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唱歌气息(Singing breath)


唱歌气息(Singing breath)唱歌气息(Singing breath) 唱歌气息(Singing breath) How to sing soprano A human instinct, singing Have you heard the sad song rainy night blind girl? Also heard of men and women happy folk songs? These people never received vocal training, all of their songs also ma...

唱歌气息(Singing breath)
唱歌气息(Singing breath) 唱歌气息(Singing breath) How to sing soprano A human instinct, singing Have you heard the sad song rainy night blind girl? Also heard of men and women happy folk songs? These people never received vocal training, all of their songs also make you moved, because they fully play the song of nature Sing instinct. About breathing, phonation, resonance, a problem that I've talked about before, everything was a natural condition, along with all the physical conditions are produced according to nature. Unfortunately And we often abandon this natural conditions, and struggling to find some "shortcuts", "secret", it is a very sad thing. The singer in the singing role, although the throat, but also about its heart. In the singing, the larynx is completely spontaneous action, singers singing, like singing what sounds, vocal tension and oscillation frequency Will be fully consistent with the thinking. Of course, when the voice of diaphragm and abdominal muscles, ribs, voice and other fast strength. A newborn baby, do not know these things, but it can very well use those powers. When When he was crying, crying very sad; when he laughed, and a melody. It is proved that life had a capacity of a talent, can freely and with expression to use our voice. Two, the first to call for treble We do any kind of exercise, such as shot, must first lift the power shot. People who practice martial arts in order to increase the strength of hands and feet, the first train carrying water, hands and feet with the power, can the sword dance Don't sell fly out. We have to be able to resist the pressure below the vocal cords, sent up to the pronunciation. Someone asked, in the case of high pressure, vocal cords shouting sound situation will not happen, will not break vocal call? Can't, And just keep breathing and singing right posture is not broken out. As for the high position and cover up the problem, you have not high pitched shout out how to set its position? We first call, a F2, G2, and G2, five sound into a group. Do not shout too much, because the one up your breathing and posture may not sing, to sing the correct Both with the good, may wish to call some. #g2 sing well, A2 is another way of breathing. We know when the tenor to the high-pressure atmosphere of pressure up, actually at this time to use The waist of the gas (see next section), with the waist of gas Hanhao after A2, then use the same gas called B 2. Generally speaking, people sing the treble clef treble is born, we just don't use it. A girl never received vocal training, generally only sung F2, but when she suddenly encountered a terrible Things, he will be unable to restrain the emotions screaming and the scream, may arrive at the highC F3, but in any case she would not normally given to such a high tone. So don't worry, we should boldly call Treble, multi call is good. Three, breathing and posture If we have the opportunity to meet a very startling scream, we must remember that the cry of the position, and then used to sing soprano, that's right. Unlike sing sing treble bass, is the air pressure into a thin line, the impact of vocal cord. When the diaphragm has been used in the power of the vertex, but not pressure, it must use the waist. Before the apex than the large lobe, also That is below than above, above the apex is the ribs outward. With the waist, first hand akimbo (at this time do not have to pay attention to the abdominal muscles, breathe in it will naturally play a role), the air sucked in around the waist Feel around the waist, swell up, then put the gas in closed (open mouth, see Figure seven), slammed the waist and ribs to the inside of a closed chest to a pretty, you will feel pressure to suppress the palate, this is Using the method of lumbar force. As we mentioned before, we use f2--#g2 abdominal contraction to increase the pressure to A2 with the waist, to B 2, Because only a small amount of gas (but with high pressure gas), as long as the upper lip according to play Oh Look on the line less open, a little to expose the upper teeth, tongue flat on the bottom teeth, you can sing to the B 2. B by more than 2, more than highC of the sound, and B is the same as the 2 method The. Here is another example to illustrate the production capacity of singing high waist. To sing the treble with the waist force, equivalent to a long shaped balloon filled with gas, hand pinch the lower half, half training it to fullness, this is the diaphragm has risen to the peak, can not rise again. I They will be full of air suction the waist, then the waist and below the ribs inward opening a closed chest out, just like a hand balloon role, produced a strong rise in the air, and this is We used to sing soprano. Four, Close and cover Learn to sing before, when they sing the treble, to Close! It was like entering "utterly mystified". And this word, China has still in use. The true meaning of Close is unclear, not Know how much harm tenor, but also ruined many a good voice. My views on Close is off resonance box below, and open the top of the resonance box. We need to sing treble resonance, it must improve the soft cover. We open the upper lip, the purpose is to improve the soft cover, at the same time Also with the waist to open the soft top cover. As for today some people with "cover up" this term, I think it is good, it means not Bai treble, to somewhat obscure, as if there is a bowl , covered with pitch. I have many teachers to explain the problem of Close, but not the results. Then go to Italy, ask a teacher, the answer is: we have never heard the word about Italy. Ask:" Off "how to sing? As for today, we use "cover up" instead of "off" to explain the Close, it is very wise. When we sing the treble, our palate upwards, soft palate increased (yawning Like), the pressure to the crowd, gathered above, the formation of a church like that dome space, which is to make the gas filled with space, so that will be issued a beautiful soprano. If the above does not open, empty The gas does not go on, where there is high? So, with "cover up", said the sound to focus on the meaning of. We can then make a test to find this feeling: when we yawn, feel The upper part felt a chill feeling (usually feel), that is there is a space in the atmosphere. Five, the higher the easy When we got to B 2, should be said to have broken the high difficulty, can easily sing B2, C3, C3, D3, respectively, because there is no way to sing the sound of singing and several methods in the 2 bb. Sing 2 BB has opened a smaller throat, because the more big mouth throat is small, so do not fear a higher tone, is needed to support the rapid gas treble, and rapid gas, depends on the moment Bitter flavor to practice. Six, the fulcrum and the countermeasure As with both hands to lift a stone bear, our feet are stepping down, the land was uplifted; push up our hands, and stone bear is pressed down. So, here are four direction of the force, foot And the ground had a confrontation, hand and stone bear has had a confrontation. Our column is equal to the human body, the lower abdomen and two vocal cords is the fulcrum breath. Vocal breath was stopped going up, there are also "force" Against the problem. Then, the fulcrum alvine while singing without change? If the change is up or down? There is a debate on this issue. Singing, breath kept flowing out, more and more short column, at the same time, also to the lower abdomen in adduction, help the pressure in the lungs must flow out of gas. In this case, how could the "branch "Always put in a fixed place, Not with the use of breath to move up? But we can not forget that although the "pivot" with the exhaled breath constantly upward, or to keep it Under the pressure of power. Just think, if we want to get up, stretch his hand still couldn't reach you at the foot pad of a box, if you still can't get, can add up to a box, so" Fulcrum "not to increase it? How can stop at the following fixed? I heard a soprano solo in Singapore, she is the representative of Canada to tour the world. But she sings soprano, neck long, people looked very uncomfortable. She is special to sing in German Lied, the German school singing stands for "point" is always the same in the abdomen. How to sing treble tone control how can pull so long? We look at the front of the pump principle, continue to push the piston handle, the piston will gradually go up to keep the cylinder pressure, air emitted from the tube mouth. If the pump and a human body Singing activities, that is to say, the distance between the diaphragm and vocal cords are getting shorter, so also gradually change the fulcrum position, how could the old stop in a fixed place is not fixed? Seven, using tools to test With a piece of wood, some length than our shoulder width than our shoes length slightly wider four corners to make a hole, with two fingers at the rope through the hole, the length of the rope and we dropped Qi (see Figure Eight). We stand on the board, breath, and then shut the gas, big mouth pull at the rope, you can feel what is against the. At this moment, our feet increased with the ground combat, but also The breath and vocal body confrontation, so high pitched out more easily. We also used Coca-Cola empty aluminum tube (empty beer barrel), cut like aluminum stamp size, two pieces of aluminum sheet together (by hand The aluminum made slightly curved), so some aluminum sheets together have a seam. The Aluminum clip on a piece of old cloth (can be folded into a three match, then as wide) aluminum tied up with wire To become a whistle. You try to blow a bass, a soprano, from this comparison, you can feel the breath and posture of the soprano Breath. Here, some people will feel confused, because it is not good to use words to express. I am singing songs before, listen to a few years, singing and singing after a few years, vocalization, imitate and learn Then a few years. Just three years after three years, three years after three years had more than a decade...... Give me the feeling, deep breath, and singing on the success or failure of good or bad words of great significance. One A man never learned vocal sound is very flat, with a normal speaking position (voice) pronunciation, we call it the voice of "white", no color, no filtering. This is a typical vocal and singing voice only The people. In fact, if you want to improve in this area, not anti try me to introduce the following method. The sound should be from the lower abdomen as the root (called the navel) - through abdominal breath up to chest rise again caused by vibration of the vocal cords and voice! This is a sound principle. The sound should be erected on. After. Please find such a feeling: you bite into an apple, exposing the upper teeth, in a bite at the same time, the issue of "ah" sound, feel the voice in the back of the mouth and the position of the upper part of the nasal cavity. A resonance point is sound. The next breath sinking, abdominal swelling in the lower abdomen, slightly forced a top voice in the earlier position, male Adam's apple press, pay more attention to the female voice in the head up position And you will find the sound bigger than before. Regular exercise helps against the wall of sound, because the back against the wall can contact you, make it easier for you to find the feeling, and the chest wall can produce resonance and resonance And make it easier for you to find the chest feel sympathy. From the "m ~ Mom" to begin the practice, gradually increased, helps the treble breath; From high to low practice, so repeatedly, one day you will find Feeling. Pay attention to "transparent" voice often imagine their voice is erect, rather than flat; also pay attention to the "resonance", sound through the chest or pleural more resonance, will be very round Run, full. To feel sympathy, you can do this: shut your mouth, issued the "ah" sound, slightly deep feeling, "well" is a bit longer, feel the head and chest in shock, if good breath, This appeal will give your voice to add a lot of color. Listen to those foreigners speaking, will know what is called the chest resonance (pleural structure more likely to resonate with foreigners). Another point is the vital capacity, singer needs more vital capacity, such as some very long, don't breathe a word of melody, not to sing behind the red ear, only out of breath. The vital capacity to exercise regularly I can keep the body, it is engaged in sports, this is very basic. There is a master certain skills can make up for the lack of some vital capacity. We must first practice breath, sound good It can control the voice through the voice traffic, such as Panda Xiong sang "heaven" in the middle of the sentence, unstable atmosphere singer may simply not a sentence at the end of the song, there may be in Sing this sentence before because of excessive preparation and artificial, it was enough to put gas capacity to run, if the back is not breathing long words not smother him to blame. But a good singer can breath skills Control the air flow, the concert will also pay attention to the speed and severity. So I suggest you practice before practice but also need to pay attention to the vital capacity, stable atmosphere. This gas will keep you in your In a long time. Think you are out of breath for a long time has been to hold on or keep long? Of course, this also requires singers to relax, not tense, nervous, your heart beat faster. The atmosphere is more steady live. This is to rely on the perception of the. But I would like to remind that the training is based singing pop songs, do not use vocalization method straightforward pop songs, that would be too much, would like Peng Liyuan to sing" Free". A pop song with a voice, I think the main song is in line with the mood, to shout to break is also not a bad idea, but these are in addition to popular singing outside the forbidden, so we should learn from each other. We are not in order to go to practice and practice in middle and long distance running, we are practicing in long-distance running ability to practice good sprint, middle distance training because of the strength and stamina is far higher than the training sprint, so if this way down to practice, Then the premise of training sprint run in practice in the much easier. You said I have a point? Some would say that such a statement is difficult to understand, that I take Hong Kong Singers to analogy (. In fact, this method is also feasible): personally think that the singer you listen to "Sherry" and "Cai Qin", but their natural and transparent atmosphere yo; male singer is coming to you "Jacky Cheung" and "Man Wenjun", but they really rely on breath in singing. In addition, Jacky Cheung's style is very good, but Man Wenjun is more suitable for teaching, Two, soprano This is a problem most friends love to ask, in their words, for soprano "enough drag", ha ha! Again add good singing to many aspects, not to say more is better to sing soprano . Indeed, a good treble can add rendering force to the climax of the song, but advised friends not only know the value and ignore the treble bass, bass is actually full of appeal Sing the treble, breath is to lower abdomen, Nishida as the foundation, the rock stress "Nishida gas" also refers to the sound position. Feeling 1: if you are a girl, shoes suddenly have a mouse, what would you do? Estimated to be "ah ~" a cry, And "falsetto" sound position. When you calm after you. In the "ah ~" look, most will not go "ah". Why? Because you were frightened of the moment, your belly in tight, (think of being scared, not muscles tense ?) Because such a foundation, coupled with a strong airflow (can be understood as singing breath), into the throat, sound is not high. So, you can put up high feeling" Nervous "," up ", remember, all in lower abdomen for the foundation, to sing the soprano is not looked up to his, is a kind of anti gravity elastic feeling down. Feeling 2: seen rubber pipe? To the water in the pipes up to further do? Pinch the front end of the water pipe, a little gap, the pressure increases, the water ran farther. In fact, soprano doesn't have to be a great volume, there are Some singers sing the treble when great voice, we say it is a strength and vital capacity in singing, rather than in the breath and skill in singing. Imagine tap theory, should be able to understand something. Feeling 3: there is a large piece of stone on the ground, put it up. You bend over, mouth count: "one or two, three, go......" And I think the word "go" you must use the breath. I will not say The feeling about it, what are the heavy side...... Ha-ha~ It's just something I created to make you feel the breath, not regular, but very effective. Would like to tell you a little about the performance, treble with your own voice, if the voice is high pitched natural great advantages, such as "Sun Nan" is a typical high soprano voice, so no deduction Laborious. Voice is not a good singer and a lot of methods rely on the breath, but whether it is good or not good voice, voice is sung by the breath, like a cigarette filter tip through the same sound Audio filtering will be more beautiful. I also tell you a psychological method, note and imagine that you are in the face of the vast sea of singing, endless sky, the scenery is not worth you cry? Three, exercise capacity There are many reasons for spirometry numerical declined year by year, the main reason is: lack of effective physical training methods and not enough physical exercise. There are many ways to exercise vital capacity Following a brief introduction to three. Methods do a regular chest, arm, unarmed exercises etc.. Methods two endurance running exercises, pay attention to adhere to, and often run with breathing, proper distance, the intensity is not large. Methods three diving or swimming, not only the arm in the water to keep the water, but also to overcome the resistance of the water breathing exercise is a good way to improve vital capacity. Training methods to improve vital capacity are: football, basketball, running and so on. Note that no matter what method chosen, we must persevere often practice to be effective. The mechanism of these exercises is: to increase the strength of the respiratory muscles, improve lung elasticity, breathing depth increase and deepen, enhance and improve the efficiency and function of lung, so as to improve the detection capacity The purpose of the numerical. The tenor needs the support of breath, the support from the muscles of the waist, the easiest way is to find the feeling of the waist force for constipation, also need to have some singing voice, can try With the hum way to practice, is popular, you sing this song, then use humming feeling with the strength of the waist to sing soprano. The song is played two roles, you are the first works of appreciation, this step you need a good understanding of the lyrics works meaning, ideas, profound experience and compositional meaning of love song writer! The second is the expression of your work, you through your concert to understand the songs, you need to fully express what you feel. Sing to sing what to what, Must pay attention to the development of melody, note Italy strength comparison, sing the melody with the best curve of the United States, as when we speak of Yin yang. And imitation is very effective. Listen, look, think!!! Speak nicely, is also an important aspect of people's pursuit of beauty. As the saying goes, heard as people, a sweet or deep and rich voice, people will leave the beautiful recollection and imagination, and The beauty of sound, has the congenital vocal development condition, has acquired the maintenance of reason, in fact, there is a close relationship between the acquired maintenance and voice to voice to obtain the beautiful voice from the following two aspects Maintenance. Diet health. The use of the voice occupation of the people, should pay special attention to the diet supplement of vitamin A, vitamin C and vitamin B. Such as the lack of vitamin A, nasal and throat inflammation, prone to dry. Such as vitamin C The lack of easily lead to nasal mucosal bleeding and vocal weakness. Vitamin B can maintain the normal function of otolaryngology. The voice is conducive to the protection of food: apple, pear, orange, sweet voice of good food Banana, green radish, tomato, cucumber, cabbage, Chinese cabbage, rape, celery, spinach, tofu, egg, honey, Soybean Milk, these delicate food good for throat, throat and open sound, and contains many Vitamin and inorganic salt, in order to maintain good health. Eat cold food: hot food overheat easily cause throat mucous hyperemia, articulation and resonance effect. Too cold food can make the throat muscles produce abnormal The contraction and spasm, the venous reflux disorder, caused by mucosa damage, affect the normal function of laryngeal muscles and vocal cords. Not excessive drinking and eating spicy things, because alcohol and garlic, pepper Pepper, and other food on the mouth, throat and esophagus mucosa irritation, easy to make these parts of congestion, swelling, and voice disorders. The living habits of health. The vocal cord is very delicate, not excessive use of sound in the upper respiratory tract infection, but also not in the menstrual period or the changing period of excessive use of voice, in the meantime, the vocal organs in congestion state, Incontinently rap shout, make vocal "one disaster after another". Resolutely quit smoking. Because of the fog light tobacco contains large amounts of nicotine, easy to reduce respiratory and mucosal defense ability of vocal organs . Life should be the law, to ensure adequate sleep, lack of sleep will make the blood tend to acidic, resulting in muscle fatigue, especially the throat muscles are very sensitive, often caused by vocal hoarseness. People need to pay attention, many people think that the voice is not wrong, don't eat anti-inflammatory drugs Big deal, will be good. In fact, there may have been buried under There's no telling risks, it must be early to see Doctor。 1. "how to protect the throat" The throat is the only way which must be passed to normal breathing, is also an important sounder. So everyone should pay attention to protect the throat, especially teachers, actors, broadcasters, more attention should be paid to. First of all to pay attention to outdoor activities, to enhance the body's defense against disease, avoid pharyngitis, laryngitis. The second is to develop throat health habits. Before and after meals to the pharynx water gargle, usually drink tea, keep the throat clean. Smoking and drinking in moderation, otherwise it will stimulate the throat and chronic inflammation group . If the occurrence of throat discomfort, itching, dryness or burning sensation, can use hot fumigation therapy. The method is to have a hot cup of tea or oral teapot breath, soon the discomfort disappeared. Can also be complex Our tincture of benzoin about thirty ml with about five hundred ml boiling water rushed in a large bowl, hot air to breathe. There may also be the chrysanthemum, honeysuckle or other water when tea drink. Many XX have this problem, so it is with my throat. Copy some prescription for reference side: Whatever the causes of hoarseness, their common features are associated with vocal cord and surrounding tissue hyperemia, swelling and pain, the method has a good curative effect. 1. mix to eat tremella. Will Tremella wash swelling, tear into strips, blanch in boiling water, then cold boiling water rinse, after adding vinegar to eat two times a day, 2 days after the intake is not restricted, can be improved. 2. mix to eat celery. The celery washed, cut, pressed the vinegar mix to eat, a small cap each time, 2 times a day. 3. drink herbal tea concentrated water. Will be 25 grams of tea with boiling water rushed a cup of strong tea, often drink after cooling. 4. wind suction. Essential balm pour in a clean handkerchief put a few drops of suction in the nose, daily 4 ~ 6 times. 5. cold neck. With cold water or ice water soaked towel, deposited in the anterior neck throat, 20 minutes, 3-4 times a day. 6. mint and chrysanthemum each 6 grams, boiling water when the tea, a daily agent. 3. it had to try -- tea egg Egg tea (cure sore throat hoarse) Take a fresh egg, a bowl of rice to knock to the egg liquid, burn some boiling water, poured into the egg inside the egg into the egg flower, add a little sugar and sesame oil, hot drink this is the legend of the egg Tea. 4. how to protect your throat The voice is husky aphonia who need long time speech or incorrect use of the throat, often encounter problems. If a sustained over two weeks, to find the best Department of ENT physician examination and treatment. commonly No sound, the rest is the best method for treating hoarseness, vocal cords as long it is not necessarily surgery, can do first language therapy, when excessive ineffective nodules or speech therapy, it must accept the throat inside Mirror microsurgery. The following are some daily life on the protection of voice: a recipe) limit outside the speaking time, reduce the unnecessary long time chat or call. Two) use the appropriate volume to speak Use of microphones, to cope with the shortage of volume. Three) speak slower, speaking often breathe a word, don't pull too long. Four) tone of speech should not be too low or too high, and every word Don't put the accent prefix. Five) word is not correct way of speaking. Six) long time speech, should drink warm boiling water to keep the throat moist. Seven) try to use the abdomen (the navel) easily voice, do not use His chest or neck muscles taut way. Eight) do not smoke, drink, do not eat spicy fried foods, such as tea, coffee, pepper, chocolate, cold drinks etc.. Nine) should avoid forcibly clear the throat, cough Such action. Ten) enough sleep, don't eat too much before going to bed. Eleven) appropriate exercise, always keep a happy mood and relax. Twelve) cold should be reduced to speak, at this time should drink plenty of warm Boiling water and vocal maintenance. Thirteen) throat sugar, mangosteen, loquat paste or Penghu sea, only slightly ease the symptoms, not excessive dependence. 5. how to protect the throat? The experts made the following recommendations: 1, drink plenty of water, avoid drinking alcohol and coffee. Keep the water balance in the body can fully nourish the vocal cords. 2, don't smoke, even passive smoking should be avoided, because smoking can significantly increase the risk of cancer. 3, do not excessive use of the voice. Don't scream in noisy areas don't speak loudly. If you feel dry throat or talk hoarse, then stop talking. To maintain the normal voice, not too high or too low For the protection of voice, whispered speech is bad. 4, not too much to clear the throat. Because when you do this action, the flow will be violently shaking the vocal cords, and vocal cord injury. If you feel uncomfortable throat, then small drinking or swallowing. But if you must keep clear the throat, then go to check with the doctor, perhaps reflux disease, allergies and other diseases in trouble. 5, when you because of the cold or infection and hoarseness, try not to talk
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