首页 初中英语经典练习题及答案解析



初中英语经典练习题及答案解析初中英语经典练习题及答案解析 精品文档 初中英语经典练习题及答案解析 单项选择题一向是各省市中考的必考题型。它的特点是考点多,覆盖面广,题量大。其主要考查点是: 1. 考查基本语法; 2. 考查同义词、近义词的辨析; 3. 考查各种词汇的惯用法和固定搭配; 4. 考查掌握和运用日常交际用语的能力。 由于单项选择题所考查的范围较广,所以要想做好此类题一要具备扎实的英语基础知识,二要紧扣语境,抓住关键词。具体应注意以下几点: 1. 复习时要弄清初中阶段所出现的几种主要时态和语态的用法、结构、与之 连...

初中英语经典练习题及答案解析 精品文档 初中英语经典练习题及答案解析 单项选择题一向是各省市中考的必考题型。它的特点是考点多,覆盖面广,题量大。其主要考查点是: 1. 考查基本语法; 2. 考查同义词、近义词的辨析; 3. 考查各种词汇的惯用法和固定搭配; 4. 考查掌握和运用日常交际用语的能力。 由于单项选择题所考查的范围较广,所以要想做好此类题一要具备扎实的英语基础知识,二要紧扣语境,抓住关键词。具体应注意以下几点: 1. 复习时要弄清初中阶段所出现的几种主要时态和语态的用法、结构、与之 连用的状语及各自的特殊用法。重点要分清现在完成时、一般过去时的用 法。对宾语从句、状语从句、动词不定式、比较等级以及它们的用法规则 都要一一弄清楚。还要注意固定搭配、习惯用语、动词的时态和语态、动 词辨析以及不同词性的词的用法。 2. 在解题方面要突出语境,在语境中选语句和词汇, 1 / 35 精品文档 防止汉语思维的干扰。 英语中一些关键词的含义往往是由它所处的语义环境决定的, 答题时如忽视了语境,就很容易答错题。 3. 在解题时要注意句型结构和语序。要掌握初中阶段所出现的句型结构,注 意宾语从句、感叹句的语序。 4. 掌握习语和日常交际用语。应掌握大纲词汇、习惯用语。由于文化背景和 风俗习惯的不同,对于一些日常交际用语应记牢。 从近几年来全国各地的中考试卷分析可以看出,单项选择题的考点主要分布在:名词、动词、形容词、副词、 代词、冠词、连词、介词、情态动词;时态、语态;词义辨析、语序、各种不同的从句及交际用语上。 在做单项选择题时,同学们除应具有较扎实的语言基础知识和善于思考外,掌握一些解题方法是很有必要的。 由于单项选择覆盖面广,其解题思路也多种多样。下面我们举例谈谈一些常用的解题方法。 1. 直接法: 即直接利用相关语法知识,通过题干中的已供信息,捕捉到解题线索,从而得出正确答案的解题方法,例如: --- Will you come to the net barswith me? 2 / 35 精品文档 A. not go B. go C. not to go D. to go 根据句意可知此题考查动词不定式的否定形式,即 tell sb. not to do sth.,故此题应选C。 2. 关键词法 许多题目中都有这样一些词,它们对于快速而准确地 判定答案起着至关重要的作用。我们称这些词为关键词。找 到句中的关键词,也就找到了解题的突破口,例如: He hardly hurt himself in the accident, _______________? A. doesn’t heB. didn’t he C. did he D. does he 该题中hardly与hurt是起关键词作用的。凡陈述部 分含有hardly, never, little, few等否定意义的词时, 反意疑问句用肯定形式;而hurt一词的过去式与原形相同, 此处hurt未加s,应为过去式。因此本题答案C是正确的。 --- What did you see, Mary? --- I saw a lot of trees on_______________of the lake. A. either side B. all sides C. both sides D. other side 在平时练习中,我们接触的多是下列 关于同志近三年现实表现材料材料类招标技术评分表图表与交易pdf视力表打印pdf用图表说话 pdf 达:on both sides of the road / street / river。但本题中lake无 两边之分,只能是“在四周”。所以正确答案是B。本题中 3 / 35 精品文档 lake一词成为关键词。 3. 类推法 如果对题目的备选答案没有十分把握或把握很小,不 妨利用“如果A对,那么B也对”的类推法,从而可将A、B 予以否定,例如: --- Who’s the man at the door? --- ___________________________. A. He is a doctor B. He is a friend of mine C. He is a famous singer D. He is twenty 仔细分析备选答案就可发现:A、C选项针对的是“职 业”。若A是对的,那么C也会是对的。D回答的是年龄。 故惟有B才是正确的。 4. 前后照应法 此方法多用于两个以上句子或对话形式命题的题目。 解题前,透彻理解,然后联系上下文,捕捉隐含信息,方能 准确找出答案,例如: --- He isn’t a teacher, is he? --- __________________. He works in a hospital. A. Yes, he is B. No, he isn’t C. Yes, He isn’t D. No, he is 本题考查否定句的反意疑问句的回答。由后半句的回 答,我们知道“他”的身份不是教师;否定反意疑问句回答 4 / 35 精品文档 中的Yes其实际含义为“不”,No的实际含义为“是”。因 此应选择的是B。再如: --- It’s dangerous to play here. --- All right. Let’s go and find a _______________place. A. quiet B. safe C. bright D. dark 联系上下文即可弄清语境:既然在这里玩危险,那么 就找个安全的地方。此题应选B。 5. 排除法 根据题干提供的信息,先把一眼就看出的干扰项排 除,缩小选择范围,然后将剩余的选项填入空白处进行检验, 辨别真伪,例如: The girl asked the teacher _______________. A. what does the museum looks like B. what did the museum look like C. what the museum looks likeD. what the museum looked like 本题主要考查宾语从句中的语序及时态的对应关系。 主句动词是过去时,从句的谓语动词也应是过去时的某种时 态,故A、C被排除。而B中有词序错误,所以D为正确答 案。 6. 交际法 5 / 35 精品文档 此方法可用30个交际用语,联系上下文直接解题, 例如: --- Would you like to have another cup of tea? --- _______________________________. A. Yes, I do B. Not al allC. No, thanksD. Help yourself 本题主要考查简答交际用语的应答。对别人的邀请, 如果表示不接受时,应委婉说出,不能断然拒绝。因此,选 C是最佳答案。 以上六种方法,大家要在具备扎实的基础知识条件 下,灵活运用。同时,我们还要提醒大家注意以下几点: 不要受母语思维习惯的影响。学习外语常常会受母语 习惯的影响。因此解题时也常会受母语思维模式的影响, 例如: --- __________________is the capital of America? --- Washington. A. Where B. What C. In whereD. In which 汉语中常可这样发问“美国的首都是哪儿?”所以有 人会选A,但英语中where是副词,表示地点。本句是问 美国首都是哪个城市,所以正确的选择是B。再如: A. Though; but B. Though; × C. Because; so D. Because; × 6 / 35 精品文档 汉语中有关联词“虽然„„但是”、“因为„„所 以”,但在英语中though与but, because和so是不可搭配使 用的。由题意可知只有B是正确答案。 防止定势思维。有些固定搭配或习惯表达法大家掌握较牢靠,但也正是由于受到这些习惯表达的影响,犯一些 思维定势的错误,例如: I won’t come back _______________August and. A. untilB. bothC. betweenD. for 受not„until这一固定搭配的影响,很多人会选A。但若仔细审题,则答案应选C。因为“回来”这一动作不 能同时发生在两个不同的日期。再如: Canada is larger than _____________country in Asia. A. any other B. other C. any D. all others “比较级 + any other + 单数名词”是一种典型的比较级结构。所以有人会选A。但Canada是美洲国家,和 亚洲国家相比不存在与自身相比较的问题。所以不可用other排除自身。正确的答案选C。 防止“鱼目混珠”。有些词由于词性、词义不同,它的用法也不同,应注意辨别,例如: --- Do you know if he ________________to play 7 / 35 精品文档 basketball with us? --- I think he will come if he ________________free tomorrow. A. comes; is B. comes; will be C. will come; is D. will come; will he 若不注意审题,很容易误选A。但若仔细分析,就会 发现前者if作“是否”解,而后者意为“如果”。二者分 别引导宾语从句和条件状语从句。英语中,只有在时 间、条件状语从句时,从句中用一般现在时代替将来时, 在其他从句中无此用法。所以C是正确答案。再如: He made faces _____________the baby _____________crying. A. to make; stop B. make; stop C. make; to stop D. to make; to stop 题中两个make用法不同。make faces意为“做鬼 脸”,后接动词不定式作目的状语;后一个make意为“使 得”, 是一个使役动词,其后接动词原形作宾补,即make sb. do sth. 所以此题应选A。 21. ---Have you ever heard from your aunt since she went to Hong Kong? 8 / 35 精品文档 ---Yes, I?ve just got a letter from __________. A. her B. hers C. she D. herself 答案:A。该题考查的是代词用法。这个句子的基本 结构时get a letter from sb.因为from是个介词,后面所跟代词应用人 称代词的宾格her。 22. I?m reading now. Please tell him _______ the TV a bit. A. turn up B. turn off C. to turn down D. to turn on 答案:C。该题考查的是短语动词辨析。题干所提供 的语境是“我正在看书”,因此应告诉他把电视拧小一些。 所以应选turn down。 23. I?m sure you know the difference _________ “look for” and “find”. A. fromB. for C. to D. between 答案:D。该题考查的是介词的用法。题干的意思是 “我确信你知道?look for?和?find?两者之间地区别。“两 者 之间的”只能用between来 表示。 24. There ________ a football match on TV this 9 / 35 精品文档 evening. A. will have B. is going to be C. has D. is going to have 答案:B。该题考查的是动词have和句型there be 的区别。 A, C, D都是句型there be 和动词have的混合,都 是错误的。只有B一个选项正确。 25. A talk on science _______ in our school next Monday. A. will give B. will be given C. has given D. has been given 答案:B。该题考查的是动词时态和语态。时间状语 是next Monday,所以动词应用一般将来时,因此应排除 C和D。而主语是动作的承受者,所以应用被动语态。 只有选项B正确。 26. Since China has been a member of WTO, English is ________ useful than before. A. more B. most C. much D. very 答案:A。该题考查的是形容词的比较级。在句末有 than before字样,表明要用形容词的比较级,而useful 的比较级是more useful, 所以应选more。 27. It _______ Yang Liwei about1 hours _______ 10 / 35 精品文档 the earth 1times in his spaceship. A. spent, circling B. took, travelling C. spent, to travel D. took, to circle 答案:D。该题考查的是动词的用法。本句子的结构 是It took sb. some time to do sth. 只有D能用在这一 结 构中。 28. The students are sorry to hear that the famous singer _______ for half an hour. A. has left B. has gone C. has been away D. has gone away 答案:C。该题考查的是延续性动词和非延续性动词 的用法。因为本句中的时间状语是for half an hour,表 示的是一段时间,所以应和延续性动词连用。四个选 项中只有has been away能表示延续性的动作。 29. I am waiting for my friend. _________, I will go swimming alone. A. If he doesn?t comeB. If he won?t comeC. If he will comeD. If he is coming 答案:A。该题考查的是在时间状语从句里的时态。 在时间状语从句里,通常用一般现在是代替一般将来时。 30. ---Could you tell me _______? 11 / 35 精品文档 ---Sorry, I don?t know. I was not at the meeting. A. what does he say at the meeting B. what did he say at the meetingC. what he says at the meetingD. what he said at the meeting 答案:D。该题考查的是宾语从语的语序和时态。第 一,宾语从句应用陈述句的语序;第二,表示“在会上 所说的话”应用一般过去时。 1. Ann is so careful that she always goes over her exercises to _______________there are no mistakes. A. look for B. make sure C. find out D. think about 2. --- Which of the two English dictionaries will you buy? --- I’ll buy _________ of them, so I can give one to my friend, Hellen. A. either B. neither C. all D. both 3. He __________ two thousand trees since 1985. A. plants B. planted C. will plant D. has planted 4. ___________ you free last night? A. Were B. Was C. Are D. Do 12 / 35 精品文档 5. --- Dad, when will you be free? You agreed to go to the seaside with me four days ago. A. four-days B. four-day C. four days D. four day was an interesting book. A. that B. how C. what D. if A. Wool B. Chicken C. Pork D. Milk 8. Which of the following does paper burn in? A. CO B. N C. O D. He 9. Today, the forests have almost gone. People must ___________down too many trees. A. stop to cutB. stop from cuttingC. be stopped to cut D. be stopped from cutting 10. --- You must come back every month. A. will B. must C. shouldD. can A. save B. to save C. saved D. saving A. come; areB. will come; will beC. will come; are D. come; will be A. try; on B. get; off C. take; down D. pick; up A. do B. had C. didD. have A. borrow B. lend C. keep D. buy A. an; a B. a; an C. an; 不填 D. a; 不填 A. trouble B. idea C. luck D. time A. thousands B. thousands of C. thousand of D. thousand A. wrong 13 / 35 精品文档 somethingB. something wrong C. anything wrong D. nothing wrong 20.--- I’ve had enough bread. Would you like_____________? --- No thanks. A. a few more B. one more C. another more D. some more A. my, your B. mine, yours C. my, yours D. your, my 22. The father wished the twins to be doctors, but __________of them liked to study medicine. A. both B. neither C. either D. none 23. Now Helen works ______________than before. A. more carefullyB. more careful C. much careful D. much carefully 24. We are doing much better __________English ________our teacher’s help. 1.The place _______interested me most was the Children’s Palace. A. Which B. where C. what D. in which 2.Do you know the man _______? A. whom I spoke B. to who spoke C. I spoke to D. that I spoke 14 / 35 精品文档 3.This is the hotel _______last month. A. which they stayed B. at that they stayed C. where they stayed at D. where they stayed 4.Do you know the year ______the Chinese Communist Party was founded? A. which B. that C. when D. on which 5.That is the day ______I’ll never forget. A. which B. on which C. in which D. when 6.The factory ______we’ll visit next week is not far from here. A. where B. to which C. which D. in which 7.Great changes have taken place since then in the factory _______we are working. A. where B. that C. which D. there 8.This is one of the best films _______. A. that have been shown this year B. that have shown C. that has been shown this year D. that you talked 9.Can you lend me the book ______the other day? A. about which you talked B. which you talked C. about that you talked D. that you talked 15 / 35 精品文档 10.The pen ______he is writing is mine. A. with which B. in which C. on which D. by which 11.They arrived at a farmhouse, in front of ______sat a small boy. A. whom B. who C. which D. that 12.The engineer ______my father works is about0 years old. A. to whom B. on whom C. with which D. with whom 13.It there anyone in your class ______family is in the country? A. who B. who’s C. which D. whose 14.I’m interested in ______you have said. A. all that B. all what C. that D. which 15.I want to use the same dictionary ______was used yesterday. A. which B. who C. what D. as 16.He isn’t such a man ______he used to be. A. who B. whom C. that D. as 17.He is good at English, ______we all know. A. that B. as C. whom D. what 18.Li Ming, ______to the concert enjoyed it very much. 16 / 35 精品文档 A. I went with B. with whom I went C. with who I went D.I went with him 19.I don’t like ______ as you read. A. the novels B. the such novels C. such novels D. same novels 20.He talked a lot about things and persons ________they remembered in the school. A. which B. that C. whom D. what 21.The letter is from my sister, ______is working in Beijing. A. which B. that C. whom D. who 22.In our factory there are,000 workers, two thirds of ____are women. A. them B. which C. whom D. who 23.You’re the only person ______I’ve ever met ______could do it. A. who;/ B./; whom C. whom;/ D./; who 24.I lost a book, ______I can’t remember now. A. whose title B. its title C. the title of it D. the title of that 25.Last summer we visited the West Lake, ______Hangzhou is famous in the world. 17 / 35 精品文档 A. for which B. for that C. in which D. what 26.I have bought such a watch _______ was advertised on TV. A. that B. which C. as D. it 27.I can never forget the day _______ we worked together and the day ______ we spent together. A. when; which B. which; when C. what; that D. on which; when 28.The way ______he looks at problems is wrong. A. which B. whose C. what D./ 29.This is the reason ______he didn’t come to the meeting. A. in which B. with which C. that D. for which 30.This machine, ______for many years, is still working perfectly. A. after which I have looked B. which I have looked after C. that I have looked after D. I have looked after 31.The reason ______he didn’t come was ______he was ill. A. why; that B.that;why C. for that;that D.for which;what 18 / 35 精品文档 32.He is working hard, ______will make him pass the final exam. A.that B.which C.for which D.who 33.That is not the way ______I do it. A./ B.which C.for which D.with which 34.I have two grammars, ______are of great use. A. all of which B. either of which C. both of that D. both of which 35.I want to use the same tools _______used in your factory a few days ago. A. as was B. which was C. as were D. which 36.My neigh bours used to give me a hand in time of trouble, _______ was very kind of them. A. who B. which C. that D. it 37.This is the magazine _______ I copied the paragraph. A. that B. which C. from that D. from which 38.He is not such a man _______ would leave his work half done. A. that B. which C. who D. as 39. You can depend on whatever promise _______ he makes. 19 / 35 精品文档 A. / B. why C. when D. whose 40. Smoking, _______ is a bad habit, is, however, popular. A. that B. which C. it D. though 41. --- Did you ask the guard _______ happened? --- Yes, he told me all _______ he knew. A. what; that B. what; what C. which; which D. that; that 42. I shall never forget those years _______ I lived on the farm with the farmers, _______ has a great effect on my life. A. when; who B. that; which C. which; that D. when; which 43. The number of the people who _______ cars _______ increasing. A. owns; are B. owns; is C. own; is D. own; are 44. During the days ________, he worked as a servant at the Browns. A. followed B. following C. to follow D. that followed 45. Is oxygen the only gas _______ helps fire burn? A. that B. / C. which D. it 20 / 35 精品文档 46. The clever boy made a hole in the wall, _______ he could see _____ was going on inside house. A. which; what B. through which; what C. through that; what D. what; that 47. Is _______ some German friends visited last week? A. this school B. this the school C. this school one D. this school where 48. John got beaten in the game, _______ had been expected. A. as B. that C. what D. who 49. I have bought two ballpens, _______ writes well. A. none of them B. neither of them C. neither of which D. none of which 50. All that can be eaten _______ eaten up. A. are being B. has been C. had been D. have been 参考答案及解析 1. A. which用作关系代词,在定语从句中作主语。 2(C. “和谁讲话”要说speak to sb. 本题全句应 为Do you know the man whom I spoke to.。whom是关系 代词,作介词to的宾语,可以省略。 21 / 35 精品文档 3. D. where是关系副词,表示地点,在定语从句中作地点状语。 4. C. when是关系副词,表示时间,在定语从句中作时间状语。 5(A. which是关系代词,在从句中作forget的宾语。其他几个答案都不能作宾语。 6(C. 解析同第5题。 7. A. 解析见第3题。 8. A. 本句话的先行词应该是films,因此,关系代词that是负数概念,其谓语动词应用复述的被动语态have been shown。如果句中的one前面使用了定冠词the,则the one应该视为先行词。 9. A. “谈到某事物”应说talk about sth.。about是介词,其后要用which作宾语,不能用that。 10. A. with which是”介词+关系代词”结构,常用来引导定语从句.with有”用”的意思,介词之后只能用which,不能用that. with which在定语从句中作状语,即he is writing with a pen. 11. C. in front of which 即in front of a farmhouse. In front of which在从句中作状语. 12. D. with whom引导定语从句.with whom放在从句中即为:my father works with the engineer. 22 / 35 精品文档 13. D. whose引导定语从句,在从句中作主语family的定语. 14. A. that引导定语从句,因为先行词是all,所以只能选用that引导. 15. D. the same„„..as是固定用法, as引导定语从句时,可以作主语,宾语或表语.在本句话中,as作从句的主语. 16. D. such„„„ as是固定用法,as引导定语从句时,可以作主语,宾语或表语.在本题中,as作表语. 17. B. as作关系代词可以单独用来引导非限制性定语从句。这时as所指代的不是主句中某个名词,而往往指代整个主句的含义。as在从句中可以作主语、宾语。从句可放在主句后,也可置于主句前。在本句中,as作宾语. 18. B. Li Ming enjoyed it very much是主句,with whom I went to the concert是定语从句.with whom放在从句中为:I went to the concert with Li Ming. 19. C. as引导定语从句时通常构成such„as或the same„as固定搭配,其中such和same修饰其后的名词,as为关系代词,指代其前的名词引导定语从句。 as在从句中可以作主语、表语或宾语。Such修饰单数名词时,要用such a„„..,本题中such books, such直接修饰复数名词. 20. B. things和persons是先行词.当定语从句要修 23 / 35 精品文档 饰的先行词是既表示人,又表示物的名词时,其关系代词要用that. 21. D. who引导非限制性定语从句,who作从句的主语. 22. C. two thirds of whom 即:two thirds of the,000 workers. 23. D. 先行词person后有两个定语从句,第一个从句省略了关系代词whom.因为, whom作从句中met的宾语,可以省略.第二个从句who could do it.who在从句中作主语,不可省略. 24. A. whose title引导非限制性定语从句,whose title也可以说成the title of which 25. A. for which 引导定语从句,使用介词for,是来自于从句中的固定短语 be famous for “以„„..而闻名”. 26. C. 当先行词被such修饰时,引导定语从句的关系代词要用as. As在本从句中作主语. 27. A. 两个先行词the day都是表示时间的名词,但第一个空白处要填的关系词在从句中作状语,因此要用关系副词when. 第二个空白处要填的关系词在从句中作动词spent的宾语,因此要用关系代词which或that来引导定语从句. 28. D. 在way、distance、direction等词后的定语 24 / 35 精品文档 从句中,常用that来代替“in +which”、when或where,而that常可省略。 29. D. for which在定语从句中作原因状语,可用why 来替代. 30. B. which I have looked after 构成一个非限制性定语从句. 31. A. The reason why„ was that„.已成为一种 固定句型,这一句中的why和that不能随意换位,也不能将that改成because,尽管that这个词在译文中可能有 “因为”的含义。 32. B. 非限制性定语从句常用which引导,which表示前句话的整个含义. 33. A. 解释见28题. 34. D. 主句中的two表明不能选A.从句中的are表明不能选B. both of which用来引导非限制性定语从句. 35. C. as引导定语从句时通常构成such„as或the same„as固定搭配,其中such和same修饰其后的名词,as为关系代词,指代其前的名词引导定语从句。as在从句中可以作主语、表语或宾语。本题中as作从句的主语. 36. B. 非限制性定语从句常用which引导,which表示前句话的整个含义. 37. D. 25 / 35 精品文档 38. D. 解析见35题. 39. A. he makes是定语从句, 从句前省略了关系代词that. 40. B. which is a bad habit 非限制性定语从句. 41. A. what happened是宾语从句. all 之后that he knew是定语从句.先行词是all,所以关系代词只能用that. 42. D. years是表示时间的名词,用when引导定语从句,是因为when在从句中作时间状语.第二个空选用which,引导一个非限制性定语从句. 43. C. 本句话的定语从句是who own cars. 其先行词是people,因此,定语从句的谓语动词要用复数的own。本句话主句的主语是The number of指“„..的数目”,是单数概念。因此,主句的谓语动词要用is。 44. D. that followed是定语从句,关系代词that在从句中作主语。 45. A. 先行词gas被only修饰,关系代词要用that,而不用which。 46. B. through which引导定语从句,through which即through the hole,在定语从句中作状语。What引导的是see的宾语从句,并作从句的主语。 47. B. 为便于理解,改写本句话:This is the school that some Germanfriends visited last week. 不难看出, 26 / 35 精品文档 作表语的the school是先行词。that引导了定语从句,因为that同时又作visited的宾语,所以被省略了。其它选项结构不对。 48. A. 解释见35题。 49. C. 因为是two ballpens, 并且定语从句的谓语writes是单数概念。因此,C是正确选项。 50. B. 本句话中,主句的主语是all,为抽象概念。因此,其谓语应用单数的has been。关系代词that引导定语从句,并在从句中作主语。 初中英语语法各个击破 1 目录 一( 名词 二( 形容词 三( 代词 四( 数词 五( 冠词 六( 动词 动词不定式 七( 副词八( 介词九( 连词十( 比较级和最高级 十一( 定语从句十二( 主谓一致十三( 状语从句十四( 虚拟语气十五( 倒装句 十六( 独立主格十七( 其他重点语法 初中英语语法专项练习二——形容词 一 选择正确的答案 27 / 35 精品文档 1.Which does Jimmy like _______, Chinese or art? A. well B. bestC. betterD. much 2. The Changjiang River is one of ______ in the world. A. the longest river B. The more C. the longest rivers D. longer river . ______ of the two women is Mrs Brown. A. The beautiful B. The more beautiful C. More beautiful D. The most beautiful . My mooncake is nicer _______ his.A. like B. with C. for D. than . You are fatter than _______.A. he B. his C. him D. he is tall . He jumps _______ of the three. A. far B. futher C. farthest D. furthest . My hair is longer than _______. A. my sister B. Kate C. my brother’s D.Lucys’ . There is ______ paper here. Please bring some.A. little B. less C. fewer D. a little9. The pen is ______ than that one. A. more cheap B. cheap C. much cheaper D. quite cheaper 10. Tom speaks Chinese _______ better than Jimmy.A. more B. very C. a lot D. much 11. There are _______ girls in Class than in Class. 28 / 35 精品文档 A. more B. nicest C. most D. best 12. It’s too ______ for you to do that. A. easy B. more dangerous C. harder D. the easist 13. Who has ______ apples now, Jim, Lily or Lucy? A. much B. biggest C. better D. the most 14. You have more rulers than me. But ______ are nicer than _______.A. mine, yours B. mine, your C. my, yours D. my, your 15. Tingting is ______ than Meimei,but Meimei is ______ than Tingting. A. tall, stronger B. taller, strongest C. tallest, strong D. taller, stronger 16. Mother is _______ in my family. A. busy B. busier C. the busiest D. more busy 17. There are _______ in the park on Sundays. A. more children B. a lot of people C. much men and women D. many peoples 18. The dumplings are _______ than the noodles, I think. A. more nicer B. much delicious C. very nice D. much more delicious 19. She is _______ than me at drawing. A. better B. best C. good D. harder 20. This blue sweater is too big for me. Will you 29 / 35 精品文档 please show me a ______ one?A. small B. smaller C. the smallest D. smallest 二(用所给词的适当形式填空 1. Your classroom is _______ and _______ than ours. 2. There are _______ hours of sunlight a day in winter than in summer. . Which do you like _______, maths or chemistry? . This is the ______ film I have ever seen. 3 5. Africa is the second _______ continent. . What he said made his mother much ______. . I’m not as _______ as he. 8. We’ve got as _______ books as we need. 9. They have done _______ work with ______ money. 10. Practice as ______ as you can. 11. You’re the ______ person I’ve ever seen. 12. He is _____ than his two sisters. 13. The ______ I get, the ______ I seem to feel. 14. The weather is getting ______ and ______ . 15. You are far ______ than you were. 16. The patient is no ______ than people. 17. Summer is ______ season of the year. 30 / 35 精品文档 18. I can do it well with even ______ money. 三(中考真题测试 1. The air in Beijing is getting much ______ now than a few years ago. A. clean B. cleaner C. cleanest D. the cleanest 2. My cousin has changed a lot. She used to be ______ but now she is tall. A. short B. thin C. prettyD.heavy 3. Mobile phones are very popular now and they are ______ than before. A. cheap B. cheaper C. cheapest D. the cheapest 4. —We spent all our money because we stayed at the most expensive hotel in town. —Why didn’t you stay at _____ one? A. a cheap B. a cheaper C. the cheap D. the cheaper . —Do you like western food? — No. The food of our country is ______ that of western countries. A. rather good than B. much better than C. more better than D. not so good as6. This is _____ that all of us believe it’s very important. A. such useful information B. so useful an information C. so useful information D. such a useful 31 / 35 精品文档 information . — Mum, could I have an MP3 — Certainly, we can buy _____ one, but as good as this. A. a cheap B. a cheapest C. a cheaper D. the cheapest 8. The harder we work, the ______ result we will get. A. faster B. fewer C. better D. the cheapest 9. We should keep our eyes ______ while doing eye exercises. A. close B. closed C. open D. opened 10. Look at the man in the right picture. He is ______. A. right-handed B. left-handed C. no hand D. a hand 11. — Tom is good at drawing. How about Mike? — Mike is ______, I think. He has got more prizes than Tom.A. well B. OK C. good D. better 12. — Have you bought that digital camera? — No, I can’t afford it. The price is a bit ______. A. now B. high C. cheap expensive 13. Now more and more Chinese people are ______ enough to buy cars. A. rich B. weak C. poor D. strong 14. Kate is really ______. She’s never angry with others. A. tall B. friendly C. lucky D. clever 4 15. —Which is ______ river in China? — The 32 / 35 精品文档 Changjiang River. A. longer B. the longest C. longest D. the longer 参考答案; 一(1. C. C. A. D. C6. C 三个人或三人以上比较 时,用形容词最高级,表示“最远”用farthest, 而further, furthest多表示抽象意思,“更进一步”等 . C 8. A little, a little修饰不可数名词,little 表示否定含义,意为“没多少” a little表示肯定含义, 意为“有一点儿” 9. C 10. D 11-15AADAD 16-20 CBDAB 二(1. wider, brighter. fewer. better. best. largest. angrier. careful. many. more, less 10. much 11. kindest 12. younger 13. older, stronger 14. warmer, warmer 15. politer 16. better 17. the hottest 18. less 三(1-BABBB-10 ACCBB 11-1DBABB 初中英语语法专项练习三——代词 单项填空: 人称代词、 物主代词、 反身代词、 指 示代词和疑问代词 1. ____ is she? She’s a nurse. A. Who B. Where C. Which D. What. ____ is Tom like? Oh, he’s short. A. Which B. Who C. What D. Whom. ____ cap is that? A. Who’s B. Who C. Whose D. Where. ____ is 33 / 35 精品文档 no use telling him about that. A. This B. That C. These D. It 5. The three men, Bob, Joe and ____ met at the station. A. I B. me C. her D. you. ____ have been to Paris. A. I, you and he B. He, you and I C. You, he and I D. You, he and me 7. My brother is so young that he can’t take care of ____ . A. him B. herself C. himself D. his. The young teacher teaches ____ politics. A. us B. our C. ours D. ourself. Our work is not so good as ____ . A. him B. he C. his D. he’s 10. Has Jack got the money? Yes, I gave ____ yesterday. A .to him them B. to him if C. him them D. it to him 11. How hard ____ works! A. we B .him C. he D. his 12. Won’t you let ____ help you? A. I and my friend B. my friend and I C. my friend and me D. my friend and I to 13. He asked the three men, Bob, Joe and ____ to be ready. A. I B. himself C. me D. herself 14. All my classmates are going to the Summer Palace except ____ . 5 34 / 35 精品文档 35 / 35
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