for this Project, which mainly describes the pattern and method of construction management used for this project. Once this contract is awarded to us, it shall be regarded as the directing document in management and organization of construction, based on it, the detail construction plan shall be worked out. 1.2编制依据 Basis of Tender 1.2.1业主提供的招标文件及招标答疑记要。 The Tendering documents supplied by the Owner and the minutes of clarification meeting; 1.2.2业主提供的招标图纸及地质勘察报告。 The drawings and geological exploration report supplied by the Owner; 1.2.3国家及地方执行的建筑安装工程施工规范规程。 The state and local architecture installation engineering construction specifications and regulations; 1.2.4本企业所承建的同类工程的施工经验和制定的施工工法。 The construction experience and construction method for similar projects undertook by our enterprise; 1.3组织施工的原则及要求 Principle and Requirements to organize construction 1.3.1依法执行基本建设程序。 Implement the basic construction procedures according to laws. 1.3.2严格按照本次投标文件中的承诺组织施工,确保优质、快捷、 安全、低耗的完成施工任务。 The construction to be organized strictly according to our commitments made in the tendering documents, to ensure completion of the works with high quality, safety, high speed and low cost. 1.4施工规范及规程 Specification and Code 本工程遵循国家或地方版发的施工规范及规程 The following state or local construction specification, code and regulation to be followed for this project: 1.4.1<<地基与基础工程施工及验收规范>>(GBJ202-83) “Code of acceptance and construction of foundation and ground works” (GBJ202-83) 1.4.2<<混凝土结构工程施工及验收规范>>(GB50204-92) “Code of acceptance and construction of concrete structural works” (GB50204-92) 1.4.3<<砌体工程施工及验收规范>>(GB50203-98) “Code of acceptance and construction of masonry works” (GB50203-98) 1.4.4<<地面及楼地面工程操作规范>>(YSJ407-89) Operation Code of Ground and Floor Ground Engineering (YSJ407-89) 1.4.5<<建筑地面规程施工验收规范>>(GB50209-95) “Code of acceptance and construction of architecture ground regulation” (GB50209-95) 1.4.6<<门窗安装工程操作规程>>(YSJ408-89) Operation regulation of doors and windows installation works (YSJ408-89) 1.4.7<<屋面工程施工操作规程>>(YSJ410-89) “Operation Regulation of construction of roof works” (YSJ410-89) 1.4.8<<屋面工程技术规范>>(GB50207-94) “Technical Code of roof works” (GB50207-94) 1.4.9<<建筑装饰工程施工及验收规范>>(JGJ73-91) “Code of Construction and Acceptance of Architectural Decoration Works” (JGJ73-91) 1.4.10<<建筑装饰工程操作规程>>(YSJ409-89) Operation Regulation of Architectural Decoration Works (YSJ409-89) 1.4.11<<建筑内部装修设计防火规范>>(GBJ50222-95) Code of Fire Protection of Architectural Internal Decoration Design (GBJ50222-95) 1.4.12<<建筑工地施工现场供用电安全技术规程>>(JGJ46-88) Safety and Technical Regulation of Power Supply Usage on Construction Site (JGJ46-88) 第二章 工程概况 Chapter Two: General Situation 2.1工程总况 General Situation of the Project 本工程地处上海某化工园区内,由上海某石化有限公司投资 兴建的上海乙烯裂解装置工程。 This project is located in Shanghai Caojing Chemical Industrial Zone, invested and constructed by Shanghai SECCO Petrochemicals Co., Ltd. 工程名称:上海乙烯裂解装置工程 Name of Project: Shanghai Ethylene Cracker Complex Project 工程地点: 上海某化工园区内 Location: Shanghai Caojing Chemical Industrial Zone 建设单位: 上海某石化有限公司 Owner: Shanghai SECCO Petrochemicals Co., Ltd. 设计单位:ABB卢玛司全球设计事务所 Design Institute: ABB Luma Global Co. 地质勘察单位:某工程公司勘察设计院 Geological Exploration Unit: SINOPEC Shanghai Jinshan Engineering Co. Survey Design Institute 2.2设计概况 Design Situation 2.2.1建筑设计 Architectural Design 1#变电站50m×27m,檐口高度11.4m;2#变电站63.4m×9m, 檐口高度11.4m;3#变电站29m×14.8m,檐口高度6.9m。 #1 Substation 50m×27m, its eaves height is 11.4m; #2 substation 63.4m×9m,its eaves height is 11.4m;#3 substation 29m×14.8m,its eaves height is 6.9m。 楼地面设计做法:设计主要有防滑地砖楼地面、耐磨砼楼面。 The floor ground is designed as the one with anti-slip ground tiles and wear-proof concrete floor. 外墙设计装饰做法:外墙涂料、水泥砂浆打底粉光。 The exterior wall is designed as the one with painting and mortar plastering for polishing. 内墙装饰设计做法:设计主要有内墙涂料。 The interior wall is designed as the one with painting; 顶棚设计做法:主要有涂料顶棚、石膏板吊顶。 The ceiling is designed as the painted one and the gypsum board ceiling. 门窗设计:主要有钢质防火门、铝合金窗及百叶窗。 The door and window are designed as steel fire protective door, aluminum alloy window and shutter. 2.2.2结构设计 Structure Design 地质概况:本工程地质竖向分布主要为:一层吹填土;二层 砂质粉土;三层淤泥质粉质粘土,四层粘土;五层粘土。场地普 遍有一层结构松散、成份较混杂的杂填土。 Geological Situation: This project’s geological structure is arranged as: first layer is dredger fill, second layer is sandy silt, third layer is silty clay, fourth layer is clay and fifth layer is clay. In general, there is one layer of mixed fill with loose construction and complicated composition in the ground. 基础设计:采用桩承台基础,桩基采用混凝土预制桩,基础为独立 基础、条形基础、平台基础、设备基础,基础砼等级C30。 The foundation is designed as the one with pile cap, the pile foundation uses concrete precast piles. The foundation has isolated foundation, strip foundation, platform foundation and equipment foundation, the concrete grade is C30. 变电站上部结构设计状况:框架结构,墙体为200厚空心砌块。 The superstructure of substation is designed as a frame structure, the wall body is built with 200mm thick hollow blocks. 2.3工程内容:Scope of Work: 依照本次招标文件对工程内容的界定为: According to the bidding documents, the scope of works for this project is limited to the following contents: 2.3.1 100区至900区化工设备的设备基础; Equipment foundations in Areas 100 to 900; 2.3.2 雨水分流集水井; Storm water division sumps 2.3.3 变电站施工; Substation construction 2.3.4 混凝土管架制作与安装; Concrete pipe rack fabrication and installation 2.3.5 雨水排水系统 Storm water drainage system 2.3.6 地面道路施工 Road construction 2.4工程特点 Characteristics of works 2.4.1本工程主要特点是化工设备基础量大;土建施工与工业设备安装工程之间的协作配合需要关系密切,二者在施工工序上相互影响制约;施工中设备安装的预留预埋工作较多,而且精度要求高。 This project has large quantities of chemical equipment foundation, and requires a close cooperative and coordinated relation between the civil works and industrial equipment installation, where these two ones will be influenced and restricted with each other in construction procedures. During the construction, lots of embedded parts used for equipment installation to be prepared and its requirements of accuracy is higher. 2.4.2本工程由于是外资工程而且是化工装置方面的建设,因此 现场施工必须严格遵守业主方的管理方式进行管理。 Due to the project invested by the foreign company and chemical complex installation, the construction has to be executed and managed strictly according to the Owner’s management patterns. 2.5施工条件 Construction Conditions 2.5.1现场条件 Site Conditions 1、现场沉桩施工正在进行,为以后土建单位进驻现场准备了条 件。 At present, the pile sinking is under progress on site to prepare the condition for the contractor of civil works to enter site. 2、现场三通一平工作已到位。 The site “three connections and one leveling” condition is available. 2.5.2技术条件 Technical Conditions 详尽精确的施工图纸提前交付施工单位方可满足施工。这需要业 主、设计单位、设备供应商、各专业施工单位协作提前解决图纸技术 问题,方可保证整个工程施工的顺利进行。 Only the detail and accurate construction drawings are handed over to the Construction Company in advance, shall the construction condition be met. In order to achieve such goal, it requires the good cooperation among the Owner, design institute, equipment supplier and every specialist company, to solve the technical issues existed in the drawings, to ensure smooth execution of the works. 2.5.3业主提前确认各专业分包施工单位并提前进场完成技术配 合,施工配合工作是保证工作顺利竣工的前提保证。 The Owner should confirm every specialist company in advance for their early entry to site to complete technical cooperation. The construction cooperation is the precondition of ensuring smooth completion of the works. 第三章 施工目标 Chapter Three: Construction Goal 3(1原则及要求 Principles and Requirements 本着我局“追求质量卓越、信守合同承诺、保持过程受控、交付 满意工程”的质量方针,本着“竭诚为业主提供最佳服务”的经营理 念,完善、加强工程管理和竣工后的服务工作,确保优质、快捷、安 全、低耗完成本工程施工任务,确保业主如期投产。 According to our quality policy of “pursuing excellent quality, abiding by our commitments, maintaining process control to hand over a satisfied works to the Owner” and business idea of “providing the Owner with our best service with all our hearts”, we shall improve and strengthen the management of the works and the service after completion of works, to ensure completing this project on schedule with high quality, quick speed, safety and low cost. 3.2质量目标 Quality Goal 确保单位工程质量等级优良。 To ensure the quality of unit work achieve “You Liang” (excellent) degree. 3(3工期目标 Scheduled Construction Period 确保工程总工期目标:595个日历天。 To ensure total construction period to meet 595 calendar days. 施工周期2003年1月15日-2004年8月31日。 The Works to be executed from Jan.15, 2003 to August 31.2003 3.4安全目标 Safety Goal 杜绝重大安全事故和火灾事故的发生,一般安全事故频率<1‰。 The heavy safety accident and fire accident to be stopped, the normal safety accident frequency rate is less than 1‰. 3.5文明施工目标High Standard of “Housekeeping” 现场文明施工达到上海市文明工地 标准 excel标准偏差excel标准偏差函数exl标准差函数国标检验抽样标准表免费下载红头文件格式标准下载 ,维护施工区域内的场 容、卫生、环境保护。 The site “housekeeping” for this project will meet the high standard of “housekeeping” of Shanghai Municipality. The construction site shall be kept clean and tidy. Attention should be paid for the environment protection on site. 第四章 施工部署 Chapter Four: Construction Arrangement 4.1组织机构设置 Establishment of Organization Mechanism 我局将本工程列为“窗口工程”,以优秀的项目经理而成立的项 目经理部,选派先优秀的项目管理人员进驻现场,按项目法进行项目 施工。项目经理全权代理公司履行工程承包合同,对工程进行全面管 理。将选择施工力量比较雄厚、有同类工程施工经验,保证工程按质 如期完成。 We shall set this project as our “window project”, and appoint the outstanding project manager as the main leader to establish the project management department. The excellent managerial staff shall be assigned for this project and the works to be executed according to the project laws. The Project Manager has full rights to represent our company to fulfill the engineering contracting contract and conduct the general management during the construction. The construction team with strong construction strength and rich working experience in similar works shall be selected for this project to ensure completion of the works on schedule. 4.2施工方案的选择 Selection of Construction Program 土方工程:采用两台挖机机械挖土,采用单坑开挖和条形开挖二 种方案。 Earthworks: Two excavators to be used for excavation, two construction methods like single pit excavation and strip excavation to be adopted. 钢筋工程:竖向粗钢筋主要采用电渣压力焊连接方式;水平方向 粗钢筋主要采用闪光对焊连接方式。 Re-bar Works: The Electro-slag welding to be adopted for the connection of vertical thick re-bars; the flash butt welding to be used for connection of horizontal heavy re-bars. 模板工程:基础采用组合钢模,柱、梁板主要采用20mm厚夹板。 支撑体系采用钢管支撑体系。 Form works: The composite metal forms to be applied for the foundation; 20mm thick of plywood mainly for columns and beam boards; Steel tube supporting system to be adopted as the supporting system. 砼工程:基础及主体结构砼采用商品砼浇制。 Concrete works: The commercial concrete pouring method to be used for the foundation and main structure concrete works. 预制管架施工:50t.m履带吊 50t.m crawler crane to be used for the construction of pre-cast pipe rack. 4.3施工段划分及施工顺序 Division of Construction Stage and construction procedures 4.3.1施工段划分:Division of Construction Stage 依据整个工程的特点,将本工程划分为三个施工段。 According to the characteristics of the whole works, this project is divided into three construction stages. 4.3.2施工顺序 Construction Procedures 按照设计图纸共分为9个区域,而且主要以设备基础为主,另外 为3个变电站、2个雨水集水井和预制管架。因此总的施工流程为由 西到东,1、2、3区域为一个施工段,4、5、6区域为一个施工段,7、 8、9区域为一个施工段。 According to the design drawings, the project has 9 areas with the equipment foundation as the core, others are 3 substations, 2 storm water sumps and pre-cast concrete pipe racks. Therefore, the general construction flow should follow the principle of starting from the west to the east, area 1, 2 and 3 are formed as one construction stage; area 4, 5 and 6 are formed as one construction stage; area 7, 8 and 9 are formed as one construction stage. 施工测量 挖土施工 桩位验收并交接 设备基 础、雨水分流集水井施工 回填土施工 变电站施工 预制管架吊装 场地地坪施工 Survey excavation pile position acceptance test and handing over equipment foundation storm water division sump backfill substation 4.4主要施工机械设备配置Arrangement of Main Construction Machinery 本工程吊装设备采用50t.m履带吊,砂浆搅拌采用一台砂浆搅拌 机;钢筋、木工机械各配置一套。具体主要施工机械设备详见附表。 In this project, the hoisting equipment mainly uses 50t.m crawler crane; one set of mortar mixer to be applied for mortar mixing operation; one re-bar bender and wood processing machine shall be provided respectively. For more details, see attached construction machinery list. 4.5劳动力组织和现场人员配备 Labor Organization and Site Staff Allocation 4.5.1劳动力组织 Organization of Labor 项目经理部将成立专门的劳动力档案管理系统,制定各施工阶段 劳动力的需求计划。对劳动力资源提前配置、合理流动,对劳务人员 作动态管理,确保劳动力组织满足施工的技术、安全要求和进度要求。 The project management department shall establish a special labor archives management system and work out the required labor plan at different construction stages. The labor source will be allocated in advance and maintained reasonable flowing. The dynamic control pattern to be applied for the labors to ensure the enough constructors to meet the technical, safety and progress requirements. 第五章 施工准备 Chapter Five: Construction Preparations 5.1人员准备 Labor Preparation 5.1.1施工之前,向业主提交项目经理部管理人员名单及简介, 经业主确认后立即进驻施工现场组建项目管理部,开展项目施工的前 期准备工作。 Prior to starting the works, the project managerial staff name list and resume should be submitted to the Owner for confirmation. After approval of the Owner, those staff can enter site to establish the project management department and make preparations for the project. 5.1.2在施工之前组织经业主确认的施工队伍入驻施工现场。 Prior to construction, the construction team approved by the Owner shall be organized to enter the site to execute the works. 5.1.3工程人员入驻现场后,项目管理部组织各级工程人员进行 工程情况及主要技术安全交底,特别是重点对其进行安全防火的宣传 教育,并制定相应 制度 关于办公室下班关闭电源制度矿山事故隐患举报和奖励制度制度下载人事管理制度doc盘点制度下载 ,要求他们遵照执行。 After the construction personnel entering the site, the project management department shall organize the engineering staff in all levels to hold the technical and safety explanation meeting on all site situation. Particular attention should be given for fire fighting education. The corresponding regulations should be worked out and urge the workers and relevant people to observe and implement it. 5.2技术准备 Technical Preparations 5.2.1业主宜尽早确认各专业分包施工单位及设备供应厂商,以 便各施工单位或设备供应商可提前进行技术上的前期协调工作。 The Owner should confirm all specialist companies and equipment suppliers at an early stage so that the construction company or equipment supplier is able to make technical coordination work in advance. 5.2.2在施工之前,业主宜组织设计院、监理单位及各专业分包 施工单位及设备供应商对本工程从设计到施工进行综合的图纸会审, 解决工程施工的技术问题,设计院在综合各单位的技术要求之后向各 单位提供详尽而准确的施工图纸。 Prior to construction, the Owner should organize the design institute, supervision company and all specialist companies as well as equipment suppliers to make joint comprehensive review on construction drawings from design stage to construction stages, to solve the technical issues in construction. Upon the technical request of all companies , the design institute should provide the detail and correct construction drawings to all construction companies. 5.2.3工程总包单位将会同业主、监理及各分包施工单位一起制 定工程的总进度计划,制定业主或分包商的设备供应或施工时间计 划。 The general contractor shall, together with the Owner, Supervision Company and all Specialist Companies, work out the general working schedule, the Owner or the Sub-contractor’s equipment supplying schedule or construction time schedule. 5.2.4施工之前,总包单位将主要完成以下技术准备工作: Prior to construction, the general contractor shall mainly complete the following technical preparations: 1、图纸会审工作。 Joint review on drawings. 2、综合进度计划的编制并提交予业主及分包施工单位和设备供 应商予以确认。 Drawing up and submitting the comprehensive construction progress schedule to the Owner and all Specialist Companies as well as the equipment suppliers for further confirmation. 3、编制详尽的施工方案及各分项工程的施工措施,并请业主及 监理单位确认。 Drawing up the detail construction program and construction measures of sub-divisional work, then submit them to the Owner and Supervision Company for Confirmation. 4、技术管理人员及各施工班组主要人员到位,并进行逐级的设 计图纸和施工技术交底。 The technical, managerial staff and main chief personnel from all construction groups should be available on site, the design drawings and construction technology explanation meetings should be held step- by –step. 5.3物资准备 Material Preparation 5.3.1中标之后,立即着手工程物资准备工作,制定工程物资需 求计划,并对各物资供应商进行市场调研和确认,选择信誉好、质量 优、服务佳的物资供应商并与其签定采购合同,并按工程需要组织物 资进入施工现场。 After the contract is awarded to us, we shall immediately set about preparing the materials for the works. Make material request plan, conduct market investigation and confirmation on the material suppliers. Select the material supplier with sound reputation, high quality products and good service, then sign the procurement contract with the supplier, organize to deliver the materials to site according the demands of construction. 5.3.2我局的物资管理部门,将积极配合本项目的物资采购供应 共因工作,确保工程物资满足施工的需要。 Our company’s material management department shall actively cooperate with the project material procurement section for better supplying work to ensure the materials meeting the demands of construction. 5.3.3物资采购之前,我局严格按物资质量检测程度将采购的工 程物资样品及性能检测报告提交业主和监理单位,满足设计要求和施 工要求方可组织物资进场。 Prior to purchasing materials, our company shall submit the samples and property test report to the Owner and Supervision Company strictly according to material examination extent. After meeting the design and construction requirements, these materials can be delivered to site. 5.3.4本工程的施工机械设备将由我局的机施处负责供应。 Our company’s machinery section shall be responsible for supplying or providing the construction machinery or equipment used for this project. 5.4现场准备 Site Preparation 5.4.1我局施工人员进场后将严格遵守业主方的管理模式,在施 工管理区搭设现场管理人员和工人的办公用房,在办公用房内安排活 动休息用房。根据业主关于现场不允许搭设宿舍区和厨房的要求,我 方将在化工区外另外租借房屋作为管理人员和工人住宿和饮食之用。 The construction personnel shall strictly observe the Owner’s management pattern. The offices for site managerial staff and workers to be set up within the construction administrative area, the activity room and rest room shall be arranged in the office area. According to the Owner’s requirements, no dormitory and kitchen will be built on site. We shall rent rooms using as our managerial staff and workers’ lodging house and dining room. 5.4.2现场布置及管理同时结合中建总公司的CI战略形象,给本 项目营造一个良好的环境和氛围,展示业主的工程形象和中建的企业 形象。 The site arrangement and management shall integrate with the China Architecture General Corporation’s CI Strategic Imagine, to build a sound environment and atmosphere for this project and show the Owner our good engineering image and our enterprise imagine. 5.4.3现场准备将在开工后10天布置完成。 The site preparation shall be made and completed within 10 days after the commencement of the works. 第六章 施工总平面布置 Chapter Six: Construction General Plan Layout 6.1施工总平面布置 General Plan Layout 施工总平面布置遵照结构经济合理、满足施工要求、符合工程所 在地市政、环保要求的原则,营造良好的生产工作环境,同时考虑配 合设备安装等其它专业施工进行平面布置。 The general plan layout shall follow the principle of economic and reasonable structure, satisfying construction requirements, conforming to local, municipal and environmental requirements, to build a sound production and working environment. Meanwhile the plan layout should also consider the equipment installation and other specialty construction. 6.1.1机械设备布置 Machinery and Equipment Arrangement 其余钢筋、木工、砼机械在建筑物西侧面沿施工道路布置。 The rest re-bar processing machine, wood processing machine and concrete machine shall be arranged along the construction road at the western side of building. 6.1.2临时设施布置 Temporary Facilities Arrangement 在建筑物的西边由南至北依次布置为:钢筋加工现场、砼搅拌台、 木工棚、模板堆场、钢筋堆场、氧气间、仓库、乙炔间、电工间等。 At the western side of the building, the arrangement to be made from the south to the north according to the following order: re-bar processing yard, concrete mixing stand, wood processing shed, form stacking yard, re-bar stacking yard, oxygen cylinder room, warehouse, acetylene cylinder room and electrical room etc. 6.1.3道路布置 Road Arrangement 按照设计图纸,今后地坪为300厚碎石,现场施工道路则在基 础承台旁铺设300厚碎石。 According to the design drawing, the ground to be paved with 300mm crushed stone in the future, while for the construction road, it to be made with 300mm crushed stone beside the foundation cap. 6.1.4施工用水 Water consumption for construction 本工程业主提供管网接入口为Φ50管,现场施工用水管网采用直 径25的镀锌管埋地布置,埋深500毫米,布置路线本着沿道路周边 布置,现场养护点、砂浆搅拌机、管理人员办公区设置水龙头。 The Owner provideΦ50 pipes for connecting the pipe net. WhileΦ25 galvanized pipes to be buried 500mm underground for the construction water supply pipe net. Its travel route should be planed along sides of road. Water taps will be erected for site curing spot, mortar mixing machine and administrative staff office. 现场排水系统,沿施工道路两侧设置贯通明排水沟,排水沟为300 ×300。排水沟末端设置一个滤水沉淀池,现场施工用水及雨水经沉 淀池沉淀过滤后排入化工区河浜内。 For the site drainage water system, the open ditches with dimension of 300×300 to be established along two sides of construction road. The filter settlement tank to be built at end of ditch. The construction water and storm water is discharged to the creek in chemical industrial zone after settlement. 6.1.5施工用电 power consumption for construction 施工用电以业主提供的配电室作为电源,提供的电源为1000KVA, 根据各施工阶段的各用电网点的用电功率对施工用电进行设计,并按 总平面布置图设计的路线布置,初步计算现场用电平均功率为 600KVA。根据工程需要随时进场。用电线路主运采用架空铜芯电线, 各用电点采用二级三级配电箱送电。 The power distribution provided by the Owner will supply the power of 1000KVA for construction. The power request plan to be planed according to power consumption in different construction stages. The cable route to be arranged according to the general plan layout. According to preliminary calculation, the average power consumption is about 600KVA. The power cables are elevated copper conductors. Two-stage and three-stage power distribution boxes are erected for each power supply spot. 整个现场照明在描图纸工程的西南、西北两侧各架设一架10KW 的探照灯,各施工点的照明采用1KW的碘钨灯提供,施工管理区采用 220V照明电,保证用电安全,其余用电专人负责,定期检查。 According to the drawing, each 10KW searchlight will be erected at southwest side and northwest side as the overall site lighting system. At each construction area, the lighting system will adopt iodine lamps (1KW). 220v lamps to be used in construction administrative area. The safety work to be ensured for lighting system. Special person to be assigned for regular check of lighting system. 6.1.4围墙 Fencing 施工区域和施工人员办公区域的围墙采用钢丝网围墙。 The steel mesh fencing to be provided for construction area and office. 6.2施工总平面管理 Management of Construction General Plan Layout 施工总平面管理将依据各施工阶段的具体情况作动态管理,主要 含以下方面: According to different construction stage’s situation, the dynamic control to be applied for the management of construction general plan layout. The details is as follows: 6.2.1各施工阶段的机械设备管理,及时组织机械的进退场工作。 The mobilization of construction machinery and equipment to site and demobilization of equipment off site shall be rationally organized according to different construction stages. 6.2.2现场材料堆场及加工工场的有序规划和管理,做到场内材 料堆放整齐、有序。 The site material stacking yard and processing factory will be regulated and managed in good order, the materials to be packed in order. 6.2.3现场施工人员均佩带胸牌,非施工人员一般情况下不许进 入施工场区。 All construction personnel should provided with access-permit cards, In normal condition, non-construction workers are not allowed to enter the construction area. 6.2.4施工现场的场容、卫生保持清洁,安全设施到位及配置合 理的消防设施,并加强有效管理。 Keep the site cleaning, safety devices and fire-fighting equipment should be provided and erected properly. The effective control should be strengthened for these installations. 6.2.5配合各专业分包施工单位进行施工平面布置及管理。 Cooperate with all specialist sub-contractors to make a good arrangement and control on the construction plan layout. 第七章 施工总进度控制计划及工期保证措施 Chapter Seven: Control Plan of General Construction Progress and Construction Period Assurance Measures 7.1工期控制原则 Principle to Control Construction Period 在确保工程质量,工程使用功能和安全生产的前提下,在目标工 期内完成本工程施工任务并交付业主投产使用。 Under the precondition of ensuring the quality of works, proper function operation and production safety, the works to be completed within the targeted construction period and handed over to the Owner for operation. 本工程竣工目标工期:595个日历天 The target of construction period: 595 calendar days 具体详见附表《项目施工进度计划表》 For more details, see attached form “the Project Construction Progress Schedule” 7.2工期保证措施 Construction Period Assurance Measures 7.2.1组织措施 Organization Measures 1(组成精干高效的项目班子,确保指令畅通,令行禁止。 The capable and high efficiency project management department will be organized to ensure the immediate execution of instructions from the Owner. 2(项目经理部实施项目法施工,对本工程行使计划、组织、指 挥、协调、控制监督六项基本职能,并在我单位内选择成建制的、能 打硬杖的、并有施工过同类型工程的施工队伍组成作业层,担任本工 程的施工任务。 The project management department shall manage the construction of the works according to the project regulations, exercise six basic functions of planning, organizing, directing, coordinating and controlling or supervising. The construction team with experience of undertaking similar works shall be selected to execute the works. 3(建立生产例会制度,每星期召开2-3次工程例会,围绕工程 的施工进度、工程质量、生产安全等内容检查上一次例会以来的计划 执行情况。 Establish the system to hold the Production Routine Meeting. 2-3 engineering routine meetings to be held every week, focusing on the construction progress, quality of work and production safety. 4(实行合理的工期、目标奖罚制度,根据工作需要,工人的工作 日为从星期一到星期天作业,不休息(包括节假日)。 Implement reasonable reward and punishment system for ensuring construction period and target achievement. According to demand of work, the workday will last from Monday to Sunday without rest (including holidays). 5(作好施工配合及前期施工准备工作,拟定施工准备计划,专人 逐项落实,确保后勤保障工作的高质、高效。 Preparation work and construction cooperation should be made well. The construction preparation plan to be worked out to ensure the high quality and high efficiency logistic work. 7.2.2技术保证措施 Technical Assurance Measures 1、优化施工组织设计并组织实施以利工程能在优质、安全的前 提下能如期完成。 The construction management plan to be optimized and executed to help the works completing on schedule with good quality and safety. 2、加强对项目施工的综合管理,尤其是对施工组织、技术质量 安全、工程物资的调配等环节进行优化管理。 The comprehensive management on construction to be strengthened, particular in the construction management plan, technology, quality, safety, material and equipment allocation and distribution, the optimized management is required for them. 3、加大工程投入,调配充足的施工人员,施工机械及工程材料 以满足工程需要。 In order to meet the demand of works, the sufficient construction personnel, machinery and equipment as well as the materials will be provided properly according to construction schedule. 4、与各专业分包施工单位密切联系,提前解决技术、工序等协 调问题。 Keep a close contact with all specialist sub-contractors, solve the issues in technology, work procedure and coordination. 5、编制工程进度月计划、周计划以控制阶段工期的如期完成。 Work out monthly progress plan and weekly progress plan to ensue the construction schedule in different construction stages to be completed on time. 6、特殊施工阶段实施24小时连续作业,工人工作实行三班制。 In special construction stage, 24 hours continuous work will be executed and three-shift work system to be carried out. 第八章 主要分项工程施工方法及技术措施 Chapter Eight Construction Method and Technical Measures of Main Sub-divisional Works 8.1 施工测量 Construction Survey 8.1.1测量仪器配置 Provision of Survey Instruments 主要配置一台全站仪,一台J2经纬仪及一台高精度水准仪和50 米钢尺等测量仪器设备,所有仪器经检校合格后方可施工,仪器由专 人保管维护。 One laser survey meter, J2 transit and high precise water level or 50m steel tape etc. to be provided as the survey instruments. All instruments and apparatus can be used for construction only after calibration. The instruments should be maintained and taken care by special person. 8.1.2定位放线 Setting-out 以业主提供的座标点为基准,建立平面轴线控制方格网,作为 轴线投测和校核的依据,轴线方格网控制点应设置在建筑物轴线外 10米并加以保护确保其稳定性,建筑物定位放线时采用全站仪精确 测量角度和距离,其它轴线采用J2经纬仪和50米钢尺测设。 Based on the coordinate provided by the Owner, establish the axis control grid net as the basis of survey and verification. The control point of axis grid net should be established at 10m away the building’s axis and protected for ensuring its stability. While setting out, the laser survey meter to be used for measuring the angel and distance. For other axis measurement, J2 transit and 50m steel tape are to be used. 8.1.3高程引测 Elevation Survey 以业主提供的现场绝对高程控制点为基础,在变形比较稳定的区 域建立三个高程控制点并作良好保护。 Based on the control point of absolute elevation on site provided by the Owner, three control points of elevation to be established in the area with stable deformation and protected soundly. 基础施工时用水准仪和标尺测控标高,上部结构施工时用吊钢尺 方法在楼梯间及角柱点等处设置高程传递控制点。 While executing the foundation works, the level meter and staff gauge to be used for measuring and controlling the elevation. While executing the superstructure works, the steel tape is used for establishing elevation control point at staircase and corner column. 所有预埋件及预埋螺栓固定时均高精度水准仪测定其标高。 While fixing all embedded parts and embedded bolts, high precise level meter is required for measurement of elevation. 8.2挖土施工 Excavation 8.2.1独立基础、杯形基础、条形基础等挖土施工 Excavation Works of Isolated foundation, socket foundation and strip foundation 本工程100区域至900区域基础埋设深度为1.5m,5m。 In area 100 to 900, the foundation depth is 1.5-5m. 1)1. 0m,3.0m深的浅基础的基坑挖土 Excavation for 1.0m-3.0m shallow foundation 3基坑挖土时总的流程为由南向北进行挖土,采用1m挖机进行挖 土,独立基础单个开挖,承台基础并有基础梁相连的以及条形基础则 采用条型开挖的方式,各承台基础基坑挖土时周边留500mm工作面, 由于土质较差,基坑放坡坡度为1:1.5,在基坑四周挖200×200的 排水沟,并挖设400×400×400集水井,内放置潜水泵。挖土机挖土 时挖机设专人指挥,严禁使挖土机碰到桩身,保护好桩身以防受损或 断裂,挖置离坑底设计标高200mm时采用人工扦土,严禁超挖。 While executing the excavation of foundation pit, the general direction shall 3follow starting from the south to the north. 1m excavator to be used. The isolated foundation is excavated independently, while the cap foundation connected with base beam and strip foundation shall adopt the strip typed excavation method. While excavating the cap foundation, 500mm working surface should be maintained at perimeter of foundation. Due to bad soil quality, the foundation sloping is required to make 1:1.5. Around the foundation pit, 200×200 ditches to be built and 400 ×400×400 water collection well is required and the submerged pump is place inside the well. While the excavator is working, special person is required for direction of operation, it is prohibited to make the excavator collide with the pile body. The pile body should be protected well from damage or rupture. When excavating up to 200mm away the design level of pit bottom, manual excavation method is adopted, excess excavation is forbidden. 2)4.0m,5.0m较深的基坑挖土 Excavation of 4.0m-5.0m Deep Foundation 4m深的基础主要出现在100区域内,而5m深的基础主要出现在 100区域、400区域、500区域、600区域、800区域。由于基础埋设 3深度较深,采用一台1.0m挖机盆式开挖,边坡采用二级放坡,上、 下级均采用1:2放坡,基坑边坡采用30厚钢丝网水泥砂浆护坡。挖 土过程中沿坑底四周设置排水明沟,在基坑中央设置排水盲沟,基坑 四角设置集水井,井内积水采用潜水泵随时抽净,以此确保坑底明排 水畅通,坑底干燥。当挖土至坑底或槽底面以上200MM改由人工扦平, 挖土机挖土时挖机设专人指挥,严禁使挖土机碰到桩身,保护好桩身 以防受损或断裂。 4m deep foundations mainly exist in area 100. While 5m deep foundations mainly exist in 3area 100, 400, 500, 600 and 800. Due to deeper buried foundation, one 1.0m excavator to be used for basin typed excavation. The side slope is laid to double stage sloping. The upper and lower stage sloping are all laid to 1:2. The foundation slope is protected with 30mm mortar and steel mesh. The open ditch is established around the bottom of foundation pit, the blind ditch is set up in the middle of foundation pit and catch pits are built at four corners of foundation pit. The water collected in the catch pits to be pumped out by submerged pump to ensure the water smoothly flowing through open ditch and a dry foundation pit. When excavating up to 200mm away the design level of pit bottom, manual excavation method is adopted. While the excavator is working, special person is required for direction of operation, it is prohibited to make the excavator collide with the pile body. The pile body should be protected well from damage or rupture. 8.2.2雨水分流集水井挖土施工 Excavation of Storm Water Division Sump 南北两个雨水分流集水井深度为6m和7m,由于地处杭州湾边, 土层土质较差易滑坡、基坑深度深、地下水位较高等原因,因此挖土 时采用两级放坡加两级井点降水的方式进行挖土。 There are two storm water division sumps with 6m and 7m depth respectively established in the south and the north sides. Due to locating in Hangzhou Bay, the soil quality is worse, which is easy to cause the landslide. In consideration of deep foundation pit and high ground water level, while excavation, double-stage sloping plus with two-stage well-point de-watering to be used. 3挖土时采用一台1.0m挖机盆式开挖,基坑放坡为1:3,先在基 坑外安设轻型井点降水,井点管长度为6m,滤头长1.2m。降水3天 后挖土挖至离坑底3.5m时,留设施工平台面,平台面宽2m,并安设 轻型井点降水,井点管长度为7.2m,降水1个星期之后,待地下水 位在基坑底之下后再进行挖土,挖土放坡为1:3,上下坡面用30厚 钢丝网水泥砂浆护坡以防土体滑移。 3While excavating, one set of 1.0m excavator is used for basin typed excavation, the foundation pit is laid to slope with 1:3. Above all, Light well-point de-watering system is erected outside the foundation pit, the well-point pipe length is 7.2m. one week after de-watering, when the ground water level is under the foundation pit, the excavation is able to proceed. While excavating, the sloping is laid as 1:3, the upper slope and lower slope is protected with 30mm thick mortar plus with steel mesh to prevent occurrence of landslide. 挖土过程中沿坑底四周设置排水明沟,在基坑中央设置排水盲 沟,基坑四角设置400×400×400集水井,井内积水采用潜水泵随时 抽净,以此确保坑底明排水畅通,坑底干燥。当挖土至坑底或槽底面 以上200MM改由人工扦平,挖土机挖土时挖机设专人指挥,严禁使挖 土机碰到桩身,保护好桩身以防受损或断裂。 During process of excavation, the open ditch is established around the bottom of foundation ×pit, the blind ditch is set up in the middle of foundation pit and catch pits with dimension 400 400×400 are built at four corners of foundation pit. The water collected in the catch pits to be pumped out by submerged pump to ensure the water smoothly flowing through open ditch and a dry foundation pit. When excavating up to 200mm away the design level of pit bottom, manual excavation method is adopted. While the excavator is working, special person is required for direction of operation, it is prohibited to make the excavator collide with the pile body. The pile body should be protected well from damage or rupture. 8.3桩位验收 Piling Location Acceptance Test 基坑开挖之后立刻浇注砼垫层,并注意垫层面标高与设计标高 一致,然后对打桩单位施打的桩的平面位置、标高进行复核,而且由 打桩单位请专业检测单位对桩身的质量进行检测,待对桩的检测、偏 差都符合设计要求时,移交至我方。 After excavation, the foundation pit should be poured with concrete bedding course immediately. Attention should be paid for the conformance between the bedding course surface level and the design level. Then the confirmed survey to be conducted on the piling position and level. In addition, the piling company should invite the specialist Inspection Company to check the quality of pile body. After the inspection result and deviation are in accordance with the design requirements, all information on piling can be handed over to our company. 8.4设备基础、独立基础、杯形基础、条形基础施工 Foundation Works for Equipment Foundation, Isolated Foundation, Socket Foundation and Strip Foundation 8.4.1基础钢筋绑扎 Foundation Re-bar Binding A 钢筋成型:所有钢筋成型均按图纸要求预先出具钢筋翻样加 工单送有资质的专业加工厂预先加工成型送达现场。 Re-bar forming: Prior to forming the re-bars, first of all, the re-bar lofting process list should be prepared according to the requirements of the drawings, then sent to the qualified specialist processing factory for prefabrication of re-bar, finally deliver to site. B 钢筋绑扎 Re-bar Binding 钢筋绑扎将按图纸要求进行,所有规格、尺寸、数量、间距必 须核对准确。钢筋的接头形式按图纸的要求进行施工,并按规范规定 进行一定数量的抽检复试。 The re-bar binding should be executed according to the requirements of the drawing. All specification, dimension, quantity and spacing should be checked correct. The re-bar connection type will be in accordance with requirement of drawings. The sampling check to be conducted on certain quantities of re-bar according to the specification. C 上下部垂直钢筋应绑扎牢固,按轴线位置校核后用方木架成 井字形,将插筋固定在基础外模板上;底部钢筋网片应用与混凝土保 护层同厚度的水泥砂浆块垫塞,以保证位置正确。 The upper and lower part of vertical re-bars should be bound firmly and securely. Then the re-bars are raised with square wood after checking with the axis. The dowel bar to be fixed on the exterior foundation form. The bottom re-bar mat should be padded with cement mortar block same as the thickness of concrete cover to ensure correct position. 8.4.2基础模板工程 Foundation Form Works A 基础部分模板均采用定型钢模拼装,局部木料补缺。纵横围 檩为φ48钢管,基础梁吊模部分必须有可靠搁置点,可采取对拉螺 丝与梁内箍筋用电焊方式连接固定。 The forms used for the foundation shall adopt the typical model of metal forms. For local part, wood is used to supply the lack. φ48 steel pipes to be used as the horizontal and vertical waling. A reliable laying point must be provided for foundation beam’s suspending form, electrical welding method is used for connecting and fixing the through bolts and stirrup inside the beam. B 梁两侧模板采用φ14对拉螺丝拉接固定,以防暴模。梁之间设 纵横向水平牵杆将所有梁连成整体,防止移位。间距为750mm,并固 定在横向围檩上。为保证模板体系的稳固,在混凝土浇捣时不产生变 形,再在两侧每1500设一道抛撑。 φ14 through bolts are used to connect and fix the forms at two sides of beam to prevent the forms from popping out. Horizontal and vertical tie rods, fixed in the transverse waling to be erected between beams with spacing of 750mm to form an integrated beam to prevent displacement. In order to guarantee stable form system and non-causing deformation while pouring and vibrating concrete, one bracing is to be erected at both sides at interval of 1500mm. C 所有模板支撑时将做到牢固稳定,横平竖直。上口标高将用水 平仪复测准确。 All forms to be supported securely and firmly. The top level to be re-checked by the level meter. 8.4.3预埋螺栓安放Installation of Embedded Bolts 本工程100区到800区基本都是设备的安装,因此在基础内将预 埋大量的螺栓,而且设备安装对基础内预埋螺栓的位置精度相当高。 In area 100 to 800, most part of work belongs to equipment installation. Therefore, lots of embedded bolts are required in foundation. In addition, the equipment installation requires rather high accuracy for location of embedded bolts. 在螺栓安放之前,先复核其长度以及尺寸大小,使其与设计要求 相一致。安放时,先在螺栓上用红柒划出螺栓伸出基础面的标高控制 线,然后在模板两侧用钉子按图纸标明螺栓位置中心线线钉在模板 上,同时在另外一侧钉上木钉,绑上麻线,以控制螺栓的水平位置。 螺栓水平位置校正准确之后,再用水准仪测螺栓的标高,复核无误之 后,将螺栓与基础钢筋电焊牢固。 Prior to installing the bolts, first of all, the dimension and size of bolts should be rechecked again to meet the requirements of the design. While installing the bolts, the level control lines extended out of foundation surface should be marked out with red painting on bolts, then nails to be fixed at both sides of form according to center line of bolt location indicated in the drawing. Meanwhile, on the other side, the wood nog is nailed down, then binding with twine to control the horizontal location of bolts. After the horizontal location of bolt is aligned correctly, the level meter is used for measuring the elevation of bolt, after correct confirmed survey, the bolt will be connected with the foundation re-bar through electric welding. 8.4.4基础砼浇捣:Concrete Pouring for Foundation A 本工程浇捣车间基础混凝土浇捣施工时,采用二台汽车泵进 行输送,在汽车泵布料半径不够的情况下用二台固定泵进行输送,浇 捣顺序由南向北连续浇捣,采用一台汽车泵进行输送。 While executing the concrete pouring for foundation, two sets of mobile pumps to transport the concrete, when the working radius of mobile pump is not enough, two sets of fixed pumps are used to transport the concrete. The continuous pouring shall start from the south to the north. B 砼浇捣时,每段混凝土均一次浇捣完成,不留施工缝。 While pouring and vibrating the concrete, each section shall be completed completely without construction joints. C 浇筑钢柱下基础时,应特别注意基础面埋件、预埋螺栓位置 的正确,浇捣砼时,应派专人看模,经常观察模板、支架、钢筋、埋 件的情况,当发现变形移位时,应组织劳动力整改。 When pouring the concrete for steel column foundation, particular attention should be given for correct position of embedded parts and embedded bolts in foundation surface. While pouring concrete, special person is assigned for watching the forms, supports, re-bars and embedded parts. When deformation or displacement is found, labor to be organized to rectify them immediately. D 浇捣应分皮进行,第一皮浇至承台压踢脚面,余下部分视基 础梁高平均分为三皮进行,以防混凝土从压踢脚面溢出,但上皮混凝 土必须充满模板内边角,然后浇筑中间部分,以保证混凝土密实。 The concrete pouring should be executed in layers. The first layer to be poured to the skirting surface of cap, the rest part shall be deemed to foundation beam height, which to be divided into 3 layers for concrete pouring. Such method can prevent the concrete from overflowing out of the skirting surface. However the top layer of concrete must be fully filled in the internal sides and corners of forms, then concrete will be poured in the middle part to ensure the compactness of concrete. E 混凝土浇捣标高控制:在浇捣基础混凝土时,事先在基础模 板上设置好标高控制点标记,并在混凝土浇捣过程中指派专人负责基 础梁压踢脚面混凝土收头工作。 Level control of concrete pouring: Prior to pouring concrete for the foundation, the level control point should be marked out in advance on the foundation forms. During the process of concrete pouring, the personnel should be specially assigned for ending work of skirting surface of foundation beam. F 每台泵管配φ70高频振动棒四台,随同混凝土浇捣振动,振 动棒必须快插慢拔,移动间距不得大大于300mm。振动棒头必须探入 下皮混凝土50mm左右。 Each pump will be provided with 4 sets of high frequency vibrating rods together withφ70 connection pipe. While pouring the concrete, the vibrating rod to be inserted with it and the operation should be follow the principle of “fast inserting and slow withdrawing”. The movable space is not allowed to be more than 300mm. The vibrating rod head must be inserted about 50mm under the concrete. G 混凝土入模后振动机紧跟其后,同时对流淌部分的砼进行跟 踪振动密实。混凝土表面用刮尺刮平,稍待收水后再用木蟹分二次打 磨平整,对阴角处散落砼及浆液应及时清理干净。 After the concrete is poured inside the forms, the vibrating rod should follow it closely. The follow-up vibrating for part of flowing concrete to be made. The straightedge to be used for dubbing out the concrete surface. After the water is shrunk a little, wood float is to be used for two times’ polishing and leveling. The scattered concrete and slurry in the inner corners to be cleaned off in time. H 混凝土浇筑完后立即在其表面覆盖草包与塑料薄膜加以养 护。 After the concrete is poured, the straw bags and plastic membrane should be covered on its surface for curing. 8.5雨水分流集水井施工 Construction of Storm Water Division Sump 雨水分流集水井分两次施工,第一次为底板和部分墙板,第二次 为墙顶板一次施工。 The storm water division sump to be constructed in two times, first construction is for sole-plate and part of wall board; second construction is for wall top plate. 8.5.1 钢筋工程 Re-bar Works 钢筋翻样必须认真熟悉图纸,将结构钢筋准确的翻制出来,所有 钢筋必须根据设计图纸的要求,进行轴线位置弹设及墙板的弹设,保 证各部位的位置正确。 The re-bar lofting work must be carried out after studying the drawings carefully. To make a correct lofting of structural re-bars, all re-bars must have axis snapped to ensure correct position of each part. 钢筋采用现场制作,现场绑扎,对于到场的原材钢筋,其规格和 类型必须正确,同时还必须具备供货单位的原材料、质量保证书,施 工现场按照有关施工规范要求,对钢筋进行抽样、送样、复试各项性 能,以确保钢筋的质量。 The re-bar fabrication and binding to be executed on site. The incoming re-bars must have the correct type and specification, also provided with raw material quality assurance certificate of the supplier. The sampling test, sample submitting and the confirmed test of every kinds of property of re-bar to be carried out according to the related construction specification to ensure the quality of re-bars. 钢筋施工必须按照设计、施工规范要求进行绑扎、焊接,绑扎必 须牢固,对于焊接,其长度及厚度必须符合验收规范的要求,单面焊 10d,双面焊5d,绑扎的长度按设计,板墙、底板、顶板的钢筋按50% 错开。 The re-bar binding and welding must be made according to the requirements of design and construction specification. The re-bar binding must be made securely and firmly. The welding length and thickness must be in accordance with the requirements of acceptance specification. For single-side welding, it requires 10d, while for double-side welding, it requires 5d. The binding length should be in accordance with the designed one, while for plank wall, sole-plate, and top plate, 50% of re-bars should be staggered. 板墙筋竖筋分二次绑扎,第一次从底板留出插筋至止水钢板上口 留出,搭接倍数,第二次绑扎至顶板面。 Two-time-binding is required for vertical re-bar of plank wall. First binding is made up to water stop plate, second binding is made up to top plate surface. 结构顶板绑扎钢筋前,必须桷保顶板底模刚度,标高及平整度, 顶板下排筋设置@1500保护层垫块保证钢筋的位置正确,在施工过程 中,严禁随意踩踏面筋,顶板筋遇予留洞不断开,连通绑扎。 Prior to binding the re-bars for structural top plate, the rigid, level and flatness of bottom forms of top plate must be ensured. The protective bedding course @15000 to be established for the row of re-bars under the top plate to ensure the correct positions of re-bars. During the execution of the works, it is forbidden to step on surface re-bars freely. If the re-bar of top plate encounters the preserved opening, the re-bar should be binding together without disconnection. 电渣压力焊:Electroslag welding A、钢筋:应有出厂合格证,试验报告性能指标符合有关标准 或规范的规定,钢筋的验收和加工,应按有关的规定进行。 Re-bar should provided with the ex-works certificate. The property test report should be in accordance with the relevant specifications and standards. The acceptance and processing of re-bars should be carried out according to the relevant stipulations. B、电渣压力焊焊接使用的钢筋端头应平直、干净,不得有马 蹄形、压扁、凸凹不平、弯曲扭曲等严重变形。如有严重变形时应用 手提切割机切割或用气焊切割、矫正,以保证钢筋端面垂直于轴线。 钢筋端部200mm范围不应有锈蚀、油污、混凝土浆等污染,受污染 的钢筋应清理干净后才能进行电渣压力焊焊接。处理钢筋应在当天进 行,防止处理后再生锈。 The re-bar end used for electroslag welding should be straight, flat and clean free of U-shaped, bruising, concave and convex, bending or distorted deformations. If serious deformation is occurred, the manual operated cutter or gas cutter to be used for correction to ensure the re-bar end surface perpendicular to the axis. Within 200mm area of re-bar end surface, it should be free of rust, oil dirt, concrete slurry etc. The contaminated re-bar should be cleaned for electroslag welding. The re-bar should be treated in the present day to prevent the rust occurrence after treatment. C、电渣压力焊焊剂:须有出厂合格证,化学性能指标应符合 有关规定,焊剂回收重复使用时,应除去熔渣和杂物并经干燥,一般 采用431焊药。 The welding flux for electroslag welding must be provided with quality certificate. The chemical property index should be in accordance with the relevant stipulations. When the flux is recovered for repeat usage, the slag and dirt should be removed off and it should be dried too. Normally, 431 welding flux is to be used for welding. D、焊接夹具:应具有一定刚度,使用灵巧、坚固耐用,上、 下钳口同心,焊接电缆的断面面积应与焊接钢筋大小相适应,焊接电 缆以及控制电缆的连接处必须保持良好接触。 Welding clamp should have certain rigid. The operation is flexible. The upper and lower clamps are concentric. The welded cable section should be in accordance with the welded re-bar size. The welded cable and connection of control cable must be maintained well-contact. E、安装焊剂盒时,焊接口宜位焊剂盒的中部,石棉绳缠绕应严 密,防止焊剂泄漏。 When installing the welding flux box, the welding portion should be placed in the middle part of welding flux box. The asbestos rope should be wound tightly to prevent the flux from leakage. F、钢筋焊接接头的强度检验时,从每批成品中提取三个试件进 行拉伸实验,在一般构筑物中,每300个同类接头(同钢筋级别、同 钢筋直径)作一批量,在现浇钢筋混凝土框架结构中每一楼层以300 个同类接头作为一批;不足300个时,仍作为一批,接头的拉伸实验 结果,三个试件均不得低于该级别钢筋规定的抗拉强度值,若有一个 试件的抗拉强度达不到上述要求,应增加双倍数量的试件进行复试; 复验结果,若仍有一个试件的强度达不到上述要求,该批接头即为不 合格品。 When checking the strength of re-bar welding seams, three samples to be taken from each batch of the finished product for tensile test. In the normal structure, 300 connections of same kinds are to be taken as one batch. In the situ reinforced concrete frame structure, 300 connections of same kinds in each floor are to be taken as one batch, when less than 300, it still to be taken as one batch. The tensile test result for three connections shall not less than the tensile strength specified by the same classification of re-bar. If one of connections fails to meet the above requirements of tensile strength, double quantities of tested pieces to be added for conducting the test, if one of tested pieces still fails to meet the specified strength, this batch of connections to be deemed as unqualified products. G、接头处的弯折角不得大于4度,轴线偏移不得大于钢筋直 径的0.1倍,并且不得大于2mm,四周焊包应均匀,凸出钢筋表面的 高度应大于或等于4mm。 The turning angle at connection is not allowed to be more than 4 degree, the displacement in axis is not permitted to over 0.1 times of diameter of re-bar and not over 2mm. The perimeter welding seams should be even, the convex height on re-bar surface should be more than or equal to 4mm. 钢筋工程的质量验收,严格按照验收制度进行,在每一阶段施工 完毕之后,施工班组首先进行自检,再由施工员检查,之后由专职质 量员、合同监理、业主进行验收把关,严格按照隐蔽工程验收要求进 行,具备各项资料,确保下道工序能够顺利进行。 The quality acceptance test of re-bar works should be carried out strictly according to the acceptance regulations. After every stage of construction is completed, the construction group should conduct a self-check, then the construction chief shall inspect the works, after that, the full-time quality inspector and supervision engineer together with the Owner make a joint check-up strictly according to the concealed works acceptance requirements. All documents should be available to ensure the next working sequence is able to proceed smoothly. 8.5.2模板、排架工程 Forms and bent 集水井底板侧模,内外墙模梁底模,顶板均采用组合钢模板、Φ 48钢管排架、支撑。 Adopt composite steel forms, Φ48 steel pipe bent and supports for construction of base plate and side form of sumps, internal and external wall forms, beam bottom forms, and top slab forms. 配置的模板其尺寸、规格必须严格按照设计图纸进行现场翻样, 画出模板排例图,而后进行加工、制作编号,确认尺寸无误后,再施 工。对于外墙板施工时所有的墙板对撬螺栓都采用Φ12@600定加工 带三片止水片的螺栓,柱对撬螺栓采用Φ12@600。平台板模板施工 时,内部搭设钢管排架,立杆间距@800(双向)按4.5m间距设置垂 直剪力撑,墙板钢管围檩@600一道(双管),外墙支撑固定于底板及 护坡上。雨水集水井排架支撑在底板上。 Size and specification of forms should be made strictly according to design drawings by working out form drawings and numbering them. Start construction till no mistake in size is found. 12@600 through bolts for external wall construction, with three water stop sheets. Adopt Φ Through bolts for columns are also Φ12@600. Erect steel pipe bent inside, for slab formwork, that is, establish two ways of vertical pipes at 800mm of intervals, and install cross bracings every 4.5m. While vertical pipes for wall formwork are at 600mm of intervals (double-pipe type). External wall supports are fixed at base plate and exterior-protected slopes. 外墙板侧模分二次支模,第一次支止水钢板与底板一起施工,止 水带为400×3mm。为了保证板墙侧模、吊模的稳定性,用Φ18钢筋 (双向),作为模板支承点与底板钢筋焊牢。第二次模板支撑至顶板。 Establish side forms of external wall through two steps. The first step is establishing water stop steel plates, which are 400×3mm sized, together with base plate. Fix Φ18 steel bars to base plate re-bars by welding as a bearing point to guarantee stability of wall side forms and dropped forms. The second, support forms to top slab. 内外侧模四角用线垂棱还其垂直度,垂直度控制在2mm以内, 然后拉统线进行加固,保证模板水平、垂直的平整度在允许范围内。 Control verticalness of side forms within 2mm by plumb line, and make sure deviation in level within allowable value. 平台模板采用夹板,搁栅采用50×100木料,其间距不得超过 500,木料必须两侧平面刨光轧平,使其断面一致,确保平台平整度。 平台模板底模搁栅设置时,应相互错开接头,保证平台排架有足够的 刚度、强度及稳定性。 Adopt clamping plate for slab form and 50×100 woods for grating, with spacing not greater than 500mm, dressed at two sides of woods. Make sure all of these sections are the same so that slabs are leveled. Guarantee rigidity, strength and stability of slab bents. 平台排架搭设时,必须按顶板底模标高设置好稳固的支撑排架, 排架采用Φ48钢管,立杆间距纵横向@1000,排架顶面搁置2’×4’横 檩,排架高度范围内共设四道水平牵杠,最下面一道扫地杆距地面 200,并设斜杆拉结,确保顶板底模的平整、稳固,同时模板拼缝必 须平整、严密,对于拼装不平整的部位,必须封贴平整,在拼缝处加 搁栅。 Establish a stable bent withΦ48 steel pipes according to level of top slab bottom form. Spacing between vertical pipes is 1000mm. Place 2’×4’ traverse purlins on top of bent, four horizontal tie bars along height of vertical pipes, with the lowest bar at 200mm above floor surface. Add inclined tie bars to make bottom forms leveled and stable. Match forms closely and even. For uneven places, make them even by sealing them and adding grating at those places. 在墙板、顶板模板施工时,必须由专人负责对预留套管轴线标高 的测设和安装施工。同时安装掌握施工的部分必须具备相应的验收资 料,施工完毕后,必须由技术和技监人员把关验收,确保正确无误之 后再封模板,避免不必要的损失和浪费。 Special personnel is responsible for measuring axes and elevation of embed sleeves and installation work during construction of wall and top slab forms. After construction, it must be accepted by technical personnel or supervisor. Then seal forms. 墙板侧模拆除在14天以后,顶板模在砼强度达到100%时方可拆 除,模板拆除时,应先卸下撬螺栓,用撬棒逐渐拆除,避免损坏砼。 在支撑排架上须设脚手板,拆模人员必须系好安全带,确保安全顺利 拆除模板。 Wall forms are to be removed 14 days after concreting, while top slab forms at the time concrete obtains 100% of strength. Remove through bolts first, and do not hurt concrete. Place scaffold board on the supporting bent, and workers must wear safety belts. 8.5.3砼施工 Concreting 集水井砼均采用商品混凝土,汽车泵泵送。砼标号分别为C30, 砼施工前必须完成各项隐蔽工程验收内容,具备完善的各项与工程有 关资料,具备审批过的浇捣令,在浇捣前对各种交底清楚,加强对采 用泵送商品砼施工的组织管理,并在施工过程中严格按照操作顺序进 行监督。 Concrete of sumps is purchased and transformed by vehicle. Acceptance of concealed works is a must prior to concreting. Relevant information, approved concreting order, and clarifications are required. Strengthen management and monitor the whole process. 砼分二次浇捣,底板与墙板的施工缝留在底板以上500处,第二 次与顶板一起浇捣,施工缝中按要求设置好3mm厚400宽的钢板止水 带。施工缝砼浇捣前,必须清理掉缝内垃圾和残留泥浆,并对原侧板 砼进行凿除,冲洗干净,再进行接浆,确保施工缝的施工质量,对插 筋位置必须采取好确实可靠的稳固措施,在砼振捣过程中避免碰撞外 露钢筋,避免移位。墙板砼必须分层浇捣密实,要求每次浇捣高度不 超过500,四周同时进行,振点间距不超过500,振动到砼表面泛浆 无气泡为止,确保墙板砼浇捣质量。砼入模时,必须采用料斗,在受 料口缓冲入模,严禁料头直接插入模板入料,以避免砼冲击力过大造 成模板爆壳和移动。对已浇好的底板应用草包进行覆盖。 Construction joint between base plate and wall panel is set at 500mm above base plate, the rest part of wall panel is concreted together with top slab. Set a 3mm thick and 400mm wide steel plate water stop for construction joint. Remove dirt and residual mud out of construction joint before concreting. Take measure to fix dowel in position and avoid knocking at them during vibration. Concreting wall panel in lifts, with each lift not exceeding 500mm. Keep on vibrating till no bubble coming up. Use feed hopper to place concrete into forms to avoid producing too much dynamic force so as to avoid forms convex. Cover slabs with mats after concreting. 8.6基坑回土施工 Backfilling for foundation pit 回填时对土层必须分层夯实,每层厚度在250,300mm,压实系 数符合设计要求,并按照要求进行环刀试验,以确保回填土质量,试 验报告等相关资料及时归档保存好。回填土所用材料必须保证是好 土,且的含水率应适中,不宜过湿和过干。 Compact soil in layers when backfilling, and depth of each layer is from 250mm to 300mm. Compacting factor must satisfy design requirements. Test the backfill soil and keep test report and relevant documents timely. Backfill soil must be sound, with suitable water content. 8.7变电站施工(基础、上部结构、装饰) Substation (foundation, superstructure, finishing) 本工程共有3个变电站,1#变电站50m×27m,檐口高度11.4m; 2#变电站63.4m×9m,檐口高度11.4m;3#变电站29m×14.8m, 檐口高度6.9m。 There’re three substations. 1# substation is sized 50m×27m, eaves height is 11.4m. 2# substation is sized 63.4m×9m, eaves height is 11.4m. 3# substation is sized 29m×14.8m, eaves height is 6.9m. 基础主要形式为独立基础、设备基础。楼地面主要有:防滑地 砖楼地面、耐磨砼楼面。外墙设计装饰做法:水泥砂浆打底粉光、 外墙涂料。内墙装饰设计做法:设计主要有内墙涂料。顶棚设计 做法:主要有涂料顶棚、石膏板吊顶。门窗设计:主要有钢质防 火门、铝合金窗及百叶窗。 Types of foundations are mainly isolated foundation and equipment foundation. Floorings can be divided into slip-resistant tile flooring and wear-resistant concrete flooring. External wall finishing: cement mortar bedding, leveling coat and coating. Internal wall finishing: internal wall coating. Ceiling mainly has two types: coating ceiling and gypsum board ceiling. Doors and windows: fire-proofing steel doors, aluminium alloy window and shutter. 8.7.1挖土施工 Excavation 施工方法同前。 The same with that mentioned above. 8.7.2桩基验收移交 Pile foundation acceptance and takeover 施工方法同前。 The same with that mentioned above. 8.7.3基础施工 Foundation 施工方法同前。 The same with that mentioned above. 8.7.4上部结构施工 Superstructure construction钢筋施工 Re-bars construction 钢筋翻样必须认真熟悉图纸,将结构钢筋准确的翻制出来,所有 钢筋必须根据设计图纸的要求,进行轴线位置弹设及墙板的弹设,保 证各部位的位置正确。 Re-bar lofting man should learn drawings carefully, and work out structural re-bars correctly. Set out axes and wall panel to ensure all in correct position. 钢筋采用加工厂制作,现场绑扎,对于到场的原材钢筋,其规格 和类型必须正确,同时还必须具备供货单位的原材料、质量保证书, 施工现场按照有关施工规范要求,对钢筋进行抽样、送样、复试各项 性能,以确保钢筋的质量。 Re-bars are processed in factory and bound on the site. Specification and type of re-bars must be correct. They must have qualified certificate. Take sample and test quality of re-bars according to codes and standards. 钢筋施工必须按照设计、施工规范要求进行绑扎、焊接,绑扎必 须牢固,对于焊接,其长度及厚度必须符合验收规范的要求,单面焊 10d,双面焊5d,绑扎的长度按设计,板墙、底板、顶板的钢筋按50% 错开。 Bind and weld re-bars according to design requirements and construction specification. Bind tightly and for welding, length and thickness must comply with code for acceptance, for instance, 10d for one-side welding, 5d for two-side welding. Length of binding is decided by design. 拉墙筋与框架柱连接采用冲击钻钻洞,拉墙筋铰丝芽,膨胀螺丝 固定,拉墙筋伸出柱外1000。 Use percussion driller to drill holes for tie bars to connect walls and columns. Use expansion bolts. Tie bars spread 1000mm away from column. 结构顶板绑扎钢筋前,必须确保顶板底模刚度,标高及平整度, 顶板下排筋设置@1500保护层垫块保证钢筋的位置正确,在施工过程 中,严禁随意踩踏面筋,顶板筋遇予留洞不断开,连通绑扎。 Guarantee rigidity of top slab forms, elevation and levelness prior to binding re-bars of top slab. Set cushion blocks under top slab at 1500mm of intervals to guarantee re-bars in correct position. No arbitrary stepping on re-bars. Re-bars do not break at prepared openings. 钢筋工程的质量验收,严格按照验收制度进行,在每一阶段施工 完毕之后,施工班组首先进行自检,再由施工员检查,之后由专职质 量员、合同监理、业主进行验收把关,严格按照隐蔽工程验收要求进 行,具备各项资料,确保下道工序能够顺利进行。 Acceptance of re-bar work is conducted in the following procedures. Firstly, construction team inspects the work, then executor, finally quality manager, supervisor and Client make inspection. It is conducted according to code for acceptance of concealed works. All information should be ready so as to carry on the next procedure smoothly.模板、排架工程 Formwork and bent 变电站柱、梁采用钢模板,顶板采用七夹板。 Use steel forms for column and beam, seven-ply board for top slab of substations. 配置的模板其尺寸、规格必须严格按照设计图纸进行现场翻样, 画出模板排例图,而后进行加工、制作编号,确认尺寸无误后,再施 工。柱箍采用钢管,400。平台板模板施工时,内部搭设钢管排架, 立杆间距,900(双向),并按4.5m间距设置垂直剪力撑,变电站排 架立柱底部设置2″×8″统长木料(回填土必须夯实)。 Size and specification of forms should be made strictly according to design drawings by working out form drawings and numbering them. Start construction till no mistake in size is found. Erect steel pipe bent inside, for slab formwork, that is, establish two ways of vertical pipes at 900mm of intervals, and install cross bracings every 4.5m. Place a full-length wood sized 2”x8” to support vertical pipes of bent. 梁采用钢模板,斜撑,横、竖围檩采用钢管,600,横、竖围檩 采用双钢管。顶板模板采用七夹板,搁栅采用50×100木料,其间距 不得超过500,木料必须两侧平面刨光轧平,使其断面一致,确保平 台平整度。顶板模板底模搁栅设置时,应相互错开接头,保证顶板排 架有足够的刚度、强度及稳定性。 Use steel forms and diagonal bracing for beams. Use double steel pipes @600 for horizontal and vertical purlins. Use seven-ply board for top slab forms and 50×100 woods for grating, with spacing not greater than 500mm, dressed at two sides of woods. Make sure all of these sections are the same so that slabs are leveled. Guarantee rigidity, strength and stability of slab bents. 顶板排架搭设时,必须按顶板底模标高设置好稳固的支撑排架, 排架采用Φ48钢管,立杆间距纵横向@1000,排架顶面搁置2’×4’横 檩,排架高度范围内共设四道水平牵杠,最下面一道扫地杆距地面 200,并设斜杆拉结,确保顶板底模的平整、稳固,同时模板拼缝必 须平整、严密,对于拼装不平整的部位,必须封贴平整,在拼缝处加 搁栅。 Establish a stable bent withΦ48 steel pipes according to level of top slab bottom form. Spacing between vertical pipes is 1000mm. Place 2’×4’ traverse purlins on top of bent, four horizontal tie bars along height of vertical pipes, with the lowest bar at 200mm above floor surface. Add inclined tie bars to make bottom forms leveled and stable. Match forms closely and even. For uneven places, make them even by sealing them and adding grating at those places. 当梁采用钢模板,跨度大于4m时,应按跨长2/1000起拱。 If beam span is larger than 4m and steel forms are used, there should be a rising of arch, which is 2/1000 of beam span.砼施工 Concreting 本工程砼均采用商品混凝土,汽车泵泵送。砼标号柱、梁、板 C30。砼施工前必须完成各项隐蔽工程验收内容,具备完善的各项与 工程有关资料,具备审批过的浇捣令,在浇捣前对各种交底清楚,加 强对采用泵送商品砼施工的组织管理,并在施工过程中严禁按照操作 顺序进行监督。 Concrete of the project is purchased and transformed by vehicle. Grade for concrete of column, beam and slab is C30. Acceptance of concealed works is a must prior to concreting. Relevant information, approved concreting order, and clarifications are required. Strengthen management and monitor the whole process. 变电站砼浇捣配备一台汽车泵,施工缝砼浇捣前,必须清理掉缝 内垃圾和残留泥浆,并对原侧板砼进行凿除,冲洗干净,再进行接浆, 确保施工缝的施工质量,对插筋位置必须采取好确实可靠的稳固措 施,在砼振捣过程中避免碰撞外露钢筋,避免移位。柱砼必须分层浇 捣密实,要求每次浇捣高度不超过500,四周同时进行,振点间距不 超过500,振动到砼表面泛浆无气泡为止,确保墙板砼浇捣质量。砼 入模时,必须采用料斗,在受料口缓冲入模,严禁料头直接插入模板 入料,以避免砼冲击力过大造成模板爆壳和移动。 Construction joint between base plate and wall panel is set at 500mm above base plate, the rest part of wall panel is concreted together with top slab. Set a 3mm thick and 400mm wide steel plate water stop for construction joint. Remove dirt and residual mud out of construction joint before concreting. Take measure to fix dowel in position and avoid knocking at them during vibration. Concreting wall panel in lifts, with each lift not exceeding 500mm. Keep on vibrating till no bubble coming up. Use feed hopper to place concrete into forms to avoid producing too much dynamic force so as to avoid forms convex. 1#变电站柱分三次浇捣:第一次至第一层楼板面,第二次浇至第 二层楼板面,第三次浇至屋顶。 Concreting of columns of 1# substation is done in three stages. First concrete to 1/F slab, then concrete to 2/F slab, and finally to roof. 2、3#变电站柱分两次浇捣:第一次至第一层楼板面,第二次浇 至第二层屋顶。 Concreting of columns of 2# substation and 3# substation is done in two stages. First concrete to 1/F slab, and then concrete to roof. 对已浇好的砼并应在12小时内进行浇水养护,养护时间不得小 于14昼夜,并按规定留置试块。 Cure concrete with water within 12 hours after concreting, and curing period should be no less than 14 days. Keep test tube in accordance with specifications.脚手架工程 Scaffolding 根据本工程特点,高度为6.9和11.4m,本工程施工时采用Φ48 钢管搭设落地外脚手架,脚手架搭设随结构钢筋、模板、砼工程一起 施工。搭设高度应超过结构施工层顶面一排脚手架。脚手架宽1m, 立杆纵距1.8m,步距1.8m,立杆离墙0.35m,底排步距2m,离地20cm 处设扫地杆。 Heights of scaffolding are respectively 6.9m and 11.4m in this project. External scaffold is erected of Φ48 steel pipes at the time re-bar work, formwork and concreting are going on. Scaffold is erected a row’s height above the constructing slab. Scaffold is 1m wide, 0.35m away from wall surface. Spacing between vertical pipes is 1.8m. Lowest horizontal pipe is 20cm above floor. 脚手架搭设严格按建筑施工安全标准(JGJ59-99)执行,脚手架 所采用的钢管应符合国标3号钢的要求,外径不小于48mm,壁厚不 小于3.5mm,其扣件,螺栓等金属配件质量符合有关要求,无锈蚀、 变形、滑丝、伤裂等现象。 Erect scaffold in accordance with standard for safety for construction (JGJ59-99). Steel pipes are of No.3 steel of international standard. External diameter should be no less than 48mm, and wall thickness no less than 3.5mm. there should be no deformation, rust, cracks on fasteners and bolts. 本工程脚手架在结构基坑回填土完成以后搭设,且回填土应分层 夯实,上铺100厚道渣并铺设2″×8″木料,并在外侧做好排水措 施工作。 Scaffold will be erected after backfilling and compaction in layers. Lay a 100mm thick dross layer above then 2”x8” woods. Take measures for water drainage. 脚手架搭设顺序:基础平整?木料铺设?立杆?大横杆,小横杆, 搁栅?剪力撑?脚手笆?防护栏杆,安全网。 Scaffold erection sequences: foundation leveling?laying woods?vertical pipes?big horizontal pipes, small horizontal pipes, grating?cross bracing?scaffold board?fence rail, safety netting 首先脚手架步高为1.8m,立杆应间隔交叉不同长度的钢管,将 相邻立杆的对接接头位于不同高度上,使立杆受荷的薄弱截面错开。 Spacing between horizontal pipes is 1.8m, and connection joints with vertical pipes should be at different levels. 脚手架外侧,作业面每三排设0.18挡板,每步设二道护栏,上 一道高1.0m下一道高0.4m,再满挂绿色密眼安全网。外脚手架上下 斜道设置在建筑物北侧。脚手架内侧里立杆和框架之间每隔四步铺设 通长安全底笆(重叠隔置)。底笆下加两根搁栅与牵杠用18#铅丝扎 牢,脚手笆下部设两根搁栅与横杆扣牢。脚手笆与搁栅绑扎,每笆扎 点应不少于四点。脚手架和结构砼体之间采用钢管硬拉连接,与结构 砼体上预埋件用电焊连接。水平方向每三根立杆设置一个连接点,垂 直方面每二步设置一个连接点,以保证脚手架和主体结构的整体性。 连接件应尽可能设置在立杆与大小横杆交接处,且必须从每一步横杆 开始设置。 Erect 0.18 sheeting outside scaffold every three rows, and two fence rails between horizontal pipes, then cover with green safety netting. Lay bamboo bottom every four horizontal pipes for operation. Add two grating under bamboo bottom. Grating must be fastened with tie bars with 18# lead wire. Add two grating below scaffold board, tied with horizontal pipes. Scaffold is linked with concrete structure with steel pipes, which is welded with embedded parts on concrete structure. Set a connecting point every three vertical pipes, and a connecting point every two horizontal pipes to guarantee the integrity of scaffold. 脚手架外侧每隔9m必须设置一道剪刀撑,斜杆与地面夹为45度 至60度之间,自上而下连续设置,搭接长度不少于40cm。 Install a cross bracing every 9m outside scaffold, and diagonal bars form an angle of 45 degree to 60 degree. Lapping length should be no less than 40cm. 安全通道处两侧,里外立杆应用双根钢管加固,出入口处在外侧 上面搭设安全防护棚,并利用主体柱接地钢筋设置避雷接地装置。 Install double pipes beside safety passage for reinforcement. Install protection shed at access. Make column re-bars as grounding device. 脚手架搭设完毕后,须经有关部门验收合格后方可使用。 Scaffold can be used only after accepted by relevant departments. 脚手架安全保护措施: Scaffold protective measures 1( 每天派人检查脚手架拉结。 Inspect ties of scaffold every day. 2( 在粉砂施工阶段,向施工班组交底,不要随意剪断拉结, 请安全员查看提出加固措施后方可剪断。 Make clarification to construction team in silt construction. Do not cut ties until after safety personnel inspects it and raises reinforcing methods. 3( 脚手架上严禁堆放材料,严禁随意拆卸竹笆。 No piling materials on scaffolds. No removing bamboo fence at will. 4( 每周由安全员带队检查脚手架。 Safety personnel as leader, inspect scaffold each week. 5( 脚手架的验收必须严格按照设计图纸和有关文件执行的要 求进行验收,同时满足《建筑施工普通脚手架施工规定(试 行)》(沪建施[87]第525号),《高层建筑双排钢管脚手架 施工规定(试行)》(沪建施[83]201号)。 Acceptance of scaffolds should be conducted strictly according to drawings and relevant documents as well as specification for common scaffold in construction and specification for double-pole scaffold in high building construction.砌体工程 Masonry work 本工程填充墙采用空心砌块砌筑,其主要施工方法如下: Lay hollow blocks for filler wall as following: 材料要求 Material A 砌块堆置室内干燥不受雨淋,不能随意拆开外包装。施工中切割 砌块应使用手提式机具。砌筑用的粘结材料须用专用粘结剂,配合比 为20kg加入4.5升净水,以电动工具拌合至均匀胶泥状即可使用。 Blocks should be piled indoors protected from rain. Do not remove package at will. Cut blocks with portable tool. Use special adhesive to bind blocks. Mix proportion is 20kg of adhesive to 4.5L of water. They are mixed by power operated machine. B 砌筑方法 Methods C 砌筑前以皮数杆为标志,拉好水准线,并从房屋转角处两侧与每 道墙的两端开始。断料根据设计图纸和实施尺寸,用电动切割机割, 分类堆放。砌每楼层的每一皮砌块前,先将砼导墙用水湿润,然后用 1:3水泥砂浆砌筑,灰缝隙厚度以10—20mm为宜。砌块侧面的垂直 灰缝则铺粘结剂,并以水平尺,橡皮锤校正砌块水平和垂直度。 Set gauge post and horizontal line before masonry work. Broken blocks are cut by cutting machine according to design drawing. Wet guide wall and lay 10 to 20mm thick mortar joint with 1:3 cement mortar before laying each layer of blocks. Use adhesive at sides of blocks for binding. Rectify levelness and verticalness of wall by horizontal rule and rubber hammer. D 第二皮砌块的砌筑,必须待第一批砌块水平灰缝的水泥砂浆凝固 后方能进行。每皮砌块砌筑前,应先将下皮砌块表面(铺浆的)以磨 砂板麻磨平,并用毛刷清理干净后再铺水平、垂直缝处的粘结剂。每 块砌块砌筑时,均须用水平尺于橡胶锤校正水平、垂直位置,并做到 上下皮的砌块错缝搭接,其搭接长度一般不宜不于被搭砌块长度的, /,。 Lay the second layer of blocks after cement joint of the layer below solidifies. Rub down surface of blocks and clean them before laying adhesive on horizontal and vertical joints. Rectify blocks’ position when laying them. Adopt staggered-joint bond and lapping length should be no less than 1/3 that of blocks. 砌块水平灰缝采用铺砌法砌筑,以刮均匀方可铺粘结剂于下皮砌 块表面;平口砌块的垂直灰缝粘结剂用专用工具先将粘结剂饱满,不 得有空隙,并即时将粘结剂清除干净,做到随砌随勒。灰缝厚度以 2-4mm为准。墙体砌完后须检查表面平整度,需用钢齿磨板和磨砂板 磨平,使偏差值控制在允许范围内。 Lay adhesive on blocks after mortar is equally laid for mortar joint. Vertical joint between straight blocks is filled with adhesive, and remove unwanted adhesive timely. Thickness of mortar joint is 2 to 4mm. Check levelness of wall, rub surface by rubbing plate and frosted plate to control deviation of levelness within allowable value. 砌体与钢筋混凝土柱或墙相接时,须在相应位置的砌块水平灰缝 面上开挖槽宽60mm,槽深30mm的倒等腰三角形槽,内置钢筋混凝土 柱,墙预留插筋或焊接锚拉筋2φ6,并用M10水泥砂浆填实。砌块 墙顶面与钢筋混凝土上梁底板面间距预留10-25mm空隙,然后在墙顶 中间部位每隔600mm用经防腐处理过的木楔紧固定,再在木楔两侧用 水泥砂浆嵌填。 Open a 60mm wide, 30mm deep, isosceles triangle sized groove on horizontal cement mortar at the place where blocks connect with reinforced concrete columns or walls. Leave a 10mm to 25mm space between top of block wall and reinforced concrete beam bottom. Embed antiseptic-treated chocks in the space every 600mm, and then fill the space with cement mortar. 8.7.5装饰工程 Finishing内外墙涂料施工 Coating for internal and external walls A(墙面粉刷施工: Wall plastering 清理基层?测塔饼?刷界面处理剂?抹底层砂浆?抹面层砂浆 ?养护?涂料。 Cleaning base course?rendering level indicator?painting surface agent? curing?coating priming coat?surface mortar? (1) 清理基层,凿除凸出部分,修补凹陷部分、对墙面上的浮灰、碎 碴以及过线的水泥砂浆粉刷进行清理。螺杆洞内砂浆清理干净并 用1:2水泥砂浆嵌密实,做塔饼。 Clean base course, and make it even and clean. Clean mortar out of bolt holes and fill them with 1:2 cement mortar. Make rendering level indicator (2) 确定粉刷部位尺寸,如门窗三线、台口、压顶出线、勒脚、踏步 等,用拉统麻线、弹线、直尺等方法确定平直度、垂直度。 Make it clear the size and dimension of plastering at places like three lines of doors and windows, entablature, capping line, plinth, steps and so on. Ensure levelness and verticalness by lining and rule. (3)抹底层水泥砂浆。先将墙面浇水湿润。在混凝土墙上先刷一道素 水泥浆,要控制范围,砌块与砼接缝处应固定设置宽度不小于每侧 200mm的镀锌钢丝网。底层用1:3混合砂浆刮糙,宜薄些,一般厚度 为5-7mm为宜,粉好后用刮尺刮,木蟹搓平。 Priming coat. Wet the wall surface, and paint a coat of plain cement mortar. Use 1:3 cement-lime mortar. The thickness should be about 5mm to 7mm. Scrape it after painting. (4)面层砂浆一般分二遍抹,抹底层砂浆一天以后,用l:3水泥砂浆 抹面层,刮平、抹平、木蟹搓平。(勒脚一般突出墙面5-7mm)。 Surface mortar should be painted twice. Paint 1:3 cement mortar after Priming coat is painted. (5)处理阴阳角及上口用粉袋弹出高度尺寸线,把直尺靠在线上,用 铁板切去,再用直尺靠住勒脚线上口,用铁板油光。 Set out elevation and size line of inside and outside corners by powder bag. (6)外墙面涂料饰面,利用外墙脚手进行抹灰,为确涂料面层的施工 质量,使得抹灰层的湿度达到规范要求,一般抹灰表面含水率达到 8%,10%,方可进行面层涂料施工。 Moist content of coating of external wall is about 8%,10%. (7)对原结构施工时的脚手眼、窗框与墙体接缝进行检查处理。 Inspect scaffold eye, joint of window frame and wall and make corresponding treatment. (8)刷涂时要用滚筒由上而下纵行滚涂,但要避免来回滚刷次数太多。 Roller moves from up to down when painting, and avoid too much rolling. (9)使用涂料前应搅拌均匀,涂刷过程中要边用边搅拌,以免沉淀。 Keep on mixing paint during the work. 内墙面涂料施工 painting internal walls (1) 清理 ? 填补缝隙,局部刮腻子 ? 磨平 ? 第一遍满刮腻子 ?磨平 ? 第二遍满刮腻子 ? 磨平 ?刷界面处理剂?15厚1:1: 4混合砂浆底?白水泥罩面? 第一遍白色乳胶漆涂料? 复补腻子 ? 磨平(光) ? 第二遍白色乳胶漆涂料 cleaning ? filling spaces, scraping putty in some locations?rubdown?the first full putty?rubdown?the second full putty?rubdown?painting surface agent?15mm thick 1:1:4 cement lime mortar?lime cement coating?first coat of emulsion paint?add putty?polishing?second coat of emulsion paint (2) 涂装墙表面时,应用钢片灰刀将浮砂等污物铲刮干净,并用砂皮 磨光,扫净,而后再进行施工。 Scrape off dirt on wall surface, polish and clean it before construction. (3)墙面涂2,3道涂料,第一道中可加入10,15,水调稀,第二道 中可加5,8,水调稀。 Paint 2 to 3 coats of paint. The first paint may be diluted by adding 10% to 15% of water, and the second coat is diluted by adding 5% to 8% of water. (4) 调涂料时,应用适量水调稀,而不能用有机溶剂乱调。不同型号 涂料不能相互混溶,以免发现质量差错。 Paint should not be mixed with organic solvent. Avoid mixing different paints. (5)刷涂涂料时,要用滚筒从上向下纵行涂刷,或每处来回涂刷次数 过多,以免影响漆膜美观。 Paint from up to down. (6)在使用乳胶漆的过程中应边用边搅拌,以免造成颜色不均。 Keep on mixing the paint during work.楼地面施工 Flooring 同质地砖施工 construction of homogeneous floor tile (1) 施工工艺流程 technological process 基层清理出塌饼?15厚1:3水泥砂浆找平?弹线、分格?5厚 1:2水泥砂浆贴地砖?压平排缝?1:1水泥细砂浆嵌缝?养护。 Clean base course and make rendering level indicator?15mm thick 1:3 cement mortar leveling course?snapline, gridding?5mm thick cement mortar to bind facing tile?leveling off?1:1 cement mortar calking?curing (2)施工操作要点 key points A 清理楼面出塌饼,做15厚1:3水泥砂浆找平,在房间纵、横 两个方向排好砖,其接缝宽度不大于2mm,当排列两端边缘不合整砖 时(或特殊部位),量出尺寸,将整砖切割成镶边砖,排砖确定后, 用方尺规方,每隔3—5块砖在结合层上弹纵、横控制线。 Clean floor slab surface, and make rendering level indicator and 15mm thick 1:3 cement mortar leveling coat. Lay facing tiles in two directions. Width of joint seam should be less than 2mm. Snap control lines every 3 to 5 tiles. B将选配好的砖清洗干净后,放入清水中浸泡2—3H后取出晾干 备用。弹线后,接着按顺序铺砖。铺砖时,应抹5厚1:2水泥砂浆, 按线先铺纵、横定位带各相隔15—20块砖,然后从里往外退着铺定 位带内地砖,将地面砖按控制线铺贴平整、密实。 Dip tiles in water for 2 to 3 hours, and expose them to dry after cleaning. Plaster with 5mm thick 1:2 cement mortar. Lay tiles in sequence after snapline. C压平、拔缝:每铺完一个段落,用喷壶略洒水,15分钟左右, 用木锤和硬木拍板按铺砖顺序拍一遍,不得遗漏,边压实,边用水平 尺找平,压实后拉通线,先纵缝,后横缝,然后把缝调直,使缝口平 直、贯通。调缝后再用木锤、拍板砸平,随即将缝内余浆或砖面上的 灰浆擦去。 Leveling off Spray water on tiles those laid, pat them with wooden hammer and patting bat. Compact them and level off. Rectify seams to be straight. Remove unwanted mortar. D从铺设砂浆至压平拔缝,应连续作业,常温下必须5—6H完成。 Procedure from cement mortar to leveling off should be completed continuously within 5 to 6 hours. E嵌缝、养护: 铺设地面4H后,将缝口清理干净,刷水湿润用1: 1水泥细砂浆揩缝,嵌实压光,用棉纱将地面擦拭干净。揩缝结束后, 要铺锯末洒水养护,不得少于7天。 Calking, curing Clean the seams four hours after tiles are laid. Calk with 1:1 cement fine mortar. After that, cure for at least 7 days. (3) 质量要求 quality requirements 表面洁净,色泽一致,接缝均匀,周边顺直,表面无裂纹。无掉 角和缺棱现象,卫生间要求坡度符合设计要求,不倒泛水,无积水, 与地漏(管道)结合处要严密牢固(先要做渗水试验,并做隐蔽验收 记录),无渗漏。踢脚线要表面洁净,接缝平整、均匀,高度一致, 结合牢固,出墙面厚度要适宜、一致。 A clean surface, same colour and lustre, even and straight seams are required. No damage is allowed. There should be a sound floor grade in toilet to avoid water accumulation, leading to floor drain where no leakage is allowed. Skirting line should be clean, even. 硬木企口楼地板施工技术措施 Technological measures for construction of hardwood matchboard flooring 本工程泵站地面控制室为实铺硬木地板。 It is hardwood flooring in control room of pump station. (1)施工作业条件 Conditions A 施工材料已进场,且符合设计图纸要求。 Construction materials on the site should meet design requirements B不宜在潮湿的室内作业。 It’s not suitable to operate inside damp places. C门窗玻璃安装好。 Install glass for doors and windows. D木搁栅要做防腐处理。 Wood grating should be antiseptic treated. E板条应检查挑选、有节疤、劈裂、弯曲及加工不符合要求的不能使用。 Check plates and bars. Those do not meet requirements can not be used. F 拼花地板应先试拼,找方。 Try before laying parquet floor. G 在墙体四周弹好+500cm水平线。 Snap 500cm level line around wall. (2)操作工艺 Process A 首层长条地板的铺钉。 Lay first layer of strip floor. B首层木地板一般采空铺方法施工,它是由沿缘木搁栅,企口板组成。首先在沿缘木两端钻孔,用胀管锚栓安装在地垄墙上,并在沿缘木上划出各搁栅的中线,在搁栅的两端也划出中线,再依次摆正各 条搁栅、两边搁栅离墙面留30mm的缝隙。搁栅的表面应平直,当顶 面不平时,可用经过防腐处理的垫木垫平,并将其钉牢在沿缘木上。 为防止搁栅走动,应在固定好的木搁栅表面临时钉设木拉条,搁栅之 间钉上剪刀撑,同一行剪刀撑要对齐然后开始从墙的一边钉企口板、 靠墙的一块板应离开墙有10-13mm的缝隙。以后逐块排紧。用钉从板 凹角处斜向钉入,钉长为板厚的2,2.5倍,钉头要打扁,企口板要 钉牢、排紧。排板时,应注意使板面向上(即木材年轮弧拱向下)。钉 到最后一块企口板时,因无法斜向钉,可用明钉钉牢,钉头要打扁, 再将钉冲入板内3mm左右。 C 企口板的接头要在搁栅中间,各接头要互相错开,板与板之 间应尽量排紧。搁栅上临时固定和木条,应随钉企口板随时拆去。 Connecting joints of matchboard are in the middle of grating, staggered. Wood boards should be matched closely. Temporary wood strip on grating should be removed when nailing matchboards. D 若铺设双层板,其下层板应与搁栅成30?或45?斜向钉牢, 板缝不大于3mm,钉完后用直尺校正、刨平,以保证与企口板密贴。 下层板完成后,在上面干铺一层防潮纸,然后铺钉企口板。 When laying double boards, the lower layer should be nailed to grating, forming an angle of 30 degree or 45 degree. Board seam should be less than 3mm. Rectify with ruler and plane them. Then cover it with a damp-proof membrane. Lay matchboard after that. 8.7.6门窗工程 Windows and doors 本工程外立面窗采用铝合金窗,门为木门和防火门。在施工部署 时即要求窗框安装施工在外粉刷施工前进行,外粉刷跟随其后进行。 Adopt aluminium alloy windows on facade. Doors are wooden door and fire resistant door. Install window frame before external plastering. (1)窗质量要求 Quality requirements for windows 窗及其选用的零附件及固定件,除不锈钢外,均应经防腐处理。 Window and all its parts except stainless steel should be antiseptic treated. 安装前应根据图纸检查其品种、规格、开启方向及组合杆、零附 件是否符合要求,并对其外形及平整度进行检查校正,符合后方可安 装。 Check specifications, opening directions and parts of windows as well as their appearance and levelness before installation. 在运输时,应竖立排放并固定牢靠,樘与樘之间应用非金属软 质材料隔开,防止相互磨损。 Fix them and make them upright during transportation. Fill space between window frames with soft materials. 施工中不得在窗框上安放脚手架、悬挂重物或在框扇内穿物起 吊,以防变形和损坏。 It is not allowed to place scaffold or hang heavy objects on window frame during construction. (2)窗安装操作要点 key points for window installation 窗装入洞口应横平竖直,外框与洞口应弹性连接牢固,不得将 外框直接埋入墙体。 Window frame should be fixed with opening tightly, and it’s not allowed to embed it directly into wall. 横向及竖向组合时,应采取套插,搭接形成曲面组合,搭接长 度宜为10?,并用密封膏密封。 在安装密封条时应留有伸缩余量,一般比窗的装配边长20,30 ?,在转角处应斜面断开,并用胶粘剂粘贴牢固,以免产生收缩缝。 Leave space for expansion when installing sealing tape. Generally, sealing tape is 20mm to 30mm longer than window sideline. 若门窗为明螺丝连接时,应用与窗颜色相同的密封材料将其密 封掩埋。 Use sealing material of the same color with window if it is open screw connection. 安装后的窗必须有可靠的刚性,必要时可增设加固件,并应作 防腐处理。 Windows should have a reliable rigidity after installation. Add parts for reinforcement if necessary, and these parts shall also be antiseptic treated. 窗框与墙体的缝隙填塞,应按设计要求处理,若设计无要求时, 我们准备采用矿棉或玻璃棉毡条分层填塞,缝隙外表留5,8MM深的 槽口,填嵌密封材料。 Fill the gap between window frame and wall according to design. If there’s no design requirement, we will fill it with mineral wool or glass wool quilt in layers. Leave a 5mm to 8mm deep groove for sealing material. 窗安装完毕后,应根据有关规定配合指定分包进行淋水试验,以 检验其密封性能。 Conduct test to check its watertightness after installation. 8.7.7屋面工程 Roofing 本工程屋面为保温防水屋面,防水层采用防水卷材。各施工层的 控制要点如下: It is thermal insulating and waterproofing. Use rolling material for waterproofing layer. Key points are as follow: 1)水泥砂浆找平层施工 cement mortar leveling layer 1、基层应牢固,不得有松动现象,铺设砂浆前,基层表面应清 扫干净,并洒水湿润。 Base course should be firm. Clean and wet it before construct cement mortar leveling layer. 2、找平层内留分格缝,缝宽一般为2cm,因附跨屋顶宽度6m故 屋顶横向不设置分格缝,纵向分格缝的最大间距不宜大于6m。 Set dividing seam 2cm wide in cement mortar leveling layer in longitudinal direction. The largest spacing is 6m. 3、掌握找平层坡度,一般天沟纵向坡度为5,,内排气冲向口 应做成半径0.5米小口,坡度不宜小于5,的杯形洼坑。 The longitudinal grade of cement mortar leveling layer is 5%. Vent is a hole with radius of 0.5m, and a grade no less than 5%. 4、铺设完毕后,应及时(一般砂浆稍收水后)压实、抹平,终 凝前,轻轻取出分格木条。达到设计强度后用密封材料密封分格缝。 Level off the cement mortar leveling layer in time. Take away wood dividing strips before final setting. Seal the dividing seams after mortar obtains design strength. 5、砂浆铺设时,应避免太阳曝晒,一般应控制在早晚施工为宜, 并应及时养护。 Avoid isolation under sun and cure the cement mortar layer timely. 2)防水卷材施工 Waterproofing roll roofing 1、本工程防水卷材铺贴采用满粘结法,铺贴方向为沿厂房纵向 铺贴,且横向接缝应顺屋面坡度方向。 Waterproofing material is fully bound along longitudinal direction of plant. 2、铺贴卷材采用搭接法,搭接长度不小于10cm,上下层及相邻 两幅卷材的搭接应错开。 Lap length of waterproofing material is no less than 10cm. Lapping joints of the upper layer and lower layer should be staggered. 3、檐口、天沟、檐沟转角处及水落口等特殊部位卷材铺贴后, 应先用密封材料将端头密封,干燥后再增铺一道卷材或涂刷涂料作为 附加层。 After laying waterproofing material in places like eaves, gutter and gutter corner, seal the ends and then add a coat of rolling material or paint. 8.8混凝土管架预制和吊装施工 Prefabrication and hoisting of concrete piperack 本工程管架为C40预制混凝土,管架柱截面为600×600,长度 为6985mm和7750mm,管架梁截面为600×600,600×525,600×450, 450×450,长度为6000mm,7000mm,8500mm。 Piperack in this project is made of C40 concrete. Piperack column is 600×600 in section, 6985mm, 7750mm in length. Piperack beam is 600×600, 600×525, 600×450,450×450 in section, 6000mm,7000mm,8500mm in length. 8.8.1混凝土管架预制施工 Prefabrication of concrete piperack 预制混凝土管架我方将委托给经业主、监理审查过的有资质的 预制品构件厂进行预制,其施工将严格按照设计和规范的要求范围内 进行,待其强度达到设计要求后运输至现场,到现场后,我方专职质 量员将对预制管架的外观质量、尺寸进行验收,同时验收其质量保证 书,凡是不符合设计和规范要求的,一律退回,以确保其质量能满足 进行的使用。随后在柱身上弹出中线,可弹三面,两个小面和一个大 面。 Concrete piperack will be prefabricated by qualified manufacturer according to design and specification. It will be transported to the site after design strength is obtained. We will inspect surface quality and size of them as well as quality certificate after arrival. All those not meeting design and specification requirements will be returned. 8.8.2杯口找平 leveling of socket-connected footing 杯口模板拆除后,根据矩形控制网上柱中心线端点,用经纬仪把 柱中心线投到杯口顶面,并绘制标明,以备管架时使用,为了修平杯 底,须在杯口内壁测设标高线,该标高线应比基础顶面略低4cm,以 便根据该标高线修平杯底。 Mark the end of column center line on foundation top for installation of piperack column. Level the socket bottom by setting out elevation line at 4cm lower foundation top. 杯底找平层根据管架梁顶到管架柱底的实际长度,用水泥砂浆 或细石混凝土粉抹杯底,调整其标高,使柱安装后各管架梁面的标高 一致。将杯口侧壁及柱脚在其安装后将埋人杯口部分的表面凿毛,并 清除杯底垃圾。 Considering the actual length from beam top to column bottom, lay cement mortar or fine aggregate concrete on bottom of socket to adjust all beams’ bottom at the same level. Roughen side wall of socket and column foot surface. Remove dirt. 本工程采用预制的钢筋混凝土管架现场吊装前移到就近杯型基 础的位置堆放,使吊装时吊车能直接吊起插人杯口而不必走车。 Concrete piperack should be piled near socket-connected footing so that they can be hoisted and inserted into sockets without moving crawler cranes. 8.8.3混凝土管架的吊装 Hoisting of concrete piperack 本工程的混凝土管架吊装采用两台50t履带吊进行吊装。吊装流 程为两台履带吊分别从场地的南北两端向中间进行,然后再由西向东 进行吊装。吊装采用两点吊,吊点的位置为管架梁的两端,采用钢丝 绳绑扎起吊。 Use two 50t crawler cranes to hoist concrete piperack. Two cranes hoist from north side and south side respectively to the center, then from west to east. Adopt two-point hoisting, and the two points are at two ends of piperack beam. Bind with steel wire. 为便于吊装,应将起吊点布置在杯口附近,并使该点和基础杯口 中心两点共圆弧,以便将柱吊离地面后稍转动吊杆(或稍起落吊杆) 即可就位。同时,为减少柱脚与地面的摩阻力,需在柱脚下设置托板、 滚筒,并铺设滑行道。 To make hoisting easy, hoisting point should be located near socket-connected footing. Set splint, roller and sliding way under column foot to reduce frictional force between column foot and floor.先将柱插入基础杯口,基本送到杯底。送到杯底的程度是柱 刚刚着底,用大撬杠撬柱,稍用点力气就能撬动。 Insert columns into socket-connected footing till columns reach bottom of footing.打紧四周楔子,应两人同时在柱的两侧对面打;一人打时要 转圈分两次或三次逐步打紧。否则楔子对柱产生的推力较大,可能使 已对好线的柱脚走动。 Fix the columns in position by inserting wedges tightly. 校正柱的垂直度需用两台经纬仪观测。 Check verticalness of columns with two theodolites.钢筋混凝土柱是在柱与杯口的空隙内浇灌无收缩灌浆 料。灌缝工作应在校正后立即进行。灌缝前,应将杯口空隙内的木屑 等垃圾清除干净,并用水湿润柱和杯口壁。 None shrinkage grouting in space between column and socket-connected foundation. Clean dirt out of socket and wet column and socket wall before grouting. 灌缝工作一般分两次进行。第一次灌至楔子底面,待灌浆料达到 设计强度的25,后,拔出楔子,全部灌满。倘若碰动了楔子,可能 影响柱子的垂直,必须及时对柱的垂直度进行复查。 Grouting work is divided into two. First grout to wedge bottom, take away wedges after 25% of design strength is obtained, then grout to foundation surface. Check the columns for moving of wedges may affect column vertility. 8.9地坪施工 Floor 本工程为露天场地,由场区地坪和场区道路组成。场区地坪结 构层依次为素土夯实、地质纤维层、300厚碎石。场地内道路宽度为 5.2m,7.2m,道路结构层依次为素土夯实、地质纤维层、600厚(含 6%石灰)的石灰土,150mm厚混凝土路面。场地内碎石施工流程为从 西到东,道路施工流程也是从西到东。 It is open air area, made up of floor and roads. Structural layers of floor are respectively rammed earth, fiber layer, 300mm thick crushed stone layer. Roads are 5.2m and 7.2m wide. Structural layers of roads are respectively rammed earth, fiber layer, 600mm thick lime soil, and 150mm thick concrete facing. Construct crushed stone layer from west to east, the same with road construction. 8.9.1场区地坪施工 Floor回填土施工 Backfilling 1)路堤填料应符合下列规定: road bank filling material A. 路堤填料,不得使用淤泥、沼泽土、有机土、含草皮土、生 活垃圾、树根和含有腐朽物质的土。 Silt, swamp soil, organic soil, rubbish, tree root and other soil containing putrefaction can not be road bank material. B. 液限大于50、塑性指数大于26的土,以及含水量超过规定 的土,不得直接作为路堤填料。需要使用时,必须满足设计要求的技 术措施,经检查合格后方可使用。回填时注意对土碾压密实使其密实 度达到设计要求,并用水准仪控制回填土面层标高。 Soil with liquid limit lager than 50, plasticity index larger than 26 or with a large water content can not be used for road bank material. Only those inspected to meet design requirement can be used. Compact soil to a required density and control surface elevation of back fill by water level.地质纤维层施工 geological fiber layer construction 地质纤维层摊铺时,应摊铺均匀,每一张搭接宽度要符合设计 及规范要求,并保证纤维层与地基土之间紧贴在一起。 Spread fiber layer even. Lapping length should meet design and code. And make sure fiber layer sticks on base soil closely. 300厚碎石层施工 300mm thick crushed stone layer A 碎石层采用16T三轮压路机碾压,每层压实厚度不得超过 20cm,碾压原则为先轻型后重型,以确保碎石层被碾压密实。 Compact crushed stone layer with 16T road roller. Thickness of each layer should not be greater than 20cm after compaction. Compact crushed stone layer from light loading to heavy loading. B 在碾压直线段时,由两侧路肩向路中心碾压,平曲线段,由 内侧路肩向外侧路肩进行碾压。碾压时后轮应重迭1/2轮宽,后轮必 须超过两段的接缝处,后轮压完路面全宽时即为一遍。碾压一直进行 到要求的密实度为止,同时表面没有明显轮迹,一般需碾压6,7遍, 压路机的碾压速度头两遍采用1.5,1.7km/h为宜,以后用2.0, 2.5km/h。路边的两侧要多压2,3遍。 When compacting on straight way, roller goes from road shoulders to road center, while it goes from inside shoulder to outside shoulder when compacting on horizontal curve area. When rolling, back wheel should overlap 1/2 of wheel width. Keep on rolling till a wanted soil density is obtained. No obvious wheel track. Roll for 6 to 7 times. Roll at the speed of 1.5,1.7km/h for the first and second times, then at the speed of 2.0,2.5km/h. Roll 2 to 3 more times at two sides of road. C 在碾压结束之前,用平地机再终平一次,使其纵向顺适,路 拱和标高符合要求。 Finally, level the soil with grader to meet arch and elevation requirements. 8.9.2场区道路施工 Road construction回填土夯实施工、地质纤维层施工同前。 Compaction of back fill, geological fiber layer construction The same with that mentioned above. 600厚石灰土施工 600mm lime soil construction A 石灰土采用16T三轮压路机碾压,每层压实厚度不得超过 20cm,碾压原则为先轻型后重型,以确保被碾压密实。 Compact lime soil with 16T road roller. Thickness of each layer should not be greater than 20cm after compaction. Compact soil from light loading to heavy loading. B 在碾压直线段时,由两侧路肩向路中心碾压,平曲线段,由 内侧路肩向外侧路肩进行碾压。碾压时后轮应重迭1/2轮宽,后轮必 须超过两段的接缝处,后轮压完路面全宽时即为一遍。碾压一直进行 到要求的密实度为止,同时表面没有明显轮迹,一般需碾压6,7遍, 压路机的碾压速度头两遍采用1.5,1.7km/h为宜,以后用2.0, 2.5km/h。路边的两侧要多压2,3遍。 When compacting on straight way, roller goes from road shoulders to road center, while it goes from inside shoulder to outside shoulder when compacting on horizontal curve area. When rolling, back wheel should overlap 1/2 of wheel width. Keep on rolling till a wanted soil density is obtained. No obvious wheel track. Roll for 6 to 7 times. Roll at the speed of 1.5,1.7km/h for the first and second times, then at the speed of 2.0,2.5km/h. Roll 2 to 3 more times at two sides of road. C 在碾压结束之前,用平地机再终平一次,使其纵向顺适,路拱 和标高符合要求。 Finally, level the soil with grader to meet arch and elevation requirements.面层施工及措施: Road facing construction and measure 150厚道路面层采用商品砼浇筑。施工前落实商品砼供应厂家, 并进行实地考察,确保工程质量过硬。 The 150mm thick road facing is concreted. Pay inspection to concrete factory before construction to guarantee the quality. 1)根据道路中心线和边线,校核设计图纸的混凝土分界线。 Check the concrete boundaries according to centerline and sideline of road. 2)混凝土分块应先由交叉口开始,在曲线段和路口“八”字分 块时,应注意曲线的内侧和外侧混凝土分块纵向长度不同,横向分块 线必须与路中心线垂直。若出现锐角,应加设角偶钢筋。 Dividing of concrete block starts from across. 第九章 施工管理与协调 Chapter Nine 9.1总承包管理 Contractor management 项目经理部代表企业严格履行总承包合同条款的承诺,积极应用 经济、行政等手段,对工程实施总承包管理。以保证合同规定的工程 质量,建设工期等目标的实现,具体要抓好以下几方面的综合管理工 作。 The project manager, on behalf of the company, is responsible for the obligation fulfilling of the contract and the assurance of the quality and time schedule in terms of the following aspects: 1、全面负责本工程进度、工程质量、施工技术、安全生产管理。 Time schedule, project quality, techniques and safety management 2、统一编制施工组织设计和施工方案。将各单位、各专业工程 置于整个工程的整体作战方案中,以利统一指挥和协调监督。 Workout of the construction organization design and construction plan including the incorporation of the various specialized works 3、统一现场平面管理。由于该工程项目专业多,且有部分是业 主直接分包的,我单位项目部将在征求业主意见后对现场总平面布置 做统一规定、安排和管理,使现场的施工秩序井然有序,同时根据企 业CI形象要求搞好现场的美化,绿化和标示。 Site layout management subject to the approval of the owner including the site landscaping and poling in accordance with the company’s CI principles 4、统一编制多级施工进度网络计划。根据合同工期要求,应用计算 机Project 技术对各分部分项、分专业的施工进度计划严格控制, 确保形象进度和总工期目标按期完成。 Work out of the multi-construction network plan by Project software system in accordance with the schedule requirements 5、施工现场的多工种、多专业交叉作业的平衡调度。确保各专业 队伍交叉施工中诸如:工作面、时间、机械(特别是垂直运输机械)、 脚手架和施工用电用水等资源供应的和谐有序。 Balance and readjustment of the multi-construction of different types in terms of scope, time and plant (especially vertical transport equipment), scaffolds and water/power supply etc 6、统一工程质量保证体系。由于我方选拔的内部多专业施工队伍均 通过了ISO9002质量体系认证,施工质量管理严格按通过认证的质量 体系进行运转。确保工程质量达到优良等级。 Uniform quality assurance system: since our inner specialized working teams all pasted the ISO9002 quality system, the quality management should take it as the uniform standard and ensure high quality construction. 7、统一现场文明施工标准。严格按照市级文明工地标准,搞好现场 的文明施工管理。 Uniform site “house-keeping”standard: take the municipal high standard “house keeping” as the uniform target. 8、统一对接业主、监理单位、设计单位及政府职能部分。要以 合同为据,接受业主和监督单位的指导帮助和监督,搞好与设计单位 的工作配合。同时要接受政府部门和社会机构的监督,搞好同厂区其 它部门和工人的关系,为工程建设创造良好的氛围。 Coordination with the owner, supervisor, design institute and the authorities 9.2对分包单位、各专业之间的配合与协调 Coordination with the sub-contractors and specialized contractors 1、会同业主对拟选定的分包单位予以考察,并采用竞争录用的 方法,使所选择的分包单位(含供应厂商)无论在资质、管理、经验 上符合工程总合同要求。 Investigation and selection on the nominated sub-contractors and suppliers in the aspects of qualification, management, experience etc 2、按照合同和协议规定的内容向分包单位提供建筑材料、构配件、 施工机具和运输条件。责成分包单位所使用、选用的设备、材料必须 在事前征得业主代表和我单位项目部的审定,严禁擅自代用材料和使 用劣质材料。 In accordance with the contract and agreement, supply the sub-contractors with construction materials, components, plant and transport conditions and supervise the consistency with the requirements of the owner and our regulation, not allowing substitutes without approval. 3、责成各分包单位应按施工总进度和施工大纲,编制“实施进度计 划”和“施工组织设计”,建立质保体系,确保“大纲”所规定的总 目标的实现。 Supervise the sub-contractors to work out their working schedule and organization plan in accordance with the construction schedule and plan outline, establish quality assurance system and ensure the overall target. 4、统筹安排分包单位的生产、生活临时设施。分包单位严格按 我单位项目部制定的总平面布置图“按图就位”,且按我单位项目部 制定的现场标准化施工的文明生产规定做好工作。 Logically arrange the constructing and temporary facilities of the sub-contractors. The sub-contractors should settle on the site in accordance with our site layout and regulations. 5、统一从业主领取工程技术文件和施工图纸,及时供给分包单 位及各专业施工队。我单位项目部参加分包单位工程技术检查和竣工 验收。 Get the project technical regulations and drawings from the owner and hand out to the sub-contractors and specialized contractors in time. The project management department of our company will take part in the sub-contractors’ techniques investigation and completion acceptance. 6、分包单位进场前均签订工程发包合同,严格以合同之条款来检查 落实分包单位的责任、义务。任何分包单位的失误,均应视作我单位 项目部工作失误。 The sub-contractors should sign the sub-contracting contracts before move into the site and we should supervise and investigate the implementation. Mistakes by the sub-contractors are also considered as mistakes with our project management department. 7、统一组织分包单位编制工程预算、拨款及结算,属于特殊专 业工程的预决算,经我单位项目部委托、业主同意,分包单位可直接 对业主。 Organize the sub-contractors to work out the project budget, funds appropriation, and settlement. That of the specialized contractors could deal direct with the owner with our assignment and the owner’s approval. 8、根据工程施工中的情况及存在的问题,我单位项目部组织各 专业及分包单位每周定期召开一次生产碰头会,解决和协调生产中出 现的问题和矛盾,保证施工的顺利进行。 Concerning the practical situations and problems in the project, our project management department will organize weekly meetings with the sub-contractors and specialized contractors for coordination and settlement. 9、应不断加强对分包单位的教育,提请分包单位增强对产品的 保护工作,做到上道工序对下道工序负责,完工产品对业主负责,使 产品不污、不损。 Enhance the quality and protection awareness of the sub-contractors in order to avoid damage or contamination. 第十章 质量保证措施 Chapter Ten Quality Assurance 10.1质量管理 Quality management 在如今市场竞争高度激烈,工程质量全面提高,施工管理持续加 强,施工工艺不断完善这样一个特殊的建设环境中,加强施工技术工 作管理已日益显示出其重要性,只有完善施工技术工作管理,才能保 证工程质量工作管理。工程的质量是企业之根本,直接涉及到企业在 建筑市场的竞争力度。是否能在新形势下的市场中竞争,树立企业在 社会上的信誉,工程质量是关键。 With the intensive competition of the construction market, it becomes more and more important to enhance quality, techniques and process through technical management. Only with high quality, can we establish our image and reputation. 有道是“没有规矩、不成方圆”,为使企业认真自觉执行“质量 第一”的经营方针,在社会上树立企业的良好形象,在竞争中立于不 败之地,我们将努力组织与协调好企业内部各部门的全体职工正确贯 彻国家《建筑安装工程质量检验标准》,控制影响工程质量的各种因 素,不断提高工程质量,保证最终产品质量优良、成本低、按期如数 交付使用,我单位经过多年的实践,建立和健全了由总工程师统一领 导,项目经理负责,项目技术负责人、项目质监员具体实施,技术、 质量、材料、设备和经营管理等部门配合监督检查的质量保证体系, 为保证工程质量提供了可靠的组织保证。 We will organize and mobilize our staff and departments, in accordance with the national “Installation Quality Regulations”, continuously improve our quality and techniques and ensure the completion on time and by regulations. 10.1.1 严格质量验收标准,贯彻质量样板制、混凝土开盘及拆模批 准制等质量制度。 Observe strictly the quality acceptance standards, implement quality sample system and concrete works approval systems etc. 10.1.2 加强现场管理,实行项目管理,组成人员有: The composition of the site management team is as follows: 专职混凝土施工员:负责混凝土(砂浆)的原材料取样送试,配 合比下达、混凝土开盘、计量、管理、检查、试块的制作、养护、保 管、送试等工作。 Concrete works team: testing of the concrete materials, order of concrete mix, commencement, survey, management, assessment, test-blocks making, curing, storage and test delivery of the concrete works 专职钢筋施工员:统筹钢筋翻样,确定施工顺序。钢筋进场抽样 复试、焊接接头检查及抽样送试、钢筋制作、绑扎及避雷连接检验, 并会同有关人员进行隐蔽工程验收。 Steel works team: arrange steel works lofting, determine constructing sequences, steel sampling on delivery, welding checks, test delivery, steel fabrication, binding and lightening resistant connection etc. including the concealed works acceptance with relevant members. 专职模板施工员:负责模板轴线、标高、几何尺寸、预留孔洞及 埋件位置尺寸、模板支撑稳固之检查验收。 Formworks team: assessment and acceptance of the axis, leveling, dimension, re-left holes, position of pre-embedded items, and formworks stability. 另设专人负责施工全过程中全部技术档案的原始资料的收集和 整理。 In addition, assign specific staff for the collection and organization of the technical documents through the whole construction. 10.1.3 开展“抽检一次合格管理”和“检查上道工序、保证本道工 序、服务下道工序”的活动;加强自检和交接检及专业检查,填写工 序交接卡;对工序质量信息反馈中,缺陷频数较多的项目,及时制定 专项改进措施。 Carry out the activities of “sampling one-time qualification” and “check the previous procedure to endure the current procedure for the convenience of the following procedure”; strengthen the works of self-checking and cross-checking, fill up the procedures turning over forms and work out improvement measures for those procedures with defects based on the feedback information. 10.1.4 加强原材料进场验收制度,钢筋、水泥、砌体等主要材料, 进场必须附有质保书,并经抽检合格,砂、石等大宗材料,可按不同 产地,在采购时进行抽样试验,以后按批量复试。 Strengthen the materials checking system. The main materials as steel, cement and masonry materials must hold quality certificates; the large quantity materials as sand and stones should have sampling test by different origins during purchasing and have checking up by quantities afterwards. 10.1.5 加强现场计量管理,保证混凝土配比的正确性。磅秤、搅拌 机的自动加水装置等,在施工过程中应随时检查。 Strengthen the site survey management and ensure accurate mix of the concrete. The water supply units for the benching plant and scales should go through frequent checks. 10.1.6 现场设立简易标准养护室,严格按规定的做法、数量、养护 条件等制作、保养混凝土试块。 Establish curing rooms on the site. Fabricate and protect concrete test blocks in strict compliance with the regulated methods, quantity and curing conditions. 10.1.7 施工前组织各有关人员对土建、给排水、强弱电等各大工种 对施工图纸进行综合会审,预先排除图纸中可能出现的矛盾。组织好 各大工种的配合施工,防止日后对结构的开凿而损害结构。 Before the commencement of construction, organize all the related members to study the drawings and check the possible conflicts. Logically organize the construction of various teams and prevent damage or waste by improper excavation. 10.2质量预控及检测程序 Quality control and checking procedure 质量预控及检测是保证工程质量的一个重要手段,项目部从施工 图纸到手开始,经图纸会审。编制施工组织设计,分项分部工程质量 评定,单位工程质量评定,竣工验收,直至竣工后服务。每一道环节 都由专人负责、专人检查、专人评定、层层把关,严格执行。同时接 受业主、监理及当地政府质量监督机构(工程质量监督站)的指导和 监督。内外两支力量共同作用,互相合作,实现工程质量一次达标。 Quality control and checking procedure is important for ensuring he high quality. There are specially assigned persons for the assessment and checking works ever since the drawings acceptance, and all through the drawings study, work out the organization plan, sectional quality assessment, completion acceptance and after service. Strictly respect and observe the instructions and supervision of the owner, supervisor and relevant local authorities. 10.2.1 建立由项目技术负责人担任组长的质量管理小组。其成员由 工程技术、物资设备、质量员、试验员以及各专业工种施工员和各专 业工种质量员组成。每周进行一次质量管理小组全体人员会议。分析 质量状况,进行质量检查,研究制定质量预控目标。做到各工种的操 作过程控制和过程质量检查相结合,使产品质量得到有效控制。 Quality management team headed by the technical chief: the members include the staff from the project technology, materials equipment, quality inspectors, testers and constructors from various specialized teams and their quality inspectors. Organize weekly meeting participated by all the members of the quality management team, analyze quality conditions, conduct quality inspections and study and determine quality target. Combine the quality control with the quality inspections in order to ensure products quality. 10.2.2 建立健全质量总体控制的管理体系。各专业分包所施工的工 程质量控制纳入质量总体管理,以使整个工程的产品质量达到预定的 质量目标(质量管理体系详见附表)。 Establish and improve overall quality control system: the project quality control of various specialized teams are included into the overall quality control system in order to realize the quality target as a whole.(Refer to the appendix for details of the quality control system.) 10.3质量保证措施 Quality assurance measures 做好施工的技术交底和复核工作,对工程的关键部位要交底施工 要领和质量要求。对于已完成的分部、分项工程,要及时进行验收。 验收规范均按照我国现行施工技术验收规范与质量评定标准。对于常 见的质量通病要重点检查,制定预防措施,加强自检互检交接检制度。 适用PDCA循环管理活动来加强质量管理。 For the key parts of the products, construction outline and quality requirements should be turned over. The completed parts and sectional procedures should be checked for acceptance by the national current construction acceptance criterion and quality standards. Check especially for the common quality defects, make prevention measures and strengthen inspections system. The quality management will be improved by the PCDA activities. 各种材料均需具备符合验收规范与设计要求的保证文件,并做好 现场材料试验,随时准备接受业主、监理与设计师检验。装饰材料、 水、电通等设备必须提前提供样品,经业主、监理、设计师认可后封 样,作为购进该产品之依据。 All the materials should have guarantee documents in compliance with the acceptance regulations and design requirements. Decoration materials, water and electricity facilities must deliver samples for approval of the owner, supervisor and design engineer in advance and kept for reference. 结合本工程特点,我司明确本工程质量目标为符合国家验收规 范,确保达到优良等级。要达到上述目标,必须做好以下两方面工作: In order to ensure the quality target, the following aspects are important: 10.3.1 高标准质量意识 High quality awareness 首先要树立高标准的质量意识,提高主要管理人员的审美观点, 彻底丢掉不重视细部造型施工,质量不精细的弊病,找出本工程与众 不同的高质量要求之外,向管理人员及操作工人进行质量和技术交 底。 The quality should be stressed both from the aesthetic point of view and the details craftsmanship. 10.3.2 全过程的质量控制 Overall quality control 针对本工程质量要求高、施工工种多、配合要求高、施工班组多 的现状,加强项目各级质量监督的力量,配制相匹配的专业质检人员, 按照我司质量程序文件要求,健全质保体系,对各工序施工进行全过 程的质量控制。完全承担起总承包的职责,并做好配合服务工作,确 保质量上等级。 Assign competent quality inspectors for the quality inspections through out the whole process and ensure the quality targets. 10.4分项工程质量控制 Sectional quality control 10.4.1土方及基础工程 Earthing and foundations works 定位放线后会同质检部门复核验收轴线、标高及放线尺寸,并及 时做好定位放线记录。 After setting out, the quality control team check the axis, leveling and dimension and keep records. 基坑开挖后应检查深度、宽度,并办理好基础验槽手续。 基础钢筋绑扎进行验收,并做好隐蔽工程验收记录,模板支好后 浇灌前应复核梁、柱的轴线位置、几何尺寸是否正确,然后才能浇灌。 混凝土的浇灌必须用振捣器振密实。浇灌结束后再一次复核轴线、标 高,检查模板是否移位,以便及时纠正。 After excavation of the foundation pit, check the depth, width and deal with the foundation checking procedures. The foundation steel binding should be checked for acceptance and keep concealed works records, check the positions of the beams, columns and axis after installing the formworks and before pouring concrete. The concrete pouring must be accompanied with the vibrating compaction. RE-check the axis, leveling, and position of the formworks after concrete pouring. 基槽及室内回填土必须分层夯实,每层厚度不应超过30cm,回填 土不得过湿,不得用腐植土、淤泥。同时要求避开雨天进行回填土工 作。 回填土前必须将基坑、基槽水排干,大面积回土采用机械碾压, 确保回土密实,每层土完经检测符合要求,方进行下层土回填。 The foundation grooves and indoor backfilling should be compacted by layers of not more than 30cm, the backfilling soil cannot be too wet or mixed with vegetations and silt. Backfilling works should avoid rain days. Before backfilling, the water in the foundation grooves and pits must be eliminated. Large areas of backfill soil should be rolled by machines and compacted firm to the approval before the working on the next layer. 10.4.2钢筋砼工程 Steel concrete works 加强原材料的进场验收,钢材、水泥、砖等主要材料必须有质量 保证书,钢材、水泥进场后要按各种材料规格分批经过抽样、复试、 确定合格后方可使用。水泥要对其品种、标号、出厂日期检查验收, 出厂超过三个月必须复查试验,并按试验结果使用,砖、砂、石等大 堆材料可按不同产地,采购时抽样检查,以后按批量复试。 Strengthen the acceptance of the materials transported to the site. The main materials like steel, cement and bricks should hold quality certificates. The steel and concrete should be sampled and checked by types. The cement should be checked for the types, labels and production dates. Conduct re-checks for the cement over three months after production. Large quantity materials like bricks, sand and stones should be sampled by different origins and checked by bulks after wards. 混凝土采用AT型高效减水剂,有效地增强砼和易性、流动性。 实行混凝土浇灌令制,凡一次浇灌混凝土数量超过10m3者由工 地填写混凝土浇灌申请单(并附有关技术复核单,隐蔽工程验收单), 由驻工地负责技术工程师检查各项工作,合格后签发浇灌令。 The concrete adopt AT strong water reducing agent. Implement the concrete pouring order system. Concrete pouring over 10 cubic meters at one time should hand in application forms (attached with the relevant technology checking bills and concealed works acceptance bills). The technology engineers on the site will check the contents before issuing concrete pouring orders. 严格分批浇捣制度,确保混凝土的密实性。 派专人负责浇水养护工作,浇水时间尽量避开日照强度大、温度 高的中午时分,以减少由于温度差而形成的微裂缝。 混凝土试块的制作和测试,严格执行国家《钢筋混凝土工程施工 及验收规范》。若有需提前拆模的部位,应多做两组试块,以测其混 凝土的早期强度,做到拆模有依据。 Ensure the compaction of the concrete by strict pouring by layers. Assign special persons for the curing works. Concrete curing should avoid high temperature at noon in case of cracking. The fabrication and test of the concrete test blocks should be in compliance with the national “concrete works regulations and acceptance”. The parts need forms removing ahead of time should be accompanied with some more blocks as free parts with the view of testing the concrete strength in early stages. 泵送混凝土浇灌时,混凝土供应必须保证连续性。 模板必须进行设计计算,满足足够强度,刚度和受压稳定性,能 可靠地承受所浇混凝土自重和侧压力以及施工载值,施工时间严格按 图进行拼装、支撑。 主控轴线标高的垂直传递,开间轴线的丈量,须经项目技术负责 人和项目质检员复核,无误后方可继续施工。 The supply of concrete for pouring should be consistent. The formworks must go through design calculations in advance in order to meet the strength, stiffness and compression requirements. The constructing should be in line with the drawings for installation and supporting. 浇捣混凝土时派专人看模板,发现异常现象及时进行加固。 钢筋加工时,数量、规格、长度、形状,必须严格按反样料单。 分批、分类、分层编号堆放,又钢筋车间队长检查负责,并指定地方, 绑扎顺序、堆放整齐。 Assign special persons for watching the formworks and conduct re-firming on finding of any problems. For the steel works, the quantity, size length and shape should be in compliance with the sample list and stored by types and labels under the charge of the steel workshop team leader. 10.4.3预留预埋螺栓、铁件工程 严格遵照我局的工法进行施工。 预埋螺栓、铁件的固定均固定在砼浇筑过程中不位移的构件上。 预埋螺栓固定好后,用仪器复测其位置及时纠正,砼浇捣过程中 专人监测看护,确保其成型后的位置精确度,施工过程中将编制详尽 的质量保证措施。 Pre-left and embedded bolts and iron items In strict compliance with our construction methods and regulations The embedded bolts and items should be fixed to the parts without displacement through the process of concrete pouring. After fixing the positions of the embedded bolts, check the positions and make improvement in time. Work out detail quality assurance measures during construction. 10.4.4装饰工程 坚持走样板引路的原则,和先施工设计后施工的原则。 施工过程中将编制详尽的质量保证措施。 Decoration works Stick to the principles of sample directing and construction design in advance with detail quality assurance measures during the construction process. 10.4.5质量通病防治措施 Treatment of common quality defects 1、屋面开裂与卷材起鼓、渗漏的预防措施 Roof cracking, air in rolling materials and leakage 1)找平层应留设分格缝,宽度20毫米,分格缝距小于6米, 缝处应附加200毫米宽的卷材,单边紧贴覆盖。 The leveling surface should leave dividing joints of 20mm in width and intervals of less than 6m. The dividing joints should be covered on the one side with additional rolling materials of 200mm. 2)应力集中,基层变化大的部位,先铺一层卷材作为缓冲层, 使卷材适应基层伸缩的变化。 Add a layer of rolling materials for cushion at the parts of centralized stress and shrinkages. 3)铺贴前其表面应加以清理,并反卷过来。卷材搭接应符 合施工规范的要求,卷材贴后不得有粘贴不牢和翘边等缺陷。 The paving surface should be cleared in advance and back rolled. The connection should be in line with the regulations without defects of loosing or warping. 4)找平层应平整、清洁、干燥、冷底子油涂刷均匀,这是防止 卷材起鼓的主要措施。 The leveling surfaces should be clear and dry with even base painting as the main measure to avoid air. 5)原材料在运输和贮存过程中,应避免水分侵入,尤其要防止 卷材浸潮。卷材铺设应先高后低,先远后近,分区段流水施工,并注 意掌握天气预报,连续作业,一气呵成。 The raw material should be kept free from damp during transport and storage, especially the rolling materials. The paving of rolling materials should start from the high level to the low and from the distant area to the near by different areas. Keep attention to the weather conditions and try to finish at a time. 6)防水层施工前,应将卷材表面清理干净,铺贴时,粘结处剂 刷涂均匀,并认真做好压实工作,以增强卷材防水层与基层的粘结能 力。 Before the constructing of the watertight course, the rolling materials surface should be cleared and compacted in order to strength the bonding between the watertight course and the base course. 7)不在下雨天、大雾、大风天施工,防止基层浸潮。 Construction during storming or mist weather should take measure to prevent damp of the base course. 8)为防止基层干燥,采用排气屋面做法。 Adopt the air-eliminating method to prevent dry of the base course. 9)山墙、女儿墙部位漏水,应在转角处做成钝角,垂直面与屋 面之间的卷材应分层搭槎。 The fastigium and parapet should have obtuse angle at the corners and overlapping between the vertical surface and the rolling materials to avoid leakage. 10)天沟漏水,严格按设计要求找坡,雨水口处要比周围低20 毫米,短管要紧贴在基层上,雨水口及水斗四周卷材(包括附加层) 应粘贴牢固。 Leakage of the cullis could be prevented by sloping measures in line with the design requirements. The rain outlet should be lower 20mm than the rest area, short pipes kept firmly to the base course and the rolling materials around the rain outlets and drainage should be firmly bonded. 11)变形缝漏水,应将缝处卷材弯曲,以适应变形延伸需要,变 形缝的铁皮下基层应找坡,修理平整,安装要顺水流方向搭接,并订 设牢固。 Leakage of the distortion joints could be prevented by bending the rolling materials at the joints to meet the needs of shrinking or extending. The sub-base course of the distortion joints should be sloping and leveling and the connection should be adapted to the direction of the water flow and kept firm. 2、 砖墙、砼墙基层抹灰空鼓、裂缝的预防措施 Cracking or air in the primary course of the brick walls and concrete walls 1)抹灰前的基层处理是确保抹灰质量的关键之一,必须做到。 The treatment of the primary course is important for the quality assurance a、墙面的砂浆残渣污垢,隔离剂油污、析盐、泛碱,均应事先 清除干净。 The waste and dust on the wall surfaces should be cleared in advance. b、表面过于光滑的基层,要事先凿毛,再用界面剂抹一层粘结 层,24小时后再进行抹灰。 The surface too smooth should be coarsed and painted adhesive course 24 hours ahead of plastering. c、不同基层材料如木基层与砖面、混凝土基层相接处,应铺钉 金属网,搭接宽度应从相接处起,两边不小于10毫米。 Connections between materials of different types should be paved and nailed metal grates with both edges of no less than 10mm. 2)抹灰前墙面应浇水。砖墙基层一 般浇水二遍,砖面渗水深度 约8—10mm,即可达到抹灰要求。加气混凝土表面孔隙率大,但该材 料毛细管为封闭性和半封闭性,阻碍了水分渗透速度,它同砖墙相比, 吸水速度约慢3-4倍,因此,应提前两天进行浇水,每天两便遍以上, 使渗水深度达到8-10mm。混凝土墙体吸水率低,抹灰前浇水可以少 一些。如果各层抹灰相隔时间较长,或抹上的砂浆已干掉,则抹上一 层砂浆的应将底层浇水润湿,避免刚抹的砂浆中的水分被底层吸走, 产生空鼓。此外,基层墙面浇水程度,还与施工季节、气候和室内外 操作环境有关,应根据实际情况酌情掌握。 Watering the wall surfaces before plastering. Generally water the base course twice with the water penetrating depth of 8-10mm. Comparing with the brick walls, the air-added concrete absorb water at a rate of 3-4 times slower so the watering works should begin two days in advance and two times or above each day to ensure the penetration depth. If the intervals between two layers is long and the grout on the previous layer has dried, the previous layer should also be watered before continuing the work in case of air hollowing. Besides, the watering on the base course also depends on the constructing season, weather condition and working environment. 3)抹灰用的砂浆必须具有良好的和易性,并具有一定的粘结度。 和易性良好的砂浆能涂抹均匀的薄层,而且与底层粘结牢固,便于操 作和能保证工程质量。砂浆的和易性的好坏取决于砂浆的稠度(沉入 度)和保水性能。抹灰用砂浆稠度一般应控制如下: The grout for plastering should has good compatibility and adhesive characteristics, which is determined by the density of the grout and water retaining capability. The dense of the grout should be made as the follows: 底层抹灰砂浆为10-12cm base course --- 10 – 12 cm 中层抹灰砂浆为7-8cm middle course --- 7 – 8 cm 面层抹灰砂浆为10cm surface course --- 10 cm 砂浆的保水性能是指在搅拌、运输、使用过程中,砂浆中的水与 胶结材料及骨料分离快慢的性能,保水性不好的砂浆容易离析,如果 涂抹在多孔基层表面上,砂浆中的水分很快会被基层吸走,发生脱水 现象,变得比较稠不好操作。砂浆中的水分性能越好。水泥砂浆保水 性能较差时可掺入石灰膏、粉煤灰、加气剂或塑化剂,以提高其保水 性。 The water retaining capability of the grout refers to the separating speed of the water from adhesive and aggregates materials during the process of mixing, transport and use. The grout weak in water retaining capability is likely to segregate and difficult to handle if applying to the base course. In this case, the grout could be mixed with lime, ash powder, air-adding agent or plastisizer to enhance the water retaining capability. 为了保证砂浆与基层粘结牢固,抹灰砂浆应具有一定的粘结强 度,抹灰时可在砂浆中掺入乳胶、107胶等材料。 The grout for plastering should have certain adhesives strength. So the grout could be mixed with emulsion or 107 adhesion etc. 4)抹灰用的原材料和使用砂浆应符合质量要求。由于砂浆强度 会随着停放时间延长而降低,一般在20-30?的情况下,水泥石灰砂 浆在4-6小时后强度降低20-30%,10小时后降低50%以上。因此抹 灰用的水泥砂浆和混合砂浆应分别在拌合后3小时和4小时使用完 毕,尽可能做到随拌随用。 Te materials and grout should be up to the requirements. The strength of the grouts decreases with the staying time. Generally, under the temperature of 20-30 degree centigrade, strength of the cement grout decrease by 20-30% after 4-6 hours, and above 50% after 10 hours. So the grout for plastering should be used up within 3 –4 hours after mixing. 5)底层砂浆与中层砂浆的配合比应基本相同。中层砂浆不能高 于底层,底层砂浆不能高于基层墙体,以免在凝结过程中产生较强的 收缩应力,破坏强度较低的基层(或抹灰底层),产生空鼓、裂缝、 脱落等质量问题。 The mix of grout for the base course and middle course should be similar and prevent deflects like air hollowing, cracking and peeling etc. 加气混凝土表面的抗压强度为3-5MPa, 加气混凝土墙体底层抹 灰使用的砂浆强度等级不宜过高,一般应选用1:3石灰砂浆或1:1: 6等强度等级较低的混合砂浆为宜。 Surface compression strength of the air-added concrete should be 3-5Mpa, and the grade of the grout for the base course prefer 1:3 lime grout or 1:1:6 mix grout. 6)当基层墙体平整和垂直偏差较大,局部抹灰厚度较厚时,一 般每次抹灰厚度应控制在8-10mm为宜。中层抹灰必须分若干次抹平。 水泥砂浆和混合砂浆应戴前一层抹灰层凝固后,再涂抹后一层; 石灰砂浆应待前一层发白后(7-8成干),再涂抹后一层。这样可防 止已抹的砂浆内布产生松动,或几层湿砂浆合在一起,造成收缩率过 大,产生空鼓、裂缝。 Generally, plastering thickness is 8-10mm each layer for the base course and the middle course should also be plastered by several layers. For cement grout or mix grout, only after the solidification of the previous layer, could the next layer begin; while for lime grout, after the previous layer dry 70-80%, could the next layer begin in order to prevent loosing and unstable defects or too much shrinkage and cracking. 3、 窗框与墙体间渗漏的预防措施 Prevent leakage between the window frames and walls 1)安装窗框前,先挂通长垂线及弹水平线,检查宽洞口尺 寸偏差情况,一般要求左右两侧缝宽为2.5厘米,上下两侧按设 计宽度偏差不超过1厘米,否则即需视情况打凿或用1:2水泥 砂浆分层修饰。 Before installing the window frames, set the vertical and horizontal reference lines, check the width of the holes. (generally the width of 2.5cm on each side is required, the error on the top and bottom sides should be no more than 1cm, otherwise chiseling or modifying with 1:2 cement grout is required.) 2)五金件型号、规格和性能均应符合国家现行标准的规定, 固定片厚度应大于或等于1.5mm,最小宽度应大于或等于15mm, 其材质应采用Q235-A冷轧钢板,其表面进行镀锌处理。 The type, size and property of the hardware should all be in compliance with the national standards. The thickness of the fixed pads should be 1.5mm or above, and the minimum width should be 15mm or above. The materials should all be Q235-A cool-cutting steel boards and galvanized by the surface. 3)砼剪力墙,固定片可直接用射钉固定在砼墙上,砼墙或 其它轻质墙,宜在相应部位预埋砼内,宽度同墙宽,其余尺寸不 宜小于标准砖要求。洞口下侧应浇筑厚度不小于5cm的C20细石 砼,固定件的具体位置应为距角中不小于150mm,固定件之间距 离应小于600mm,不得将固定件直接装在中横、框、中竖框的档 头上。 The fix pads should be nailed to the concrete shear walls by gun-nails and embedded in the corresponding positions in the concrete walls or other light walls with the width no less than that of the walls. The area under the holes should be poured 5cm C20 gravel concrete. The fix items should be no less than 150mm away from the angle center and the intervals between the fix items should be no less than 600mm. The fix items cannot be located on the end plates of the central vertical and horizontal frames. 4)完善质检制度,上道工序未结束或未合格不能转入下道 工序,所有木楔取出后必须及时补打发泡剂,而且要打满。多余 的另行刮除。 Complete the quality inspection system to the extend of each procedure. After removal of any wood wedges, foaming agent should be fully applied and the surplus could be scraped off. 5)打发泡剂时有意识使其比窗框外侧低1-1.5cm,若有凸 出必经用刀片刮除使其达到1-1.5cm深度要求。然后粉窗框时用 1:2水泥砂浆同时将缝嵌满,抹至窗侧平或稍凹进2mm。待砂浆 干燥后再打密封胶。由于硅胶具有较高的延伸性和塑性,附着在 坚硬的砂浆层上能有效抵抗外力及尖锐物体的冲击,并能提高硅 胶的密封质量,砂浆层能有效挡水防止雨水直接浸润发泡剂,达 到双重防水功能,有效地防止渗漏产生。 The foaming agent should be applied 1-1.5 cm lower than the outside window frames as required. The plastering of the window frames use 1:2 cement grout and the joints should be fully filled to the level of the side window frame or 2mm lower. The sealant could be applied after the grout dried to resist impaction of foreign force or sharp objects. The grouting course could top water from soaking the foaming agent and thus double secure the problem of leakage. 4、 地面起砂的预防措施 Preventive measures for the ground getting sandy 1)严格控制水灰比。用于地面面层的水泥砂浆的稠度不应 小于3.5cm(以标准圆锥体沉入度计),用混凝土和豆石混凝土铺 设地面时坍落度不应大于3cm。事前垫层要充分湿润,涂刷水泥 浆要均匀,冲筋间距不宜太大,最好控制在1.2m左右。随铺灰 随用短杠刮平。混凝土面层宜用平板振捣器振实,豆石混凝土宜 用滚子滚压,或用木抹子拍打,使表面泛浆,以保证面层的强度 和密实度。 Water-cement ratio shall be strictly controlled. The consistency of the cement mortar applied to the surface course of the ground shall be no less than 3.5cm (accounted according to the sinking degree of standard cone) and slump shall be less than 3cm if the ground is paved by concrete and gravel concrete The blinding layer beforehand shall be fully wet, cement slurry shall be brushed uniform and the separation between floating screeds shall n The blinding layer beforehand shall be fully wet, cement slurry shall be brushed uniform and the separation between floating screeds shall not be too big and shall be limited into about 1.2m. Scraping even along with the pavement process. The surface course of concrete is better to be vibrated solid by plate vibrator, Gravel concrete is better to be rolled by roller or be flapped by wood float. Thus the surface will have bleeding to guarantee the intensity and consistence of the surface course. 2)掌握好面层的压光时间。水泥地面的压光一般不应少于 三遍。第一遍应在面层上铺设后随即进行。先用木抹子均匀打一 遍,使面层材料均匀、紧密,抹压平整,以表面不出现水层为宜。 第二遍压光应在水泥初凝后、终凝前完成(一般以上人时有轻微 脚印但又不明显下陷为宜),将表面压实、压平整。第三遍压光 主要是消除抹痕和闭塞细毛孔,进一步将表面压实、压光滑(时 间应掌握在上人不出现脚印或有不明显的脚印为宜),但切忌在 水泥终凝后压光) The time of finish to a smooth surface course shall be well mastered. The cement ground shall be polished not less than three times. The surface course shall be polished immediately after the surface course is paved. The surface shall be first flapped uniformly with wood float to make the material on the surface uniform, tight and smooth. It is better that there is no water layer on the surface. The second polish of consolidation and smoothening shall be completed after the pre-setting of cement but before the final setting of cement (best at the time if a person steps on, there is only slight footprint but no evident subsidence). The third polish, mainly in order to eliminate the trace and minus pores to further consolidate and smoothen the surface, shall be fulfilled at the time when a person steps on, there does not appear footprints or no evident footprints but it must not be fulfilled after the final setting of cement. 3)水泥地面压光后,应视气温情况,一般在一昼夜进行洒 水养护,或用草帘、锯末覆盖后洒水养护。有条件的可用黄泥或 石膏在门口做坎后进行养护。使用普通硅酸盐水泥的水泥地面, 连续养护的时间不应小于7昼夜;用矿渣硅酸盐水泥的水泥地 面,连续养护的时间不应小于10昼夜。 Curing should be done by solely watering or watering with straw curtain or saw-dust covering on within a whole day after cement ground is polished. The time is determined by temperature. If conditions permit, curing is better to be done with the protection of threshold made from yellow mud or mineral white. Curving for cement ground paved with ordinary Portland cement shall last not less than 7 whole continuous days; for cement ground paved with Portland slay cement not less than 10 whole continuous days. 4)合理安排施工流向,避免上人过早。水泥地面应尽量安 排在墙面、天花的粉刷等装饰工程完工后进行,避免对面层产生 污染和损坏。如必须安排在其它装饰工程之前施工,应采取有效 的保护措施,如铺设芦席、草帘、油毡等,并应做确保7-10昼 夜的养护期。严禁在已做好的水泥地面上拌合砂浆,或倾倒于水 泥地面上。 Arranging the workers flow reasonably to prevent people stepping on too early. As many as efforts shall be made to arrange the cement ground to be done after the completion of painting of walls and ceiling to prevent the surface course to be polluted or spoiled. Provided that cement ground must be done first, effective measures must be taken for protection. For example, cement ground can be covered with mat, straw curtain or linoleum and curving of 7 to 10 whole days is required. Mortar is forbidden to be mixed or poured on the completed cement ground. 5)在低温条件下抹水泥地面,应防止早期受冻。抹地面前, 应将门窗玻璃安装好,或增加供暖设备,以保证施工环境温度在 +5?以上。 Cement ground shall be protected from being frozen if it is done under low temperature. Doors and windows or heating equipment shall be installed before the cement ground is done to guarantee the temperature under which the project is fulfilled is above +5?. 6)水泥宜采用早期强度较高的普通硅酸水泥,标号不应低 于325#,安定性要好。过期结块或受潮结块的水泥不得使用。 砂子宜采用粗中砂,含泥量不应大于3%。 Newly produced and stable ordinary silicic acid cement of high strength with a label number no less than is better to be chosen. Lumping cement because of overdue or dampness must not be used. Coarse or medium sand with mud contains lower than 3% is better to be selected. 5、地面空鼓的预防措施 Ground air hollowing prevention measures 1) 处理底层(垫层或基层) Treatment of the base course (pad course or foundation course) a、认真清理表面的浮灰、浆膜以及其它污物,并冲洗干净。 如底层表面过于光滑,则应凿毛。门口处砖层过高时间、应予剔 凿。 Clear up the waste and dust on the surface. The base surface could be coarsed if it is too smooth. The brick layers at the doors should be chiseled if the yare too high. b、控制基层平整度,用2m直尺检查,其凹凸度不应大于 10mm,以保证面层厚度均匀一致,防止厚度悬殊过大,造成凝结 硬化时收缩不均而产生裂缝、空鼓。 Control the leveling of the base course with 2m ruler and the out-and-in tolerance could not exceed 10mm in case of cracking or air-hollowing. c、面层施工前1—2d,应对基层认真进行浇水湿润,使基层 具有清洁、湿润、粗糙的表面。 1-2 days before the surface working, the base course should be watered to get clear, wet and coarse base surface. 2) 结合层施工质量: Adhesive course constructing: a、水泥浆结合层在调浆后应均匀涂刷,不宜采用先撒干水 泥面后浇水的扫浆方法。素水泥浆水灰比以0.4-0.5为宜。 The cement adhesive course should be evenly applied after mixing and cannot spread dry cement and water separately. Water/cement rate of the plain cement prefer 0.4-0.5. b、素水泥浆应与铺设层紧密结合,严格做到随刷随铺。铺 设面层时,如果素水泥浆已风干硬结,则应铲去后重新涂刷。 The plain cement should be firmly applied to the pavement along with the process of pavement. When paving the surfaces, the cement should be removed and re-do if it dried. 第十一章 安全文明施工措施 Chapter Eleven Safety and “house-keeping”construction 11.1安全生产措施 Safety production measures 1( 建立安全生产责任制 Establish safety production system 1)建立安全保证体系,健全各级各部门安全生产责任制、责任 落实到人 (具体安全保证体系见附录)。 Establish safety assurance system, complete the safety production system at all levels and clarify duties to individual. 2)各项经济承包有明确的安全指标和包括奖惩办法在内的保证 措施。签定各级安全责任制。 Identify clear safety target, including award or punishment rules and sign safety responsibility system at all levels. 2(经常进行安全教育 Carry out frequent safety education 1)新进企业工人必须进行新工种的安全技术教育。 Safety education to the new employed workers 2)工人变换工种,须进行新工种的安全技术教育。 Safety education to the workers transferred working type 3)工人应掌握本工种操作技能,熟悉本工种安全技术操作规程。 All workers should grasp the operation skills and safety regulations of their own working type. 4)认真建立“职工劳动保护记录卡”及时做好记录。 Establish and keep“Employees labor Protection Record”. 3(分部分项工程施工需进行全面的,有针对性的书面安全技术交底, 受交者须履行签字手续。 The sectional constructions should have comprehensive and corresponding safety and technology turn-over with the signature of the recipients. 4(特种作业人员必须经有关部门培训,考试合格后持证上岗, 操作证必须按期复审,不得超期使用。名册齐全。 The specialized workers should get trainings by relevant authorities and get on position after obtaining certificates. The operation certificate should be verified periodically and the employee list should be complete. 5(安全检查 Safety inspection 建立定期安全检查制度,有时间、有要求,明确重点部位,危险岗 位。项目每周、总承包部每半个月,公司每月进行检查。 对井架和脚手架,认真做好验收工作,合格后挂牌使用. Establish periodical inspection system with identified time and standards. Identify the special and key parts. The project management department carry out weekly inspection, general contracting department half a month and the company monthly. 6(开展班组“三上岗、一讲评”活动 Carry out the “three on position and one comment” activity 班组在班前须进行上岗交底,上岗检查,上岗记录的“三上岗”和每 周一次的“一讲评”安全活动。对班组的安全活动,有考核措施。 The constructing teams should carry out on-position turn-over, on-position inspection and on-position records and weekly “comment” activities. Establish verification system. 7(遵章守纪、佩带标记 Observe regulations and rules and wear armbands 严禁违章指挥,违章作业,野蛮施工。 Forbid commanding and operating against regulations 各类安全值班人员佩戴不同颜色标记,工地负责人(主任)戴黄底 结字壁章,班组安全值放人员戴红底黄字袖章,施工管理人员和各类 操作工人要戴不同颜色安全帽以示区别。 The safety watchmen of various types should wear armbands in different colors. The site chief wears red letters against yellow background, team safety inspectors wear yellow letter against red background, the constructing management and workers wear hamlets in different colors for distinguish. 8(“六牌一图”与安全标牌 “Six boards and one picture” and safety signs 施工现场进出口一侧集中挂放“六牌一图”;却(1)单位名称牌; (2)工程概况牌;(3)门卫制度牌;(4)安全措施牌;(5)安全记录牌; (6)安全宣传牌;(7)现场平面图。 Six boards: (1)company’s name; (2)project brief; (3)door guard system; (4) safety measures; (5) safety records; (6) safety propaganda; (7) site layout 施工现场悬挂安全生产标牌,在主要施工部位、作业点、危险区、 主要道口悬挂安全标语和安全警告牌。 The construction site should hang safety production signs at important constructing and operating areas, dangerous area and main entrances. 9(非施工人员(包括家属和小孩),均不得进入施工现场,更不 得居住在施工现场,以消除偶然不安全因素。 Non-constructing persons (including family members) are not allowed to get into the site nor live on the site in case of danger. 10(施工现场的危险作业区域,大件设备吊装、射线探伤、电气耐 压试验,管道压力试验作业等警戒区应设置明显的警告牌。射线作业 必须遵守时间防护,距离防护、屏蔽防护的有关规定。 Set obvious warning signs at the dangerous areas like areas for large equipment lifting, ray detection, pressure test and pipe test etc. Operation with radial ray should observe regulations concerning time, distance and protection. 11.2安全防火措施 Fire safety 由于本工程所在地是特级防火单位,安全防火是本工程安全生产 的重要组成部分,故我局进入现场施工后,将把安全防火作为一个重 点工作来抓,具体采用如下措施: Since the location of the project is in the special fire alert area, fire safety plays an important part in the safety production of this project and we will put it on our top priority. 1、在防火领导小组领导下,按照防火制度定期对重点部位进行 检查,发现火险隐患必须立即消除。 With the leading of the fire extinguish team, we will carry out fire inspections at key areas periodically and eliminate hidden causes. 2、建立义务消防队,正常进行活动。 Organize volunteer fire extinguishing teams and carry out normal inspection works. 3、施工现场必须配备足够的消防器材,由项目安全员负责维护管理, 定期加药更新,保证完好。 The site must be supplied with adequate fire fighting facilities under the care of the safety inspectors. 4、必须严格执行动火审批制度,节假日动火作业加强监护。 Strictly observe the system of fire use application and take additional protection measures when using fire on holidays. 5、明火作业,监护人及灭火器材必须到位。 The operation with fire must be accompanied with fire fighting facilities and guards. 6、重点部位专人监管,木工区、危险品仓库、配电间、食堂、 仓库、宿舍专人负责。 Assign special guards at the key places like carpentry area, dangerous substance storage, distributor station, canteen, warehouse and living camp. 7、现场设置有足够扬程的高压水泵,并设有通讯报警装置。 The site should be equipped with sufficient pumps and communication and alarming system. 8、加强施工人员安全教育,严禁现场吸烟,如确实有特殊情况 要向业主申请固定吸烟点,严格执行定点吸烟,禁止吸流烟。 Strengthen the safety education to the workers. No smoking on the site except for defined smoking area under special conditions. 11.3文明施工措施 Model construction and “house-keeping” measures 1(施工现场建立以项目经理部为组长的容貌管理领导班子,进 入班子的成员都有明确分工,各尽其职。并配置专(兼)职管理人员, 经常监督检查。 Establish environment management team headed by the project manager on the site. All the members should be assigned clearly defined duties and responsibilities and conduct required inspection and supervision works. 2(现场环境 管理制度 档案管理制度下载食品安全管理制度下载三类维修管理制度下载财务管理制度免费下载安全设施管理制度下载 切实可行,把规定中的检查项目分解到人,定 期检查考评,把场容管理与职工分配有机结合。 Establish practical environment management system on the site with duties clarified to the extend of individual and inspections periodically conducted. Combine the environment management with the duty distribution organically. 3(工地办公场所应保持整洁,无乱挂乱堆现象,无积灰乱涂乱 画,桌椅橱柜摆放有序,公文资料隐收存放,办公设施应完整无损。 The site office area should be kept clean and tidy. No random piling, graffito. The desks and chairs all kept in order and the documents well organized. The office facilities should be kept in good conditions. 4(场容管理活动,应有专用记录簿,记载议事、考核、问题、 措施、计划等,并由专人负责管理。 The environment management should establish records, recording the daily events, inspections, problems, improving measures and plans etc and kept by specially assigned person. 5(工地场面图要按比例绘制,固定设施一次标注,活动设施包 括大材料、周转材、半成品等则按投影尺寸制成卡片,随不同施工阶 段标注。现场摆布实物应与场布图相符,使之能按图索骥。 The site layout should be drafted pro rata, all fixed facilities identified, the moving facilities including large materials, turning over materials and semi-produced products should be represented by cards according to projection dimension and identified along with the constructing process. The layout of the materials and substances on the site should be in compliance with the indications on the drawing for the convenience of reference. 6(在施工现场办公室悬挂建设工程执照、施工许可证、卫生许 可证,以利主管部门及领导检查。 Hang construction license and certifications, health certificates in the site office for the convenience of inspection by relevant authorities. 7(搞好“场前三包”(环境整洁、绿化爱护、景观秩序),做到 经常清扫垃圾污物,保持环境整齐。 The works of cleaning, landscaping and viewing should be managed well and the waste should be disposed as required. 8(施工现场一应设施(临设、设备、材料等)的布局,编制并实 施分阶段(基础、主体、装修等)的施工平面图,按图场布。 Work out sectional (foundation, main constructing and decorating etc.) construction plans and all the facilities and materials should be arranged in accordance with the sectional plans. 9(场内道路畅通、平坦、整洁,不乱堆乱放、无散落物;建筑 物四周应浇筑散水坡,并保持清净;场地平整无积水,无散落“五头”、 “五底”;场内排水成系统,并畅通不堵。 Keep the roads on the site free and clean. The surrounding area of the buildings should be poured water-dispersing slope and kept clean. Ensure the site even and no accumulated water and waste. Keep the site drainage system workable. 10(现场材料要合理堆放。各种材料、半成品,诸如砖、瓦、砂、石、 钢筋、模板、脚手、构件等,要分类码放整齐,不得任意抛散。 The storage of the materials on the site should be well organized and kept by types with labels. 11(作场库房的设备、材料摆放整齐,目能成数,插标持牌,环 境整洁。搅拌区域整洁有序无废弃物。机具车辆,日作日清,保持清 洁。 The facilities and materials of the warehouses should be kept in order with signs and labels. The benching area should be kept clean and in order. The tools and vehicles should be organized well after each day’s work. 12(施工现场生活卫生,纳入场区总体规划,有专(兼)职卫生管 理人员和保洁人员制订卫生管理制度,设置必需的生活卫生设施。 The environment of the living camp should be included in the overall site plan and management. Assign cleaning staff for the cleaning work and care of the cleaning facilities. 13(现场食堂管理应符合《食品卫生法》,有隔绝蝇鼠的护范措 施,有盛装残羹下脚的加盖容器,内外环境清洁卫生。 The management of the canteen on the site should be in compliance with the “food and health regulations”. Take measures to prevent rats and flies. Supply covered containers for the keeping of the left-over. 14(职工宿舍设窗通风,室内环境整洁有序,无乱堆乱放,室外 环境清洁,有收集废弃物的垃圾桶,并及时处理。 The living camp should be equipped with windows for ventilation. The rooms should be kept clean and equipped with garbage boxes and the waste should be disposed in time. 15(现场厕所应保持清洁,无蛆少臭,通风良好。 The restrooms on the site should be cleaned periodically as required and keep ventilated. 16(现场应设茶水桶,视施工人员的数量配足盛水容器,茶水桶 有明显标志,并加盖上锁,炊事人员要定时添供茶水,管理好饮水设 施。 The site should be equipped with tea boilers and supply adequate drinking cups. The tea boilers should be clearly labeled and locked. The kitchen staff should add water to the boilers periodically and take care of the drinking facilities. 第十二章 其他管理措施 Chapter Twelve Other Management Measures 12.1降低成本措施 Cost reduce measures 12.1.1选择合理的施工方案和施工人员、大型施工设备和周转 材料的投入方案,优化工程投入,使之即能满足施工需要,又节约工 程投资。 Select logic construction plan and constructing teams with proper arrangement of constructing plant and materials, we will try to optimize the construction input with the idea of meeting the needs of construction by economical input. 12.1.2采纳新技术、新工艺等技术方案,节约工程成本。如: 砼掺高效减水剂和粉煤灰技术,钢筋闪光对焊和电渣压力焊技术。 Adopt new techniques and process in order to save cost. For example: the techniques of concrete with high water reducing substance and powder ash, steel flashing welding and pressure welding etc. 12.1.3优化施工组织,实施流水施工。 Optimize construction organization and implement flow construction. 12.1.4加强技术质量、安全管理,杜绝技术质量事故、安全事 故的发生。 Strengthen technology quality and safety management in order to avoid accidents. 12.1.5加强与设计、监理、各专业施工单位和设备供应商的技 术、施工协作,力争施工一次性到位,避免出现修改等现象,以节约 业主对工程的投入。 Strengthen coordination with the design institute, supervisors, specialized contractors and equipment suppliers with the view of one time completion and avoid waste. 12.1.6在确保质量和安全生产的前提下,尽量提前竣工,为业 主和施工单位创造效益。 Under the promise of quality and safety, we will try to complete in advance and create interests for the owner and constructing companies. 12.1.7加强成本核算工作,以为成本降低措施提供依据。 Strengthen the cost calculation works in order to supply reference for cost saving. 12.2雨季施工措施 Constructing during rainy season 12.2.1基础施工时如遇雨天,采用集水坑抽水。新浇筑砼应备 好雨材料(如塑料薄膜、棚布等)覆盖。 On rainy days, the foundation works should adopt sump pumping and the newly poured concrete should be protected with water resistant materials. 12.2.2在现场周围做好排水沟,以利及时排除雨水,防止地表 水进入基坑。 Prepare sump around the site in order to eliminate rain water and avoid surface water accumulation. 12.2.3屋面施工时,应避开雨季,并采取防雨、防潮设施。 The roofing construction should avoid rainy season and take water and wet resistant measures. 12.2.4机械设备、配电箱设防雨、防潮措施。 Mechanical equipment and distributors should take water and wet resistant measures. 12.3季节性施工措施 Construction during winter 12.3.1冬期施工措施 Winter construction measures 12.3.2当室外日平均温度连续5天稳定于5?时即需按冬期施工措施 进行施工。进入冬季后,应与气象台、站保持联系,及时收听天气预 报,防止寒流突然袭击。 Winter construction begin when the outdoor temperature is below 5 degree centigrade for five days on end. When constructing on winter, we will keep contact with the weather forecasting stations and get weather information. 12.3.3施工时,现场应备好防冻保暖物品、防冻剂、草包等,临时 自来水管应做好防冻保温工作,采用稻草泥纸筋包裹。现场严禁烤火, 宿舍内严禁使用电炉。 The construction site should prepare necessary anti-freezing substances like anti-freezing agent and straw packs etc. The temporary water pipes should be protected with straw and mud paper. Fire is forbidden on the site and no electrical oven I allowed to be used in the camp. 12.3.4冬季来临前,将及早按排做好室外温作业工作,转入室内施 工时,在窗口,留洞外做防风御寒工作,对于必须在冬季施工的室外 湿作业工作,必须做好围挡封闭等防冻措施。 Before winter, the outdoor constructions should be arranged and prepared in advance. Those that transferred indoors, protection measures at the windows and holes should be carried out. For the works have to be done outdoors, the anti-freezing measures like fencing or closing should be accompanied. 第十三章 工程竣工后的工程回访、保修承诺 Chapter Thirteen Visit and Guarantee after Completion 为确保工程竣工后,业主能正常生产,良好使用本建筑物,我局 一方面将加强工程建设过程中的质量管理,以避免竣工后建筑物出现 质量隐患,同时向业主作出对本建筑物竣工后的工程回访和保修承 诺。及时组织修缮建筑物出现的影响使用的质量问题,具体的工程回 访和保修措施为: Besides the quality management and control during construction work, we will further offer visit service and maintenance guarantee after completion. The details are as follows: 13.1按照国家建设部门和合同的相关规定,确认我局所承担的 工程保修范围和期限,并与业主签定工程回访和保修协议。 Determine the scope and period of maintenance according to the relevant regulations by the contract and the National Construction Ministry. Sign maintenance and guarantee agreement with the owner. 13.2我局将对直接承建的工程内容作工程回访和保修,对由业 主选定的专业分包商负责施工,但纳入我局总承包管理的工程范围, 将由业主与施工单位协定工程回访和保修责任。 Our visit and repair scope include all the works directly under our construction. Other works are subject to the agreement. 13.3竣工后,立即用户提供所有的工程技术档案、使用说明及 各种资料,并发放回访保修卡。 After completion, offer the owner all the technical files, use instructions and various information and issue visit and guarantee cards. 13.4我局将成立由局工程部经理和本工程项目经理领导的工程 回访小组和工程维修部,在保修期内每月到工地巡查回访一次,听取 用户意见、验查工程使用情况,及时组织工程维修工作。 The company will establish the project visit team headed by the company’s project manager and the manager of the project management department to conduct visits to the site once a month, collect feedback information from the clients and carry out repair work if necessary. 13.5在用户提出维修申请三天内,我局将组织工程维修部到现 场勘察并及时维修。 Within three days after receiving the repair notice of the clients, we will organize our repair teams to conduct survey to the site and carry out repair works. 13.6非施工原因造成的质量问题或维修期满后的维修工作,我 局愿意配合业主承担此部分的维修工作,并同业主协商优惠的维修费 用。 For the problems not due to construction causes or repair works after maintenance period, we would like to offer repair works at reasonable prices after agreement with the client. 总之,“建造业主满意工程”,为业主做好工程竣工之后服务工作, 是我局的承诺和经营理念,我局将遵照这种理念做好完善的竣工后服 务工作,以保证业主良好的建筑物使用环境。 Above all, we guarantee our mission to “build owner satisfied proects”and offer good after completion services. 附表19: Appendix19 Construction Equipment on site (1) 主要施工机械设备一览表 List of the main construction plant 设备名称 型 号 数 量 额定功率 状况 变卖价值 备 1注 序 Name Size Quantity Power State Value Remarks No. 挖土机 2年 50万 基坑挖土 1 Excavatio1m3 3 2 year 500,000 excavation n machine 挖路机 roads 8年 100万 2 16t 2 digging 8 year 1,000,000 machine 潜水泵 基坑抽水 2年 4千元 3 Shallow H>15m 10台 3kw base pit 2 year 4,000 pump pumping 灰浆机 3年 1万 砂浆搅拌3Grouting 0.2m 2台 3.5Kw 4 3 year 10,000 blenching machine 履带吊 6年 70万 吊装 5 crawler 50t 2台 6 year 700,000 lifting crane 电焊机 钢筋焊接 5年 1000元 6 welding 交流 6台 17Kw steel 5 year 1,000 machine welding 钢筋切割 机steel 7年 6000千 7 1 cutting 7 year 6000 machine Appendix 8 Confirmation/Deviations from Technical Requirments 附件8 技术要求确认/变更 Appendix 8 to Form of Tender Shanghai Ethylene Cracker Complex Civil Construction 上海乙烯裂解装置 土建工程 标书格式附件8 A( Confirmation/Deviation from Technical Requirements 技术要求确认/变更 A We hereby confirm our acceptance to complete the scope of work fully in accordance with the technical requirements of this invitation and furthermore we have no technical clarifications/qualifications or deviations hereto 我们谨在此确认: 我们接受完全符合本邀请书技术要求的整个 工作范围, 并且, 我们不作任何相关技术澄清, 限定条件或变更 Signed by : 签字: Name : 姓名: Designation : 头衔:
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