首页 街道创建门前三包示范街工作方案(1)



街道创建门前三包示范街工作方案(1)街道创建门前三包示范街工作方案(1) xx街道创建“门前三包”工作实施方案 一、指导思想 以邓小平理论、“三个代表”重要思想为指针~按照《国家卫生区标准》、《xx市xx区政府“门前三包”管理暂行办法》~密切结合各村,居,委会的职能任务~加强“门前三包”管理工作~逐步形成长效管理机制。 二、“门前三包”对象和目标 “门前三包”对象:xx路、xx路、xx路、xx路、xx路、xx路。 “门前三包”示范街:xx路 目的:建立“门前三包”长效管理机制~营造秩序良好的人居环境。 总体目标:建设绿色xx及和谐xx...

街道创建门前三包示范街工作方案(1) xx街道创建“门前三包”工作实施方案 一、指导思想 以邓小平理论、“三个代表”重要思想为指针~按照《国家卫生区标准》、《xx市xx区政府“门前三包”管理暂行办法》~密切结合各村,居,委会的职能任务~加强“门前三包”管理工作~逐步形成长效管理机制。 二、“门前三包”对象和目标 “门前三包”对象:xx路、xx路、xx路、xx路、xx路、xx路。 “门前三包”示范街:xx路 目的:建立“门前三包”长效管理机制~营造秩序良好的人居环境。 总体目标:建设绿色xx及和谐xx~配合市委、市政府实现“到2013年把我市建成国家卫生城市”~促进我区经济和社会的发展。 三、“门前三包”内容。 “门前三包”是指机关、团体、学校、企事业单位、个体工商户和城市居民、住户,即责任单位,~都必须承担各自门前和楼房周围至行人道,含人行道,一定范围责任区的市容和环境卫生的下列任务: 1、包卫生:清除门前责任区的垃圾、污水~维护路面清洁卫生~制止乱丢、乱吐、乱倒污物。 2、包秩序:制止在责任区内乱设摊档、乱搭建棚屋、乱停放车辆、乱堆放杂物、乱张贴和乱吊挂广告~保持秩序整齐和道路畅通。 poverty. In the area of poverty alleviation, to rely on e-commerce business park, active docking Alibaba group "rural treasure", "the stars plan" and "featured the Museum" project to accelerate the implementation of electronic commerce "hundred thousand rural village" project, free train operation staff, offering online support help for poor families, the provision of micro-credit support, helping them to use e-commerce platform to escape poverty. In poverty reduction, give a man a fish and feed him for a day, to targeted skills training and entrepreneurship training free of charge for the poor, increase employment, entrepreneurial skills, ensure the transfer of training people, poverty. In terms of student poverty, high school, vocational college students ' stipends and other costs, can be through the "one card", such as direct subsidies to households. In terms of financial poverty, in order to further increase the size of loans, expands the scope of delivery, developing industry, Enterprise provides protection for the poor. In respect of transport poverty alleviation, to solve the bottleneck in poor villages, development of transport, vigorously promoting the construction of rural roads and ordinary roads. PV poverty reduction, to support conditions of poor villages and photovoltaic system of centralized, poor construction projects, poor 3、包绿化:维护责任区的花草树木和绿化设施~保持花坛、绿化带或草地卫生整洁。 四、 “门前三包”管理标准 1、“门前三包”责任书签订率达100%~沿街单位和业主做到垃圾袋装~按照规定时间、地点、方式投放垃圾~保持环境卫生整洁~沿街两侧人行道上的自行车、摩托车摆放整齐~无占道停放车辆。 2、门前秩序规范有序。无占道经营、出店经营现象,无流动摊点现象,无乱搭乱建、乱披乱挂现象。 3、户外宣传活动规范有序~无擅自搭台、沿街发放、张贴、悬挂宣传品以及未经批准的商业促销活动的行为。 4、门前无占道或出店摆放落地灯箱广告和店名招牌。不得在街道两侧人行道树木、公共设施或绿化带上晾晒衣物及其它物品。 5、沿街业主和单位无擅自改变沿街建筑物、构筑物原有结构。沿街两侧建筑物上安装空调室外机、排气扇,管,、防盗窗,网,、遮阳篷等必须符合有关规定~不得影响行人通行。 6、临街门店牌匾严格实行“一店一牌”~并按规定办理相关手续,其位置、高度应符合规定~色彩格式符合街景要求~不得出现污损,玻璃橱窗禁止乱贴乱挂、乱写乱画~商品或物品摆放要整齐。 7、沿街门面装潢做到围场作业~及时清理装潢垃圾~保持现场整洁。 8、门前卫生质量达到标准~做到无白色污染、无烟头纸屑、无瓜果皮核、无土石污染、无卫生死角,路面净、路牙净、窨井口净、墙根净、树池净。 eck in poor villages, development of transport, vigorously promoting the construction of rural roads and ordinary roads. PV pping industry, Enterprise provides protection for the poor. In respect of transport poverty alleviation, to solve the bottlendeveloto households. In terms of financial poverty, in order to further increase the size of loans, expands the scope of delivery, high school, vocational college students ' stipends and other costs, can be through the "one card", such as direct subsidies erty, e poor, increase employment, entrepreneurial skills, ensure the transfer of training people, poverty. In terms of student povon, give a man a fish and feed him for a day, to targeted skills training and entrepreneurship training free of charge for thcommerce platform to escape poverty. In poverty reducti-credit support, helping them to use e-poor families, the provision of microf electronic commerce "hundred thousand rural village" project, free train operation staff, offering online support help for accelerate the implementation ocommerce business park, active docking Alibaba group "rural treasure", "the stars plan" and "featured the Museum" project to -poverty. In the area of poverty alleviation, to rely on e2reduction, to support conditions of poor villages and photovoltaic system of centralized, poor construction projects, poor overty 9、严格落实门前三包协管员、城管队员和卫生保洁员的定人定岗工作~并形成完善“三员合一”联动工作机制。“门前三包”告示牌统一规范。 10、“门前三包”各类软件资料规范。建立“门前三包”一路一档 制度 关于办公室下班关闭电源制度矿山事故隐患举报和奖励制度制度下载人事管理制度doc盘点制度下载 和检查评比制度~做到有检查、有记录、有评比、有奖惩。 五、组织机构 我街成立了“门前三包”工作领导小组以加强对“门前三包”的管理~逐步形成长效管理机制~成员名单如下: 组 长:xx 第一副组长:xx 副 组 长:xx xx xx xx 成 员:xx xx xx xx 领导小组下设办公室~办公室设在街创卫办~办公室主任由xx同志兼任~并从街直各单位抽人组成办公室人员~有关社区,村,委会也要相应成立领导机构和办公室。 六、工作任务及时间安排 ,一,工作任务:加强主、次干道 “门前三包”整治工作。做到辖区“门前三包”责任书签订率100%~合格率100%~门店垃圾袋装化率达85%。门前卫生、绿化、秩序良好。重点对xx路“门前三包”的管理工作~尤其是xx市场的市容秩序整治、督查、管理工作。 ,二,时间安排:8月1日至11月30日。 3s of poor villages and photovoltaic system of centralized, poor construction projects, poorransport, vigorously promoting the construction of rural roads and ordinary roads. PV poverty reduction, to support conditiont of tes protection for the poor. In respect of transport poverty alleviation, to solve the bottleneck in poor villages, developmenoverty, in order to further increase the size of loans, expands the scope of delivery, developing industry, Enterprise providcial pstudents ' stipends and other costs, can be through the "one card", such as direct subsidies to households. In terms of finaneurial skills, ensure the transfer of training people, poverty. In terms of student poverty, high school, vocational college ing and entrepreneurship training free of charge for the poor, increase employment, entreprencommerce platform to escape poverty. In poverty reduction, give a man a fish and feed him for a day, to targeted skills train-credit support, helping them to use e-microhousand rural village" project, free train operation staff, offering online support help for poor families, the provision of asure", "the stars plan" and "featured the Museum" project to accelerate the implementation of electronic commerce "hundred tcommerce business park, active docking Alibaba group "rural tre-poverty. In the area of poverty alleviation, to rely on e 分三个阶段进行: 1.宣传阶段:8月1日至15日~发放宣传单~深入门店户进行宣传。 2.整治阶段:8月15日至11月20日。组成专门的整治队伍对辖区门店进行规范整治。 3.检查验收阶段:11月20日至30日~街道领导对整治效果进行检查验收。 七、工作措施 ,一,加强宣传、营造良好氛围 1.制作倡议书向各门店发放。倡导大家携手共建整洁、优美、文明、有序的城市人居环境~改善市容市貌~提升xx整体形象。 2.举办宣传讲座会议。街道、工商、村,居,委会一起召集各门店业主召开相关 培训 焊锡培训资料ppt免费下载焊接培训教程 ppt 下载特设培训下载班长管理培训下载培训时间表下载 会。 3.深入门店宣传。街道聘请2名宣传员每天深入门店开展宣传工作~各社区抽调2名干部一并深入门店对业主加强宣传。 ,二,强化整治~规范门店行为 1.街道组织城监、工商、村,居,委会干部组成专门的整治队伍~对门店进行整治~规范其行为~坚决制止其及他人在门外摆摊设点、搭棚、乱堆、乱码、乱放、乱贴、乱画等违规行为。 2.村,居,委会组建专门的整治队伍~利用各门店早晨开门营业时对其进行经营前的宣传整治。 ,三,加强管理~形成长效管理机制 街道通过集中整治后~各村,居,委会对每一条干道落实责任人加强后期管理。对认真履行“门前三包”责任制的单位和门店~挂红牌予以表彰~对履行责任一般、履行差的单位和门店~进行批评教育~责令改正~并视情节轻重实施 4reduction, to support conditions of poor villages and photovoltaic system of centralized, poor construction projects, poor overtyeck in poor villages, development of transport, vigorously promoting the construction of rural roads and ordinary roads. PV pping industry, Enterprise provides protection for the poor. In respect of transport poverty alleviation, to solve the bottlendeveloto households. In terms of financial poverty, in order to further increase the size of loans, expands the scope of delivery, high school, vocational college students ' stipends and other costs, can be through the "one card", such as direct subsidies erty, e poor, increase employment, entrepreneurial skills, ensure the transfer of training people, poverty. In terms of student povon, give a man a fish and feed him for a day, to targeted skills training and entrepreneurship training free of charge for thcommerce platform to escape poverty. In poverty reducti-credit support, helping them to use e-poor families, the provision of microf electronic commerce "hundred thousand rural village" project, free train operation staff, offering online support help for accelerate the implementation ocommerce business park, active docking Alibaba group "rural treasure", "the stars plan" and "featured the Museum" project to -poverty. In the area of poverty alleviation, to rely on e 相应处罚。真正使“门前三包”责任制~续签率和履行率两个100%。 ,四,加强督查~奖惩斗硬。 按照“门前三包”责任制的要求~严格落实监督考核。街道分管领导每天督查~主要领导每周督查一次~对“门前三包”整治工作不力的单位及个人严格实行奖惩逗硬~以促进环境卫生的改善。 ,五,狠抓落实~责任到人。 1、临街门店要认真落实“门前三包”责任制度~门店经营者要对本门店门前环境卫生负责~我街会不定期对其检查~门店“门前三包”不达标的我街将会责令整改~第二次不达标的~我街将会联同相关部门对其进行查处。 2、街道干部每人按照分工包片的原则~把本辖区范围内所有临街门店责任到人~街创卫办每15天对门前三包情况进行一次明查或暗检~并将发现问题进行通报~对管理较好门店的责任人进行通 报表 企业所得税申报表下载财务会计报表下载斯维尔报表下载外贸周报表下载关联申报表下载 扬~对管理较差或造成不良影响和后果的~将按照《xx街创建国家卫生城市工作问责暂行办法》对街包片的干部进行问责。 xx街道办事处 二O一二年九月二十三日 overty, in order to further increase the size of loans, expands the scope of delivery, developing industry, Enterprise providcial pstudents ' stipends and other costs, can be through the "one card", such as direct subsidies to households. In terms of finaneurial skills, ensure the transfer of training people, poverty. In terms of student poverty, high school, vocational college ing and entrepreneurship training free of charge for the poor, increase employment, entreprencommerce platform to escape poverty. In poverty reduction, give a man a fish and feed him for a day, to targeted skills train-credit support, helping them to use e-microhousand rural village" project, free train operation staff, offering online support help for poor families, the provision of asure", "the stars plan" and "featured the Museum" project to accelerate the implementation of electronic commerce "hundred tcommerce business park, active docking Alibaba group "rural tre-poverty. In the area of poverty alleviation, to rely on e5s of poor villages and photovoltaic system of centralized, poor construction projects, poorransport, vigorously promoting the construction of rural roads and ordinary roads. PV poverty reduction, to support conditiont of tes protection for the poor. In respect of transport poverty alleviation, to solve the bottleneck in poor villages, developmen
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