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外研版高中英语必修一导学案及答案(全册)外研版高中英语必修一导学案及答案(全册) 辽宁省大连市第24中学高一同步学案 必修1 Module 1 My First Day at Senior High 话题 1. Talk about the first day at Senior High(谈论高中生活的第一天) 2. Discuss the main differences between Junior High school and Senior High School(谈论 初中与高中生活的主要不同之处) 3. Learn about t...

外研版高中英语必修一导学案及答案(全册) 辽宁省大连市第24中学高一同步学案 必修1 Module 1 My First Day at Senior High 话题 1. Talk about the first day at Senior High(谈论高中生活的第一天) 2. Discuss the main differences between Junior High school and Senior High School(谈论 初中与高中生活的主要不同之处) 3. Learn about the American school system(了解美国教育体制) 功能 Making conversation, talking about the main differences between Junior High school and Senior High school (编对话,谈论初中与高中生活的主要不同之 ) 处 须掌握的句型 1. I don’t think that... 否定前移 2. I’ve just been to my first language class. So have I.(倒装) 3.Would you mind doing…? 征求对方意见 4.He thinks it is good to study Chinese. 须掌握的语法 1.Revision of the present tenses(复习现在时态) 2.Adjective ending in –ing and –ed (以-ing和-ed结尾的形容词) 第一课时词汇 须掌握的单词 1. 学术的 adj. 2.态度n. 3.行为;举动 4.指示;说明n. 5.令人吃惊的;令人惊讶的 6.吃惊的;惊讶的adj. 7.厌烦的;厌倦的adj. 8.尴尬的;难堪的adj. 9.令人失望的adj. 10.失望的adj. 11.误解n. 12.记述;描述n. 13.使印象深刻vt. 14.包含vt. 15. 流利;流畅n. 16.享受;乐趣n. 17.鼓励;激励 18.少年n. 19.信息n. 20.理解;领悟 21.热心的adj. 单词拼写 (1)She is______(流利的) in English. )to carry out the plan. (2)He gave us _______(鼓励 (3)The headmaster______(介绍)a new teacher to the students. X k b 1 . c o m (4)Jinan is the______(省会)of Shandong Province. (5)I am____(感到惊异)at what you told me. 词汇拓展 1.amaze? (adj.) 2.bore? (adj.) 3.embrass? (adj.) 4.disappoint? (adj.) 5.information? (v.) 新 课 标 第 一 网 6.behavior? (v.) 7.description? (v.) 8.correction? (v.) 9.encouragement? (v.) 10.enjoyment? (v.) 11.fluency? (adj.) 12.misunderstanding? (反义词) 13.disappear? (反义词) 14.intruduction? (v.) 短语 1.would like 想干某事 2. tell the difference A and B 说出A和B 的不同 3.A is different B A与B 不同 4.be similar 与……相似 5.write 写下、记下 6. a fun way 用一种有趣的方式 7. other words换句话说 8.the same… …与…...一样 9.be impressed 被……所感动 10. number of……的数量 11.look forward 期盼;盼望 12.take 发生 13.more than 不止一个 14.keep 保持安静 15. the end of 在……结束的时候 16.be divided 被划分成…… 17.take part 参加 18.at the of 在……开始的时候 19.go to 上大学 独立完成的作业: p68 exercises 6-----9(vocabulary) 第二、三课时课文理解及配套练习 佳句背诵:w w w .x k b 1.c o m 1( 我们过得很快乐。 2. 我认为上她的课我是不会感到厌倦的。 3(我们自己活动。www.xkb1.com 4(换句话说、女生人数是男生的三倍。 5(他们在年初就粉刷了墙。 6(美国中学通常包括六到十二 年级 六年级体育公开课教案九年级家长会课件PPT下载六年级家长会PPT课件一年级上册汉语拼音练习题六年级上册道德与法治课件 在内的七个年级 7(一学年有两个学期。 :50开始上课。新课标第一网 8(我们学校早上7 9(他们很热情、很友好、而且教室很棒。 10(她的教学方法和初中老师完全不一样。 11(我正盼着做家庭作业呢~ 知识点配套练习 单项选择: 1) Despite such a big difference in ______ towards what one eats, there is no doubt that people in the west regard the Chinese food as something special. A. point B. idea C. attitude D. sight 2) Always read the ______on the bottle carefully and take the right amount of medicine. A. explanations B. instructions C. descriptions D. introductions 3) What a table! I’ve never seen such a thing before. It is ______ it is long. A. half not as wide as B. not half as wide as C. wide not as half as D. as wide as not half 4) The speech by the mayor of Shanghai before the final voting for EXPO 2010 is strongly impressed _______ my memory. A. to B. over C. by D. on 5) It's bad _______ for a man to smoke in the public places where smoking is not allowed. A. behavior B. action C. manner D. movement 6) The bank is equipped with new alarm ________. We can say it’s safe and reliable completely. A. method B. way C. order D. system 7) The book is said to be a special one, which ______ many events not found in other history books. A. prints B. covers C. refers D. reads 8) We _______the job ________five parts, and each man did one part. A. divided; into B. separated ; into C. divided; from D. separated ; from 9)These two signatures (签名) are so _____that it’s very difficult to ______ them apart. A. the same…tell B. different…say C. similar…tell D. similarly… say 10) PE will be part of the high school graduation examinations. _________, you will have to be strong and healthy to graduate. xkb1.com A. After all B. As a matter of fact C. In other words D. What’s more 11) If we are to develop the world successfully, we must make sure that everyone is able to ________ the new world we create. A. join B. attend C. join in D. take part in 12) Well, the lecture by our Chinese teacher is really _________. You see, he has usually not been on with his lesson for fifteen minutes when half of the students are so _______ that they fell asleep. A. boring; bored B. bored; bored C. bored; boring D. boring; boring 第四课时写作 美文背诵 Rome Wasn't Built in a Day English is an international language. Therefore, it is necessary for us to learn it. It can be rewarding or just a waste of time. It’s up to you. It depends on how you study it. Here are some tips about learning English. First, don’t be afraid to make mistakes. You will learn from them. Second, you must not be shy. Be thick-skinned and speak up! Finally, you must be patient. Remember, ―Rome wasn’t built in a day.‖ ?rewarding a.有(获)益的;值得做的,划算的( Teaching is a very rewarding profession.教书是一种很有价值的职业( Exercise is a rewarding for our health. ?tip n. ?建议?小费 ?提示,技巧 give sb. tips on/about sth. vt.给某人关于某事的建议 tip (about) = advice (on) ?be patient with sb. 对...有耐心 ?thick-skinned a.厚颜的 If you want to be a good salesman, you must be thick-skinned. Eg: ?It depends on how you study it.那要看你如何去学习(It depend on when you do it. 写作指导: 说明文的写作: Guided writing: 说明文写作小贴示 1( 说明文的写作结构一般遵循三段式:引文、正文、结束语。 引文部分要交代文章要说明的对象、问题或要解答的疑难点。 正文部分举例引证或说明主题。结束语部分重申以下主题,以起到强调的效果。 2( 说明文常见的顺序安排有三种:时间顺序、空间顺序和逻辑顺序。 3( 说明文的方法有举例、比较、分类、对比、分析、说明等。 4( 说明文的时态多用一般现在时态,用于强调客观事实。 习作练习: 假设你叫李华,请你向你的英国网友Bob介绍以下你校的基本情况。 1( 位于黑龙江省鸡西市东部,建于1952年,距今已有56年历史。 2( 有教学班81个,教师400多人,学生5000人。 3( 学校教学设施先进,环境优美,学生生活丰富多彩。 要求:1。次数100左右;2。开头结尾已给出,不记入总次数。3。参考词汇:容纳hold 写作指导:1.本文体裁为说明文。 2.本文格式为邮件,基本同书信格式 3描写时多用过渡词来体现时间顺序、空间顺序和逻辑顺序、以使层次清楚,内 容全面; 4.描写的主要内容包括:学校所在位置、主要设施、学校生活等。 搜词索句: 描述地点和方位:w w w .x k b 1.c o m In the middle of, in front of ,behind, be with a history of, between, next to, on the left/right…,…lies/stands…be located/situated in…,On/To the east /west is /lies.. 描述历史: Have / be with a history of, with a long/splendid history… 其它词汇: Teaching building, office building, science hall, gym, well-equipped, after-school activities, in one’s spare time, lead a …life 承接及过渡词: and ,but, first ,second, at last, finally, however, while, on the other hand, so, therefore, in all, in a word Dear Bob, Glad to hear from you! Now I’d like to introduce my school to you. _______________________________________________________________________________ Hope you will come to my school and have a look at it. I’m sure you will like it. Yours, Li Hua 答案 须掌握的单词:1. academic 2. attitude 3. behavior 4. instruction 5. amazing 6. amazed 7. bored 8. embarrassed 9. disappointing 10. disappointed 11. misunderstanding 12. description 13. impress 14. cover 15. fluency 16. enjoyment 17. encouragement 18. teenager 19. information 20. comprehension 21. enthusiastic 词汇拓展:1. amazed/ amazing 2. bored/ boring 3. embarrassed/ embarrassing 4. disappointed/ disappointing 5. inform 6. behave 7. describe 8. correct 9. encourage 10. enjoy 11. fluent 12. understanding 13. appear 14. instruct 辽宁省大连市第24中学高一同步学案 必修1 Module2 My New Teachers 话题 1. Talk about the new teachers(谈论新老师) 2.Setting criteria for good teachers(设定一个评价好老师的标准) 3. Write an article about teachers(写一篇描述老师的作文) 功能 Expressing preference (表达爱好) 须掌握的句型 1. We don’t dare to say a word unless she asks us to. 2. …would rather…than… 3. This is because he really enjoys teaching Chinese literature. 4.It’s up to you . 须掌握的语法 Verbs followed by-ing (动词的-ing形式) 独立完成的作业: p74 exercises 5----7(vocabulary) 第一课时词汇 词汇拓展 1. amusing? (vt.)_____(n.) 2. energetic? (n.) 3. intelligent? (n.) 4.nervous? (adv.) ______(n.) 5. patient ? ______(n..)_____(反义词) 6.impression? (vt.) 7.avoid? (n.) 8.incorrectly? (adj.) 9.appreciate? (n.) 10.admit? (n.) 11.loudly? (adj.) 12.similarly? (n .)______(adj.)______ (反义词) 13.vacation? (同义词) 14.relationship? (vt.) 15. relaxed?_______(v.) ______(n.) 须掌握的短语 1.be to 能;会 2. a _______ of 许多的 3.make_______犯措 4.ask sb. 要求某人做…… 5.so… 如此…以至于… 6.a 少许,几个 7.be of 害怕;担忧 8.on 准时;按时 9.______ than超过 10. at 现在;目前 11. to 答复;回答 12.prefer 更喜欢 13.what …怎样 14. …than 宁愿;与其…….不如…… 15.a of 两个;几个 16.wait 等待 17.do 尽全力 18.look 看一看 19. example例如 20.be______对……适合 21.most______大部分 23.in_______事实上 22.be______for 迟到 须掌握的单词 1.有趣的;可笑的adj. 2.精力充沛的adj. 3.聪明的 adj. 4.紧张的;焦虑的 adj. 5.耐心的 adj. 6.严肃的adj. 7.害羞的;羞怯的adj. 8.严格的;严厉的adj. 9.印象n. 10.(故意)避开 vt. 11.讨厌;不喜欢vt. 12.不正确地 adv. 13.十分地;完全地 adv. 14.立即;即刻 adv. 15. 感激 vt. 16.承认 vt. 17.大声地 adv. 18.同样地;类似地 adv. 19.玩笑;笑话 n. 20.尊敬;尊重vt.& n. 21.假期n. 22.纪律 n. 23.关系n. 24.轻松的 ___________ 第二、三课时课文理解及配套练习 佳句背诵: 2( 人们说第一印象很重要。 2.她不会让你感到自己是个笨蛋。X k b 1 . c o m 3(我觉得跟着她学习一定能取得进步。 标 第 一 网 新 课 4(她很严厉—如果她不要求,我们连一句话也不敢说。 5(有一些学生承认喜欢她~ 6(我觉得有陈老师教我,今后考试我一定会考得不错的。 7(吴老师只教了我们两星期就已经很受大家欢迎了。 8(他精力充沛,这是一节你不会想睡觉(感到困倦)的课。 9(他说起话来响亮快速,激动时不停地挥动双手。 10(我很尊敬他。 知识点配套练习 1. Mr Li is strict ___ us _____ our studies. A. in; with B. on; with C. with; in D. with; with 2. My grandfather is as _____ as a young man and hates sitting around doing nothing all day. A. energetic B. patient C. nervous D. intelligent 3. Hearing the ______ story, she had an ______ look on the face. A. amused; amusing B. amusing; amused C. amusing; amusing D. amused; amused 4. My first impression ______ Mrs Zhang was that she was nervous and shy. A. for B. on C. of D. by 5. I tried to avoid ____ him because he always bored me. A. meeting B. to have met C. having D. be met 6. His works were not ____ until after his death. A. appreciated B. moved C. appreciating D. appreciation 7. Sarah, hurry up. I’m afraid you can’t have time to _____ before the party. A. get changed B. get change C. get changing D. get to change 8. ______ it is to have a cold drink on such a hot day! A. What a fun B. How fun C. What fun D. How a fun 9. I recognized him _____ I saw him. A. immediately B. immediate C. direct D. unless 10. ---What did you mean by saying that? --- I mean no harm. I only ______. A. meant helping B. want to help C. meant to help D. want helping 11. I don’t think the characters are very true ___ life. A. to B. of C. about D. in 12. In America, students and teachers are quite ______ with each other. A. relaxed B. relaxing C. relaxation D. relax 13. --- I usually go there by train. --- Why not __________ by boat for a change? A. to try going B. trying to go C. to try and go D. try going 14. _____ two exams to worry about, I have to work really hard this weekend. A. With B. Besides C. As for D. Because 15. ---You looked tired, Jane. --- Yes. I ________ my uncle clean the house all the day. A. have helped B. have been helping C. was helping D. am helping w w w .x k b 1.c o m 第四课时写作 美文背诵 The City of Song Listening to music is the favorite pastime of many people all over the world. This is especially true for people living in Vienna, the city of song. Being the home of Mozart, this city is the birthplace of classical music and the waltz. Music fills the air in Vienna. Going to public concerts is often free of charge. And don’t forget, Vienna is also home to the world famous Vienna Boys' Choir. No wonder people say Austria is always alive with the sound of music. ? birthplace 发源地,诞生日www.xkb1.com ? classical 古典的 classic 经典的 sth. fill the air 充满着某物 Eg:Romantic love songs fill the air in that cozy Italian restaurant. 那家温馨的意大利餐馆充满着罗曼蒂克的情歌( ?be free (of charge) 免费的 This sample is free of charge. ?be home to 某地是…的所在地,出产地,聚集地 be the home of 某地是…的故乡,老家 ?no wonder + clause(主+v.) adv.难怪 Eg:No wonder Bruce is in such a good shape, he exercises. No wonder you’re so thin, you eat so little. be alive with 充满的 写作指导 : 人物介绍的写作: 1). 属于记叙文体裁,分为记人和记事两种。 3). 常见高考书面表达题:介绍同学,朋友,老师,父母,名人等等 4). 记叙方法:顺叙,倒叙,插叙 5). 注意事项:选材代表性;精炼,感人,记述时,外貌的描写、性格的刻画等都要服务于 人物,不拖泥带水;注意人称和时态(一般用第一人称和第三人称,时态通常为一般过去 时)。 6). 开篇方式:从外貌入手;从环境落笔;从整体概括引导,先概述,再详写等等。 描写人物外貌的句子: (一) I think she is the most beautiful girl I have ever seen. She is exciting, amazing and charming. (二) She had a little thin face and a little thin body,thin light hair and a sour expression( (三) He was a clever teacher and a philosopher, looking for truth and wisdom. Most of his teaching was about life in the world. (四) Prince William is quite handsome. He is tall, his hair is blond, and his eyes are blue. He is also left-handed. He takes after his beautiful mother, (五) …..But her eyes. They are blue like the sky in spring or the ocean in a stormy night. They are so maddening. Well, let’s talk about her mouth. When she is smiling she has two little face-lines by the side of her lips. (dimples) 习作练习: 假如你是某校高一学生,今天,你们班的学生召开了讨论会,讨论好老师的标 准。请你根据下面提示写一篇短文介绍讨论情况。词数100 左右。 提示: 1( 大家公认受欢迎的特征;2(你最喜欢的老师类型。 新课标第一网 答案: 佳句背诵: 1. They say that first impressions are very important. 2. She avoids making you feel stupid. 3. I feel I’m going to make progress with her. 4. She is very strict---- we don’t dare to say a word unless she asks us to. 5. A few students even admit liking her. 6. I think I’ll do well in the exam with Mrs Chen teaching me. 7. Mr Wu’s only been teaching us for two weeks and he’s already very popular. 8. He’s got so much energy, this is one class you do not fall asleep in! 9. He talks loudly and fast, and waves his hands about a lot when he gets excited. 10. I respect him a lot. 知识点配套练习: 1-5 CABCA 6-10 AACAB 11-15 AADAB 辽宁省大连市第24中学高一同步学案 必修1 Module3 My First Ride on a Train 话题 1. Describe your first ride on a train (描述你第一次乘火车旅游) 2. Talking about a trip you made to a tourist spot (谈论你到一个旅游景点的观光旅行) 3. Writing about one’s experience (写一篇自己的经历) 功能 Being polite (讲礼貌) 须掌握的语法: 1. The –ed form as the attributive (过去分词作定语) 2 Past tense time expressions (一般过去时) 须掌握的句型: 1. Would you mind doing…? 2. The fact is that …. 3. What do you think of …? 4. Is that right? 书面表达实践:Write a diary about a visit to a place of interest (写一篇关于游览参观的日记) 第一课时词汇 须掌握的单词: 1. 距离 n. ____________ 2. 被遗弃的 adj. _____________ 3. 专家 n. ____________ 4. 产品 n. ____________ 5. 风景,景色 n. _____________ 6. 土壤 n. ____________ 7. 旅程 n. ____________ 8. 训练 vt. _______________ 9. 使吃惊 vt. ____________ 10. 面试,面谈 n. ______________ 11. 大事件;比赛项目 n. ____________________ 12. 疲惫不堪的 adj. _____________ n. ____________ 13. 仪式 14. 半夜 n. __________ 15. 海滨 n. _________________ 单词拼写 1. At Mary’s wedding c______ held the other day, I met a friend of mine.X k b 1 . c o m 2. They have been married for 60 years. We are going to hold a party to celebrate their d______ wedding. 3. He aimed at the wolf and s______ it. 4. It is said that there is a football match between China and Japan in the s______. 5. The children are taken good care of in the k________. 6. Camels are much better than horses for traveling in the ______(沙漠) areas. 7. From here to the station, it is a long ______ (距离)for the woman with a child in her arms. 8. Alice Thompson comes from Sydney, which is an _______(澳大利亚) city. 9. The students who take part in the activities can get _______(纪念品) 10. He has _______(面谈) a lot of people for the job. 词汇拓展: 1. distance?___________(adj.) 2. abandoned? ___________(vt.) 3.expert?_______(adj.) __________ (同义词) ________ (adj.)? ___________ (adj.) 4.frighten? 5. product ? _____________ (n.) 6. interview ? _________ (vt.)____________会见者______________被接见者 7. exhausted ? __________(vt.)8. downtown ? _____(adj.) 城镇住宅区的 9. journey ? _____________ (vt.) 10. train ? ____________ (n.) 须掌握的短语: 1. know ________ 知道,了解 2. get _________ 下车 3. get ________ 上车 4. get _________ 进入 5. get ________ 避免;摆脱 6. come _________ 来自;出生于 7. in the __________ of 在„„的中间 8. be __________ for 是„的缩写/简称 9. a long ____________ ago 很久以前 10. not ___________ 不再 11. out of ________ 过时 12. for _______________ time 第一次 13. take _____________ (飞机)起飞 14. refer _________ 查阅,提到,谈到 15. on ____________ 在途中,接近 独立完成的作业: p80-p81 exercises 4-----6 (vocabulary) 第二、三课时课文理解及配套练习 课文理解: 1. Where does the writer come from? A. China. B. America. C. Sydney. D. Austria. 2. How was the scenery for the writer’s journey? A. Dull scenery. B. Different from area to area. C. The same as in Sydney. D. Very colourful. 3. Which of the following is TRUE? A. Horses were much better than camels for traveling a long distance. B. The government passed a law to protect the camels. C. The author read books and listened to English cassettes during the journey. D. They got on in Sydney and got off in Alice Springs. 4. Why is the train called the Ghan? A. For many years, Australians used trained camels which were bought from Afghanistan as their main transportation. B. Ghan is short for Afghanistan. C. Camels were much better than horses for traveling in desert. D. In honor of the camels. 佳句背诵: 1(最近我第一次乘坐长途火车。 2(我们吃的美味饭菜是由由烹饪大师们做的~ 3(旅途开始的几百公里,景象多姿多彩。 4(它好象来到了另一个时代的某地。 5(我们看到被遗弃的100年前建造的农庄。 6(星星闪着如钻石般的光芒。 7(Ghan 是阿富汗的缩写。 8(对于长途旅行而言,骆驼比马匹要好得多。 新 课 标 第 一 网 9(世界上最快的超速磁悬浮列车奔驰在上海浦东机场与上海市中心商业区的龙阳车站之 间。 10(火车以每小时400千米的速度运行,在8分钟之内可以完成30千米的行程。 知识点配套练习:w w w .x k b 1.c o m 1. (1)The waterfall may be heard ____________________ (两英里外). www.xkb1.com (2)Because he called me ______________________ (在很远处), I didn’t hear him clearly. 2. You can see a church _________. A. for the distance B. in the distance C. from the distance D. for a distance 3. 翻译句子: (1) I could make out three figures moving in the distance. (2) We saw light in the distance. (3) 保持适当车距~ 4. (1)翻译句子:尽管有雾,飞机照常起飞。 (2)The new dictionary __________________________ ( 已深受欢迎). (3) If good care is _________ him, he will recover from the illness soon. A. spent B. taken of C. made D. used for 5. 翻译句子: (1) 每天早晨他六点起床。 (2) 昨天他下了公共汽车进了一辆小汽车。 (3)After a long time of hard work, he _____________________________(终于改掉了吸烟的 坏习惯). 6. 用match, suit, fit 填空 (1) No one can _________ her in tennis. (2) Does the time __________ you? (3) The new coat _________ her well. It is neither too big nor too small. (4) Which day ___________ you, Saturday or Sunday? (5) This pair of shoes ______________________ well. (我穿不合适) (6) Have you got any material to _______________(配这件衣服)? 7. No matter how much money you have, it can not _________ a healthy body. A. match B. fit C. defect D. compare 8. 翻译句子:(1) 在他很小的时候,他父母就遗弃了他。 (2) 鲁迅先生早年弃医学文。 9. 翻译句子:(1) 他是开车方面的专家。 (2) 专家们下午要来我们学校参观。 10. It is known to us that it takes years of ___________ practice to gain ___________ skills of _________ expert. A. /; the; an B. /; the; the C. the; the; an D. a; /; the 第四课时写作 美文背诵: Be Thoughtful Being thoughtful simply means thinking of others before yourself. What you say or do will have an effect on others. So it is important that you think before you say or do anything. In this way, you can avoid hurting others’ feelings. Moreover, a thoughtless act or remark can spoil a perfect relationship. Remember these rules, if you don’t have anything nice to say, don’t say anything. Likewise if you think what you do will hurt others, don’t do it. After all, what goes around comes around. ?feeling 感觉 feelings 感情 ??likewise 同样地 =by the same token ?What goes around comes around. 种什么因,得什么果。 What是复合代词=the things which “所…东西” Eg:What you ordered is not available. 你所点的东西卖完了。 What the child needs is love. 孩子所需要的是爱 写作指导:英语游记的写作: 游记,顾名思义,就是记游。也就是对一次出行、游览、参观……等的记录。 1(游记是描写旅行见闻的一种散文形式。 2(游记的分类: 1、以记录行程为主的是记叙型游记; 2、以抒发感情为主的是抒情型游记; 3、以描绘景物、景观为主的是写景型游记; 4、通过记游来说明一个道理的,是说理型游记。 3(游记的写作方法: 一定要注意以下几点: 1、根据游记中的线索:最常用的写作顺序可能就是行踪了。即按照游览的先后次序来写。 2、写清游记中的主体:主体指的是做这件事的人或集体。既然是游,就一定有游的主体。 在游记的写作中,如果缺少了人,就与说明文或写景散文差不多了。 3、游记中的写景:对景物的描写也是游记的一个重要组成部分。人是主体,景是客体。 4、地点:在写游记时,一定要注意说明游览或参观的地点 5、要分清主次:重要的行程、有特色的景观、对表现文章主体有重要作用的事物等,要 重点描写,其它的则应该一笔带过,或者干脆略去不写。这样写出的文章,才会主次 分明,主题突出,玲珑有致。 习作练习: 谈论一下你以前到过的一个旅游景点,如何到达那里的,在那里做了什么,你喜欢这 个景点的什么,和你在那里时所发生的事情。要求:100字左右。 答案 第二、三课时课文理解及配套练习 课文理解: 1. C 2. D 3. D 4. A 佳句背诵: 1. Recently I had my first ride on a long-distance train. 2. We ate great meals cooked by experts! 3. For the first few hundred kilometers of the journey, the scenery was very colourful. 4. It looked like a place from another time. 5. We saw abandoned farms which were built more than a hundred years ago. 新课标第一网 6. The stars shone like diamonds. 7. Ghan is short for Afghanistan. 8. Camels were much better than horses for travelling a long distance. 9. The fastest train in the world, the Transrapid Maglev, runs between Shanghai’s Pudong Airport and Longyang Station in downtown Shanghai. 10. Travelling at a speed of over 400 kilometres pre hour, the train can complete the 30-kilometre journey in eight minutes. 知识点配套练习: 1(Answers: (1) at a distance of two miles (2) in the distance (Answer: B 2 3(Answers: (1) 我能看见远处有三个人影在走动。(2) 我们看到远处有灯光。 (3) Keep a safe distance between cars! 4(Answers: (1) The plane took off as usual despite the fog. (2) has really taken off (3) B 5(Answers: (1) He gets up at six o’clock every morning. (2) He got off a bus and got into a car yesterday. (3) got out of the bad habit of smoking at last 6(Answers: (1) match (2) suit (3) fits (4) suits (5) doesn’t fit me (6) match this dress (Answer: Axkb1.com 7 8(Answers: (1) When he was young, his parents abandoned him. (2) Lu Xun abandoned medicine for literature in his early days. 9(Answers: (1) He is an expert at driving. (2) The experts will visit our school this afternoon. 10(Answer: A 辽宁省大连市第24中学高一同步学案 必修1 Module4 A Social Survey—My Neighbourhood 话题: 1. Talk about your neighbourhood (谈论你的邻居) 2. Write a brief report of your neighbourhood (写一个关于你所在的社区 报告 软件系统测试报告下载sgs报告如何下载关于路面塌陷情况报告535n,sgs报告怎么下载竣工报告下载 ) 功能: Showing position and direction (表明位置和方向) 须掌握的句型 1. And this is the first time I have visited your hometown. 2. It’s a gorgeous island with some really interesting architecture. 3. What’s the climate like? 须掌握的语法 Present perfect tense (现在完成时) 第一课时、词汇 单词 1. 街坊,邻里 n. 2. 公寓住宅,一套住房 n. 3. 自从…以来,既然 conj. 4. 似乎,好象 v. 5. 有吸引力的 adj. 6. 剩下,离开 vt.,vi. 7. 联系,接触v.,n. 8. 负担得起 vt. 9. 得到 vt. 10. 职业 n. 11. 幸运的 adj. 12. 迷人的 adj. 13. (室内)地板,楼层 n. 14. 发展成为 v. 15. 靠近,接近 vt. 16. 使挨饿,饿死 vt.,vi. 17. 打仗,争论 v.,n. 18. 停留,留下 vi. 19. 听起来,声音 n.,vi. 20. 建筑 n. 21. 幸免于,生存vt.,vi. 22. 剩下,剩余 v. 单词拼写 1. (本地)calls cost 2 pennies a minute in England. 1. 2.We saw a less (吸引人)side of his personality that day. 2. 3.It’s a pity that his family can’t (担负得起)to send him to school. 3. 4.The islands attract more than 17,000 (游客)a year. 4. 5.Has anyone ever (劳神) to ask the students for their opinions? 5. 6.She heard footsteps (接近) from behind. 6. 7.Personally, I think he should get some (专业)help. 7. 8.From talking to former prisoners ,an obvious fact ,is that they have been (挨饿). 8. 9.She sits on the school’s development 委员会). 9. 10.These plants cannot (存活)in very cold conditions. 10. 词汇拓展 1. neighbourhood? (adj.) 2. survive? (n.) 3. fortunate? (n.) (adv.) 新 课 标 第 一 网 4. attractive? (v.) (adv.) 5. approach? (n.) 6. architecture? (adj.) 7. fascinating? (v.) 须掌握的短语 1. be of 由…制成 2. from 远离 3. up 修建 4. in the of 在…西北方 5. in 信任 6. be to 对某人友好 7. so 到目前为止 8. get 摆脱 9. a great 许多;大量 10. as a 结果 11. go 上升 12. make for 弥补 第二、三课时课文理解及配套练习 佳句背诵 1. 这是我第一次来到你的家乡。 2. 我已去过中国的很多地方并且游览过一些美丽的城市,但这是我所到过的最迷人的地方 之一。 3. 夏天非常热而且潮湿,但冬天可能会很冷。 4. 这里到处都有很多游客,他们没有打扰到你吗, 5. 那里公寓的租金很高。 6. 现在我们正离开商业区并驶近海港。 7. 一位朋友告诉过我这附近有一家不错的小海鲜餐馆。 8. 这有诸多的原因。 9. 其次,人们搬到城里去找工作,因为乡下常常没有就业机会。 10. 这一切意味着西欧的许多乡村要进行艰苦的斗争以求生存。w w w .x k b 1.c o m 知识点配套练习: 1(用from, of, in, into, up to填空 (1) These tables are made our factory. They were made wood. (2) Wood can be made tables and other furniture. (3) This kind of paper was made a kind of plant. (4) China is made 56 nations. 2. (1) That’s (最近乎) a smile he ever makes. (2) The enemy ran away (在我们接近时). (3) (通往……的所有道路)the city were blcked. 3.用sound, noise, voice 填空 (1) I heard a strange in the next room. (2) She listened to the low, sad of the sea. (3) The manager must be in the next room. I heard his . (4) The from that factory makes it difficult for me to go to sleep. 4. -- “Do you know our town at all ?‖ -- ―No, this is the first time I here.‖ A. had come B. am coming C. came D. have come 5. This was the third time that I . 6.(1) Watching movies is her favourite .(消遣) (2) There are so many graduates every year that it is hard to find a suitable .(工作) 7((1) Building such a bridge is not an easy job; we must have enough www.xkb1.com (专业的) engineers. (2)I need a (专业人士) to look after my little son. 8. Stand over there you’ll be able to see it later. A. or B. while C. but D. and 9. Her sister has become a lawyer, she wanted to be. A. who B. that C. what D. which 10. Six women and nineteen men the medical team. A. make up B. make up of C. are made up of D. are made into 11. If you want to rapid progress in your spoken English, you’ll have to a lot of practice. A. make; make B. get; get C. make; do D. do; make 12. The poem was very and I kept it until I could learn it by heart. A. interest; reading B. interested; reading C. interesting; reading D. interesting; to read 13. They held a party to (庆祝) her birthday. 14. His family was too poor to his schooling. A. afford B. support C. pay D. lost 15. Two dogs are for a piece of meat. A. fighting B. eating C. jumping D. catching 第四课时写作 美文背诵 Health Comes First Smoking is bad in that it is harmful to one's health. In spite of the fact that doctors have even warned that it causes cancer, people still keep on smoking. In some Western countries, however, people are beginning to kick the bad habit. They realize that health should come first. To help them quit smoking, there are laws against cigarette advertising and smoking in public places. This is praiseworthy except that Western countries are now selling cigarettes in the East in greater numbers than ever. That they are doing this is immoral, don't you think? ?Health comes first. 健康至上 Health is wealth. Health is above wealth. ?kick the bad habit of smoking get rid of ?Bob realized his dream after graduating from college. in the newspaper for a helper. 登广告 ?Peter placed an advertisement ?He is a nice guy except that he smokes. ?...than ever(before) 加不加before均可 ?That they are doing this is immoral, don't you think? immortal 不朽的 写作指导: 写作项目:写一篇介绍家乡的文章。 题目要求:假设你是李华,住在黑龙江省鸡西市。你的加拿大笔友Bob 来信谈到了他所 居住的城市,并希望了解你家乡的情况。请你用英语写一封回信。回信必须包括下表中 的内容: 自然情况 位于穆棱河边,风景优美,适合居住 成就 经济发展较好,新建了不少住房,公路等 存在问题 水,空气污染 对鸡西发展的看自己拟订 法 注意:1. 回信中不能使用“鸡西”以外的地名。 2. 词数:120—150。信的开头已为你写好,不计入总词数。 3. 参考词汇:economy 经济 pollution 污染 探究策略:新课标第一网 1.首先确定这是一篇描述地方的说明文。 2.确定写作要点:根据所给信息,大体可以分成三个部分:城市简介,可以按照地理位置、 自然环境、城市面貌和变化发展这样的逻辑顺序写,接下来写你看到的问题,最后写你 的一些看法和建议。 3.各层次之间注意使用恰当的连词,使之过渡自然,结构合理。例如:however, in my opinion 等. 文章可能要用到的表达法:thank you for…, I’m very glad to…, our city lies…, in my opinion… Dear Bob, It’s very kind of you to write me and let me know about your beautiful city. Now I’d like to tell you something about my hometown Jixi. Yours, Xiaohua 答案: 单词:1. neighbourhood 2. apartment 3. since 4. seem 5. attractive 6. leave 7. contact 8. afford 9. get 10. occupation 11. fortunate 12. fascinating 13. floor 14. make 15. approach 16. starve 17. fight 18. stay 19. sound 20. architecture 21. survive 22. remainxk b1.co m 单词拼写:1. Local 2. attractive 3. afford 4. tourists 5. bothered 6. approaching 7. professional 8. starved 9. committee 10. survive 词汇拓展:1. neighbouring 2. survivor 3. fortune fortunately 4. attract attractly 5. approach 6. architectural 7. fascinate 须掌握的短语: 1. made 2. away 3. put 4. northwest 5. believe 6. friendly 7. far 8. away from 9. many 10. result 11. up 12. up 辽宁省大连市第24中学高一同步学案 必修1 Module 5 A Lesson in a Lab 话题:1. A lesson in a lab 实验室里的一堂课 2. Preparing a report on a simple scientific experiment 准备一篇关于简单的科学试验的报告。 功能:Words and expressions of sequence 表示顺序的词或短语X k b 1 . c o m 须掌握的句型: 1. It is hard to think of a world without metals. 2. Add some oil to the water. 3. I’m going to try to go to either Montreal or Ottawa University, as both are supposed to have good Physics Department. 4. It’s your turn. 5. You’ve got it. 须掌握的语法: 比较级结构 1.“比较级 + than”结构 2.“less + 原级 + than”的结构 3. “the + 比较级(+主语+谓语),the +比较级(+主语+谓语)”的结构 4. “比较级+ and +比较级”结构 5. 表示倍数 第一课时词汇 词汇拓展: 1.liquid? (反义词) 2.expand? (反义词) 3.mixture? (v.) 4.conclusion? (v.) 5.react? (n.) 6.equipment? (v.) 7.partial? (n.) 8.electricity? (adj.) 9.describe? (n.) 10.ordinary? (同义词)? (adv.) 11.astonished? (v.) 12.aim? (adj.)? (adv.) 13.exist? (n.) 须掌握的短语: 1.add… 往……加入…… 2. to 过去常常 3. the area of…在……领域 4.be proud 为……感到骄傲 5. be supposed 应当,理应 6.at 至少 7.draw a 得出结论 8.make 确信 9. …or…或者…或者… 10. be astonished 对…...感到吃惊 11. find 查明 12. aim 瞄准,针对 13. put… 把……按顺序放好 14. keep… 把…保持在外… 15.write 写下,记下 16. the air在空中 17. the past…years在过去的…年里 18.go 用吧;行 19. learn 向…学习 20. an experiment 做试验 须掌握的单词: 1. 液体 n. 新 课 标 第 一 网 2. 膨胀 vi. 3. 收缩 vi. w w w .x k b 1.c o m 4. 物质 n. 5. 混合物 n. 6. 氧气 n. 7. 电 n. 8. 阶段;时期 n. 9. 结论n. 10. 目标,目的 n. 11. 反应 n. 12. 设备,装备 n. 13. 部分的,局部的 adj. 14. 煮沸,煮 vt. 15. 普通的,平常的 adj. 蒸汽;水气 n. 16. 17. 漂浮 n. 18.形成 vi. 19. 溶解,分解,分离 vi 20.天平n. 21.火焰 n. 22.演讲 n. 23.(大学的)科、系 n. 24.吃惊的,惊愕的 adj. 第二、三课时课文理解及配套练习 佳句背诵: 1.很难想象一个没有金属的世界会是什么样子。 2. 当我们使用金属时,懂得它们与不同的物质是怎样发生反应的,比如水和氧气,是很重 要的。 3.金属与这些物质的反应程度可以按顺序排列起来。 4.在水中加一些油。 5.将水煮3分钟(这可以确保水中没有空气) 6.科技设备非常好,有配有最新设备的实验室。 7.事实是,加拿大有许多一流的科学家。 项,因此我们应该引以为自豪 8.诺贝尔奖是现有最高奖 知识点配套练习: 1. A balloon as it is filled with air. A. is increased B. increase C. expands D. is expanded 2. 改错 (1) How did your mother react with the news? (2) Applause reacts against a speaker. (3) The students reacted on the political system. 3. The workers went to strike to the price policy. A. react on B. react with C. react to D. react against 4. (1) Say numbers (按顺序). www.xkb1.com (2) I can’t get in touch with him now, because my telephone is .(出了故障) (3) The room is .(乱七八糟) (4) He with that factory.(向……定购了500辆自行车) 5. (1) These figures don’t (加起来) right. (2) His whole school education (合计) no more than one year. 6(翻译句子 (1)30的1/5是多少, (2)1000的30,是多少, (3)我们市的人口是多少, 7. The scientist also other experiments. A. made B. carried out C. performed D. A、B,C 8.―Do remember to take this medicine three times a day with warm boiled water. ― . A. Heard it. B. Got it. C. Made it. D. Taken it. 9. There are often some fields the scientists devote all their lives to doing some researches. A. on which B. which C. that D. in which 10. Water electricity widely all over the world. A. is used to produce B. is used to producing C. used to produce D. used to producing 11.用astonish, surprise, shock, amaze的适当形式填空. (1) To my , the door was unlocked. (2) He was to see his father there. (3) His death was a great to the family. (4) We are all that he won the first place. 12. (1) Neither you nor Tom (be) interested in pop music. (2) Both you and he (be) right. 13. she doesn’t come, we will still go. Which one is WRONG? A. If B. Suppose C. Supposing D. Though 14. All her neighbors her to be a good girl. A. thought B. supposed C. imagined D. A,B 15. My brother is than I. A. older two years B. two years older C. two years elder D. elder two years 16. There are magazines in our library than in yours. A. a less B. less C. a fewer D. fewer 17. The city of Beijing is getting . A. more beautiful and beautiful B. beautifuler and beautifuler C. more and more beautiful D. more beautiful and more beautiful 18. This house is that one. A. three times the size of B. 3 times as large as C. twice larger than D. A、B,C 19. The earth is nearly the moon. A. 50 time the size of B. 50 times the size of C. 50 times as size as D. 50 times as that of 20. With the help of the German experts, the factory produced cars in 1998 as the year before. A. as twice as many B. as many as twice C. as twice as much D. twice as many 21. It was as I had ever spent. A. so a pleasant day B. as a pleasant day C. as pleasant a day D. a day as pleasant 22.―What do you think of his opinion? ,None has given me piece of advice. A. a better B. a best C. the best D. the better 第四课时写作 美文背诵: Thank Your Lucky Stars I remember when I was a young boy, life was tough. My parents made me do many things for them. For example, they had me do the laundry, the dishes and the house cleaning. They even got me to work part-time to help with the family expenses. If I was naughty, they would spank me. They would not let me go outside the house for days. Nowadays, life is quite different for kids. Parents can't force them to do anything. On the contrary, it seems as if children can get their parents to do anything for them. Parents and teachers are even afraid to spank children for fear of being sued. It amazes me, therefore, whenever I hear youngsters complain. Instead, they should be thanking their lucky stars. ?dutiful son 孝子 饰人:凶恶的 ?tough = hard 艰苦的 修 ?for example = for instance two loads of laundry 洗两份量的衣服 ?do do the studying 不说:do laundry, do dishes 要加定冠词或其他修饰词 ?part-time a./adv. 兼职的,部分时间地 full-time make part-time 兼职的 ?spank sb. 打屁股 spare the rod, spoil the child. 孩子不打不成器 obedient adj.服从的, 孝顺的 ?For fear of failing, Ted stayed up study/studying all night. 唯恐,以免 ?He sued me for breaking the contract. 他控告我违约( ?on the contrary = instead 相反的 写作指导: 请根据下列表格中的内容,写一篇短文,说明整个试验的内容。 试验目的 不打烂鸡蛋取走蛋壳 试验用品 一只玻璃杯,一个小煮锅(saucepan),水,一个鸡 蛋,约250毫升醋 试验步骤 1.先把鸡蛋在锅中煮十五分钟左右。xkb1.com 2.把鸡蛋放在玻璃杯中。 3.往玻璃杯中放醋,醋要漫过鸡蛋。 4.把鸡蛋在醋中浸泡24小时。 试验结果 24小时后蛋壳完全消失 试验结论 醋中的酸性物质与蛋壳中的碳酸钙反应升成二氧化 碳,蛋壳消失。 方法提示: 1.本模块的写作要求是写一篇有关试验的短文,这属于说明文体裁。这样的文章不带任何 个人感情色彩,不需要生动的细节和背景,纯粹是客观的阐述。它以传授知识为主要目 的,其最大特点就是知识性。另外,描述试验的短文也是一种比较严谨的题材,写作的 内容要真实可靠,措词要准确恰当。这类文章的语言特点就是:(1)时态主要用一般现 在时。(2)一般使用第二人称。 2.这是一篇以表格的形式展现内容要点的实验说明文,需要客观的介绍整个过程。叙述要 严格按照实验目的、实验用品、实验步骤、实验结果和实验结论的顺序依次进行,不能 顺序颠倒。写作过程中可适当使用表示顺序的词语,使叙述条理,清楚明了。 3.写作策略和常用词汇和句型 1)开篇首先说明试验的目的。常用The aim of the experiment is to…来表示。 ( (2)接着说明实验用品。常用句型:To do/ conduct/ perform/ carry out the experiment, you need…新课标第一网 (3)试验方法或试验过程是重点内容,一定要把握好写作顺序。这一部分常用下列过渡 词(词组):first, next, after that, now, finally等。 (4)实验结果和结论部分的表达也要准确,首先把试验结果说清楚,结论部分一般要说 明引起上述结果的原因。 答案 词汇拓展: 1. solid 2. contract 3. mix 4. conclude 5. reaction 6. equipment 7. part 8. electricity 9. description 10. common/usual ordinarily 11. astonish 12. aimless (adj.) / aimlessly (adv.) 13.existence 须掌握的短语: 1. to 2. used 3. in 4. of 5. to 6. least 7. conclusion 8. sure 9. either 10. at 11. out 12. at 13. in order 14. out of 15. down 16. in 17. in 18. ahead 19. from 20. do/ make/ carry out/ perform 须掌握的单词 1. liquid 2. expand 3. contract 4. substance 5. mixture 6. oxygen 7. electricity 8. stage 9. conclusion 10. aim 11. reaction 12. equipment 13. partial 14. boil 15. ordinary 16. steam 17. float 18. form 19. dissolve 20. balance 21. flame 22. lecture 23. department 24. astonished 辽宁省大连市第24中学高一同步学案 必修1 Module 6 The Internet and Telecommunications 话题 1.Talk about the Internet and telecommunications(谈论网络与远程交流) 2.Discuss advantages and disadvantages of using the Internet (讨论关于应用网络的优缺 点) 3.Write a paragraph to express your views about the Internet(写一段话表达对网络的看法) 功能 1.Adwantages and disadvantages(优点与缺点) 2.Percentage and numbers(百分数与数字) 3.Expressing one’s view(表达观点或看法) 须掌握的句型: 1. They created a network of computers called DARPANET. 2. It then became possible for universities to use the system as well. 3. Berners-Lee built his first computer while he was at university using an old television. 4. Berners-Lee made it possible for everyone to use the Internet, not just universities and the army. 5. As much time as I can. 6. Complete these sentences with the definite article if necessary. 7. That means that we each have one minute of our teacher’s time. 8. Two percent of the total population of China have access to the Internet, compared with 45 percent in the USA and 15 percent in Japan. X k b 1 . c o m 9. Text messages are much cheaper than talking on a mobile phone, and you can make it even cheaper by shortening the words that you use. 10. Why not give me a call? 须掌握的语法: 1. Compound words (合成词) 2. The definite article and zero article(定冠词和零冠词) xkb1.com 第一课时词汇 须掌握的单词: 1包含;包括vt . 2. 接近;通路n. 3.(计算机)崩溃vi. 4储存v. 5故障n. 6发展v. 7.保护;防卫n. 8创造;发明n. 9百分数;百分率n. 10设计vt. 11发明n. 12许可n. 13集中(注意力,思想等)vi. 14独立的adj. 15持续,延续vi. 16超过vt. 17时常;经常地adv. 18弊端;缺点n. 19平均的adj. 20上升vi. 21准备vt. 22呈现,提出vt. 词汇拓展:www.xkb1.com 1.develop? (n.) ? (adj.) 2.defence? (vi.) 3.create? (n.)创造,创造力? (adj.) 4.perentage? (n.)每百中;百分之…… 5.invention? (v.) 6.permission? (v.) 7.independent? (反义词)? (v.) 8.frequently? (adj.) 9.disadvantage? (反义词) 须掌握的短语: 1.break 坏了;分解;垮掉 2.look 看起来像…… 3.consist 由„„组成 4. well 也„„ 5. become known 作为„„而出名 6.go 下降 7.come up 提出 8.from that moment 从那时起 9.be full 充满 10.concentrate 聚精会神,集中思想 11.be interested 对„„感兴趣 12.point 指出 13. the help of 在„„的帮助下 14. 14.agree 同意某人 15. this point 在这一点上 16. 16.communicate 与„„交流 17.have access 有做„„的方法 18.compared 与„„相比 19.instead 代替„„ 20.think 考虑;想起„„ 第二、三课时课文理解及配套练习 佳句背诵 1 硬盘是包含许多信息的单独的盘。 2 互联网是世界上最大的信息源,通过电脑很容易从互联网获取信息。 3 它是由几百万页的数据资料组成的。 4 目前,大约60%的网络流量所用的语言是英语,但这个比例正在逐渐下降。 5 到2020年时,大量的网络交流有可能使用汉语。 6 1989年,当他在瑞士工作期间,他提出了万维网的想法。 7 从那时起,网络和因特网不断发展壮大。 8 在5年的时间里,因特网使用者的人数从60万上升到4千万。 9 我同意这个想法,尤其是在学习英语这门课程上。 10 如果我们花费这些时间上机,那就更好了。 11用移动电话谈话费用很高,所以很多人发送文本短信。 12 发短信比打电话便宜得多,并且你还可以通过简化用词使之更便宜。 测试知识点 1.It is no arguing with Bill because he will never change his mind. A. use B. help C. time D. way 2.One of the best ways for people to keep fit is to healthy eating habits. A. grow B. develop C. increase D. raise 3.—Four dollars a pair? I think it’s a bit too much. —If you buy three pairs, the price for each will to three fifty. A. come down B. take down C. turn down D. go over 4.The computer system suddenly while he was searching for information on the Internet. A. broke down B. broke out C. broke up D. broke in 5.We often provide our children with toys, footballs or basketballs, that all children like these things. A. thinking B. think C. to think D. thought 6.Don’t sit there nothing, Come and help me with this table. A. do B. to do C. doing D. and doing 7.When different cultures, we often pay attention only to the differences without noticing the many similarities. A. compared B. being compared C. comparing D. having compared 8. Whenever he was asked why he was late for class, he would answer carelessly, the same thing. A. saying B. said C. to say D. having saidw w w .x k b 1.c o m 9.Five people won the ―China’s Green Figure‖ award, a title to ordinary people for their contributions to environmental protection. A. being given B. is given C. given D. was given 10.I know you don’t like music very much. But what do you think of music in the film we saw yesterday? A. / ;/ B. the ;the C. the;/ D. /;the 11. Of the two sisters. Betty is one, and she is also the one who loves to be quiet. A. a younger B. a youngest C. the younger D. the youngest 12.According to World Health Organization, health care plans are needed in all big cities to prevent spread of AIDS. A. the; / B. the; the C. a; a D. /; the 13.Sugar, when with water, dissolves quickly. A. mixed B. mixing C. mix D. is mixed 14. with a difficult situation, Arnold decided to ask his boss for advice. A. To face B. Having faced C. Faced D. Facing 15.It took us quite a long time to get there. It was journey. A. three-hour B. a three hour C. a three-hour D. three hours 16.When first to the market, these products enjoyed great success. A. introducing B. introduced C. introduce D. being introduced 17.It shames me to say it, but I told a lie when at the meeting by my boss. A. questioning B. having questioned C. questioned D. to be questioned 18.Alice returned from the manager’s office me that the boss wanted to see me at once. A. having told B. tells C. to tell D. telling 19.The disc, digitally in the studio, sounded fantastic at the party that night. A. recorded B. recording C. to be recorded D. having recorded 20. with the size of the whole earth, the biggest ocean does not seem big at all. A. Compare B. When comparing C. Comparing D. When compared 21.—What’s that terrible noise? —The neighbors for a party. A. have prepared B. are preparing C. prepares D. will prepare 22.The evening news comes on at seven o’clock and only thirty minutes. A. keeps B. continues C. finishes D. lasts 23.The number of people present a the concert was than expected. There were many tickets left. A. much smaller B. much more C. much larger D. many more 24.The village is far away from here indeed. It’s walk. A. a four hour B. a four hour’s C. a four-hours D. a four hours’ 25.The sign reads ―In case of fire, break the glass and push red button.‖ A. /;a B. /; the C. the; the D. a; a 26. They have found more than a thousand cultural relics gold, jade and stone objects. A. including B. included C. containing D. contained 27.The talks between the two sides have without any result. A. broken out B. broken up C. broken down D. taken out 28. Changchen Company the prices of its products, while the prices of the products of Hisense . A.brought down; went up B. has raised; have cut down C.was reduced; have risen D. went up; were brought down 第四课时写作 美文背诵 Power without Pollution Pollution is a big problem in almost all the big cities of the world. City people are, therefore, becoming more and more worried about how they can get rid of pollution. They are also concerned about whether the government is doing enough to protect the environment. However, people in Ireland don't have these worries. They are sure that they have found the answer to the problem. They use windmills. These windmills can create power without creating pollution. This method is so successful that other countries are thinking of doing the same. Why not? What works for Ireland can work for any other country. ?a big problem = a serious problem ?You should rid yourself of that bad habit of smoking. ?concerned = worried People in Ireland, however, don't have these worries. People in Ireland don't, however, have these worries. ?answer to = solution to 新 课 标 第 一 网 ?create / produce / generate 书面表达方法技巧指导 概讲:如何写调查报告, 调查报告多以表格的形式出现,来说明某个调查的结果或发表对某个问题的看法。一般的调 查报告由开头)主体和结尾三部分组成。 1.开头句是说明调查的目的,通常用于开头的句子有: Recently we had a survey about…… or : In order to … , we did an investigation about … 2. 主体部分是用来说明调查的结果或发现,此部分会用到许多数据比较,如6%of … think …, one third support the idea that…等。还会用到一些表达比较和对比的句型: while…; Compared with… ;Unlike …; However…等。 3. 结尾部分写出所得的结论或自己对这个问题的看法,或者指出解决的思路和努力方向。 在写调查报告的时候一定要注意时态一致,在写作过程中,尤其是在表述观点的时候, 多用现在时。在人称上要做到前后一致。 写一篇关于公园 该收门票的调查报告。开头和结尾已经给出 Dear editor, I’m writing to tell you about the discussion we’ve had about whether an entrance fee should be charges for parks. Yours truly, Li Hua 答案: 须掌握的单词: 1. contain 2. access 3. crash 4. store 5. breakdown 6. develop 7. defence 8. creation 9. percentage 10. design 11. invention 12. permission 13. concentrate 14. independent 15. last 16. pass 17. frequently 18. disadvantage 19. average 20. rise 21. prepare 22. present 词汇拓展: 1. development(n.) developed (adj.) 2. defend (vi.) 3. creation (n.) creative (adj.) 4. percent 5. invent 6. permit 7. dependent (反义词) depend (v.) 8. frequent 9. advantage
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