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生活大爆炸第一季14英文剧本生活大爆炸第一季14英文剧本 看生活大爆炸学英语 The Big Bang Theory 第1季 14集:The Nerdvana Annihilation -Sheldon: This sandwich is an unmitigated disaster. I asked for turkey and roast beef with lettuce and Swiss on whole wheat. unmitigated: 绝对的,十足的 disaster: 灾难 turkey:火鸡 roast:烤肉...

生活大爆炸第一季14英文剧本 看生活大爆炸学英语 The Big Bang Theory 第1季 14集:The Nerdvana Annihilation -Sheldon: This sandwich is an unmitigated disaster. I asked for turkey and roast beef with lettuce and Swiss on whole wheat. unmitigated: 绝对的,十足的 disaster: 灾难 turkey:火鸡 roast:烤肉,烘烤 lettuce:莴苣 swiss:瑞士奶酪 whole wheat:全麦 这个三明治真是太失败了,我点了土司夹火鸡肉和烤肉和莴苣还有瑞士奶酪 -Rajesh: What did they give you? 他们送给你的是什么? -Sheldon: Turkey and roast beef with Swiss and lettuce on whole wheat. 火鸡肉和烤肉和瑞士奶酪还有莴苣 It's the right ingredients, but in the wrong order. In a proper sandwich, the cheese is adjacent to the bread to create a moisture barrier against the lettuce. ingredient:要素,配料 adjacent: 邻近的,紧靠的 moisture:水分 barrier:障碍 成分虽然是对的但顺序不对啊。正宗的三明治奶酪应涂在土司和莴苣之间,防止土司被莴苣 弄潮湿 They might as well have dragged this thing through a car wash. might as well:或许 drag:拖拉 真怀疑他们是不是把三明治在洗车房洗过一遍了 -Rajesh: I don't believe it. 不太可能吧 -Sheldon: I know. It's basic culinary science. culinary:烹饪的 是啊做三明治是厨艺基础的基础 -Leonard: Some guy is auctioning off a miniature Time Machine prop from the original film, and no one is bidding on it. auction off:拍卖,竞卖 miniature:小规模的 prop:支柱,支架 bid on:出价,投标 有人在网上拍卖迷你时间机器,那可是原版电影的仿制品但是没有人在竞拍 -Howard: A time machine from the movie The Time Machine? 时间机器电影里的时间机器? -Leonard: No. A time machine from Sophie's Choice 不是,是"苏菲的抉择"里的时间机器 -Rajesh: Boy, Sophie could have used a time machine in that movie. Did you see it? It's rough. rough:粗糙的,粗暴的 哥们苏菲可是在那部电影里用过时间机器你们见过它么? 挺猛的 -Howard: Oh, that's cool. 哦看起来好酷啊 -Rajesh: It's only $800? 只有800块? -Leonard: Yeah. And that's my bid. bid: 竞标 是啊那是我的竞标价 -Sheldon: You bid $800? 你标800美元? -Leonard: It was a spur-of-the-moment thing. I figured it would go for thousands, and I just wanted to be a part of it. spur: 刺激,激励 spur-of-the-moment: 一时冲动的 figure:认为 我也是一时激动啊~我以为别人会标到上千块我只不过想凑个热闹 -Sheldon: There's only3 0 seconds left in the auction. 竞拍就剩下3 0秒了 -Howard: Do you have $800? 你有800块么? -Leonard: Not to blow on a miniature time machine. blow on:把钱挥霍在… 我就算有也不能花在迷你时间机器上 -Howard: Well, don't worry. The way these things work is people wait until the last second to bid, and then they swoop in and geswoop in: 抓取,突然袭击 sniping:狙击 呃别担心,拍卖的时候买家总是在最后一秒才出价他们突然闯进来把东西卷走,行话叫狙击战术 -Rajesh: 15 seconds. 还剩15 秒 -Leonard: Come on, snipers. 快来啊狙击手 -Rajesh: Ten, nine, eight... 10 9 8... -Leonard: Where are your snipers? sniper:狙击兵 你说的狙击手呢? -Rajesh: five... 5 -Leonard: Snipe. 狙击 -Rajesh: four... 4 ... -Leonard: Snipe. 狙击 -Rajesh: three.. 3 -Leonard: Snipe! 狙击! -Rajesh: two... 2 -Leonard: - Snipe! 伏击! -Rajesh: one... 1... -Leonard: ah.... 啊.... -Rajesh: Ah! Congratulations! You are the proud owner of a miniature time machine! 啊! 恭喜你! 你光荣地拥有了迷你时间机器! -Howard: You lucky duck. 你真走狗屎运 -Sheldon: I wonder why no one else bid. This is a classic piece of sci-fi movie memorabilia. classic: 经典的 sci-fi: science-fiction 的缩写,科幻小说 memorabilia:纪念品 我很奇怪怎么没有别人竞标呢?这可是经典科幻电影中的杰作啊 -Leonard: Yeah, I know! I still can't afford it. afford:买得起 我知道但是我还是买不起啊 -Howard: Why don't we share it? We'll each put in 200 bucks, and we'll take turns having it in our house. buck: 钱(美元) take turns doing sth: 轮流干某事 我们去一起合买吧每个人出200块然后我们轮流放在各自家里玩 -Rajesh: A time-share time machine .I'm in. Sheldon? 分享时间的时间机器,我同意 Sheldon你呢? -Sheldon: Need you ask? I still don't understand why no one else bid. 还用问吗? 我还是弄不懂为什么没人竞拍 -Sheldon: I understand why no one else bid. 我明白为什么没人竞拍了 -Rajesh: Did the listing actually say "miniature"? 拍卖单上面真的说了这是"迷你"的么? -Leonard: just assumed. Who sells a full-size time machine for $800? assume:认为 full-size:全尺寸的 我以为是呢,谁会想到实物大小的时间机器才卖800块 -Sheldon: In a Venn diagram, that would be an individual located within the intersection of the sets No longer want my time machine and "Need $800." Venn diagram:韦恩图解(英国逻辑学家韦恩制定的逻辑图解)individual:个人,单个的 intersection:交集 某人肯定处于两块韦恩集合图的交集一张集合图写着"不再需要时间机器"另一张写着"急需 800块" -Howard: It's actually a tremendous bargain. Even with shipping, it works out to less than four dollars a pound. tremendous:巨大的 bargain: 买卖,交易 work out:计算 实际上这东西买得很划算啊~算上运费平均一磅才不到4美元 -Rajesh: Cocktail shrimp are $12 .5. 番茄调味酱蘸虾(一种开胃菜) 都要12块5呢~ -Leonard: How are we going to get it upstairs? 我们怎么把这个搬上去? -Howard: If we take the dish off, it might fit in the elelevator:电梯 把后面那个盘子拿下来的话应该能放进电梯里面 -Leonard: Yes, but the elevator has been broken for two years. 没错但是电梯都坏了2年了 -Sheldon: I've been meaning to ask you. Do you think we should make a call about that? mean: 打算 make a call: 打电话 我一直想问你,你觉得我们应该打一个检修电话么 -Howard: Not necessary. I have a Master's in engineering. I remotely repair satellites on a regular basis. necessary:必须的 remotely: 远程,长距离的 satellite:卫星 on a regular basis: 定期地 没必要我是工程学硕士我可以在地面远程维修太空卫星还是太空站有效载荷的故障检修员 I troubleshoot space shuttle payloads. When the Mars Rover started pulling to the left, I performed,a front-end alignment from 620 million miles away. troubleshoot:寻找故障(调试) space shuttle: 航天飞机 payload:有效负载 alignment:调整,对准 front-end:前端的 当年火星漂流者号在航线上左偏时我正在6千2百万英里外进行前线校准工作 No. That baby's broken. 不行这家伙坏了 -Leonard: Come on, guys! Push! 加油啊伙计们用力推! -Sheldon: If I push any harder, I'm going to give birth to my colon. give birth to: 引起,生产 colon:结肠,直肠 再用力我的肠子都要拉出来了 -Rajesh: I can't feel my fingers. Hurry up! Hurry up:快点 我的手指失去知觉了快点啊 -Sheldon: It's the same amount of work no matter how fast you go. Basic physics. Physics:物理学 走得再快做的功都一样基本物理常识 -Rajesh: Sheldon? Sheldon? -Sheldon: Yeah? 什么事? -Rajesh: If my fingers ever work again, I've got a job for the middle one. 如果我的手指还能动我一定对你竖中指 -Penny: Oh. Hey, guys. 嗨伙计们 -Leonard: Oh. Hi, Penny. Take a break, guys. 好啊 Penny休息一下伙计们 -Penny: What are you doing? 你们在干什么呢 -Leonard: We're just, you know, moving something upstairs. upstairs:往楼上 我们只是...搬点东西上楼 -Penny: What is it? 搬什么呢? -Leonard: Just... You know. Time machine. 只是...时间机器 -Penny: Yeah. Okay. Neat. But I really got to get to work. neat: 干得好 啊很好但是我现在需要去上班 -Leonard: Just give us a few minutes. 稍等两分钟 -Penny: I don't have a few minutes. I'm running really late. 我没办法等了我已经很迟了 -Sheldon: Then, I have a simple solution. Go up to the roof. Hop over to the next building. There's a small gap—don't look down if you're subject to vertigo--and use their stairwell. solution: 解决 方案 气瓶 现场处置方案 .pdf气瓶 现场处置方案 .doc见习基地管理方案.doc关于群访事件的化解方案建筑工地扬尘治理专项方案下载 roof: 屋顶 hop: 跳 vertigo:眩晕 stairwell: 楼梯井 那么我有个很简单的解决方案上到房顶,蹦到隔壁的楼顶上中间有点间隔不过很窄--不过如 果你眩晕的话别往下看然后用他们的楼梯吧 -Penny: You're joking, right? 你在开玩笑吧-Sheldon: Oh, I never joke when it comes to vertigo. 我从不拿眩晕开玩笑的 -Penny: Damn. Okay, I'll just take the roof. 见鬼好吧我走房顶 -Leonard: Hey, if you wait for us to set up the time machine, I can drop you off at work yesterday. Time travel joke. It's not... never mind. set up:处理好 drop off:把…放下 嗨如果你等我们把时间机器装好了我可以送你去昨天上今天的班时间旅行的笑话不是...算 了当我没说 -Sheldon: For what it's worth, I thought it was humorous. humorous:幽默的 从它的用途来看,我觉得你说的很幽默 -Leonard: Let's just do this. 先干完活吧 -Leonard: You guys ready to push? 你们准备好推了没 -Rajesh: In a minute. Howard stepped outside to throw up. throw up: 吐 稍等 Howard 跑出去吐了 -Sheldon: I don't know what you were worried about. I think it really works in the room. 我不知道你在担心什么我觉得它在这间房子里一定行 -Leonard: Yeah. It is by far the coolest thing I have ever owned. by far: 到目前为止 这是目前为止我见过的最酷的东西了 -Sheldon: The exact time machine that carried actor Rod Taylor from Victorian England into the post-apocalyptic future, where society had splintered into two factions: post-apocalyptic:灾难后的 splinter:劈开,裂 faction:派别 这是那台把演员Rod Taylor从维多利亚时代的英格兰送到了未来地球大灾难后的时间机器在 未来社会分化成两部分 the subterranean Morlocks, who survived by feasting on the flesh of the gentle surface-dwelling Eloi. subterranean:地下的 Morlock:摩洛克 surface-dwelling:住地面上的 Eloi:伊洛族 feast on:以…为生 在地下生活的莫洛克人他们以在地 关于同志近三年现实表现材料材料类招标技术评分表图表与交易pdf视力表打印pdf用图表说话 pdf 定居的友善的伊洛人的肉为食物 -Howard: Talk about your chick magnets. magnet:磁铁 真是性感的万人迷啊 -Rajesh: Oh, yeah. The guy who lives next to me is always like, "I have a Jacuzzi on my balcony. I have a Jacuzzi on my balcony." Jacuzzi:按摩浴缸 是啊有个家伙住我隔壁他老是在那唠叨"我在阳台上有一个水流按摩浴缸我在阳台上有一个 水流按摩浴缸" But wait until I tell him, I've got a time machine on my balcony. Stuff that in your Speedo, Jacuzzi Bob." balcony: 阳台 stuff:塞满,填满 可下次我见他时我要说我在阳台上有一个时间机器"把你的东西收起来吧水流按摩浴缸Bob" -Sheldon: Gentlemen, I know we said we'd take turns, but I think you'll agree that practicality dictates it remain here. practicality:实际性 dictate: 指挥,指令 先生们我们之前说过要轮流使用但是我觉得你们应该也同意事实表明它只能留在这里 -Howard: You can't just keep it here. What if I meet a girl and say, You want to come up and see my time machine? It's at my friends' house." How lame is that? lame:跛足的,不完全的 你不能把机器留在这-Rajesh: He's got a point. 他说的有道理 -Sheldon: All right, I think we're going to need some ground rules; in addition to the expected no shoes in the time machine, "and "no eating in the time machine," ground rule: 基本规则 in addition to:除此以外 好吧我们要制定基本的规则除了坐时间机器的时候不能穿鞋子还有不能在上面吃东西之外 I propose we add "pants must be worn at all times in the time machine." 我建议不许在机器上不穿裤子 -Leonard: Seconded. seconded:支持的 我支持 -Howard: I was going to put down a towel. towel: 毛巾 我本打算在下面放一条毛巾的 -Rajesh: I still want it on my balcony. I say we move it on a bi-monthly basis. bi-monthly: 每两个月的 我还是想把它放在我的阳台上我建议我们每个按月轮换嗯 -Leonard: Yeah, that sounds fair. 听起来挺合理的 -Sheldon: Hold on, bi-monthly is an ambiguous term .Do you mean move it every other month or twice a month? ambiguous: 模棱两可的 等等这个有点模棱两可你是说一个月换一次还是两次? -Rajesh: Twice a month. 一月两次 -Sheldon:Then no. 不行 -Rajesh: Okay, every other month. 好吧,每月一次 -Sheldon no. 不行 -Leonard: Sheldon, you can't be selfish. We all paid for it, so it belongs to all of us. Now get out of the way so I can sit in my time machine. selfish:自私的 belong to: 属于 get out of the way:让开 Sheldon 别那么自私啊,我们都付钱了这是公共财产。现在快让开我要试试我的时间机器 Okay, I am setting the dials for March 10, 1876. dial:刻度盘,针面,转盘 我要把时间设定到1876年3月10号 -Howard: Good choice, Alexander Graham Bell invents the telephone and calls out for Dr. Watson. invent: 发明,创造 选得好 Alexander Graham Bell(Bell) 那天发明了电话并且打给了Watson博士 -Sheldon: Wait a minute. I'd want to see that, too. So when it's your turn, you can. 等一下我也想见到那一刻轮到你时你就可以看到了 -Sheldon: But if we all go back to the same point in time, Bell's lab is going to get very crowded. He'll know something's up. crowded: 拥挤的 但如果我们都回到过去的同一个时间Bell的实验室会很拥挤的他肯定会发现问题的 -Rajesh: Also since the time machine doesn't move in space, you'll end up in 1876 Pasadena. end up: 告终 而且因为时间机器在空间上无法移动你会出现在1876年的帕萨迪纳 -Howard: And even if you can make it to Boston, what are you going to do? Knock on the door and say to Mrs. Bell, 就算你能到波士顿你打算做些什么敲门然后对Bell太太说, Hey, Mrs. Bell. Big fan of your husband. Can I come in and watch him invent the telephone?" 嗨 Bell太太我是你老公的忠实粉丝"我能进来看他怎么-Rajesh: Mrs. Bell was deaf. She's not even going to hear you knock. Bell太太是个聋子她听不到你敲门的 -Sheldon: I have a solution. First, go into the future and obtain a cloaking device. obtain:获得 cloaking:隐身 device:设备 我有办法首先我们去未来然后找到隐身装备 -Rajesh: Ooh, how far into the future? 去多远的未来? -Sheldon: If I remeber correctly, Captain Kirk will steal a cloaking device from the Romulans on Stardate5027.3 , which would be January 10,232 8 by pre-Federation reckoning. steal: 偷 reckoning: 结算,结账 如果我没有记错 Kirk船长在星际时间5027年3月从罗慕兰人那偷来一套隐身装备 如果按照旧联盟时间计算那是西元2328年1月10日 -Leonard: Okay, I am setting the dials for January 10, 232 8.Here we go into the future. That was fun. 好吧我把时间设定在2328年1月10号我们这就去未来真好玩 My turn! 轮到我了! -Penny: Okay, first of all, what you call a gap was nearly three feet wide. I slipped And skinned my knee. Are You okay? first of all:首先 gap:缝隙 slip:滑 skin:剥皮 好吧首先呢你所谓的小缝隙有足足3英尺(0.9米)宽我跳过去时摔破了膝盖 你还好吧? -Penny: Second of all, the door to the stairwell of the other building was locked, so I had to go down the fire escape, fire escape:防火楼梯 其次那个大楼的楼梯井的门是锁上的所以我不得不走防火楼梯 which ends on the third floor, forcing me to crawl through the window of a lovely Armenian family who insisted I stay for lunch. crawl:爬 insist: 坚持 可是防火楼梯在三楼就没有了逼得我只能爬过一家很好心的阿美尼亚人的房子的窗户他们坚 持要我留下来吃午饭 -Leonard: That doesn't sound too bad. 听起来不错啊 -Penny: It was eight courses of lamb, and they tried to fix me up with their son. lamb:羊肉 午饭是八道羊肉大餐然后他们又撮合我和他们的儿子 -Leonard: I'm sorry. 我很抱歉 -Penny: Not done. By the time I finally got to work, they'd given my shift away. Yeah, that's right.I lost an entire day's pay thanks to this. This... shift: 接班 entire:全部的 thank to:由于,幸亏(这里含讽刺意味) 没完呢等我终于赶去上班了他们已经把我的班换掉了啊对了我一天的工资都没了就因为这 个... -Sheldon: Time machine. 这个... 时间机器 -Leonard: The lights flash and the dish spins. You want to try it? flash:闪动 spin: 旋转 这机器的灯会闪后面的盘子也会转你要玩一下么 -Penny: No! I don't want to try it! My God, you are grown men! grown:长大的,成年的 不要!我才不要玩这个呢! 天哪你们都是成年人了! How can you waste your lives with these stupid toys and costumes and comic books and... and now that?! That... costume: 服装,剧服 comic:连环图画的,喜剧的 你们怎-Sheldon:Again. Time machine. 那个... 我再说一遍时间机器 -Penny: Oh, please, it's not a time machine. If anything, it looks like something Elton John would drive through the Everglades. everglades: 大沼泽 哦得了吧这才不是时间机器呢也许它更像是 Elton John(Discovery节目主持人) 在沼泽地 区里驾驶的东西 -Sheldon:It only moves in time. It would be worse than useless in a swamp. swamp: 湿地 它只能在时间层面移动在沼泽里时间机器根本没用 -Penny: Pathetic! All of you! Completely pathetic! pathetic:可怜的, 可悲的 可悲! 你们全部! 实在太可悲了! -Rajesh: My turn. 轮到我了 -Sheldon: Leonard, it's 2:00 in the morning. Leonard 现在是凌晨2点 -Leonard: So? 怎么了? -Sheldon:So it's my turn. Why did you set it for the day before yesterday? 应该轮到我,为什么你把时间设定到前天? -Leonard: Because I want to go back and keep myself from getting a time machine. 因为我想回到过去然后阻止我竞标时间机器 -Sheldon: You can't. If you were to prevent yourself from buying it in the past, 那是不可能的事情假设你在过去阻止了你竞标成功 you would not have it available in the present to travel back and stop yourself from buying it. 现在你就不会拥有时间机器,更不会有机会回到过去去"阻止"你自己买它了 Ergo, you would still have it. This is a classic rookie time-travel mistake. ergo:因此classic:经典的 rookie: 新手 因此你还是会拥有时间机器的这是经典的初学者的时间旅行错误理念 -Leonard: Can I go back and prevent you from explaining that to me? Prevent:阻止 explain:解释 我能回到过去阻止你跟我解释那套理论么? -Sheldon: Same paradox. If you were to travel back in time and say, knock me unconscious, Paradox: 自相矛盾的话 unconscious:失去知觉的 同等悖论如果你回到过去然后把我打晕过去 you would not then have the conversation that irritated you, motivating you to go back and knock me unconscious. irritate: 激怒 motivate: 刺激,激励 你也就不会听到我刚才那段刺激你回到过去敲晕我的解释了 -Leonard: What if I knocked you unconscious right now? what if: 如果…怎样 unconscious:无意识的 那我现在敲晕你怎么样? -Sheldon: It won't change the past. 这么做对于过去无济于事 -Leonard: But it'd make the present so much nicer. 但是我现在会觉得好过的多 -Sheldon: Are you upset about something? 你因为什么事不开心么 -Leonard: What was your first clue? 你的根据是什么 -Sheldon: Well, it was a number of things. First, he late hour. Then your demeanor seems very low-energy, plus your irritability. 有很多啊首先现在很晚了然后你的行为显得很没精神而且你很烦躁 -Leonard: 行了我是不开心! -Sheldon: Huh. I don't usually pick up on those things.Good for me. 哈我平时可没有这么敏感的我真厉害 -Leonard: Yeah, good for you. 是啊你真不错 -Sheldon: Oh, wait. Did you want to talk about what's bothering you? 等等你想谈谈困你的事么? -Leonard: I don't know. Maybe. 我不知道也许吧 -Sheldon: Wow. I'm on fire tonight. 哇塞我今晚走火入魔了 -Leonard: Uh... Here's the thing. Girls like Penny never end up with guys who own time machines. 呃...事情是这样的,Penny那样的女孩永远不会和玩时间机器的男生在一起的 -Sheldon: I disagree. Your inability to successfully woo Penny long predates your acquisition of the time machine. That failure clearly stands on its own. Woo:追求 predate:预期,提前 acquisition:获得 failure:失败 我不同意你在追求Penny方面的无力早在你获得时间机器前就体现出来了那个失败很明显是 独立存在的 -Leonard: Thanks for pointing it out. 多谢指点 -Sheldon: In addition, your premise is flawed. In the original film, Rod Taylor got Yvette Mimieux with that very time machine. Premise:前提 flaw; 缺点,瑕疵 另外你的前提就是有漏洞的在电影里面 Rod Taylor 通过时间机器泡到了 Yvette Mimieux In Back to the Future, Marty McFly got the opportunity to hook up with his extremely attractive young mother. opportunity:机会 hook up with sb: 与某人在一起 在"回到未来"中 Marty McFly 甚至有机会泡上他的年轻辣妈 -Leonard: Those are movies. 那都是电影情节 -Sheldon: Of course they're movies. Were you expecting me to come up with an example involving a real-life time machine? That's absurd. real-life: 现实生活的 absurd:荒唐的 involve: 涉及 废话当然是电影你还能指望我在现实生活中找一个时间机器的例子?!荒唐至极 -Leonard: Come on, guys, push! 加油伙计们用力推! -Sheldon: If I push any harder, I'm going to give birth to my colon. 如果我再用力我的肠子就要被拉出来了 -Penny: Oh, Hey, guys. 嗨伙计们 -Leonard: Oh. Hi, Penny. Take a break, guys! take a break:休息一下 好啊 Penny~休息一下小伙子们 -Penny: What are you doing? 你们干什么呢? -Leonard: Oh, you know just moving a time machine. 没什么就是在搬时间机器 -Penny: Yeah. Okay, neat, but I really gotta get to work, so... 啊很好不过我现在很需要去上班 -Leonard: No problem. Hang on. 没问题抓住我 -Penny: But... what about your time machine? 但是... 你的时间机器怎么办? -Leonard: Some things are more important than toys. 有些事情比玩具重要的多 -Penny: I'm scared. scared: 害怕的 我害怕 -Leonard: Don't worry, baby. I've got you. 别担心宝贝我抱着你呢 -Penny: Oh, Leonard. 喔 Leonard -Sheldon: It's still my turn. What are you doing? 现在还是轮到我你在干什么? -Lpack up: 打包 collectible:收藏品 我在打包我的收藏品...带到楼下的漫画书店去卖掉 -Sheldon: Was that really necessary? If you need money, you can always sell blood. And semen. semen:精液 真的有必要么需要钱的话你可以去卖血啊捐精也行 -Leonard: This is not about money. 和钱无关 -Howard: We brought food! Lox and bagels, the breakfast of time-travelers. Bagel: 百吉饼 我们带吃的回来了!三文鱼片和百极饼时间旅行家的必备早餐 -Leonard: Terrific. Does anyone want to buy my share of the time machine? terrific: 好极了 share: 股份 很好有人想要买我那份时间机器股份么 -Howard: Why? 为什么啊? -Leonard: I don't want it anymore. 我不想要了 -Rajesh: Why? 为什么啊? -Leonard: Just... personal reasons. 只是...个人原因 -Sheldon: My Spidey sense tells me this has something to do with Penny. have something to do with:与…有关 我的"蜘蛛侠第六感"告诉我这事和Penny有关系 -Leonard: Look, do you want to buy me out or not? buy out:买下全部的股份 瞧你想不想买啊 -Rajesh: I'll give you a hundred dollars, which will make me half-owner and we'll put it on my balcony. 我出100块那我就有一半股份了我要把它放到我的阳台上 -Howard: Screw his balcony. I'll give you $120 and we'll put it in my garage. screw:扭紧,压榨 garage: 车库 去他的阳台我出120块 放我的车库里 -Leonard: I paid $2 00 for my share. 我可是花了200块买的 -Rajesh: Dude, everybody knows a time machine loses half its value the minute you drive it off the lot. dude: 伙计 drive off:把车开走 哥们谁都知道的时间机器一使用就掉价一半 -Sheldon: I'll go for $200. That time machine stays right where it is. 我给你200块时间机器就放这不许动 -Rajesh: $3 00 and I'll throw in my original 1979 Mattel Millennium Falcon with real light speed sound effects. sound effect:声效 我出300块我还附赠我的1979 原版千年猎鹰玩具那可是有仿真光速音效的 -Leonard: No. No more toys or action figures or props or replicas or costumes or robots or Darth Vader voice changers. I'm getting rid of all of it. replica: 复制品 get rid of: 摆脱,除去 我不要别再提玩具动作明星,道具仿制品或者游戏服装机器人黑武士变声器什么的我要把它 们都扔了 -Howard: You can't do that. Look what you've created here. It's like nerdvana. 你不可能那么做看看你在这里创造的一切你这是科幻的极乐世界 -Rajesh: More importantly, you have a Darth Vader voice changer? changer:转换器 更重要的是你有黑武士变声器?! -Leonard: Not for long. 很快就不会有了 -Rajesh: Oh, I call dibs on the Golden Age Flash. dibs:权利 call dibs on:索要 我要你的"黄金时代"的漫画书-Howard: Hang on. I need that to complete my Society of America collection. hang on: 等下 justice:正义 等等我要那个这样我的"美国社会的正义"收藏就完整了 -Rajesh: Too bad. I called dibs. 不好意思我先申明的权利 -Howard: You can't just call dibs. 你不能这么做 -Rajesh: I can And I did. Look up "Dibs" in Wikipedia. 我能而且我这么做了去维基百科查"权利"的意思 -Sheldon: Dibs doesn't apply in a bidding war. apply in:应用,适用于 bidding: 投标 权利在竞标战里面无效 -Leonard: It's not a bidding war. I'm selling it all to Larry down at the comic book store. 这不是竞标战要把它卖给楼下漫画店的Larry -Rajesh: Why Larry? Did Larry call dibs? 为什么是Larry? Larry 先申明的权利? -Howard: Will you forget dibs?! 你能别再提权利么?! -Leonard: He offered me a fair price for the whole collection. 他给我的收藏品出价很合理 -Sheldon: What's the number? I'll match it. match: 匹配 多少钱? 我出一样的 -Rajesh: I'll match it plus a thousand rupees. rupee:卢比 我出一样的价格再加1000卢比 -Sheldon:What's the exchange rate? exchange rate: 汇率 汇率是多少? -Rajesh: None of your business. Take it or leave it? 跟你什么关系? 卖不卖? -Howard: Mom? My bar mitzvah bonds. How much do I got? Thanks. I can go $2600 and two trees in Israel. mitzvah:戒律,德行 bond:债券 妈妈我的成人礼红包我能拿到多少?谢谢我出2600美元再加以色列的2棵树 -Leonard: Forget it, guys. If I sell to one of you, the other two are going to be really mad at me. 放弃吧伙计们如果我卖给你们其中一个人另外两个会很生我的气的 -Sheldon: Who cares? As long as you pick me! 谁管这些! 只要你卖给我就行! -Rajesh: Okay, Leonard, put down the box. Let's talk. put down: 放下 好吧 Leonard 放下箱子我们谈谈 -Leonard: Sorry, Raj. My mind is made up. 对不起 Raj 我已经决定了 -Sheldon: No! I can't let you do this. 不! 我不能让你这么做! -Leonard: Sheldon, get out of my way. Sheldon 闪开! -Sheldon: None shall pass! 万夫莫开! -Leonard: Okay. I did not want to do this, 好吧我本来不想这么做的 but I have here the rare mint condition production error Star Trek: The Next Generation Geordi La Forge without his visor in the original packaging. mint condition:崭新的 visor:帽舌,遮阳板 我手上拿的是稀有的完好无损的星舰迷航下一代-星际联邦没带帽子的原版包装的错误版本 If you do not get out of my way, I will open it. 你们不闪开我就拆开包装 -Howard: Okay, man. Be cool. We're all friends here. 没问题老大冷静点我们都是朋友 -Penny: What the hell's going on? the hell: 到底,究竟(加强语气) 你们在干什么呢?! -Sheldon: You hypocrite! hypocrite:伪君子,伪善者 你这伪君子! -Penny: What? 什么? -Sheldongrown-up:成年人 成年人不玩玩具小姐如果我现在走进你的公寓我是不是会找到豆宝宝? Are you not an accumulator of Care Bears and My Little Ponies? And who is that Japanese feline I see frolicking on your shorts? Hello, Hello Kitty! accumulator:收集者 feline: 猫的 frolicking:嬉戏 你难道不收集爱心熊和小马?在你裤子上嬉戏的日本猫又是谁啊? 你好 "Hello Kitty"! -Penny: Okay. Okay, look, if this is about yesterday, Leonard, I am really sorry about what I said. I was Just upset. 好吧好吧如果这是因为昨天的事Leonard 我对我说过的话深表歉意我只是有点不高兴 -Leonard: No, I need to hear it. 不你应该那么说的 -Penny: No, you didn't. Look, you are a great guy and it is the things you love that make you who you are. 不你不需要听我的你是一个很棒的男生这些你喜爱的收藏品的才构成了真正的你 -Howard: I guess that makes me "large breasts." breast:胸脯 我猜我的收藏能让我成为"波霸" -Leonard: Still, I think it's time for me to get rid of this stuff and, you know, move on with my life. 我觉得是时候丢掉这些玩具了生活总得向前看啊 -Penny: Really? 真的么? -Leonard: Yeah. 是的 -Penny: Oh. Well, good for you. - 这对你有好处 -Leonard: Thanks. Hey, do you want to... I don't know, later... 谢谢嗨你想不想... 呃...等一会... -Mike: Excuse me. Hey, Penny. 对不起,嗨 Penny -Penny: Hi, Mike. 嗨 Mike -Mike: You ready to go? 准备好走了么? -Penny:Oh, yeah. I Just have to change. 是啊我换下衣服就行了 -Mike: I'll give you a hand. give sb a hand: 帮某人 我帮你换吧 -Penny: Oh, stop it! Bye, guys. 别闹了再见伙计们 -Leonard: My turn on the time machine! 轮到我玩时间机器了 -Sheldon: It worked. It really worked. They said I was mad, but it worked! Oh, no! Not Morlocks! Not flesh-eating Morlocks! Help! Ah! flesh-eating: 食人的 时间机器起作用了它真的起作用了他们说我是疯子可它真的起作用了!不! 不要是莫洛克人 啊不要是吃人肉的莫洛克人啊救命啊!啊... -Leonard: Sheldon, are you okay? Sheldon 你还好吧? -Sheldon: We have to get rid of the time machine. 我们必须丢掉这台时间机器! -Leonard: It is a little big for the living room, isn't it? 放在起居室里有点太大了是么 -Sheldon: Yeah, that's the problem. It's too big. 是啊就是这个原因它太大了 -Leonard: I'm glad you agree. I hired some guys to help us move it. Come on in, fellas. 我很高兴你也同意我已经找了人来搬走了进来伙计们! -Sheldon: Oh, no. Morlocks! 不 莫洛克人! -Morlock:Eat him. Eat him. 吃他吃他! -Sheldon: Leonard! Leonard!
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