首页 2011元旦联谊晚会报告



2011元旦联谊晚会报告2011元旦联谊晚会报告 2011元旦联谊晚会报告 一、整体情况 1、晚会主题名称:山西农业大学信息学院之英语系元旦文艺汇演――暨“2011新年狂欢夜” 2、晚会目标:融合师生情谊、展现信息学院特色和风采、扩大学生会影响。 3、时间: 2010年12月31日 19:00—23:00 4、地点:信息学院食堂三层 5、主办单位:山西农业大学信息学院 6、承办单位:人文系学生会 7、晚会筹备工作管理方式:阶段式管理和项目式管理相结合 二、工作人员和项目组 8、工作人员 顾问:李震 冯锐 李鹏程 统...

2011元旦联谊晚会 报告 软件系统测试报告下载sgs报告如何下载关于路面塌陷情况报告535n,sgs报告怎么下载竣工报告下载 2011元旦联谊晚会报告 一、整体情况 1、晚会主题名称:山西农业大学信息学院之英语系元旦文艺汇演――暨“2011新年狂欢夜” 2、晚会目标:融合师生情谊、展现信息学院特色和风采、扩大学生会影响。 3、时间: 2010年12月31日 19:00—23:00 4、地点:信息学院食堂三层 5、主办单位:山西农业大学信息学院 6、承办单位:人文系学生会 7、晚会筹备工作管理方式:阶段式管理和项目式管理相结合 二、工作人员和项目组 8、工作人员 顾问:李震 冯锐 李鹏程 统筹组:人文系学生会 9、项目组: (1)第一项目组:节目组 组长:薛延璐 张敏 组员:两班班委 任务:a、完成节目收集、筛选及后期的排练、彩排工作 c、主持人的选择、形象 设计 领导形象设计圆作业设计ao工艺污水处理厂设计附属工程施工组织设计清扫机器人结构设计 及台词审核; b、负责节目的编排及晚会全流程的衔接 d、准备好晚会所需的一切服装道具; (2)第二项目组:宣传组 组长:李羚 程雅琴 张莎莎 万鹏婷 任务:a、利用横幅、网络、广播、等方式开展宣传 of the work is not high, struggling to cope, a mere formality. Corrective measures: (lead leader: Luo Mingjun, Rectification time: September 25th, 1), long-term adherence to strictly abide by the party's political discipline. Strictly abide by the constitution, the principle of Party organization and party political life standards, do not spread against the party's theory and policy advice, not published against the central and provincial decision not to divulge the speech, party and state secrets, not not to participate in a variety of illegal manufacturing organizations and activities, dissemination of political rumors and false information, not to publish lossy unity remarks does not undermine the unity of things. 2, consciously accept the supervision of the organization. The Party firmly and consciously ideologically, politically, highly consistent with the Central Committee to keep the action, and resolutely safeguard the authority Kennedy. Must safeguard the centralism. Take the lead in compliance with the constitution, strict party life, strengthen the political party, the principle of life, fighting. To further strengthen the organization and procedure of ideas, adhere to the major issues and report according to the regulations. Party members take the lead to a common Party member to participate in branch organizational life, accept the supervision of the organization. (seven) safety supervision grassroots cadres is not enough. A few leading cadres style floating love when peace officer in the office, to the grassroots, not willing to mining enterprises to conduct field research in the specific work not burden, dare not touch, in the work of "Dragonfly" phenomenon, keen on Formalism, do not further, not specious writing, seek practical results, sense of responsibility is not strong. Such as production safety supervision and management work, the strict requirements, heavy task, individual leading cadres to everyday things busy as an excuse, "urged not do" or "knock on the ring"Lack b、现场摄影及,,摄像 (3)第三项目组:外联组 组长:杨琪琪 肖烨 组员:外联部、宣传部部员 任务:a、负责联系商家以及完成承诺给予赞助商的服务工作。 b、联系晚会前热场商家、校内商家及食堂等 (4)第四项目组:礼仪组 组长:李媛媛 组员:安春梅 王烨丽 任务:a、确定晚会邀请的嘉宾并且及时送出请柬; b、到校礼仪队确定礼仪队(人数待定); c、物品购买及工作证制作:包括晚会小礼品及请柬、摄影大赛礼品等; d、晚会当日准备好会场服务物品,如水杯、茶叶等,并接待好领导及老师 e、联系摄影人员; (5)第五项目组:舞台组 组长:李媛媛 李鹏程 任务:a、监督并确保舞台的搭建及时及质量; b、晚会期间舞台灯光设备、音箱设备的安装,化妆室、换衣间的选制。 (6)第六项目组:机动组 组长:苏珉琛 组员:班委其他成员 任务:晚会期间,负责会场纪律维持、会场后勤保障以及处理紧急情况 三、各阶段任务及工作分配 10、晚会前三个阶段: (1)晚会策划及准备期 of the work is not high, struggling to cope, a mere formality. Corrective measures: (lead leader: Luo Mingjun, Rectification time: September 25th, 1), long-term adherence to strictly abide by the party's political discipline. Strictly abide by the constitution, the principle of Party organization and party political life standards, do not spread against the party's theory and policy advice, not published against the central and provincial decision not to divulge the speech, party and state secrets, not not to participate in a variety of illegal manufacturing organizations and activities, dissemination of political rumors and false information, not to publish lossy unity remarks does not undermine the unity of things. 2, consciously accept the supervision of the organization. The Party firmly and consciously ideologically, politically, highly consistent with the Central Committee to keep the action, and resolutely safeguard the authority Kennedy. Must safeguard the centralism. Take the lead in compliance with the constitution, strict party life, strengthen the political party, the principle of life, fighting. To further strengthen the organization and procedure of ideas, adhere to the major issues and report according to the regulations. Party members take the lead to a common Party member to participate in branch organizational life, accept the supervision of the organization. (seven) safety supervision grassroots cadres is not enough. A few leading cadres style floating love when peace officer in the office, to the grassroots, not willing to mining enterprises to conduct field research in the specific work not burden, dare not touch, in the work of "Dragonfly" phenomenon, keen on Formalism, do not further, not specious writing, seek practical results, sense of responsibility is not strong. Such as production safety supervision and management work, the strict requirements, heavy task, individual leading cadres to everyday things busy as an excuse, "urged not do" or "knock on the ring"Lack 本阶段主要完成宣传、节目收集、主持人确定及确定赞助商 ?节目收集:由节目组负责。采取各个部门提供节目。另外,从校外邀请专业节目 关于同志近三年现实表现材料材料类招标技术评分表图表与交易pdf视力表打印pdf用图表说话 pdf 演作为补充。确定主持人 ?赞助商确定:由商家组负责。联系商家,并配合商家作好宣传工作 ?前期宣传:由宣传组负责。海报设计及张贴、横幅。 (2)晚会协调及进展期( 12月16日 , 12月23日 ): 本阶段主要完成节目筛选及排练、中期宣传、礼仪小姐确定、舞台灯光音响确定、物品购买。 ?节目筛选及排练:由节目组负责,统筹组监督,地点暂定信息学院食堂。到各学院选取优秀节目,并进行排练。 ?中期宣传:由宣传组负责。该阶段展开网络宣传(网站、及校网邮箱)、广播宣传。 ?舞台确定:由舞台组负责。请结合节目组舞台要求,联系制作公司。 ?物品购买及礼仪小姐确定:由礼仪组负责。物品需要情况征求各部。 (3)晚会倒计时期( 12月24日 , 12月29日 ) 本阶段主要完成晚会全过程确定(包括节目单确定)、第一次彩排、末期宣传、领导邀请、场地确定、媒体报道确定、工作证制作、费用收集。 ?晚会全过程确定及彩排:由节目组负责。节目单确定交由各部门,加紧排练节目。并进行第一次彩排,时间暂定 12月25日 ,地点信息学院食堂。 ?末期宣传:宣传组负责。宣传单(抽奖券和节目单)设计和发放,广播宣传,及晚会当日抽奖券的收集。 ?领导邀请、工作证制作、场地确定及媒体报道确定:由礼仪组负责。 ?费用收集:由统筹组负责。务必收正规发票,若此期无法收齐务必于晚会开始前收齐。 11、晚会当日流程:详见晚会当日工作流程() 12、晚会后期工作:(1)为演员分发小礼品 (2)费用处理 of the work is not high, struggling to cope, a mere formality. Corrective measures: (lead leader: Luo Mingjun, Rectification time: September 25th, 1), long-term adherence to strictly abide by the party's political discipline. Strictly abide by the constitution, the principle of Party organization and party political life standards, do not spread against the party's theory and policy advice, not published against the central and provincial decision not to divulge the speech, party and state secrets, not not to participate in a variety of illegal manufacturing organizations and activities, dissemination of political rumors and false information, not to publish lossy unity remarks does not undermine the unity of things. 2, consciously accept the supervision of the organization. The Party firmly and consciously ideologically, politically, highly consistent with the Central Committee to keep the action, and resolutely safeguard the authority Kennedy. Must safeguard the centralism. Take the lead in compliance with the constitution, strict party life, strengthen the political party, the principle of life, fighting. To further strengthen the organization and procedure of ideas, adhere to the major issues and report according to the regulations. Party members take the lead to a common Party member to participate in branch organizational life, accept the supervision of the organization. (seven) safety supervision grassroots cadres is not enough. A few leading cadres style floating love when peace officer in the office, to the grassroots, not willing to mining enterprises to conduct field research in the specific work not burden, dare not touch, in the work of "Dragonfly" phenomenon, keen on Formalism, do not further, not specious writing, seek practical results, sense of responsibility is not strong. Such as production safety supervision and management work, the strict requirements, heavy task, individual leading cadres to everyday things busy as an excuse, "urged not do" or "knock on the ring"Lack (3)书面 总结 初级经济法重点总结下载党员个人总结TXt高中句型全总结.doc高中句型全总结.doc理论力学知识点总结pdf (4),;,制作及网络宣传 四、节目单 13、本次晚会共16个节目 对唱 of the work is not high, struggling to cope, a mere formality. Corrective measures: (lead leader: Luo Mingjun, Rectification time: September 25th, 1), long-term adherence to strictly abide by the party's political discipline. Strictly abide by the constitution, the principle of Party organization and party political life standards, do not spread against the party's theory and policy advice, not published against the central and provincial decision not to divulge the speech, party and state secrets, not not to participate in a variety of illegal manufacturing organizations and activities, dissemination of political rumors and false information, not to publish lossy unity remarks does not undermine the unity of things. 2, consciously accept the supervision of the organization. The Party firmly and consciously ideologically, politically, highly consistent with the Central Committee to keep the action, and resolutely safeguard the authority Kennedy. Must safeguard the centralism. Take the lead in compliance with the constitution, strict party life, strengthen the political party, the principle of life, fighting. To further strengthen the organization and procedure of ideas, adhere to the major issues and report according to the regulations. Party members take the lead to a common Party member to participate in branch organizational life, accept the supervision of the organization. (seven) safety supervision grassroots cadres is not enough. A few leading cadres style floating love when peace officer in the office, to the grassroots, not willing to mining enterprises to conduct field research in the specific work not burden, dare not touch, in the work of "Dragonfly" phenomenon, keen on Formalism, do not further, not specious writing, seek practical results, sense of responsibility is not strong. Such as production safety supervision and management work, the strict requirements, heavy task, individual leading cadres to everyday things busy as an excuse, "urged not do" or "knock on the ring"Lack 街舞 中英文演讲 of the work is not high, struggling to cope, a mere formality. Corrective measures: (lead leader: Luo Mingjun, Rectification time: September 25th, 1), long-term adherence to strictly abide by the party's political discipline. Strictly abide by the constitution, the principle of Party organization and party political life standards, do not spread against the party's theory and policy advice, not published against the central and provincial decision not to divulge the speech, party and state secrets, not not to participate in a variety of illegal manufacturing organizations and activities, dissemination of political rumors and false information, not to publish lossy unity remarks does not undermine the unity of things. 2, consciously accept the supervision of the organization. The Party firmly and consciously ideologically, politically, highly consistent with the Central Committee to keep the action, and resolutely safeguard the authority Kennedy. Must safeguard the centralism. Take the lead in compliance with the constitution, strict party life, strengthen the political party, the principle of life, fighting. To further strengthen the organization and procedure of ideas, adhere to the major issues and report according to the regulations. Party members take the lead to a common Party member to participate in branch organizational life, accept the supervision of the organization. (seven) safety supervision grassroots cadres is not enough. A few leading cadres style floating love when peace officer in the office, to the grassroots, not willing to mining enterprises to conduct field research in the specific work not burden, dare not touch, in the work of "Dragonfly" phenomenon, keen on Formalism, do not further, not specious writing, seek practical results, sense of responsibility is not strong. Such as production safety supervision and management work, the strict requirements, heavy task, individual leading cadres to everyday things busy as an excuse, "urged not do" or "knock on the ring"Lack 姐妹对唱 话剧《白雪公主》 of the work is not high, struggling to cope, a mere formality. Corrective measures: (lead leader: Luo Mingjun, Rectification time: September 25th, 1), long-term adherence to strictly abide by the party's political discipline. Strictly abide by the constitution, the principle of Party organization and party political life standards, do not spread against the party's theory and policy advice, not published against the central and provincial decision not to divulge the speech, party and state secrets, not not to participate in a variety of illegal manufacturing organizations and activities, dissemination of political rumors and false information, not to publish lossy unity remarks does not undermine the unity of things. 2, consciously accept the supervision of the organization. The Party firmly and consciously ideologically, politically, highly consistent with the Central Committee to keep the action, and resolutely safeguard the authority Kennedy. Must safeguard the centralism. Take the lead in compliance with the constitution, strict party life, strengthen the political party, the principle of life, fighting. To further strengthen the organization and procedure of ideas, adhere to the major issues and report according to the regulations. Party members take the lead to a common Party member to participate in branch organizational life, accept the supervision of the organization. (seven) safety supervision grassroots cadres is not enough. A few leading cadres style floating love when peace officer in the office, to the grassroots, not willing to mining enterprises to conduct field research in the specific work not burden, dare not touch, in the work of "Dragonfly" phenomenon, keen on Formalism, do not further, not specious writing, seek practical results, sense of responsibility is not strong. Such as production safety supervision and management work, the strict requirements, heavy task, individual leading cadres to everyday things busy as an excuse, "urged not do" or "knock on the ring"Lack 五、资金预算 用 途 金额(单位:元) 备注 of the work is not high, struggling to cope, a mere formality. Corrective measures: (lead leader: Luo Mingjun, Rectification time: September 25th, 1), long-term adherence to strictly abide by the party's political discipline. Strictly abide by the constitution, the principle of Party organization and party political life standards, do not spread against the party's theory and policy advice, not published against the central and provincial decision not to divulge the speech, party and state secrets, not not to participate in a variety of illegal manufacturing organizations and activities, dissemination of political rumors and false information, not to publish lossy unity remarks does not undermine the unity of things. 2, consciously accept the supervision of the organization. The Party firmly and consciously ideologically, politically, highly consistent with the Central Committee to keep the action, and resolutely safeguard the authority Kennedy. Must safeguard the centralism. Take the lead in compliance with the constitution, strict party life, strengthen the political party, the principle of life, fighting. To further strengthen the organization and procedure of ideas, adhere to the major issues and report according to the regulations. Party members take the lead to a common Party member to participate in branch organizational life, accept the supervision of the organization. (seven) safety supervision grassroots cadres is not enough. A few leading cadres style floating love when peace officer in the office, to the grassroots, not willing to mining enterprises to conduct field research in the specific work not burden, dare not touch, in the work of "Dragonfly" phenomenon, keen on Formalism, do not further, not specious writing, seek practical results, sense of responsibility is not strong. Such as production safety supervision and management work, the strict requirements, heavy task, individual leading cadres to everyday things busy as an excuse, "urged not do" or "knock on the ring"Lack
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