首页 《耐火粘土(高铝粘土)行业准入标准》



《耐火粘土(高铝粘土)行业准入标准》《耐火粘土(高铝粘土)行业准入标准》 工业和信息化部等7部门联合发布 《耐火粘土(高铝粘土)行业准入标准》 2010年03月19日 09:40 工信部网站 2010年2月22日,工业和信息化部等7部门联合发布《耐火粘土(高铝粘土)行业准入标准公告》,全文如下: 中华人民共和国工业和信息化部 中华人民共和国国家发展和改革委员会 中华人民共和国国土资源部 中华人民共和国环境保护部公 告 中华人民共和国商务部 国家质量监督检验检疫总局 国家安全生产监督管理总局 工联原[2010]86号 为了贯彻...

《耐火粘土(高铝粘土)行业准入 标准 excel标准偏差excel标准偏差函数exl标准差函数国标检验抽样标准表免费下载红头文件格式标准下载 》 工业和信息化部等7部门联合发布 《耐火粘土(高铝粘土)行业准入标准》 2010年03月19日 09:40 工信部网站 2010年2月22日,工业和信息化部等7部门联合发布《耐火粘土(高铝粘土)行业准入标准公告》,全文如下: 中华人民共和国工业和信息化部 中华人民共和国国家发展和改革委员会 中华人民共和国国土资源部 中华人民共和国环境保护部公 告 中华人民共和国商务部 国家质量监督检验检疫总局 国家安全生产监督管理总局 工联原[2010]86号 为了贯彻落实科学发展观,合理开发利用资源和保护环境,促进产业结构调整,根据《国务院办公厅关于采取综合措施对耐火粘土萤石的开采和生产进行控制的通知》(国办发[2010]1号)和相关法律法规及政策的规定,特制定《耐火粘土(高铝粘土)行业准入标准》,现予公告。 各有关部门在对耐火粘土(高铝粘土)建设项目核准(备案)管理、国土资源管理、环境影响评价、信贷融资、产品生产和出口、质量认证、工商注册登记、安全监管等工作中要以本准入标准为依据。 附件:耐火粘土(高铝粘土)行业准入标准 二〇一〇年二月二十二日 apply the edible parts of the specimen shattered after placed in a flask, add 30 ?-60 ? petroleum ether 100mL, shock 1min over night, filter by funnel containing anhydrous sodium sulfate, vacuum solvent recovery or on a water bath at 60 ?, petroleum ether, for stand-by. Determination of extraction of oil should meet the following requirements. Weigh 2.00 g-3.00g method to extract the oil as described above, put in iodine 250mL bottle, add 30 mL of chloroform-acetic mixture, so that the specimen is completely dissolved. Add l.00 mL of saturated potassium iodide solution, tightly stuffed bottlesa X2--the peroxide value of the sample, expressed in meq/kg (MEQ/kg); V1--consumption of sodium thiosulfate standard frozen reduced-size drops of the sample, expressed in milliliters (mL); V2--volume of consumed reagent blank titration with sodium thiosulfate standard solution. Milliliters (mL); C a-titration with sodium thiosulfate standard solution concentration, measured in moles per liter (mol/l); M--quality of the sample, expressed in grams (g); 0.1269-1.00mL titration with sodium thiosulfate standard solution was [c (Na2S2O3) =1.000mol/L] the quality of iodine in units of grams (g); 78.8--conversion factors. Results to two significant figures. 5, precision under repeatability conditions to obtain the absolute value of the difference of two independent test results shall not exceed the arithmetical average of the 10%. Method 2 method 1, principles of specimen with three oxygen dissolved methane-methanol mixed solvent, in samples of peroxide oxidation of ferrous iron 耐火粘土(高铝粘土)行业准入标准 一、总则 (一)为了贯彻落实科学发展观,合理开发利用与有效保护资源和环境,促进产业结构调整,根据《国务院办公厅关于采取综合措施对耐火粘土萤石的开采和生产进行控制的通知》(国办发[2010]1号)和相关法律法规及政策的规定,特制定本准入标准。 (二)本准入标准中的耐火粘土(高铝粘土)系指经国土资源管理部门储量备案的高铝粘土矿区的高铝粘土矿石和经过窑炉煅烧(电熔)的高铝粘土熟料。 二、生产布局条件 (三)高铝粘土矿采选、加工企业必须符合国家产业政策、矿产资源规划和产业规划,符合各省(自治区、直辖市)高铝粘土行业发展规划、城市建设规划、土地利用总体规划、矿产资源规划、环境保护和污染防治规划要求。 (四)严格限制在国家和地方规定的限采区新设高铝粘土开采矿山。禁止在禁采区内新设开采矿山,已建矿山应按照矿产资源规划和国家有关规定进行处置。 在饮用水水源保护区、自然保护区、风景名胜区、生态功能保护区、基本农田保护区等需要特殊保护的地区,大中城市及其近郊,居民集中区、学校与托幼机构、疗养地、医院和食品、药品、电子等对环境质量要求高的企业周边1公里内,主要河流两岸、公路、铁路干apply the edible parts of the specimen shattered after placed in a flask, add 30 ?-60 ? petroleum ether 100mL, shock 1min over night, filter by funnel containing anhydrous sodium sulfate, vacuum solvent recovery or on a water bath at 60 ?, petroleum ether, for stand-by. Determination of extraction of oil should meet the following requirements. Weigh 2.00 g-3.00g method to extract the oil as described above, put in iodine 250mL bottle, add 30 mL of chloroform-acetic mixture, so that the specimen is completely dissolved. Add l.00 mL of saturated potassium iodide solution, tightly stuffed bottlesa X2--the peroxide value of the sample, expressed in meq/kg (MEQ/kg); V1--consumption of sodium thiosulfate standard frozen reduced-size drops of the sample, expressed in milliliters (mL); V2--volume of consumed reagent blank titration with sodium thiosulfate standard solution. Milliliters (mL); C a-titration with sodium thiosulfate standard solution concentration, measured in moles per liter (mol/l); M--quality of the sample, expressed in grams (g); 0.1269-1.00mL titration with sodium thiosulfate standard solution was [c (Na2S2O3) =1.000mol/L] the quality of iodine in units of grams (g); 78.8--conversion factors. Results to two significant figures. 5, precision under repeatability conditions to obtain the absolute value of the difference of two independent test results shall not exceed the arithmetical average of the 10%. Method 2 method 1, principles of specimen with three oxygen dissolved methane-methanol mixed solvent, in samples of peroxide oxidation of ferrous iron 线两侧一定范围,不得新建高铝粘土生产加工企业。 三、生产规模、工艺与装备 (五)新建高铝粘土矿山开采规模应与资源储量规模相适应,并符合相关产业政策。矿山开采设计应根据资源状况、赋存条件以及开采设计 方案 气瓶 现场处置方案 .pdf气瓶 现场处置方案 .doc见习基地管理方案.doc关于群访事件的化解方案建筑工地扬尘治理专项方案下载 等选择安全、节能、环保、高效、适用的采矿方法和装备。 (六)高铝粘土选矿企业单条生产线原矿年处理能力应大于5万吨。选矿回收率要求达到80%以上。 (七)高铝粘土熟料加工企业年生产能力不得小于5万吨,其中,单线年生产能力要求达到: 1(回转窑?3万吨; 2(隧道窑?2万吨; 3(梭式窑、竖窑?1万吨。 四、资源综合利用和能源消耗 (八)高铝粘土采选企业露天采矿回采率要求达到80%以上,地下采矿回采率要求达到70%以上。 (九)高铝粘土矿一般情况下只能用于耐火材料、刚玉型研磨材料、高铝水泥、陶瓷匣钵等工业生产原料。对同一矿床伴生(共生)的多种耐火原料及相关矿产,必须综合开采,合理利用,严防优材劣用。 鼓励对低品位高铝粘土矿进行选矿加工提纯,分级选别、分级使用,实现资源综合利用。 (十)高铝粘土熟料煅烧平均能耗指标要求: apply the edible parts of the specimen shattered after placed in a flask, add 30 ?-60 ? petroleum ether 100mL, shock 1min over night, filter by funnel containing anhydrous sodium sulfate, vacuum solvent recovery or on a water bath at 60 ?, petroleum ether, for stand-by. Determination of extraction of oil should meet the following requirements. Weigh 2.00 g-3.00g method to extract the oil as described above, put in iodine 250mL bottle, add 30 mL of chloroform-acetic mixture, so that the specimen is completely dissolved. Add l.00 mL of saturated potassium iodide solution, tightly stuffed bottlesa X2--the peroxide value of the sample, expressed in meq/kg (MEQ/kg); V1--consumption of sodium thiosulfate standard frozen reduced-size drops of the sample, expressed in milliliters (mL); V2--volume of consumed reagent blank titration with sodium thiosulfate standard solution. Milliliters (mL); C a-titration with sodium thiosulfate standard solution concentration, measured in moles per liter (mol/l); M--quality of the sample, expressed in grams (g); 0.1269-1.00mL titration with sodium thiosulfate standard solution was [c (Na2S2O3) =1.000mol/L] the quality of iodine in units of grams (g); 78.8--conversion factors. Results to two significant figures. 5, precision under repeatability conditions to obtain the absolute value of the difference of two independent test results shall not exceed the arithmetical average of the 10%. Method 2 method 1, principles of specimen with three oxygen dissolved methane-methanol mixed solvent, in samples of peroxide oxidation of ferrous iron 1(转窑吨产品能耗小于220公斤标准煤; 2(隧道窑吨产品能耗小于230公斤标准煤; 3(梭式窑吨产品能耗小于300公斤标准煤; 4(竖窑吨产品能耗小于180公斤标准煤。 (十一)熟料煅烧装备应采用通过技术改造的环保节能型窑炉,并采取余热回收利用措施。 五、环境保护和土地复垦 (十二)高铝粘土矿山采选以及熟料生产过程中要加强清洁生产,污染物排放要符合国家《工业炉窑大气污染物排放标准》(GB9078-1996)、《大气污染物综合排放标准》(GB16297-1996)、《污水综合排放标准》(GB8978-1996)、《一般工业固体废物贮存、处置场污染控制标准》(GB 18599-2001)等有关标准和主要污染物总量控制要求以及有关地方标准和要求的规定。 (十三)企业必须按照环保、水土保持和耕地保护等要求,严格执行相关法律法规和标准规范,防止土壤污染,保护生态环境,严格执行土地复垦和生态恢复规定,履行土地复垦与生态恢复义务。 六、主要产品质量 (十四)高铝粘土生料和高铝粘土熟料应满足以下标准:《铝土矿石》(GB/T24483-2009)、《高铝矾土熟料》(YB/T5179-2005)。 七、安全、卫生和社会 责任 安全质量包保责任状安全管理目标责任状8安全事故责任追究制幼儿园安全责任状占有损害赔偿请求权 (十五)高铝粘土采选生产必须符合《安全生产法》、《矿山安全法》、《安全生产许可证条例》(国务院令第397号)、《金属非金属矿apply the edible parts of the specimen shattered after placed in a flask, add 30 ?-60 ? petroleum ether 100mL, shock 1min over night, filter by funnel containing anhydrous sodium sulfate, vacuum solvent recovery or on a water bath at 60 ?, petroleum ether, for stand-by. Determination of extraction of oil should meet the following requirements. Weigh 2.00 g-3.00g method to extract the oil as described above, put in iodine 250mL bottle, add 30 mL of chloroform-acetic mixture, so that the specimen is completely dissolved. Add l.00 mL of saturated potassium iodide solution, tightly stuffed bottlesa X2--the peroxide value of the sample, expressed in meq/kg (MEQ/kg); V1--consumption of sodium thiosulfate standard frozen reduced-size drops of the sample, expressed in milliliters (mL); V2--volume of consumed reagent blank titration with sodium thiosulfate standard solution. Milliliters (mL); C a-titration with sodium thiosulfate standard solution concentration, measured in moles per liter (mol/l); M--quality of the sample, expressed in grams (g); 0.1269-1.00mL titration with sodium thiosulfate standard solution was [c (Na2S2O3) =1.000mol/L] the quality of iodine in units of grams (g); 78.8--conversion factors. Results to two significant figures. 5, precision under repeatability conditions to obtain the absolute value of the difference of two independent test results shall not exceed the arithmetical average of the 10%. Method 2 method 1, principles of specimen with three oxygen dissolved methane-methanol mixed solvent, in samples of peroxide oxidation of ferrous iron 山安全规程》(GB16423,2006)和《尾矿库安全技术规程》(AQ2006-2005)等有关规定,依法取得安全生产许可证后方可从事生产活动。新建、改建、扩建项目安全生产设施必须与主体工程同时设计、同时施工、同时投入生产和使用,并经安全生产监督管理部门组织审查和竣工验收。 (十六)高铝粘土采选企业必须遵守《职业病防治法》,具备相应的职业病防治条件。完善职业危害防治设施,按照标准配备个人劳动防护用品,并建立各项规章制度。新、改、扩建项目职业危害防治设施必须与主体工程同时设计、同时施工、同时投入生产和使用。 (十七)矿山开采企业应设置地质测量机构,配备地质、测量专业技术人员,负责矿山资源储量的动态监测。大中型矿山应配备3-5人,小型矿山2-3人;确无条件配备专业技术人员的,应以合同(协议)的形式委托有资质的单位负责矿山地质测量工作。 (十八)矿山开采企业必须配备具有矿山开发相关专业技术职称的专职安全技术人员,大中型矿山2-3人,小型矿山1-2人。 (十九)企业应当依法参加养老、失业、医疗、工伤等各类保险,并为从业人员缴足相关保险费用。此外,企业还应遵守其他各项法律法规,做到合法经营。 八、监督与管理 (二十)重点高铝耐火粘土资源地区应制订区域产业发展规划、矿产资源规划并开展规划环境影响评价,未列入规划和未开展规划环评的建设项目不得受理审批。 apply the edible parts of the specimen shattered after placed in a flask, add 30 ?-60 ? petroleum ether 100mL, shock 1min over night, filter by funnel containing anhydrous sodium sulfate, vacuum solvent recovery or on a water bath at 60 ?, petroleum ether, for stand-by. Determination of extraction of oil should meet the following requirements. Weigh 2.00 g-3.00g method to extract the oil as described above, put in iodine 250mL bottle, add 30 mL of chloroform-acetic mixture, so that the specimen is completely dissolved. Add l.00 mL of saturated potassium iodide solution, tightly stuffed bottlesa X2--the peroxide value of the sample, expressed in meq/kg (MEQ/kg); V1--consumption of sodium thiosulfate standard frozen reduced-size drops of the sample, expressed in milliliters (mL); V2--volume of consumed reagent blank titration with sodium thiosulfate standard solution. Milliliters (mL); C a-titration with sodium thiosulfate standard solution concentration, measured in moles per liter (mol/l); M--quality of the sample, expressed in grams (g); 0.1269-1.00mL titration with sodium thiosulfate standard solution was [c (Na2S2O3) =1.000mol/L] the quality of iodine in units of grams (g); 78.8--conversion factors. Results to two significant figures. 5, precision under repeatability conditions to obtain the absolute value of the difference of two independent test results shall not exceed the arithmetical average of the 10%. Method 2 method 1, principles of specimen with three oxygen dissolved methane-methanol mixed solvent, in samples of peroxide oxidation of ferrous iron 新建和改扩建高铝粘土项目应当由省级工业主管部门会同有关部门组织专家进行评审,编制工业固定资产投资项目节能评估报告,充分论证和评价项目的资源回收率、综合利用水平,能源利用的科学性和合理性,以及生产工艺条件对职业病防治、安全生产、环境保护的保护程度,评审合格方可进行项目核准申请。 对不符合准入标准的项目,主管部门不得核准;金融机构不得提供贷款和其它形式的授信支持,国土资源管理、城市规划和建设、环境保护、消防、卫生、工商、质检、安监等部门不得办理有关手续;地方人民政府或相关主管部门依法决定撤销或责令关闭的企业,有关管理部门应依法撤销相关许可证件,工商行政管理部门依法责令其办理变更登记或注销登记。 (二十一)现有高铝粘土开采和生产企业应通过技术改造、资源整合、加强管理达到本准入标准。2011年7月1日以后仍达不到本准入标准要求的,应停产整顿,经验收合格后方能恢复生产。 (二十二)高铝粘土开采和生产企业必须建立生产和销售台帐,自觉接受和主动配合有关部门监督检查,按照有关部门规定报送报表。不符合准入标准的生产企业不得生产和销售高铝粘土;用户不得购买不符合准入标准的生产企业生产的相关产品。 (二十三)省级和市县级工业和信息化主管部门会同有关执法部门负责对当地生产经营企业执行本准入标准的情况进行监督检查。发现不符合本准入标准的生产企业,有关部门依照各自职能,分别取消开采总量控制指标、指令性生产 计划 项目进度计划表范例计划下载计划下载计划下载课程教学计划下载 指标、出口供货资格和产品出口apply the edible parts of the specimen shattered after placed in a flask, add 30 ?-60 ? petroleum ether 100mL, shock 1min over night, filter by funnel containing anhydrous sodium sulfate, vacuum solvent recovery or on a water bath at 60 ?, petroleum ether, for stand-by. Determination of extraction of oil should meet the following requirements. Weigh 2.00 g-3.00g method to extract the oil as described above, put in iodine 250mL bottle, add 30 mL of chloroform-acetic mixture, so that the specimen is completely dissolved. Add l.00 mL of saturated potassium iodide solution, tightly stuffed bottlesa X2--the peroxide value of the sample, expressed in meq/kg (MEQ/kg); V1--consumption of sodium thiosulfate standard frozen reduced-size drops of the sample, expressed in milliliters (mL); V2--volume of consumed reagent blank titration with sodium thiosulfate standard solution. Milliliters (mL); C a-titration with sodium thiosulfate standard solution concentration, measured in moles per liter (mol/l); M--quality of the sample, expressed in grams (g); 0.1269-1.00mL titration with sodium thiosulfate standard solution was [c (Na2S2O3) =1.000mol/L] the quality of iodine in units of grams (g); 78.8--conversion factors. Results to two significant figures. 5, precision under repeatability conditions to obtain the absolute value of the difference of two independent test results shall not exceed the arithmetical average of the 10%. Method 2 method 1, principles of specimen with three oxygen dissolved methane-methanol mixed solvent, in samples of peroxide oxidation of ferrous iron 许可证。工信、国土资源、环保、安全生产等行政管理和执法部门依据各自职能负责对当地高铝粘土开采和生产企业执行准入标准情况进行监督检查。 工业和信息化部会同有关部门对高铝粘土采选生产经营企业进行不定期抽查和检查。 (二十四)国土资源部定期公告符合本准入标准的高铝粘土矿开采企业名单,工业和信息化部会定期公告符合本准入标准的高铝粘土生产经营企业名单,实行社会监督、动态管理。 (二十五)充分发挥现有国家级铝粘土批发市场的产品配置功能,本着“优质优用、优质优价、综合利用”的原则,调控产品流向,统筹安排各地区、各行业对高铝粘土的需求,合理高效地配置矿产品。 (二十六)行业协会要协助、配合政府有关部门做好行业准入管理和监督工作。加强对国内外高铝粘土市场的分析研究、促进采选生产工艺技术发展,推广行业节能减排、资源综合利用、环保新技术,建立符合准入标准企业的评价体系,科学公正提出评价 意见 文理分科指导河道管理范围浙江建筑工程概算定额教材专家评审意见党员教师互相批评意见 。 九、附 则 (二十七)本准入标准适用于中华人民共和国境内(港澳台地区除外)所有类型的高铝粘土矿山、高铝粘土加工企业。 (二十八)本准入标准中涉及的国家标准和行业政策、法律法规若进行修订,则按修订后的规定执行。 (二十九)本准入标准自2010年3月1日起实施,由工业和信息化部会同有关部门负责解释。 apply the edible parts of the specimen shattered after placed in a flask, add 30 ?-60 ? petroleum ether 100mL, shock 1min over night, filter by funnel containing anhydrous sodium sulfate, vacuum solvent recovery or on a water bath at 60 ?, petroleum ether, for stand-by. Determination of extraction of oil should meet the following requirements. Weigh 2.00 g-3.00g method to extract the oil as described above, put in iodine 250mL bottle, add 30 mL of chloroform-acetic mixture, so that the specimen is completely dissolved. Add l.00 mL of saturated potassium iodide solution, tightly stuffed bottlesa X2--the peroxide value of the sample, expressed in meq/kg (MEQ/kg); V1--consumption of sodium thiosulfate standard frozen reduced-size drops of the sample, expressed in milliliters (mL); V2--volume of consumed reagent blank titration with sodium thiosulfate standard solution. Milliliters (mL); C a-titration with sodium thiosulfate standard solution concentration, measured in moles per liter (mol/l); M--quality of the sample, expressed in grams (g); 0.1269-1.00mL titration with sodium thiosulfate standard solution was [c (Na2S2O3) =1.000mol/L] the quality of iodine in units of grams (g); 78.8--conversion factors. Results to two significant figures. 5, precision under repeatability conditions to obtain the absolute value of the difference of two independent test results shall not exceed the arithmetical average of the 10%. Method 2 method 1, principles of specimen with three oxygen dissolved methane-methanol mixed solvent, in samples of peroxide oxidation of ferrous iron
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